Glasnik Matematicki, Vol.29, No.1 (1994)
Abstracts of the papers in dvi and postcript format are
available. To see the dvi file, click on "dvi". To see
the postcript file, click on "ps".
- V. Cepulic, Elementary abelian 2-groups acting on biplanes
(121, 16, 2), (1-8)
dvi, ps
- S. Pfaff, Non-existence of a biplane (121, 16, 2) with the
automorphism group A_5, (9-16)
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- M. Garapic, Triplanes for (71, 15, 3) admitting a solvable
group of order 168 acting non-semistandardly, (17-24)
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- D. Adamovic, Some rational vertex algebras, (25-40)
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- Lj. Dedic, Stochastic integral as a spectral integral,
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- A. Mikelic, Mathematical derivation of the Darcy-type law
with memory effects, governing transient flow through
porous media, (57-78)
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- M. Jurak, On the limit behavior of the solutions of a
sequence of generalized eigenproblems in different Hilbert
spaces, (79-96)
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- I. Franic, A remark on the strict convexity for
seminorms II, (97-100)
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- S.C. Arora and Anuradha, Modulus of quasi diagonality,
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- B. Guenther, Approximate resolutions in strong shape theory,
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- T. Miyata, Uniform shape theory, (123-168)
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- D. Repovs and P.V. Semenov, On continuous choice in the
definition of continuity, (169-175)
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- R. Manger, A fast parallel algorithm for solving path
problems in DAG-s, (175-189)
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