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Counting Words in a defun

Our next project is to count the number of words in a function definition. Clearly, this can be done using some variant of count-word-region. See section Counting: Repetition and Regexps. If we are just going to count the words in one definition, it is easy enough to mark the definition with the C-M-h (mark-defun) command, and then call count-word-region.

However, I am more ambitious: I want to count the words and symbols in every definition in the Emacs sources and then print a graph that shows how many functions there are of each length: how many contain 40 to 49 words or symbols, how many contain 50 to 59 words or symbols, and so on. I have often been curious how long a typical function is, and this will tell.

Described in one phrase, the histogram project is daunting; but divided into numerous small steps, each of which we can take one at a time, the project becomes less fearsome. Let us consider what the steps must be:

This is quite a project! But if we take each step slowly, it will not be difficult.

What to Count?

When we first start thinking about how to count the words in a function definition, the first question is (or ought to be) what are we going to count? When we speak of `words' with respect to a Lisp function definition, we are actually speaking, in large part, of `symbols'. For example, the following multiply-by-seven function contains the five symbols defun, multiply-by-seven, number, *, and 7. In addition, in the documentation string, it contains the four words `Multiply', `NUMBER', `by', and `seven'. The symbol `number' is repeated, so the definition contains a total of ten words and symbols.

(defun multiply-by-seven (number)
  "Multiply NUMBER by seven."
  (* 7 number))

However, if we mark the multiply-by-seven definition with C-M-h (mark-defun), and then call count-words-region on it, we will find that count-words-region claims the definition has eleven words, not ten! Something is wrong!

The problem is twofold: count-words-region does not count the `*' as a word, and it counts the single symbol, multiply-by-seven, as containing three words. The hyphens are treated as if they were interword spaces rather than intraword connectors: `multiply-by-seven' is counted as if it were written `multiply by seven'.

The cause of this confusion is the regular expression search within the count-words-region definition that moves point forward word by word. In the canonical version of count-words-region, the regexp is:


This regular expression is a pattern defining one or more word constituent characters possibly followed by one or more characters that are not word constituents. What is meant by `word constituent characters' brings us to the issue of syntax, which is worth a section of its own.

What Constitutes a Word or Symbol?

Emacs treats different characters as belonging to different syntax categories. For example, the regular expression, `\\w+', is a pattern specifying one or more word constituent characters. Word constituent characters are members of one syntax category. Other syntax categories include the class of punctuation characters, such as the period and the comma, and the class of whitespace characters, such as the blank space and the tab character. (For more information, see section `The Syntax Table' in The GNU Emacs Manual, and, section `Syntax Tables' in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.)

Syntax tables specify which characters belong to which categories. Usually, a hyphen is not specified as a `word constituent character'. Instead, it is specified as being in the `class of characters that are part of symbol names but not words.' This means that the count-words-region function treats it in the same way it treats an interword white space, which is why count-words-region counts `multiply-by-seven' as three words.

There are two ways to cause Emacs to count `multiply-by-seven' as one symbol: modify the syntax table or modify the regular expression.

We could redefine a hyphen as a word constituent character by modifying the syntax table that Emacs keeps for each mode. This action would serve our purpose, except that a hyphen is merely the most common character within symbols that is not typically a word constituent character; there are others, too.

Alternatively, we can redefine the regular expression used in the count-words definition so as to include symbols. This procedure has the merit of clarity, but the task is a little tricky.

The first part is simple enough: the pattern must match "at least one character that is a word or symbol constituent". Thus:


The `\\(' is the first part of the grouping construct that includes the `\\w' and the `\\s_' as alternatives, separated by the `\\|'. The `\\w' matches any word-constituent character and the `\\s_' matches any character that is part of a symbol name but not a word-constituent character. The `+' following the group indicates that the word or symbol constituent characters must be matched at least once.

However, the second part of the regexp is more difficult to design. What we want is to follow the first part with "optionally one or more characters that are not constituents of a word or symbol". At first, I thought I could define this with the following:


The upper case `W' and `S' match characters that are not word or symbol constituents. Unfortunately, this expression matches any character that is either not a word constituent or not a symbol constituent. This matches any character!

