- Chris Janjigian, Sergazy Nurbavliyev and Firas Rassoul-Agha, Lyapunov exponents, Shape theorem, Variational formulas and Busemann functions for random walks in random potentials. , submitted.
- Tom Alberts and Sergazy Nurbavliyev, Hamiltonian-Jacobian Equation for diffusions of multiplicative cascades. , preprint.
Master Thesis in Statistics:
Machine Learning Analysis of Ph.D. applications data, under supervision of Tom Alberts
Master Thesis in Mathematics:
Disorder regimes of directed polymers: Lattice case versus Tree case, under supervision of Atilla Yilmaz
Academic participation:
Interacting Particle Systems, Statistical Mechanics and Related Topics, Los Angeles, CA, US, 2019.03.
Recent Trends in Continuous and Discrete Probability, Atlanta, GA, US, 2018.06.
Frontier Probability Days, Corvallis, OR, 2018.03.
Random Matrices, IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI), Park City, Utah, US, 2017.07
Random structures in statistical mechanics and mathematical physics, CIRM, Marseille, Fran, 2017.03.
2nd Ankara-Istanbul Workshops on Stochastic Processes, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.07.