Two-dimensional bumps in piecewise smooth neural
fields with synaptic depression.
Two-dimensional bumps in piecewise smooth neural
fields with synaptic depression.
Paul C Bressloff and Zachary P Kilpatrick
SIAM J Appl. Math. 71 (2011), pp. 379-408.
Abstract: We analyze radially symmetric bumps in a
two-dimensional piecewise-smooth neural field model with synaptic
depression. The continuum dynamics is described in terms of a nonlocal
integrodifferential equation, in which the integral kernel represents
the spatial distribution of synaptic weights between populations of
neurons whose mean firing rate is taken to be a Heaviside function of
local activity. Synaptic depression dynamically reduces the strength
of synaptic weights in response to increases in activity. We show that
in the case of a Mexican hat weight distribution, sufficiently strong
synaptic depression can destabilize a stationary bump solution that
would be stable in the absence of depression. Numerically it is found
that the resulting instability leads to the formation of a traveling
spot. The local stability of a bump is determined by solutions to a
system of pseudolinear equations that take into account the sign of perturbations around the circular bump boundary.