Anonymous Feedback Form for Y.-P.'s Students

All information supplied in this form is completely anonymous.

    Course and Section Number: 

    How effectively is class time used? Is there an appropriate
    mixture of concepts vs. examples? How could the instructor make
    better use of class time?

    Is the pace of the class appropriate? If appropriate, was the
    transition between your last math course and your current course

    Is the classroom a comfortable learning environment and do you
    feel comfortable asking questions during or after class or during
    the instructors office hours? Offer suggestions for improvement if

    Are the lectures interesting and inspirational? Are topics and
    examples presented appropriate to the course? Is the instructor
    enthusiastic and prepared for class? Offer suggestions for
    improvement if appropriate.

    Have consistent goals, procedures, and expectations of the
    instructor been established for the course? Has the instructor
    followed through with these goals?

    Is the classwork (homework, projects, tests,...) appropriate and
    enlightening? Is grading fair and consistent? How much time per
    week do you typically spend on classwork? Do you study alone, in
    the tutoring center, or in a group?

    What grade to you expect to get in this class, and why?

    If a friend planned to take a course from this instructor, what
    would you tell them?

    Additional comments:

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