Weekly Mathematical Biology Seminar
Spring 2021 semester Wednesdays at 3:05pm, where meeting via zoom meeting ID 924 3732 1274, passcode 262317
Date | Speaker | |
January | ||
January 13 Joint Seminar with UBC | Daniel J. Cohen, Princeton University. Title: Jousting, sheepdogs, and spies: paradigms to engineer and control collective cell behaviors. abstract Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/63709459211?pwd=WDMzMG96bHN4TmwvUjJ3MWt4bi9tUT09 Meeting ID: 637 0945 9211 Passcode: 809025 | |
January 20 | Town Hall Meeting | |
January 27 | Rayanne Luke, University of Delaware Parameter Identification for Tear Film Thinning and Breakup abstract | |
February | ||
February 3 | .. | |
February 10 Joint Seminar with UBC | John Lowengrub, UC Irvine Title: Multiscale modeling of tissues: Bridging the cell and tissue scale. abstract Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/63709459211?pwd=WDMzMG96bHN4TmwvUjJ3MWt4bi9tUT09 Meeting ID: 637 0945 9211 Passcode: 809025 | |
February 17 | Jason D. Shepherd, Biochemistry, and Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, University of Utah "Virus-like intercellular communication in the nervous system" | |
February 24Joint Seminar with UBC | Veronica Ciocanel, Duke University Modeling and topological data analysis for biological ring channels | |
March | ||
March 3 | ||
March 10 | Rahuman Sheriff, European Molecular Biology Laboratory Reproducibility in Systems Biology Modelling abstract | |
March 17 | Grad Student Lightning Talks Kees McGahan, Andy Liu, Amanda Alexander, Cody Fitzgerald, Jake Madrid, Alex Beams, Keshav Patel | |
March 24 | Anna Nelson, UofU Math (soon to be Duke University) Kinetic Polmerization Models and the Roles of Fibrinogen in Fibrin Gel Formation abstract | |
March 31 Joint Seminar with UBC | Thomas Fai, Brandeis University Title: Mathematical models of organelle size control and scaling Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/63709459211?pwd=WDMzMG96bHN4TmwvUjJ3MWt4bi9tUT09 Meeting ID: 637 0945 9211 Passcode: 809025 | |
April | ||
April 7 Joint Seminar with UBC | Aexandra Jilkine, Notre Dame Title: G$\beta$ mediated diffusive coupling synchronizes actin oscillators in cell motility Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/63709459211?pwd=WDMzMG96bHN4TmwvUjJ3MWt4bi9tUT09 Meeting ID: 637 0945 9211 Passcode: 809025 | '.. |
April 14 Joint Seminar with UBC | Laurent MacKay, McGill University Title: Feedback onto cellular polarization from paxillin, implications for migrating cells. Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/63709459211?pwd=WDMzMG96bHN4TmwvUjJ3MWt4bi9tUT09 Meeting ID: 637 0945 9211 Passcode: 809025 | .. |
April 21 | Niall Mangan Northwestern University Data-driven methods for identifying mechanisms in complex biological systems abstract |
Other Seminars of Interest
PAST Math Biology Seminars