Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students

Ryleigh MooreThis workshop was held at the NC State campus in Raleigh, N.C. from July 14-24, 2019. I was a member of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) group at the IMSM workshop where we studied ocean wave dynamics and worked to classify wave breaker types. More about the goals of our project can be found here. We used machine learning, probability, image proccessing, and modeling techniques to predict when a boat will be able to safely cross the surf zone given information such as the current weather and offshore wave conditions. We also utilized the beach bathymetry, the underwater topology of the sand, and how it impacts the wave breaker types in order to inform our predictions.

During the course of the workshop, we prepared a technical report and a presenation on our work. The report was published in a larger report which can be seen in the Coastal Imagery Analysis and Breaking Wave Type Estimation with Machine Learning chapter here. Below is a video of the presentation we gave at the end of the workshop.

In the following video I gave an interview about the program. I had the best time meeting new people, making lifelong friends, and doing really cool math at this workshop. I highly reccomend this experience for any math graduate student. I was always very set on going into academia before this experience and now I am seriously considering industry and government lab jobs as well.