# Math 2250 Maple Project 2, March 2002 # Spring 2002 revision of David Eyre's project (original was year 2000). # # Name:______________________________ 2250 Section ___________ # Class Time ___________ # # There are six (6) problems in this project. You are expected to answer # the questions A, B, C , ... # associated with each problem. The original worksheet "project2.mws" # is a template for the solution; # you must fill in the code and all comments. Sample code can be copied # with the mouse. Please use pencil # freely to annotate the worksheet and to clarify any code or figure # presented herein. # # The problem headers: # 2.1. OVERDAMPED FREE OSCILLATIONS. The first four # problems study the # 2.2. UNDERDAMPED FREE OSCILLATIONS. simplest linear # model for x(t). # 2.3. UNDAMPED FORCED OSCILLATIONS (c=0). # 2.4. DAMPED FORCED OSCILLATIONS (c>0). # 2.5. LARGE SUSTAINED OSCILLATIONS. This is the # second, nonlinear model. # 2.6. MCKENNA NON-HOOKES LAW CABLE MODEL. This is the third, # nonlinear model. # # FREE OSCILLATIONS. Consider the general problem of free linear # oscillations # # m x'' + c x' + k x=0, # x(0)=x0, x'(0)=v0, # # where m, c and k are non-negative constants. The symbols # x0 and v0 are the initial position and initial velocity, # respectively. # # 2.1. PROBLEM (OVERDAMPED FREE OSCILLATIONS) # # A. Let m=1, k=4. Suggest a value for parameter c > 0 so that the # free oscillations are overdamped. This # value will be used in items B, C, D below. Check your answer # by solving the characteristic equation # using Maple's "solve" command. # # B. Use x(0)=1 and x'(0)= -2 for the initial conditions and Maple's # "dsolve" to find the explicit # real solution x(t). Plot the solution x(t) for t=0 to t=5 # using Maple's "plot" command. # # C. Suggest new values for x(0) and x'(0) such that the solution is # non-negative, increases near t=0 but # eventually decreases with limit zero at t=infinity. Find the # explicit solution and plot it for t=0 to t=5. # # D. Suggest new values for x(0) and x'(0) such that the solution # changes sign exactly once on t>0, then # decreases to zero at t=infinity. Find the explicit solution # and plot it for t=0 to t=5. # # EXAMPLE(Wrong parameters! Change it!) # de:=diff(x(t),t,t)+1.5*diff(x(t),t)+4*x(t)=0: # ic:=x(0)=1,D(x)(0)= -2: # dsolve({de,ic},x(t),method=laplace); # X:=unapply(rhs(%),t): # plot(X(t),t=0..5); > > #2.1-A > > #2.1-B > > #2.1-C > > #2.1-D > > # 2.2. PROBLEM (UNDERDAMPED FREE OSCILLATIONS) # # A. Let m=2, c=4. Find a parameter value k> 5 so that the # solution x(t) # changes sign infinitely many times and decays to zero at # t=infinity. # Plot the solution for initial values x(0)=0, x'(0)= 1 on t=0 # to t=5. # # B. Estimate from the graph the pseudoperiod of the solution. # # C. Calculate the pseudoperiod from the solution formula, and # verify your answer is # consistent with 2.2.B. # > > #2.2-A Choose m=2,c=4. Define k, then solve and plot. > #2.2-B > #2.2-C > # FORCED LINEAR OSCILLATIONS. # Consider the forced problem # # x'' + 4 x = Fcos(wt), # x(0)=x0, x'(0)=v0, # # where w is a non-negative constant and F is a nonzero constant. # The symbols x0 and v0 are the initial position and initial # velocity, # respectively. # # 2.3. PROBLEM (UNDAMPED FORCED OSCILLATIONS (c=0)) # # A. Choose w=4.5, so that the forcing frequency w is 3 times # larger # than the natural frequency w0=1.5. Let F=1, x0=0, v0=0. # Solve for x(t) using dsolve(). # Plot the solution x(t) on a suitable interval in order to # show the global behavior of # the solution x(t). # # B. The solution x(t) is the sum of two functions, one of period # 2Pi/w and the other of period 2Pi/w0. # Find the period of x(t) by examining the graph and the # equation for x(t). # # C. Calculate the period of x(t) from the solution formula (see # page 341 for how to do this # in general). Verify your answer is consistent with 2.3.B. # # D. Let F=10. Suggest a value for the forcing frequency w so # that the oscillations exhibit # resonance. Show resonant behavior on a graph using initial # values x(0)=0, x'(0)=0. > # > #2.3-A # > #2.3-B > #2.3-C > #2.3-D > # 2.4. PROBLEM (DAMPED FORCED OSCILLATIONS (c>0)) # Consider the forced problem # # x'' + 2 x' + 20 x = 10cos(t), # x(0)=0, x'(0)=0, # # A. Solve for x(t) and plot the solution on t=0 to t=10. # # B. Extract from the Part A solution x(t) the steady-state # solution xss(t). Plot it # on t=0 to t=10. # # C. Consider the equation x'' + c x' + 20 x = 5cos(wt), where c=2, # c=1 or c=1/2. Compute the # amplitude function C(w) of xss(t) [page 346] for these three # equations, then plot for w=0 to w=20 # the three amplitude graphs on a single set of axes. # # D. Consider the equation x'' + c x' + 20 x = 5 cos(wt). For each # case c=2, c=1, c=1/2, print the # values w*, C* where C*=C(w*)=max {C(w) : 0 <= w <= 20}. # The three data pairs should # show that C* becomes larger as c tends to zero. SAVE YOUR # MAPLE FILE FREQUENTLY # # Maple Hint: Use Maple's mouse interface on the graphic of # Part C. Specifically, click on a possible # maximum (horizontal tangent) in the graph to display the # values w*, C* on the screen. Copy the # values on paper. # # EXAMPLE(Beware! Wrong values!) # F:=15: m:=1: k:=25: c:='c': w:='w': # C:=(w,c)->F/sqrt((k-m*w*w)^2+(c*w)^2): # plot({C(w,4),C(w,3),C(w,2)},w=0..15,color=black); # Cmax:=evalf(maximize(C(w,2),w=0..20,location)); # > > #2.4-A Solve and plot. > #2.4-B Define and plot xss(t). > #2.4-C Plot C(w), three graphics on one set of axes > #2.4-D Table of six data values for w*, C* > # NONLINEAR MODEL WITH GEOMETRY INCLUDED. # Consider the nonlinear, forced, damped oscillator equation for # torsional motion, with bridge geometry # included, # # x'' + 0.05 x' + 2.4 sin(x)cos(x) = 0.06 cos (12 t/10) , # x(0) = x0, x'(0) = v0 # # and its corresponding linearized equation # # x'' + 0.05 x' + 2.4 x = 0.06 cos (12 t/10) , # x(0) = x0, x'(0) = v0. # # The spring-mass system parameters are m=1, c = 0.05, k = 2.4, w = # 1.2 , F = 0.06. # Maple code used to solve and plot the solutions appears below. # # # WARNING: set the parameters on the second line! # m:=1: F := 0.06: w := 1.2: m:=1: c:= 0.05: k:= 2.4: # x0:=0: v0:=0: a:=0: b:=50: # deNonLinear:= m*diff(x(t),t,t) + c*diff(x(t),t) + # k*sin(x(t))*cos(x(t)) = F*cos(w*t): # deLinear:= m*diff(x(t),t,t) + c*diff(x(t),t) + k*x(t) = F*cos(w*t): # with(DEtools): opts:=stepsize=0.1: # # DEplot(deNonLinear,x(t),t=a..b,[[x(0)=x0,D(x)(0)=v0]],opts,title='NonL # inear'); # # DEplot(deLinear,x(t),t=a..b,[[x(0)=x0,D(x)(0)=v0]],opts,title='Linear' # ); # # 2.5. PROBLEM (LARGE SUSTAINED OSCILLATIONS) # # A. Let x0=0, v0=0. Plot the solutions of the linear and # nonlinear equations from t=160 