Math 3010-1, University of Utah
Summer 2010
History of Mathematics: Instructions for the Short Paper
Due dates
- Wednesday 7/21 for the Outline
- Friday 7/30 for the Draft
- Friday 8/06 for the paper
As was the case with the long paper,
this second [short ] paper should be typewritten, one-sided, and double-spaced,
typed in a standard-sized font. Your paper must adhere to the following
writing standards:
- Your paper must have a title page that contains
a title, your name, course name and number, and a date.
Please do not write your social-security number on this titlepage,
or anywhere else for that matter.
- The main body of the paper must be 4-5 pages long. More is expected
if there are inserted equations, pictures, and/or diagrams
that occupy significant space.
- Your paper must have a bibliography of all the references
there have been used and/or cited.
- Throughout the paper,
you must make careful references
that include page numbers [and/or other very clearly-identified pointers]
that lead the reader to sources in the bibliography.
- The Outline and Draft are mandatory. You can write the final version
of your paper only after the Outline and Draft have been returned to you.
[I will make remarks, suggestion, and corrections to those that you can
use to write the final version.]
- Topic:
Choose a topic about the mathematics the follows the ancient period.
An exception here might be to develop a topic related to the ancient mathematics
of the Near East, India, China, or Japan, since we omitted this
material in Chapter 6. You can start by looking ahead at the material in
Chapter 7 and beyond, or look at the bottom of this page for some suggestions.
Your paper must have both historical and mathematical content.
For example, if your paper is primarily a biographical sketch of a certain
person, then be sure that it does more than merely provide a list
of mathematical achievements of that individual. Your assigned and
recommended reading sources provide good examples that show how
biographical, historical, and mathematical materials
can be intertwined.
- Outline (20 points):
The process begins with a one-page outline. That outline
should include a brief
statement of your thesis topic (1-3 sentences), followed by a partition
of the topic into three or more categories with further subdivisions if
needed. Your outline will be returned to you with comments that you can
use to write the draft [next stage].
The outline is worth a total of
20 points, 10 of them are for mathematical/historical context,
and 10 for written correctness.
- Draft (20 points):
The draft should be 4-5 pages long. The writing standards mentioned above
all apply to the draft. Your bibliography must be included. And your draft
will be critiqued for mathematical and historical content, as well as
for written correctness. The bibliography must contain at least three sources.
Your textbook can be [and likely will be] one of the three. At most one of
the references may be an internet address. [Wikepedia is as yet an
unreliable resource, and therefore not accepted.] You may use either books,
and/or journals. They can be borrowed from the main library as well as the
interlibrary loan office within the main library.
Useful hint: You might find the references
in your textbook a helpful starting point. And you can learn how to format
a bibliography from any academic book, including your textbook for this course.
The draft is worth a total of
20 points, 10 of them are for mathematical/historical context,
and 10 for written correctness.
- Final Version (60 points): The final version of your paper must reflect
recommendations provided to you in the returned outline and draft papers.
Your paper must be well written, and it should
present an organized development of the topic.
The final [formal] version of your paper
is worth a total of
60 points, 30 of them are for mathematical/historical context,
and 30 for written correctness.
- Written Correctness (30 points of the formal paper score):
Because this course satisfies the upper-level Communication/Writing
Requirement (CW), your paper must be written in a formal manner.
Have an effective opening paragraph that introduces your thesis topic,
and a summary paragraph at the end of the paper as a conclusion.
Use proper mathematical symbols that are
commonly available on word processors. For example, write x2
instead of x^2 or x**2. And, of course, avoid misspellings,
grammatical errors, and incomplete sentences. Deductions will be made
for these, and they will be severe if your paper is submitted
later than is scheduled.
Avoid contractions such as "can't," "won't," etc.
Use formal, rather than conversational, language. Do not use
informal phrases such as " it was cool," or other similar
conversational jargon.
At the same time, remember that "formal"
is not the same as "convoluted." It is best to write simply,
and very clearly.
It helps a great deal if you frequently
use paragraphs to break up your ideas in a clearly-defined manner.
Avoid very long or very short paragraphs; similar remarks apply to sentences.
Avoid self-referential sentences such as "I liked it,"
or "I was amazed." [That is, unless you are the topic.]
When you use a resource, site it carefully and properly.
Plagiarism is taken very seriously at the University of Utah.
For detailed information on what constitutes plagiarism,
see Policy 6-400 of the Student Code at
- Mathematical and Historical Content (30 points of the formal paper score):
Your paper must have a blend of historical and mathematical content.
Mathematical content refers to proofs, complete descriptions
of the solution to a mathematical problem, formal definitions,
a detailed computer code, together with output, that runs a certain algorithm,
etc. For instance, if you wish to discuss someone's theorem, then
discuss the theorem in depth, together with what he or she did in order
to prove the theorem. In other words, write the way textbooks, journals, experts,
etc. write. [A research paper is not a newspaper article.] If you are
describing a chronological history of π, then make sure that you
verify at least some of the facts that you state about π.
Some Previously-Studied Topics
- A history of the Chinese remainder theorem
- While Europe was in the Dark Ages: Mathematics in the Middle East
- Early Chinese mathematics
- The controversy between Galileo and the Church (but be sure to include
- Methods that facilitated numerical calculations: Prosthapaereses and logarithms
- The calculus controversy in the late 17th century
- The mathematical achievements of James and John Bernoulli (chapter 9 and more)
- Leonhard Euler and his work (Chapter 10 and more)
- Mathematics associated with the cycloid (see index and other texts)
155 South 1400 East, Room 102, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090,
Tel:+1 801 581 3896, Fax:+1 801 581 4148
© 2010 by the Dept of Math. University of Utah