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Student Chapter of the AWM at the University of Utah

Our goals are to:

Support Build a community for Mentor Increase interest in mathematics from Encourage Introduce role-models to

all groups in mathematics. We are organizing a variety of events aimed at everyone on campus: Undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff. Our monthly socials and lunch discussions bring people together. We organize workshops on different topics to make knowledge accessible. Through the speaker series, we bring mathematicians from all over the US to the department to share their experience. Thanks to the RTG, we have expanded this series and started a bi-yearly conference aimed at advanced undergraduate students and early graduate students. To support our own undergraduate students, we created a mentoring program. Through our outreach program, we connect with the surrounding schools.

For more information, suggestions, or just to talk, please contact us at

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form. We appreciate any help.