to t=260. # These plots represent the steady state solutions of the two # equations. # # B. Let x0=1.25, v0=0. Plot the solutions of the linear and # nonlinear equations from t=220 to t=320. # These plots represent the steady state solutions of the two # equations. # # C. Argue in a sentence why the two linear plots have to be # identical, based upon the # superposition formula x(t)=xh(t)+xss(t), even though the # homogeneous solution # xh(t) is different for the two plots. Please include a # discussion of the size of xh(t) # on the corresponding t-interval. # # D. Determine the ratio of the apparent amplitudes (a number > 1) # for the nonlinear plots # and explain why "large sustained oscillations" is an # appropriate description of the # nonlinear steady-state behavior. # > > #2.5-A > #2.5-B > #2.5-C > # MCKENNA'S NON-HOOKE'S LAW CABLE MODEL FOR THE TACOMA NARROWS BRIDGE # # The model of McKenna studies the bridge with a nonlinear, forced, # damped # oscillator equation for torsional motion that accounts for the # non-Hooke's law # cables coupled to the equations for vertical motion. The equations in # this # case couple the torsional motion with the vertical motion. The # equations are: # # x'' + c x' - k G(x,y) = F sin wt, x(0) = x0, x'(0) = x1, # y'' + c y' + (k/3) H(x,y) = g , y(0) = y0, y'(0) = y1, # # where x(t) is the torsional motion and y(t) is the vertical motion. # The functions # G(x,y) and H(x,y) are the models of the force generated by the cable # when # it is contracted and stretched. Below is sample code for writing the # differential # equations and for plotting the solutions. It is ready to copy with the # mouse. # # with(DEtools): # # w := 1.3: F := 0.05: f(t) := F*sin(w*t): # # c := 0.01: k1 := 0.2: k2 := 0.4: g := 9.8: L := 6: # # STEP:=x->piecewise(x<0,0,1): # fp(t) := y(t)+(L*sin(x(t))): # fm(t) := y(t)-(L*sin(x(t))): # Sm(t) := STEP(fm(t))*fm(t): # Sp(t) := STEP(fp(t))*fp(t): # sys := { # diff(x(t),t,t) + c*diff(x(t),t) - # k1*cos(x(t))*(Sm(t)-Sp(t))=f(t), # diff(y(t),t,t) + c*diff(y(t),t) + k2*(Sm(t)+Sp(t)) = g}: # ic := [[x(0)=0, D(x)(0)=0, y(0)=27.25, D(y)(0)=0]]: # vars:=[x(t),y(t)]: # opts:=stepsize=0.1: # DEplot(sys,vars,t=0..300,ic,opts,scene=[t,x]); # # The amazing thing that happens in this simulation is that the large # vertical oscillations take # all the tension out of the springs and they induce large torsional # oscillations. # # 2.6. PROBLEM. ( MCKENNA'S NON-HOOKE'S LAW CABLE MODEL) # # A. TORSIONAL OSCILLATION PLOT. Get the sample code above to produce # the plot of x(t) # [that's what scene=[t,x] means]. # # B. Estimate the number of degrees the roadway oscillates based on the # plot; recall that x in the # plot is reported in radians. # # Hint: Average the five largest amplitudes in the plot to find an # average maximum amplitude # for t=0 to t=300. Convert to degrees using Pi radians = 180 # degrees. # # C. VERTICAL OSCILLATION PLOT. Modify the DEplot code to scene=[t,y] # and plot the # oscillation y(t) on t=0 to t=300. The plot is supposed to show # 30-foot vertical oscillations # that dampen to 7-foot vertical oscillations after 300 seconds. # Imagine the auto in the Tacoma # Narrows film clip undergoing 30-foot vertical excursions! # > > #2.6-A Torsional plot t-versus-x > #2.6-B Roadway oscillation estimate in degrees > #2.6-C Vertical plot t-versus-y >