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Choosing Files and Names for tar


Options allow changing the file name of the archive, choosing which files to work upon by looking at their characteristics, or somewhat altering the file names respective to the name of archive members.

Changing the Archive Name


By default, tar uses an archive file name compiled in when tar was built. Usually this refers to some physical tape drive on the machine. Often, the installer of tar didn't set the default to anything meaningful at all. As a result, most uses of tar need to tell tar where to find (or create) the archive. The `--file=archive-name' (`-f archive-name') option selects another file to use as the archive.

If the archive file name includes a colon (`:'), then it is assumed to be a file on another machine. If the archive file is `user@host:file', then file is used on the host host. The remote host is accessed using the rsh program, with a username of user. If the username is omitted (along with the `@' sign), then your user name will be used. (This is the normal rsh behavior.) It is necessary for the remote machine, in addition to permitting your rsh access, to have the `/usr/ucb/rmt' program installed. If you need to use a file whose name includes a colon, then the remote tape drive behavior can be inhibited by using the `--force-local' option.

If the file name you give to `--file=archive-name' (`-f archive-name') is a single dash (`-'), then tar will read the archive from (or write it to) standard input (or standard output).

An archive can be saved as a file in the file system, sent through a pipe or over a network, or written to an I/O device such as a tape or disk drive. To specify the name of the archive, use the `--file=archive-name' (`-f archive-name') option.

An archive name can be the name of an ordinary file or the name of an I/O device. tar always needs an archive name--if you do not specify an archive name, the archive name comes from the environment variable TAPE or, if that variable is not specified, a default archive name, which is usually the name of tape unit zero (ie. /dev/tu00).

If you use `-' as an archive-name, tar reads the archive from standard input (when listing or extracting files), or writes it to standard output (when creating an archive). If you use `-' as an archive-name when modifying an archive, tar reads the original archive from its standard input and writes the entire new archive to its standard output.

@FIXME{Does standard input and output redirection work with all operations? Need example for standard input and output (screen and keyboard?)}

To specify an archive file on a device attached to a remote machine, use the following:

--file=hostname:/dev/file name

tar will complete the remote connection, if possible, and prompt you for a username and password. If you use `--file=@hostname:/dev/file name', tar will complete the remote connection, if possible, using your username as the username on the remote machine. @FIXME{is this clear?}

`-f archive-name'
Names the archive to create or operate on. Use in conjunction with any operation.

Selecting Archive Members

File Name arguments specify which files in the file system tar operates on, when creating or adding to an archive, or which archive members tar operates on, when reading or deleting from an archive. See section Basic tar Operations.

To specify file names, you can include them as the last arguments on the command line, as follows:

tar operation [option1 option2 ..] [file name-1 file name-2 ...]

If you specify a directory name as a file name argument, all the files in that directory are operated on by tar.

If you do not specify files when tar is invoked, tar operates on all the non-directory files in the working directory (if the operation is `--create' (`-c')), all the archive members in the archive (if a read operation is specified), or does nothing (if any other operation is specified).

When specifying the names of files or members to tar, it by default takes the names of the files from the command line. There are other ways, however, to specify file or member names, or to modify the manner in which tar selects the files or members upon which to operate. In general, these methods work both for specifying the names of files and archive members.

GNU tar especially recognizes when the archive is being created to `/dev/null', it tries to minimize input and output operations in this case. The Amanda backup system, when used with GNU tar, has an initial sizing pass which uses this feature.

Reading Names from a File


`-T filename'
Get names to extract or create from file filename.
Consider only NUL terminated file names.

Instead of giving the names of files or archive members on the command line, you can put the names into a file, and then use the `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') option to tar. Give the name of the file which contains the list as the argument to `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names'). The file names should be separated by newlines in the list. If you give a single dash as a file name for `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names'), that is, you specify `--files-from=-' (`-T -'), then the file names are read from standard input.

If you want to specify names that might contain newlines, use the `--null' option. Then, the file names should be separated by NUL characters (ASCII 000) instead of newlines. In addition, the `--null' option turns off the `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') option (see section Changing Directory).

Instead of taking the list of files to work on from the command line, the list of files to work on is read from the file filename. If filename is given as `-', the list is read from standard input. Note that using both `-T -' and `-f -' will not work unless you are using the `--create' (`-c') command.

This is typically useful when you have generated the list of files to archive with find.

The `--null' option causes `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') to read file names terminated by a NUL instead of a newline, so files whose names contain newlines can be archived using `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names'). The `--null' option is just like the one in GNU xargs and cpio, and is useful with the `-print0' predicate of GNU find. In tar, `--null' also causes `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') options to be treated as file names to archive, in case there are any files out there called `-C'.

