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Dimension 1: Waves on a ring


Define $t(x)$ to be the time of arrival of an action potential at position $x$. Then

APD(x) + RT(x) = t(x) - t(x-L),

for a ring of length $L$. Further, $APD(x) = a(RT(x-L))$, and $C(x) = c(RT(x)).$ Now we use that
t(x) - t(x-L) =
\int_{x-L}^x \frac{dt}{dx} dx = \int_{x-L}^x \frac{1}{c(RT(x)) }

to find the integral delay equation for $RT(x)$,
RT(x) = \int_{x-L}^x \frac{1}{c(RT(x)) } dx - a(RT(x-L)).

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