Electronic Mail
To use electronic mail (e-mail) you need to know how to use
a mail program. We have two of these:
You also need to know the electronic address of the persons
whom you wish to write. These can often be guessed by
imitating the examples below:
aaron --- the "login name" of someone
on the local net (the Mathematics Department)
c-gcf --- the login name of Carl Friedrich Gauss,
a student taking a math course. Such login names begin
with "c-" and follow the indicated pattern:
last initial, first initial, middle initial. If there
were several c-gcf's, they would be named c-gcf1,
c-gcf2, etc.
aturing@cs.utah.edu --- a fictitious member of
the Computer Science Department at the University of
pf@math.princeton.edu --- a fictitous member
(Pierre Fermat) of the Mathematics Department at
Princeton University.
laplace@nebula.polytechnique.fr --- a fictitous
member (P.S. Laplace) of the Ecole Polytechnique in
France. Note the "fr" suffix.