Reading a List of File Names from a File @UNREVISED

To read file names from a file on the file system, instead of from the command line, use the `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') option. If you specify `-' as file, the file names are read from standard input. Note that using both `--files-from=-' (`-T -') and `--file=-' (`-f -') in the same command will not work unless the operation is `--create' (`-c'). See section Changing the Archive Name, for an explanation of the `--file=archive-name' (`-f archive-name') option.

`-T file'
Reads file name arguments from a file on the file system, instead of from the command line. Use in conjunction with any operation.

Excluding Some Files


This option causes tar to read a list of regular expressions (in shell wildcard syntax), one per line, from file; tar will ignore files matching those regular expressions. Thus if tar is called as `tar -c -X foo .' and the file `foo' contains a single line `*.o', no files whose names end in `.o' will be added to the archive. Multiple `--exclude=pattern' options may be given.

The `--exclude=pattern' option will prevent any file or member which matches the regular expression pattern from being operated on. For example, if you want to create an archive with all the contents of `/tmp' except the file `/tmp/foo', you can use the command `tar --create --file=arch.tar --exclude=foo'.

If there are many files you want to exclude, you can use the `--exclude-from=file-of-patterns' (`-X file-of-patterns') option. This works just like the `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') option: specify the name of a file as exclude-list which contains the list of patterns you want to exclude.

To avoid operating on files whose names match a particular pattern, use the `--exclude=pattern' or `--exclude-from=file-of-patterns' (`-X file-of-patterns') options. When you specify the `--exclude=pattern' option, tar ignores files which match the pattern, which can be a single file name or a more complex expression. Thus, if you invoke tar with `tar --create --exclude=*.o', no files whose names end in `.o' are included in the archive.

A pattern should be written according to shell syntax, using wildcard characters to effect globbing. Most characters in the pattern stand for themselves in a file name, and case is significant: `a' will match only `a', and not `A'. The character `?' in the pattern matches any single character in the file name. The character `*' in the pattern matches zero, one or more single characters in the file name. The character `[', up to the matching `]', introduces a character class, and is described in the next paragraph. The character `\' in a pattern merely introduces the following character of the pattern as matching a single character in the file name; it is useful when one needs to match `?', `*', `[' or `\' themselves.

A character class is a list of acceptable characters for the next single character of the file name. However, if the first character of the class, just after the opening `[', is `!' or `^', then the meaning of the class is reversed, and it rather lists those characters which are forbidden as the next single character of the file name. Other characters of the class stand for themselves. The special construction `l-m', using an hyphen between two letters, is meant to represent all characters between l and m included.

Periods (`.') or slashes (`/') are not considered special for wildcard matches. However, if a pattern completely matches a directory prefix of a file name, then it matches the full file name: that is to say that that excluding a directory also excludes all the files beneath it.

`--exclude-from=file-of-patterns' (`-X file-of-patterns') acts like `--exclude=pattern', but specifies a file file containing a list of patterns. tar ignores files with names that fit any of these patterns.

You can use either option more than once in a single command.

Causes tar to ignore files that match the pattern.
`-X file'
Causes tar to ignore files that match the patterns listed in file.

Even if exclude options are somewhat straightforward, a few users find them confusing. Collected out of a few reports we received, here is a list of more common pitfalls.

Operating Only on New Files


`-N date'
Only store files newer than date.

This option causes tar to only work on files whose modification or inode-changed times are newer than the date given. The main use is for creating an archive; then only new files are written. If extracting, only newer files are extracted.

See section Date input formats, for what is an acceptable date. Remember that the entire date argument must be quoted if it contains any spaces.

To operate only on files with modification or status-change times after a particular date, use `--after-date=date' (`-N date'). You can use this option with `--create' (`-c') or `--append' (`-r') to insure only new files are archived, or with `--extract' (`-x') to insure only recent files are resurrected.

`--newer-mtime=date' acts like `--after-date=date' (`-N date') but tests just the modification times of the files, ignoring status-change times. @FIXME{Need example of --newer-mtime with quoted argument.}

Please Note: `--after-date=date' (`-N date') and `--newer-mtime=date' should not be used for incremental backups. Some files (such as those in renamed directories) are not selected up properly by these options. @FIXME-xref{to incremental backup chapter when node name is decided.}

`-N date'
Acts on files only if their modification or inode-changed times are later than date. Use in conjunction with any operation.
Acts like `--after-date=date' (`-N date'), but only looks at modification times.

