Mathematical Biology Seminar

Spring Semester, 2001
Wednesdays at 3:05pm in JWB 208

  • January 24:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Fred Adler, Mathematics, University of Utah
    Optimization, conflict, and territoriality in ants

  • January 31:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) CANCELLED

  • February 7:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Paul Bressloff, Mathematics, University of Utah
    What geometric visual hallucinations tell us about visual cortex

  • February 14:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) John Roth, Biology, University of Utah
    How natural selection achieves what is mathematically impossible

  • February 21:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Niles Pierce, Caltech
    Computational Challenges in Biomolecular Design
    Abstract: The prospect of engineering functional biomolecules from scratch creates striking new opportunities for the field of applied and computational mathematics. Using amino or nucleic acids as raw materials, the challenge is to model, design, construct and characterize molecular systems for a range of biomedical and technological applications. To illustrate the diversity of the computational issues that arise, this talk will focus on two problems from the field of protein design: a discrete NP hard sequence selection problem and a continuum modeling approach for electrostatic solvation.

  • February 28:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Thomas Hills, Biology, University of Utah
    How to tell time with a variable-speed clock

  • March 7:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Jerry Kaplan, Pathology, University of Utah
    Membrane recycling and intracellular vesicle dynamics

  • March 21:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Dave Bowling, Biology, University of Utah
    The Mathematics of Eddy Correlation - Studying Biological Processes with Atmospheric Measurements

  • March 28:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Ted Liou, Pulmonary, University of Utah
    Survival modeling in CF: Implications and surprises

  • April 4:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Tim Elston, North Carolina State University
    The Origins and Consequences of Intrinsic Fluctuations in Transcriptional Regulation
    We develop stochastic models of transcriptional regulation. The starting point for these investigations is the underlying master equation for the process. Using small noise approximations, we are able to derive an effective diffusion equation that takes into account both number fluctuations and fluctuations in the chemical state of the operator. A direct comparison with Monte-Carlo simulations is used to verify the validity of the approximations. The models are shown to undergo noise-induced transition, which might be important for understanding regulatory networks. This is joint work with Tom Kepler (Santa Fe Institute).

  • April 11:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Shane Richards, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
    Population and evolutionary consequences of consuming a structured resource

  • April 18:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Chung-Seon Yi, University of Utah
    The difference between ischemia and hypoxia: A mathematical study of volume shifts and ionic concentration changes

  • April 25:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Mark Lewis, University of Utah
    How predation can slow, stop or reverse a prey invasion
    Observations on Mount St. Helens indicate that the spread of recolonizing lupin plants has been slowed due to the presence of insect herbivores, and it is possible that the spread of lupins could be reversed in the future by intense insect herbivory. In this talk I will investigate mechanisms by which herbivory can contain the spatial spread of recolonizing plants. The approach is to analyse a series of predator-prey reaction-diffusion models and spatially coupled ordinary differential equation models. The analysis yields qualitative conditions on the functional response of the plant to herbivory under which predation pressure can slow, stall or reverse a spatial invasion of prey. Theoretical predictions will be compared to the field data collected from Mount St. Helens.

  • May 14:(JWB 208 at 11:00am) Mark Chaplain, University of Dundee
    Mathematical modelling of solid tumour growth and invasion

  • May 16:(JWB 208 at 1:30pm) Mark Chaplain, University of Dundee
    Mathematical modelling of tumour-induced angiogenesis; Capillary networks, form, function and heterogeneity

  • May 16:(JWB 208 at 3:05pm) Jack Cowan, University of Chicago
    Conformal maps, wavelets and the visual cortex

  • May 25:(JWB 208 at 11:00am) Dwight Barkley, University of Warwick.
    Selection of Twisted Scroll Waves in Excitable Media
    The selection of shape and rotation frequency for scroll waves in reaction-diffusion equations modeling excitable media is investigated. For scrolls with uniform twist about straight filaments, asymptotic methods are used to derive free-boundary equations at leading order and at first order in the small parameter of the problem. Both orders are directly validated against full solutions of the reaction-diffusion equations. Using these two orders and with no adjustable parameters, the shape and frequency of twisted scroll waves are correctly predicted for most cases of physical interest. This work also sheds new light on the Fife limit in models of excitable media and Keener's work on the dynamics of scroll waves.


    Seminars for Fall Semester, 1998

    Seminars for Spring Semester, 1999

    Seminars for Summer 1999

    Seminars for Fall 1999

    Seminars for Spring 2000

    Seminars for Fall 2000

    For more information contact Fred Adler, 1-6848
