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Section [Setup]

In this section the variables have only one field.

a. TempDirectory

- this variable specifies the location of the temporary files created by git.

b. AnsiColorSequences

- this variable should be set to ON if the terminal supports standard ANSI color sequences. Otherwise it should be OFF. If AnsiColorSequences is ON, [GITxxx-Color] sections will be used in the configuration files .gitrc.TERM. Otherwise, git / gitps / gitview will use the [GITxxx-Monochrome] sections.

c. UseLastScreenChar

- this variable is used for terminals that can't write on the last character of the screen without scrolling the entire screen. If your terminal has no problem writing there (Linux console, vt100, vt102, xterm, ...) set it to ON. Otherwise (hpterm), it should be OFF.

c. ForegroundAtExit d. BackgroundAtExit

- this variables are used to specify the foreground and background colors that GIT should set at exit.

See section Sections [GITxxx-Color] / [GITxxx-Monochrome].

Section [GIT-Setup]

In this section the variables have only one field.

a. StartupFileDisplayMode

- this variable specifies the file specific information displayed at startup. It can be any of OwnerGroup, DateTime, Size, Mode or FullName.

- this value initially affects both panels but it can be changed separately afterward.

b. StartupFileSortMethod

- this variable specifies the startup sort method. It can be any of Name, Extension, Size, Date, Mode, OwnerId, GroupId, OwnerName or GroupName.

- this value initially affects both panels but it can be changed separately afterward.

c. StartupLeftPanelPath

d. StartupRightPanelPath

- those variables specifies the startup path for each panel.

e. HistoryFile - this variable specifies the history file name. The default value is ~/.githistory.

f. NormalModeHelp

g. CommandLineModeHelp

- those variables describe the status bar contents for each git mode when no errors occurred. git can display on the status bar a help string and/or some system information (system type, hostname, machine type and the current date) using escape characters:

        \s      ->      the system type
        \h      ->      the host name
        \m      ->      the machine type
        \d      ->      the current date

See section show-terminal.

h. InfoDisplay

- if this variable is OFF, auxiliary file informations are not displayed. This can be useful if you are using a very slow terminal.

i. FrameDisplay

- if this variable is OFF, the git frame is not displayed. This can be useful if you are using a very slow terminal.

See section git.

j. LeadingDotMatch

- if this variable is OFF when matching files for select-files-matching-pattern /unselect-files-matching-pattern then the leading '.' in the file name is matched only explicitly.

Section [GITPS-Setup]

In this section the variables have only one field.

a. GitPsModeHelp

- this variable describe the gitps status bar contents.

See section gitps.

Section [GITVIEW-Setup]

In this section the variables have only one field.

a. GitViewModeHelp

- this variable describe the gitview status bar contents.

See section gitview.

Sections [GITxxx-Color] / [GITxxx-Monochrome]

In this sections the variables have only one field.

These sections permits you to customize the colors of git, gitps and gitview. Reading the .gitrc.TERM configuration file should be self explanatory.

See section Section [Setup],
See section Configuration Files.

Sections [GITxxx-Keys]

These sections describe the actions git/gitps/gitview takes when a specified key is pressed. In this sections a variable can have up to 6 fields separated by ';'. Each line in this section looks like:

key_sequence = command_name;formatted_command;new_dir; save_screen;pause;hide

WARNING: you can't continue the variable fields description on the next line.


- 'key_sequence' is the key sequence associated with the given command. You can use any key sequence wich doesn't start with an ascii character (0x20 to 0x7e). You can specify the ESC character as ^[ , the ^ character as ^^, the backspace character as ^_, the ctrl-space character as ^$ and the space character as ^. Ascii characters are used by the input line.