The `--after-date=date' (`-N date') or `--newer=date' limits tar to only operating on files which have been modified after the date specified. For more information on how to specify a date, section Date input formats. A file is considered to have changed if the contents have been modified, or if the owner, permissions, and so forth, have been changed.

If you only want tar make the date comparison on the basis of the actual contents of the file's modification, then use the `--newer-mtime=date' option.

You should never use this option for making incremental dumps. To learn how to use tar to make backups, section Performing Backups and Restoring Files.

For selecting only files newer than the modification time of an already existing file, one can use the `-r' of GNU date. This option existed for a while now, but might not have been officially published yet. It returns the timestamp of a file. So, one could use things like one of:

tar --create --file=archive --newer="`date --reference=file`"...
tar cf archive --newer="`date -r file`"...
p@end example

Or else, slightly less easily, one may use `find -newer
file' to get a list of files newer than the reference
file, and pipe the result to tar using the
`--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') option.  For example:

find ... -depth -newer file \
  | tar --create --file=archive --no-recurse --files-from=-

find ... -depth -newer file | tar cfT archive - --no-recurse

Descending into Directories


Usually, all directories given on the command line, or through the option, will be recursively explored for the various files they contain. This is not always convenient. One may use find for recursing throught directories for constructing a list of file names for tar, without having tar do recursion on its own. The `! -type d' option to find could help, but would avoid saving empty directories. So, GNU tar offers a `--no-recurse' option meant to inhibit its automatic descent into directories.

Prevents tar from recursively descending directories.

The option `--no-recurse' inhibits the automatic action of tar, which recursively descends into specified directories. When this option is selected, GNU tar grabs directory entries themselves, but not recurse on them. Many people use find for locating files they want to back up, and since tar usually recurses on directories, they have to use the `! -d' option to find as they usually do not want all the files in a directory. They then use the option to archive the files located via find.

When restoring files archived in this manner, the problem is that the directories themselves are not on the archive, so the `--same-permissions' (`-p') option does not affect them--while users might really like it to. So, `--no-recurse' is a way to tell tar to grap only the directory entries given to it, adding no new files on its own.

Crossing Filesystem Boundaries


Stay in local filesystem when creating archive.

This option causes tar to not cross filesystem boundaries when archiving parts of a directory tree. This option only affects files that are archived because they are in a directory that is archived; files named on the command line are archived regardless, and they can be from various file systems.

This option is useful for making full or incremental archival backups of a filesystem, as with the Unix dump command.

Files skipped due to this option are mentioned on standard error.

To avoid crossing file system boundaries when archiving parts of a directory tree, use `--one-file-system' (`-l'). This option only affects files that are archived because they are in a directory that is being archived; files explicitly named on the command line are archived regardless of where they reside. This option is useful for making full or incremental archival backups of a file system. If this option is used in conjunction with `--verbose' (`-v'), files that are excluded are mentioned by name on the standard error.

Prevents tar from crossing file system boundaries when archiving. Use in conjunction with any write operation.

The `--one-file-system' (`-l') option causes tar to modify its normal behavior in archiving the contents of directories. If a file in a directory is not on the same filesystem as the directory itself (because it is a mounted filesystem in its own right), then tar will not archive that file, or (if it is a directory itself) anything beneath it.

This does not necessarily limit tar to only archiving the contents of a single filesystem, because all files named on the command line, or through the `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') option, will always be archived.

Changing Directory


`-C dir'
`--directory dir'
Change to directory dir.

This option causes tar to change into the directory dir before continuing. This option can be interspersed with the files tar is to work on. For example,

tar -c iggy ziggy -C baz melvin

will place the files `iggy' and `ziggy' from the current directory on the tape, followed by the file `melvin' from the directory `baz'. This option is especially useful when you have several widely separated files that you want to store in the same directory in the archive.

Here, the file `melvin' is recorded in the archive under the precise name `melvin', not `baz/melvin'. Thus, the archive will contain three files that all appear to have come from the same directory; if the archive is extracted with plain `tar -x', all three files will be created in the current directory.

Contrast this with the command:

tar -c iggy ziggy bar/melvin

which records the third file in the archive under the name `bar/melvin' so that, if plain `tar -x' is used, the third file will be created in a subdirectory named `bar'.

Suppose that, without changing your current directory, you want to call tar to dump files from `/users/ctd/dipp' say. Then `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') is for you. You could do things like:

tar cfC archive.tar /users/ctd/dipp .

(the `.' means the current directory, once the `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') obeyed).

