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What is the appropriate 3D model?

Problem 1: Homogenization of a Periodic Conducting medium


\nabla^2 \phi = 0 \nonumber

in $\Omega$, subject to

n\cdot {1\over r_c} \nabla \phi = I_m(z,x)\nonumber

on the boundary $\partial \Omega_m$, where $I_m(z,x)$ is periodic in $z = {x\over \epsilon}$.

Using multiple scale analysis, we find

\phi ={1\over \epsilon} \Phi(x) + W(z) \cdot T^{-1}\nabla_x \Phi(x) +
O(\epsilon \Phi).

where $\Phi$ satisfies the equation

\nabla \cdot (\sigma \nabla \Phi) = -{\epsilon\over V}\int_{\partial \Omega_m}I_m(z,x) dS_z\nonumber

and $T$ is a coordinate transformation matrix.

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