You can use some symbolic key names instead of the key sequence: F0, F1, F2, ... F10, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, INS, DEL, HOME, END, PGUP and PGDOWN. For the function & cursor keys, it's a better idea to get the key sequences from the termcap/terminfo database if they can be found there. So, the command for the F1 key on the Linux console (the configuration file is .gitrc.console) can be:

		F1  = GIT-HELP; man git
		^[A = GIT-HELP; man git

If some key doesn't have a termcap/terminfo description (like the F11/F12 keys on the Linux console) you can specify the key sequence in the usual way.


- 'command_name' is a command generic name. Even if it is not always used, the 'command_name' must be present (if a command is associated with 'key_sequence'). If it is not, no action will be taken when pressing 'key_sequence'. There are two types of commands in git: built-in commands and user defined commands. If the 'command_name' section contains a built-in command specification (copy-files, rename-move-files, make-directory etc), the other fields are ignored.

gitps and gitview are using only built-in commands. These are all the built-in commands used by git, gitps and gitview:


See section git,
See section gitps,
See section gitview.


in git:

- copies files from one panel to another.


in git:

- moves files from one panel to another.


in git:

- makes directories.


in git:

- deletes files and empty directories.


- exits.


in git:

- copies to the input line the previous command in the history list.


in git:

- switches between the two git modes (starting with Linux 0.99.12 this option is completely used only if you are super user because normal users can't do a screen dump).


in git:

- refreshes the contents of the current panel.

in gitps:

- refresh the processes list by recalling ps(1).

in gitview:

- refresh the screen by re-reading the file.


in git:

- changes the current directory to root.


in git:

- switches the left panel with the right one.


in git:

- copies the next command in the history list to the input line.


in git:

- switches to the next file display mode.


in git:

- displays the file owner & group.


in git:

- displays the file date & time.


in git:

- displays the file size.


in git:

- displays the file mode.


in git:

- displays the full file name (if possible).


in git:

- switches to the next sort method.


in git:

- sorts the files by name.


in git:

- sorts the files by extension.


in git:

- sorts the files by size.


in git:

- sorts the files by date.


in git:

- sorts the files by file mode.


in git:

- sorts the files by owner id.


in git:

- sorts the files by group id.


in git:

- sorts the files by owner name.


in git:

- sorts the files by group name.


in git:

- selects/unselects files. All the files can be selected by pressing '+' (and ENTER) or unselected by pressing '-'. By pressing '*' selected files becomes unselected and unselected files becomes selected.


in git:

- copies into the input line the current file name.


in git:

- puts the cursor onto the first entry in the current directory list.


in git:

- puts the cursor onto the last entry in the current directory list.


in gitps:

- moves to the first process in the processes list.


in gitps:

- moves to the last process in the processes list.


in gitview:

- moves to the beginning of the file.


in gitview:

- moves to the end of the file.


in git:

- puts the cursor up one page in the current directory file list.

in gitps:

- moves one page up in the processes list.

in gitview:

- moves one page up (0x100 bytes) in the file.


in git:

- puts the cursor down one page in the current directory file list.

in gitps:

- moves one page down in the processes list.

in gitview:

- moves one page down (0x100 bytes) in the file.


in git:

- puts the cursor up one entry in the current directory file list.

in gitps:

- moves to the previous process in the processes list.

in gitview:

- moves to the previous line (16 bytes) in the file.


in git:

- puts the cursor down one entry in the current directory file list.

in gitps:

- moves to the next process in the processes list.

in gitview:

- moves to the next line (16 bytes) in the file.


in git:

- puts the cursor in the other panel.


in git:

- changes the current directory to a user specified directory.


in git:
in gitps:
in gitview:

- forces a screen refresh.


in git:

- selects files matching a given pattern.


in git:

- unselects files matching a given pattern.


in git:

- the other panel current directory will become the current directory of the current panel.


in git:

- the current directory of the current panel will become the current directory of the other panel.


in git:

- copy the other panel path to the input line.


in git:

- copy all the currrent panel selected file names to the input line.


in git:

- Move the point backward one character.


in git:

- Move the point forward one character.


in git:

- Move the point backward one word.


