% 4.1; first order system, brine cascade, spring-mass system, electrical network, Picard theorem % 5.1; matrix systems u'=F(u), u'=Au+g(t), superposition, vector-matrix Picard theorem % 4.2; Ziebur method (Example 4.2-1), Elimination method, Cayley-Hamilton theorem. % 4.3; RK4 numerical algorithm for systems. % 4.3 == 7.6 in EP 2250 \begin{alltt} HW 8, Due Week 9 \BF{7.6}: 2, 5, 6, \bx{7}, \bx{8}, 11, \bx{12}, 18, 21, \bx{22} [impulses and Laplace] \BF{4.1}: 1, 3, 2, 5, 7, \bx{8}, 11, 12, 15, 17, \bx{20}, 21, 24, 26 \BF{4.2}: 7, \bx{12}, 27; A Laplace or Cayley-Hamilton-Ziebur solution is acceptable. \BF{4.3}: 7, \bx{9}, 21; RK4 for systems is found here: \end{alltt} \href{http://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/s2019/2280/lectureslides/numericalVectorMethods.pdf}{\footnotesize\tt\url{http://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/s2019/2280/lectureslides/numericalVectorMethods.pdf}} \\ For Exercise 4.3-9 and similar computer problems, see all files numerical-4.3* in the directory \href{http://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/s2019/2280/maple/maple-examples/}{\url{http://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/s2019/2280/maple/maple-examples/}}