I then noticed that every word or symbol in my test region was followed by white space (blank space, tab, or newline). So I tried placing a pattern to match one or more blank spaces after the pattern for one or more word or symbol constituents. This failed, too. Words and symbols are often separated by whitespace, but in actual code parentheses may follow symbols and punctuation may follow words. So finally, I designed a pattern in which the word or symbol constituents are followed optionally by characters that are not white space and then followed optionally by white space.

Here is the full regular expression:

"\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]*"

The count-words-in-defun Function

We have seen that there are several ways to write a count-word-region function. To write a count-words-in-defun, we need merely adapt one of these versions.

The version that uses a while loop is easy to understand, so I am going to adapt that. Because count-words-in-defun will be part of a more complex program, it need not be interactive and it need not display a message but just return the count. These considerations simplify the definition a little.

On the other hand, count-words-in-defun will be used within a buffer that contains function definitions. Consequently, it is reasonable to ask that the function determine whether it is called when point is within a function definition, and if it is, to return the count for that definition. This adds complexity to the definition, but saves us from needing to pass arguments to the function.

These considerations lead us to prepare the following template:

(defun count-words-in-defun ()
  (set up...
     (while loop...)
   return count)

As usual, our job is to fill in the slots.

First, the set up.

We are presuming that this function will be called within a buffer containing function definitions. Point will either be within a function definition or not. For count-words-in-defun to work, point must move to the beginning of the definition, a counter must start at zero, and the counting loop must stop when point reaches the end of the definition.

The beginning-of-defun function searches backwards for an opening delimiter such as a `(' at the beginning of a line, and moves point to that position, or else to the limit of the search. In practice, this means that beginning-of-defun moves point to the beginning of an enclosing or preceding function definition, or else to the beginning of the buffer. We can use beginning-of-defun to place point where we wish to start.

The while loop requires a counter to keep track of the words or symbols being counted. A let expression can be used to create a local variable for this purpose, and bind it to an initial value of zero.

The end-of-defun function works like beginning-of-defun except that it moves point to the end of the definition. end-of-defun can be used as part of an expression that determines the position of the end of the definition.

The set up for count-words-in-defun takes shape rapidly: first we move point to the beginning of the definition, then we create a local variable to hold the count, and, finally, we record the position of the end of the definition so the while loop will know when to stop looping.

The code looks like this:

(let ((count 0)
      (end (save-excursion (end-of-defun) (point))))

The code is simple. The only slight complication is likely to concern end: it is bound to the position of the end of the definition by a save-excursion expression that returns the value of point after end-of-defun temporarily moves it to the end of the definition.

The second part of the count-words-in-defun, after the set up, is the while loop.

The loop must contain an expression that jumps point forward word by word and symbol by symbol, and another expression that counts the jumps. The true-or-false-test for the while loop should test true so long as point should jump forward, and false when point is at the end of the definition. We have already redefined the regular expression for this (see section What Constitutes a Word or Symbol?), so the loop is straightforward:

(while (and (< (point) end)
             "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]*" end t)
  (setq count (1+ count)))

The third part of the function definition returns the count of words and symbols. This part is the last expression within the body of the let expression, and can be, very simply, the local variable count, which when evaluated returns the count.

Put together, the count-words-in-defun definition looks like this:

(defun count-words-in-defun ()
  "Return the number of words and symbols in a defun."
  (let ((count 0)
        (end (save-excursion (end-of-defun) (point))))
        (and (< (point) end)
              "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]*"
              end t))
      (setq count (1+ count)))

How to test this? The function is not interactive, but it is easy to put a wrapper around the function to make it interactive; we can use almost the same code as for the recursive version of count-words-region:

;;; Interactive version.
(defun count-words-defun ()     
  "Number of words and symbols in a function definition."
   "Counting words and symbols in function definition ... ")
  (let ((count (count-words-in-defun)))
     ((zerop count)
       "The definition does NOT have any words or symbols."))
     ((= 1 count)
       "The definition has 1 word or symbol."))
       "The definition has %d words or symbols." count)))))

Let's re-use C-c = as a convenient keybinding:

(global-set-key "\C-c=" 'count-words-defun)

Now we can try out count-words-defun: install both count-words-in-defun and count-words-defun, and set the keybinding, and then place the cursor within the following definition:

(defun multiply-by-seven (number)
  "Multiply NUMBER by seven."
  (* 7 number))
     => 10

Success! The definition has 10 words and symbols.

