Note that all homework problems occur in groups with the answers to odd numbered problems given.
DUE: January 21 4.2 (new 5.1) #6,12,16,22,28; 5.1 (new 5.2) #8,10,12,14,24; 5.2 (new 5.3) #4,10,12,16,30
DUE: January 28 5.3 (new 5.4) #4,16,20,22,26,28; 5.4 (new 5.5) #4,6,16,22
DUE: February 4 5.5 (new 5.6) #12,14,16,26,32,34,40; 5.6 (new 5.7) #2,8,10,12,16,28,40
DUE: February 11 6.1 #4,6,10,16,20,24
DUE: February 18 6.2 #2,4,6,10,16; 6.3 #4,6,26,28,42; 6.4 #4,6,16,18,20,28
DUE: February 25 6.5 #6,10,18,28,30,34; 6.6 #4,6,16,22,24,26
DUE: MAR 3 6.7 #4,8,14,20,24,28,46; 6.8 #4,8,14,16,34; 6.9 #4,12,14,34,38,42
DUE: MAR 10 6.10 #4,12,16,22,44; 7.1 #4,8,14,34,40
DUE: MAR 24 7.2 # 4,8,12,16,26,36; 7.3 #4,8,12,34,36
DUE: MAR 31 7.4 #10,14,20,30,32; 7.5 #6,18,24,26; 7.6 #6,10,16,22,40
DUE: APR 7 7.7 #2,6,16,20,32,40; 7.8 #2,4,6,10,12,34
DUE: APR 14 7.9 #2,6,10,16,30,44,46
DUE: APR 21 8.1 #6,8,14,16,28; 8.2 #4,10,14,30,44; 8.3 #22,24,26,38,42
DUE: APR 28 8.4 #6,16,18,24,32; 8.5 #2,10,14,24,32; 8.6 #2,6,14,24,30