@@6123 In vector calculus , the curl is a vector operator that describes the infinitesimal rotation of a 3-dimensional vector field . At every point in the field , the curl of that field is represented by a vector . The attributes of this vector ( length and direction ) characterize the rotation at that point . The direction of the curl is the axis of rotation , as determined by the right-hand rule , and the magnitude of the curl is the magnitude of rotation . If the vector field represents the flow velocity of a moving fluid , then the curl is the circulation density of the fluid . A vector field whose curl is zero is called irrotational . The curl is a form of differentiation for vector fields . The corresponding form of the fundamental theorem of calculus is Stokes ' theorem , which relates the surface integral of the curl of a vector field to the line integral of the vector field around the boundary curve . The alternative terminology ' ' rotor ' ' or ' ' rotational ' ' and alternative notations rot F and F are often used ( the former especially in many European countries , the latter , using the del operator and the cross product , is more used in other countries ) for ' ' curl ' ' and curl F . Unlike the gradient and divergence , curl does not generalize as simply to other dimensions ; some generalizations are possible , but only in three dimensions is the geometrically defined curl of a vector field again a vector field . This is a similar phenomenon as in the 3 dimensional cross product , and the connection is reflected in the notation for the curl . The name curl was first suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1871. # Definition # The curl of a vector field F , denoted by curl F , or F , or rot F , at a point is defined in terms of its projection onto various lines through the point . If scriptstylemathbfhatn is any unit vector , the projection of the curl of F onto scriptstylemathbfhatn is defined to be the limiting value of a closed line integral in a plane orthogonal to scriptstylemathbfhatn as the path used in the integral becomes infinitesimally close to the point , divided by the area enclosed . As such , the curl operator maps continuously differentiable functions f : R 3 R 3 to continuous functions g : R 3 R 3 . In fact , it maps ' ' C ' ' k functions in R 3 to ' ' C ' ' k-1 functions in R 3 . Implicitly , curl is defined by : : ( nabla times mathbfF ) cdot mathbfhatn *25;48459;TOOLONG limA to 0left ( frac1AointC mathbfF cdot dmathbfrright ) where scriptstyleointC mathbfF cdot dmathbfr is a line integral along the boundary of the area in question , and ' ' A ' ' is the magnitude of the area . If scriptstylemathbfhatnu is an outward pointing in-plane normal , whereas scriptstylemathbfhatn is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane ( see caption at right ) , then the orientation of C is chosen so that a tangent vector *25;48486;TOOLONG to C is positively oriented if and only if scriptstylemathbfhatn , mathbfhatnu , mathbfhatomega forms a positively oriented basis for R 3 ( right-hand rule ) . The above formula means that the curl of a vector field is defined as the infinitesimal area density of the ' ' circulation ' ' of that field . To this definition fit naturally the Kelvin-Stokes theorem , as a global formula corresponding to the definition , and the following easy to memorize definition of the curl in curvilinear orthogonal coordinates , e.g. in Cartesian coordinates , spherical , cylindrical , or even elliptical or parabolical coordinates : : : ( rm curl , mathbf F ) , 1=frac1a2a3left ( fracpartial ( a3F3 ) partial u2-fracpartial ( a2F2 ) partial u3right ) , , : : ( rm curl , mathbf F ) , 2=frac1a3a1left ( fracpartial ( a1F1 ) partial u3-fracpartial ( a3F3 ) partial u1right ) , , : : ( rm curl , mathbf F ) , 3=frac1a1a2left ( fracpartial ( a2F2 ) partial u1-fracpartial ( a1F1 ) partial u2right ) , . Note that the equation for each component , ( rm curl , mathbf F ) , k can be obtained by exchanging each occurrence of a subscript 1 , 2 , 3 in cyclic permutation : 12 , 23 , and 31 ( where the subscripts represent the relevant indices ) . If ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ' ' x ' ' 3 ) are the Cartesian coordinates and ( ' ' u ' ' 1 , ' ' u ' ' 2 , ' ' u ' ' 3 ) are the orthogonal coordinates , then : ai = sqrtsum limitsj = 13left ( fracpartial xjpartial uiright ) 2 is the length of the coordinate vector corresponding to ' ' u i ' ' . The remaining two components of curl result from cyclic permutation of indices : 3,1,2 1,2,3 2,3,1. # Intuitive interpretation # Suppose the vector field describes the velocity field of a fluid flow ( such as a large tank of liquid or gas ) and a small ball is located within the fluid or gas ( the centre of the ball being fixed at a certain point ) . If the ball has a rough surface , the fluid flowing past it will make it rotate . The rotation axis ( oriented according to the right hand rule ) points in the direction of the curl of the field at the centre of the ball , and the angular speed of the rotation is half the magnitude of the curl at this point . # Usage # In practice , the above definition is rarely used because in virtually all cases , the curl operator can be applied using some set of curvilinear coordinates , for which simpler representations have been derived . The notation F has its origins in the similarities to the 3 dimensional cross product , and it is useful as a mnemonic in Cartesian coordinates if we take as a vector differential operator del . Such notation involving operators is common in physics and algebra . However , in certain coordinate systems , such as polar-toroidal coordinates ( common in plasma physics ) , using the notation F will yield an incorrect result . Expanded in Cartesian coordinates ( see Del in cylindrical and spherical coordinates for spherical and cylindrical coordinate representations ) , F is , for F composed of ' ' F ' ' x , ' ' F ' ' y , ' ' F ' ' z : : beginvmatrix mathbfi & mathbfj & mathbfk fracpartialpartial x & fracpartialpartial y & fracpartialpartial z Fx & Fy & Fz endvmatrix where i , j , and k are the unit vectors for the ' ' x ' ' - , ' ' y ' ' - , and ' ' z ' ' -axes , respectively . This expands as follows : : left ( fracpartial Fzpartial y - fracpartial Fypartial zright ) mathbfi + left ( fracpartial Fxpartial z - fracpartial Fzpartial xright ) mathbfj + left ( fracpartial Fypartial x - fracpartial Fxpartial yright ) mathbfk Although expressed in terms of coordinates , the result is invariant under proper rotations of the coordinate axes but the result inverts under reflection . In a general coordinate system , the curl is given by : ( nabla times mathbfF ) k = epsilonkell m partialell Fm where denotes the Levi-Civita symbol , the metric tensor is used to lower the index on F , and the Einstein summation convention implies that repeated indices are summed over . Equivalently , : ( nabla times mathbfF ) = boldsymbolekepsilonkell m partialell Fm where e ' ' k ' ' are the coordinate vector fields . Equivalently , using the exterior derivative , the curl can be expressed as : : nabla times mathbfF = left star left ( mathbf d Fflat right ) rightsharp Here scriptstyleflat and scriptstylesharp are the musical isomorphisms , and scriptstylestar is the Hodge dual . This formula shows how to calculate the curl of F in any coordinate system , and how to extend the curl to any oriented three-dimensional Riemannian manifold . Since this depends on a choice of orientation , curl is a chiral operation . In other words , if the orientation is reversed , then the direction of the curl is also reversed . # Examples # # A simple vector field # Take the vector field , which depends on ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' linearly : : mathbfF ( x , y , z ) *32;48513;TOOLONG . Its plot looks like this : Simply by visual inspection , we can see that the field is rotating . If we place a paddle wheel anywhere , we see immediately its tendency to rotate clockwise . Using the right-hand rule , we expect the curl to be into the page . If we are to keep a right-handed coordinate system , into the page will be in the negative z direction . The lack of x and y directions is analogous to the cross product operation . If we calculate the curl : : nabla times mathbfF *33;48547;TOOLONG leftfracpartialpartial x(-x) -fracpartialpartial y *37;48582;TOOLONG Which is indeed in the negative ' ' z ' ' direction , as expected . In this case , the curl is actually a constant , irrespective of position . The amount of rotation in the above vector field is the same at any point ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) . Plotting the curl of ' ' F ' ' is not very interesting : # A more involved example # Suppose we now consider a slightly more complicated vector field : : mathbfF ( x , y , z ) =-x2boldsymbolhaty . Its plot : We might not see any rotation initially , but if we closely look at the right , we see a larger field at , say , x=4 than at x=3 . Intuitively , if we placed a small paddle wheel there , the larger current on its right side would cause the paddlewheel to rotate clockwise , which corresponds to a curl in the negative z direction . By contrast , if we look at a point on the left and placed a small paddle wheel there , the larger current on its left side would cause the paddlewheel to rotate counterclockwise , which corresponds to a curl in the positive z direction . Let 's check out our guess by doing the math : : nabla times mathbfF *33;48621;TOOLONG fracpartialpartial x(-x2) *32;48656;TOOLONG . Indeed the curl is in the positive z direction for negative x and in the negative z direction for positive x , as expected . Since this curl is not the same at every point , its plot is a bit more interesting : We note that the plot of this curl has no dependence on y or z ( as it should n't ) and is in the negative z direction for positive x and in the positive z direction for negative x. # Identities # Consider the example ( v F ) . Using Cartesian coordinates , it can be shown that : : nabla times left ( mathbfv times F right ) = left left ( mathbf nabla cdot F right ) + mathbfF cdot nabla right mathbfv- left left ( mathbf nabla cdot v right ) + mathbfv cdot nabla right mathbfF . In the case where the vector field v and are interchanged : : : mathbfv times left ( mathbf nabla times F right ) =nablaF left ( mathbfv cdot F right ) - left ( mathbfv cdot nabla right ) mathbf F , which introduces the Feynman subscript notation F , which means the subscripted gradient operates only on the factor F . Another example is ( F ) . Using Cartesian coordinates , it can be shown that : : : nabla times left ( mathbfnabla times F right ) = mathbfnabla ( mathbfnabla cdot F ) - nabla2 mathbfF , which can be construed as a special case of the previous example with the substitution v . ( Note : 2 F represents the vector Laplacian of F ) The curl of the gradient of ' ' any ' ' scalar field is always the zero vector : : : nabla times ( nabla phi ) = vec0 If is a scalar valued function and F is a vector field , then : : nabla times ( varphi mathbfF ) = nabla varphi times mathbfF + varphi nabla times mathbfF # Descriptive examples # In a vector field describing the linear velocities of each part of a rotating disk , the curl has the same value at all points . Of the four Maxwell 's equations , two -- Faraday 's law and Ampre 's law -- can be compactly expressed using curl . Faraday 's law states that the curl of an electric field is equal to the opposite of the time rate of change of the magnetic field , while Ampre 's law relates the curl of the magnetic field to the current and rate of change of the electric field . # Generalizations # The vector calculus operations of grad , curl , and div are most easily generalized and understood in the context of differential forms , which involves a number of steps . In a nutshell , they correspond to the derivatives of 0-forms , 1-forms , and 2-forms , respectively . The geometric interpretation of curl as rotation corresponds to identifying bivectors ( 2-vectors ) in 3 dimensions with the special orthogonal Lie algebra so ( 3 ) of infinitesimal rotations ( in coordinates , skew-symmetric 3 3 matrices ) , while representing rotations by vectors corresponds to identifying 1-vectors ( equivalently , 2-vectors ) and so ( 3 ) , these all being 3-dimensional spaces . # Differential forms # In 3 dimensions , a differential 0-form is simply a function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ; a differential 1-form is the following expression : a1 , dx + a2 , dy + a3 , dz ; a differential 2-form is the formal sum : a12 , dxwedge dy + a13 , dxwedge dz + a23 , dywedge dz ; and a differential 3-form is defined by a single term : a123 , dxwedge dywedge dz . ( Here the a-coefficients are real functions ; the wedge products , e.g. dxwedge dy , can be interpreted as some kind of oriented area elements , dxwedge dy=-dywedge dx , etc . ) The exterior derivative of a ' ' k ' ' -form in R 3 is defined as the ( ' ' k ' ' +1 ) -form from above ( and in R ' ' n ' ' if , e.g. , : omega(k)=sumi1 *35;48794;TOOLONG then the exterior derivative ' ' d ' ' leads to : d , omega(k)=sumj=1 ; , i1 *36;48945;TOOLONG The exterior derivative of a 1-form is therefore a 2-form , and that of a 2-form is a 3-form . On the other hand , because of the interchangeability of mixed derivatives , e.g. because of : fracpartial2partial xpartial y=fracpartial2partial ypartial x , the twofold application of the exterior derivative leads to 0 . Thus , denoting the space of ' ' k ' ' -forms by Omegak(mathbfR3) and the exterior derivative by ' ' d ' ' one gets a sequence : : 0 oversetdto Omega0(mathbfR3) oversetdto Omega1(mathbfR3) oversetdto *26;48983;TOOLONG *26;49011;TOOLONG 0 . Here Omegak(mathbfRn) is the space of sections of the exterior algebra Lambdak(mathbfRn) vector bundle over R n , whose dimension is the binomial coefficient textstylebinomnk ; note that Omegak(mathbfR3) = 0 for ' ' k ' ' 3 or ' ' k ' ' *20125;49039; Gauss declared he firmly believed in the afterlife , and saw spirituality as something essentially important for human beings . He was quoted stating : ' ' The world would be nonsense , the whole creation an absurdity without immortality , ' ' and for this statements he was severely criticized by the atheist Eugen Dhring who judged him as a narrow superstitious man . Though he was not a church-goer , Gauss strongly upheld religious tolerance , believing that one is not justified in disturbing another 's religious belief , in which they find consolation for earthly sorrows in time of trouble . When his son Eugene announced that he wanted to become a Christian missionary , Gauss approved him saying that regardless of the problems within religious organizations , missionary work was a highly honorable task . # Family # Gauss 's personal life was overshadowed by the early death of his first wife , Johanna Osthoff , in 1809 , soon followed by the death of one child , Louis . Gauss plunged into a depression from which he never fully recovered . He married again , to Johanna 's best friend named Friederica Wilhelmine Waldeck but commonly known as Minna . When his second wife died in 1831 after a long illness , one of his daughters , Therese , took over the household and cared for Gauss until the end of his life . His mother lived in his house from 1817 until her death in 1839 . Gauss had six children . With Johanna ( 17801809 ) , his children were Joseph ( 18061873 ) , Wilhelmina ( 18081846 ) and Louis ( 18091810 ) . With Minna Waldeck he also had three children : Eugene ( 18111896 ) , Wilhelm ( 18131879 ) and Therese ( 18161864 ) . Eugene shared a good measure of Gauss 's talent in languages and computation . Therese kept house for Gauss until his death , after which she married . Gauss eventually had conflicts with his sons . He did not want any of his sons to enter mathematics or science for fear of lowering the family name . Gauss wanted Eugene to become a lawyer , but Eugene wanted to study languages . They had an argument over a party Eugene held , which Gauss refused to pay for . The son left in anger and , in about 1832 , emigrated to the United States , where he was quite successful . Wilhelm also settled in Missouri , starting as a farmer and later becoming wealthy in the shoe business in St. Louis . It took many years for Eugene 's success to counteract his reputation among Gauss 's friends and colleagues . See also the letter from Robert Gauss to Felix Klein on 3 September 1912. # Personality # Carl Gauss was an ardent perfectionist and a hard worker . He was never a prolific writer , refusing to publish work which he did not consider complete and above criticism . This was in keeping with his personal motto ' ' pauca sed matura ' ' ( few , but ripe ) . His personal diaries indicate that he had made several important mathematical discoveries years or decades before his contemporaries published them . Mathematical historian Eric Temple Bell estimated that , had Gauss published all of his discoveries in a timely manner , he would have advanced mathematics by fifty years . Though he did take in a few students , Gauss was known to dislike teaching . It is said that he attended only a single scientific conference , which was in Berlin in 1828 . However , several of his students became influential mathematicians , among them Richard Dedekind , Bernhard Riemann , and Friedrich Bessel . Before she died , Sophie Germain was recommended by Gauss to receive her honorary degree . Gauss usually declined to present the intuition behind his often very elegant proofshe preferred them to appear out of thin air and erased all traces of how he discovered them . This is justified , if unsatisfactorily , by Gauss in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae , where he states that all analysis ( i.e. , the paths one travelled to reach the solution of a problem ) must be suppressed for sake of brevity . Gauss supported the monarchy and opposed Napoleon , whom he saw as an outgrowth of revolution . # Anecdotes # There are several stories of his early genius . According to one , his gifts became very apparent at the age of three when he corrected , mentally and without fault in his calculations , an error his father had made on paper while calculating finances . Another famous story has it that in primary school after the young Gauss misbehaved , his teacher , J.G. Bttner , gave him a task : add a list of integers in arithmetic progression ; as the story is most often told , these were the numbers from 1 to 100 . The young Gauss reputedly produced the correct answer within seconds , to the astonishment of his teacher and his assistant Martin Bartels . Gauss 's presumed method was to realize that pairwise addition of terms from opposite ends of the list yielded identical intermediate sums : 1 + 100 = 101 , 2 + 99 = 101 , 3 + 98 = 101 , and so on , for a total sum of 50 101 = 5050 . However , the details of the story are at best uncertain ( see for discussion of the original Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen source and the changes in other versions ) ; some authors , such as Joseph Rotman in his book ' ' A first course in Abstract Algebra ' ' , question whether it ever happened . According to Isaac Asimov , Gauss was once interrupted in the middle of a problem and told that his wife was dying . He is purported to have said , Tell her to wait a moment till I 'm done . This anecdote is briefly discussed in G. Waldo Dunnington 's ' ' Gauss , Titan of Science ' ' where it is suggested that it is an apocryphal story . He referred to mathematics as the queen of sciences and supposedly once espoused a belief in the necessity of immediately understanding Euler 's identity as a benchmark pursuant to becoming a first-class mathematician . # Commemorations # From 1989 through 2001 , Gauss 's portrait , a normal distribution curve and some prominent Gttingen buildings were featured on the German ten-mark banknote . The reverse featured the approach for Hanover . Germany has also issued three postage stamps honoring Gauss . One ( no. 725 ) appeared in 1955 on the hundredth anniversary of his death ; two others , nos. 1246 and 1811 , in 1977 , the 200th anniversary of his birth . Daniel Kehlmann 's 2005 novel ' ' Die Vermessung der Welt ' ' , translated into English as ' ' Measuring the World ' ' ( 2006 ) , explores Gauss 's life and work through a lens of historical fiction , contrasting them with those of the German explorer Alexander von Humboldt . A film version directed by Detlev Buck was released in 2012 . In 2007 a bust of Gauss was placed in the Walhalla temple . Things named in honor of Gauss include : The Gauss Prize , one of the highest honors in mathematics Gauss 's Law and Gauss 's law for magnetism , two of Maxwell 's four equations . Degaussing , the process of eliminating a magnetic field The CGS unit for magnetic field was named gauss in his honour The crater Gauss on the Moon Asteroid 1001 Gaussia The ship ' ' Gauss ' ' , used in the Gauss expedition to the Antarctic Gaussberg , an extinct volcano discovered by the above-mentioned expedition Gauss Tower , an observation tower in Dransfeld , Germany In Canadian junior high schools , an annual national mathematics competition ( Gauss Mathematics Competition ) administered by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing is named in honour of Gauss In University of California , Santa Cruz , in Crown College , a dormitory building is named after him The Gauss Haus , an NMR center at the University of Utah The Carl-Friedrich-Gau School for Mathematics , Computer Science , Business Administration , Economics , and Social Sciences of Braunschweig University of Technology The Gauss Building at the University of Idaho ( College of Engineering ) The Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Gymnasium ( a school for grades 5-13 ) in Worms , Germany In 1929 the Polish mathematician Marian Rejewski , who would solve the German Enigma cipher machine in December 1932 , began studying actuarial statistics at Gttingen . At the request of his Pozna University professor , Zdzisaw Krygowski , on arriving at Gttingen Rejewski laid flowers on Gauss 's grave . # Writings # 1799 : Doctoral dissertation on the Fundamental theorem of algebra , with the title : ' ' Demonstratio nova theorematis omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse ' ' ( New proof of the theorem that every integral algebraic function of one variable can be resolved into real factors ( i.e. , polynomials ) of the first or second degree ) 1801 : Disquisitiones Arithmeticae ( Latin ) . A by H. Maser Cite journal 1808 : Cite journal 1809 : ( Theorie der Bewegung der Himmelskrper , die die Sonne in Kegelschnitten umkreisen ) , ' ' ' ' ( English translation by C. H. Davis ) , reprinted 1963 , Dover , New York . 1811 : Cite journal 1812 : ' ' Disquisitiones Generales Circa Seriem Infinitam ' ' *30;69167;TOOLONG 1818 : Cite journal 1821 , 1823 and 1826 : ' ' Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae ' ' . Drei Abhandlungen betreffend die *27;69199;TOOLONG als Grundlage des Gau'schen *28;69228;TOOLONG . ( Three essays concerning the calculation of probabilities as the basis of the Gaussian law of error propagation ) English translation by G. W. Stewart , 1987 , Society for Industrial Mathematics . 1827 : , Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingesis Recentiores . Volume VI , pp. 99146. ( published 1965 ) Raven Press , New York , translated by A.M.Hiltebeitel and J.C.Morehead. 1828 : Cite journal 1832 : Cite journal 1843/44 : ' ' ' ' , , pp. 346 1846/47 : ' ' ' ' , , pp. 344 ' ' Mathematisches Tagebuch 17961814 ' ' , Ostwaldts Klassiker , Harri Deutsch Verlag 2005 , mit Anmerkungen von Neumamn , ISBN 978-3-8171-3402-1 ( English translation with annotations by Jeremy Gray : Expositiones Math . 1984 ) This includes German translations of Latin texts and commentaries by various authorities # See also # Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize German inventors and discoverers List of topics named after Carl Friedrich Gauss Romanticism in science # Notes # # Further reading # cite book last=Dunningtonfirst=G . Waldo. title=Carl Friedrich Gauss : Titan of Science @@8492 Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous . In contrast to real numbers that have the property of varying smoothly , the objects studied in discrete mathematics such as integers , graphs , and statements in logic do not vary smoothly in this way , but have distinct , separated values . Discrete mathematics therefore excludes topics in continuous mathematics such as calculus and analysis . Discrete objects can often be enumerated by integers . More formally , discrete mathematics has been characterized as the branch of mathematics dealing with countable sets Currently , one of the most famous open problems in theoretical computer science is the P = NP problem , which involves the relationship between the complexity classes P and NP . The Clay Mathematics Institute has offered a $1 million USD prize for the first correct proof , along with prizes for six other mathematical problems . # Topics in discrete mathematics # # Theoretical computer science # Theoretical computer science includes areas of discrete mathematics relevant to computing . It draws heavily on graph theory and logic . Included within theoretical computer science is the study of algorithms for computing mathematical results . Computability studies what can be computed in principle , and has close ties to logic , while complexity studies the time taken by computations . Automata theory and formal language theory are closely related to computability . Petri nets and process algebras are used to model computer systems , and methods from discrete mathematics are used in analyzing VLSI electronic circuits . Computational geometry applies algorithms to geometrical problems , while computer image analysis applies them to representations of images . Theoretical computer science also includes the study of various continuous computational topics . # Information theory # Information theory involves the quantification of information . Closely related is coding theory which is used to design efficient and reliable data transmission and storage methods . Information theory also includes continuous topics such as : analog signals , analog coding , analog encryption. # Logic # Logic is the study of the principles of valid reasoning and inference , as well as of consistency , soundness , and completeness . For example , in most systems of logic ( but not in intuitionistic logic ) Peirce 's law ( ( ( ' ' P ' ' ' ' Q ' ' ) ' ' P ' ' ) ' ' P ' ' ) is a theorem . For classical logic , it can be easily verified with a truth table . The study of mathematical proof is particularly important in logic , and has applications to automated theorem proving and formal verification of software . Logical formulas are discrete structures , as are proofs , which form finite trees or , more generally , directed acyclic graph structures ( with each inference step combining one or more premise branches to give a single conclusion ) . The truth values of logical formulas usually form a finite set , generally restricted to two values : ' ' true ' ' and ' ' false ' ' , but logic can also be continuous-valued , e.g. , fuzzy logic . Concepts such as infinite proof trees or infinite derivation trees have also been studied , e.g. infinitary logic . # Set theory # Set theory is the branch of mathematics that studies sets , which are collections of objects , such as blue , white , red or the ( infinite ) set of all prime numbers . Partially ordered sets and sets with other relations have applications in several areas . In discrete mathematics , countable sets ( including finite sets ) are the main focus . The beginning of set theory as a branch of mathematics is usually marked by Georg Cantor 's work distinguishing between different kinds of infinite set , motivated by the study of trigonometric series , and further development of the theory of infinite sets is outside the scope of discrete mathematics . Indeed , contemporary work in descriptive set theory makes extensive use of traditional continuous mathematics . # Combinatorics # Combinatorics studies the way in which discrete structures can be combined or arranged . Enumerative combinatorics concentrates on counting the number of certain combinatorial objects - e.g. the twelvefold way provides a unified framework for counting permutations , combinations and partitions . Analytic combinatorics concerns the enumeration ( i.e. , determining the number ) of combinatorial structures using tools from complex analysis and probability theory . In contrast with enumerative combinatorics which uses explicit combinatorial formulae and generating functions to describe the results , analytic combinatorics aims at obtaining asymptotic formulae . Design theory is a study of combinatorial designs , which are collections of subsets with certain intersection properties . Partition theory studies various enumeration and asymptotic problems related to integer partitions , and is closely related to q-series , special functions and orthogonal polynomials . Originally a part of number theory and analysis , partition theory is now considered a part of combinatorics or an independent field . Order theory is the study of partially ordered sets , both finite and infinite . # Graph theory # Graph theory , the study of graphs and networks , is often considered part of combinatorics , but has grown large enough and distinct enough , with its own kind of problems , to be regarded as a subject in its own right . Graphs are one of the prime objects of study in discrete mathematics . They are among the most ubiquitous models of both natural and human-made structures . They can model many types of relations and process dynamics in physical , biological and social systems . In computer science , they can represent networks of communication , data organization , computational devices , the flow of computation , etc . In mathematics , they are useful in geometry and certain parts of topology , e.g. knot theory . Algebraic graph theory has close links with group theory . There are also continuous graphs , however for the most part research in graph theory falls within the domain of discrete mathematics . # Probability # Discrete probability theory deals with events that occur in countable sample spaces . For example , count observations such as the numbers of birds in flocks comprise only natural number values 0 , 1 , 2 , ... . On the other hand , continuous observations such as the weights of birds comprise real number values and would typically be modeled by a continuous probability distribution such as the normal . Discrete probability distributions can be used to approximate continuous ones and vice versa . For highly constrained situations such as throwing dice or experiments with decks of cards , calculating the probability of events is basically enumerative combinatorics. # Number theory # Number theory is concerned with the properties of numbers in general , particularly integers . It has applications to cryptography , cryptanalysis , and cryptology , particularly with regard to modular arithmetic , diophantine equations , linear and quadratic congruences , prime numbers and primality testing . Other discrete aspects of number theory include geometry of numbers . In analytic number theory , techniques from continuous mathematics are also used . Topics that go beyond discrete objects include transcendental numbers , diophantine approximation , p-adic analysis and function fields . # Algebra # Algebraic structures occur as both discrete examples and continuous examples . Discrete algebras include : boolean algebra used in logic gates and programming ; relational algebra used in databases ; discrete and finite versions of groups , rings and fields are important in algebraic coding theory ; discrete semigroups and monoids appear in the theory of formal languages . # Calculus of finite differences , discrete calculus or discrete analysis # A function defined on an interval of the integers is usually called a sequence . A sequence could be a finite sequence from a data source or an infinite sequence from a discrete dynamical system . Such a discrete function could be defined explicitly by a list ( if its domain is finite ) , or by a formula for its general term , or it could be given implicitly by a recurrence relation or difference equation . Difference equations are similar to a differential equations , but replace differentiation by taking the difference between adjacent terms ; they can be used to approximate differential equations or ( more often ) studied in their own right . Many questions and methods concerning differential equations have counterparts for difference equations . For instance where there are integral transforms in harmonic analysis for studying continuous functions or analog signals , there are discrete transforms for discrete functions or digital signals . As well as the discrete metric there are more general discrete or finite metric spaces and finite topological spaces . # Geometry # Discrete geometry and combinatorial geometry are about combinatorial properties of ' ' discrete collections ' ' of geometrical objects . A long-standing topic in discrete geometry is tiling of the plane . Computational geometry applies algorithms to geometrical problems . # Topology # Although topology is the field of mathematics that formalizes and generalizes the intuitive notion of continuous deformation of objects , it gives rise to many discrete topics ; this can be attributed in part to the focus on topological invariants , which themselves usually take discrete values . See combinatorial topology , topological graph theory , topological combinatorics , computational topology , discrete topological space , finite topological space , topology ( chemistry ) . # Operations research # Operations research provides techniques for solving practical problems in business and other fields problems such as allocating resources to maximize profit , or scheduling project activities to minimize risk . Operations research techniques include linear programming and other areas of optimization , queuing theory , scheduling theory , network theory . Operations research also includes continuous topics such as continuous-time Markov process , continuous-time martingales , process optimization , and continuous and hybrid control theory . # Game theory , decision theory , utility theory , social choice theory # 1U = Cooperate UL = -1 , -1 UR = -10 , 0 1D = Defect Decision theory is concerned with identifying the values , uncertainties and other issues relevant in a given decision , its rationality , and the resulting optimal decision . Utility theory is about measures of the relative economic satisfaction from , or desirability of , consumption of various goods and services . Social choice theory is about voting . A more puzzle-based approach to voting is ballot theory . Game theory deals with situations where success depends on the choices of others , which makes choosing the best course of action more complex . There are even continuous games , see differential game . Topics include auction theory and fair division . # Discretization # Discretization concerns the process of transferring continuous models and equations into discrete counterparts , often for the purposes of making calculations easier by using approximations . Numerical analysis provides an important example . # Discrete analogues of continuous mathematics # There are many concepts in continuous mathematics which have discrete versions , such as discrete calculus , discrete probability distributions , discrete Fourier transforms , discrete geometry , discrete logarithms , discrete differential geometry , discrete exterior calculus , discrete Morse theory , difference equations , discrete dynamical systems , and discrete vector measures . In applied mathematics , discrete modelling is the discrete analogue of continuous modelling . In discrete modelling , discrete formulae are fit to data . A common method in this form of modelling is to use recurrence relation . In algebraic geometry , the concept of a curve can be extended to discrete geometries by taking the spectra of polynomial rings over finite fields to be models of the affine spaces over that field , and letting subvarieties or spectra of other rings provide the curves that lie in that space . Although the space in which the curves appear has a finite number of points , the curves are not so much sets of points as analogues of curves in continuous settings . For example , every point of the form V(x-c) subset operatornameSpec Kx = mathbbA1 for K a field can be studied either as operatornameSpec Kx/ ( x-c ) cong operatornameSpec K , a point , or as the spectrum operatornameSpec Kx(x-c) of the local ring at ( x-c ) , a point together with a neighborhood around it . Algebraic varieties also have a well-defined notion of tangent space called the Zariski tangent space , making many features of calculus applicable even in finite settings . # Hybrid discrete and continuous mathematics # The time scale calculus is a unification of the theory of difference equations with that of differential equations , which has applications to fields requiring simultaneous modelling of discrete and continuous data . Another way of modeling such a situation is the notion of hybrid dynamical system . @@9633 The number is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm . It is approximately equal to 2.71828 , and is the limit of as approaches infinity , an expression that arises in the study of compound interest . It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite series : e = displaystylesumlimitsn = 0 infty dfrac1n ! = 1 + frac11 + frac11cdot 2 + frac11cdot 2cdot 3 + cdots The constant can be defined in many ways ; for example , is the unique real number such that the value of the derivative ( slope of the tangent line ) of the function at the point is equal to 1 . The function so defined is called the exponential function , and its inverse is the natural logarithm , or logarithm to base . The natural logarithm of a positive number can also be defined directly as the area under the curve between and , in which case , is the number whose natural logarithm is 1 . There are also more alternative characterizations . Sometimes called Euler 's number after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler , is not to be confused with the EulerMascheroni constant , sometimes called simply ' ' Euler 's constant ' ' . The number is also known as Napier 's constant , but Euler 's choice of the symbol is said to have been retained in his honor . The number is of eminent importance in mathematics , alongside 0 , 1 , and . All five of these numbers play important and recurring roles across mathematics , and are the five constants appearing in one formulation of Euler 's identity . Like the constant , is irrational : it is not a ratio of integers ; and it is transcendental : it is not a root of ' ' any ' ' non-zero polynomial with rational coefficients . The numerical value of truncated to 50 decimal places is : . # History # The first references to the constant were published in 1618 in the table of an appendix of a work on logarithms by John Napier . However , this did not contain the constant itself , but simply a list of logarithms calculated from the constant . It is assumed that the table was written by William Oughtred . The discovery of the constant itself is credited to Jacob Bernoulli , Jacob Bernoulli considered the problem of continuous compounding of interest , which led to a series expression for ' ' e ' ' . See : Jacob Bernoulli ( 1690 ) Qustiones nonnull de usuris , cum solutione problematis de sorte alearum , propositi in Ephem . Gall . A. 1685 ( Some questions about interest , with a solution of a problem about games of chance , proposed in the ' ' Journal des Savants ' ' ( ' ' Ephemerides Eruditorum Gallican ' ' ) , in the year ( anno ) 1685. * ) , ' ' Acta eruditorum ' ' , pp. 219-223 . , Bernoulli poses the question : ' ' Alterius natur hoc Problema est : Quritur , si creditor aliquis pecuni summam fnori exponat , ea lege , ut singulis momentis pars proportionalis usur annu sorti annumeretur ; quantum ipsi finito anno debeatur ? ' ' ( This is a problem of another kind : The question is , if some lender were to invest a sum of money at interest , let it accumulate , so that at every moment it were to receive a proportional part of its annual interest ; how much would he be owed at the end of the year ? ) Bernoulli constructs a power series to calculate the answer , and then writes : ' ' qu nostra serie mathematical expression for a geometric series &c. major est. si ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , debebitur plu quam 2 ' ' a ' ' & minus quam 3 ' ' a ' ' . ' ' ( which our series a geometric series is larger than . if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , the lender will be owed more than 2 ' ' a ' ' and less than 3 ' ' a ' ' . ) If ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , the geometric series reduces to the series for ' ' a ' ' ' ' e ' ' , so 2.5 *240;7886; limntoinfty left ( 1 + frac1n right ) n . The first known use of the constant , represented by the letter , was in correspondence from Gottfried Leibniz to Christiaan Huygens in 1690 and 1691 . Leonhard Euler introduced the letter as the base for natural logarithms , writing in a letter to Christian Goldbach of 25 November 1731 . Euler started