Instructor: Y.P. Lee, JWB 305
Office Hours: TH 13:45-2:30 and by appointments.
Time. TH 12:25-13:45.
Room. AEB 340.
Course Information
Discrete mathematics and its applications, Seventh Edition, by Kenneth Rosen. ISBN-13: 978-0073383095.
(It can be purchased at U Bookstore or at various online sites.)
Class starts on 9th January and ends on 24th April, with final exam on 2nd May. Holidays: 15 Jan, 19 Feb, 18-25 Mar.
Subject: Math.
Catalogue Number: 2200.
Class Index Number: 8032.
This class plans to cover the entire textbook (for the most part).
The pace will be brisk and students are expected to work hard outside the classroom.
Topics to be covered include: Fundamentals of logic, set theory, order, relations, functions. Elementary number theory, modular arithmetic. Combinatorics; counting permutations, generating functions, matrix operations. Basic algebraic structures; groups, rings. Discrete probability. Introduction to graph theory, trees, search optimization problems. Boolean algebra.
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C" or better in (MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1260 OR MATH 1270 OR MATH 1311 OR MATH 1320 OR MATH 1321 OR MATH 2210) OR AP Calc BC score of 5.
Permission code:
To get the permission code, please visit
mathematics department homepage.
Homework: Homework will be assigned in the class and
posted at the class website afterwards.
HW assignments are collected on the following Tuesday.
UMail: Students are required to check their UMail accounts for
important information regarding this class.
(One way is to setup forwarding to your gmail or other email accounts.)
When emailing, please put 2200 in the subject line.
Use Umail whenever possible on private matters.
For assistance regarding UMail, please call 581.4000.
Exams (tentative as of 6th March)
Location: AEB 340, the lecture room, unless otherwise announced.
1st Midterm: Tuesday, 30 Jan
2nd Midterm: Thursday, 22 Feb
3rd Midterm: Thursday, 29 Mar
4th Midterm: Thursday, 19 or 24 Apr
Final Exam: Wednesday, 2 May, 10:30-12:30.
(*) Depending on the schedule, 4th midterm exam might be cancelled at the discretion of the instructor.
Note: All exams are cumulative.
Only pencils are allowed during the exams.
No calculators, computers, books, notes etc.
Important! Please make sure that you can attend all exams.
No makeup exam is possible without a documented exceptional reason.
In most cases, makeup exam must be authorized by the instructor and be held
prior to the scheduled exam date.
Grading Policy
Grades are based on the following scheme: 10% Homeork,
60% for midterm exams, and 30% for the final exam.
No alternative scheme unless authorized by the instructor in advance.
Additional Resources: The Math Center offers free tutoring, a computer lab, and study areas for undergraduates. Math Center is adjacent to the LCB and JWB. For information on the hours of the lab or tutoring center, please check on the website: The univeristy provides low cost Private Tutoring at University Tutoring Services at 330 SSB. There is also a list of tutors at the Math Department office, JWB 233
How to do well in this class? The answer is straightforward and old-fashioned: Prepare for Class, Keep Up, and Do the Homework Problems. The exams will contain at least 80% from material covered in lecturs and homework problems, with little modification. A sure way to get a good grade is to study for the class, and do the assignments as if you are taking the tests, without the help of the book, notes and computers. It also helps a great deal to ask questions during and after the lectures, especially after you have already (p)reviewed the material.
Instructor's comments: The goal of this class is to have students learn the material well and then to give them fair and accurate grades. To achieve this goal, the instructor believes in serious homework problems and hard exams. Serious problems make students learn more and better. Hard exams give a better evaluation of students' learning. In other words, if you are taking this class just to get a passing grade and with no intention to learn, consider taking another class.