Continuum Models Discrete Systems — 13
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 21—25 2014


 Schedule of CMDS 13
Pdf file:

Sunday, July 20   4:00-6:00  Registration at the Guest House  

Monday July 21    
Registration at WEB Lower level starts at 8:00
8:30 -8:45
WEB L104 Opening

WEB L104 Chair: Dominique Jeulin
8:45 - 9:30 Andrew Norris (plenary lecture) Static and dynamic elastic homogenization of periodic  structures
9:30-10:15 Martin Wegener (plenary lecture) Experiments on Elastic and Thermodynamic Cloaking
Coffee Break
Time WEB L104   Chair: Alex Figotin
WEB L102   Chair: Rod Lakes   
10:45 - 11:15 Valy Vardeny Advances in Organic Random Lasers Massimo Ruzzene Wave Propagation in Multistable Magneto-Elastic Lattices
11:15 - 11:45 Andrea Alu Parity-time symmetric metasurfaces and metamaterials Michele Brun Transformation cloaking for flexural waves in elastic plates
11:45- 12:15 Braxton Osting Concentrated density of states and the triangular lattice Yury Grabovsky A complete list of exact relations for effective elastic tensors of fiber-reinforced composites
Time WEB L104   Chair: Mikhail Raikh
1:50 - 2:35 Anna Vainchtein (plenary lecture) The discrete charm of nonlinearity: solitary waves in non-integrable lattices
Coffee break
Time WEB L104  Chair:  Andrew Norris  WEB L102   Chair: Lev Truskinovsky
3:05 - 3:35 -  Robert V. Kohn Optimal design revisited: The leading order effect of perimeter regularization
3:40 - 4:10 Viktor Berdichevsky Homogenization of random structures in probabilistic terms Rebecca Brannon Initialization of Discrete Statistical Crack Properties in Continuum-Scale Domains
4:10 - 4:40 Konstantin Lurie On material optimization in continuum dynamics Shankar Prasad Das Qualitatively different collective and single particle dynamics in a supercooled liquid
Time WEB L104   Chair: Graeme Milton
4:50 - 5:40 Kenneth Golden (public lecture)  Modeling the Melt: what math tells us about the disappearing polar ice caps

6:00 - 8:00  Reception in the Guest House

Tuesday July 22

Time WEB L104  Chair:  Martin Wegener
8:30-9:15 Rod Lakes (plenary lecture) Extreme elastic, viscoelastic and piezoelectric properties in structured materials.
9:15-10:00 Katayun Barmak (plenary lecture) Grain Growth and Grain Growth Stagnation in Metallic Films
Coffee Break
Time WEB L104  Chair:  Hisao Hayakawa WEB L102   Chair: Valy Vardeny

11:00-11:30 Alexander Mamonov Krein-Gelfand-Levitan algorithm for inverse hyperbolic problems via spectrally matched finite-difference grids Slava Krylov Dynamics of Arrays of Parametrically Excited Electrostatically Coupled Micro Oscillators
11:30-12:00 Andrejs Treibergs On the Realizability of Electric Fields in Conducting Materials Ken Kamrin Nonlocal continuum modeling of dry granular flow
12:00-12:30 Grzegorz Dzierzanowski  Optimal structures made of two elastic materials and void Yekaterina Epshteyn A Theory and Challenges for Coarsening in Microstructure
Time WEB L104   Chair: Liliana Borcea
1:50-2:35 Tuomas Tallinen (plenary lecture) Hyperelastic modeling of morphogenesis
2:35-3:05 Ross McPhedran  A Platonic View of Active Cloaking
Coffee break
Time  WEB L104  Chair: Viktor Berdichevsky
WEB L102   Chair: Rebecca Brannon
3:40-4:10 Joe Goddard Continuum modeling of granular media Liping Liu Attainability of Hashin-Shtrikman's bounds for multiphase composites
4:10-4:40 Elena Cherkaev Spectral representation in forward and inverse homogenization problems for composite materials Ali Rana Atilgan Modeling Properties of Materials with Nanostructure
4:40-5:10 Mikyoung Lim Asymptotics of the solution to the conductivity equation in the presence of adjacent circular inclusionss Nathan Albin  Modulus of Path Families: Continuous and Discrete

6:00 - 10:00  Trip to Antelope Island on Great Salt Lake.
Bus leaves the WEB parking lot at 5:30, stops at the Guest House, and then leaves at 6:00.