The next problem is to count the numbers of words and symbols in several definitions within a single file.

Count Several defuns Within a File

A file such as `simple.el' may have 80 or more function definitions within it. Our long term goal is to collect statistics on many files, but as a first step, our immediate goal is to collect statistics on one file.

The information will be a series of numbers, each number being the length of a function definition. We can store the numbers in a list.

We know that we will want to incorporate the information regarding one file with information about many other files; this means that the function for counting definition lengths within one file need only return the lengths' list. It need not and should not display any messages.

The word count commands contain one expression to jump point forward word by word and another expression to count the jumps. The definitions' lengths' function can be designed to work the same way, with one expression to jump point forward definition by definition and another expression to construct the lengths' list.

This statement of the problem makes it elementary to write the function definition. Clearly, we will start the count at the beginning of the file, so the first command will be (goto-char (point-min)). Next, we start the while loop; and the true-or-false test of the loop can be a regular expression search for the next function definition--so long as the search succeeds, point is moved forward and then the body of the loop is evaluated. The body needs an expression that constructs the lengths' list. cons, the list construction command, can be used to create the list. That is almost all there is to it.

Here is what this fragment of code looks like:

(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^(defun" nil t)
  (setq lengths-list
        (cons (count-words-in-defun) lengths-list)))

What we have left out is the mechanism for finding the file that contains the function definitions.

In previous examples, we either used this, the Info file, or we switched back and forth to some other buffer, such as the `*scratch*' buffer.

Finding a file is a new process that we have not yet discussed.

Find a File

To find a file in Emacs, you use the C-x C-f (find-file) command. This command is almost, but not quite right for the lengths problem.

Let's look at the source for find-file (you can use the find-tag command to find the source of a function):

(defun find-file (filename)
  "Edit file FILENAME.
Switch to a buffer visiting file FILENAME,
creating one if none already exists."
  (interactive "FFind file: ")
  (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)))

The definition possesses short but complete documentation and an interactive specification that prompts you for a file name when you use the command interactively. The body of the definition contains two functions, find-file-noselect and switch-to-buffer.

According to its documentation as shown by C-h f (the describe-function command), the find-file-noselect function reads the named file into a buffer and returns the buffer. However, the buffer is not selected. Emacs does not switch its attention (or yours if you are using find-file-noselect) to the named buffer. That is what switch-to-buffer does: it switches the buffer to which Emacs attention is directed; and it switches the buffer displayed in the window to the new buffer. We have discussed buffer switching elsewhere. (See section Switching Buffers.)

In this histogram project, we do not need to display each file on the screen as the program determines the length of each definition within it. Instead of employing switch-to-buffer, we can work with set-buffer, which redirects the attention of the computer program to a different buffer but does not redisplay it on the screen. So instead of calling on find-file to do the job, we must write our own expression.

The task is easy: use find-file-noselect and set-buffer.

lengths-list-file in Detail

The core of the lengths-list-file function is a while loop containing a function to move point forward `defun by defun' and a function to count the number of words and symbols in each defun. This core must be surrounded by functions that do various other tasks, including finding the file, and ensuring that point starts out at the beginning of the file. The function definition looks like this:

(defun lengths-list-file (filename)
  "Return list of definitions' lengths within FILE.
The returned list is a list of numbers.
Each number is the number of words or
symbols in one function definition."
  (message "Working on `%s' ... " filename)
    (let ((buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
      (set-buffer buffer)
      (setq buffer-read-only t)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "^(defun" nil t)
        (setq lengths-list
              (cons (count-words-in-defun) lengths-list)))
      (kill-buffer buffer)

The function is passed one argument, the name of the file on which it will work. It has four lines of documentation, but no interactive specification. Since people worry that a computer is broken if they don't see anything going on, the first line of the body is a message.

