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IBIS user software

The IBIS package consists of a great number of programs, most of which the users do not need to familiarize themselves with. The software that is utilized is called the IBIS User Software, and it is described in this section. See the IBIS Core Software descriptions for more details on the remainder of the IBIS software.

The IBIS User Software library consists of six programs. These handle IBIS directories, IBIS data files, the IBIS numerical simulation and graphical analysis of the IBIS simulations. The programs are summarized in the following table.

{\vert cllc\vert} \hline
 & & & \  & & & \...
 ...IBIS numerical simulations & \  & & & \  \hline\end{tabular} \end{displaymath}

ibisdir creates a subdirectory for IBIS calculations and places needed files within that directory. preibis analyzes the IBIS file for a given simulation and prepares for execution of the numerical software.

ibis executes the numerical simulation and performs data handling to prepare for analysis of the data. Should a problem arise in the exection of ibis, ibiskill can be used to stop the IBIS numerical simulations and kill all IBIS processes except ibisview. If a simulation needs to be restarted for some reason, rsibis creates restart data for the IBIS numerical simulations.

Graphical data analysis is simplified by using ibisview, a point and click graphical user interface that accesses the core graphics software of the IBIS package.

In all cases, the programs check for the existence of required files. If these files are not present, then the programs create them if possible, or they terminate with a message that explains what is missing. These errors will not occur if the IBIS user software is used properly and in the proper ordering.

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David Eyre