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The examples you probably are most interested in are the files `adobe.map', `bitstrea.map', and `monotype.map' in the distribution. They contain a comprehensive list of fonts from those suppliers together with the corresponding names. They're omitted here because the files are so large. The vastly shorter `.map' files for Apple, DTC, and Linotype are included, however, for the sake of example. The larger files follow the same pattern.

Standard PostScript fonts

Abbreviated names for the 35 standard PostScript fonts. An encoding variant, such as `8a' for the Adobe `StandardEncoding', is omitted.


Apple fonts

The `apple.map' file has abbreviations for Apple fonts.

eecr     AppleChancery
eger     Geneva
ehtr     HoeflerText
emcr     Monaco
epi001   Zeal
eskr     Skia

DTC fonts

The `dtc.map' file has abbreviations for DTC (Digital Typeface Corporation) fonts.

dhvcrc  SansBlackCondensed-DTC
dhvcoc  SansBlackCondensed-Oblique-DTC
dhvmrx  SansExtended-Medium-DTC
dhvrrx  SansExtended-Regular-DTC
dhvroc  SansExtended-RegularOblique-DTC
dhvxrc  SansExtraBlackCondensed-DTC
dhvlrx  SansLightExtended-DTC
dhvhrc  SansThinCondensed-DTC
dhvhoc  SansThinCondensed-Oblique-DTC
dnbb    NewBaskerville-Bold-DTC
dnbbi   NewBaskerville-BoldItalic-DTC
dnbri   NewBaskerville-RomanItalic-DTC
dnbr    NewBaskerville-Roman-DTC
dopr    Optimum-Roman-DTC
dopb    Optimum-Bold-DTC
dopbo   Optimum-BoldItalic-DTC
doro    Optimum-RomanItalic-DTC
dpll    Palton-Light-DTC

Linotype fonts

The `linotype.map' file has abbreviations for Linotype fonts.

lenb     EngraversLH-BoldFace
lpi001   OlympicLH-Pi
ltgbrx   TradeGothicLH-BoldExtended
ltgrrx   TradeGothicLH-Extended
lvcc     VectoraLH-Black
lvcci    VectoraLH-BlackItalic
lvcb     VectoraLH-Bold
lvcbi    VectoraLH-BoldItalic
lvcri    VectoraLH-Italic
lvcl     VectoraLH-Light
lvcli    VectoraLH-LightItalic
lvcr     VectoraLH-Roman
lpi002   WarningLH-Pi
lpi003   AudioLH-Pi
lcfcs    ClearfaceGothicLH-Black
lcfbs    ClearfaceGothicLH-Bold
lcfls    ClearfaceGothicLH-Light
lcfms    ClearfaceGothicLH-Medium
lcfrs    ClearfaceGothicLH-Roman
lpi004   EECLH-Pi
lffb     FairfieldLH-Bold
lffbi    FairfieldLH-BoldItalic
lffbc    FairfieldLH-BoldSC
lffbd    FairfieldLH-CaptionBold
lffhd    FairfieldLH-CaptionHeavy
lffld    FairfieldLH-CaptionLight
lffmd    FairfieldLH-CaptionMedium
lffh     FairfieldLH-Heavy
lffhi    FairfieldLH-HeavyItalic
lffhc    FairfieldLH-HeavySC
lffl     FairfieldLH-Light
lffli    FairfieldLH-LightItalic
lfflc    FairfieldLH-LightSC
lffm     FairfieldLH-Medium
lffmi    FairfieldLH-MediumItalic
lffmc    FairfieldLH-MediumSC
lffbiw7d FairfieldLH-SwBoldItalicOsF
lffhiw7d FairfieldLH-SwHeavyItalicOsF
lffliw7d FairfieldLH-SwLightItalicOsF
lffmiw7d FairfieldLH-SwMediumItalicOsF

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