The next line contains a save-excursion that returns Emacs attention to the current buffer when the function completes. This is useful in case you embed this function in another function that presumes point is restored to the original buffer.

In the varlist of the let expression, Emacs finds the file and binds the local variable buffer to the buffer containing the file. At the same time, Emacs creates lengths-list as a local variable.

Next, Emacs switches its attention to the buffer.

In the following line, Emacs makes the buffer read-only. Ideally, this line is not necessary. None of the functions for counting words and symbols in a function definition should change the buffer. Besides, the buffer is not going to be saved, even if it were changed. This line is entirely the consequence of great, perhaps excessive, caution. The reason for the caution is that this function and those it calls work on the sources for Emacs and it is very inconvenient if they are inadvertently modified. It goes without saying that I did not realize a need for this line until an experiment went awry and started to modify my Emacs source files ...

Next comes a call to widen the buffer if it is narrowed. This function is usually not needed--Emacs creates a fresh buffer if none already exists; but if a buffer visiting the file already exists Emacs returns that one. In this case, the buffer may be narrowed and must be widened. If we wanted to be fully `user-friendly', we would arrange to save the restriction and the location of point, but we won't.

The (goto-char (point-min)) expression moves point to the beginning of the buffer.

Then comes a while loop in which the `work' of the function is carried out. In the loop, Emacs determines the length of each definition and constructs a lengths' list containing the information.

Emacs kills the buffer after working through it. This is to save space inside of Emacs. My version of Emacs 19 contains over 300 source files of interest. Another function will apply lengths-list-file to each of them. If Emacs visits all of them and deletes none, my computer may run out of virtual memory.

Finally, the last expression within the let expression is the lengths-list variable; its value is returned as the value of the whole function.

You can try this function by installing it in the usual fashion. Then place your cursor after the following expression and type C-x C-e (eval-last-sexp).

(lengths-list-file "../lisp/debug.el")

(You may need to change the pathname of the file; the one here works if this Info file and the Emacs sources are in neighboring places, such as /usr/local/emacs/info and /usr/local/emacs/lisp. To change the expression, copy it to the `*scratch*' buffer and edit it. Then evaluate it.)

On my version of Emacs, the lengths' list for `debug.el' takes seven seconds to produce and looks like this:

(75 41 80 62 20 45 44 68 45 12 34 235)

Note that the length of the last definition in the file is first in the list.

Count Words in defuns in Different Files

In the previous section, we created a function that returns a list of the lengths of each definition in a file. Now, we want to define a function to return a master list of the lengths of the definitions in a list of files.

Working on each of a list of files is a repetitious act, so we can use either a while loop or recursion.

The design using a while loop is routine. The argument passed the function is a list of files. As we saw earlier (see section A while Loop and a List), you can write a while loop so that the body of the loop is evaluated if such a list contains elements, but to exit the loop if the list is empty. For this design to work, the body of the loop must contain an expression that shortens the list each time the body is evaluated, so that eventually the list is empty. The usual technique is to set the value of the list to the value of the CDR of the list each time the body is evaluated.

The template looks like this:

(while test-whether-list-is-empty

Also, we remember that a while loop returns nil (the result of evaluating the true-or-false-test), not the result of any evaluation within its body. (The evaluations within the body of the loop are done for their side effects.) However, the expression that sets the lengths' list is part of the body--and that is the value that we want returned by the function as a whole. To do this, we enclose the while loop within a let expression, and arrange that the last element of the let expression contains the value of the lengths' list. (See section Example with incrementing counter.)

These considerations lead us directly to the function itself:

;;; Use while loop.
(defun lengths-list-many-files (list-of-files) 
  "Return list of lengths of defuns in LIST-OF-FILES."
  (let (lengths-list)

;;; true-or-false-test
    (while list-of-files        
      (setq lengths-list

;;; Generate a lengths' list.
              (expand-file-name (car list-of-files)))))

;;; Make files' list shorter.
      (setq list-of-files (cdr list-of-files))) 

;;; Return final value of lengths' list.

expand-file-name is a built-in function that converts a file name to its absolute, long, path name form. Thus,




The only other new element of this function definition is the as yet unstudied function append, which merits a short section for itself.