to use the letter for the constant in 1727 or 1728 , in an unpublished paper on explosive forces in cannons , and the first appearance of in a publication was Euler 's ' ' Mechanica ' ' ( 1736 ) . While in the subsequent years some researchers used the letter , was more common and eventually became the standard . # Applications # # Compound interest # Jacob Bernoulli discovered this constant by studying a question about compound interest : : An account starts with $1.00 and pays 100 percent interest per year . If the interest is credited once , at the end of the year , the value of the account at year-end will be $2.00 . What happens if the interest is computed and credited more frequently during the year ? If the interest is credited twice in the year , the interest rate for each 6 months will be 50% , so the initial $1 is multiplied by 1.5 twice , yielding $1.001.5 2 = $2.25 at the end of the year . Compounding quarterly yields $1.001.25 4 = $2.4414 ... , and compounding monthly yields $1.00(1+1/12) 12 = $2.613035 .. If there are compounding intervals , the interest for each interval will be and the value at the end of the year will be $1.00 . Bernoulli noticed that this sequence approaches a limit ( the force of interest ) with larger and , thus , smaller compounding intervals . Compounding weekly ( ) yields $2.692597 ... , while compounding daily ( ) yields $2.714567 ... , just two cents more . The limit as grows large is the number that came to be known as ; with ' ' continuous ' ' compounding , the account value will reach $2.7182818 ... More generally , an account that starts at $1 and offers an annual interest rate of will , after years , yield dollars with continuous compounding . ( Here is a fraction , so for 5% interest , ) # Bernoulli trials # The number itself also has applications to probability theory , where it arises in a way not obviously related to exponential growth . Suppose that a gambler plays a slot machine that pays out with a probability of one in and plays it times . Then , for large ( such as a million ) the probability that the gambler will lose every bet is ( approximately ) . For it is already approximately 1/2.79 . This is an example of a Bernoulli trials process . Each time the gambler plays the slots , there is a one in one million chance of winning . Playing one million times is modelled by the binomial distribution , which is closely related to the binomial theorem . The probability of winning times out of a million trials is ; : binom106k *29;8128;TOOLONG . In particular , the probability of winning zero times ( ) is : left(1-frac1106right)106 . This is very close to the following limit for : : frac1e = limntoinfty left(1-frac1nright)n. # Derangements # Another application of , also discovered in part by Jacob Bernoulli along with Pierre Raymond de Montmort is in the problem of derangements , also known as the ' ' hat check problem ' ' : guests are invited to a party , and at the door each guest checks his hat with the butler who then places them into boxes , each labelled with the name of one guest . But the butler does not know the identities of the guests , and so he puts the hats into boxes selected at random . The problem of de Montmort is to find the probability that ' ' none ' ' of the hats gets put into the right box . The answer is : : pn = 1-frac11 ! +frac12 ! -frac13 ! +cdots+frac(-1)nn ! = sumk = 0n frac(-1)kk ! . As the number of guests tends to infinity , approaches . Furthermore , the number of ways the hats can be placed into the boxes so that none of the hats is in the right box is rounded to the nearest integer , for every positive . # Asymptotics # The number occurs naturally in connection with many problems involving asymptotics . A prominent example is Stirling 's formula for the asymptotics of the factorial function , in which both the numbers and enter : : n ! sim sqrt2pi n , left(fracneright)n . A particular consequence of this is : e = limntoinfty fracnsqrtnn ! . # Standard normal distribution # ( from Normal distribution ) The simplest case of a normal distribution is known as the ' ' standard normal distribution ' ' , described by this probability density function : : phi(x) = frac1sqrt2pi , e- fracscriptscriptstyle 1scriptscriptstyle 2 x2 . The factor *43;8159;math scriptstyle 1/sqrt2pi in this expression ensures that the total area under the curve ' ' ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is equal to one proof . The in the exponent ensures that the distribution has unit variance ( and therefore also unit standard deviation ) . This function is symmetric around ' ' x ' ' =0 , where it attains its maximum value *43;8204;math scriptstyle 1/sqrt2pi ; and has inflection points at +1 and 1 . # in calculus # is the value of such that the gradient of ' ' a ' ' ' ' x ' ' at 0 equals 1 . This is the blue curve , . Functions ( dotted curve ) and ( dashed curve ) are also shown ; they are not tangent to the line of slope 1 ( red ) . The principal motivation for introducing the number , particularly in calculus , is to perform differential and integral calculus with exponential functions and logarithms . A general exponential function ' ' a ' ' ' ' x ' ' has derivative given as the limit : : fracddxax=limhto 0fracax+h-axh=limhto *27;8249;TOOLONG 0fracah-1hright ) . The limit on the far right is independent of the variable : it depends only on the base . When the base is , this limit is equal to 1 , and so is symbolically defined by the equation : : fracddxex = ex . Consequently , the exponential function with base is particularly suited to doing calculus . Choosing , as opposed to some other number , as the base of the exponential function makes calculations involving the derivative much simpler . Another motivation comes from considering the base- logarithm . Considering the definition of the derivative of as the limit : : fracddxloga x = limhto *34;8278;TOOLONG ( limuto 0frac1uloga(1+u)right ) , where the substitution ' ' h ' ' / ' ' x ' ' was made in the last step . The last limit appearing in this calculation is again an undetermined limit that depends only on the base , and if that base is , the limit is equal to 1 . So symbolically , : fracddxloge x=frac1x . The logarithm in this special base is called the natural logarithm and is represented as ; it behaves well under differentiation since there is no undetermined limit to carry through the calculations . There are thus two ways in which to select a special number ' ' e ' ' . One way is to set the derivative of the exponential function to , and solve for . The other way is to set the derivative of the base logarithm to and solve for . In each case , one arrives at a convenient choice of base for doing calculus . In fact , these two solutions for are actually ' ' the same ' ' , the number . # Alternative characterizations # Other characterizations of are also possible : one is as the limit of a sequence , another is as the sum of an infinite series , and still others rely on integral calculus . So far , the following two ( equivalent ) properties have been introduced : 1 . The number is the unique positive real number such that : fracddtet = et . 2 . The number is the unique positive real number such that : fracddt loge t = frac1t . The following three characterizations can be proven equivalent : 3 . The number is the limit : e = limntoinfty left ( 1 + frac1n right ) n Similarly : : e = limxto 0 left ( 1 + x right ) frac1x 4 . The number is the sum of the infinite series : e = sumn = 0infty frac1n ! = frac10 ! + frac11 ! + frac12 ! + frac13 ! + frac14 ! + cdots where is the factorial of . 5 . The number is the unique positive real number such that : int1e frac1t , dt = 1 . # Properties # # Calculus # As in the motivation , the exponential function is important in part because it is the unique nontrivial function ( up to multiplication by a constant ) which is its own derivative : fracddxex=ex and therefore its own antiderivative as well : : int ex , dx = ex + C. # Exponential-like functions # The global maximum for the function : f(x) = sqrtxx occurs at ' ' e ' ' . Similarly , 1/ ' ' e ' ' is where the global minimum occurs for the function : f(x) = xx , defined for positive . More generally , ' ' e ' ' 1/ ' ' n ' ' is where the global minimum occurs for the function : ! f(x) = xxn for any . The infinite tetration : xxxcdotcdotcdot or x converges if and only if ( or approximately between 0.0660 and 1.4447 ) , due to a theorem of Leonhard Euler. # Number theory # The real number is irrational . Euler proved this by showing that its simple continued fraction expansion is infinite . ( See also Fourier 's proof that is irrational . ) Furthermore , by the LindemannWeierstrass theorem , is transcendental , meaning that it is not a solution of any non-constant polynomial equation with rational coefficients . It was the first number to be proved transcendental without having been specifically constructed for this purpose ( compare with Liouville number ) ; the proof was given by Charles Hermite in 1873 . It is conjectured that is normal , meaning that when is expressed in any base the possible digits in that base are uniformly distributed ( occur with equal probability in any sequence of given length ) . # Complex numbers # The exponential function may be written as a Taylor series : ex = 1 + x over 1 ! + x2 over 2 ! + x3 over 3 ! + cdots = sumn=0infty fracxnn ! Because this series keeps many important properties for even when is complex , it is commonly used to extend the definition of to the complex numbers . This , with the Taylor series for sin and cos , allows one to derive Euler 's formula : : eix = cos x + isin x , , ! which holds for all . The special case with is Euler 's identity : : eipi + 1 = 0 , ! from which it follows that , in the principal branch of the logarithm , : ln ( -1 ) = ipi . , ! Furthermore , using the laws for exponentiation , : ( cos x + isin x ) n = left(eixright)n = einx = cos ( nx ) + i sin ( nx ) , which is de Moivre 's formula . The expression : cos x + i sin x , is sometimes referred to as . # Differential equations # The general function : y(x) = Cex , is the solution to the differential equation : : y ' = y. , # Representations # The number can be represented as a real number in a variety of ways : as an infinite series , an infinite product , a continued fraction , or a limit of a sequence . The chief among these representations , particularly in introductory calculus courses is the limit : *31;8314;TOOLONG , given above , as well as the series : e=sumn=0infty frac1n ! given by evaluating the above power series for at 1 . Less common is the continued fraction . : e = 2 ; 1 , mathbf 2,1,1 , mathbf 4,1,1 , mathbf 6,1,1 , ... , mathbf 2n,1,1 , ... = 1 ; mathbf 0,1,1 , mathbf 2,1,1 , mathbf 4,1,1 , ... , mathbf 2n,1,1 , ... , which written out looks like : e = 2+ cfrac1 1+cfrac1 mathbf 2 +cfrac1 1+cfrac1 1+cfrac1 mathbf 4 +cfrac1 1+cfrac1 1+ddots = 1+ cfrac1 mathbf 0 + cfrac1 1 + cfrac1 1 + cfrac1 mathbf 2 + cfrac1 1 + cfrac1 1 + cfrac1 mathbf 4 + cfrac1 1 + cfrac1 1 + ddots . This continued fraction for converges three times as quickly : : e = 1 ; 0.5 , 12 , 5 , 28 , 9 , 44 , 13 , ldots , 4(4n-1) , ( 4n+1 ) , ldots , which written out looks like : e = *68;8347;TOOLONG , . Many other series , sequence , continued fraction , and infinite product representations of have been developed . # Stochastic representations # In addition to exact analytical expressions for representation of , there are stochastic techniques for estimating . One such approach begins with an infinite sequence of independent random variables , ... , drawn from the uniform distribution on 0 , 1 . Let be the least number such that the sum of the first samples exceeds 1 : : V = min left n mid X1+X2+cdots+Xn 1 right . Then the expected value of is : ' ' e ' ' . # Known digits # The number of known digits of has increased dramatically during the last decades . This is due both to the increased performance of computers and to algorithmic improvements . # In computer culture # In contemporary internet culture , individuals and organizations frequently pay homage to the number . For instance , in the IPO filing for Google in 2004 , rather than a typical round-number amount of money , the company announced its intention to raise $2,718,281,828 , which is billion dollars to the nearest dollar . Google was also responsible for a billboard that appeared in the heart of Silicon Valley , and later in Cambridge , Massachusetts ; Seattle , Washington ; and Austin , Texas . It read first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of . com . Solving this problem and visiting the advertised ( now defunct ) web site led to an even more difficult problem to solve , which in turn led to Google Labs where the visitor was invited to submit a resume . The first 10-digit prime in is 7427466391 , which starts at the 99th digit . In another instance , the computer scientist Donald Knuth let the version numbers of his program Metafont approach . The versions are 2 , 2.7 , 2.71 , 2.718 , and so forth . Similarly , the version numbers of his TeX program approach . # Notes # # Further reading # Maor , Eli ; ' ' : The Story of a Number ' ' , ISBN 0-691-05854-7 of the book ' ' Prime Obsession ' ' for another stochastic representation @@10603 In abstract algebra , a field is a nonzero commutative ring that contains a multiplicative inverse for every nonzero element , or equivalently a ring whose nonzero elements form an abelian group under multiplication . As such it is an algebraic structure with notions of addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division satisfying the appropriate abelian group equations and distributive law . The most commonly used fields are the field of real numbers , the field of complex numbers , and the field of rational numbers , but there are also finite fields , fields of functions , algebraic number fields , ' ' p ' ' -adic fields , and so forth . Any field may be used as the scalars for a vector space , which is the standard general context for linear algebra . The theory of field extensions ( including Galois theory ) involves the roots of polynomials with coefficients in a field ; among other results , this theory leads to impossibility proofs for the classical problems of angle trisection and squaring the circle with a compass and straightedge , as well as a proof of the AbelRuffini theorem on the algebraic insolubility of quintic equations . In modern mathematics , the theory of fields ( or field theory ) plays an essential role in number theory and algebraic geometry . As an algebraic structure , every field is a ring , but not every ring is a field . The most important difference is that fields allow for division ( though not division by zero ) , while a ring need not possess multiplicative inverses ; for example the integers form a ring , but 2 ' ' x ' ' = 1 has no solution in integers . Also , the multiplication operation in a field is required to be commutative . A ring in which division is possible but commutativity is not assumed ( such as the quaternions ) is called a ' ' division ring ' ' or ' ' skew field ' ' . ( Historically , division rings were sometimes referred to as fields , while fields were called ' ' commutative fields ' ' . ) As a ring , a field may be classified as a specific type of integral domain , and can be characterized by the following ( not exhaustive ) chain of class inclusions : : Commutative rings integral domains integrally closed domains unique factorization domains principal ideal domains Euclidean domains fields finite fields . # Definition and illustration # Intuitively , a field is a set ' ' F ' ' that is a commutative group with respect to two compatible operations , addition and multiplication , with compatible being formalized by ' ' distributivity , ' ' and the caveat that the additive identity ( 0 ) has no multiplicative inverse ( one can not divide by 0 ) . The most common way to formalize this is by defining a ' ' field ' ' as a set together with two operations , usually called ' ' addition ' ' and ' ' multiplication ' ' , and denoted by + and , respectively , such that the following axioms hold ; ' ' subtraction ' ' and ' ' division ' ' are defined implicitly in terms of the inverse operations of addition and multiplication : *18;191367;ref That is , the axiom for addition only assumes a binary operation scriptstyle +colon , F , times , F ; to ; F , , scriptstyle a , , b ; mapsto ; a , + , b . The axiom of inverse allows one to define a unary operation scriptstyle -colon , F ; to ; F scriptstyle a ; mapsto ; -a that sends an element to its negative ( its additive inverse ) ; this is not taken as given , but is implicitly defined in terms of addition as scriptstyle -a is the unique ' ' b ' ' such that scriptstyle a , + , b ; = ; 0 , implicitly because it is defined in terms of solving an equationand one then defines the binary operation of subtraction , also denoted by , as scriptstyle -colon F , times , F ; to ; F , , scriptstyle a , , b ; mapsto ; a , - , b ; : = ; a , + , ( -b ) in terms of addition and additive inverse . In the same way , one defines the binary operation of division in terms of the assumed binary operation of multiplication and the implicitly defined operation of reciprocal ( multiplicative inverse ) . ; ' ' Closure ' ' of ' ' F ' ' under addition and multiplication : For all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , both ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' and ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' are in ' ' F ' ' ( or more formally , + and are binary operations on ' ' F ' ' ) . ; ' ' Associativity ' ' of addition and multiplication : For all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , and ' ' c ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , the following equalities hold : ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) = ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) + ' ' c ' ' and ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) = ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' c ' ' . ; ' ' Commutativity ' ' of addition and multiplication : For all ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , the following equalities hold : ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' + ' ' a ' ' and ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' . ; Existence of additive and multiplicative ' ' identity elements ' ' : There exists an element of ' ' F ' ' , called the ' ' additive identity ' ' element and denoted by 0 , such that for all ' ' a ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , ' ' a ' ' + 0 = ' ' a ' ' . Likewise , there is an element , called the ' ' multiplicative identity ' ' element and denoted by 1 , such that for all ' ' a ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , ' ' a ' ' 1 = ' ' a ' ' . To exclude the trivial ring , the additive identity and the multiplicative identity are required to be distinct . ; Existence of ' ' additive inverses ' ' and ' ' multiplicative inverses ' ' : For every ' ' a ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , there exists an element ' ' a ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , such that ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' a ' ' ) = 0 . Similarly , for any ' ' a ' ' in ' ' F ' ' other than 0 , there exists an element ' ' a ' ' 1 in ' ' F ' ' , such that ' ' a ' ' ' ' a ' ' 1 = 1 . ( The elements ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' b ' ' ) and ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' 1 are also denoted ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' , respectively . ) In other words , ' ' subtraction ' ' and ' ' division ' ' operations exist . ; ' ' Distributivity ' ' of multiplication over addition : For all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' in ' ' F ' ' , the following equality holds : ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) = ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) + ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) . A field is therefore an algebraic structure ' ' F ' ' , + , , , 1 , 0 , 1 ; of type 2 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , consisting of two abelian groups : ' ' F ' ' under + , , and 0 ; ' ' F ' ' 0 under , 1 , and 1 , with 0 1 , with distributing over + . # First example : rational numbers # A simple example of a field is the field of rational numbers , consisting of numbers which can be written as fractions ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' , where ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are integers , and ' ' b ' ' 0 . The additive inverse of such a fraction is simply ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' , and the multiplicative inverse ( provided that ' ' a ' ' 0 ) is ' ' b ' ' / ' ' a ' ' . To see the latter , note that : fracba cdot fracab = fracbaab = 1 . The abstractly required field axioms reduce to standard properties of rational numbers , such as the law of distributivity : fracab cdot left ( fraccd + fracefright ) : = fracab cdot left ( fraccd cdot fracff + fracef cdot fracddright ) : = fracab cdot left ( fraccfdf + fracedfdright ) = fracab cdot fraccf + eddf : = fraca ( cf + ed ) bdf = fracacfbdf + fracaedbdf = fracacbd + fracaebf : = fracab cdot fraccd + fracabcdot fraceftext , or the law of commutativity and law of associativity . # Second example : a field with four elements # In addition to familiar number systems such as the rationals , there are other , less immediate examples of fields . The following example is a field consisting of four elements called O , I , A and B. The notation is chosen such that O plays the role of the additive identity element ( denoted 0 in the axioms ) , and I is the multiplicative identity ( denoted 1 above ) . One can check that all field axioms are satisfied . For example : : A ( B + A ) = A I = A , which equals A B + A A = I + B = A , as required by the distributivity . The above field is called a finite field with four elements , and can be denoted F 4 . Field theory is concerned with understanding the reasons for the existence of this field , defined in a fairly ad-hoc manner , and describing its inner structure . For example , from a glance at the multiplication table , it can be seen that any non-zero element ( i.e. , I , A , and B ) is a power of A : A = A 1 , B = A 2 = A A , and finally I = A 3 = A A A. This is not a coincidence , but rather one of the starting points of a deeper understanding of ( finite ) fields . # Alternative axiomatizations # As with other algebraic structures , there exist alternative axiomatizations . Because of the relations between the operations , one can alternatively axiomatize a field by explicitly assuming that there are four binary operations ( add , subtract , multiply , divide ) with axioms relating these , or ( by functional decomposition ) in terms of two binary operations ( add and multiply ) and two unary operations ( additive inverse and multiplicative inverse ) , or other variants . The usual axiomatization in terms of the two operations of addition and multiplication is brief and allows the other operations to be defined in terms of these basic ones , but in other contexts , such as topology and category theory , it is important to include all operations as explicitly given , rather than implicitly defined ( compare topological group ) . This is because without further assumptions , the implicitly defined inverses may not be continuous ( in topology ) , or may not be able to be defined ( in category theory ) . Defining an inverse requires that one is working with a set , not a more general object . For a very economical axiomatization of the field of real numbers , whose primitives are merely a set R with , addition , and a binary relation , *3626;191387; 3 + ' ' y ' ' 3 = ' ' z ' ' 3 . In the language of field extensions detailed below , Q ( ) is a field extension of degree 2 . Algebraic number fields are by definition finite field extensions of Q , that is , fields containing Q having finite dimension as a Q -vector space . # Reals , complex numbers , and ' ' p ' ' -adic numbers # Take the real numbers R , under the usual operations of addition and multiplication . When the real numbers are given the usual ordering , they form a ' ' complete ordered field ' ' ; it is this structure which provides the foundation for most formal treatments of calculus . The complex numbers C consist of expressions : ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' i where i is the imaginary unit , i.e. , a ( non-real ) number satisfying i 2 = 1 . Addition and multiplication of real numbers are defined in such a way that all field axioms hold for C . For example , the distributive law enforces : ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' i ) ( ' ' c ' ' + ' ' d ' ' i ) = ' ' ac ' ' + ' ' bc ' ' i + ' ' ad ' ' i + ' ' bd ' ' i 2 , which equals ' ' ac ' ' ' ' bd ' ' + ( ' ' bc ' ' + ' ' ad ' ' ) i . The real numbers can be constructed by completing the rational numbers , i.e. , filling the gaps : for example *38;195015;span 2 is such a gap . By a formally very similar procedure , another important class of fields , the field of ' ' p ' ' -adic numbers Q ' ' p ' ' is built . It is used in number theory and ' ' p ' ' -adic analysis . Hyperreal numbers and superreal numbers extend the real numbers with the addition of infinitesimal and infinite numbers . # Constructible numbers # In antiquity , several geometric problems concerned the ( in ) feasibility of constructing certain numbers with compass and straightedge . For example it was unknown to the Greeks that it is in general impossible to trisect a given angle . Using the field notion and field theory allows these problems to be settled . To do so , the field of constructible numbers is considered . It contains , on the plane , the points 0 and 1 , and all complex numbers that can be constructed from these two by a finite number of construction steps using only compass and straightedge . This set , endowed with the usual addition and multiplication of complex numbers does form a field . For example , multiplying two ( real ) numbers ' ' r ' ' 1 and ' ' r ' ' 2 that have already been constructed can be done using construction at the right , based on the intercept theorem . This way , the obtained field ' ' F ' ' contains all rational numbers , but is bigger than Q , because for any ' ' f ' ' ' ' F ' ' , the square root of ' ' f ' ' is also a constructible number . A closely related concept is that of a Euclidean field , namely an ordered field whose positive elements are closed under square root . The real constructible numbers form the least Euclidean field , and the Euclidean fields are precisely the ordered extensions thereof . # Finite fields # ' ' Finite fields ' ' ( also called ' ' Galois fields ' ' ) are fields with finitely many elements . The above introductory example F 4 is a field with four elements . F 2 consists of two elements , 0 and 1 . This is the smallest field , because by definition a field has at least two distinct elements 1 0 . Interpreting the addition and multiplication in this latter field as XOR and AND operations , this field finds applications in computer science , especially in cryptography and coding theory . In a finite field there is necessarily an integer ' ' n ' ' such that ( ' ' n ' ' repeated terms ) equals 0 . It can be shown that the smallest such ' ' n ' ' must be a prime number , called the ' ' characteristic ' ' of the field . If a ( necessarily infinite ) field has the property that is never zero , for any number of summands , such as in Q , for example , the characteristic is said to be zero . A basic class of finite fields are the fields F ' ' p ' ' with ' ' p ' ' elements ( ' ' p ' ' a prime number ) : : F ' ' p ' ' = Z / ' ' p ' ' Z = 0 , 1 , ... , ' ' p ' ' 1 , where the operations are defined by performing the operation in the set of integers Z , dividing by ' ' p ' ' and taking the remainder ; see modular arithmetic . A field ' ' K ' ' of characteristic ' ' p ' ' necessarily contains F ' ' p ' ' , and therefore may be viewed as a vector space over F ' ' p ' ' , of finite dimension if ' ' K ' ' is finite . Thus a finite field ' ' K ' ' has prime power order , i.e. , ' ' K ' ' has ' ' q ' ' = ' ' p ' ' ' ' n ' ' elements ( where ' ' n ' ' 0 is the number of elements in a basis of ' ' K ' ' over F ' ' p ' ' ) . By developing more field theory , in particular the notion of the splitting field of a polynomial ' ' f ' ' over a field ' ' K ' ' , which is the smallest field containing ' ' K ' ' and all roots of ' ' f ' ' , one can show that two finite fields with the same number of elements are isomorphic , i.e. , there is a one-to-one mapping of one field onto the other that preserves multiplication and addition . Thus we may speak of ' ' the ' ' finite field with ' ' q ' ' elements , usually denoted by F ' ' q ' ' or GF ( ' ' q ' ' ) . # Archimedean fields # An Archimedean field is an ordered field such that for each element there exists a finite expression whose value is greater than that element , that is , there are no infinite elements . Equivalently , the field contains no infinitesimals ; or , the field is isomorphic to a subfield of the reals . A necessary condition for an ordered field to be complete is that it be Archimedean , since in any non-Archimedean field there is neither a greatest infinitesimal nor a least positive rational , whence the sequence 1/2 , 1/3 , 1/4 , &hellip ; , every element of which is greater than every infinitesimal , has no limit . ( And since every proper subfield of the reals also contains such gaps , up to isomorphism the reals form the unique complete ordered field. ) # Field of functions # Given a geometric object ' ' X ' ' , one can consider functions on such objects . Adding and multiplying them pointwise , i.e. , ( ' ' f ' ' ' ' g ' ' ) ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) this leads to a field . However , due to the presence of possible zeros , i.e. , points ' ' x ' ' ' ' X ' ' where ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 0 , one has to take poles into account , i.e. , formally allowing ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = . If ' ' X ' ' is an algebraic variety over ' ' F ' ' , then the rational functions ' ' X ' ' ' ' F ' ' , i.e. , functions defined almost everywhere , form a field , the function field of ' ' X ' ' . Likewise , if ' ' X ' ' is a Riemann surface , then the meromorphic functions ' ' S ' ' C form a field . Under certain circumstances , namely when ' ' S ' ' is compact , ' ' S ' ' can be reconstructed from this field . # Local and global fields # Another important distinction in the realm of fields , especially with regard to number theory , are local fields and global fields . Local fields are completions of global fields at a given place . For example , Q is a global field , and the attached local fields are Q ' ' p ' ' and R ( Ostrowski 's theorem ) . Algebraic number fields and function fields over F ' ' q ' ' are further global fields . Studying arithmetic questions in global fields may sometimes be done by looking at the corresponding questions locallythis technique is called local-global principle . # Some first theorems # Every finite subgroup of the multiplicative group ' ' F ' ' is cyclic . This applies in particular to F ' ' q ' ' , it is cyclic of order . In the introductory example , a generator of F 4 is the element A. From the point of view of algebraic geometry , fields are points , because the spectrum ' ' Spec F ' ' has only one point , corresponding to the 0-ideal . This entails that a commutative ring is a field if and only if it has no ideals except 0 and itself . Equivalently , an integral domain is field if and only if its Krull dimension is 0 . Isomorphism extension theorem # Constructing fields # # Closure operations # Assuming the axiom of choice , for every field ' ' F ' ' , there exists a field , called the algebraic closure of ' ' F ' ' , which contains ' ' F ' ' , is algebraic over ' ' F ' ' , which means that any element ' ' x ' ' of satisfies a polynomial equation : ' ' f ' ' ' ' n ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' + ' ' f ' ' ' ' n ' ' 1 ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' 1 + + ' ' f ' ' 1 ' ' x ' ' + ' ' f ' ' 0 = 0 , with coefficients ' ' f ' ' ' ' n ' ' , ... , ' ' f ' ' 0 ' ' F ' ' , and is algebraically closed , i.e. , any such polynomial does have at least one solution in . The algebraic closure is unique up to isomorphism inducing the identity on ' ' F ' ' . However , in many circumstances in mathematics , it is not appropriate to treat as being uniquely determined by ' ' F ' ' , since the isomorphism above is not itself unique . In these cases , one refers to such a as ' ' an ' ' algebraic closure of ' ' F ' ' . A similar concept is the separable closure , containing all roots of separable polynomials , instead of all polynomials . For example , if ' ' F ' ' = Q , the algebraic closure is also called ' ' field of algebraic numbers ' ' . The field of algebraic numbers is an example of an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero ; as such it satisfies the same first-order sentences as the field of complex numbers C . In general , all algebraic closures of a field are isomorphic . However , there is in general no preferable isomorphism between two closures . Likewise for separable closures . # Subfields and field extensions # A ' ' subfield ' ' is , informally , a small field contained in a bigger one . Formally , a subfield ' ' E ' ' of a field ' ' F ' ' is a subset containing 0 and 1 , closed under the operations + , , and multiplicative inverses and with its own operations defined by restriction . For example , the real numbers contain several interesting subfields : the real algebraic numbers , the computable numbers and the rational numbers are examples . The notion of field extension lies at the heart of field theory , and is crucial to many other algebraic domains . A field extension ' ' F ' ' / ' ' E ' ' is simply a field ' ' F ' ' and a subfield ' ' E ' ' ' ' F ' ' . Constructing such a field extension ' ' F ' ' / ' ' E ' ' can be done by adding new elements or ' ' adjoining elements ' ' to the field ' ' E ' ' . For example , given a field ' ' E ' ' , the set ' ' F ' ' = ' ' E ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) of rational functions , i.e. , equivalence classes of expressions of the kind : fracp(X)q(X) , where ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) and ' ' q ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) are polynomials with coefficients in ' ' E ' ' , and ' ' q ' ' is not the zero polynomial , forms a field . This is the simplest example of a transcendental extension of ' ' E ' ' . It also is an example of a domain ( the ring of polynomials scriptstyle E in this case ) being embedded into its field of fractions scriptstyle E(X) . The ring of formal power series scriptstyle EX is also a domain , and again the ( equivalence classes of ) fractions of the form ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) / ' ' q ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) where ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' are elements of scriptstyle EX form the field of fractions for scriptstyle EX . This field is actually the ring of Laurent series over the field ' ' E ' ' , denoted scriptstyle E ( ( X ) . In the above two cases , the added symbol ' ' X ' ' and its powers did not interact with elements of ' ' E ' ' . It is possible however that the adjoined symbol may interact with ' ' E ' ' . This idea will be illustrated by adjoining an element to the field of real numbers R . As explained above , C is an extension of R . C can be obtained from R by adjoining the imaginary symbol i which satisfies i 2 = 1 . The result is that R i= C . This is different from adjoining the symbol ' ' X ' ' to R , because in that case , the powers of ' ' X ' ' are all distinct objects , but here , i 2 =1 is actually an element of R . Another way to view this last example is to note that i is a zero of the polynomial ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) = ' ' X ' ' 2 + 1 . The quotient ring scriptstyle RX/ ( X2 , + , 1 ) can be mapped onto C using the map scriptstyle overlinea , + , bX ; rightarrow ; a , + , ib . Since the ideal ( ' ' X ' ' 2 +1 ) is generated by a polynomial irreducible over R , the ideal is maximal , hence the quotient ring is a field . This nonzero ring map from the quotient to C is necessarily an isomorphism of rings . The above construction generalises to any irreducible polynomial in the polynomial ring ' ' E ' ' ' ' X ' ' , i.e. , a polynomial ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) that can not be written as a product of non-constant polynomials . The quotient ring ' ' F ' ' = ' ' E ' ' ' ' X ' ' / ( ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) , is again a field . Alternatively , constructing such field extensions can also be done , if a bigger container is already given . Suppose given a field ' ' E ' ' , and a field ' ' G ' ' containing ' ' E ' ' as a subfield , for example ' ' G ' ' could be the algebraic closure of ' ' E ' ' . Let ' ' x ' ' be an element of ' ' G ' ' not in ' ' E ' ' . Then there is a smallest subfield of ' ' G ' ' containing ' ' E ' ' and ' ' x ' ' , denoted ' ' F ' ' = ' ' E ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) and called ' ' field extension F / E generated by x in G ' ' . Such extensions are also called ' ' simple extensions ' ' . Many extensions are of this type ; see the primitive element theorem . For instance , Q ( ' ' i ' ' ) is the subfield of C consisting of all numbers of the form ' ' a ' ' + ' ' bi ' ' where both ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are rational numbers . One distinguishes between extensions having various qualities . For example , an extension ' ' K ' ' of a field ' ' k ' ' is called ' ' algebraic ' ' , if every element of ' ' K ' ' is a root of some polynomial with coefficients in ' ' k ' ' . Otherwise , the extension is called ' ' transcendental ' ' . The aim of Galois theory is the study of ' ' algebraic extensions ' ' of a field . # Rings vs fields # Adding multiplicative inverses to an integral domain ' ' R ' ' yields the field of fractions of ' ' R ' ' . For example , the field of fractions of the integers Z is just Q . Also , the field ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) is the quotient field of the ring of polynomials ' ' F ' ' ' ' X ' ' . Getting back the ring from the field is sometimes possible ; see discrete valuation ring . Another method to obtain a field from a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' is taking the quotient # Ultraproducts # If ' ' I ' ' is an index set , ' ' U ' ' is an ultrafilter on ' ' I ' ' , and ' ' F ' ' ' ' i ' ' is a field for every ' ' i ' ' in ' ' I ' ' , the ultraproduct of the ' ' F ' ' ' ' i ' ' with respect to ' ' U ' ' is a field . For example , a non-principal ultraproduct of finite fields is a pseudo finite field ; i.e. , a PAC field having exactly one extension of any degree . This construction is important to the study of the elementary theory of finite fields . # Galois theory # Galois theory aims to study the algebraic extensions of a field by studying the symmetry in the arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication . The fundamental theorem of Galois theory shows that there is a strong relation between the structure of the symmetry group and the set of algebraic extensions . In the case where ' ' F ' ' / ' ' E ' ' is a finite ( Galois ) extension , Galois theory studies the algebraic extensions of ' ' E ' ' that are subfields of ' ' F ' ' . Such fields are called intermediate extensions . Specifically , the Galois group of ' ' F ' ' over ' ' E ' ' , denoted Gal ( ' ' F ' ' / ' ' E ' ' ) , is the group of field automorphisms of ' ' F ' ' that are trivial on ' ' E ' ' ( i.e. , the bijections : ' ' F ' ' ' ' F ' ' that preserve addition and multiplication and that send elements of ' ' E ' ' to themselves ) , and the fundamental theorem of Galois theory states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between subgroups of Gal ( ' ' F ' ' / ' ' E ' ' ) and the set of intermediate extensions of the extension ' ' F ' ' / ' ' E ' ' . The theorem , in fact , gives an explicit correspondence and further properties . To study all ( separable ) algebraic extensions of ' ' E ' ' at once , one must consider the absolute Galois group of ' ' E ' ' , defined as the Galois group of the separable closure , ' ' E ' ' sep , of ' ' E ' ' over ' ' E ' ' ( i.e. , Gal ( ' ' E ' ' sep / ' ' E ' ' ) . It is possible that the degree of this extension is infinite ( as in the case of ' ' E ' ' = Q ) . It is thus necessary to have a notion of Galois group for an infinite algebraic extension . The Galois group in this case is obtained as a limit ( specifically an inverse limit ) of the Galois groups of the finite Galois extensions of ' ' E ' ' . In this way , it acquires a topology . *18;195055;ref As an inverse limit of finite discrete groups , it is equipped with the profinite topology , making it a profinite topological group The fundamental theorem of Galois theory can be generalized to the case of infinite Galois extensions by taking into consideration the topology of the Galois group , and in the case of ' ' E ' ' sep / ' ' E ' ' it states that there this a one-to-one correspondence between ' ' closed ' ' subgroups of Gal ( ' ' E ' ' sep / ' ' E ' ' ) and the set of all separable algebraic extensions of ' ' E ' ' ( technically , one only