Grant Gustafson at

Engineering Math Spring 2008

Updated: Monday May 12: 07:32AM, 2008   Today: Friday March 07: 01:40AM, 2025
  • Monday, May 12, 2008: Edits made to records for both classes.
    If you cannot find your exam scores in one file then try looking in the other file.
    2250 [7:30am records] May 12, 2008 records for 7:30 class exam scores and dailies Text file (87k)
    2250 [10:45am records] May 12, 2008 records for 10:45 class exam scores and dailies Text file (105k)
  • Thursday May 8, 2008: Dailies finished and grades recorded at registrar's site.
    Grades are NOT posted until 12 May.
    Complete electronic records are available now for exam scores and all dailies and Xc work.
    Corrections for exam scores should be emailed immediately. Dailies should be corrected only if they will effect the final grade. If in doubt, then just email the corrections.
    If you cannot find your exam scores in one file then try looking in the other file.
    See above for most recent files.
  • Monday May 5, 2008: All final exams are graded and outside the door of 113jwb in a separate box, included those done or corrected since the May 1 posting.
  • Monday May 5, 2008: Fixed some exam scores, it may have changed your rank in class.
  • Sunday May 4, 2008: All dailies are graded and located in the boxes outside the door of 113jwb. All Xc work from ch6, ch7, ch10, Lab7, Lab8 remains in my office. You may pick it up during office hours until Sept 2008.
  • Friday May 2, 2008: Both class records have been re-done. Please discard your class rank and exams average from May 1. Thanks to B.Loomis, the computation error [one wrong column in excel] was found right away, before anything useful was made of the grades.
  • Mon Apr 28, 2008: All final exams given. Grading proceeds until Friday, 2 May. Please wait for online electronic records until May 3. Edits accepted until May 12, when final grades will be posted.
  • Sun Apr 20, 2008: All keys online for midterms 1,2,3 S2008.
  • Sat Apr 5, 2008: Final exam dates listed in the syllabus and gradesheet were corrected. These are 7:30am on 28 Apr in JTB 140 and 10:10am on 25 Apr in LCB219.
  • Sun Jan 6, 2008, 17:56:03: Changes made to problem numbers for semester work.

    2250 7:30 and 10:45 Due Dates and Problem Notes

    1. 2250 [7:30am, 10:45am] Changes in due dates for submitted work Updated due dates
    2. 2250 [7:30am, 10:45am] Problem Notes. Extra info on dailies. Problem notes and FAQ
    3. 2250 [7:30am, 10:45am] Reading Schedule and Topics Text file (2k)

    2250 7:30 and 10:45 Web References

    1. 2250 [7:30am, 10:45am] What happened in class? Web log of material and references. Click here
    2. 2250 [7:30am, 10:45am] Weekly web references Click here

    2250 7:30 and 10:45 Extra Credit

    1. 2250 [7:30am, 10:45am] Extra Credit. Cancel those zeros and fifty-fives! Extra credit problems

    2250 Syllabus, Gradesheet, Reports

    1. Gustafson's 2250 (7:30am, 10:45am) gradesheet and problem list S2008.
      7:30 and 10:45 gradesheet ( 43K pdf)
    2. Gustafson's 2250 (7:30am, 10:45am) syllabus S2008.
      7:30 and 10:45 syllabus (122K pdf)
    3. 2250 format suggestions for reports
      How to improve your written work. Writing reports. ( 43K pdf)

    Maple labs 2250

    Click here for all S2008 maple labs and maple extra credit. Some maple extra credit also appears on the extra credit pages for each chapter.

    2250 Midterm and Final Exams

    Click here for all S2008 exam materials, including samples, old exam keys with solutions, keys to this semester's exams, and related study guides for exams.

    DE and Linear Algebra Lecture Slides

    Click here for all classroom projection materials, including slides, pdf documents, examples, special solutions and maple code. Most are from 2000-2006. Newest references appear on the Lecture Record Page Click here.

    DE and Linear Algebra manuscripts

    Click here for longer classroom pdf manuscripts, slides, textbook problem solutions, examples, solution outlines and maple code. This page catalogs a number of longer pdf documents that augment the textbook materials or explain a particular topic in detail. Not all topics are in the course syllabus. Relevant references for the current semester appear on the Lecture Record Page Click here.

    OLD Engineering Math Local Documents 1998-2007

    1. Link to Fall 2007 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    2. Link to Spring 2007 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    3. Link to Fall 2006 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    4. Link to Spring 2006 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    5. Link to Fall 2005 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    6. Link to Spring 2005 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    7. Link to Fall 2004 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    8. Link to Spring 2004 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    9. Link to Fall 2003 Eng Math documents
      Click here
    10. Link to 1995 to Spring 2003 Eng Math documents
      Click Here

    FLASH Animations of applications

  • The 85 physics animations in the link below are Copyright 2002 David M. Harrison, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto.
    Harrison's physics animations
    A high percentage of the areas covered in the 85 animations touch the subject matter of this course: Chaos, Classical Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Micrometer Caliper, Miscellaneous, Nuclear, Optics, Oscilloscope, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Sound Waves, Vectors, Waves.
  • The physics animations in the link below are Copyright 2002 Dan Russell, Dept. of Physics, Kettering Univ. See in particular the movies and animations for harmonic motion, forced oscillations and resonance.
    Dan Russell's physics animations
        * Simple Harmonic Oscillator - with and without damping, transfer of energy between kinetic and potential forms
        * Damped Harmonic Oscillator - underdamped, overdamped, and critically damped
        * Forced Harmonic Oscillator - transient and steady state response to a force applied to the mass
        * The Simple Pendulum - comparing the linear approximation (small angle) with a real pendulum 
        * Coupled Oscillators - energy transfer between two mass-spring systems coupled together
        * Dynamic Absorbers - J.P. Den Hartog's classical undamped tuned dynamic absorber
        * Tacoma Narrows Bridge  - (0.668 MB mpeg movie) - when engineers don't account for resonance when designing structures

    Mail address:
            Grant B. Gustafson
            155 South 1400 East Room 233
            Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
    Office phone: (801) 581-6879

    For email address, see class notes or click here for the doorcard.

    Link to Department of Mathematics, University of Utah