Zachary P. Kilpatrick

NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow (MSPRF)
Department of Mathematics
University of Pittsburgh
504 Thackeray Hall
Pittsburgh PA 15260
zpkilpat "at" pitt | "dot" | edu


Complex Biological Systems Group
SIAM Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor)
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition

Reviewer for:
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
SIAM Books
Physical Review E
Physica D
Journal of Mathematical Biology
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
PLoS One

Upcoming Conferences
SIAM Life Sciences (Aug. 7-10, 2012): "Spatiotemporal dynamics in networks of the brain" (organized with Stefanos Folias);
Speaking in "Perceptual rivalry and mathematical modeling" (organized by Yunjiao Wang and Tyler McMillan)
SFN Meeting (Oct. 13-17, 2012)