Some people might want some option to extract everything from an archive in the current directory, ignore directory structure in the archive. This is so rarely proper that I doubt such an option would be really useful. It would only help getting around improper tar usage, it might even encourage improper usage. In general, `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') might be used to produce archives with a cleaner structure in the first place.

The `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') option causes tar to change its current working directory to directory. Unlike most options, this one is processed at the point it occurs within the list of files to be processed. Consider the following command:

tar --create --file=foo.tar -C /etc passwd hosts -C /lib libc.a

This command will place the files `/etc/passwd', `/etc/hosts', and `/lib/libc.a' into the archive. However, the names of the archive members will be exactly what they were on the command line: `passwd', `hosts', and `libc.a'. The `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') option is frequently used to make the archive independent of the original name of the directory holding the files.

Note that `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') options are interpreted consecutively. If `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') option specifies a relative file name, it is interpreted relative to the then current directory, which might not be the same as the original current working directory of tar, due to a previous `--directory=directory' (`-C directory') option.

When using `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names') (see section Reading Names from a File), you can put `-C' options in the file list. Unfortunately, you cannot put `--directory' options in the file list. (This interpretation can be disabled by using the `--null' option.)

Changing the Working Directory Within a List of File Names @UNREVISED

To change working directory in the middle of a list of file names, either on the command line or in a file specified using `--files-from=file-of-names' (`-T file-of-names'), use `--directory=directory' (`-C directory'). This will change the working directory to the directory directory after that point in the list. For example,

tar --create iggy ziggy --directory=baz melvin

will place the files `iggy' and `ziggy' from the current directory into the archive, followed by the file `melvin' from the directory `baz'. This option is especially useful when you have several widely separated files that you want to store in the same directory in the archive.

Note that the file `melvin' is recorded in the archive under the precise name `melvin', not `baz/melvin'. Thus, the archive will contain three files that all appear to have come from the same directory; if the archive is extracted with plain `tar --extract', all three files will be written in the current directory.

Contrast this with the command

tar -c iggy ziggy bar/melvin

which records the third file in the archive under the name `bar/melvin' so that, if the archive is extracted using `tar --extract', the third file will be written in a subdirectory named `bar'.

`-C `directory''
Changes the working directory.

@FIXME{Need to test how extract deals with this, and add an example.}

Absolute File Names


Do not strip leading /s from file names.

By default, GNU tar drops a leading `/' on input or output. This option turns off this behavior; it's equivalent to changing to the root directory before running tar (except it also turns off the usual warning message).

When tar extracts archive members from an archive, it strips any leading slashes (`/') from the member name. This causes absolute member names in the archive to be treated as relative file names. This allows you to have such members extracted wherever you want, instead of being restricted to extracting the member in the exact directory named in the archive. For example, if the archive member has the name `/etc/passwd', tar will extract it as if the name were really `etc/passwd'.

Other tar programs do not do this. As a result, if you create an archive whose member names start with a slash, they will be difficult for other people with an inferior tar program to use. Therefore, GNU tar also strips leading slashes from member names when putting members into the archive. For example, if you ask tar to add the file `/bin/ls' to an archive, it will do so, but the member name will be `bin/ls'.

If you use the `--absolute-names' (`-P') option, tar will do neither of these transformations. @FIXME{Is this what this does, or does it just preserve the slash?}

To archive or extract files relative to the root directory, specify the `--absolute-names' (`-P') option.

Normally, tar acts on files relative to the working directory--ignoring superior directory names when archiving, and ignoring leading slashes when extracting.

When you specify `--absolute-names' (`-P'), tar stores file names including all superior directory names, and preserves leading slashes. If you only invoked tar from the root directory you would never need the `--absolute-names' (`-P') option, but using this option may be more convenient than switching to root.

@FIXME{Should be an example in the tutorial/wizardry section using this to transfer files between systems.}

@FIXME{Is write access an issue?}

Preserves full file names (inclusing superior dirctory names) when archiving files. Preserves leading slash when extracting files.

tar prints out a message about removing the `/' from file names. This message should appear once per GNU tar invocation. It represents something which ought to be told, ignoring what it means can cause very serious surprises, later (as some angry users told us). Some people, nevertheless, do not want to see this message. Wanting to play really dangerously, one may of course redirect tar standard error to the sink. For example, under sh:

tar cf archive.tar /home 2> /dev/null

Another solution, both nicer and simpler, would be to change to the `/' directory first, and then avoid absolute notation. For example:

(cd /; tar cf archive.tar home)
tar cfC archive.tar / home

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