
One of our goals as a student chapter of the AWM is to support all groups of mathematicians in their career endeavors. To this end, we organize various outreach activities to highlight different career paths in STEM and aid people in taking steps toward these goals.

Workshops with Defining Your Path - Field Trip Program

During 2019-2020 we held four workshops in collaboration with the Defining Your Path-Field Trip Program, a college access program exposing grade school students to opportunities in high education.

Date Schools
February 6, 2020 Eisenhower Jr High (8th grade)
March 4, 2020 Copperview Elementary (4th grade)
November 21, 2019 Weber School District GEAR UP (7th-9th grade)
October 16, 2019 TRIO Upward Bound (7th and 8th grade)
TRIO Upward Bound

Refugee Center Math Tutoring

During the Fall 2021, the AWM chapter start offering tutoring at the Refugee Center in Salt Lake City. We offer both group and one-one-one services for homework assistance for middle school and high school-aged refugees. If you are interested in offering your services for this program, please contact Delaney Mosier.

Other Activities

Date Description
June 19, 2019 Lunch with ACCESS
May 21, 2019 Visit REFUGES program
March 9, 2019 Expanding Your Horizons Workshop
December 11/12, 2018 What is Math? Day at the Bryant Middle School
October 9/10, 2018 What is Math? Day at the East and West High Schools