The append Function

The append function attaches one list to another. Thus,

(append '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))

produces the list

(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

This is exactly how we want to attach two lengths' lists produced by lengths-list-file to each other. The results contrast with cons,

(cons '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))

which constructs a new list in which the first argument to cons becomes the first element of the new list:

((1 2 3 4) 5 6 7 8)

Recursively Count Words in Different Files

Besides a while loop, you can work on each of a list of files with recursion. A recursive version of lengths-list-many-files is short and simple.

The recursive function has the usual parts: the `do-again-test', the `next-step-expression', and the recursive call. The `do-again-test' determines whether the function should call itself again, which it will do if the list-of-files contains any remaining elements; the `next-step-expression' resets the list-of-files to the CDR of itself, so eventually the list will be empty; and the recursive call calls itself on the shorter list. The complete function is shorter than this description!

(defun recursive-lengths-list-many-files (list-of-files) 
  "Return list of lengths of each defun in LIST-OF-FILES."
  (if list-of-files                     ; do-again-test
        (expand-file-name (car list-of-files)))
        (cdr list-of-files)))))

In a sentence, the function returns the lengths' list for the first of the list-of-files appended to the result of calling itself on the rest of the list-of-files.

Here is a test of recursive-lengths-list-many-files, along with the results of running lengths-list-file on each of the files individually.

Install recursive-lengths-list-many-files and lengths-list-file, if necessary, and then evaluate the following expressions. You may need to change the files' pathnames; those here work when this Info file and the Emacs sources are located in their customary places. To change the expressions, copy them to the `*scratch*' buffer, edit them, and then evaluate them.

The results are shown after the `=>'. (These results are for files from Emacs Version 18.57; files from other versions of Emacs may produce different results.)

     => (176 154 86)

     => (116 122 265)

     => (85 179)

       => (176 154 86 116 122 265 85 179)

The recursive-lengths-list-many-files function produces the output we want.

The next step is to prepare the data in the list for display in a graph.

Prepare the Data for Display in a Graph

The recursive-lengths-list-many-files function returns a list of numbers. Each number records the length of a function definition. What we need to do now is transform this data into a list of numbers suitable for generating a graph. The new list will tell how many functions definitions contain less than 10 words and symbols, how many contain between 10 and 19 words and symbols, how many contain between 20 and 29 words and symbols, and so on.

In brief, we need to go through the lengths' list produced by the recursive-lengths-list-many-files function and count the number of defuns within each range of lengths, and produce a list of those numbers.

Based on what we have done before, we can readily foresee that it should not be too hard to write a function that `CDRs' down the lengths' list, looks at each element, determines which length range it is in, and increments a counter for that range.

However, before beginning to write such a function, we should consider the advantages of sorting the lengths' list first, so the numbers are ordered from smallest to largest. First, sorting will make it easier to count the numbers in each range, since two adjacent numbers will either be in the same length range or in adjacent ranges. Second, by inspecting a sorted list, we can discover the highest and lowest number, and thereby determine the largest and smallest length range that we will need.

Sorting Lists

Emacs contains a function to sort lists, called (as you might guess) sort. The sort function takes two arguments, the list to be sorted, and a predicate that determines whether the first of two list elements is "less" than the second.

As we saw earlier (see section Using the Wrong Type Object as an Argument), a predicate is a function that determines whether some property is true or false. The sort function will reorder a list according to whatever property the predicate uses; this means that sort can be used to sort non-numeric lists by non-numeric criteria--it can, for example, alphabetize a list.

The < function is used when sorting a numeric list. For example,

(sort '(4 8 21 17 33 7 21 7) '<)

produces this:

(4 7 7 8 17 21 21 33)

(Note that in this example, both the arguments are quoted so that the symbols are not evaluated before being passed to sort as arguments.)

