solitude% mail jeremy Subject: Lunch I'll be finished work pretty soon. Want to meet for lunch? We can order a pizza and work on the physics assignment. See ya, Fred ctrl-d EOT solitude%
It is pretty clear what happened: Fred sent Jeremy a letter about lunch, pizza, and physics. To do this he typed a command, namely mail jeremy. Solitude, the computer, accepted this command and asked for the subject of message, which Fred typed in as "Lunch." Fred then typed in his message. He had to be careful, because mail allows you to backspace to fix mistakes, but doesn't allow to go back to previous lines.
When Fred was finished with his message he typed ctrl-d . To do this he held the control key down (lower left of keyboard) and, while it was down, pressed the key "d ". Think of "d" as meaning "done." Solitude, the computer, replied to Fred, "EOT", which is jargon for "end of transmission." Once the transmission was sent, solitude resumed its eternal wait for Fred's (or someone else's) commands.
jeeves% mail Mail version xx .... Type ? for help. "/usr/spool/mail/jeremy": 1 message 1 new >N 6 fred Mon Mar 14 23:59 Lunch & 6 Message 6: From Fred Mon Mar 14 9:01:09 1994 To: Jeremy Subject: Lunch I'll be finished work pretty soon. Want to meet for lunch? We can order a pizza and work on the physics assignment. See ya, Fred & r To: fred Subject: Re: Test OK, I'll meet you at the Union by the pinball machines at 12 on the dot! -- Jeremy ctrl-d EOT & q jeeves%Notes:
prompt, you can just press the space bar. Mail will put
the first unread message on the screen. To read all
your mail, just keep tapping the space bar.
The login name is usually not the user's full name, but often you can guess it. For example, Carl Friedrich Goss's might by goss, cgoss, or cfg. The names of people in math classes follow a special rule. If Carl were taking a class, his login name would be c-gcf . Note the algorithm: c- followed by last initial followed by first and middle initial. If Carl had no middle initial, his log-in name would be c-gc. If there were many Carl Gosses, his log-in name might be something like c-cg21 Below are some examples.
If you know someone's e-mail address, you can send mail to them. These are internet addresses. The internet at academic institutions in the US is .edu. For US businesses, including online services it is .com. For example, might be the address of someone on America Online. Govermental organizations have the .org suffix.
If you send and receive very many messages, you will need a way to manage your mail. This section teaches you how to do this.
When Jeremy types mail he usually gets what is called a list of headers (see below). There is one header from Fred, another from Amanda. The message from Fred is unread, the message from Amanda is new. To read these messages tap the spacebar or, alternatively, type the message number.
solitude% mail Mail version xx .... Type ? for help. "/usr/spool/mail/jeremy": 2 messages 1 new 2 unread U 21 fred Tue Mar 15 09:13 33/658 Lunch >N 22 amanda Tue Mar 15 09:55 42/863 Physics &
Let's suppose that we read these messages and then wish to
delete them. To make sure we know what the message headers
are, we type the command h after the &
prompt. This redisplays the headers. Once we have
the headers in front of us we can do things with them.
In the transcript below Jeremy looks at his headers, deletes message 21, looks at his headers again, then undeletes message 21. Finally he figures out what he really wants to do, deletes the message for good and quits mail
& h 21 fred Tue Mar 15 09:13 33/658 Lunch > 22 amanda Tue Mar 15 09:55 42/863 Physics & d 21 & h > 22 amanda Tue Mar 15 09:55 42/863 Physics & u 21 & h 21 fred Tue Mar 15 09:13 33/658 Lunch > 22 amanda Tue Mar 15 09:55 42/863 Physics & d 21 & q solitude%
After studying math and physics all day with Amanda and Fred, Jeremy goes to the computer lab to check his mail. He received mail from his parents several days ago but didn't have a chance to reply. To his horror, when he types mail, he gets the message No mail for jeremy. Then he realizes what Amanda told him earlier: use the command
mail -fThis brings up all the old mail messages. The last message from Mom and Dad is number 5, so Jeremy proceeds as follows:
& r 5 Subject: School, etc. Dear Mom and Dad, Everything is going fine. I've been studying for the math and physics exams all day with Fred and Amanda. I think we all know what we are doing now (at last!). Say hi to little Johnny. I'll be home next week for Spring break and am looking forward to catching up on sleep, and to some good meals:) Love, Jeremy ctrl-D EOT & q solitude%
You can get some help from mail by typing "?
" right after the &
Additional information is available by typing man mail
, e.g.,
solitude% man mail
This is an example of using the "manual pages." In order do this successfully you need to know how to use the Unix command more.