obtains those separable algebraic extensions of ' ' E ' ' that occur as subfields of the ' ' chosen ' ' separable closure ' ' E ' ' sep , but since all separable closures of ' ' E ' ' are isomorphic , choosing a different separable closure would give the same Galois group and thus an equivalent set of algebraic extensions ) . # Generalizations # There are also proper classes with field structure , which are sometimes called Fields , with a capital F : The surreal numbers form a Field containing the reals , and would be a field except for the fact that they are a proper class , not a set . The nimbers form a Field . The set of nimbers with birthday smaller than 2 2 ' ' n ' ' , the nimbers with birthday smaller than any infinite cardinal are all examples of fields . In a different direction , differential fields are fields equipped with a derivation . For example , the field R ( ' ' X ' ' ) , together with the standard derivative of polynomials forms a differential field . These fields are central to differential Galois theory . Exponential fields , meanwhile , are fields equipped with an exponential function that provides a homomorphism between the additive and multiplicative groups within the field . The usual exponential function makes the real and complex numbers exponential fields , denoted R exp and C exp respectively . Generalizing in a more categorical direction yields the field with one element and related objects . # Exponentiation # One does not in general study generalizations of fields with ' ' three ' ' binary operations . The familiar addition/subtraction , multiplication/division , *30;195075;TOOLONG operations from the natural numbers to the reals , each built up in terms of iteration of the last , mean that generalizing exponentiation as a binary operation is tempting , but has generally not proven fruitful ; instead , an exponential field assumes a unary exponential function from the additive group to the multiplicative group , not a partially defined binary function . Note that the exponential operation of scriptstyle ab is neither associative nor commutative , nor has a unique inverse ( scriptstyle pm 2 are both square roots of 4 , for instance ) , unlike addition and multiplication , and further is not defined for many pairsfor example , scriptstyle ( -1 ) 1/2 ; = ; sqrt-1 does not define a single number . These all show that even for rational numbers exponentiation is not nearly as well-behaved as addition and multiplication , which is why one does not in general axiomatize exponentiation. # Applications # The concept of a field is of use , for example , in defining vectors and matrices , two structures in linear algebra whose components can be elements of an arbitrary field . Finite fields are used in number theory , Galois theory , coding theory and combinatorics ; and again the notion of algebraic extension is an important tool . Fields of characteristic 2 are useful in computer science . @@14220 The area of study known as the history of mathematics is primarily an investigation into the origin of discoveries in mathematics and , to a lesser extent , an investigation into the mathematical methods and notation of the past . Before the modern age and the worldwide spread of knowledge , written examples of new mathematical developments have come to light only in a few locales . The most ancient mathematical texts available are ' ' Plimpton 322 ' ' ( Babylonian mathematics c. 1900 BC ) , the ' ' Rhind Mathematical Papyrus ' ' ( Egyptian mathematics c. 2000-1800 BC ) and the ' ' Moscow Mathematical Papyrus ' ' ( Egyptian mathematics c. 1890 BC ) . All of these texts concern the so-called Pythagorean theorem , which seems to be the most ancient and widespread mathematical development after basic arithmetic and geometry . The study of mathematics as a subject in its own right begins in the 6th century BC with the Pythagoreans , who coined the term mathematics from the ancient Greek ' ' ' ' ( ' ' mathema ' ' ) , meaning subject of instruction . Greek mathematics greatly refined the methods ( especially through the introduction of deductive reasoning and mathematical rigor in proofs ) and expanded the subject matter of mathematics . Chinese mathematics made early contributions , including a place value system . The Hindu-Arabic numeral system and the rules for the use of its operations , in use throughout the world today , likely evolved over the course of the first millennium AD in India and were transmitted to the west via Islamic mathematics through the work of Muammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm . Islamic mathematics , in turn , developed and expanded the mathematics known to these civilizations . Many Greek and Arabic texts on mathematics were then translated into Latin , which led to further development of mathematics in medieval Europe . From ancient times through the Middle Ages , bursts of mathematical creativity were often followed by centuries of stagnation . Beginning in Renaissance Italy in the 16th century , new mathematical developments , interacting with new scientific discoveries , were made at an increasing pace that continues through the present day . # Prehistoric mathematics # The origins of mathematical thought lie in the concepts of number , magnitude , and form . Modern studies of animal cognition have shown that these concepts are not unique to humans . Such concepts would have been part of everyday life in hunter-gatherer societies . The idea of the number concept evolving gradually over time is supported by the existence of languages which preserve the distinction between one , two , and many , but not of numbers larger than two . The oldest known possibly mathematical object is the Lebombo bone , discovered in the Lebombo mountains of Swaziland and dated to approximately 35,000 BC . It consists of 29 distinct notches cut into a baboon 's fibula . Also prehistoric artifacts discovered in Africa and France , dated between 35,000 and 20,000 years old , suggest early attempts to quantify time . The Ishango bone , found near the headwaters of the Nile river ( northeastern Congo ) , may be as much as 20,000 years old and consists of a series of tally marks carved in three columns running the length of the bone . Common interpretations are that the Ishango bone shows either the earliest known demonstration of sequences of prime numbers or a six-month lunar calendar . In the book ' ' How Mathematics Happened : The First 50,000 Years ' ' , Peter Rudman argues that the development of the concept of prime numbers could only have come about after the concept of division , which he dates to after 10,000 BC , with prime numbers probably not being understood until about 500 BC . He also writes that no attempt has been made to explain why a tally of something should exhibit multiples of two , prime numbers between 10 and 20 , and some numbers that are almost multiples of 10 . The Ishango bone , according to scholar Alexander Marshack , may have influenced the later development of mathematics in Egypt as , like some entries on the Ishango bone , Egyptian arithmetic also made use of multiplication by 2 ; this , however , is disputed . Predynastic Egyptians of the 5th millennium BC pictorially represented geometric designs . It has been claimed that megalithic monuments in England and Scotland , dating from the 3rd millennium BC , incorporate geometric ideas such as circles , ellipses , and Pythagorean triples in their design . All of the above are disputed however , and the currently oldest undisputed mathematical usage is in Babylonian and dynastic Egyptian sources . # Babylonian mathematics # Babylonian mathematics refers to any mathematics of the people of Mesopotamia ( modern Iraq ) from the days of the early Sumerians through the Hellenistic period almost to the dawn of Christianity . It is named Babylonian mathematics due to the central role of Babylon as a place of study . Later under the Arab Empire , Mesopotamia , especially Baghdad , once again became an important center of study for Islamic mathematics . In contrast to the sparsity of sources in Egyptian mathematics , our knowledge of Babylonian mathematics is derived from more than 400 clay tablets unearthed since the 1850s . Written in Cuneiform script , tablets were inscribed whilst the clay was moist , and baked hard in an oven or by the heat of the sun . Some of these appear to be graded homework . The earliest evidence of written mathematics dates back to the ancient Sumerians , who built the earliest civilization in Mesopotamia . They developed a complex system of metrology from 3000 BC . From around 2500 BC onwards , the Sumerians wrote multiplication tables on clay tablets and dealt with geometrical exercises and division problems . The earliest traces of the Babylonian numerals also date back to this period . The majority of recovered clay tablets date from 1800 to 1600 BC , and cover topics which include fractions , algebra , quadratic and cubic equations , and the calculation of regular reciprocal pairs . The tablets also include multiplication tables and methods for solving linear and quadratic equations . The Babylonian tablet YBC 7289 gives an approximation of 2 accurate to five decimal places . Babylonian mathematics were written using a sexagesimal ( base-60 ) numeral system . From this derives the modern day usage of 60 seconds in a minute , 60 minutes in an hour , and 360 ( 60 x 6 ) degrees in a circle , as well as the use of seconds and minutes of arc to denote fractions of a degree . Babylonian advances in mathematics were facilitated by the fact that 60 has many divisors . Also , unlike the Egyptians , Greeks , and Romans , the Babylonians had a true place-value system , where digits written in the left column represented larger values , much as in the decimal system . They lacked , however , an equivalent of the decimal point , and so the place value of a symbol often had to be inferred from the context . On the other hand , this defect is equivalent to the modern-day usage of floating point arithmetic ; moreover , the use of base 60 means that any reciprocal of an integer which is a multiple of divisors of 60 necessarily has a finite expansion to the base 60 . ( In decimal arithmetic , only reciprocals of multiples of 2 and 5 have finite decimal expansions . ) Accordingly , there is a strong argument that arithmetic Old Babylonian style is considerably more sophisticated than that of current usage . The interpretation of Plimpton 322 was the source of controversy for many years after its significance in the context of Pythagorean triangles was realized . In historical context , inheritance problems involving equal-area subdivision of triangular and trapezoidal fields ( with integer length sides ) quickly convert into the need to calculate the square root of 2 , or to solve the Pythagorean equation in integers . Rather than considering a square as the sum of two squares , we can equivalently consider a square as a difference of two squares . Let a , b and c be integers that form a Pythagorean Triple : a2 + b2 = c2 . Then c2 - a2 = b2 , and using the expansion for the difference of two squares we get ( c-a ) ( c+a ) = b2 . Dividing by b2 , it becomes the product of two rational numbers giving 1 : ( c/b - a/b ) ( c/b + a/b ) = 1 . We require two rational numbers which are reciprocals and which differ by 2(a/b) . This is easily solved by consulting a table of reciprocal pairs . E.g. , ( 1/2 ) ( 2 ) = 1 is a pair of reciprocals which differ by 3/2 = 2(a/b) Thus a/b = 3/4 , giving a=3 , b=4 and so c=5 . Solutions of the original equation are thus constructed by choosing a rational number x , from which Pythagorean-triples are 2x , x2-1 , x2+1 . Other triples are made by scaling these by an integer ( the scaling integer being half the difference between the largest and one other side ) . All Pythagorean triples arise in this way , and the examples provided in Plimpton 322 involve some quite large numbers , by modern standards , such as ( 4601 , 4800 , 6649 ) in decimal notation . # Egyptian mathematics # Egyptian mathematics refers to mathematics written in the Egyptian language . From the Hellenistic period , Greek replaced Egyptian as the written language of Egyptian scholars . Mathematical study in Egypt later continued under the Arab Empire as part of Islamic mathematics , when Arabic became the written language of Egyptian scholars . The most extensive Egyptian mathematical text is the Rhind papyrus ( sometimes also called the Ahmes Papyrus after its author ) , dated to c. 1650 BC but likely a copy of an older document from the Middle Kingdom of about 2000-1800 BC . It is an instruction manual for students in arithmetic and geometry . In addition to giving area formulas and methods for multiplication , division and working with unit fractions , it also contains evidence of other mathematical knowledge , including composite and prime numbers ; arithmetic , geometric and harmonic means ; and simplistic understandings of both the Sieve of Eratosthenes and perfect number theory ( namely , that of the number 6 ) . It also shows how to solve first order linear equations as well as arithmetic and geometric series . Another significant Egyptian mathematical text is the Moscow papyrus , also from the Middle Kingdom period , dated to c. 1890 BC . It consists of what are today called ' ' word problems ' ' or ' ' story problems ' ' , which were apparently intended as entertainment . One problem is considered to be of particular importance because it gives a method for finding the volume of a frustum : If you are told : A truncated pyramid of 6 for the vertical height by 4 on the base by 2 on the top . You are to square this 4 , result 16 . You are to double 4 , result 8 . You are to square 2 , result 4 . You are to add the 16 , the 8 , and the 4 , result 28 . You are to take one third of 6 , result 2 . You are to take 28 twice , result 56 . See , it is 56 . You will find it right . Finally , the Berlin Papyrus 6619 ( c. 1800 BC ) shows that ancient Egyptians could solve a second-order algebraic equation . # Greek mathematics # Greek mathematics refers to the mathematics written in the Greek language from the time of Thales of Miletus ( 600 BC ) to the closure of the Academy of Athens in 529 AD . Greek mathematicians lived in cities spread over the entire Eastern Mediterranean , from Italy to North Africa , but were united by culture and language . Greek mathematics of the period following Alexander the Great is sometimes called Hellenistic mathematics . Greek mathematics was much more sophisticated than the mathematics that had been developed by earlier cultures . All surviving records of pre-Greek mathematics show the use of inductive reasoning , that is , repeated observations used to establish rules of thumb . Greek mathematicians , by contrast , used deductive reasoning . The Greeks used logic to derive conclusions from definitions and axioms , and used mathematical rigor to prove them . Greek mathematics is thought to have begun with Thales of Miletus ( c. 624c.546 BC ) and Pythagoras of Samos ( c. 582c. 507 BC ) . Although the extent of the influence is disputed , they were probably inspired by Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics . According to legend , Pythagoras traveled to Egypt to learn mathematics , geometry , and astronomy from Egyptian priests . Thales used geometry to solve problems such as calculating the height of pyramids and the distance of ships from the shore . He is credited with the first use of deductive reasoning applied to geometry , by deriving four corollaries to Thales ' Theorem . As a result , he has been hailed as the first true mathematician and the first known individual to whom a mathematical discovery has been attributed . Pythagoras established the Pythagorean School , whose doctrine it was that mathematics ruled the universe and whose motto was All is number . It was the Pythagoreans who coined the term mathematics , and with whom the study of mathematics for its own sake begins . The Pythagoreans are credited with the first proof of the Pythagorean theorem , though the statement of the theorem has a long history , and with the proof of the existence of irrational numbers . Plato ( 428/427 BC 348/347 BC ) is important in the history of mathematics for inspiring and guiding others . His Platonic Academy , in Athens , became the mathematical center of the world in the 4th century BC , and it was from this school that the leading mathematicians of the day , such as Eudoxus of Cnidus , came . Plato also discussed the foundations of mathematics , clarified some of the definitions ( e.g. that of a line as breadthless length ) , and reorganized the assumptions . The analytic method is ascribed to Plato , while a formula for obtaining Pythagorean triples bears his name . Eudoxus ( 408c.355 BC ) developed the method of exhaustion , a precursor of modern integration and a theory of ratios that avoided the problem of incommensurable magnitudes . The former allowed the calculations of areas and volumes of curvilinear figures , while the latter enabled subsequent geometers to make significant advances in geometry . Though he made no specific technical mathematical discoveries , Aristotle ( 384c.322 BC ) contributed significantly to the development of mathematics by laying the foundations of logic . In the 3rd century BC , the premier center of mathematical education and research was the Musaeum of Alexandria . It was there that Euclid ( c. 300 BC ) taught , and wrote the ' ' Elements ' ' , widely considered the most successful and influential textbook of all time . The ' ' Elements ' ' introduced mathematical rigor through the axiomatic method and is the earliest example of the format still used in mathematics today , that of definition , axiom , theorem , and proof . Although most of the contents of the ' ' Elements ' ' were already known , Euclid arranged them into a single , coherent logical framework . The ' ' Elements ' ' was known to all educated people in the West until the middle of the 20th century and its contents are still taught in geometry classes today . In addition to the familiar theorems of Euclidean geometry , the ' ' Elements ' ' was meant as an introductory textbook to all mathematical subjects of the time , such as number theory , algebra and solid geometry , including proofs that the square root of two is irrational and that there are infinitely many prime numbers . Euclid also wrote extensively on other subjects , such as conic sections , optics , spherical geometry , and mechanics , but only half of his writings survive . The first woman mathematician recorded by history was Hypatia of Alexandria ( AD 350 - 415 ) . She succeeded her father as Librarian at the Great Library and wrote many works on applied mathematics . Because of a political dispute , the Christian community in Alexandria punished her , presuming she was involved , by stripping her naked and scraping off her skin with clamshells ( some say roofing tiles ) . Archimedes ( c.287212 BC ) of Syracuse , widely considered the greatest mathematician of antiquity , used the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series , in a manner not too dissimilar from modern calculus . He also showed one could use the method of exhaustion to calculate the value of with as much precision as desired , and obtained the most accurate value of then known , 3 *25820;36701; Throughout the 19th century mathematics became increasingly abstract . In the 19th century lived Carl Friedrich Gauss ( 17771855 ) . Leaving aside his many contributions to science , in pure mathematics he did revolutionary work on functions of complex variables , in geometry , and on the convergence of series . He gave the first satisfactory proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra and of the quadratic reciprocity law . This century saw the development of the two forms of non-Euclidean geometry , where the parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry no longer holds . The Russian mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky and his rival , the Hungarian mathematician Jnos Bolyai , independently defined and studied hyperbolic geometry , where uniqueness of parallels no longer holds . In this geometry the sum of angles in a triangle add up to less than 180 . Elliptic geometry was developed later in the 19th century by the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann ; here no parallel can be found and the angles in a triangle add up to more than 180 . Riemann also developed Riemannian geometry , which unifies and vastly generalizes the three types of geometry , and he defined the concept of a manifold , which generalizes the ideas of curves and surfaces . The 19th century saw the beginning of a great deal of abstract algebra . Hermann Grassmann in Germany gave a first version of vector spaces , William Rowan Hamilton in Ireland developed noncommutative algebra . The British mathematician George Boole devised an algebra that soon evolved into what is now called Boolean algebra , in which the only numbers were 0 and 1 . Boolean algebra is the starting point of mathematical logic and has important applications in computer science . Augustin-Louis Cauchy , Bernhard Riemann , and Karl Weierstrass reformulated the calculus in a more rigorous fashion . Also , for the first time , the limits of mathematics were explored . Niels Henrik Abel , a Norwegian , and variste Galois , a Frenchman , proved that there is no general algebraic method for solving polynomial equations of degree greater than four ( AbelRuffini theorem ) . Other 19th-century mathematicians utilized this in their proofs that straightedge and compass alone are not sufficient to trisect an arbitrary angle , to construct the side of a cube twice the volume of a given cube , nor to construct a square equal in area to a given circle . Mathematicians had vainly attempted to solve all of these problems since the time of the ancient Greeks . On the other hand , the limitation of three dimensions in geometry was surpassed in the 19th century through considerations of parameter space and hypercomplex numbers . Abel and Galois 's investigations into the solutions of various polynomial equations laid the groundwork for further developments of group theory , and the associated fields of abstract algebra . In the 20th century physicists and other scientists have seen group theory as the ideal way to study symmetry . In the later 19th century , Georg Cantor established the first foundations of set theory , which enabled the rigorous treatment of the notion of infinity and has become the common language of nearly all mathematics . Cantor 's set theory , and the rise of mathematical logic in the hands of Peano , L. E. J. Brouwer , David Hilbert , Bertrand Russell , and A.N . Whitehead , initiated a long running debate on the foundations of mathematics . The 19th century saw the founding of a number of national mathematical societies : the London Mathematical Society in 1865 , the Socit Mathmatique de France in 1872 , the Circolo Matematico di Palermo in 1884 , the Edinburgh Mathematical Society in 1883 , and the American Mathematical Society in 1888 . The first international , special-interest society , the Quaternion Society , was formed in 1899 , in the context of a vector controversy . In 1897 , Hensel introduced p-adic numbers . # 20th century # The 20th century saw mathematics become a major profession . Every year , thousands of new Ph.D.s in mathematics were awarded , and jobs were available in both teaching and industry . An effort to catalogue the areas and applications of mathematics was undertaken in Klein 's encyclopedia . In a 1900 speech to the International Congress of Mathematicians , David Hilbert set out a list of 23 unsolved problems in mathematics . These problems , spanning many areas of mathematics , formed a central focus for much of 20th-century mathematics . Today , 10 have been solved , 7 are partially solved , and 2 are still open . The remaining 4 are too loosely formulated to be stated as solved or not . Notable historical conjectures were finally proven . In 1976 , Wolfgang Haken and Kenneth Appel used a computer to prove the four color theorem . Andrew Wiles , building on the work of others , proved Fermat 's Last Theorem in 1995 . Paul Cohen and Kurt Gdel proved that the continuum hypothesis is independent of ( could neither be proved nor disproved from ) the standard axioms of set theory . In 1998 Thomas Callister Hales proved the Kepler conjecture . Mathematical collaborations of unprecedented size and scope took place . An example is the classification of finite simple groups ( also called the enormous theorem ) , whose proof between 1955 and 1983 required 500-odd journal articles by about 100 authors , and filling tens of thousands of pages . A group of French mathematicians , including Jean Dieudonn and Andr Weil , publishing under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki , attempted to exposit all of known mathematics as a coherent rigorous whole . The resulting several dozen volumes has had a controversial influence on mathematical education . Differential geometry came into its own when Einstein used it in general relativity . Entire new areas of mathematics such as mathematical logic , topology , and John von Neumann 's game theory changed the kinds of questions that could be answered by mathematical methods . All kinds of structures were abstracted using axioms and given names like metric spaces , topological spaces etc . As mathematicians do , the concept of an abstract structure was itself abstracted and led to category theory . Grothendieck and Serre recast algebraic geometry using sheaf theory . Large advances were made in the qualitative study of dynamical systems that Poincar had begun in the 1890s . Measure theory was developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries . Applications of measures include the Lebesgue integral , Kolmogorov 's axiomatisation of probability theory , and ergodic theory . Knot theory greatly expanded . Quantum mechanics led to the development of functional analysis . Other new areas include , Laurent Schwartz 's distribution theory , fixed point theory , singularity theory and Ren Thom 's catastrophe theory , model theory , and Mandelbrot 's fractals . Lie theory with its Lie groups and Lie algebras became one of the major areas of study . Non-standard analysis , introduced by Abraham Robinson , rehabillitated the infinitesimal approach to calculus , which had fallen into disrepute in favour of the theory of limits , by extending the field of real numbers to the Hyperreal numbers which include infinitesimal and infinite quantities . An even larger number system , the surreal numbers were discovered by John Horton Conway in connection with combinatorial games . The development and continual improvement of computers , at first mechanical analog machines and then digital electronic machines , allowed industry to deal with larger and larger amounts of data to facilitate mass production and distribution and communication , and new areas of mathematics were developed to deal with this : Alan Turing 's computability theory ; complexity theory ; Derrick Henry Lehmer 's use of ENIAC to further number theory and the Lucas-Lehmer test ; Claude Shannon 's information theory ; signal processing ; data analysis ; optimization and other areas of operations research . In the preceding centuries much mathematical focus was on calculus and continuous functions , but the rise of computing and communication networks led to an increasing importance of discrete concepts and the expansion of combinatorics including graph theory . The speed and data processing abilities of computers also enabled the handling of mathematical problems that were too time-consuming to deal with by pencil and paper calculations , leading to areas such as numerical analysis and symbolic computation . Some of the most important methods and algorithms of the 20th century are : the simplex algorithm , the Fast Fourier Transform , error-correcting codes , the Kalman filter from control theory and the RSA algorithm of public-key cryptography . At the same time , deep insights were made about the limitations to mathematics . In 1929 and 1930 , it was proved the truth or falsity of all statements formulated about the natural numbers plus one of addition and multiplication , was decidable , i.e. could be determined by some algorithm . In 1931 , Kurt Gdel found that this was not the case for the natural numbers plus both addition and multiplication ; this system , known as Peano arithmetic , was in fact incompletable . ( Peano arithmetic is adequate for a good deal of number theory , including the notion of prime number . ) A consequence of Gdel 's two incompleteness theorems is that in any mathematical system that includes Peano arithmetic ( including all of analysis and geometry ) , truth necessarily outruns proof , i.e. there are true statements that can not be proved within the system . Hence mathematics can not be reduced to mathematical logic , and David Hilbert 's dream of making all of mathematics complete and consistent needed to be reformulated . One of the more colorful figures in 20th-century mathematics was Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan ( 18871920 ) , an Indian autodidact who conjectured or proved over 3000 theorems , including properties of highly composite numbers , the partition function and its asymptotics , and mock theta functions . He also made major investigations in the areas of gamma functions , modular forms , divergent series , hypergeometric series and prime number theory . Paul Erds published more papers than any other mathematician in history , working with hundreds of collaborators . Mathematicians have a game equivalent to the Kevin Bacon Game , which leads to the Erds number of a mathematician . This describes the collaborative distance between a person and Paul Erds , as measured by joint authorship of mathematical papers . Emmy Noether has been described by many as the most important woman in the history of mathematics , she revolutionized the theories of rings , fields , and algebras . As in most areas of study , the explosion of knowledge in the scientific age has led to specialization : by the end of the century there were hundreds of specialized areas in mathematics and the Mathematics Subject Classification was dozens of pages long . More and more mathematical journals were published and , by the end of the century , the development of the world wide web led to online publishing . # 21st century # In 2000 , the Clay Mathematics Institute announced the seven Millennium Prize Problems , and in 2003 the Poincar conjecture was solved by Grigori Perelman ( who declined to accept an award on this point ) . Most mathematical journals now have online versions as well as print versions , and many online-only journals are launched . There is an increasing drive towards open access publishing , first popularized by the arXiv. # Future of mathematics # There are many observable trends in mathematics , the most notable being that the subject is growing ever larger , computers are ever more important and powerful , the application of mathematics to bioinformatics is rapidly expanding , the volume of data to be analyzed being produced by science and industry , facilitated by computers , is explosively expanding . # See also # History of algebra History of calculus History of combinatorics History of geometry History of logic History of mathematical notation History of number theory History of statistics History of trigonometry History of writing numbers Kenneth O. May Prize List of important publications in mathematics Lists of mathematicians Timeline of mathematics # References # # External articles # Eves , Howard , ' ' An Introduction to the History of Mathematics ' ' , Saunders , 1990 , ISBN 0-03-029558-0 , Burton , David M. ' ' The History of Mathematics : An Introduction ' ' . McGraw Hill : 1997. Katz , Victor J. ' ' A History of Mathematics : An Introduction ' ' , 2nd Edition . Addison-Wesley : 1998. Scimone , Aldo ( 2006 ) . Talete , chi era costui ? Vita e opere dei matematici incontrati a scuola . Palermo : Palumbo Pp. 228 . ; Books on a specific period Cite book . Maier , Annaliese ( 1982 ) , ' ' At the Threshold of Exact Science : Selected Writings of Annaliese Maier on Late Medieval Natural Philosophy ' ' , edited by Steven Sargent , Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press . Cite book . van der Waerden , B. L. , ' ' Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations ' ' , Springer , 1983 , ISBN 0-387-12159-5 . ; Books on a specific topic Hoffman , Paul , ' ' The Man Who Loved Only Numbers : The Story of Paul Erds and the Search for Mathematical Truth ' ' . New York : Hyperion , 1998 ISBN 0-7868-6362-5. ; Documentaries BBC ( 2008 ) . ' ' The Story of Maths ' ' . ( John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson ; University of St Andrews , Scotland ) . An award-winning website containing detailed biographies on many historical and contemporary mathematicians , as well as information on notable curves and various topics in the history of mathematics . ( David E. Joyce ; Clark University ) . Articles on various topics in the history of mathematics with an extensive bibliography . ( David R. Wilkins ; Trinity College , Dublin ) . Collections of material on the mathematics between the 17th and 19th century . ( Simon Fraser University ) . ( Jeff Miller ) . Contains information on the earliest known uses of terms used in mathematics . ( Jeff Miller ) . Contains information on the history of mathematical notations . ( John Aldrich , University of Southampton ) Discusses the origins of the modern mathematical word stock . ( Larry Riddle ; Agnes Scott College ) . ( Scott W. Williams ; University at Buffalo ) . ( Steven W. Rockey ; Cornell University Library ) . ; Organizations ; Journals ' ' Historia Mathematica ' ' , the Mathematical Association of America 's online Math History Magazine ; Directories ( The British Society for the History of Mathematics ) Math Archives ( University of Tennessee , Knoxville ) The Math Forum ( Drexel University ) ( Courtright Memorial Library ) . ( David Calvis ; Baldwin-Wallace College ) ( Universidad de La La guna ) ( Universidade de Coimbra ) ( Bruno Kevius ) ( Roberta Tucci ) as : # @@15287 A series is , informally speaking , the sum of the terms of a sequence . Finite sequences and series have defined first and last terms , whereas infinite sequences and series continue indefinitely . In mathematics , given an infinite sequence of numbers ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' , a series is informally the result of adding all those terms together : ' ' a ' ' 1 + ' ' a ' ' 2 + ' ' a ' ' 3 + . These can be written more compactly using the summation symbol . An example is the famous series from Zeno 's dichotomy and its mathematical representation : : sumn=1infty frac12n = frac12+ frac14+ frac18+cdots . The terms of the series are often produced according to a certain rule , such as by a formula , or by an algorithm . As there are an infinite number of terms , this notion is often called an infinite series . Unlike finite summations , infinite series need tools from mathematical analysis , and specifically the notion of limits , to be fully understood and manipulated . In addition to their ubiquity in mathematics , infinite series are also widely used in other quantitative disciplines such as physics , computer science , and finance . # Basic properties # # Definition # For any sequence an of rational numbers , real numbers , complex numbers , functions thereof , etc. , the associated series is defined as the ordered formal sum : sumn=0inftyan = a0 + a1 + a2 + cdots . The sequence of partial sums Sk associated to a series sumn=0infty an is defined for each k as the sum of the sequence an from a0 to ak : Sk = sumn=0kan = a0 + a1 + cdots + ak . By definition the series sumn=0infty an converges to a limit L if and only if the associated sequence of partial sums Sk converges to L . This definition is usually written as : L = sumn=0inftyan Leftrightarrow L = limk rightarrow infty Sk . More generally , if I xrightarrowa G is a function from an index set I to a set G , then the series associated to a is the formal sum of the elements a(x) in G over the index elements x in I denoted by the : sumx in I a(x) . When the index set is the natural numbers I=mathbbN , the function mathbbN xrightarrowa G is a sequence denoted by a(n)=an . A series indexed on the natural numbers is an ordered formal sum and so we rewrite sumn in mathbbN as sumn=0infty in order to emphasize the ordering induced by the natural numbers . Thus , we obtain the common notation for a series indexed by the natural numbers : sumn=0infty an = a0 + a1 + a2 + cdots . When the set G is a semigroup , the sequence of partial sums Sk subset G associated to a sequence an subset G is defined for each k as the sum of the terms a0 , a1 , cdots , ak : Sk = sumn=0kan = a0 + a1 + cdots + ak . When the semigroup G is also a topological space , then the series sumn=0infty an converges to an element L in G if and only if the associated sequence of partial sums Sk converges to L . This definition is usually written as : L = sumn=0infty an Leftrightarrow L = limk rightarrow infty Sk. # Convergent series # A series&thinsp ; ' ' a n ' ' &thinsp ; is said to ' converge ' or to ' be convergent ' when the sequence ' ' S ' ' ' ' N ' ' of partial sums has a finite limit . If the limit of ' ' S ' ' ' ' N ' ' is infinite or does not exist , the series is said to diverge . When the limit of partial sums exists , it is called the sum of the series : sumn=0infty an = limNtoinfty SN = limNtoinfty sumn=0N an . An easy way that an infinite series can converge is if all the ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' are zero for ' ' n ' ' sufficiently large . Such a series can be identified with a finite sum , so it is only infinite in a trivial sense . Working out the properties of the series that converge even if infinitely many terms are non-zero is the essence of the study of series . Consider the example : 1 + frac12+ frac14+ frac18+cdots+ frac12n+cdots . It is possible to visualize its convergence on the real number line : we can imagine a line of length 2 , with successive segments marked off of lengths 1 , , , etc . There is always room to mark the next segment , because the amount of line remaining is always the same as the last segment marked : when we have marked off , we still have a piece of length unmarked , so we can certainly mark the next . This argument does not prove that the sum is ' ' equal ' ' to 2 ( although it is ) , but it does prove that it is ' ' at most ' ' 2 . In other words , the series has an upper bound . Given that the series converges , proving that it is equal to 2 requires only elementary algebra . If the series is denoted ' ' S ' ' , it can be seen that : S/2 = frac1+ frac12+ frac14+ frac18+cdots2 = frac12+ frac14+ frac18+ frac116 +cdots . Therefore , : S-S/2 = 1 Rightarrow S = 2 . , ! Mathematicians extend the idiom discussed earlier to other , equivalent notions of series . For instance , when we talk about a recurring decimal , as in : x = 0.111dots , we are talking , in fact , just about the series : sumn=1infty frac110n . But since these series always converge to real numbers ( because of what is called the completeness property of the real numbers ) , to talk about the series in this way is the same as to talk about the numbers for which they stand . In particular , it should offend no sensibilities if we make no distinction between 0.111 and 1 / 9 . Less clear is the argument that , but it is not untenable when we consider that we can formalize the proof knowing only that limit laws preserve the arithmetic operations . See 0.999 ... for more . # Examples # A ' ' geometric series ' ' is one where each successive term is produced by multiplying the previous term by a constant number ( called the common ratio in this context ) . Example : : : 1 + 1 over 2 + 1 over 4 + 1 over 8 + 1 over 16 + cdots=sumn=0infty1 over 2n . : In general , the geometric series : : sumn=0infty zn : converges if and only if ' ' z ' ' *194;41802; 3 + 5 over 2 + 7 over 4 + 9 over 8 + 11 over 16 + cdots=sumn=0infty(3+2n) over 2n. The ' ' harmonic series ' ' is the series : : 1 + 1 over 2 + 1 over 3 + 1 over 4 + 1 over 5 + cdots = sumn=1infty 1 over n . : The harmonic series is divergent . An ' ' alternating series ' ' is a series where terms alternate signs . Example : : : 1 - 1 over 2 + 1 over 3 - 1 over 4 + 1 over 5 - cdots =sumn=1infty ( -1 ) n+1 1 over n=ln(2). The p-series : : sumn=1inftyfrac1nr : converges if ' ' r ' ' 1 and diverges for ' ' r ' ' 1 , which can be shown with the integral criterion described below in convergence tests . As a function of ' ' r ' ' , the sum of this series is Riemann 's zeta function . A telescoping series : : sumn=1infty ( bn-bn+1 ) : converges if the sequence ' ' b ' ' ' ' n ' ' converges to a limit ' ' L ' ' as ' ' n ' ' goes to infinity . The value of the series is then ' ' b ' ' 1 &minus ; ' ' L ' ' . # Calculus and partial summation as an operation on sequences # Partial summation takes as input a sequence , ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' , and gives as output another sequence , ' ' S ' ' ' ' N ' ' . It is thus a unary operation on sequences . Further , this function is linear , and thus is a linear operator on the vector space of sequences , denoted . The inverse operator is the finite difference operator , . These