Weekly Mathematical Biology Seminar
Fall 2020 semester (usually) Wednesdays at 3:05pm, on Zoom
Please feel free to download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system Weekly: https://utah.zoom.us/meeting/tJ0vcuqhqzIqEtCcQMzoSki9zzVcKe60yO4l/ ics?icsToken=98tyKuChrD4pE9GcsBGDRox5AI_4b_PwmFhfj7d-ny7IGS9gaQqvLPh0MZl6RojJ Join Zoom Meeting https://utah.zoom.us/j/99253959084 Meeting ID: 992 5395 9084 Passcode: 557957
Date | Speaker |
August 26 | Welcome, Town Hall Meeting |
September 2 | Grad student summer lab reports, Claire, Kees, Cody, Keshav, Andy Liu, Julie, Alex, Tess, Hallie. |
September 9 | Michael Werner, Biology, Utah "Epigenetic mechanisms of developmental plasticity" abstract |
September 16 | Carter Johnson, Math, Utah "Neuromechanical Mechanisms of Locomotion in C. elegans" abstract |
September 23 Joint Seminar with UBC | Alexandria Volkening Northwestern University TBA |
September 30 | Jim Heys, Neurobiology and Anatomy, Utah How the brain keeps track of space and time abstract |
October 7 | Mark Smithson Math UofU Patterns of selection in metastatic breast cancer | October 14 Joint Seminar with UBC | Adrianne Jenner Universite de MontrealImproving oncolytic virotherapy using hybrid PDE/agent-based models and ODE systems |
October 21 | Niall Mangan Northwestern UniversityData-driven methods for identifying mechanisms in complex biological systems abstract |
October 28 Joint Seminar with UBC | Min Wu Worcester Polytechnic Institute The shape formation of tip-growing moss cells |
October 30 Seminar sponsored by UBC | Alexandria Volkening Northwestern University TBA | November 4 Joint Seminar with UBC | Nessy Tania Pfizer Pharmaceuticals abstract |
November 11 | Talia Karasov Biology, Utah "Tradeoffs and the maintenance of genetic diversity in host-pathogen interactions" abstract |
November 18 | Lotte de Vries University of Amsterdam Life-history evolution under conflict (and cooperation) abstract |
November 25 | Thanksgiving: no talk |
December 2 | Eric Snyder Huntsman Cancer Institute Regulation of cellular identity in cancer abstract | December 9 Joint Seminar with UBC | Daniel Coombs University of British Columbia TBA |
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