Sorting the list returned by the recursive-lengths-list-many-files function is straightforward:


which produces:

(85 86 116 122 154 176 179 265)

(Note that in this example, the first argument to sort is not quoted, since the expression must be evaluated so as to produce the list that is passed to sort.)

Making a List of Files

The recursive-lengths-list-many-files function requires a list of files as its argument. For our test examples, we constructed such a list by hand; but the Emacs Lisp source directory is too large for us to do for that. Instead, we need to use the directory-files function to construct a list for us.

The directory-files function takes three arguments: the first argument is the name of a directory, a string; a non-nil second argument causes the function to return the files' absolute pathnames; and the third argument is a selector. If it contains a regular expression (rather than nil), only pathnames that match that regular expression are returned.

Thus, on my system,

 (directory-files "../lisp" t "\\.el$"))

tells me that my version 19.25 Lisp sources directory contains 307 `.el' files.

An expression to sort the list returned by recursive-lengths-list-many-files looks like this:

  (directory-files "../lisp" t "\\.el$"))

Our immediate goal is to generate a list that tells us how many function definitions contain fewer than 10 words and symbols, how many contain between 10 and 19 words and symbols, how many contain between 20 and 29 words and symbols, and so on. With a sorted list of numbers, this is easy: count how many elements of the list are smaller than 10, then, after moving past the numbers just counted, count how many are smaller than 20, then, after moving past the numbers just counted, count how many are smaller than 30, and so on. Each of the numbers, 10, 20, 30, 40, and the like, is one larger than the top of that range. We can call the list of such numbers the top-of-ranges list.

If we wanted to, we could generate this list automatically, but it is simpler to write a list manually. Here it is:

(defvar top-of-ranges
 '(10  20  30  40  50
   60  70  80  90 100
  110 120 130 140 150
  160 170 180 190 200
  210 220 230 240 250
  260 270 280 290 300)
 "List specifying ranges for `defuns-per-range'.")

To change the ranges, we edit this list.

Next, we need to write the function that creates the list of the number of definitions within each range. Clearly, this function must take the sorted-lengths and the top-of-ranges lists as arguments.

The defuns-per-range function must do two things again and again: it must count the number of definitions within a range specified by the current top-of-range value; and it must shift to the next higher value in the top-of-ranges list after counting the number of definitions in the current range. Since each of these actions is repetitive, we can use while loops for the job. One loop counts the number of definitions in the range defined by the current top-of-range value, and the other loop selects each of the top-of-range values in turn.

Several entries of the sorted-lengths list are counted for each range; this means that the loop for the sorted-lengths list will be inside the loop for the top-of-ranges list, like a small gear inside a big gear.

The inner loop counts the number of definitions within the range. It is a simple counting loop of the type we have seen before. (See section A Loop with an Incrementing Counter.) The true-or-false test of the loop tests whether the value from the sorted-lengths list is smaller than the current value of the top of the range. If it is, the function increments the counter and tests the next value from the sorted-lengths list.

The inner loop looks like this:

(while length-element-smaller-than-top-of-range
  (setq number-within-range (1+ number-within-range))     
  (setq sorted-lengths (cdr sorted-lengths)))

The outer loop must start with the lowest value of the top-of-ranges list, and then be set to each of the succeeding higher values in turn. This can be done with a loop like this:

(while top-of-ranges
  (setq top-of-ranges (cdr top-of-ranges)))

Put together, the two loops look like this:

(while top-of-ranges

  ;; Count the number of elements within the current range.
  (while length-element-smaller-than-top-of-range
    (setq number-within-range (1+ number-within-range))     
    (setq sorted-lengths (cdr sorted-lengths)))

  ;; Move to next range.
  (setq top-of-ranges (cdr top-of-ranges)))

In addition, in each circuit of the outer loop, Emacs should record the number of definitions within that range (the value of number-within-range) in a list. We can use cons for this purpose. (See section cons.)

