Math 3070-1: Fall 2009
Introduction to Statistical Inference
Instructor |
Davar Khoshnevisan (JWB 102) |
Email |
Office Hours |
link |
http://www.math.utah.edu/~davar |
Text |
Probability and Statistics for Science, Engineering,
and Finance by Walter A. Rosenkrantz |
Lectures |
MWF 9:45-10:30 a.m., BEH S 114 |
Prerequisite | A grade of "C" or better in
Math 1210
or equivalent. |
No. of Credits | 4 (fulfills "Quantitative Reasoning"
[Math & Stat/Logic] and "Quantitative Intensive" BS). |
Description |
An introduction to data analysis,
elements of probability theory, sampling from normal populations,
large-sample problems, sampling from one or two populations, estimation,
and testing.
SAS is used in an accompanying lab to perform statistical analyses.
There are three lectures and one 1.5-hour lab per week.
This course is demanding and requires a good deal of work. Some material covered in class
may come from other sources as a supplement to the text. Students are
responsible for all materials covered in the lectures, as well as the reading
material and assigned problems. Students must have a hand calculator for this
Grading Policy |
The course grade is based on weekly
assignments, two midterms (1 hr each), and a
final examination (2 hrs). |
Each midterm covers the material introduced
since the previous midterm. The final is comprehensive.
The maximum possible number of points for each category are:
| Homework |
Midterm 1 |
Midterm 2 |
Final |
Points possible |
30 |
20 |
20 |
30 |
The student's course grade is then based on the following table: |
Scored Points | 0-49 | 50-60 |
61-75 | 76-85 | 86-100 |
Course Grade | E | D |
C | B | A |
Make-ups |
- There are no make-up
exams and assignments in this course.
The students will do well to make all of their semester's plans in advance with these
and the following remarks in mind:
- The only exceptions to the " no makeups"
rule are: (a) Medical emergencies, together
with written evidence of such an emergency; or (b) conflicting, and official,
university-related activities (such as athletic meets) with written documentation.
If you can present written documentation for missing an exam, then
I will arrange for an oral exam whose grade will replace the missed examination.
Assignments and Examinations
- Assignments are made weekly; you can find them
by clicking on "Assignments" on the bottom of this page.
Assignments include problems as well as reading.
- I will drop the lowest two homework scores.
- Late homeworks are not accepted under any conditions.
If you cannot turn in a homework due to medical and/or accident-related emergencies,
and if you can produce proper documentation, then I will replaced the missed
homework by the average score of your other homeworks (before I drop the lowest
two homework scores). Else, you will not receive credit for the missed homework.
- A good policy for studying for this course is be to attempt
the homeworks on time. Then, use the subsequent office hours
and discussion sections to understand any or all
of your unresolved problems.
The midterm exams, as well as the final, are given in the lecture hall.
Midterm 1 includes everything upto the material covered by the end of Sep 18.
Midterm 2 does not include the material of Midterm 1; but it does
includes everything else up to the material covered by the end of Oct 30.
The final is [truly] comprehensive.
Important Dates
Aug 24 |
Classes begin |
Sep 7 |
Labor Day Holiday |
Sep 28 |
Midterm 1 |
Oct 12-17 |
Fall Break |
Nov 9 | Midterm 2 |
Nov 26-27 |
Thanksgiving Break |
Dec 11 | Classes end |
Dec 17 |
Final exam 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (BEH S 114) |
155 South 1400 East, Room 102, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, Tel:+1 801 581 3896, Fax:+1 801 581 4148