2280-1 8:05 am class has final exam on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 7:30am to 10:00am in LCB 215 =================== 2280 course description (univ utah link) Linear and nonlinear differential equations and systems of equations, with applications. Matrix exponential, fundamental solution matrix, phase-space and portraits, stability, initial and boundary-value problems, introduction to partial differential equations. Includes theoretical and computer lab components. Prerequisite linear algebra 2270 or equivalent. =================== Grading Scale 2019: The internally-used scale is uses GPA increments, which step 1/3 from 0.0 = E to 4.0 = A. Briefly, A = 95, B = 82, C = 67, D = 52. In detail: A = 95-100, A- = 90-94, B+ = 85-89, B = 80-84, B- = 75-79, C+ = 70-74, C = 65-69, C- = 60-64, D+ = 55-59, D = 50-54, D- = 45-49, E = 0-44.