The cons function works fine, except that the list it constructs will contain the number of definitions for the highest range at its beginning and the number of definitions for the lowest range at its end. This is because cons attaches new elements of the list to the beginning of the list, and since the two loops are working their way through the lengths' list from the lower end first, the defuns-per-range-list will end up largest number first. But we will want to print our graph with smallest values first and the larger later. The solution is to reverse the order of the defuns-per-range-list. We can do this using the nreverse function, which reverses the order of a list.

For example,

(nreverse '(1 2 3 4))


(4 3 2 1)

Note that the nreverse function is "destructive"---that is, it changes the list to which it is applied; this contrasts with the car and cdr functions, which are non-destructive. In this case, we do not want the original defuns-per-range-list, so it does not matter that it is destroyed. (The reverse function provides a reversed copy of a list, leaving the original list as is.)

Put all together, the defuns-per-range looks like this:

(defun defuns-per-range (sorted-lengths top-of-ranges)
  "SORTED-LENGTHS defuns in each TOP-OF-RANGES range."
  (let ((top-of-range (car top-of-ranges))
        (number-within-range 0)

    ;; Outer loop.
    (while top-of-ranges

      ;; Inner loop.
      (while (and 
              ;; Need number for numeric test.
              (car sorted-lengths) 
              (< (car sorted-lengths) top-of-range))

        ;; Count number of definitions within current range.
        (setq number-within-range (1+ number-within-range))
        (setq sorted-lengths (cdr sorted-lengths)))

      ;; Exit inner loop but remain within outer loop.

      (setq defuns-per-range-list
            (cons number-within-range defuns-per-range-list))
      (setq number-within-range 0)      ; Reset count to zero.

      ;; Move to next range.
      (setq top-of-ranges (cdr top-of-ranges))
      ;; Specify next top of range value.
      (setq top-of-range (car top-of-ranges)))

    ;; Exit outer loop and count the number of defuns larger than
    ;;   the largest top-of-range value.
    (setq defuns-per-range-list
           (length sorted-lengths)

    ;; Return a list of the number of definitions within each range,
    ;;   smallest to largest.
    (nreverse defuns-per-range-list)))

The function is straightforward except for one subtle feature. The true-or-false test of the inner loop looks like this:

(and (car sorted-lengths) 
     (< (car sorted-lengths) top-of-range))

instead of like this:

(< (car sorted-lengths) top-of-range)

The purpose of the test is to determine whether the first item in the sorted-lengths list is less than the value of the top of the range.

The simple version of the test works fine unless the sorted-lengths list has a nil value. In that case, the (car sorted-lengths) expression function returns nil. The < function cannot compare a number to nil, which is an empty list, so Emacs signals an error and stops the function from attempting to continue to execute.

The sorted-lengths list always becomes nil when the counter reaches the end of the list. This means that any attempt to use the defuns-per-range function with the simple version of the test will fail.

We solve the problem by using the (car sorted-lengths) expression in conjunction with the and expression. The (car sorted-lengths) expression returns a non-nil value so long as the list has at least one number within it, but returns nil if the list is empty. The and expression first evaluates the (car sorted-lengths) expression, and if it is nil, returns false without evaluating the < expression. But if the (car sorted-lengths) expression returns a non-nil value, the and expression evaluates the < expression, and returns that value as the value of the and expression.

This way, we avoid an error. See section forward-paragraph: a Goldmine of Functions, for more information about and.

Here is a short test of the defuns-per-range function. First, evaluate the expression that binds (a shortened) top-of-ranges list to the list of values, then evaluate the expression for binding the sorted-lengths list, and then evaluate the defuns-per-range function.

;; (Shorter list than we will use later.)
(setq top-of-ranges        
 '(110 120 130 140 150
   160 170 180 190 200))

(setq sorted-lengths
      '(85 86 110 116 122 129 154 176 179 200 265 300 300))

(defuns-per-range sorted-lengths top-of-ranges)

The list returned looks like this:

(2 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 4)

Indeed, there are two elements of the sorted-lengths list smaller than 110, two elements between 110 and 119, two elements between 120 and 129, and so on. There are four elements with a value of 200 or larger.

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