Math 2280-001
Spring 2015

2280-001 home page
Professor Korevaar's home page
Department of Mathematics
College of Science
University of Utah

Homework assignments will usually be posted a week before they are due (generally on Fridays). A subset of the underlined problems will be graded; if a problem is not underlined it is recommended and/or may be good for practice, but need not be handed in. Solutions and point values for graded problems will be posted after assignments are collected.

Recommended homework_guidelines.pdf for formatting your homework solutions.

Due January 16
    hw1.pdf Note: Problem 40 in section 1.2 is postponed until next week.
    text_1.1-1.3.pdf Sections 1.1-1.3 of the text.
    hw1sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     1.1: 6, 27, 30 = 2 points each, 34 = 1 point;
     1.2: 7 = 1 point, 16 = 2 points; 26abc = 1 point each; week1.1bc = 2 points each; week1.2a = 1 point, b = 2 points.

Due January 23
    Sections_1.3-1.5.pdf  of the text, for students who don't have the textbook yet.
hw2sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     1.2: week 2.1a = 1 point, 2.1b = 2 points
     1.3: 11 = 1 point, week 2.2a = 2 points, b = 1 point; week 2.3abc = 1 point each; week 2.4ab = 1 point each;
     1.4: 12 = 2 points; 45abc = 1 point each; 49 = 2 points, 50a = 1 point.

Due January 30
      mapleintro.pdf introduction to Maple .pdf is printable; open .mw using "open URL", from Maple.
      maplecommands.pdf useful commands for Math 2280....
    hw3sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     1.5: 8, week 3.1, 36a, = 2 points each; 38a = 1 point, 38b = 2 points; week 3.2a = 1 point, b = 2 points.
     1.6 (with technology): week 3.3ab = 1 point each.
     2.1: 3 = 1 point, 12 = 2 points, 23ab, week 3.4 = 1 point each.
     2.2: not graded, but quiz asked a question like this.

Due February 6
    hw4.pdf   NOTE: Due date for (just) the numerical methods part of your homework, sections 2.4-2.6, is extended to Monday Feb 9, at 5:00 PM. Specifically, this means problems 2.4.4, 2.5.4, 2.6.4, week 4.2 (on Simpson's rule, related to Runge-Kutta), week 4.3 (famous numbers).
    hw4asols.pdf solutions (2.2-2.3)
    hw4bsols.pdf solutions (2.4-2.6)
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     2.2: week4.1abcd = 1 point each.
     2.3: 2, 9, 10 = 2 points each 13, 14, 25a = 1 point each.
     2.4-2.6: week 4.2a = 2 points, 4.2b = 1 point, week 4.3ab = 2 points each.

Due February 13
    hw5sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     3.1: 10, 14 = 2 points each; week 5.1b = 1 point.
     3.2: 8 = 2 points, 25 = 1 point; week 5.3bdef = 1 point each
     3.3: week 5.4ade = 2 points each, for the math. Plus, 2 points total for technology checks on abcde.

Due February 20
    hw6sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     3.3: week 5.1b = 1 point, c= 2 points; week 5.2abc = 1 point each
     3.4: 2, 10 = 2 points each; week 5.3abcde = 2 points each

Due February 27
    hw7sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     3.4: 5, 23a = 1 point each, 23b = 2 points; week 7.1ab= 1 point each, c = 2 points
     3.5: week 7.2abcde = 2 points each, 52 = 2 points.

Due March 6
    hw8sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     3.6: 20 = 2 points, week 8.1bcd = 2 points each; week 8.2abc = 2 points each; week 8.3ab = 2 points each
     3.7: 11 = 2 points

Due March 13
    hw9sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     4.1: 32 = 2 points, week 9.1abcde = 1 point each.
     5.1: 13 = 1 point, 22 = 2 points, week 9.2a = 2 points
     5.2 week 9.3 = 2 points, week 9.4c = 2 points, d = 3 points, e = 1 point.

Due March 27
     Note: The fifth edition of the our contains a newly created section 5.3, "A Gallery of Solution Curves of Linear Systems."
     For students using the fourth edition, here is that new section: Section5.3.pdf.
     Then section 5.3 in the fourth edition is section 5.4 in the fifth edition, and the rest of Chapter 5 section numbering will also be similarly displaced.
     Note: problems week10.1 and week10.3 are postponed until Wednesday April 1. (Exam 2 is on Friday April 3.)
    hw10sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     5.3: 4, 6, 8, 11 = 2 points each
     5.4: 2, 8, 12, 16, 18, week 10.2 = 2 points each.

Due Wednesday April 1 (exam 2 is on Friday)
    hw11sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     5.4: week 10.1ab = 2 points each; week 10.3 = 4 points
     5.5: 2 (no phase portrait necessary), 7, 12, 16 = 3 points each.

Due April 10
    hw12sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     5.6: 2 = 2 points, 3, 23, 25 = 3 points each
     5.7: 13, 23, week 12.1 = 3 points each.

Due April 17
    hw13sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     7.1-7.3: week 13.1,13.2,13.3a = 2 points each; 13.3b = 1 point, 13.4a = 2 points, 13.4b = 1 point; 13.5, 13.6, 13.7ac, 13.8a = 2 points each.

Due April 24
    hw14.pdf problems 9.3.19, 9.3.20 and week 14.6 are postponed until the final assignment (which will be due Wednesday April 29 at 5:00 p.m.)
    hw14sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     Laplace transform: week 14.1 = 3 points, 7.4.2, 37, 7.5.31 = 2 points each
     Fourier series: 9.1.30ab = 1 point each; week 14.2, 9.2.2, 9.2.9 = 2 points each; week 14.3ab, week 14.4 = 1 point each.

Due April 29 Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
    hw15sols.pdf solutions
    grading: 20 points, distributed as follows
     9.3: 19, 20 = 3 points each, week 14.6 = 2 points
     9.4 week 15.1 = 2 points, 15.2a = 1 point, 15.2b = 2 points, 15.3 = 2 points, 15.4a = 2 points, b = 1 point, c = 2 points.