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If this variable is non-nil, you are either a newcomer to the World of Usenet, or you are very cautious, which is a nice thing to be, really. You will be given questions of the type "Are you sure you want to do this?" before doing anything dangerous.
If this variable is non-nil, you will never ever be asked any questions by Gnus. It will simply assume you know what your are doing, no matter how strange.
Require confirmation before catching up a group if non-nil.
If non-nil, the user will be prompted for a group name when posting an article.
Require confirmation before exiting Gnus.

Windows Configuration

No, there's nothing here about X, so be quiet.

If non-nil, Gnus will delete all other windows and occupy the entire Emacs screen by itself. It is t by default.
This variable describes how much space each Gnus buffer should be given. Here's an excerpt of this variable:
((group ([group 1.0 point] 
	 (if gnus-carpal [group-carpal 4])))
 (article ([summary 0.25 point] 
	   [article 1.0])))
This is an alist. The key is a symbol that names some action or other. For instance, when displaying the group buffer, the window configuration function will use group as the key. A full list of possible names is listed below. The value is a rule that says how much space each buffer should occupy. To take the article rule as an example -
(article ([summary 0.25 point] 
	  [article 1.0]))
This rule says that the summary buffer should occupy 25% of the screen, and that it is placed over the article buffer. As you may have noticed, 100% + 25% is actually 125% (yup, I saw y'all reaching for that calculator there). However, the special number 1.0 is used to signal that this buffer should soak up all the rest of the space avaiable after the rest of the buffers have taken whatever they need. There should be only one buffer with the 1.0 size spec. Point will be put in the buffer that has the optional third element point. Here's a more complicated example:
(article ([group 4]
          [summary 0.25 point]
          (if gnus-carpal [summary-carpal 4])
          [article 1.0])
If the size spec is an integer instead of a floating point number, then that number will be used to say how many lines a buffer should occupy, not a percentage. If an element is a list instead of a vector, this list will be evaled. If the result is non-nil, it will be used. This means that there will be three buffers if gnus-carpal is nil, and four buffers if gnus-carpal is non-nil. Not complicated enough for you? Well, try this on for size:
(article ([group 1.0]
          [gnus-carpal 4])
         ((horizontal 0.5)
          [summary 0.25 point]
          [summary-carpal 4]
          [article 1.0]))
Whoops. Two buffers with the mystery 100% tag. And what's that horizontal thingie? If the first element in one of the rule lists is a list with horizontal as the first element, Gnus will split the window horizontally, giving you two windows side-by-side. Inside each of these strips you may carry on all you like in the normal fashion. The number following horizontal says what percentage of the screen is to be given to this strip. For each horizontal split, there must be one element that has the 100% tag. The splitting is never accurate, and this buffer will eat any leftover lines from the splits. Here's a list of all possible keys: group, summary, article, server, browse, group-mail, summary-mail, summary-reply, info, summary-faq, edit-group, edit-server, reply, reply-yank, followup, followup-yank, edit-score. Since this variable is so long and complicated, there's a function you can use to ease changing the config of a single setting: gnus-add-configuration. If, for instance, you want to change the article setting, you could say:
 '(article ([group 4]
            [summary .25 point] 
            [article 1.0])))


Those new-fangled mouse contraptions is very popular with the young, hep kids who don't want to learn the proper way to do things these days. Why, I remember way back in the summer of '89, when I was using Emacs on a Tops 20 system. Three hundred users on one single machine, and every user was running Simula compilers. Bah!


Well, you can make Gnus display bufferfuls of buttons you can click to do anything by setting gnus-carpal to t. Pretty simple, really. Tell the chiropractor I sent you.

Hook run in all carpal mode buffers.
Face used on buttons.
Buttons in the group buffer.
Buttons in the summary buffer.
Buttons in the server buffer.
Buttons in the browse buffer.

All the buttons variables are lists. The elements in these list is either a cons cell where the car contains a text to be displayed and the cdr contains a function symbol, or a simple string.

Various Various

This variable is an integer between zero and ten. The higher the value, the more messages will be displayed. If this variable is zero, Gnus will never flash any messages, if it is seven, most important messages will be shown, and if it is ten, Gnus won't ever shut up, but will flash so many messages it will make your head swim.
This is a list of buffers that should keep their mode lines updated. The list may contain the symbols group, article and summary. If the corresponding symbol is present, Gnus will keep that mode line updated with information that may be pertinent. If this variable is nil, screen refresh may be quicker.
By default, Gnus displays information on the current article in the mode lines of the summary and article buffers. The information Gnus wishes to display (eg. the subject of the article) is often longer than the mode lines, and therefore have to be cut off at some point. This variable says how long the other elements on the line is (i.e., the non-info part). If you put additional elements on the mode line (eg. a clock), you should modify this variable:
(add-hook 'display-time-hook
	  (lambda ()
	    (setq gnus-mode-non-string-length
		  (+ 21 (length display-time-string)))))
If nil, Gnus won't attempt to create menus or use fancy colors or fonts. This will also inhibit loading the `gnus-visual.el' file.
This is the face (i.e., font) used for mouse highlighting in Gnus. No mouse highlights will be done if gnus-visual is nil.
This variable is symbol indicating the display Emacs is running under. The symbol should be one of color, grayscale or mono. If Gnus guesses this display attribute wrongly, either set this variable in your `~/.emacs' or set the resource Emacs.displayType in your `~/.Xdefaults'.
This is a symbol indicating the Emacs background brightness. The symbol should be one of light or dark. If Gnus guesses this frame attribute wrongly, either set this variable in your `~/.emacs' or set the resource Emacs.backgroundMode in your `~/.Xdefaults'. `gnus-display-type'.

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