Engineering Math Fall 2009

2250 7:30am and 12:25pm Fall 2009
Updated: Sunday December 27: 13:02PM, 2009     Today: Wednesday July 17: 15:09PM, 2024

2250 Announcements

  • Online records for dailies, maple labs, extra credit, midterms and the final exam
    December 27 records, by rank in class. No names.
  • Online records for midterms and the final exam
    December 19 midterms 1,2,3 and final exam scores, by rank in class. No names. No dailies.
  • Answers and solutions posted for the final exam on 18 December 2009. These are drafts. Corrections appreciated! Browse the Exams Page to find the solutions.
  • Final exams are available for pickup, in boxes outside 113 jwb.
  • New Slide for Chapter 8.
    Exponential matrix, Putzer formula, variation of parameters (pdf)
  • Update to Chapter 9 slide. Maple phase diagram tool.
    Dynamical System Phase Portrait (pdf)
  • New Chapter 9 slide. Three Examples for Theorem 2 in section 9.2.
    Dynamical System Classification (pdf)
  • Exam 2 answers posted. Ver 2 and Ver 3 solutions. Corrections appreciated!
  • Exam 3 answers posted for Ver 1 and Ver 2. Ver 1 solutions. No Ver 2 solutions. Corrections appreciated!
  • Final Exams: Dec 15 at 7:30am in WEB 103 for 2250-2, Dec 17 at 10:15am in JWB 335 for 2250-4. Please attend your own exam. Exceptions: Communicate by email.
  • Last day for chapters 6,7,8,9 extra credit is Monday, 14 Dec. Any time under the door.

    2250 Due Dates, Problem Notes, Reading, Maple Projects and Extra Credit

    1. Updated due dates 2250 Changes in due dates for submitted work
    2. Problem notes and FAQ 2250 Problem Notes. Extra info on dailies.
    3. Reading (2k text) 2250 Reading Schedule and Topics
    4. Reading schedule with links to slides and manuscripts (php) 2250 Reading Schedule with Links
    5. Maple Projects 2250 maple labs and maple extra credit.
    6. Extra credit problems 2250 Extra Credit. Cancel zeros and fifty-fives! More maple extra credit appears in certain chapters.

    2250 Lecture Notes, Slides and References

    1. Web log click here 2250 What happened in class? Web log of slides, lecture material and references.
    2. Notebook Computer click here Notebook computer lecture slides and documents [current]
    3. Historical References. Manuscripts Click here. Slides Click here.
      Appearing here are historical links to classroom pdf manuscripts, slides, textbook problem solutions, examples, solution outlines and maple code. See the preceding link for current slides and manuscripts.

    2250 Midterm and Final Exams

    Click here for all F2009 exam materials, including samples, old exam keys with solutions, keys to this semester's exams, and related study guides for exams.

    2250 Syllabus, Gradesheet, Reports

    1. Gustafson's 2250 gradesheet and problem list F2009. gradesheet ( 63K pdf)
    2. Gustafson's 2250 syllabus F2009. syllabus (146K pdf)
    3. 2250 format suggestions for reports How to improve your written work. Writing reports. ( 25K pdf)
    4. How to do maple graphics using a modem or dsl Low speed internet and maple graphics (3.8K txt)

    Maple Tutorials and Maplesoft offer

    1. Maplesoft Quick Reference Cards Click Here
    2. Douglas Meade's Quick Reference Card for Maple 12 Click Here
    3. A rookie maple tutorial for the impatient from Indiana University Click Here
    4. Angie Gardiner tutorial source. Save to local disk and launch it in maple. Save file (.mws) [usually right click]
    5. Details for maple 12 under unix, windows, OS/X How to use maple 12 (2k text)
    6. A Matlab cheat sheet from Strang's linear algebra course at MIT One-page sheet of matlab commands (pdf)

    OLD Engineering Math Local Documents 1998-2009

    1. Link to Spring 2009 Eng Math documents Click here
    2. Link to Fall 2008 Eng Math documents Click here
    3. Link to Spring 2008 Eng Math documents Click here
    4. Link to Fall 2007 Eng Math documents Click here
    5. Link to Spring 2007 Eng Math documents Click here
    6. Link to Fall 2006 Eng Math documents Click here
    7. Link to Spring 2006 Eng Math documents Click here
    8. Link to Fall 2005 Eng Math documents Click here
    9. Link to Spring 2005 Eng Math documents Click here
    10. Link to Fall 2004 Eng Math documents Click here
    11. Link to Spring 2004 Eng Math documents Click here
    12. Link to Fall 2003 Eng Math documents Click here
    13. Link to 1995 to Spring 2003 Eng Math documents Click Here

    FLASH Animations of applications

  • The 85 physics animations in the link below are Copyright 2002 David M. Harrison, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto.
    Harrison's physics animations
    A high percentage of the areas covered in the 85 animations touch the subject matter of this course: Chaos, Classical Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Micrometer Caliper, Miscellaneous, Nuclear, Optics, Oscilloscope, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Sound Waves, Vectors, Waves.
  • The physics animations in the link below are Copyright 2002 Dan Russell, Dept. of Physics, Kettering Univ. See in particular the movies and animations for harmonic motion, forced oscillations and resonance.
    Dan Russell's physics animations
        * Simple Harmonic Oscillator - with and without damping, transfer of energy between kinetic and potential forms
        * Damped Harmonic Oscillator - underdamped, overdamped, and critically damped
        * Forced Harmonic Oscillator - transient and steady state response to a force applied to the mass
        * The Simple Pendulum - comparing the linear approximation (small angle) with a real pendulum 
        * Coupled Oscillators - energy transfer between two mass-spring systems coupled together
        * Dynamic Absorbers - J.P. Den Hartog's classical undamped tuned dynamic absorber
        * Tacoma Narrows Bridge  - (0.668 MB mpeg movie) - when engineers don't account for resonance when designing structures

    Mail address:
            Grant B. Gustafson
            155 South 1400 East Room 233
            Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
    Office phone: (801) 581-6879

    For email address, see class notes or click here for the doorcard.

    Link to Department of Mathematics, University of Utah pagerank 
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