Welcome to My Place on the Web

I am an associate instructor in the Math department at the University of Utah.

I've created a couple sets of printable flash cards in PDF format. They cover Calculus, Linear Algebra, Intro to Analysis, Probability and Abstract Algebra, all at the undergraduate level.

Fall 2014 Teaching

Past Teaching

Here are the courses I have taught or TAed for at the University of Utah listed most recent first.

  • Summer: Math 2250 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
  • Spring: Math 3010 History of Mathematics

  • Fall: Math 3010 History of Mathematics
  • Summer: Math 2250 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
  • Spring: Math 1010 Intermediate Algebra

  • Fall: TA for Math 1210 Calc I and Math 1010 Intermediate Algebra
  • Summer:
    Math 1220 Calculus II
    Math 2250 Diff. Eqn. and Lin. Algebra
  • Spring: Math 1220 Calculus II

  • Fall: TA for Math 2210 Calc III
  • Summer: Math 1030 Intro to Quantitative Analysis
  • Spring: Math 1090 Business Algebra

  • Fall: Math 1090 Business Algebra
  • Spring: Math 1090 Business Algebra

  • Fall: TA for Math 1210 Calc I


I maintain there is much more wonder in science than in pseudoscience. And in addition, to whatever measure this term has any meaning, science has the additional virtue, and it is not an inconsiderable one, of being true. Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996)

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