Wednesday July 23

Time WEB L104   Chair:  Robert Kohn
8:30-9:15 Hisao Hayakawa (plenary lecture) Theory on rheology of dense granular flow
9:15-9:45 David J. Bergman Exact analysis of a Veselago lens in the quasi-static regime

Coffee Break
Time WEB L104   Chair:  Blaise Bourden
WEB L102  Chair: Gengkai Hu
10:15 - 10:45 Gal Shmuel Wavelet Analysis of Microscale Strains Graeme W. Milton Complete characterization of the macroscopic deformations of periodic unimode metamaterials of rigid bars and pivots.
10:45- 11:15 Hoai-Minh Nguen Cloaking and Superlensing using complementary  media
Alexander Chudnovsky Scale effect in brittle fracture

11:30- 12:30 Lunch

12:40-2:10      Visit to Rio Tinto Natural History Museum
                        Visit to Red Butte Botanic Garden

Bus leaves the WEB parking lot at 12:40 and returns to the Guest House at 2:10.

2:30-10:00      Trip to Little Cottonwood Canyon:

                        3:10- 5:00 Visit the Snowbird Ski Resort,
Aerial Tram Rides
                        5:00-9:00 Alta Lodge:
                            5:00-6:00 Social, drinks
                            6:00-8:30 Conference Dinner

Bus leaves the Guesthouse at 2:40
and return at 10:00.

Thursday July 24 (Pioneer Day - Utah State holiday)

Time WEB L104   Chair: Ross McPhedran
8:30 - 9:15 Liliana Borcea (plenary lecture) Imaging in complex environments
9:15 - 9:45 Dominique Jeulin  On the statistical RVE of some long range random media
Coffee Break
Time WEB L104   Chair: Alex Hansen WEB L102   Chair: Yilong Han
10:15-10:45 Alexander Figotin   Multi-transmission-line-beam interactive system Sebastien Motsch Emergence of macroscopic behavior in complex systems
10:45-11:15 Michal Kordy  Forward and inverse multi--frequency problem for Maxwell's equations using adaptive model order reduction Andrew Thaler Bounds on the volume fraction of an inclusion in a body with complex conductivities.
11:15-11:45 Niklas Wellander A priori estimates of solutions to the Maxwell equations Akio Nakahara Control of desiccation crack patterns using memory effects of paste and Faraday waves
11:45-12:15 Fernando Guevara Vasquez A network based inversion method for the Schrödinger problem Anna Zemlyanova Curvature-dependent surface tension in modelling of fracture
Lunch (box lunch is provided)
Time WEB L104   Chair: David Bergman
1:50-2:20 Alex Hansen Crack front propagation using the fiber bundle model
2:20-2:50 Gengkai Hu Elastic metamaterials with chiral microstructure
Coffee break
Time WEB L104   Chair: Anna Vainchtein
WEB L102   Chair:  Konstantin Lurie
3:20-3:50 Khanh Chau Le Dislocations and formation of microstructures in single crystals Alexander Panchenko Non-local continuum models of particle systems
3:50-4:20 Daniel Colquitt In-plane Rayleigh-Bloch waves for elastic diffraction gratings Lee Hyundae Size estimate in complex conductivity using translation method
4:20-4:50 Gregory Rodin On reflected interactions in elastic solids containing inhomogeneities Xian Chen  From compatibility conditions to stress-free microstructure for martensitic transformation
4:50-5:20 Benjamin Murphy Random matrix universality, spectral measures, and composite media Davit Harutyunyan  Examples of extremal quasiconvex quadratic forms that are not polyconvex

Friday, July 25

Time WEB L104    Chair:  Katayun Barmak
8:30-9:15 Yilong Han (plenary lecture) Nucleation in solid-solid transitions of colloidal crystals
9:15-10:00 Blaise Bourdin (plenary lecture) Multiscale Problems in Brittle Fracture
Coffee Break
Time WEB L104    Chair:  Gregory Rodin WEB L102  Chair: Tuomas Tallinen
10:30-11:00 Klaus Hackl Modeling of microstructures in a Cosserat continuum using relaxed energies. Alexander Freidin Chemical affinity tensor in mechanochemistry of deformable solids
11:00-11:30 Fred MacKintosh Elasticity on the edge of stability: soft matter inspired by the cell  Lev Truskinovsky Passive mechanical behavior of skeletal muscles
11:30-12:00 Alexey Stepanov Equilibrium States of Nonlinearly Elastic Annuli and Spherical Shells Nathan Briggs A Look at the Numerical Results of the Optimal Design of Multiphase Elastic Structures
12:00-12:30 Andrej Cherkaev Optimal multimaterial composites: Bounds and structures. Mikhail Raikh Spin dynamics of a diffusively moving electron in a random hyperfine field
12:30-12:45 Closing