Homework Answers/Hints

Homework 3, due 9/17

Section 3.1

32. Hint: Image is spanned by column vectors. Don't necessarily think square matrix here.
33. Try a linear transformation from R3 to R1.
44. a. Yes. Kernel is the set of solutions to some linear system. What does changing to rref do to the solutions of a linear system?
b. No. For example, look at a 2 x 2 matrix with all 1's in it.
48. a. If w is in the image of A, w=Av for some v. Plug in...
b. rank(A)=2 implies...? rank(a)=0 implies...?
c. Skip for now.
50. Yes. Think about this one, and ask if you're stuck.

Section 3.2

4. Yes.
6. a. Yes. b. No.
7. Yes. How do you get 0?
37. Think about projections.

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