behave as discrete analogs of integration and differentiation , only for series ( functions of a natural number ) instead of functions of a real variable . For example , the sequence 1 , 1 , 1 , ... has series 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ... as its partial summation , which is analogous to the fact that int0x 1 , dt = x . In computer science it is known as prefix sum . # Properties of series # Series are classified not only by whether they converge or diverge , but also by the properties of the terms a n ( absolute or conditional convergence ) ; type of convergence of the series ( pointwise , uniform ) ; the class of the term a n ( whether it is a real number , arithmetic progression , trigonometric function ) ; etc. # Non-negative terms # When ' ' a n ' ' is a non-negative real number for every ' ' n ' ' , the sequence ' ' S N ' ' of partial sums is non-decreasing . It follows that a series ' ' a n ' ' with non-negative terms converges if and only if the sequence ' ' S N ' ' of partial sums is bounded . For example , the series : sumn ge 1 frac1n2 is convergent , because the inequality : frac1 n2 le frac1n-1 - frac1n , quad n ge 2 , and a telescopic sum argument implies that the partial sums are bounded by 2. # Absolute convergence # A series : sumn=0infty an is said to converge absolutely if the series of absolute values : sumn=0infty leftanright converges . This is sufficient to guarantee not only that the original series converges to a limit , but also that any reordering of it converges to the same limit . # Conditional convergence # A series of real or complex numbers is said to be conditionally convergent ( or semi-convergent ) if it is convergent but not absolutely convergent . A famous example is the alternating series : sumlimitsn=1infty ( -1 ) n+1 over n = 1 - 1 over 2 + 1 over 3 - 1 over 4 + 1 over 5 - cdots which is convergent ( and its sum is equal to ln 2 ) , but the series formed by taking the absolute value of each term is the divergent harmonic series . The Riemann series theorem says that any conditionally convergent series can be reordered to make a divergent series , and moreover , if the ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' are real and ' ' S ' ' is any real number , that one can find a reordering so that the reordered series converges with sum equal to ' ' S ' ' . Abel 's test is an important tool for handling semi-convergent series . If a series has the form : sum an = sum lambdan bn where the partial sums ' ' B ' ' ' ' N ' ' = are bounded , ' ' ' ' ' ' n ' ' has bounded variation , and exists : : supN Bigl sumn=0N bn Bigr *110;41998; then the series is convergent . This applies to the pointwise convergence of many trigonometric series , as in : sumn=2infty fracsin ( n x ) ln n with 0 *2664;42110; ' ' n ' ' is non-negative and non-increasing , then the two series&thinsp ; ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' &thinsp ; and&thinsp ; 2 ' ' k ' ' ' ' a ' ' ( 2 ' ' k ' ' ) are of the same nature : both convergent , or both divergent . Alternating series test : A series of the form ( &minus ; 1 ) ' ' n ' ' ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' ( with ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' 0 ) is called ' ' alternating ' ' . Such a series converges if the sequence ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' is monotone decreasing and converges to 0 . The converse is in general not true . For some specific types of series there are more specialized convergence tests , for instance for Fourier series there is the Dini test . # Series of functions # A series of real- or complex-valued functions : sumn=0infty fn(x) converges pointwise on a set ' ' E ' ' , if the series converges for each ' ' x ' ' in ' ' E ' ' as an ordinary series of real or complex numbers . Equivalently , the partial sums : sN(x) = sumn=0N fn(x) converge to ' ' ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) as ' ' N ' ' for each ' ' x ' ' ' ' E ' ' . A stronger notion of convergence of a series of functions is called uniform convergence . The series converges uniformly if it converges pointwise to the function ' ' ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) , and the error in approximating the limit by the ' ' N ' ' th partial sum , : sN(x) - f(x) can be made minimal ' ' independently ' ' of ' ' x ' ' by choosing a sufficiently large ' ' N ' ' . Uniform convergence is desirable for a series because many properties of the terms of the series are then retained by the limit . For example , if a series of continuous functions converges uniformly , then the limit function is also continuous . Similarly , if the ' ' ' ' ' ' n ' ' are integrable on a closed and bounded interval ' ' I ' ' and converge uniformly , then the series is also integrable on ' ' I ' ' and can be integrated term-by-term . Tests for uniform convergence include the Weierstrass ' M-test , Abel 's uniform convergence test , Dini 's test . More sophisticated types of convergence of a series of functions can also be defined . In measure theory , for instance , a series of functions converges almost everywhere if it converges pointwise except on a certain set of measure zero . Other modes of convergence depend on a different metric space structure on the space of functions under consideration . For instance , a series of functions converges in mean on a set ' ' E ' ' to a limit function ' ' ' ' provided : intE leftsN(x)-f(x)right2 , dx to 0 as ' ' N ' ' . # Power series # : A power series is a series of the form : sumn=0infty an(x-c)n . The Taylor series at a point ' ' c ' ' of a function is a power series that , in many cases , converges to the function in a neighborhood of ' ' c ' ' . For example , the series : sumn=0infty fracxnn ! is the Taylor series of ex at the origin and converges to it for every ' ' x ' ' . Unless it converges only at ' ' x ' ' = ' ' c ' ' , such a series converges on a certain open disc of convergence centered at the point ' ' c ' ' in the complex plane , and may also converge at some of the points of the boundary of the disc . The radius of this disc is known as the radius of convergence , and can in principle be determined from the asymptotics of the coefficients ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' . The convergence is uniform on closed and bounded ( that is , compact ) subsets of the interior of the disc of convergence : to wit , it is uniformly convergent on compact sets . Historically , mathematicians such as Leonhard Euler operated liberally with infinite series , even if they were not convergent . When calculus was put on a sound and correct foundation in the nineteenth century , rigorous proofs of the convergence of series were always required . However , the formal operation with non-convergent series has been retained in rings of formal power series which are studied in abstract algebra . Formal power series are also used in combinatorics to describe and study sequences that are otherwise difficult to handle ; this is the method of generating functions . # Laurent series # Laurent series generalize power series by admitting terms into the series with negative as well as positive exponents . A Laurent series is thus any series of the form : sumn=-inftyinfty an xn . If such a series converges , then in general it does so in an annulus rather than a disc , and possibly some boundary points . The series converges uniformly on compact subsets of the interior of the annulus of convergence . # Dirichlet series # : A Dirichlet series is one of the form : sumn=1infty an over ns , where ' ' s ' ' is a complex number . For example , if all ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' are equal to 1 , then the Dirichlet series is the Riemann zeta function : zeta(s) = sumn=1infty frac1ns . Like the zeta function , Dirichlet series in general play an important role in analytic number theory . Generally a Dirichlet series converges if the real part of ' ' s ' ' is greater than a number called the abscissa of convergence . In many cases , a Dirichlet series can be extended to an analytic function outside the domain of convergence by analytic continuation . For example , the Dirichlet series for the zeta function converges absolutely when Re ' ' s ' ' 1 , but the zeta function can be extended to a holomorphic function defined on mathbfCsetminus1 &thinsp ; with a simple pole at 1 . This series can be directly generalized to general Dirichlet series . # Trigonometric series # A series of functions in which the terms are trigonometric functions is called a trigonometric series : : tfrac12 A0 + sumn=1infty left ( Ancos nx + Bn sin nxright ) . The most important example of a trigonometric series is the Fourier series of a function . # History of the theory of infinite series # # Development of infinite series # Greek mathematician Archimedes produced the first known summation of an infinite series with a method that is still used in the area of calculus today . He used the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series , and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of &pi ; . In the 17th century , James Gregory worked in the new decimal system on infinite series and published several Maclaurin series . In 1715 , a general method for constructing the Taylor series for all functions for which they exist was provided by Brook Taylor . Leonhard Euler in the 18th century , developed the theory of hypergeometric series and q-series. # Convergence criteria # The investigation of the validity of infinite series is considered to begin with Gauss in the 19th century . Euler had already considered the hypergeometric series : 1 + fracalphabeta1cdotgammax + *31;44776;TOOLONG cdot 2 cdot gamma(gamma+1)x2 + cdots on which Gauss published a memoir in 1812 . It established simpler criteria of convergence , and the questions of remainders and the range of convergence . Cauchy ( 1821 ) insisted on strict tests of convergence ; he showed that if two series are convergent their product is not necessarily so , and with him begins the discovery of effective criteria . The terms ' ' convergence ' ' and ' ' divergence ' ' had been introduced long before by Gregory ( 1668 ) . Leonhard Euler and Gauss had given various criteria , and Colin Maclaurin had anticipated some of Cauchy 's discoveries . Cauchy advanced the theory of power series by his expansion of a complex function in such a form . Abel ( 1826 ) in his memoir on the binomial series : 1 + fracm1 ! x + fracm(m-1)2 ! x2 + cdots corrected certain of Cauchy 's conclusions , and gave a completely scientific summation of the series for complex values of m and x . He showed the necessity of considering the subject of continuity in questions of convergence . Cauchy 's methods led to special rather than general criteria , and the same may be said of Raabe ( 1832 ) , who made the first elaborate investigation of the subject , of De Morgan ( from 1842 ) , whose logarithmic test DuBois-Reymond ( 1873 ) and Pringsheim ( 1889 ) have shown to fail within a certain region ; of Bertrand ( 1842 ) , Bonnet ( 1843 ) , Malmsten ( 1846 , 1847 , the latter without integration ) ; Stokes ( 1847 ) , Paucker ( 1852 ) , Chebyshev ( 1852 ) , and Arndt ( 1853 ) . General criteria began with Kummer ( 1835 ) , and have been studied by Eisenstein ( 1847 ) , Weierstrass in his various contributions to the theory of functions , Dini ( 1867 ) , DuBois-Reymond ( 1873 ) , and many others . Pringsheim 's memoirs ( 1889 ) present the most complete general theory . # Uniform convergence # The theory of uniform convergence was treated by Cauchy ( 1821 ) , his limitations being pointed out by Abel , but the first to attack it successfully were Seidel and Stokes ( 184748 ) . Cauchy took up the problem again ( 1853 ) , acknowledging Abel 's criticism , and reaching the same conclusions which Stokes had already found . Thomae used the doctrine ( 1866 ) , but there was great delay in recognizing the importance of distinguishing between uniform and non-uniform convergence , in spite of the demands of the theory of functions . # Semi-convergence # A series is said to be semi-convergent ( or conditionally convergent ) if it is convergent but not absolutely convergent . Semi-convergent series were studied by Poisson ( 1823 ) , who also gave a general form for the remainder of the Maclaurin formula . The most important solution of the problem is due , however , to Jacobi ( 1834 ) , who attacked the question of the remainder from a different standpoint and reached a different formula . This expression was also worked out , and another one given , by Malmsten ( 1847 ) . Schlmilch ( ' ' Zeitschrift ' ' , Vol.I , p. 192 , 1856 ) also improved Jacobi 's remainder , and showed the relation between the remainder and Bernoulli 's function : F(x) = 1n + 2n + cdots + ( x - 1 ) n . , Genocchi ( 1852 ) has further contributed to the theory . Among the early writers was Wronski , whose loi suprme ( 1815 ) was hardly recognized until Cayley ( 1873 ) brought it into prominence . # Fourier series # Fourier series were being investigated as the result of physical considerations at the same time that Gauss , Abel , and Cauchy were working out the theory of infinite series . Series for the expansion of sines and cosines , of multiple arcs in powers of the sine and cosine of the arc had been treated by Jacob Bernoulli ( 1702 ) and his brother Johann Bernoulli ( 1701 ) and still earlier by Vieta . Euler and Lagrange simplified the subject , as did Poinsot , Schrter , Glaisher , and Kummer . Fourier ( 1807 ) set for himself a different problem , to expand a given function of ' ' x ' ' in terms of the sines or cosines of multiples of ' ' x ' ' , a problem which he embodied in his ' ' Thorie analytique de la chaleur ' ' ( 1822 ) . Euler had already given the formulas for determining the coefficients in the series ; Fourier was the first to assert and attempt to prove the general theorem . Poisson ( 182023 ) also attacked the problem from a different standpoint . Fourier did not , however , settle the question of convergence of his series , a matter left for Cauchy ( 1826 ) to attempt and for Dirichlet ( 1829 ) to handle in a thoroughly scientific manner ( see convergence of Fourier series ) . Dirichlet 's treatment ( ' ' Crelle ' ' , 1829 ) , of trigonometric series was the subject of criticism and improvement by Riemann ( 1854 ) , Heine , Lipschitz , Schlfli , and du Bois-Reymond . Among other prominent contributors to the theory of trigonometric and Fourier series were Dini , Hermite , Halphen , Krause , Byerly and Appell. # Generalizations # # Asymptotic series # Asymptotic series , otherwise asymptotic expansions , are infinite series whose partial sums become good approximations in the limit of some point of the domain . In general they do not converge . But they are useful as sequences of approximations , each of which provides a value close to the desired answer for a finite number of terms . The difference is that an asymptotic series can not be made to produce an answer as exact as desired , the way that convergent series can . In fact , after a certain number of terms , a typical asymptotic series reaches its best approximation ; if more terms are included , most such series will produce worse answers . # Divergent series # Under many circumstances , it is desirable to assign a limit to a series which fails to converge in the usual sense . A summability method is such an assignment of a limit to a subset of the set of divergent series which properly extends the classical notion of convergence . Summability methods include Cesro summation , ( ' ' C ' ' , ' ' k ' ' ) summation , Abel summation , and Borel summation , in increasing order of generality ( and hence applicable to increasingly divergent series ) . A variety of general results concerning possible summability methods are known . The SilvermanToeplitz theorem characterizes ' ' matrix summability methods ' ' , which are methods for summing a divergent series by applying an infinite matrix to the vector of coefficients . The most general method for summing a divergent series is non-constructive , and concerns Banach limits . # Series in Banach spaces # The notion of series can be easily extended to the case of a Banach space . If ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' is a sequence of elements of a Banach space ' ' X ' ' , then the series ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' converges to ' ' x ' ' ' ' X ' ' if the sequence of partial sums of the series tends to ' ' x ' ' ; to wit , : bigglx - sumn=0N xnbiggrto 0 as ' ' N ' ' . More generally , convergence of series can be defined in any abelian Hausdorff topological group . Specifically , in this case , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' converges to ' ' x ' ' if the sequence of partial sums converges to ' ' x ' ' . # Summations over arbitrary index sets # Definitions may be given for sums over an arbitrary index set ' ' I ' ' . There are two main differences with the usual notion of series : first , there is no specific order given on the set ' ' I ' ' ; second , this set ' ' I ' ' may be uncountable . # #Families of non-negative numbers# # When summing a family ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' ' , of non-negative numbers , one may define : sumiin Iai = sup Bigl sumiin Aai , big A text finite , A subset IBigr in 0 , +infty . When the sum is finite , the set of ' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' ' such that ' ' a i ' ' 0 is countable . Indeed for every ' ' n ' ' 1 , the set scriptstyle An = i in I , : , ai 1/n is finite , because : frac 1 n , textrmcard(An) le sumiin An ai le sumiin Iai *16;44809; If ' ' I ' ' &thinsp ; is countably infinite and enumerated as ' ' I ' ' = ' ' i ' ' 0 , ' ' i ' ' 1 , ... then the above defined sum satisfies : sumi in I ai = sumk=0+infty aik , provided the value is allowed for the sum of the series . Any sum over non-negative reals can be understood as the integral of a non-negative function with respect to the counting measure , which accounts for the many similarities between the two constructions . # #Abelian topological groups# # Let ' ' a ' ' : ' ' I ' ' ' ' X ' ' , where ' ' I ' ' &thinsp ; is any set and ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is an abelian Hausdorff topological group . Let ' ' F ' ' &thinsp ; be the collection of all finite subsets of ' ' I ' ' . Note that ' ' F ' ' &thinsp ; is a directed set ordered under inclusion with union as join . Define the sum ' ' S ' ' &thinsp ; of the family ' ' a ' ' as the limit : S = sumiin Iai = lim Biglsumiin Aai , big Ain FBigr if it exists and say that the family ' ' a ' ' is unconditionally summable . Saying that the sum ' ' S ' ' &thinsp ; is the limit of finite partial sums means that for every neighborhood ' ' V ' ' &thinsp ; of 0 in ' ' X ' ' , there is a finite subset ' ' A ' ' 0 of ' ' I ' ' &thinsp ; such that : S - sumi in A ai in V , quad A supset A0 . Because ' ' F ' ' &thinsp ; is not totally ordered , this is not a limit of a sequence of partial sums , but rather of a net . For every ' ' W ' ' , neighborhood of 0 in ' ' X ' ' , there is a smaller neighborhood ' ' V ' ' &thinsp ; such that ' ' V ' ' &minus ; ' ' V ' ' ' ' W ' ' . It follows that the finite partial sums of an unconditionally summable family ' ' a i ' ' , ' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' ' , form a ' ' Cauchy net ' ' , that is : for every ' ' W ' ' , neighborhood of 0 in ' ' X ' ' , there is a finite subset ' ' A ' ' 0 of ' ' I ' ' &thinsp ; such that : sumi in A1 ai - sumi in A2 ai in W , quad A1 , A2 supset A0 . When ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is complete , a family ' ' a ' ' is unconditionally summable in ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; if and only if the finite sums satisfy the latter Cauchy net condition . When ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is complete and ' ' a i ' ' , ' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' ' , is unconditionally summable in ' ' X ' ' , then for every subset ' ' J ' ' ' ' I ' ' , the corresponding subfamily ' ' a j ' ' , ' ' j ' ' ' ' J ' ' , is also unconditionally summable in ' ' X ' ' . When the sum of a family of non-negative numbers , in the extended sense defined before , is finite , then it coincides with the sum in the topological group ' ' X ' ' = R . If a family ' ' a ' ' in ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is unconditionally summable , then for every ' ' W ' ' , neighborhood of 0 in ' ' X ' ' , there is a finite subset ' ' A ' ' 0 of ' ' I ' ' &thinsp ; such that ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' W ' ' &thinsp ; for every ' ' i ' ' not in ' ' A ' ' 0 . If ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is first-countable , it follows that the set of ' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' ' &thinsp ; such that ' ' a i ' ' 0 is countable . This need not be true in a general abelian topological group ( see examples below ) . # #Unconditionally convergent series# # Suppose that ' ' I ' ' = N . If a family ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' , ' ' n ' ' N , is unconditionally summable in an abelian Hausdorff topological group ' ' X ' ' , then the series in the usual sense converges and has the same sum , : sumn=0infty an = sumn in mathbfN an . By nature , the definition of unconditional summability is insensitive to the order of the summation . When ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' is unconditionally summable , then the series remains convergent after any permutation ' ' ' ' of the set N of indices , with the same sum , : sumn=0infty asigma(n) = sumn=0infty an . Conversely , if every permutation of a series ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' converges , then the series is unconditionally convergent . When ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is complete , then unconditional convergence is also equivalent to the fact that all subseries are convergent ; if ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is a Banach space , this is equivalent to say that for every sequence of signs ' ' ' ' ' ' n ' ' = 1 or &minus ; 1 , the series : sumn=0infty varepsilonn an converges in ' ' X ' ' . If ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; is a Banach space , then one may define the notion of absolute convergence . A series ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' of vectors in ' ' X ' ' &thinsp ; converges absolutely if : sumn in mathbfN an *17;44827; If a series of vectors in a Banach space converges absolutely then it converges unconditionally , but the converse only holds in finite-dimensional Banach spaces ( theorem of ) . # #Well-ordered sums# # Conditionally convergent series can be considered if ' ' I ' ' is a well-ordered set , for example an ordinal number ' ' ' ' 0 . One may define by transfinite recursion : : sumbeta *77;44846; and for a limit ordinal ' ' ' ' , : sumbeta *79;44925; if this limit exists . If all limits exist up to ' ' ' ' 0 , then the series converges . # #Examples# # : fa(x)= begincases 0 & xneq a , f(a) & x=a , endcases a function whose support is a singleton ' ' a ' ' . Then : f=suma in Xfa in the topology of pointwise convergence ( that is , the sum is taken in the infinite product group ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' ) . : sumi in I varphii(x) = 1 . While , formally , this requires a notion of sums of uncountable series , by construction there are , for every given ' ' x ' ' , only finitely many nonzero terms in the sum , so issues regarding convergence of such sums do not arise . Actually , one usually assumes more : the family of functions is ' ' locally finite ' ' , ' ' i.e. ' ' , for every ' ' x ' ' there is a neighborhood of ' ' x ' ' in which all but a finite number of functions vanish . Any regularity property of the ' ' i ' ' , &thinsp ; such as continuity , differentiability , that is preserved under finite sums will be preserved for the sum of any subcollection of this family of functions . : sumalphain0 , omega1 ) f(alpha) = omega1 ( in other words , 1 copies of 1 is 1 ) only if one takes a limit over all ' ' countable ' ' partial sums , rather than finite partial sums . This space is not separable. @@18831 Mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity ( numbers ) , structure , space , and change . There is a range of views among mathematicians and philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics . Mathematicians seek out patterns and use them to formulate new conjectures . Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proof . When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena , then mathematical reasoning can provide insight or predictions about nature . Through the use of abstraction and logic , mathematics developed from counting , calculation , measurement , and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects . Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far back as written records exist . The research required to solve mathematical problems can take years or even centuries of sustained inquiry . Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics , most notably in Euclid 's ' ' Elements ' ' . Since the pioneering work of Giuseppe Peano ( 18581932 ) , David Hilbert ( 18621943 ) , and others on axiomatic systems in the late 19th century , it has become customary to view mathematical research as establishing truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions . Mathematics developed at a relatively slow pace until the Renaissance , when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that has continued to the present day . Galileo Galilei ( 15641642 ) said , The universe can not be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written . It is written in mathematical language , and the letters are triangles , circles and other geometrical figures , without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word . Without these , one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth . Carl Friedrich Gauss ( 17771855 ) referred to mathematics as the Queen of the Sciences . Benjamin Peirce ( 18091880 ) called mathematics the science that draws necessary conclusions . David Hilbert said of mathematics : We are not speaking here of arbitrariness in any sense . Mathematics is not like a game whose tasks are determined by arbitrarily stipulated rules . Rather , it is a conceptual system possessing internal necessity that can only be so and by no means otherwise . Albert Einstein ( 18791955 ) stated that as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality , they are not certain ; and as far as they are certain , they do not refer to reality . French mathematician Claire Voisin states There is creative drive in mathematics , it 's all about movement trying to express itself . Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields , including natural science , engineering , medicine , finance and the social sciences . Applied mathematics , the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields , inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries , which has led to the development of entirely new mathematical disciplines , such as statistics and game theory . Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics , or mathematics for its own sake , without having any application in mind . There is no clear line separating pure and applied mathematics , and practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered . # History # # Evolution # The evolution of mathematics might be seen as an ever-increasing series of abstractions , or alternatively an expansion of subject matter . The first abstraction , which is shared by many animals , was probably that of numbers : the realization that a collection of two apples and a collection of two oranges ( for example ) have something in common , namely quantity of their members . Evidenced by tallies found on bone , in addition to recognizing how to count physical objects , prehistoric peoples may have also recognized how to count abstract quantities , like time days , seasons , years . More complex mathematics did not appear until around 3000 BC , when the Babylonians and Egyptians began using arithmetic , algebra and geometry for taxation and other financial calculations , for building and construction , and for astronomy . The earliest uses of mathematics were in trading , land measurement , painting and weaving patterns and the recording of time . In Babylonian mathematics elementary arithmetic ( addition , subtraction , multiplication and division ( mathematics ) Between 600 and 300 BC the Ancient Greeks began a systematic study of mathematics in its own right with Greek mathematics . Mathematics has since been greatly extended , and there has been a fruitful interaction between mathematics and science , to the benefit of both . Mathematical discoveries continue to be made today . According to Mikhail B. Sevryuk , in the January 2006 issue of the ' ' Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society ' ' , The number of papers and books included in the ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' database since 1940 ( the first year of operation of MR ) is now more than 1.9 million , and more than 75 thousand items are added to the database each year . The overwhelming majority of works in this ocean contain new mathematical theorems and their proofs . # Etymology # The word ' ' mathematics ' ' comes from the Greek ( ' ' mthma ' ' ) , which , in the ancient Greek language , means that which is learnt , what one gets to know , hence also study and science , and in modern Greek just lesson . The word ' ' mthma ' ' is derived from ( ' ' manthano ' ' ) , while the modern Greek equivalent is ( ' ' mathaino ' ' ) , both of which mean to learn . In Greece , the word for mathematics came to have the narrower and more technical meaning mathematical study even in Classical times . Its adjective is ( ' ' mathmatiks ' ' ) , meaning related to learning or studious , which likewise further came to mean mathematical . In particular , ( ' ' mathmatik tkhn ' ' ) , , meant the mathematical art . In Latin , and in English until around 1700 , the term ' ' mathematics ' ' more commonly meant astrology ( or sometimes astronomy ) rather than mathematics ; the meaning gradually changed to its present one from about 1500 to 1800 . This has resulted in several mistranslations : a particularly notorious one is Saint Augustine 's warning that Christians should beware of ' ' mathematici ' ' meaning astrologers , which is sometimes mistranslated as a condemnation of mathematicians . The apparent plural form in English , like the French plural form ( and the less commonly used singular derivative ) , goes back to the Latin neuter plural ( Cicero ) , based on the Greek plural ( ' ' ta mathmatik ' ' ) , used by Aristotle ( 384322 BC ) , and meaning roughly all things mathematical ; although it is plausible that English borrowed only the adjective ' ' mathematic(al) ' ' and formed the noun ' ' mathematics ' ' anew , after the pattern of physics and metaphysics , which were inherited from the Greek . In English , the noun ' ' mathematics ' ' takes singular verb forms . It is often shortened to ' ' maths ' ' or , in English-speaking North America , ' ' math ' ' . # Definitions of mathematics # Aristotle defined mathematics as the science of quantity , and this definition prevailed until the 18th century . Starting in the 19th century , when the study of mathematics increased in rigor and began to address abstract topics such as group theory and projective geometry , which have no clear-cut relation to quantity and measurement , mathematicians and philosophers began to propose a variety of new definitions . Some of these definitions emphasize the deductive character of much of mathematics , some emphasize its abstractness , some emphasize certain topics within mathematics . Today , no consensus on the definition of mathematics prevails , even among professionals . There is not even consensus on whether mathematics is an art or a science . A great many professional mathematicians take no interest in a definition of mathematics , or consider it undefinable . Some just say , Mathematics is what mathematicians do . Three leading types of definition of mathematics are called logicist , intuitionist , and formalist , each reflecting a different philosophical school of thought . All have severe problems , none has widespread acceptance , and no reconciliation seems possible . An early definition of mathematics in terms of logic was Benjamin Peirce 's the science that draws necessary conclusions ( 1870 ) . In the ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' , Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead advanced the philosophical program known as logicism , and attempted to prove that all mathematical concepts , statements , and principles can be defined and proven entirely in terms of symbolic logic . A logicist definition of mathematics is Russell 's All Mathematics is Symbolic Logic ( 1903 ) . Intuitionist definitions , developing from the philosophy of mathematician L.E.J. Brouwer , identify mathematics with certain mental phenomena . An example of an intuitionist definition is Mathematics is the mental activity which consists in carrying out constructs one after the other . A peculiarity of intuitionism is that it rejects some mathematical ideas considered valid according to other definitions . In particular , while other philosophies of mathematics allow objects that can be proven to exist even though they can not be constructed , intuitionism allows only mathematical objects that one can actually construct . Formalist definitions identify mathematics with its symbols and the rules for operating on them . Haskell Curry defined mathematics simply as the science of formal systems . A formal system is a set of symbols , or ' ' tokens ' ' , and some ' ' rules ' ' telling how the tokens may be combined into ' ' formulas ' ' . In formal systems , the word ' ' axiom ' ' has a special meaning , different from the ordinary meaning of a self-evident truth . In formal systems , an axiom is a combination of tokens that is included in a given formal system without needing to be derived using the rules of the system . # Inspiration , pure and applied mathematics , and aesthetics # Mathematics arises from many different kinds of problems . At first these were found in commerce , land measurement , architecture and later astronomy ; today , all sciences suggest problems studied by mathematicians , and many problems arise within mathematics itself . For example , the physicist Richard Feynman invented the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics using a combination of mathematical reasoning and physical insight , and today 's string theory , a still-developing scientific theory which attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature , continues to inspire new mathematics . Some mathematics is relevant only in the area that inspired it , and is applied to solve further problems in that area . But often mathematics inspired by one area proves useful in many areas , and joins the general stock of mathematical concepts . A distinction is often made between pure mathematics and applied mathematics . However pure mathematics topics often turn out to have applications , e.g. number theory in cryptography . This remarkable fact that even the purest mathematics often turns out to have practical applications is what Eugene Wigner has called the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics . As in most areas of study , the explosion of knowledge in the scientific age has led to specialization : there are now hundreds of specialized areas in mathematics and the latest Mathematics Subject Classification runs to 46 pages . Several areas of applied mathematics have merged with related traditions outside of mathematics and become disciplines in their own right , including statistics , operations research , and computer science . For those who are mathematically inclined , there is often a definite aesthetic aspect to much of mathematics . Many mathematicians talk about the ' ' elegance ' ' of mathematics , its intrinsic aesthetics and inner beauty . Simplicity and generality are valued . There is beauty in a simple and elegant proof , such as Euclid 's proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers , and in an elegant numerical method that speeds calculation , such as the fast Fourier transform . G.H. Hardy in ' ' A Mathematician 's Apology ' ' expressed the belief that these aesthetic considerations are , in themselves , sufficient to justify the study of pure mathematics . He identified criteria such as significance , unexpectedness , inevitability , and economy as factors that contribute to a mathematical aesthetic . Mathematicians often strive to find proofs that are particularly elegant , proofs from The Book of God according to Paul Erds . The popularity of recreational mathematics is another sign of the pleasure many find in solving mathematical questions . # Notation , language , and rigor # Most of the mathematical notation in use today was not invented until the 16th century . Before that , mathematics was written out in words , a painstaking process that limited mathematical discovery . Euler ( 17071783 ) was responsible for many of the notations in use today . Modern notation makes mathematics much easier for the professional , but beginners often find it daunting . It is extremely compressed : a few symbols contain a great deal of information . Like musical notation , modern mathematical notation has a strict syntax ( which to a limited extent varies from author to author and from discipline to discipline ) and encodes information that would be difficult to write in any other way . Mathematical language can be difficult to understand for beginners . Words such as ' ' or ' ' and ' ' only ' ' have more precise meanings than in everyday speech . Moreover , words such as ' ' open ' ' and ' ' field ' ' have been given specialized mathematical meanings . Technical terms such as ' ' homeomorphism ' ' and ' ' integrable ' ' have precise meanings in mathematics . Additionally , shorthand phrases such as ' ' iff ' ' for if and only if belong to mathematical jargon . There is a reason for special notation and technical vocabulary : mathematics requires more precision than everyday speech . Mathematicians refer to this precision of language and logic as rigor . Mathematical proof is fundamentally a matter of rigor . Mathematicians want their theorems to follow from axioms by means of systematic reasoning . This is to avoid mistaken theorems , based on fallible intuitions , of which many instances have occurred in the history of the subject . The level of rigor expected in mathematics has varied over time : the Greeks expected detailed arguments , but at the time of Isaac Newton the methods employed were less rigorous . Problems inherent in the definitions used by Newton would lead to a resurgence of careful analysis and formal proof in the 19th century . Misunderstanding the rigor is a cause for some of the common misconceptions of mathematics . Today , mathematicians continue to argue among themselves about computer-assisted proofs . Since large computations are hard to verify , such proofs may not be sufficiently rigorous . Axioms in traditional thought were self-evident truths , but that conception is problematic . At a formal level , an axiom is just a string of symbols , which has an intrinsic meaning only in the context of all derivable formulas of an axiomatic system . It was the goal of Hilbert 's program to put all of mathematics on a firm axiomatic basis , but according to Gdel 's incompleteness theorem every ( sufficiently powerful ) axiomatic system has undecidable formulas ; and so a final axiomatization of mathematics is impossible . Nonetheless mathematics is often imagined to be ( as far as its formal content ) nothing but set theory in some axiomatization , in the sense that every mathematical statement or proof could be cast into formulas within set theory . # Fields of mathematics # Mathematics can , broadly speaking , be subdivided into the study of quantity , structure , space , and change ( i.e. arithmetic , algebra , geometry , and analysis ) . In addition to these main concerns , there are also subdivisions dedicated to exploring links from the heart of mathematics to other fields : to logic , to set theory ( foundations ) , to the empirical mathematics of the various sciences ( applied mathematics ) , and more recently to the rigorous study of uncertainty . # Foundations and philosophy # In order to clarify the foundations of mathematics , the fields of mathematical logic and set theory were developed . Mathematical logic includes the mathematical study of logic and the applications of formal logic to other areas of mathematics ; set theory is the branch of mathematics that studies sets or collections of objects . Category theory , which deals in an abstract way with mathematical structures and relationships between them , is still in development . The phrase crisis of foundations describes the search for a rigorous foundation for mathematics that took place from approximately 1900 to 1930 . Some disagreement about the foundations of mathematics continues to the present day . The crisis of foundations was stimulated by a number of controversies at the time , including the controversy over Cantor 's set theory and the BrouwerHilbert controversy . Mathematical logic is concerned with setting mathematics within a rigorous axiomatic framework , and studying the implications of such a framework . As such , it is home to Gdel 's incompleteness theorems which ( informally ) imply that any effective formal system that contains basic arithmetic , if ' ' sound ' ' ( meaning that all theorems that can be proven are true ) , is necessarily ' ' incomplete ' ' ( meaning that there are true theorems which can not be proved ' ' in that system ' ' ) . Whatever finite collection of number-theoretical axioms is taken as a foundation , Gdel showed how to construct a formal statement that is a true number-theoretical fact , but which does not follow from those axioms . Therefore no formal system is a complete axiomatization of full number theory . Modern logic is divided into recursion theory , model theory , and proof theory , and is closely linked to theoretical computer science , as well as to category theory . Theoretical computer science includes computability theory , computational complexity theory , and information theory . Computability theory examines the limitations of various theoretical models of the computer , including the most well-known model the Turing machine . Complexity theory is the study of tractability by computer ; some problems , although theoretically solvable by computer , are so expensive in terms of time or space that solving them is likely to remain practically unfeasible , even with the rapid advancement of computer hardware . A famous problem is the NP ? problem , one of the Millennium Prize Problems . Finally , information theory is concerned with the amount of data that can be stored on a given medium , and hence deals with concepts such as compression and entropy. : style= border:1px solid #ddd ; text-align:center ; margin:auto cellspacing= 15 # Pure mathematics # # #Quantity# # The study of quantity starts with numbers , first the familiar natural numbers and integers ( whole numbers ) and arithmetical operations on them , which are characterized in arithmetic . The deeper properties of integers are studied in number theory , from which come such popular results as Fermat 's Last Theorem . The twin prime conjecture and Goldbach 's conjecture are two unsolved problems in number theory . As the number system is further developed , the integers are recognized as a subset of the rational numbers ( fractions ) . These , in turn , are contained within the real numbers , which are used to represent continuous quantities . Real numbers are generalized to complex numbers . These are the first steps of a hierarchy of numbers that goes on to include quaternions and octonions . Consideration of the natural numbers also leads to the transfinite numbers , which formalize the concept of infinity . Another area of study is size , which leads to the cardinal numbers and then to another conception of infinity : the aleph numbers , which allow meaningful comparison of the size of infinitely large sets . : style= border:1px solid #ddd ; text-align:center ; margin:auto cellspacing= 20 # #Structure# # Many mathematical objects , such as sets of numbers and functions , exhibit internal structure as a consequence of operations or relations that are defined on the set . Mathematics then studies properties of those sets that can be expressed in terms of that structure ; for instance number theory studies properties of the set of integers that can be expressed in terms of arithmetic operations . Moreover , it frequently happens that different such structured sets ( or structures ) exhibit similar properties , which makes it possible , by a further step of abstraction , to state axioms for a class of structures , and then study at once the whole class of structures satisfying these axioms . Thus one can study groups , rings , fields and other abstract systems ; together such studies ( for structures defined by algebraic operations ) constitute the domain of abstract algebra . By its great generality , abstract algebra can often be applied to seemingly unrelated problems ; for instance a number of ancient problems concerning compass and straightedge constructions were finally solved using Galois theory , which involves field theory and group theory . Another example of an algebraic theory is linear algebra , which is the general study of vector spaces , whose elements called vectors have both quantity and direction , and can be used to model ( relations between ) points in space . This is one example of the phenomenon that the originally unrelated areas of geometry and algebra have very strong interactions in modern mathematics . Combinatorics studies ways of enumerating the number of objects that fit a given structure . : style= border:1px solid #ddd ; text-align:center ; margin:auto cellspacing= 15 # #Space# # The study of space originates with geometry in particular , Euclidean geometry . Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and with the trigonometric functions ; it combines space and numbers , and encompasses the well-known Pythagorean theorem . The modern study of space generalizes these ideas to include higher-dimensional geometry , non-Euclidean geometries ( which play a central role in general relativity ) and topology . Quantity and space both play a role in analytic geometry , differential geometry , and algebraic geometry . Convex and discrete geometry were developed to solve problems in number theory and functional analysis but now are pursued with an eye on applications in optimization and computer science . Within differential geometry are the concepts of fiber bundles and calculus on manifolds , in particular , vector and tensor calculus . Within algebraic geometry is the description of geometric objects as solution sets of polynomial equations , combining the concepts of quantity and space , and also the study of topological groups , which combine structure and space . Lie groups are used to study space , structure , and change . Topology in all its many ramifications may have been the greatest growth area in 20th-century mathematics ; it includes point-set topology , set-theoretic topology , algebraic topology and differential topology . In particular , instances of modern day topology are metrizability theory , axiomatic set theory , homotopy theory , and Morse theory . Topology also includes the now solved Poincar conjecture , and the still unsolved areas of the Hodge conjecture . Other results in geometry and topology , including the four color theorem and Kepler conjecture , have been proved only with the help of computers . : style= border:1px solid #ddd ; text-align:center ; margin:auto cellspacing= 15 # #Change# # Understanding and describing change is a common theme in the natural sciences , and calculus was developed as a powerful tool to investigate it . Functions arise here , as a central concept describing a changing quantity . The rigorous study of real numbers and functions of a real variable is known as real analysis , with complex analysis the equivalent field for the complex numbers . Functional analysis focuses attention on ( typically infinite-dimensional ) spaces of functions . One of many applications of functional analysis is quantum mechanics . Many problems lead naturally to relationships between a quantity and its rate of change , and these are studied as differential equations . Many phenomena in nature can be described by dynamical systems ; chaos theory makes precise the ways in which many of these systems exhibit unpredictable yet still deterministic behavior. style= border:1px solid #ddd ; text-align:center ; margin:auto cellspacing= 20 # Applied mathematics # Applied mathematics concerns itself with mathematical methods that are typically used in science , engineering , business , and industry . Thus , applied mathematics is a mathematical science with specialized knowledge . The term ' ' applied mathematics ' ' also describes the professional specialty in which mathematicians work on practical problems ; as a profession focused on practical problems , ' ' applied mathematics ' ' focuses on the formulation , study , and use of mathematical models in science , engineering , and other areas of mathematical practice . In the past , practical applications have motivated the development of mathematical theories , which then became the subject of study in pure mathematics , where mathematics is developed primarily for its own sake . Thus , the activity of applied mathematics is vitally connected with research in pure mathematics . # #Statistics and other decision sciences# # Applied mathematics has significant overlap with the discipline of statistics , whose theory is formulated mathematically , especially with probability theory . Statisticians ( working as part of a research project ) create data that makes sense with random sampling and with randomized experiments ; the design of a statistical sample or experiment specifies the analysis of the data ( before the data be available ) . When reconsidering data from experiments and samples or when analyzing data from observational studies , statisticians make sense of the data using the art of modelling and the theory of inference with model selection and estimation ; the estimated models and consequential predictions should be tested on new data . Statistical theory studies decision problems such as minimizing the risk ( expected loss ) of a statistical action , such as using a procedure in , for example , parameter estimation , hypothesis testing , and selecting the best . In these traditional areas of mathematical statistics , a statistical-decision problem is formulated by minimizing an objective function , like expected loss or cost , under specific constraints : For example , designing a survey often involves minimizing the cost of estimating a population mean with a given level of confidence . Because of its use of optimization , the mathematical theory of statistics shares concerns with other decision sciences , such as operations research , control theory , and mathematical economics . # #Computational mathematics# # Computational mathematics proposes and studies methods for solving mathematical problems that are typically too large for human numerical capacity . Numerical analysis studies methods for problems in analysis using functional analysis and approximation theory ; numerical analysis includes the study of approximation and discretization broadly with special concern for rounding errors . Numerical analysis and , more broadly , scientific computing also study non-analytic topics of mathematical science , especially algorithmic matrix and graph theory . Other areas of computational mathematics include computer algebra and symbolic computation . style= border:1px solid #ddd ; text-align:center ; margin:0 auto cellspacing= 20 # Mathematical awards # Arguably the most prestigious award in mathematics is the Fields Medal , established in 1936 and now awarded every four years . The Fields Medal is often considered a mathematical equivalent to the Nobel Prize . The Wolf Prize in Mathematics , instituted in 1978 , recognizes lifetime achievement , and another major international award , the Abel Prize , was introduced in 2003 . The Chern Medal was introduced in 2010 to recognize lifetime achievement . These accolades are awarded in recognition of a particular body of work , which may be innovational , or provide a solution to an outstanding problem in an established field . A famous list of 23 open problems , called Hilbert 's problems , was compiled in 1900 by German mathematician David Hilbert . This list achieved great celebrity among mathematicians , and at least nine of the problems have now been solved . A new list of seven important problems , titled the Millennium Prize Problems , was published in 2000 . A solution to each of these problems carries a $1 million reward , and only one ( the Riemann hypothesis ) is duplicated in Hilbert 's problems . # Common misconceptions # Mathematics is not a closed intellectual system , in which everything has already been worked out . There is no shortage of open problems . Every month , mathematicians publish many thousands of papers that embody new discoveries in the field . Mathematics is not numerology ; it is not concerned with supernatural properties of numbers . It is not accountancy ; nor is it restricted to arithmetic . Pseudomathematics is a form of mathematics like activity undertaken outside academia , and occasionally by mathematicians themselves . It often consists of determined attacks on famous questions , consisting of proof-attempts made in an isolated way ( that is , long papers not supported by previously published theory ) . The relationship to generally accepted mathematics is similar to that between pseudoscience and real science . The misconceptions involved are normally based on : misunderstanding of the implications of mathematical rigor ; attempts to circumvent the usual criteria for publication of mathematical papers in a learned journal after peer review , often in the belief that the journal is biased against the author ; lack of familiarity with , and therefore underestimation of , the existing literature . Like astronomy , mathematics owes much to amateur contributors such as Fermat and Mersenne. -- # Mathematics as science # File:Carl Friedrich *29;16339;TOOLONG Friedrich Gauss , known as the prince of mathematicians Many philosophers believe that mathematics is not experimentally falsifiable , and thus not a science according to the definition of Karl Popper . However , in the 1930s Gdel 's incompleteness theorems convinced many mathematicians that mathematics can not be reduced to logic alone , and Karl Popper concluded that most mathematical theories are , like those of physics and biology , hypothetico-deductive : pure mathematics therefore turns out to be much closer to the natural sciences whose hypotheses are conjectures , than it seemed even recently . Other thinkers , notably Imre Lakatos , have applied a version of falsificationism to mathematics itself . An alternative view is that certain scientific fields ( such as theoretical physics ) are mathematics with axioms that are intended to correspond to reality . The theoretical physicist J.M. Ziman proposed that science is ' ' public knowledge ' ' , and thus includes mathematics . Mathematics shares much in common with many fields in the physical sciences , notably the exploration of the logical consequences of assumptions . Intuition and experimentation also play a role in the formulation of conjectures in both mathematics and the ( other ) sciences . Experimental mathematics continues to grow in importance within mathematics , and computation and simulation are playing an increasing role in both the sciences and mathematics . The opinions of mathematicians on this matter are varied . Many mathematicians @@18881 Mathematical induction is a method of mathematical proof typically used to establish a given statement for all natural numbers . It is a form of direct proof , and it is done in two steps . The first step , known as the base case , is to prove the given statement for the first natural number . The second step , known as the inductive step , is to prove that the given statement for any one natural number implies the given statement for the next natural number . From these two steps , mathematical induction is the rule from which we infer that the given statement is established for all natural numbers . The method can be extended to prove statements about more general well-founded structures , such as trees ; this generalization , known as structural induction , is used in mathematical logic and computer science . Mathematical induction in this extended sense is closely related to recursion . Mathematical induction , in some form , is the foundation of all correctness proofs for computer programs . # History # In 370 BC , Plato 's Parmenides may have contained an early example of an implicit inductive proof . The earliest implicit traces of mathematical induction can be found in Euclid 's proof that the number of primes is infinite and in Bhaskara 's cyclic method . An opposite iterated technique , counting ' ' down ' ' rather than up , is found in the Sorites paradox , where one argued that if 1,000,000 grains of sand formed a heap , and removing one grain from a heap left it a heap , then a single grain of sand ( or even no grains ) forms a heap . An implicit Mathematical proof None of these ancient mathematicians , however , explicitly stated the inductive hypothesis . Another similar case ( contrary to what Vacca has written , as Freudenthal carefully showed ) was that of Francesco Maurolico in his ' ' Arithmeticorum libri duo ' ' ( 1575 ) , who used the technique to prove that the sum of the first ' ' n ' ' odd integers is ' ' n ' ' 2 . The first explicit formulation of the principle of induction was given by Pascal in his ' ' Trait du triangle arithmtique ' ' ( 1665 ) . Another Frenchman , Fermat , made ample use of a related principle , indirect proof by infinite descent . The inductive hypothesis was also employed by the Swiss Jakob Bernoulli , and from then on it became more or less well known . The modern rigorous and systematic treatment of the principle came only in the 19th century , with George Boole , Augustus de Morgan , Charles Sanders Peirce , Giuseppe Peano , and Richard Dedekind. # Description # The simplest and most common form of mathematical induction infers that a statement involving a natural number ' ' n ' ' holds for all values of ' ' n ' ' . The proof consists of two steps : # The basis ( base case ) : prove that the statement holds for the first natural number ' ' n ' ' . Usually , ' ' n ' ' = 0 or ' ' n ' ' = 1 . # The inductive step : prove that , if the statement holds for some natural number ' ' n ' ' , then the statement holds for ' ' n ' ' + 1 . The hypothesis in the inductive step that the statement holds for some ' ' n ' ' is called the induction hypothesis ( or inductive hypothesis ) . To perform the inductive step , one assumes the induction hypothesis and then uses this assumption to prove the statement for ' ' n ' ' + 1 . Whether ' ' n ' ' = 0 or ' ' n ' ' = 1 depends on the definition of the natural numbers . If 0 is considered a natural number , as is common in the fields of combinatorics and mathematical logic , the base case is given by ' ' n ' ' = 0 . If , on the other hand , 1 is taken as the first natural number , then the base case is given by ' ' n ' ' = 1 . # Example # Mathematical induction can be used to prove that the following statement , which we will call ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) , holds for all natural numbers ' ' n ' ' . : 0 + 1 + 2 + cdots + n = fracn ( n + 1 ) 2 , . ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) gives a formula for the sum of the natural numbers less than or equal to number ' ' n ' ' . The proof that ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) is true for each natural number ' ' n ' ' proceeds as follows . Basis : Show that the statement holds for ' ' n ' ' = 0 . ' ' P ' ' ( 0 ) amounts to the statement : : 0 = frac0cdot ( 0 + 1 ) 2 , . In the left-hand side of the equation , the only term is 0 , and so the left-hand side is simply equal to 0 . In the right-hand side of the equation , 0 ( 0 + 1 ) /2 = 0 . The two sides are equal , so the statement is true for ' ' n ' ' = 0 . Thus it has been shown that ' ' P ' ' ( 0 ) holds . Inductive step : Show that ' ' if ' ' ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' ) holds , then also holds . This can be done as follows . Assume ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' ) holds ( for some unspecified value of ' ' k ' ' ) . It must then be shown that holds , that is : : ( 0 + 1 + 2 + cdots + k ) + ( k+1 ) = frac(k+1) ( ( k+1 ) + 1 ) 2 . Using the induction hypothesis that ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' ) holds , the left-hand side can be rewritten to : : frack ( k + 1 ) 2 + ( k+1 ) , . Algebraically : : beginalign frack ( k + 1 ) 2 + ( k+1 ) & = frac k(k+1)+2(k+1) 2 & = frack2+k+2k+22 & = frac(k+1) ( k+2 ) 2 & = frac(k+1) ( ( k+1 ) + 1 ) 2 endalign thereby showing that indeed holds . Since both the basis and the inductive step have been performed , by mathematical induction , the statement ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) holds for all natural ' ' n ' ' . Q.E.D. # Axiom of induction # Mathematical induction as an inference rule can be formalized as a second-order axiom . The ' ' axiom of induction ' ' is , in logical symbols , : forall PP(0) land forall k in mathbbN ( P(k) Rightarrow P(k+1) Rightarrow forall n in mathbbN P(n) where ' ' P ' ' is any predicate and ' ' k ' ' and ' ' n ' ' are both natural numbers . In words , the basis ' ' P ' ' ( 0 ) and the inductive step ( namely , that the inductive hypothesis ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' ) implies ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' + 1 ) together imply that ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) for any natural number ' ' n ' ' . The axiom of induction asserts that the validity of inferring that ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) holds for any natural number ' ' n ' ' from the basis and the inductive step . Note that the first quantifier in the axiom ranges over ' ' predicates ' ' rather than over individual numbers . This is a second-order quantifier , which means that this axiom is stated in second-order logic . Axiomatizing arithmetic induction in first-order logic requires an axiom schema containing a separate axiom for each possible predicate . The article Peano axioms contains further discussion of this issue . # Heuristic justification # As an inference rule , mathematical induction can be justified as follows . Having proven the base case and the inductive step , then any value can be obtained by performing the inductive step repeatedly . It may be helpful to think of the domino effect . Consider a half line of dominoes each standing on end , and extending infinitely to the right . Suppose that : # The first domino falls right . # If a ( fixed but arbitrary ) domino falls right , then its next neighbor also falls right . With these assumptions one can conclude ( using mathematical induction ) that all of the dominoes will fall right . Mathematical induction , as formalized in the second-order axiom above , works because ' ' k ' ' is used to represent an ' ' arbitrary ' ' natural number . Then , using the inductive hypothesis , i.e. that ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' ) is true , show ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' k ' ' + 1 ) is also true . This allows us to carry the fact that ' ' P ' ' ( 0 ) is true to the fact that ' ' P ' ' ( 1 ) is also true , and carry ' ' P ' ' ( 1 ) to ' ' P ' ' ( 2 ) , etc. , thus proving ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) holds for every natural number ' ' n ' ' . # Variants # In practice , proofs by induction are often structured differently , depending on the exact nature of the property to be proved . # Starting at some other number # If we want to prove a statement not for all natural numbers but only for all numbers greater than or equal to a certain number ' ' b ' ' then : # Showing that the statement holds when ' ' n ' ' = ' ' b ' ' . # Showing that if the statement holds for ' ' n ' ' = ' ' m ' ' ' ' b ' ' then the same statement also holds for ' ' n ' ' = ' ' m ' ' + 1 . This can be used , for example , to show that ' ' n ' ' 2 3 ' ' n ' ' for ' ' n ' ' 3 . A more substantial example is a proof that : nn over 3n *48;43751; In this way we can prove that ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) holds for all ' ' n ' ' 1 , or even ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 5 . This form of mathematical induction is actually a special case of the previous form because if the statement that we intend to prove is ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) then proving it with these two rules is equivalent with proving ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) for all natural numbers ' ' n ' ' with the first two steps . # Building on ' ' n ' ' = 2 # In mathematics , many standard functions , including operations such as + and relations such as = , are binary , meaning that they take two arguments . Often these functions possess properties that implicitly extend them to more than two arguments . For example , once addition ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' is defined and is known to satisfy the associativity property ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) + ' ' c ' ' = ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) , then the ternary addition ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' makes sense , either as ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) + ' ' c ' ' or as ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) . Similarly , many axioms and theorems in mathematics are stated only for the binary versions of mathematical operations and relations , and implicitly extend to higher-arity versions . Suppose that we wish to prove a statement about an ' ' n ' ' -ary operation implicitly defined from a binary operation , using mathematical induction on ' ' n ' ' . Then it should come as no surprise that the ' ' n ' ' = 2 case carries special weight . Here are some examples . # #Example : product rule for the derivative# # In this example , the binary operation in question is multiplication ( of functions ) . The usual product rule for the derivative taught in calculus states : : ( fg ) ' = f'g + g'f. ! or in logarithmic derivative form : ( fg ) ' / ( fg ) = f ' /f + g ' /g . ! This can be generalized to a product of ' ' n ' ' functions . One has : ( f1 f2 f3 cdots fn ) ' ! : : = ( f1 ' f2 f3 cdots fn ) + ( f1 f2 ' f3 cdots fn ) + ( f1 f2 f3 ' cdots fn ) + cdots + ( f1 f2 cdots fn-1 fn ' ) . or in logarithmic derivative form : ( f1 f2 f3 cdots fn ) ' / ( f1 f2 f3 cdots fn ) ! : : = ( f1 ' /f1 ) + ( f2 ' /f2 ) + ( f3 ' /f3 ) + cdots + ( fn ' /fn ) . In each of the ' ' n ' ' terms of the usual form , just one of the factors is a derivative ; the others are not . When this general fact is proved by mathematical induction , the ' ' n ' ' = 0 case is trivial , ( 1 ) ' = 0 ! ( since the empty product is 1 , and the empty sum is 0 ) . The ' ' n ' ' = 1 case is also trivial , f1 ' = f1 ' ! . And for each ' ' n ' ' 3 , the case is easy to prove from the preceding ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 1 case . The real difficulty lies in the ' ' n ' ' = 2 case , which is why that is the one stated in the standard product rule . An alternative way to look at this is to generalize f(xy)=f(x)+f(y) , f(1)=0 ( a monoid homomorphism ) to f ( prod xi ) = sum f(xi) . # #Example : Cohen 's proof that there is no horse of a different color # # In this example , the binary relation in question is an equivalence relation applied to horses , such that two horses are equivalent if they are the same color . The argument is essentially identical to the one above , but the crucial ' ' n ' ' = 1 case fails , causing the entire argument to be invalid . Joel E. Cohen proposed the following argument , which purports to prove by mathematical induction that all horses are of the same color : Basis : If there is only ' ' one ' ' horse , there is only one color . Induction step : Assume as induction hypothesis that within any set of ' ' n ' ' horses , there is only one color . Now look at any set of ' ' n ' ' + 1 horses . Number them : 1 , 2 , 3 , ... , ' ' n ' ' , ' ' n ' ' + 1 . Consider the sets 1 , 2 , 3 , ... , ' ' n ' ' and 2 , 3 , 4 , ... , ' ' n ' ' + 1 . Each is a set of only ' ' n ' ' horses , therefore within each there is only one color . But the two sets overlap , so there must be only one color among all ' ' n ' ' + 1 horses . The basis case ' ' n ' ' = 1 is trivial ( as any horse is the same color as itself ) , and the inductive step is correct in all cases ' ' n ' ' 1 . However , the logic of the inductive step is incorrect for ' ' n ' ' = 1 , because the statement that the two sets overlap is false ( there are only ' ' n ' ' + 1 = 2 horses prior to either removal , and after removal the sets of one horse each do not overlap ) . Indeed , going from the ' ' n ' ' = 1 case to the ' ' n ' ' = 2 case is clearly the crux of the matter ; if one could prove the ' ' n ' ' = 2 case directly without having to infer it from the ' ' n ' ' = 1 case , then all higher cases would follow from the inductive hypothesis . # Induction on more than one counter # It is sometimes desirable to prove a statement involving two natural numbers , ' ' n ' ' and ' ' m ' ' , by iterating the induction process . That is , one performs a basis step and an inductive step for ' ' n ' ' , and in each of those performs a basis step and an inductive step for ' ' m ' ' . See , for example , the proof of commutativity accompanying ' ' addition of natural numbers ' ' . More complicated arguments involving three or more counters are also possible . # Infinite descent # The method of infinite descent was one of Pierre de Fermat 's favorites . This method of proof can assume several slightly different forms . For example , it might begin by showing that if a statement is true for a natural number ' ' n ' ' it must also be true for some smaller natural number ' ' m ' ' ( ' ' m ' ' &lt ; ' ' n ' ' ) . Using mathematical induction ( implicitly ) with the inductive hypothesis being that the statement is false for all natural numbers less than or equal to ' ' m ' ' , we can conclude that the statement can not be true for any natural number ' ' n ' ' . Although this particular form of infinite-descent proof is clearly a mathematical induction , whether one holds all proofs by infinite descent to be mathematical inductions depends on how one defines the term proof by infinite descent . One might , for example , use the term to apply to proofs in which the well-ordering of the natural numbers is assumed , but not the principle of induction . Such , for example , is the usual proof that 2 has no rational square root ( see Infinite descent ) . # Prefix induction # The most common form of induction requires proving that ( k ) ( P(k) P(k+1) or equivalently ( k ) ( P(k-1) P(k) whereupon the induction principle automates n applications of this inference in getting from P(0) to P(n) . This could be called predecessor induction because each step proves something about a number from something about that number 's predecessor . A variant of interest in computational complexity is prefix induction , in which one needs to prove ( k ) ( P(k) P(2k) P(2k+1) or equivalently ( k ) ( P ( floor ( ) P(k) The induction principle then automates log(n) applications of this inference in getting from P(0) to P(n) . ( It 's called prefix induction because each step proves something about a number from something about the prefix of that number formed by truncating the low bit of its binary representation . ) If traditional predecessor induction is interpreted computationally as an n-step loop , prefix induction corresponds to a log(n)-step loop , and thus proofs using prefix induction are more feasibly constructive than proofs using predecessor induction . Predecessor induction can trivially simulate prefix induction on the same statement . Prefix induction can simulate predecessor induction , but only at the cost of making the statement more syntactically complex ( adding a bounded universal quantifier ) , so the interesting results relating prefix induction to polynomial-time computation depend on excluding unbounded quantifiers entirely , and limiting the alternation of bounded universal and existential quantifiers allowed in the statement . See One could take it a step farther to prefix of prefix induction : one must prove ( k ) ( P ( floor ( k ) P(k) whereupon the induction principle automates log ( log ( n ) applications of this inference in getting from P(0) to P(n) . This form of induction has been used , analogously , to study log-time parallel computation . # Complete induction # Another variant , called complete induction ( or strong induction or course of values induction ) , says that in the second step we may assume not only that the statement holds for ' ' n ' ' = ' ' m ' ' but also that it is true for all ' ' n ' ' less than or equal to ' ' m ' ' . Complete induction is most useful when several instances of the inductive hypothesis are required for each inductive step . For example , complete induction can be used to show that : Fn = fracvarphin - psinvarphi - psi where ' ' F n ' ' is the ' ' n ' ' th Fibonacci number , = ( 1 + 5 ) /2 ( the golden ratio ) and = ( 1 &minus ; 5 ) /2 are the roots of the polynomial ' ' x ' ' 2 &minus ; ' ' x ' ' &minus ; 1 . By using the fact that ' ' F ' ' ' ' n ' ' + 2 = ' ' F ' ' ' ' n ' ' + 1 + ' ' F ' ' ' ' n ' ' for each ' ' n ' ' N , the identity above can be verified by direct calculation for ' ' F ' ' ' ' n ' ' + 2 if we assume that it already holds for both ' ' F ' ' ' ' n ' ' + 1 and ' ' F ' ' ' ' n ' ' . To complete the proof , the identity must be verified in the two base cases ' ' n ' ' = 0 and ' ' n ' ' = 1 . Another proof by complete induction uses the hypothesis that the statement holds for ' ' all ' ' smaller ' ' n ' ' more thoroughly . Consider the statement that every natural number greater than 1 is a product of prime numbers , and assume that for a given ' ' m ' ' &gt ; 1 it holds for all smaller ' ' n ' ' &gt ; 1 . If ' ' m ' ' is prime then it is certainly a product of primes , and if not , then by definition it is a product : ' ' m ' ' = ' ' n ' ' 1 ' ' n ' ' 2 , where neither of the factors is equal to 1 ; hence neither is equal to ' ' m ' ' , and so both are smaller than ' ' m ' ' . The induction hypothesis now applies to ' ' n ' ' 1 and ' ' n ' ' 2 , so each one is a product of primes . Then ' ' m ' ' is a product of products of primes ; i.e. a product of primes . This generalization , complete induction , is equivalent to the ordinary mathematical induction described above . Suppose P ( ' ' n ' ' ) is the statement that we intend to prove by complete induction . Let Q ( ' ' n ' ' ) mean P ( ' ' m ' ' ) holds for all ' ' m ' ' such that 0 ' ' m ' ' ' ' n ' ' . Then Q ( ' ' n ' ' ) is true for all ' ' n ' ' if and only if P ( ' ' n ' ' ) is true for all ' ' n ' ' , and a proof of P ( ' ' n ' ' ) by complete induction is just the same thing as a proof of Q ( ' ' n ' ' ) by ( ordinary ) induction . # Transfinite induction # The last two steps can be reformulated as one step : # Showing that if the statement holds for all ' ' n ' ' *17221;43801; class= sortable wikitable ! width= 160 Player name ! ! Birth ! ! Death ! ! Country ! ! Criteria for inclusion 1982 ArgentinaRanked world no. 20 in 2006 - Finalist in 1884 Wimbledon Championships Gentlemen 's Singles # References # *14;61027;references @@18902 A mathematician is a person with an extensive knowledge of mathematics who uses this knowledge in their work , typically to solve mathematical problems . Mathematics is concerned with numbers , data , collection , quantity , structure , space , models and change . Mathematicians involved with solving problems outside of pure mathematics are called applied mathematicians . Applied mathematicians are mathematical scientists who , with their specialized knowledge and professional methodology , approach many of the imposing problems presented in related scientific fields . With professional focus on a wide variety of problems , theoretical systems , and localized constructs , applied mathematicians work regularly in the study and formulation of mathematical models . Mathematicians and applied mathematicians are considered to be two of the STEM ( science , technology , engineering , and mathematics ) careers . The discipline of applied mathematics concerns itself with mathematical methods that are typically used in science , engineering , business , and industry ; thus , applied mathematics is a mathematical science with specialized knowledge . The term applied mathematics also describes the professional specialty in which mathematicians work on problems , often concrete but sometimes abstract . As professionals focused on problem solving , ' ' applied mathematicians ' ' look into the ' ' formulation , study , and use of mathematical models ' ' in science , engineering , business , and other areas of mathematical practice . # Education # Mathematicians usually cover a breadth of topics within mathematics in their undergraduate education , and then proceed to specialize in topics of their own choice at the graduate-level . In some universities , a qualifying exam serves to test both the breadth and depth of a student 's understanding of mathematics ; the students who pass are permitted to work on a doctoral dissertation. # Motivation # Mathematicians do research in fields such as logic , set theory , category theory , abstract algebra , number theory , analysis , geometry , topology , dynamical systems , combinatorics , game theory , information theory , numerical analysis , optimization , computation , probability and statistics . These fields comprise both pure mathematics and applied mathematics and establish links between the two . Some of the fields they work in is , such as the theory of dynamical systems , or game theory , are classified as applied mathematics due to the relationships they possess with physics , economics and the other sciences . Whether probability theory and statistics are of theoretical nature , applied nature , or both , is quite controversial among mathematicians . Other branches of mathematics , however , such as logic , number theory , category theory or set theory are accepted as part of pure mathematics , though they find application in other sciences ( predominantly computer science and physics ) . Likewise , analysis , geometry and topology , although considered pure mathematics , find applications in theoretical physicsstring theory , for instance . Though it is true that mathematics finds diverse applications in many areas of research , a mathematician does not determine the value of an idea by the diversity of its applications . Mathematics is interesting in its own right , and a substantial minority of mathematicians investigate the diversity of structures studied in ' ' mathematics itself ' ' . However , among academic mathematics , the majority of mathematical papers published in the United States are written by academics outside of mathematics departments . Furthermore , a mathematician is not someone who merely manipulates formulas , numbers or equationsthe diversity of mathematics allows for research concerning how concepts in one area of mathematics can be used in other areas too . For instance , if one graphs a set of solutions of an equation in some higher-dimensional space , he may ask about the geometric properties of the graph . Thus one can understand equations by a pure understanding of abstract topology or geometrythis idea is of importance in algebraic geometry . Similarly , a mathematician does not restrict his study of numbers to the integers ; rather he considers more abstract structures such as rings , and in particular number rings in the context of algebraic number theory . This exemplifies the abstract nature of mathematics and how it is not restricted to questions one may ask in daily life . In a different direction , mathematicians ask questions about space and transformations that are not restricted to geometric figures such as squares and circles . For instance , an active area of research in differential topology concerns itself with the ways one can smooth higher-dimensional figures . In fact , whether one can smooth certain higher-dimensional spheres was , until recently , an open problem known as the smooth Poincar conjecture . Another aspect of mathematics , set-theoretic topology and point-set topology , concerns objects of a different nature from objects in our universe , or in a higher-dimensional analogue of our universe . These objects behave in a rather strange manner under deformations , and the properties they possess are completely different from those of objects in our universe . For instance , the distance between two points on such an object , may depend on the order in which you consider the pair of points . This is quite different from ordinary life , in which it is accepted that the straight line distance from person A to person B is the same as that between person B and person A. Another aspect of mathematics , often referred to as foundational mathematics , consists of the fields of logic and set theory . These explore various ideas regarding the ways one can prove certain claims . This theory is far more complex than it seems , in that the truth of a claim depends on the context in which the claim is made , unlike basic ideas in daily life where truth is absolute . In fact , although some claims may be true , it is impossible to prove or disprove them in rather natural contexts . Category theory , another field within foundational mathematics , is rooted on the abstract axiomatization of the definition of a class of mathematical structures , referred to as a category . A category intuitively consists of a collection of objects , and defined relationships between them . While these objects may be anything ( such as tables or chairs ) , mathematicians are usually interested in particular , more abstract , classes of such objects . In any case , it is the ' ' relationships between these objects ' ' , and ' ' not the actual objects ' ' that are predominantly studied . # Occupations # According