Glasnik Matematicki, Vol.30, No.1 (1995)
Abstracts of the papers in dvi and postcript format are
available. To see the dvi file, click on "dvi". To see
the postcript file, click on "ps".
- M. Garapic, The non-existence of symmetric design for (81,16,3)
having A_5 as an automorphism group, (3-8)
dvi, ps
- Lj. Marangunic, On symmetric block designs (81,16,3) with
involutory automorphism fixing 17 points, (9-16)
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- I. Gusic, Weak Hasse principle for cubic forms, (17-24)
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- M. Pasteka, Note on ideals inpolyadic numbers, (25-28)
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- B. Srivastava, A note on certain bibasic q-Appell
and Lauricella series, (29-36)
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- J. Morchalo, Perturbation theorem for nonlinear system of
difference equations, (37-48)
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- N. De Grande-De Kimpe and C. Perez-Garcia, On the complementation
of C(E,F) in L(E,F) for non-archimedean fields,
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- M. Cho, T. Huruya and M. Itoh, Spectra of completely p-hyponormal
operators, (61-68)
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- T. Mizokami, Hyperspaces of a Moore space and d -paracompact
space, (69-72)
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- I. Loncar, Approximate limits of m-compact spaces,
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- T. Miyata, Homology, cohomology, and uniform shape, (85-110)
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- N. Mramor-Kosta, A parametrized Borsuk-Ulam theorem for Banach
bundles, (111-128)
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- M. Cencelj, Cellular T-equivariant cohomology, (129-134)
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- H. Thiemann, Strong shape and fibration, (135- )
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