in git:

- Move the point forward one word.


in git:

- Move the point at the beginning of the line.


in git:

- Move the point at the end of the line.


in git:

- Delete the character at the point.


in git:

- Delete the character before the point.


in git:

- Kill characters backward until encountering the end of a word.


in git:

- Delete the entire input line.


in git:

- Delete the text between the beginning of the line and the point.


in git:

- Delete the text between the point and the end of line.


in git:

- Remove all the tabs and spaces arround the point, leaving just one space.


in git:

- Remove all the tabs and spaces arround the point.


in git:

- If the current file is executable, runs it. If it is a directory, chdir to it.


in git:

- Set mark where point is.


in git:

- Kill between point and mark. The text is deleted but saved in the kill ring.


in git:

- Save the region as if killed, but don't kill it.


in git:

- Reinsert the last stretch of killed text.


in git:

- Exchange point and mark.


in gitps:

- sets the next signal in the signals list as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGHUP signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGINT signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGQUIT signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGILL signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGFPE signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGKILL signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGUSR1 signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGSEGV signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGUSR2 signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGPIPE signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGALRM signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGTERM signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGCHLD signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sets the SIGCONT signal as the current signal.


in gitps:

- sends the current signal to the current process.


- 'formatted_command' is a shell command which can contain some scanf like format specifiers. With their help you can get the current directory entry name (the directory entry under the cursor), owner, group and mode.

Note that using uppercase format specifiers you will be able to access the other panel path, file and directory names.

These are the available format specifiers:


The format of the %s parameter is: %s{question,default_answer}

When git encounters a %s in the 'formatted_command' asks the user the question 'question' whose default answer is 'default_answer' and replaces the %s{ , } with the user answer. Both 'question' and 'default_answer' can contain any other format specifiers except %s.

WARNING: no spaces between %s and '{'.


git will replace %f with the current directory entry name only if it is a file (not a directory).


git will replace %d with the current directory entry name only if it is a directory (not a file).


git will replace %l with the current directory entry name only if it is a symbolic link with no target.


git will replace %t with the current directory entry name only if it is a named pipe.


git will replace %z with the current directory entry name only if it is a socket.


git will always replace %a with the current directory entry name.


git will always replace %m in the 'formatted_command' with the current file mode.


git will always replace %g in the 'formatted_command' with the current file group.


git will always replace %o in the 'formatted_command' with the current file owner.


git will always replace %p in the formatted_command with the current panel path.


git will always replace %b in the 'formatted_command' with the current panel directory name.


git will always replace %i in the 'formatted_command' with all the current panel selected file names.


- if the 'formatted_command' successfully exits (exit code = 0) and this field is present then 'new_dir' will become the current panel directory. The character ~ used at the begining of the new_dir field is replaced by the user's home directory.


- this field is a character (usually 'y' or 'n') who tells git to save ('y') or not to save ('n') the terminal screen after executing the 'formatted_command'. Saving the screen is not necessary while editing or viewing a file because the information left after the editor or the viewer exits is not important. Saving the screen means that that screen will be restored before the execution of the next command. This field is used only if you are super user under Linux and you are working on a virtual console. By default this field is 'y'.


- for some commands you may wish to read their results before repainting the panels. If this field is present git will wait for a key to be pressed before restoring the panels. By default this field is 'n'.


- there are some commands that aren't displaying any useful information if successfully complete their execution: mount, chmod, chown, chgrp, sync ... and if an error occurs then a line or two are sended to stderr. If this option is 'y', the stdout and stderr will be redirected to some files (stdout.pid and stderr.pid, where pid is git pid) and only if the command exit code is not 0, the stderr.pid file will be displayed, line by line, onto the status bar. This way the panels will not be deleted and then repainted and the command appears to be built-in. stdout.pid and stderr.pid are created in the TempDirectory specified in the [Setup] section. By default this field is 'n'.

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