to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles occupations in mathematics include the following . Mathematician Operations-Research Analyst Mathematical Statistician Mathematical Technician Actuary Applied Statistician Weight Analyst # Notable mathematicians # Some notable mathematicians include Johann Bernoulli , Jacob Bernoulli , Aryabhata , Bhskara II , Nilakantha Somayaji , Andrey Kolmogorov , Alexander Grothendieck , John von Neumann , Alan Turing , Kurt Gdel , Augustin-Louis Cauchy , Georg Cantor , William Rowan Hamilton , Carl Jacobi , Nikolai Lobachevsky , Joseph Fourier , Pierre-Simon Laplace , Alonzo Church , and Nikolay Bogolyubov . *58;99;gallery *32;159;TOOLONG , fl. 300 BC Domenico-Fetti Archimedes 1620. jpgArchimedes , c. 287 212 BC Brahmagupta.jpg Brahmagupta , 598 670 Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi edit.pngMuammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm , c. 780 850 Omar Khayyam Profile.jpgOmar Khayym , 1048 1131 Frans Hals - Portret van Ren Descartes.jpgRen Descartes , 1596 1650 Pierre de Fermat.jpgPierre de Fermat , 1601 1665 *40;193;TOOLONG Newton , 1642 1727 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.jpgGottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz , 1646 1716 Leonhard Euler.jpgLeonhard Euler , 1707 1783 *37;235;TOOLONG Lagrange , 1736 1813 Carl Friedrich Gauss.jpgCarl Friedrich Gauss , 1777 1855 Niels Henrik Abel.jpgNiels Henrik Abel , 1802 1829 Evariste galois.jpgvariste Galois , 1811 1832 *42;274;TOOLONG Riemann , 1826 1866 FelixKlein.jpegFelix Klein , 1849 1925 JH Poincare.jpgHenri Poincar , 1854 1912 Hilbert.jpgDavid Hilbert , 1862 1943 Noether.jpgEmmy Noether , 1882 1935 *39;318;TOOLONG Weyl , 1885 1955 *37;359;TOOLONG Ramanujan , 1887 1920 # Quotations about mathematicians # The following are quotations about mathematicians , or by mathematicians . : ' ' A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems . ' ' : : Attributed to both Alfrd Rnyi and Paul Erds : ' ' Die Mathematiker sind eine Art Franzosen ; redet man mit ihnen , so bersetzen sie es in ihre Sprache , und dann ist es alsobald ganz etwas anderes . ' ' ( Mathematicians are like a sort of Frenchmen ; if you talk to them , they translate it into their own language , and then it is immediately something quite different . ) : : Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : ' ' Each generation has its few great mathematicians ... and the others ' research harms no one . ' ' : : Alfred W. Adler ( 1930- ) , Mathematics and Creativity : ' ' In short , I never yet encountered the mere mathematician who could be trusted out of equal roots , or one who did not clandestinely hold it as a point of his faith that x squared + px was absolutely and unconditionally equal to q . Say to one of these gentlemen , by way of experiment , if you please , that you believe occasions may occur where x squared + px is not altogether equal to q , and , having made him understand what you mean , get out of his reach as speedily as convenient , for , beyond doubt , he will endeavor to knock you down . ' ' : : Edgar Allan Poe , ' ' The purloined letter ' ' : ' ' A mathematician , like a painter or poet , is a maker of patterns . If his patterns are more permanent than theirs , it is because they are made with ideas . ' ' : : G. H. Hardy , ' ' A Mathematician 's Apology ' ' : ' ' Some of you may have met mathematicians and wondered how they got that way . ' ' : : Tom Lehrer : ' ' It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in soul . ' ' : : Sofia Kovalevskaya : ' ' An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God . ' ' : : Srinivasa Ramanujan : ' ' There are two ways to do great mathematics . The first is to be smarter than everybody else . The second way is to be stupider than everybody elsebut persistent . ' ' : : Raoul Bott : ' ' Mathematics is a queen of science and the theory of numbers is the queen of mathematics . ' ' : : Carl Friedrich Gauss AryaBhat : More details : http : *33;398;TOOLONG # Women in mathematics # While the majority of mathematicians are male , there have been some demographic changes since World War II . For example in Europe , from 1992 onwards , several women have been laureates of the prestigious EMS Prize . Some prominent female mathematicians throughout History are Hypatia of Alexandria ( ca. 400 AD ) , Ada Lovelace ( 18151852 ) , Maria Gaetana Agnesi ( 17181799 ) , Emmy Noether ( 18821935 ) , Sophie Germain ( 17761831 ) , Sofia Kovalevskaya ( 18501891 ) , Alicia Boole Stott ( 18601940 ) , Rzsa Pter ( 19051977 ) , Julia Robinson ( 19191985 ) , Olga Taussky-Todd ( 19061995 ) , milie du Chtelet ( 17061749 ) , Mary Cartwright ( 19001998 ) , Olga Ladyzhenskaya ( 19222004 ) , and Olga Oleinik ( 19252001 ) . The Association for Women in Mathematics is a professional society whose purpose is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences , and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences . The American Mathematical Society and other mathematical societies offer several prizes aimed at increasing the representation of women and minorities in the future of mathematics . # Prizes in mathematics # There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics , though sometimes mathematicians have won the Nobel Prize in a different field , such as economics . Prominent prizes in mathematics include the Abel Prize , the Chern Medal , the Fields Medal , the Gauss Prize , the Nemmers Prize , the Balzan Prize , the Crafoord Prize , the Shaw Prize , the Steele Prize , the Wolf Prize , the Schock Prize , and the Nevanlinna Prize . # See also # Human computer List of amateur mathematicians List of female mathematicians Lists of mathematicians Mathematical joke ' ' A Mathematician 's Apology ' ' ' ' Men of Mathematics ' ' ( book ) Mental calculator # Notes # @@19371 A mathematical constant is a special number , usually a real number , that is significantly interesting in some way . Constants arise in many different areas of mathematics , with constants such as and occurring in such diverse contexts as geometry , number theory and calculus . What it means for a constant to arise naturally , and what makes a constant interesting , is ultimately a matter of taste , and some mathematical constants are notable more for historical reasons than for their intrinsic mathematical interest . The more popular constants have been studied throughout the ages and computed to many decimal places . All mathematical constants are definable numbers and usually are also computable numbers ( Chaitin 's constant being a significant exception ) . # Common mathematical constants # These are constants which one is likely to encounter during pre-college education in many countries . # Archimedes ' constant # The constant ( pi ) has a natural definition in Euclidean geometry ( the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle ) , but may also be found in many different places in mathematics : for example the Gaussian integral in complex analysis , the roots of unity in number theory and Cauchy distributions in probability . However , its universality is not limited to pure mathematics . Indeed , various formulae in physics , such as Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle , and constants such as the cosmological constant include the constant . The presence of in physical principles , laws and formulae can have very simple explanations . For example , Coulomb 's law , describing the inverse square proportionality of the magnitude of the electrostatic force between two electric charges and their distance , states that , in SI units , : F = *29;43876;TOOLONG q2rightr2 . Besides varepsilon0 corresponding to the dielectric constant in vacuum , the 4pi r2 factor in the above denominator expresses directly the surface of a sphere with radius r , having thus a very concrete meaning . The numeric value of is approximately 3.14159 . Memorizing increasingly precise digits of is a world record pursuit . # Euler 's number # Euler 's number , also known as the exponential growth constant , appears in many areas of mathematics , and one possible definition of it is the value of the following expression : : e = limntoinfty left ( 1 + frac1n right ) n For example , the Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli discovered that arises in compound interest : An account that starts at $1 , and yields interest at annual rate with continuous compounding , will accumulate to dollars at the end of one year . The constant also has applications to probability theory , where it arises in a way not obviously related to exponential growth . Suppose that a gambler plays a slot machine with a one in probability of winning , and plays it times . Then , for large ( such as a million ) the probability that the gambler will win nothing at all is ( approximately ) . Another application of , discovered in part by Jacob Bernoulli along with French mathematician Pierre Raymond de Montmort , is in the problem of derangements , also known as the ' ' hat check problem ' ' . Here guests are invited to a party , and at the door each guest checks his hat with the butler who then places them into labelled boxes . But the butler does not know the name of the guests , and so must put them into boxes selected at random . The problem of de Montmort is : what is the probability that ' ' none ' ' of the hats gets put into the right box . The answer is : pn = 1-frac11 ! +frac12 ! -frac13 ! +cdots+ ( -1 ) nfrac1n ! and as tends to infinity , approaches . The numeric value of is approximately 2.71828. # Pythagoras ' constant # The square root of 2 , often known as root 2 , radical 2 , or Pythagoras 's constant , and written as , is the positive algebraic number that , when multiplied by itself , gives the number 2 . It is more precisely called the principal square root of 2 , to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property . Geometrically the square root of 2 is the length of a diagonal across a square with sides of one unit of length ; this follows from the Pythagorean theorem . It was probably the first number known to be irrational . Its numerical value truncated to 65 decimal places is : : . The quick approximation 99/70 ( 1.41429 ) for the square root of two is frequently used . Despite having a denominator of only 70 , it differs from the correct value by less than 1/10,000 ( approx. 7.2 10 5 ) . # The imaginary unit # The imaginary unit or unit imaginary number , denoted as , is a mathematical concept which extends the real number system to the complex number system , which in turn provides at least one root for every polynomial ( see algebraic closure and fundamental theorem of algebra ) . The imaginary unit 's core property is that 1 . The term imaginary is used because there is no real number having a negative square . There are in fact two complex square roots of 1 , namely and , just as there are two complex square roots of every other real number , except zero , which has one double square root . In contexts where is ambiguous or problematic , or the Greek ( see alternative notations ) is sometimes used . In the disciplines of electrical engineering and control systems engineering , the imaginary unit is often denoted by instead of , because is commonly used to denote electric current in these disciplines . # Constants in advanced mathematics # These are constants which are encountered frequently in higher mathematics . # The Feigenbaum constants &alpha ; and &delta ; # Iterations of continuous maps serve as the simplest examples of models for dynamical systems . Named after mathematical physicist Mitchell Feigenbaum , the two Feigenbaum constants appear in such iterative processes : they are mathematical invariants of logistic maps with quadratic maximum points and their bifurcation diagrams . The logistic map is a polynomial mapping , often cited as an archetypal example of how chaotic behaviour can arise from very simple non-linear dynamical equations . The map was popularized in a seminal 1976 paper by the Australian biologist Robert May , in part as a discrete-time demographic model analogous to the logistic equation first created by Pierre Franois Verhulst . The difference equation is intended to capture the two effects of reproduction and starvation . The numeric value of is approximately 2.5029 . The numeric value of is approximately 4.6692. # Apry 's constant &zeta ; ( 3 ) # *26;43907;div zeta(3) = 1 + frac123 + frac133 + frac143 + cdots Despite being a special value of the Riemann zeta function , Apry 's constant arises naturally in a number of physical problems , including in the second- and third-order terms of the electron 's gyromagnetic ratio , computed using quantum electrodynamics . The numeric value of ' ' &zeta ; ' ' ( 3 ) is approximately 1.2020569. # The golden ratio &phi ; # *25;43935;div *44;43962;div *41;44008;TOOLONG 5 *26;44051;div An explicit formula for the ' ' n ' ' th Fibonacci number involving the golden ratio . The number , also called the Golden ratio , turns up frequently in geometry , particularly in figures with pentagonal symmetry . Indeed , the length of a regular pentagon 's diagonal is times its side . The vertices of a regular icosahedron are those of three mutually orthogonal golden rectangles . Also , it appears in the Fibonacci sequence , related to growth by recursion . The golden ratio has the slowest convergence of any irrational number . It is , for that reason , one of the worst cases of Lagrange 's approximation theorem and it is an extremal case of the Hurwitz inequality for Diophantine approximations . This may be why angles close to the golden ratio often show up in phyllotaxis ( the growth of plants ) . It is approximately equal to 1.61803398874 , or , more precisely scriptstylefrac1+sqrt52. # The EulerMascheroni constant &gamma ; # The EulerMascheroni constant is a recurring constant in number theory . The French mathematician Charles Jean de la Valle-Poussin proved in 1898 that when taking any positive integer n and dividing it by each positive integer m less than n , the average fraction by which the quotient n/m falls short of the next integer tends to gamma as n tends to infinity . Surprisingly , this average does n't tend to one half . The EulerMascheroni constant also appears in Merten 's third theorem and has relations to the gamma function , the zeta function and many different integrals and series . The definition of the EulerMascheroni constant exhibits a close link between the discrete and the continuous ( see curves on the left ) . The numeric value of gamma is approximately 0.57721. # Conway 's constant &lambda ; # *26;44079;div *43;44107;div beginmatrix 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 vdots endmatrix *26;44152;div Conway 's look-and-say sequence Conway 's constant is the invariant growth rate of all derived strings similar to the look-and-say sequence ( except for one trivial one ) . It is given by the unique positive real root of a polynomial of degree 71 with integer coefficients . The value of &lambda ; is approximately 1.30357. # Khinchin 's constant ' ' K ' ' # If a real number ' ' r ' ' is written as a simple continued fraction : : *37;44180;TOOLONG , where ' ' a ' ' ' ' k ' ' are natural numbers for all ' ' k ' ' then , as the Russian mathematician Aleksandr Khinchin proved in 1934 , the limit as ' ' n ' ' tends to infinity of the geometric mean : ( ' ' a ' ' 1 ' ' a ' ' 2 ... ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) 1/ ' ' n ' ' exists and is a constant , Khinchin 's constant , except for a set of measure 0 . The numeric value of ' ' K ' ' is approximately 2.6854520010. # Mathematical curiosities and unspecified constants # # Simple representatives of sets of numbers # *26;44219;div *44;44247;div c=sumj=1infty 10-j ! =0. *26;44293;TOOLONG ! text *25;44321;TOOLONG ! text digits000dots , *26;44348;div Liouville 's constant is a simple example of a transcendental number . Some constants , such as the square root of 2 , Liouville 's constant and Champernowne constant : : C10 = 0. *99;44376;TOOLONG are not important mathematical invariants but retain interest being simple representatives of special sets of numbers , the irrational numbers , the transcendental numbers and the normal numbers ( in base 10 ) respectively . The discovery of the irrational numbers is usually attributed to the Pythagorean Hippasus of Metapontum who proved , most likely geometrically , the irrationality of the square root of 2 . As for Liouville 's constant , named after French mathematician Joseph Liouville , it was the first number to be proven transcendental . # Chaitin 's constant &Omega ; # In the computer science subfield of algorithmic information theory , Chaitin 's constant is the real number representing the probability that a randomly chosen Turing machine will halt , formed from a construction due to Argentine-American mathematician and computer scientist Gregory Chaitin . Chaitin 's constant , though not being computable , has been proven to be transcendental and normal . Chaitin 's constant is not universal , depending heavily on the numerical encoding used for Turing machines ; however , its interesting properties are independent of the encoding. # Unspecified constants # When unspecified , constants indicate classes of similar objects , commonly functions , all equal up to a constanttechnically speaking , this is may be viewed as ' similarity up to a constant ' . Such constants appear frequently when dealing with integrals and differential equations . Though unspecified , they have a specific value , which often is not important . # # In integrals # # Indefinite integrals are called indefinite because their solutions are only unique up to a constant . For example , when working over the field of real numbers : intcos x dx=sin x+C where ' ' C ' ' , the constant of integration , is an arbitrary fixed real number . In other words , whatever the value of ' ' C ' ' , differentiating sin ' ' x ' ' + ' ' C ' ' with respect to ' ' x ' ' always yields cos ' ' x ' ' . # # In differential equations # # In a similar fashion , constants appear in the solutions to differential equations where not enough initial values or boundary conditions are given . For example , the ordinary differential equation ' ' y ' ' ' = ' ' y ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) has solution ' ' Ce ' ' ' ' x ' ' where ' ' C ' ' is an arbitrary constant . When dealing with partial differential equations , the constants may be functions , constant with respect to some variables ( but not necessarily all of them ) . For example , the PDE : fracpartial f ( x , y ) partial x=0 has solutions ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' ) , where ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' ) is an arbitrary function in the variable ' ' y ' ' . # Notation # # Representing constants # It is common to express the numerical value of a constant by giving its decimal representation ( or just the first few digits of it ) . For two reasons this representation may cause problems . First , even though rational numbers all have a finite or ever-repeating decimal expansion , irrational numbers do n't have such an expression making them impossible to completely describe in this manner . Also , the decimal expansion of a number is not necessarily unique . For example , the two representations 0.999 ... and 1 are equivalent in the sense that they represent the same number . Calculating digits of the decimal expansion of constants has been a common enterprise for many centuries . For example , German mathematician Ludolph van Ceulen of the 16th century spent a major part of his life calculating the first 35 digits of pi . Using computers and supercomputers , some of the mathematical constants , including , ' ' e ' ' , and the square root of 2 , have been computed to more than one hundred billion digits . Fast algorithms have been developed , some of which as for Apry 's constant are unexpectedly fast . *26;44477;div *44;44505;div G=left . beginmatrix 3 underbrace uparrow ldots uparrow 3 underbracevdots 3 *28;44551;TOOLONG 3 endmatrix right text64 layers *26;44581;div Graham 's number defined using Knuth 's up-arrow notation . Some constants differ so much from the usual kind that a new notation has been invented to represent them reasonably . Graham 's number illustrates this as Knuth 's up-arrow notation is used . It may be of interest to represent them using continued fractions to perform various studies , including statistical analysis . Many mathematical constants have an analytic form , that is they can be constructed using well-known operations that lend themselves readily to calculation . Not all constants have known analytic forms , though ; Grossman 's constant and Foias ' constant are examples . # Symbolizing and naming of constants # Symbolizing constants with letters is a frequent means of making the notation more concise . A standard convention , instigated by Leonhard Euler in the 18th century , is to use lower case letters from the beginning of the Latin alphabet a , b , c , dots , or the Greek alphabet alpha , beta , , gamma , dots , when dealing with constants in general . *26;44609;div *44;44637;div ErdsBorwein constant EB , *6;44683;br EmbreeTrefethen constant beta* , *6;44691;br Brun 's constant for twin prime B2 , *6;44699;br Champernowne constants Cb *6;44707;br cardinal number aleph naught aleph0 *26;44715;div Examples of different kinds of notation for constants . However , for more important constants , the symbols may be more complex and have an extra letter , an asterisk , a number , a lemniscate or use different alphabets such as Hebrew , Cyrillic or Gothic . *25;44743;div *44;44770;div mathrmgoogol=10100 , , *39;44816;TOOLONG , Sometimes , the symbol representing a constant is a whole word . For example , American mathematician Edward Kasner 's 9-year-old nephew coined the names googol and googolplex . The names are either related to the meaning of the constant ( universal parabolic constant , twin prime constant , ... ) or to a specific person ( Sierpiski 's constant , Josephson constant , ... ) . # Table of selected mathematical constants # Abbreviations used : : R Rational number , I Irrational number ( may be algebraic or transcendental ) , A Algebraic number ( irrational ) , T Transcendental number ( irrational ) : Gen General , NuT Number theory , ChT Chaos theory , Com Combinatorics , Inf Information theory , Ana Mathematical analysis @@19447 In mathematics , a group is a set of elements together with an operation that combines any two of its elements to form a third element satisfying four conditions called the group axioms , namely closure , associativity , identity and invertibility . One of the most familiar examples of a group is the set of integers together with the addition operation ; the addition of any two integers forms another integer . The abstract formalization of the group axioms , detached as it is from the concrete nature of any particular group and its operation , allows entities with highly diverse mathematical origins in abstract algebra and beyond to be handled in a flexible way , while retaining their essential structural aspects . The ubiquity of groups in numerous areas within and outside mathematics makes them a central organizing principle of contemporary mathematics . Groups share a fundamental kinship with the notion of symmetry . For example , a symmetry group encodes symmetry features of a geometrical object : the group consists of the set of transformations that leave the object unchanged and the operation of combining two such transformations by performing one after the other . Lie groups are the symmetry groups used in the Standard Model of particle physics ; Point groups are used to help understand symmetry phenomena in molecular chemistry ; and Poincar groups can express the physical symmetry underlying special relativity . The concept of a group arose from the study of polynomial equations , starting with variste Galois in the 1830s . After contributions from other fields such as number theory and geometry , the group notion was generalized and firmly established around 1870 . Modern group theoryan active mathematical disciplinestudies groups in their own right . To explore groups , mathematicians have devised various notions to break groups into smaller , better-understandable pieces , such as subgroups , quotient groups and simple groups . In addition to their abstract properties , group theorists also study the different ways in which a group can be expressed concretely ( its group representations ) , both from a theoretical and a computational point of view . A theory has been developed for finite groups , which culminated with the classification of finite simple groups announced in 1983 . Since the mid-1980s , geometric group theory , which studies finitely generated groups as geometric objects , has become a particularly active area in group theory . # Definition and illustration # # First example : the integers # One of the most familiar groups is the set of integers Z which consists of the numbers : ... , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ... , together with addition . The following properties of integer addition serve as a model for the abstract group axioms given in the definition below . #For any two integers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' , the sum ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' is also an integer . Thus , adding two integers never yields some other type of number , such as a fraction . This property is known as ' ' closure ' ' under addition . #For all integers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' , ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) + ' ' c ' ' = ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) . Expressed in words , adding ' ' a ' ' to ' ' b ' ' first , and then adding the result to ' ' c ' ' gives the same final result as adding ' ' a ' ' to the sum of ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' , a property known as ' ' associativity ' ' . #If ' ' a ' ' is any integer , then 0 + ' ' a ' ' = ' ' a ' ' + 0 = ' ' a ' ' . Zero is called the ' ' identity element ' ' of addition because adding it to any integer returns the same integer . #For every integer ' ' a ' ' , there is an integer ' ' b ' ' such that ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' + ' ' a ' ' = 0 . The integer ' ' b ' ' is called the ' ' inverse element ' ' of the integer ' ' a ' ' and is denoted ' ' a ' ' . The integers , together with the operation + , form a mathematical object belonging to a broad class sharing similar structural aspects . To appropriately understand these structures as a collective , the following abstract definition is developed . # Definition # A group is a set , ' ' G ' ' , together with an operation ( called the ' ' group law ' ' of ' ' G ' ' ) that combines any two elements ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' to form another element , denoted or ' ' ab ' ' . To qualify as a group , the set and operation , , must satisfy four requirements known as the ' ' group axioms ' ' : ; Closure : For all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' in ' ' G ' ' , the result of the operation , ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , is also in ' ' G ' ' . ; Associativity : For all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' in ' ' G ' ' , ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' c ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) . ; Identity element : There exists an element ' ' e ' ' in ' ' G ' ' , such that for every element ' ' a ' ' in ' ' G ' ' , the equation ' ' e ' ' ' ' a ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ' ' e ' ' = ' ' a ' ' holds . Such an element is unique ( see below ) , and thus one speaks of ' ' the ' ' identity element . ; Inverse element : For each ' ' a ' ' in ' ' G ' ' , there exists an element ' ' b ' ' in ' ' G ' ' such that ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' = ' ' e ' ' , where ' ' e ' ' is the identity element . The result of an operation may depend on the order of the operands . In other words , the result of combining element ' ' a ' ' with element ' ' b ' ' need not yield the same result as combining element ' ' b ' ' with element ' ' a ' ' ; the equation : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' may not always be true . This equation always holds in the group of integers under addition , because ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' + ' ' a ' ' for any two integers ( commutativity of addition ) . Groups for which the commutativity equation ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' always holds are called ' ' abelian groups ' ' ( in honor of Niels Abel ) . The symmetry group described in the following section is an example of a group that is not abelian . The identity element of a group ' ' G ' ' is often written as 1 or 1 ' ' G ' ' , a notation inherited from the multiplicative identity . The identity element may also be written as 0 , especially if the group operation is denoted by + , in which case the group is called an additive group . The identity element can also be written as ' ' id ' ' . The set ' ' G ' ' is called the ' ' underlying set ' ' of the group . Often the group 's underlying set ' ' G ' ' is used as a short name for the group . Along the same lines , shorthand expressions such as a subset of the group ' ' G ' ' or an element of group ' ' G ' ' are used when what is actually meant is a subset of the underlying set ' ' G ' ' of the group or an element of the underlying set ' ' G ' ' of the group . Usually , it is clear from the context whether a symbol like ' ' G ' ' refers to a group or to an underlying set . # Second example : a symmetry group # Two figures in the plane are congruent if one can be changed into the other using a combination of rotations , reflections , and translations . Any figure is congruent to itself . However , some figures are congruent to themselves in more than one way , and these extra congruences are called symmetries . A square has eight symmetries . These are : class= wikitable border= 1 style= text-align:center ; margin:0 auto .5em auto ; : the identity operation leaving everything unchanged , denoted id ; : rotations of the square around its center by 90 right , 180 right , and 270 right , denoted by r 1 , r 2 and r 3 , respectively ; : reflections about the vertical and horizontal middle line ( f h and f v ) , or through the two diagonals ( f d and f c ) . These symmetries are represented by functions . Each of these functions sends a point in the square to the corresponding point under the symmetry . For example , r 1 sends a point to its rotation 90 right around the square 's center , and f h sends a point to its reflection across the square 's vertical middle line . Composing two of these symmetry functions gives another symmetry function . These symmetries determine a group called the dihedral group of degree 4 and denoted D 4 . The underlying set of the group is the above set of symmetry functions , and the group operation is function composition . Two symmetries are combined by composing them as functions , that is , applying the first one to the square , and the second one to the result of the first application . The result of performing first ' ' a ' ' and then ' ' b ' ' is written symbolically ' ' from right to left ' ' as : ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' ( apply the symmetry ' ' b ' ' after performing the symmetry ' ' a ' ' ) . The right-to-left notation is the same notation that is used for composition of functions . The group table on the right lists the results of all such compositions possible . For example , rotating by 270 right ( r 3 ) and then flipping horizontally ( f h ) is the same as performing a reflection along the diagonal ( f d ) . Using the above symbols , highlighted in blue in the group table : : f h r 3 = f d . Given this set of symmetries and the described operation , the group axioms can be understood as follows : : i.e. rotating 270 right after flipping horizontally equals flipping along the counter-diagonal ( f c ) . Indeed every other combination of two symmetries still gives a symmetry , as can be checked using the group table . : means that these two ways are the same , i.e. , a product of many group elements can be simplified in any grouping . For example , f d ( f v r 2 ) can be checked using the group table at the right While associativity is true for the symmetries of the square and addition of numbers , it is not true for all operations . For instance , subtraction of numbers is not associative : : : : : In contrast to the group of integers above , where the order of the operation is irrelevant , it does matter in D 4 : f c but f d . In other words , D 4 is not abelian , which makes the group structure more difficult than the integers introduced first . # History # The modern concept of an abstract group developed out of several fields of mathematics . The original motivation for group theory was the quest for solutions of polynomial equations of degree higher than 4 . The 19th-century French mathematician variste Galois , extending prior work of Paolo Ruffini and Joseph-Louis Lagrange , gave a criterion for the solvability of a particular polynomial equation in terms of the symmetry group of its roots ( solutions ) . The elements of such a Galois group correspond to certain permutations of the roots . At first , Galois ' ideas were rejected by his contemporaries , and published only posthumously . More general permutation groups were investigated in particular by Augustin Louis Cauchy . Arthur Cayley 's ' ' On the theory of groups , as depending on the symbolic equation n = 1 ' ' ( 1854 ) gives the first abstract definition of a finite group . Geometry was a second field in which groups were used systematically , especially symmetry groups as part of Felix Klein 's 1872 Erlangen program . After novel geometries such as hyperbolic and projective geometry had emerged , Klein used group theory to organize them in a more coherent way . Further advancing these ideas , Sophus Lie founded the study of Lie groups in 1884 . The third field contributing to group theory was number theory . Certain abelian group structures had been used implicitly in Carl Friedrich Gauss ' number-theoretical work ' ' Disquisitiones Arithmeticae ' ' ( 1798 ) , and more explicitly by Leopold Kronecker . In 1847 , Ernst Kummer made early attempts to prove Fermat 's Last Theorem by developing groups describing factorization into prime numbers . The convergence of these various sources into a uniform theory of groups started with Camille Jordan 's ' ' Trait des substitutions et des quations algbriques ' ' ( 1870 ) . Walther von Dyck ( 1882 ) gave the first statement of the modern definition of an abstract group . As of the 20th century , groups gained wide recognition by the pioneering work of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius and William Burnside , who worked on representation theory of finite groups , Richard Brauer 's modular representation theory and Issai Schur 's papers . The theory of Lie groups , and more generally locally compact groups was studied by Hermann Weyl , lie Cartan and many others . Its algebraic counterpart , the theory of algebraic groups , was first shaped by Claude Chevalley ( from the late 1930s ) and later by the work of Armand Borel and Jacques Tits . The University of Chicago 's 196061 Group Theory Year brought together group theorists such as Daniel Gorenstein , John G. Thompson and Walter Feit , laying the foundation of a collaboration that , with input from numerous other mathematicians , classification of finite simple groups # Elementary consequences of the group axioms # Basic facts about all groups that can be obtained directly from the group axioms are commonly subsumed under ' ' elementary group theory ' ' . For example , repeated applications of the associativity axiom show that the unambiguity of : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' = ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' c ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) generalizes to more than three factors . Because this implies that parentheses can be inserted anywhere within such a series of terms , parentheses are usually omitted . The axioms may be weakened to assert only the existence of a left identity and left inverses . Both can be shown to be actually two-sided , so the resulting definition is equivalent to the one given above . # Uniqueness of identity element and inverses # Two important consequences of the group axioms are the uniqueness of the identity element and the uniqueness of inverse elements . There can be only one identity element in a group , and each element in a group has exactly one inverse element . Thus , it is customary to speak of ' ' the ' ' identity , and ' ' the ' ' inverse of an element . To prove the uniqueness of an inverse element of ' ' a ' ' , suppose that ' ' a ' ' has two inverses , denoted ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' , in a group ( ' ' G ' ' , ) . Then : The two extremal terms ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are equal , since they are connected by a chain of equalities . In other words there is only one inverse element of ' ' a ' ' . Similarly , to prove that the identity element of a group is unique , assume ' ' G ' ' is a group with two identity elements ' ' e ' ' and ' ' f ' ' . Then ' ' e ' ' = ' ' e ' ' ' ' f ' ' = ' ' f ' ' , hence ' ' e ' ' and ' ' f ' ' are equal . # *23;103;span Division # In groups , it is possible to perform division : given elements ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' of the group ' ' G ' ' , there is exactly one solution ' ' x ' ' in ' ' G ' ' to the equation ' ' x ' ' ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' . In fact , right multiplication of the equation by ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 gives the solution ' ' x ' ' = ' ' x ' ' ' ' a ' ' ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 = ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 . Similarly there is exactly one solution ' ' y ' ' in ' ' G ' ' to the equation ' ' a ' ' ' ' y ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , namely ' ' y ' ' = ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' b ' ' . In general , ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' need not agree . A consequence of this is that multiplying by a group element ' ' g ' ' is a bijection . Specifically , if ' ' g ' ' is an element of the group ' ' G ' ' , there is a bijection from ' ' G ' ' to itself called ' ' left translation ' ' by ' ' g ' ' sending ' ' h ' ' ' ' G ' ' to ' ' g ' ' ' ' h ' ' . Similarly , ' ' right translation ' ' by ' ' g ' ' is a bijection from ' ' G ' ' to itself sending ' ' h ' ' to ' ' h ' ' ' ' g ' ' . If ' ' G ' ' is abelian , left and right translation by a group element are the same . # Basic concepts # *21;128;div The following sections use mathematical symbols such as X = ' ' ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ' ' to denote a set X containing elements x , y , and z , or alternatively x ' ' ' ' X to restate that x is an element of X. The notation means f is a function assigning to every element of X an element of Y. To understand groups beyond the level of mere symbolic manipulations as above , more structural concepts have to be employed . There is a conceptual principle underlying all of the following notions : to take advantage of the structure offered by groups ( which sets , being structureless , do not have ) , constructions related to groups have to be ' ' compatible ' ' with the group operation . This compatibility manifests itself in the following notions in various ways . For example , groups can be related to each other via functions called group homomorphisms . By the mentioned principle , they are required to respect the group structures in a precise sense . The structure of groups can also be understood by breaking them into pieces called subgroups and quotient groups . The principle of preserving structures a recurring topic in mathematics throughoutis an instance of working in a category , in this case the category of groups . # Group homomorphisms # ' ' Group homomorphisms ' ' are functions that preserve group structure . A function between two groups ( ' ' G ' ' , ) and ( ' ' H ' ' , ) is called a ' ' homomorphism ' ' if the equation : holds for all elements ' ' g ' ' , ' ' k ' ' in ' ' G ' ' . In other words , the result is the same when performing the group operation after or before applying the map ' ' a ' ' . This requirement ensures that , and also for all ' ' g ' ' in ' ' G ' ' . Thus a group homomorphism respects all the structure of ' ' G ' ' provided by the group axioms . Two groups ' ' G ' ' and ' ' H ' ' are called ' ' isomorphic ' ' if there exist group homomorphisms and , such that applying the two functions one after another in each of the two possible orders gives the identity functions of ' ' G ' ' and ' ' H ' ' . That is , and for any ' ' g ' ' in ' ' G ' ' and ' ' h ' ' in ' ' H ' ' . From an abstract point of view , isomorphic groups carry the same information . For example , proving that for some element ' ' g ' ' of ' ' G ' ' is equivalent to proving that , because applying ' ' a ' ' to the first equality yields the second , and applying ' ' b ' ' to the second gives back the first . # Subgroups # Informally , a ' ' subgroup ' ' is a group ' ' H ' ' contained within a bigger one , ' ' G ' ' . Concretely , the identity element of ' ' G ' ' is