Schedule: FRG Conference
9:30: | Shinpei Baba, UC Davis and Bonn
Title: Complex projective structures with Schottky holonomy
11:00: | Chris Leininger, UIUC
Title: Surface homeomorphisms in 3-manifold topology I.
2:00: |
Dave Gabai, Princeton
Title: Ultra large hyperbolic 3-manifolds
3:30: | Jeremy Kahn, Stony Brook
Title: Essential immersed surfaces in closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds
9:00: | Ian Biringer, U of Chicago and Yale
Title: Pseudo-Anosov Maps and Handlebodies
10:15: | Chris Leininger, UIUC
Title: Surface homeomorphisms in 3-manifold topology II.
11:30: | Aaron Magid, U of Michigan and U of Maryland
Deformation Spaces of Kleinian Surface Groups are Not Locally Connected
9:30: |
Steve Kerckhoff, Stanford
Title: Local rigidity of hyperbolic manifolds with geodesic boundary
11:00: | Chris Leininger, UIUC
Title: Surface homeomorphisms in 3-manifold topology III.
2:00: | Francois Labourie, Université Paris-Sud
Title: Surfaces groups in non compact groups
3:30: | Martin Bridgeman, Boston College
Title: The orthospectra of finite volume hyperbolic manifolds with totally
geodesic boundary and associated volume identities.
9:30: | Joel Hass, UC Davis
TItle: Harmonic and simplicial harmonic maps of surfaces
11:00: | Jessica Purcell, BYU
Title: Hyperbolic structures on compression bodies
Evening: Dinner and social hour or free
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155 South 1400 East, Room 233, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, T:+1 801 581 6851, F:+1 801 581 4148