From the text:
Section 11.2 page 333 (second edition), #1ac,
Section 11.3 page 338-340 (second edition), #1ad.
(#5,7,13 will be due next Friday.)
Also, from the notes for Friday June 30:
HW1: Compute the infinity norm, the 1 norm, the 2 norm and the
operator norm for the 2 by 2 matrix T equal to:
[ 1 -1 ]
[ 1 -1 ]
HW2: Prove that the operator norm for matrices satisfies the three
abstract ``norm'' properties:
(ii) ||T|| is non-negative, and equals zero if
and only if T is the zero matrix.
(iii) ||sT|| = |s| ||T||, for scalars s.
(iv) ||T + M|| is less than or equal to ||T|| + ||M||. (triangle inequality)
Grading: Total=20: HW1: 2 points; HW2: 3 points (1 point each part);
11.3 #1a,d: 1 point each; 11.2 #1ad: 2 points each (1 point for derivative
matrix and 1 point for differentiability justification); #2: 3 points;
#3: 2 points; #5: 2 points; #7: 2 points.