Logistics: Math 2250-010 meets MWF 8:05-9:25 a.m. in SW 137. If you are enrolled in this lecture class then you are also enrolled in one of the lab sections led by Stephen Bagley: 2250-011: H 8:35-9:25 AM AEB 310 2250-012: W 12:55-01:45 PM LCB 225 Most of your lab meetings will be devoted to working together on homework/project problems, in a student-centered format. After the first week of classes homework will be assigned on Fridays and due the subsequent Friday. (There will be an assignment due on the first Friday of classes.) Lab work that is not part of the homework due on Friday will be handed in before class on the following Wednesday. Stephen holds two office hours a week in the WEB 1622 tutoring room, Mondays 11:30-12:30 and Tuesdays 2:15-3:15. There are engineering math TA's staffing that room for many additional hours each week - not all of these TA's are for Math 2250, but they may still be helpful even if they are not. Here is the current schedule of WEB 1622 TA's/Prof's and times: WEB_1622_schedule.txt. I will hold office hours as well. These are tentatively set up as follows: Wednesdays 4:30-6:00 PM and Thursdays 10-11 AM in WEB 1622; Tuesdays 10-11 AM in my office LCB 204 If you need to see me outside of office hours, we can set up an appointment. You're free to drop by my office whenever you want, but I'll chase you away if I'm busy. (Also, I'll be spending about half my time in the Associate Chair office JWB 236, and won't be available then.) My phone number is 801-581-7318 and my email address is korevaar "at" math.utah.edu. Course details: This 2250-010 syllabus contains detailed course information, including course learning objectives, outline, grading policy, expected schedule etc. Note that you will be required to get a grade of at least "C" on the final exam in order to get a grade of at least "C" for the course. Class lecture notes will be in this directory. Homework assignments will be in this directory. This will include copies of your lab questions. Exams will be in this directory. This will include copies of your quizzes and their solutions. Homework, lab, quiz and exam grades will be recorded on-line, using "CANVAS" understanding mathematics  is the top google hit for that query. If you're having trouble in this class it could be that you need to rethink how you try to learn mathematics, and that link might help. Please contact me as well, and we'll see if there are some different or additional strategies you might employ. The Kahn Academy and patrickJMT are good on-line resources for many of the topics in our course. Coming to and participating in the scheduled lectures and labs is also extremely important for most people who wish to learn the course material. 2250fall13 is the directory from my Math 2250 class this past fall. The pacing this spring should be similar, although the lecture-lab format and three extended lecture meetings per week rather than four 50-minute sessions is different from previous semesters. |