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Higher Dimensional Coupling and Propagation

Cardiac Tissue

The Bidomain Model:

At each point of the cardiac domain there are two comingled regions, the extracellular and the intracellular domains with potentials $\phi_e$ and $\phi_i$, and transmembrane potential

\phi = \phi_i - \phi_e.

These potentials drive currents,

i_e = - \sigma_e\nabla\phi_e, \qquad i_i = - \sigma_i\nabla\phi_i\nonumber

where $\sigma_i$ and $\sigma_e$ are conductivity tensors.

Total current is

i_T = i_e + i_i = - \sigma_e\nabla\phi_e - \sigma_i\nabla\phi_i.

Kirchhoff's laws:

Individual terms:

Boundary conditions:

{\rm n}\cdot\sigma_i \nabla\phi_i = 0,\hspace{0.5in} {\rm n}\cdot\sigma_e\nabla\phi_e
= I(t,x)

for $x \in \partial\Omega$, the boundary of the cardiac domain, and n is the outward unit normal to the boundary, and zero net current

\int_{\partial\Omega} I(t,x) dS = 0.

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