contained in ' ' H ' ' , and whenever ' ' h ' ' 1 and ' ' h ' ' 2 are in ' ' H ' ' , then so are and ' ' h ' ' 1 &minus ; 1 , so the elements of ' ' H ' ' , equipped with the group operation on ' ' G ' ' restricted to ' ' H ' ' , indeed form a group . In the example above , the identity and the rotations constitute a subgroup ' ' R ' ' = id , r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , highlighted in red in the group table above : any two rotations composed are still a rotation , and a rotation can be undone by ( i.e. is inverse to ) the complementary rotations 270 for 90 , 180 for 180 , and 90 for 270 ( note that rotation in the opposite direction is not defined ) . The subgroup test is a Necessary and sufficient conditions Given any subset ' ' S ' ' of a group ' ' G ' ' , the subgroup generated by ' ' S ' ' consists of products of elements of ' ' S ' ' and their inverses . It is the smallest subgroup of ' ' G ' ' containing ' ' S ' ' . In the introductory example above , the subgroup generated by r 2 and f v consists of these two elements , the identity element id and f h = f v r 2 . Again , this is a subgroup , because combining any two of these four elements or their inverses ( which are , in this particular case , these same elements ) yields an element of this subgroup. # Cosets # In many situations it is desirable to consider two group elements the same if they differ by an element of a given subgroup . For example , in D 4 above , once a flip is performed , the square never gets back to the r 2 configuration by just applying the rotation operations ( and no further flips ) , i.e. the rotation operations are irrelevant to the question whether a flip has been performed . Cosets are used to formalize this insight : a subgroup ' ' H ' ' defines left and right cosets , which can be thought of as translations of ' ' H ' ' by arbitrary group elements ' ' g ' ' . In symbolic terms , the ' ' left ' ' and ' ' right ' ' cosets of ' ' H ' ' containing ' ' g ' ' are : ' ' gH ' ' = ' ' g h ' ' : ' ' h ' ' ' ' H ' ' and ' ' Hg ' ' = ' ' h g ' ' : ' ' h ' ' ' ' H ' ' , respectively . The cosets of any subgroup ' ' H ' ' form a partition of ' ' G ' ' ; that is , the union of all left cosets is equal to ' ' G ' ' and two left cosets are either equal or have an empty intersection . The first case ' ' g ' ' 1 ' ' H ' ' = ' ' g ' ' 2 ' ' H ' ' happens precisely when , i.e. if the two elements differ by an element of ' ' H ' ' . Similar considerations apply to the right cosets of ' ' H ' ' . The left and right cosets of ' ' H ' ' may or may not be equal . If they are , i.e. for all ' ' g ' ' in ' ' G ' ' , ' ' gH ' ' = ' ' Hg ' ' , then ' ' H ' ' is said to be a ' ' normal subgroup ' ' . In D 4 , the introductory symmetry group , the left cosets ' ' gR ' ' of the subgroup ' ' R ' ' consisting of the rotations are either equal to ' ' R ' ' , if ' ' g ' ' is an element of ' ' R ' ' itself , or otherwise equal to ' ' U ' ' = f c ' ' R ' ' = f c , f v , f d , f h ( highlighted in green ) . The subgroup ' ' R ' ' is also normal , because f c ' ' R ' ' = ' ' U ' ' = ' ' R ' ' f c and similarly for any element other than f c . # Quotient groups # In some situations the set of cosets of a subgroup can be endowed with a group law , giving a ' ' quotient group ' ' or ' ' factor group ' ' . For this to be possible , the subgroup has to be normal . Given any normal subgroup ' ' N ' ' , the quotient group is defined by : ' ' G ' ' / ' ' N ' ' = ' ' gN ' ' , ' ' g ' ' ' ' G ' ' , ' ' G ' ' modulo ' ' N ' ' . This set inherits a group operation ( sometimes called coset multiplication , or coset addition ) from the original group ' ' G ' ' : ( ' ' gN ' ' ) ( ' ' hN ' ' ) = ( ' ' gh ' ' ) ' ' N ' ' for all ' ' g ' ' and ' ' h ' ' in ' ' G ' ' . This definition is motivated by the idea ( itself an instance of general structural considerations outlined above ) that the map The elements of the quotient group are ' ' R ' ' itself , which represents the identity , and ' ' U ' ' = f v ' ' R ' ' . The group operation on the quotient is shown at the right . For example , ' ' U ' ' ' ' U ' ' = f v ' ' R ' ' f v ' ' R ' ' = ( f v f v ) ' ' R ' ' = ' ' R ' ' . Both the subgroup ' ' R ' ' = id , r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , as well as the corresponding quotient are abelian , whereas D 4 is not abelian . Building bigger groups by smaller ones , such as D 4 from its subgroup ' ' R ' ' and the quotient is abstracted by a notion called semidirect product . Quotient groups and subgroups together form a way of describing every group by its ' ' presentation ' ' : any group is the quotient of the free group over the ' ' generators ' ' of the group , quotiented by the subgroup of ' ' relations ' ' . The dihedral group D 4 , for example , can be generated by two elements ' ' r ' ' and ' ' f ' ' ( for example , ' ' r ' ' = r 1 , the right rotation and ' ' f ' ' = f v the vertical ( or any other ) flip ) , which means that every symmetry of the square is a finite composition of these two symmetries or their inverses . Together with the relations : ' ' r ' ' 4 = ' ' f ' ' 2 = ( ' ' r ' ' ' ' f ' ' ) 2 = 1 , the group is completely described . A presentation of a group can also be used to construct the Cayley graph , a device used to graphically capture discrete groups . Sub- and quotient groups are related in the following way : a subset ' ' H ' ' of ' ' G ' ' can be seen as an injective map , i.e. any element of the target has at most one element that maps to it . The counterpart to injective maps are surjective maps ( every element of the target is mapped onto ) , such as the canonical map . Interpreting subgroup and quotients in light of these homomorphisms emphasizes the structural concept inherent to these definitions alluded to in the introduction . In general , homomorphisms are neither injective nor surjective . Kernel and image of group homomorphisms and the first isomorphism theorem address this phenomenon . # Examples and applications # Examples and applications of groups abound . A starting point is the group Z of integers with addition as group operation , introduced above . If instead of addition multiplication is considered , one obtains multiplicative groups . These groups are predecessors of important constructions in abstract algebra . Groups are also applied in many other mathematical areas . Mathematical objects are often examined by associating groups to them and studying the properties of the corresponding groups . For example , Henri Poincar founded what is now called algebraic topology by introducing the fundamental group . By means of this connection , topological properties such as proximity and continuity translate into properties of groups . For example , elements of the fundamental group are represented by loops . The second image at the right shows some loops in a plane minus a point . The blue loop is considered null-homotopic ( and thus irrelevant ) , because it can be continuously shrunk to a point . The presence of the hole prevents the orange loop from being shrunk to a point . The fundamental group of the plane with a point deleted turns out to be infinite cyclic , generated by the orange loop ( or any other loop winding once around the hole ) . This way , the fundamental group detects the hole . In more recent applications , the influence has also been reversed to motivate geometric constructions by a group-theoretical background . In a similar vein , geometric group theory employs geometric concepts , for example in the study of hyperbolic groups . Further branches crucially applying groups include algebraic geometry and number theory . In addition to the above theoretical applications , many practical applications of groups exist . Cryptography relies on the combination of the abstract group theory approach together with algorithmical knowledge obtained in computational group theory , in particular when implemented for finite groups . Applications of group theory are not restricted to mathematics ; sciences such as physics , chemistry and computer science benefit from the concept . # Numbers # Many number systems , such as the integers and the rationals enjoy a naturally given group structure . In some cases , such as with the rationals , both addition and multiplication operations give rise to group structures . Such number systems are predecessors to more general algebraic structures known as rings and fields . Further abstract algebraic concepts such as modules , vector spaces and algebras also form groups . # # Integers # # The group of integers Z under addition , denoted ( Z , + ) , has been described above . The integers , with the operation of multiplication instead of addition , ( Z , ) do ' ' not ' ' form a group . The closure , associativity and identity axioms are satisfied , but inverses do not exist : for example , ' ' a ' ' = 2 is an integer , but the only solution to the equation ' ' a b ' ' = 1 in this case is ' ' b ' ' = 1/2 , which is a rational number , but not an integer . Hence not every element of Z has a ( multiplicative ) inverse . # # Rationals # # The desire for the existence of multiplicative inverses suggests considering fractions : *16;151;math fracab . Fractions of integers ( with ' ' b ' ' nonzero ) are known as rational numbers . The set of all such fractions is commonly denoted Q . There is still a minor obstacle for the rationals with multiplication , being a group : because the rational number 0 does not have a multiplicative inverse ( i.e. , there is no ' ' x ' ' such that ' ' x ' ' 0 = 1 ) , ( Q , ) is still not a group . However , the set of all ' ' nonzero ' ' rational numbers Q 0 = ' ' q ' ' Q ' ' q ' ' 0 does form an abelian group under multiplication , denoted . Associativity and identity element axioms follow from the properties of integers . The closure requirement still holds true after removing zero , because the product of two nonzero rationals is never zero . Finally , the inverse of ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' is ' ' b ' ' / ' ' a ' ' , therefore the axiom of the inverse element is satisfied . The rational numbers ( including 0 ) also form a group under addition . Intertwining addition and multiplication operations yields more complicated structures called rings andif division is possible , such as in Q fields , which occupy a central position in abstract algebra . Group theoretic arguments therefore underlie parts of the theory of those entities . # Modular arithmetic # In modular arithmetic , two integers are added and then the sum is divided by a positive integer called the ' ' modulus . ' ' The result of modular addition is the remainder of that division . For any modulus , ' ' n ' ' , the set of integers from 0 to ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 1 forms a group under modular addition : the inverse of any element ' ' a ' ' is ' ' n ' ' &minus ; ' ' a ' ' , and 0 is the identity element . This is familiar from the addition of hours on the face of a clock : if the hour hand is on 9 and is advanced 4 hours , it ends up on 1 , as shown at the right . This is expressed by saying that 9 + 4 equals 1 modulo 12 or , in symbols , : 9 + 4 1 modulo 12 . The group of integers modulo ' ' n ' ' is written Z ' ' n ' ' or Z / ' ' n ' ' Z . For any prime number ' ' p ' ' , there is also the multiplicative group of integers modulo ' ' p ' ' . Its elements are the integers 1 to ' ' p ' ' &minus ; 1 . The group operation is multiplication modulo ' ' p ' ' . That is , the usual product is divided by ' ' p ' ' and the remainder of this division is the result of modular multiplication . For example , if ' ' p ' ' = 5 , there are four group elements 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . In this group , 4 4 = 1 , because the usual product 16 is equivalent to 1 , which divided by 5 yields a remainder of 1 . for 5 divides 16 &minus ; 1 = 15 , denoted : 16 1 ( mod 5 ) . The primality of ' ' p ' ' ensures that the product of two integers neither of which is divisible by ' ' p ' ' is not divisible by ' ' p ' ' either , hence the indicated set of classes is closed under multiplication . The identity element is 1 , as usual for a multiplicative group , and the associativity follows from the corresponding property of integers . Finally , the inverse element axiom requires that given an integer ' ' a ' ' not divisible by ' ' p ' ' , there exists an integer ' ' b ' ' such that : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' 1 ( mod ' ' p ' ' ) , i.e. ' ' p ' ' divides the difference . The inverse ' ' b ' ' can be found by using Bzout 's identity and the fact that the greatest common divisor # Cyclic groups # A ' ' cyclic group ' ' is a group all of whose elements are powers of a particular element ' ' a ' ' . In multiplicative notation , the elements of the group are : : ... , ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 3 , ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 2 , ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 , ' ' a ' ' 0 = ' ' e ' ' , ' ' a ' ' , ' ' a ' ' 2 , ' ' a ' ' 3 , ... , where ' ' a ' ' 2 means ' ' a ' ' ' ' a ' ' , and ' ' a &minus ; 3 ' ' stands for ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' a ' ' &minus ; 1 = ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' a ' ' ' ' a ' ' ) &minus ; 1 etc . Such an element ' ' a ' ' is called a generator or a primitive element of the group . In additive notation , the requirement for an element to be primitive is that each element of the group can be written as : ... , &minus ; ' ' a ' ' &minus ; ' ' a ' ' , &minus ; ' ' a ' ' , 0 , ' ' a ' ' , ' ' a ' ' + ' ' a ' ' , ... In the groups Z / ' ' n ' ' Z introduced above , the element 1 is primitive , so these groups are cyclic . Indeed , each element is expressible as a sum all of whose terms are 1 . Any cyclic group with ' ' n ' ' elements is isomorphic to this group . A second example for cyclic groups is the group of root of unity Some cyclic groups have an infinite number of elements . In these groups , for every non-zero element ' ' a ' ' , all the powers of ' ' a ' ' are distinct ; despite the name cyclic group , the powers of the elements do not cycle . An infinite cyclic group is isomorphic to ( Z , + ) , the group of integers under addition introduced above . As these two prototypes are both abelian , so is any cyclic group . The study of finitely generated abelian groups is quite mature , including the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups ; and reflecting this state of affairs , many group-related notions , such as center and commutator , describe the extent to which a given group is not abelian. # Symmetry groups # ' ' Symmetry groups ' ' are groups consisting of symmetries of given mathematical objectsbe they of geometric nature , such as the introductory symmetry group of the square , or of algebraic nature , such as polynomial equations and their solutions . Conceptually , group theory can be thought of as the study of symmetry . Symmetries in mathematics greatly simplify the study of geometrical or analytical objects . A group is said to act on another mathematical object ' ' X ' ' if every group element performs some operation on ' ' X ' ' compatibly to the group law . In the rightmost example below , an element of order 7 of the ( 2,3,7 ) triangle group acts on the tiling by permuting the highlighted warped triangles ( and the other ones , too ) . By a group action , the group pattern is connected to the structure of the object being acted on . In chemical fields , such as crystallography , space groups and point groups describe molecular symmetries and crystal symmetries . These symmetries underlie the chemical and physical behavior of these systems , and group theory enables simplification of quantum mechanical analysis of these properties . For example , group theory is used to show that optical transitions between certain quantum levels can not occur simply because of the symmetry of the states involved . Not only are groups useful to assess the implications of symmetries in molecules , but surprisingly they also predict that molecules sometimes can change symmetry . The Jahn-Teller effect is a distortion of a molecule of high symmetry when it adopts a particular ground state of lower symmetry from a set of possible ground states that are related to each other by the symmetry operations of the molecule . Likewise , group theory helps predict the changes in physical properties that occur when a material undergoes a phase transition , for example , from a cubic to a tetrahedral crystalline form . An example is ferroelectric materials , where the change from a paraelectric to a ferroelectric state occurs at the Curie temperature and is related to a change from the high-symmetry paraelectric state to the lower symmetry ferroelectic state , accompanied by a so-called soft phonon mode , a vibrational lattice mode that goes to zero frequency at the transition . Such spontaneous symmetry breaking has found further application in elementary particle physics , where its occurrence is related to the appearance of Goldstone bosons . Finite symmetry groups such as the Mathieu groups are used in coding theory , which is in turn applied in error correction of transmitted data , and in CD players . Another application is differential Galois theory , which characterizes functions having antiderivatives of a prescribed form , giving group-theoretic criteria for when solutions of certain differential equations are well-behaved . Geometric properties that remain stable under group actions are investigated in ( geometric ) invariant theory . # General linear group and representation theory # Matrix groups consist of matrices together with matrix multiplication . The ' ' general linear group ' ' ' ' GL ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' , R ) consists of all invertible ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices with real entries . Its subgroups are referred to as ' ' matrix groups ' ' or ' ' linear groups ' ' . The dihedral group example mentioned above can be viewed as a ( very small ) matrix group . Another important matrix group is the special orthogonal group ' ' SO ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' ) . It describes all possible rotations in ' ' n ' ' dimensions . Via Euler angles , rotation matrices are used in computer graphics . ' ' Representation theory ' ' is both an application of the group concept and important for a deeper understanding of groups . It studies the group by its group actions on other spaces . A broad class of group representations are linear representations , i.e. the group is acting on a vector space , such as the three-dimensional Euclidean space R 3 . A representation of ' ' G ' ' on an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional real vector space is simply a group homomorphism : ' ' ' ' : ' ' G ' ' ' ' GL ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' , R ) from the group to the general linear group . This way , the group operation , which may be abstractly given , translates to the multiplication of matrices making it accessible to explicit computations . Given a group action , this gives further means to study the object being acted on . On the other hand , it also yields information about the group . Group representations are an organizing principle in the theory of finite groups , Lie groups , algebraic groups and topological groups , especially ( locally ) compact groups . # Galois groups # ' ' Galois groups ' ' have been developed to help solve polynomial equations by capturing their symmetry features . For example , the solutions of the quadratic equation ' ' ax ' ' 2 + ' ' bx ' ' + ' ' c ' ' = 0 are given by : *92;169;math x = frac-b pm sqrt b2-4ac2a . Exchanging + and &minus ; in the expression , i.e. permuting the two solutions of the equation can be viewed as a ( very simple ) group operation . Similar formulae are known for cubic and quartic equations , but do ' ' not ' ' exist in general for degree 5 and higher . Abstract properties of Galois groups associated with polynomials ( in particular their solvability ) give a criterion for polynomials that have all their solutions expressible by radicals , i.e. solutions expressible using solely addition , multiplication , and roots similar to the formula above . The problem can be dealt with by shifting to field theory and considering the splitting field of a polynomial . Modern Galois theory generalizes the above type of Galois groups to field extensions and establishesvia the fundamental theorem of Galois theorya precise relationship between fields and groups , underlining once again the ubiquity of groups in mathematics . # Finite groups # A group is called ' ' finite ' ' if it has a finite number of elements . The number of elements is called the order of the group . An important class is the ' ' symmetric groups ' ' ' ' S ' ' ' ' N ' ' , the groups of permutations of ' ' N ' ' letters . For example , the symmetric group on 3 letters ' ' S ' ' 3 is the group consisting of all possible orderings of the three letters ' ' ABC ' ' , i.e. contains the elements ' ' ABC ' ' , ' ' ACB ' ' , ... , up to ' ' CBA ' ' , in total 6 ( or 3 factorial ) elements . This class is fundamental insofar as any finite group can be expressed as a subgroup of a symmetric group ' ' S ' ' ' ' N ' ' for a suitable integer ' ' N ' ' ( Cayley 's theorem ) . Parallel to the group of symmetries of the square above , ' ' S ' ' 3 can also be interpreted as the group of symmetries of an equilateral triangle . *29;263;cite The order of an element ' ' a ' ' in a group ' ' G ' ' is the least positive integer ' ' n ' ' such that ' ' a n = e ' ' , where ' ' a n ' ' represents : underbracea cdots an text factors , i.e. application of the operation to ' ' n ' ' copies of ' ' a ' ' . ( If represents multiplication , then ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' corresponds to the ' ' n ' ' th power of ' ' a ' ' . ) In infinite groups , such an ' ' n ' ' may not exist , in which case the order of ' ' a ' ' is said to be infinity . The order of an element equals the order of the cyclic subgroup generated by this element . More sophisticated counting techniques , for example counting cosets , yield more precise statements about finite groups : Lagrange 's Theorem states that for a finite group ' ' G ' ' the order of any finite subgroup ' ' H ' ' divides the order of ' ' G ' ' . The Sylow theorems give a partial converse . The dihedral group ( discussed above ) is a finite group of order 8 . The order of r 1 is 4 , as is the order of the subgroup ' ' R ' ' it generates ( see above ) . The order of the reflection elements f v etc. is 2 . Both orders divide 8 , as predicted by Lagrange 's Theorem . The groups F ' ' p ' ' above have order . # Classification of finite simple groups # Mathematicians often strive for a complete classification ( or list ) of a mathematical notion . In the context of finite groups , this aim quickly leads to difficult and profound mathematics . According to Lagrange 's theorem , finite groups of order ' ' p ' ' , a prime number , are necessarily cyclic ( abelian ) groups Z ' ' p ' ' . Groups of order ' ' p ' ' 2 can also be shown to be abelian , a statement which does not generalize to order ' ' p ' ' 3 , as the non-abelian group D 4 of order 8 = 2 3 above shows . Computer algebra systems can be used to list small groups , but there is no classification of all finite groups . An intermediate step is the classification of finite simple groups . A nontrivial group is called ' ' simple ' ' if its only normal subgroups are the trivial group and the group itself . The JordanHlder theorem exhibits finite simple groups as the building blocks for all finite groups . Listing all finite simple groups was a major achievement in contemporary group theory . 1998 Fields Medal winner Richard Borcherds succeeded to prove the monstrous moonshine conjectures , a surprising and deep relation of the largest finite simple sporadic groupthe monster group with certain modular functions , a piece of classical complex analysis , and string theory , a theory supposed to unify the description of many physical phenomena . # Groups with additional structure # Many groups are simultaneously groups and examples of other mathematical structures . In the language of category theory , they are group objects in a category , meaning that they are objects ( that is , examples of another mathematical structure ) which come with transformations ( called morphisms ) that mimic the group axioms . For example , every group ( as defined above ) is also a set , so a group is a group object in the category of sets . # Topological groups # Some topological spaces may be endowed with a group law . In order for the group law and the topology to interweave well , the group operations must be continuous functions , that is , and ' ' g ' ' &minus ; 1 must not vary wildly if ' ' g ' ' and ' ' h ' ' vary only little . Such groups are called ' ' topological groups , ' ' and they are the group objects in the category of topological spaces . The most basic examples are the reals R under addition , , and similarly with any other topological field such as the complex numbers or ' ' p ' ' -adic numbers . All of these groups are locally compact , so they have Haar measures and can be studied via harmonic analysis . The former offer an abstract formalism of invariant integrals . Invariance means , in the case of real numbers for example : : int f(x) , dx = int f(x+c) , dx for any constant ' ' c ' ' . Matrix groups over these fields fall under this regime , as do adele rings and adelic algebraic groups , which are basic to number theory . Galois groups of infinite field extensions such as the absolute Galois group can also be equipped with a topology , the so-called Krull topology , which in turn is central to generalize the above sketched connection of fields and groups to infinite field extensions . An advanced generalization of this idea , adapted to the needs of algebraic geometry , is the tale fundamental group . # Lie groups # ' ' Lie groups ' ' ( in honor of Sophus Lie ) are groups which also have a manifold structure , i.e. they are spaces looking locally like some Euclidean space of the appropriate dimension . Again , the additional structure , here the manifold structure , has to be compatible , i.e. the maps corresponding to multiplication and the inverse have to be smooth . A standard example is the general linear group introduced above : it is an open subset of the space of all ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices , because it is given by the inequality : det ( ' ' A ' ' ) 0 , where ' ' A ' ' denotes an ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix . Lie groups are of fundamental importance in modern physics : Noether 's theorem links continuous symmetries to conserved quantities . Rotation , as well as translations in space and time are basic symmetries of the laws of mechanics . They can , for instance , be used to construct simple modelsimposing , say , axial symmetry on a situation will typically lead to significant simplification in the equations one needs to solve to provide a physical description . Another example are the Lorentz transformations , which relate measurements of time and velocity of two observers in motion relative to each other . They can be deduced in a purely group-theoretical way , by expressing the transformations as a rotational symmetry of Minkowski space . The latter servesin the absence of significant gravitationas a model of space time in special relativity . The full symmetry group of Minkowski space , i.e. including translations , is known as the Poincar group . By the above , it plays a pivotal role in special relativity and , by implication , for quantum field theories . Symmetries that vary with location are central to the modern description of physical interactions with the help of gauge theory . # Generalizations # In abstract algebra , more general structures are defined by relaxing some of the axioms defining a group . For example , if the requirement that every element has an inverse is eliminated , the resulting algebraic structure is called a monoid . The natural numbers N ( including 0 ) under addition form a monoid , as do the nonzero integers under multiplication , see above . There is a general method to formally add inverses to elements to any ( abelian ) monoid , much the same way as is derived from , known as the Grothendieck group . Groupoids are similar to groups except that the composition ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' need not be defined for all ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' . They arise in the study of more complicated forms of symmetry , often in topological and analytical structures , such as the fundamental groupoid or stacks . Finally , it is possible to generalize any of these concepts by replacing the binary operation with an arbitrary ' ' n ' ' -ary one ( i.e. an operation taking ' ' n ' ' arguments ) . With the proper generalization of the group axioms this gives rise to an ' ' n ' ' -ary group . The table gives a list of several structures generalizing groups . @@19636 Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics . Topically , mathematical logic bears close connections to metamathematics , the foundations of mathematics , and theoretical computer science . The unifying themes in mathematical logic include the study of the expressive power of formal systems and the deductive power of formal proof systems . Mathematical logic is often divided into the fields of set theory , model theory , recursion theory , and proof theory . These areas share basic results on logic , particularly first-order logic , and definability . In computer science ( particularly in the ACM Classification ) mathematical logic encompasses additional topics not detailed in this article ; see Logic in computer science for those . Since its inception , mathematical logic has both contributed to , and has been motivated by , the study of foundations of mathematics . This study began in the late 19th century with the development of axiomatic frameworks for geometry , arithmetic , and analysis . In the early 20th century it was shaped by David Hilbert 's program to prove the consistency of foundational theories . Results of Kurt Gdel , Gerhard Gentzen , and others provided partial resolution to the program , and clarified the issues involved in proving consistency . Work in set theory showed that almost all ordinary mathematics can be formalized in terms of sets , although there are some theorems that can not be proven in common axiom systems for set theory . Contemporary work in the foundations of mathematics often focuses on establishing which parts of mathematics can be formalized in particular formal systems ( as in reverse mathematics ) rather than trying to find theories in which all of mathematics can be developed . # Subfields and scope # The ' ' Handbook of Mathematical Logic ' ' makes a rough division of contemporary mathematical logic into four areas : #set theory #model theory #recursion theory , and #proof theory and constructive mathematics ( considered as parts of a single area ) . Each area has a distinct focus , although many techniques and results are shared among multiple areas . The borderlines amongst these fields , and the lines separating mathematical logic and other fields of mathematics , are not always sharp . Gdel 's incompleteness theorem marks not only a milestone in recursion theory and proof theory , but has also led to Lb 's theorem in modal logic . The method of forcing is employed in set theory , model theory , and recursion theory , as well as in the study of intuitionistic mathematics . The mathematical field of category theory uses many formal axiomatic methods , and includes the study of categorical logic , but category theory is not ordinarily considered a subfield of mathematical logic . Because of its applicability in diverse fields of mathematics , mathematicians including Saunders Mac Lane have proposed category theory as a foundational system for mathematics , independent of set theory . These foundations use toposes , which resemble generalized models of set theory that may employ classical or nonclassical logic . # History # Mathematical logic emerged in the mid-19th century as a subfield of mathematics independent of the traditional study of logic ( Ferreirs 2001 , p. 443 ) . Before this emergence , logic was studied with rhetoric , through the syllogism , and with philosophy . The first half of the 20th century saw an explosion of fundamental results , accompanied by vigorous debate over the foundations of mathematics . # Early history # Theories of logic were developed in many cultures in history , including China , India , Greece and the Islamic world . In 18th-century Europe , attempts to treat the operations of formal logic in a symbolic or algebraic way had been made by philosophical mathematicians including Leibniz and Lambert , but their labors remained isolated and little known . # 19th century # In the middle of the nineteenth century , George Boole and then Augustus De Morgan presented systematic mathematical treatments of logic . Their work , building on work by algebraists such as George Peacock , extended the traditional Aristotelian doctrine of logic into a sufficient framework for the study of foundations of mathematics ( Katz 1998 , p. 686 ) . Charles Sanders Peirce built upon the work of Boole to develop a logical system for relations and quantifiers , which he published in several papers from 1870 to 1885 . Gottlob Frege presented an independent development of logic with quantifiers in his ' ' Begriffsschrift ' ' , published in 1879 , a work generally considered as marking a turning point in the history of logic . Frege 's work remained obscure , however , until Bertrand Russell began to promote it near the turn of the century . The two-dimensional notation Frege developed was never widely adopted and is unused in contemporary texts . From 1890 to 1905 , Ernst Schrder published ' ' Vorlesungen ber die Algebra der Logik ' ' in three volumes . This work summarized and extended the work of Boole , De Morgan , and Peirce , and was a comprehensive reference to symbolic logic as it was understood at the end of the 19th century . # # Foundational theories # # Concerns that mathematics had not been built on a proper foundation led to the development of axiomatic systems for fundamental areas of mathematics such as arithmetic , analysis , and geometry . In logic , the term ' ' arithmetic ' ' refers to the theory of the natural numbers . Giuseppe Peano ( 1889 ) published a set of axioms for arithmetic that came to bear his name ( Peano axioms ) , using a variation of the logical system of Boole and Schrder but adding quantifiers . Peano was unaware of Frege 's work at the time . Around the same time Richard Dedekind showed that the natural numbers are uniquely characterized by their induction properties . Dedekind ( 1888 ) proposed a different characterization , which lacked the formal logical character of Peano 's axioms . Dedekind 's work , however , proved theorems inaccessible in Peano 's system , including the uniqueness of the set of natural numbers ( up to isomorphism ) and the recursive definitions of addition and multiplication from the successor function and mathematical induction . In the mid-19th century , flaws in Euclid 's axioms for geometry became known ( Katz 1998 , p. 774 ) . In addition to the independence of the parallel postulate , established by Nikolai Lobachevsky in 1826 ( Lobachevsky 1840 ) , mathematicians discovered that certain theorems taken for granted by Euclid were not in fact provable from his axioms . Among these is the theorem that a line contains at least two points , or that circles of the same radius whose centers are separated by that radius must intersect . Hilbert ( 1899 ) developed a complete set of axioms for geometry , building on previous work by Pasch ( 1882 ) . The success in axiomatizing geometry motivated Hilbert to seek complete axiomatizations of other areas of mathematics , such as the natural numbers and the real line . This would prove to be a major area of research in the first half of the 20th century . The 19th century saw great advances in the theory of real analysis , including theories of convergence of functions and Fourier series . Mathematicians such as Karl Weierstrass began to construct functions that stretched intuition , such as nowhere-differentiable continuous functions . Previous conceptions of a function as a rule for computation , or a smooth graph , were no longer adequate . Weierstrass began to advocate the arithmetization of analysis , which sought to axiomatize analysis using properties of the natural numbers . The modern ( , ) -definition of limit and continuous functions was already developed by Bolzano in 1817 ( Felscher 2000 ) , but remained relatively unknown . Cauchy in 1821 defined continuity in terms of infinitesimals ( see Cours d'Analyse , page 34 ) . In 1858 , Dedekind proposed a definition of the real numbers in terms of Dedekind cuts of rational numbers ( Dedekind 1872 ) , a definition still employed in contemporary texts . Georg Cantor developed the fundamental concepts of infinite set theory . His early results developed the theory of cardinality and proved that the reals and the natural numbers have different cardinalities ( Cantor 1874 ) . Over the next twenty years , Cantor developed a theory of transfinite numbers in a series of publications . In 1891 , he published a new proof of the uncountability of the real numbers that introduced the diagonal argument , and used this method to prove Cantor 's theorem that no set can have the same cardinality as its powerset . Cantor believed that every set could be well-ordered , but was unable to produce a proof for this result , leaving it as an open problem in 1895 ( Katz 1998 , p. 807 ) . # 20th century # In the early decades of the 20th century , the main areas of study were set theory and formal logic . The discovery of paradoxes in informal set theory caused some to wonder whether mathematics itself is inconsistent , and to look for proofs of consistency . In 1900 , Hilbert posed a famous list of 23 problems for the next century . The first two of these were to resolve the continuum hypothesis and prove the consistency of elementary arithmetic , respectively ; the tenth was to produce a method that could decide whether a multivariate polynomial equation over the integers has a solution . Subsequent work to resolve these problems shaped the direction of mathematical logic , as did the effort to resolve Hilbert 's ' ' Entscheidungsproblem ' ' , posed in 1928 . This problem asked for a procedure that would decide , given a formalized mathematical statement , whether the statement is true or false . # # Set theory and paradoxes # # Ernst Zermelo ( 1904 ) gave a proof that every set could be well-ordered , a result Georg Cantor had been unable to obtain . To achieve the proof , Zermelo introduced the axiom of choice , which drew heated debate and research among mathematicians and the pioneers of set theory . The immediate criticism of the method led Zermelo to publish a second exposition of his result , directly addressing criticisms of his proof ( Zermelo 1908a ) . This paper led to the general acceptance of the axiom of choice in the mathematics community . Skepticism about the axiom of choice was reinforced by recently discovered paradoxes in naive set theory . Cesare Burali-Forti ( 1897 ) was the first to state a paradox : the Burali-Forti paradox shows that the collection of all ordinal numbers can not form a set . Very soon thereafter , Bertrand Russell discovered Russell 's paradox in 1901 , and Jules Richard ( 1905 ) discovered Richard 's paradox . Zermelo ( 1908b ) provided the first set of axioms for set theory . These axioms , together with the additional axiom of replacement proposed by Abraham Fraenkel , are now called ZermeloFraenkel set theory ( ZF ) . Zermelo 's axioms incorporated the principle of limitation of size to avoid Russell 's paradox . In 1910 , the first volume of ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' by Russell and Alfred North Whitehead was published . This seminal work developed the theory of functions and cardinality in a completely formal framework of type theory , which Russell and Whitehead developed in an effort to avoid the paradoxes . ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' is considered one of the most influential works of the 20th century , although the framework of type theory did not prove popular as a foundational theory for mathematics ( Ferreirs 2001 , p. 445 ) . Fraenkel ( 1922 ) proved that the axiom of choice can not be proved from the remaining axioms of Zermelo 's set theory with urelements . Later work by Paul Cohen ( 1966 ) showed that the addition of urelements is not needed , and the axiom of choice is unprovable in ZF . Cohen 's proof developed the method of forcing , which is now an important tool for establishing independence results in set theory . # # Symbolic logic # # Leopold Lwenheim ( 1915 ) and Thoralf Skolem ( 1920 ) obtained the LwenheimSkolem theorem , which says that first-order logic can not control the cardinalities of infinite structures . Skolem realized that this theorem would apply to first-order formalizations of set theory , and that it implies any such formalization has a countable model . This counterintuitive fact became known as Skolem 's paradox . In his doctoral thesis , Kurt Gdel ( 1929 ) proved the completeness theorem , which establishes a correspondence between syntax and semantics in first-order logic . Gdel used the completeness theorem to prove the compactness theorem , demonstrating the finitary nature of first-order logical consequence . These results helped establish first-order logic as the dominant logic used by mathematicians . In 1931 , Gdel published ' ' On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems ' ' , which proved the incompleteness ( in a different meaning of the word ) of all sufficiently strong , effective first-order theories . This result , known as Gdel 's incompleteness theorem , establishes severe limitations on axiomatic foundations for mathematics , striking a strong blow to Hilbert 's program . It showed the impossibility of providing a consistency proof of arithmetic within any formal theory of arithmetic . Hilbert , however , did not acknowledge the importance of the incompleteness theorem for some time . Gdel 's theorem shows that a consistency proof of any sufficiently strong , effective axiom system can not be obtained in the system itself , if the system is consistent , nor in any weaker system . This leaves open the possibility of consistency proofs that can not be formalized within the system they consider . Gentzen ( 1936 ) proved the consistency of arithmetic using a finitistic system together with a principle of transfinite induction . Gentzen 's result introduced the ideas of cut elimination and proof-theoretic ordinals , which became key tools in proof theory . Gdel ( 1958 ) gave a different consistency proof , which reduces the consistency of classical arithmetic to that of intutitionistic arithmetic in higher types . # #Beginnings of the other branches# # Alfred Tarski developed the basics of model theory . Beginning in 1935 , a group of prominent mathematicians collaborated under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki to publish a series of encyclopedic mathematics texts . These texts , written in an austere and axiomatic style , emphasized rigorous presentation and set-theoretic foundations . Terminology coined by these texts , such as the words ' ' bijection ' ' , ' ' injection ' ' , and ' ' surjection ' ' , and the set-theoretic foundations the texts employed , were widely adopted throughout mathematics . The study of computability came to be known as recursion theory , because early formalizations by Gdel and Kleene relied on recursive definitions of functions . When these definitions were shown equivalent to Turing 's formalization involving Turing machines , it became clear that a new concept &ndash ; the computable function &ndash ; had been discovered , and that this definition was robust enough to admit numerous independent characterizations . In his work on the incompleteness theorems in 1931 , Gdel lacked a rigorous concept of an effective formal system ; he immediately realized that the new definitions of computability could be used for this purpose , allowing him to state the incompleteness theorems in generality that could only be implied in the original paper . Numerous results in recursion theory were obtained in the 1940s by Stephen Cole Kleene and Emil Leon Post . Kleene ( 1943 ) introduced the concepts of relative computability , foreshadowed by Turing ( 1939 ) , and the arithmetical hierarchy . Kleene later generalized recursion theory to higher-order functionals . Kleene and Kreisel studied formal versions of intuitionistic mathematics , particularly in the context of proof theory . # Formal logical systems # At its core , mathematical logic deals with mathematical concepts expressed using formal logical systems . These systems , though they differ in many details , share the common property of considering only expressions in a fixed formal language . The systems of propositional logic and first-order logic are the most widely studied today , because of their applicability to foundations of mathematics and because of their desirable proof-theoretic properties . Stronger classical logics such as second-order logic or infinitary logic are also studied , along with nonclassical logics such as intuitionistic logic . # First-order logic # First-order logic is a particular formal system of logic . Its syntax involves only finite expressions as well-formed formulas , while its semantics are characterized by the limitation of all quantifiers to a fixed domain of discourse . Early results from formal logic established limitations of first-order logic . The LwenheimSkolem theorem ( 1919 ) showed that if a set of sentences in a countable first-order language has an infinite model then it has at least one model of each infinite cardinality . This shows that it is impossible for a set of first-order axioms to characterize the natural numbers , the real numbers , or any other infinite structure up to isomorphism . As the goal of early foundational studies was to produce axiomatic theories for all parts of mathematics , this limitation was particularly stark . Gdel 's completeness theorem ( Gdel 1929 ) established the equivalence between semantic and syntactic definitions of logical consequence in first-order logic . It shows that if a particular sentence is true in every model that satisfies a particular set of axioms , then there must be a finite deduction of the sentence from the axioms . The compactness theorem first appeared as a lemma in Gdel 's proof of the completeness theorem , and it took many years before logicians grasped its significance and began to apply it routinely . It says that a set of sentences has a model if and only if every finite subset has a model , or in other words that an inconsistent set of formulas must have a finite inconsistent subset . The completeness and compactness theorems allow for sophisticated analysis of logical consequence in first-order logic and the development of model theory , and they are a key reason for the prominence of first-order logic in mathematics . Gdel 's incompleteness theorems ( Gdel 1931 ) establish additional limits on first-order axiomatizations . The first incompleteness theorem states that for any sufficiently strong , effectively given logical system there exists a statement which is true but not provable within that system . Here a logical system is effectively given if it is possible to decide , given any formula in the language of the system , whether the formula is an axiom . A logical system is sufficiently strong if it can express the Peano axioms . When applied to first-order logic , the first incompleteness theorem implies that any sufficiently strong , consistent , effective first-order theory has models that are not elementarily equivalent , a stronger limitation than the one established by the LwenheimSkolem theorem . The second incompleteness theorem states that no sufficiently strong , consistent , effective axiom system for arithmetic can prove its own consistency , which has been interpreted to show that Hilbert 's program can not be completed . # Other classical logics # Many logics besides first-order logic are studied . These include infinitary logics , which allow for formulas to provide an infinite amount of information , and higher-order logics , which include a portion of set theory directly in their semantics . The most well studied infinitary logic is Lomega1 , omega . In this logic , quantifiers may only be nested to finite depths , as in first-order logic , but formulas may have finite or countably infinite conjunctions and disjunctions within them . Thus , for example , it is possible to say that an object is a whole number using a formula of Lomega1 , omega such as : ( x = 0 ) lor ( x = 1 ) lor ( x = 2 ) lor cdots . Higher-order logics allow for quantification not only of elements of the domain of discourse , but subsets of the domain of discourse , sets of such subsets , and other objects of higher type . The semantics are defined so that , rather than having a separate domain for each higher-type quantifier to range over , the quantifiers instead range over all objects of the appropriate type . The logics studied before the development of first-order logic , for example Frege 's logic , had similar set-theoretic aspects . Although higher-order logics are more expressive , allowing complete axiomatizations of structures such as the natural numbers , they do not satisfy analogues of the completeness and compactness theorems from first-order logic , and are thus less amenable to proof-theoretic analysis . Another type of logics are fixed-point logics that allow inductive definitions , like one writes for primitive recursive functions . One can formally define an extension of first-order logic -- a notion which encompasses all logics in this section because they behave like first-order logic in certain fundamental ways , but does not encompass all logics in general , e.g. it does not encompass intuitionistic , modal or fuzzy logic . Lindstrm 's theorem implies that the only extension of first-order logic satisfying both the compactness theorem and the Downward LwenheimSkolem theorem is first-order logic . # Nonclassical and modal logic # Modal logics include additional modal operators , such as an operator which states that a particular formula is not only true , but necessarily true . Although modal logic is not often used to axiomatize mathematics , it has been used to study the properties of first-order provability ( Solovay 1976 ) and set-theoretic forcing ( Hamkins and Lwe 2007 ) . Intuitionistic logic was developed by Heyting to study Brouwer 's program of intuitionism , in which Brouwer himself avoided formalization . Intuitionistic logic specifically does not include the law of the excluded middle , which states that each sentence is either true or its negation is true . Kleene 's work with the proof theory of intuitionistic logic showed that constructive information can be recovered from intuitionistic proofs . For example , any provably total function in intuitionistic arithmetic is computable ; this is not true in classical theories of arithmetic such as Peano arithmetic . # Algebraic logic # Algebraic logic uses the methods of abstract algebra to study the semantics of formal logics . A fundamental example is the use of Boolean algebras to represent truth values in classical propositional logic , and the use of Heyting algebras to represent truth values in intuitionistic propositional logic . Stronger logics , such as first-order logic and higher-order logic , are studied using more complicated algebraic structures such as cylindric algebras. # Set theory # Set theory is the study of sets , which are abstract collections of objects . Many of the basic notions , such as ordinal and cardinal numbers , were developed informally by Cantor before formal axiomatizations of set theory were developed . The first such axiomatization , due to Zermelo ( 1908b ) , was extended slightly to become ZermeloFraenkel set theory ( ZF ) , which is now the most widely used foundational theory for mathematics . Other formalizations of set theory have been proposed , including von NeumannBernaysGdel set theory ( NBG ) , MorseKelley set theory ( MK ) , and New Foundations ( NF ) . Of these , ZF , NBG , and MK are similar in describing a cumulative hierarchy of sets . New Foundations takes a different approach ; it allows objects such as the set of all sets at the cost of restrictions on its set-existence axioms . The system of KripkePlatek set theory is closely related to generalized recursion theory . Two famous statements in set theory are the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis . The axiom of choice , first stated by Zermelo ( 1904 ) , was proved independent of ZF by Fraenkel ( 1922 ) , but has come to be widely accepted by mathematicians . It states that given a collection of nonempty sets there is a single set ' ' C ' ' that contains exactly one element from each set in the collection . The set ' ' C ' ' is said to choose one element from each set in the collection . While the ability to make such a choice is considered obvious by some , since each set in the collection is nonempty , the lack of a general , concrete rule by which the choice can be made renders the axiom nonconstructive . Stefan Banach and Alfred Tarski ( 1924 ) showed that the axiom of choice can be used to decompose a solid ball into a finite number of pieces which can then be rearranged , with no scaling , to make two solid balls of the original size . This theorem , known as the BanachTarski paradox , is one of many counterintuitive results of the axiom of choice . The continuum hypothesis , first proposed as a conjecture by Cantor , was listed by David Hilbert as one of his 23 problems in 1900 . Gdel showed that the continuum hypothesis can not be disproven from the axioms of ZermeloFraenkel set theory ( with or without the axiom of choice ) , by developing the constructible universe of set theory in which the continuum hypothesis must hold . In 1963 , Paul Cohen showed that the continuum hypothesis can not be proven from the axioms of ZermeloFraenkel set theory ( Cohen 1966 ) . This independence result did not completely settle Hilbert 's question , however , as it is possible that new axioms for set theory could resolve the hypothesis . Recent work along these lines has been conducted by W. Hugh Woodin , although its importance is not yet clear ( Woodin 2001 ) . Contemporary research in set theory includes the study of large cardinals and determinacy . Large cardinals are cardinal numbers with particular properties so strong that the existence of such cardinals can not be proved in ZFC . The existence of the smallest large cardinal typically studied , an inaccessible cardinal , already implies the consistency of ZFC . Despite the fact that large cardinals have extremely high cardinality , their existence has many ramifications for the structure of the real line . ' ' Determinacy ' ' refers to the possible existence of winning strategies for certain two-player games ( the games are said to be ' ' determined ' ' ) . The existence of these strategies implies structural properties of the real line and other Polish spaces . # Model theory # Model theory studies the models of various formal theories . Here a theory is a set of formulas in a particular formal logic and signature , while a model is a structure that gives a concrete interpretation of the theory . Model theory is closely related to universal algebra and algebraic geometry , although the methods of model theory focus more on logical considerations than those fields . The set of all models of a particular theory is called an elementary class ; classical model theory seeks to determine the properties of models in a particular elementary class , or determine whether certain classes of structures form elementary classes . The method of quantifier elimination can be used to show that definable sets in particular theories can not be too complicated . Tarski ( 1948 ) established quantifier elimination for real-closed fields , a result which also shows the theory of the field of real numbers is decidable . ( He also noted that his methods were equally applicable to algebraically closed fields of arbitrary characteristic . ) A modern subfield developing from this is concerned with o-minimal structures . Morley 's categoricity theorem , proved by Michael D. Morley ( 1965 ) , states that if a first-order theory in a countable language is categorical in some uncountable cardinality , i.e. all models of this cardinality are isomorphic , then it is categorical in all uncountable cardinalities . A trivial consequence of the continuum hypothesis is that a complete theory with less than continuum many nonisomorphic countable models can have only countably many . Vaught 's conjecture , named after Robert Lawson Vaught , says that this is true even independently of the continuum hypothesis . Many special cases of this conjecture have been established . # Recursion theory # Recursion theory , also called computability theory , studies the properties of computable functions and the Turing degrees , which divide the uncomputable functions into sets which have the same level of uncomputability . Recursion theory also includes the study of generalized computability and definability . Recursion theory grew from the work of Alonzo Church and Alan Turing in the 1930s , which was greatly extended by Kleene and Post in the 1940s . Classical recursion theory focuses on the computability of functions from the natural numbers to the natural numbers . The fundamental results establish a robust , canonical class of computable functions with numerous independent , equivalent characterizations using Turing machines , &lambda ; calculus , and other systems . More advanced results concern the structure of the Turing degrees and the lattice of recursively enumerable sets . Generalized recursion theory extends the ideas of recursion theory to computations that are no longer necessarily finite . It includes the study of computability in higher types as well as areas such as hyperarithmetical theory and &alpha ; -recursion theory . Contemporary research in recursion theory includes the study of applications such as algorithmic randomness , computable model theory , and reverse mathematics , as well as new results in pure recursion theory . # Algorithmically unsolvable problems # An important subfield of recursion theory studies algorithmic unsolvability ; a decision problem or function problem is algorithmically unsolvable if there is no possible computable algorithm which returns the correct answer for all legal inputs to the problem . The first results about unsolvability , obtained independently by Church and Turing in 1936 , showed that the Entscheidungsproblem is algorithmically unsolvable . Turing proved this by establishing the unsolvability of the halting problem , a result with far-ranging implications in both recursion theory and computer science . There are many known examples of undecidable problems from ordinary mathematics . The word problem for groups was proved algorithmically unsolvable by Pyotr Novikov in 1955 and independently by W. Boone in 1959 . The busy beaver problem , developed by Tibor Rad in 1962 , is another well-known example . Hilbert 's tenth problem asked for an algorithm to determine whether a multivariate polynomial equation with integer coefficients has a solution in the integers . Partial progress was made by Julia Robinson , Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam . The algorithmic unsolvability of the problem was proved by Yuri Matiyasevich in 1970 ( Davis 1973 ) . # Proof theory and constructive mathematics # Proof theory is the study of formal proofs in various logical deduction systems . These proofs are represented as formal mathematical objects , facilitating their analysis by mathematical techniques . Several deduction systems are commonly considered , including Hilbert-style deduction systems , systems of natural deduction , and the sequent calculus developed by Gentzen . The study of constructive mathematics , in the context of mathematical logic , includes the study of systems in non-classical logic such as intuitionistic logic , as well as the study of predicative systems . An early proponent of predicativism was Hermann Weyl , who showed it is possible to develop a large part of real analysis using only predicative methods ( Weyl 1918 ) . Because proofs are entirely finitary , whereas truth in a structure is not , it is common for work in constructive mathematics to emphasize provability . The relationship between provability in classical ( or nonconstructive ) systems and provability in intuitionistic ( or constructive , respectively ) systems is of particular interest . Results such as the GdelGentzen negative translation show that it is possible to embed ( or ' ' translate ' ' ) classical logic into intuitionistic logic , allowing some properties about intuitionistic proofs to be transferred back to classical proofs . Recent developments in proof theory include the study of proof mining by Ulrich Kohlenbach and the study of proof-theoretic ordinals by Michael Rathjen. # Connections with computer science # The study of computability theory in computer science is closely related to the study of computability in mathematical logic . There is a difference of emphasis , however . Computer scientists often focus on concrete programming languages and feasible computability , while researchers in mathematical logic often focus on computability as a theoretical concept and on noncomputability . The theory of semantics of programming languages is related to model theory , as is program verification ( in particular , model checking ) . The Curry&ndash ; Howard isomorphism between proofs and programs relates to proof theory , especially intuitionistic logic . Formal calculi such as the lambda calculus and combinatory logic are now studied as idealized programming languages . Computer science also contributes to mathematics by developing techniques for the automatic checking or even finding of proofs , such as automated theorem proving and logic programming . Descriptive complexity theory relates logics to computational complexity . The first significant result in this area , Fagin 's theorem ( 1974 ) established that NP is precisely the set of languages expressible by sentences of existential second-order logic . # Foundations of mathematics # In the 19th century , mathematicians became aware of logical gaps and inconsistencies in their field . It was shown that Euclid 's axioms for geometry , which had been taught for centuries as an example of the axiomatic method , were incomplete . The use of infinitesimals , and the very definition of function , came into question in analysis , as pathological examples such as Weierstrass ' nowhere-differentiable continuous function were discovered . Cantor 's study of arbitrary infinite sets also drew criticism . Leopold Kronecker famously stated God made the integers ; all else is the work of man , endorsing a return to the study of finite , concrete objects in mathematics . Although Kronecker 's argument was carried forward by constructivists in the 20th century , the mathematical community as a whole rejected them . David Hilbert argued in favor of the study of the infinite , saying No one shall expel us from the Paradise that Cantor has created . Mathematicians began to search for axiom systems that could be used to formalize large parts of mathematics . In addition to removing ambiguity from previously naive terms such as function , it was hoped that this axiomatization would allow for consistency proofs . In the 19th century , the main method of proving the consistency of a set of axioms was to provide a model for it . Thus , for example , non-Euclidean geometry can be proved consistent by defining ' ' point ' ' to mean a point on a fixed sphere and ' ' line ' ' to mean a great circle on the sphere . The resulting structure , a model of elliptic geometry , satisfies the axioms of plane geometry except the parallel postulate . With the development of formal logic , Hilbert asked whether it would be possible to prove that an axiom system is consistent by analyzing the structure of possible proofs in the system , and showing through this analysis that it is impossible to prove a contradiction . This idea led to the study of proof theory . Moreover , Hilbert proposed that the analysis should be entirely concrete , using the term ' ' finitary ' ' to refer to the methods he would allow but not precisely defining them . This project , known as Hilbert 's program , was seriously affected by Gdel 's incompleteness theorems , which show that the consistency of formal theories of arithmetic can not be established using methods formalizable in those theories . Gentzen showed that it is possible to produce a proof of the consistency of arithmetic in a finitary system augmented with axioms of transfinite induction , and the techniques he developed to do so were seminal in proof theory . A second thread in the history of foundations of mathematics involves nonclassical logics and constructive mathematics . The study of constructive mathematics includes many different programs with various definitions of ' ' constructive ' ' . At the most accommodating end , proofs in ZF set theory that do not use the axiom of choice are called constructive by many mathematicians . More limited versions of constructivism limit themselves to natural numbers , number-theoretic functions , and sets of natural numbers ( which can be used to represent real numbers , facilitating the study of mathematical analysis ) . A common idea is that a concrete means of computing the values of the function must be known before the function itself can be said to exist . In the early 20th century , Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer founded intuitionism as a philosophy of mathematics . This philosophy , poorly understood at first , stated that in order for a mathematical statement to be true to a mathematician , that person must be able to ' ' intuit ' ' the statement , to not only believe its truth but understand the reason for its truth . A consequence of this definition of truth was the rejection of the law of the excluded middle , for there are statements that , according to Brouwer , could not be claimed to be true while their negations also could not be claimed true . Brouwer 's philosophy was influential , and the cause of bitter disputes among prominent mathematicians . Later , Kleene and Kreisel would study formalized versions of intuitionistic logic ( Brouwer rejected formalization , and presented his work in unformalized natural language ) . With the advent of the BHK interpretation and Kripke models , intuitionism became easier to reconcile with classical mathematics . # See also # Knowledge representation and reasoning List of computability and complexity topics List of first-order theories List of logic symbols List of mathematical logic topics List of set theory topics Metalogic # Notes # @@19873 In mathematical analysis , a measure on a set is a systematic way to assign a number to each suitable subset of that set , intuitively interpreted as its size . In this sense , a measure is a generalization of the concepts of length , area , and volume . A particularly important example is the Lebesgue measure on a Euclidean space , which assigns the conventional length , area , and volume of Euclidean geometry to suitable subsets of the -dimensional Euclidean space . For instance , the Lebesgue measure of the interval in the real numbers is its length in the everyday sense of the word&thinsp ; &thinsp ; specifically , 1 . Technically , a measure is a function that assigns a non-negative real number or + to ( certain ) subsets of a set ( ' ' see ' ' Definition below ) . It must assign 0 to the empty set and be ( countably ) additive : the measure of a ' large ' subset that can be decomposed into a finite ( or countable ) number of ' smaller ' disjoint subsets , is the sum of the measures of the smaller subsets . In general , if one wants to associate a ' ' consistent ' ' size to ' ' each ' ' subset of a given set while satisfying the other axioms of a measure , one only finds trivial examples like the counting measure . This problem was resolved by defining measure only on a sub-collection of all subsets ; the so-called ' ' measurable ' ' subsets , which are required to form a -algebra . This means that countable unions , countable intersections and complements of measurable subsets are measurable . Non-measurable sets in a Euclidean space , on which the Lebesgue measure can not be defined consistently , are necessarily complicated in the sense of being badly mixed up with their complement . Indeed , their existence is a non-trivial consequence of the axiom of choice . Measure theory was developed in successive stages during the late 19th and early 20th centuries by mile Borel , Henri Lebesgue , Johann Radon and Maurice Frchet , among others . The main applications of measures are in the foundations of the Lebesgue integral , in Andrey Kolmogorov 's axiomatisation of probability theory and in ergodic theory . In integration theory , specifying a measure allows one to define integrals on spaces more general than subsets of Euclidean space ; moreover , the integral with respect to the Lebesgue measure on Euclidean spaces is more general and has a richer theory than its predecessor , the Riemann integral . Probability theory considers measures that assign to the whole set the size 1 , and considers measurable subsets to be events whose probability is given by the measure . Ergodic theory considers measures that are invariant under , or arise naturally from , a dynamical system . # Definition # Let be a set and a -algebra over . A function from to the extended real number line is called a measure if it satisfies the following properties : Non-negativity : For all in : . Null empty set : 0 . Countable additivity ( or -additivity ) : For all countable collections leftEirighti in mathbfN of pairwise disjoint sets in : : muleft ( bigcupi in mathbfN Eiright ) = sumi in mathbfN muleft(Eiright) . One may require that at least one set has finite measure . Then the null set automatically has measure zero because of countable additivity , because mu(E)=mu ( E cup varnothing ) = mu(E) + mu(varnothing) , so mu(varnothing) = mu(E) - mu(E) = 0 . If only the second and third conditions of the definition of measure above are met , and takes on at most one of the values , then is called a signed measure . The pair is called a measurable space , the members of are called measurable sets . If left ( X , SigmaXright ) and left ( Y , SigmaYright ) are two measurable spaces , then a function f : X to Y is called measurable if for every -measurable set B in SigmaY , the inverse image is -measurable&thinsp ; &thinsp ; i.e. : f(-1) ( B ) in SigmaX . The composition of measurable functions is measurable , making the measurable spaces and measurable functions a category , with the measurable spaces as objects and the set of measurable functions as arrows . A triple is called a . A probability measure is a measure with total measure one&thinsp ; &thinsp ; i.e. 1 . A probability space is a measure space with a probability measure . For measure spaces that are also topological spaces various compatibility conditions can be placed for the measure and the topology . Most measures met in practice in analysis ( and in many cases also in probability theory ) are Radon measures . Radon measures have an alternative definition in terms of linear functionals on the locally convex space of continuous functions with compact support . This approach is taken by Bourbaki ( 2004 ) and a number of other sources . For more details , see the article on Radon measures . # Properties # Several further properties can be derived from the definition of a countably additive measure . # Monotonicity # A measure is monotonic : If and are measurable sets with then : mu(E1) leq mu(E2). # Measures of infinite unions of measurable sets # A measure is countably subadditive : For any countable sequence of sets in ( not necessarily disjoint ) : : muleft ( bigcupi=1infty Eiright ) le sumi=1infty mu(Ei) . A measure is continuous from below : If are measurable sets and is a subset of for all , then the union of the sets is measurable , and : muleft ( bigcupi=1infty Eiright ) = limitoinfty mu(Ei). # Measures of infinite intersections of measurable sets # A measure is continuous from above : If , are measurable sets and for all , then the intersection of the sets is measurable ; furthermore , if at least one of the has finite measure , then : muleft ( bigcapi=1infty Eiright ) = limitoinfty mu(Ei) . This property is false without the assumption that at least one of the has finite measure . For instance , for each , let ' ' n ' ' , ) R , which all have infinite Lebesgue measure , but the intersection is empty . # Sigma-finite measures # A measure space is called finite if is a finite real number ( rather than ) . Nonzero finite measures are analogous to probability measures in the sense that any finite measure is proportional to the probability measure frac1mu(X)mu . A measure is called ' ' -finite ' ' if can be decomposed into a countable union of measurable sets of finite measure . Analogously , a set in a measure space is said to have a ' ' -finite measure ' ' if it is a countable union of sets with finite measure . For example , the real numbers with the standard Lebesgue measure are -finite but not finite . Consider the closed intervals for all integers ; there are countably many such intervals , each has measure 1 , and their union is the entire real line . Alternatively , consider the real numbers with the counting measure , which assigns to each finite set of reals the number of points in the set . This measure space is not -finite , because every set with finite measure contains only finitely many points , and it would take uncountably many such sets to cover the entire real line . The -finite measure spaces have some very convenient properties ; -finiteness can be compared in this respect to the Lindelf property of topological spaces . They can be also thought of as a vague generalization of the idea that a measure space may have ' uncountable measure ' . # Completeness # A measurable set is called a ' ' null set ' ' if 0 . A subset of a null set is called a ' ' negligible set ' ' . A negligible set need not be measurable , but every measurable negligible set is automatically a null set . A measure is called ' ' complete ' ' if every negligible set is measurable . A measure can be extended to a complete one by considering the -algebra of subsets which differ by a negligible set from a measurable set , that is , such that the symmetric difference of and is contained in a null set . One defines to equal . # Additivity # Measures are required to be countably additive . However , the condition can be strengthened as follows . For any set and any set of nonnegative , iin I define : : sumiin I ri=supleftlbracesumiin J ri : J *44;22120;\aleph_0, That is , we define the sum of the to be the supremum of all the sums of finitely many of them . A measure on is -additive if for any and any family Xalpha , the following hold : : bigcupalphainlambda Xalpha in Sigma : *26;22166;TOOLONG Xalpharight ) *36;22194;TOOLONG . Note that the second condition is equivalent to the statement that the ideal of null sets is -complete. # Examples # Some important measures are listed here . The counting measure is defined by = number of elements in . The Lebesgue measure on is a complete translation-invariant measure on a ' ' ' ' -algebra containing the intervals in such that 1 ; and every other measure with these properties extends Lebesgue measure . Circular angle measure is invariant under rotation , and hyperbolic angle measure is invariant under squeeze mapping . The Haar measure for a locally compact topological group is a generalization of the Lebesgue measure ( and also of counting measure and circular angle measure ) and has similar uniqueness properties . The Hausdorff measure is a generalization of the Lebesgue measure to sets with non-integer dimension , in particular , fractal sets . Every probability space gives rise to a measure which takes the value 1 on the whole space ( and therefore takes all its values in the unit interval 0 , 1 ) . Such a measure is called a ' ' probability measure ' ' . See probability axioms. The Dirac measure ' ' a ' ' ( cf. Dirac delta function ) is given by ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' S ' ' ) = ' ' S ' ' ( a ) , where ' ' S ' ' is the characteristic function of . The measure of a set is 1 if it contains the point and 0 otherwise . Other ' named ' measures used in various theories include : Borel measure , Jordan measure , ergodic measure , Euler measure , Gaussian measure , Baire measure , Radon measure and Young measure . In physics an example of a measure is spatial distribution of mass ( see e.g. , gravity potential ) , or another non-negative extensive property , conserved ( see conservation law for a list of these ) or not . Negative values lead to signed measures , see generalizations below . Liouville measure , known also as the natural volume form on a symplectic manifold , is useful in classical statistical and Hamiltonian mechanics . Gibbs measure is widely used in statistical mechanics , often under the name canonical ensemble . # Non-measurable sets # If the axiom of choice is assumed to be true , not all subsets of Euclidean space are Lebesgue measurable ; examples of such sets include the Vitali set , and the non-measurable sets postulated by the Hausdorff paradox and the BanachTarski paradox . # Generalizations # For certain purposes , it is useful to have a measure whose values are not restricted to the non-negative reals or infinity . For instance , a countably additive set function with values in the ( signed ) real numbers is called a ' ' signed measure ' ' , while such a function with values in the complex numbers is called a ' ' complex measure ' ' . Measures that take values in Banach spaces have been studied extensively . A measure that takes values in the set of self-adjoint projections on a Hilbert space is called a ' ' projection-valued measure ' ' ; these are used in functional analysis for the spectral theorem . When it is necessary to distinguish the usual measures which take non-negative values from generalizations , the term positive measure is used . Positive measures are closed under conical combination but not general linear combination , while signed measures are the linear closure of positive measures . Another generalization is the ' ' finitely additive measure ' ' , which are sometimes called contents . This is the same as a measure except that instead of requiring ' ' countable ' ' additivity we require only ' ' finite ' ' additivity . Historically , this definition was used first . It turns out that in general , finitely additive measures are connected with notions such as Banach limits , the dual of ' ' L ' ' and the Stoneech compactification . All these are linked in one way or another to the axiom of choice . A charge is a generalization in both directions : it is a finitely additive , signed measure . @@20590 A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language . The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling . Mathematical models are used not only in the natural sciences ( such as physics , biology , earth science , meteorology ) and engineering disciplines ( e.g. computer science , artificial intelligence ) , but also in the social sciences ( such as economics , psychology , sociology and political science ) ; physicists , engineers , statisticians , operations research analysts and economists use mathematical models most extensively . A model may help to explain a system and to study the effects of different components , and to make predictions about behaviour . Mathematical models can take many forms , including but not limited to dynamical systems , statistical models , differential equations , or game theoretic models . These and other types of models can overlap , with a given model involving a variety of abstract structures . In general , mathematical models may include logical models , as far as logic is taken as a part of mathematics . In many cases , the quality of a scientific field depends on how well the mathematical models developed on the theoretical side agree with results of repeatable experiments . Lack of agreement between theoretical mathematical models and experimental measurements often leads to important advances as better theories are developed . # Model classifications in mathematics # Mathematical models are usually composed of relationships and ' ' variables ' ' . Relationships can be described by ' ' operators ' ' , such as algebraic operators , functions , differential operators , etc . Variables are abstractions of system parameters of interest , that can be quantified . Operators can act with or without variables . Models can be classified in the following ways : Linear vs. nonlinear : If all the operators in a mathematical model exhibit linearity , the resulting mathematical model is defined as linear . A model is considered to be nonlinear otherwise . The definition of linearity and nonlinearity is dependent on context , and linear models may have nonlinear expressions in them . For example , in a statistical linear model , it is assumed that a relationship is linear in the parameters , but it may be nonlinear in the predictor variables . Similarly , a differential equation is said to be linear if it can be written with linear differential operators , but it can still have nonlinear expressions in it . In a mathematical programming model , if the objective functions and constraints are represented entirely by linear equations , then the model is regarded as a linear model . If one or more of the objective functions or constraints are represented with a nonlinear equation , then the model is known as a nonlinear model . Nonlinearity , even in fairly simple systems , is often associated with phenomena such as chaos and irreversibility . Although there are exceptions , nonlinear systems and models tend to be more difficult to study than linear ones . A common approach to nonlinear problems is linearization , but this can be problematic if one is trying to study aspects such as irreversibility , which are strongly tied to nonlinearity . Static vs. dynamic : A ' ' dynamic ' ' model accounts for time-dependent changes in the state of the system , while a ' ' static ' ' ( or steady-state ) model calculates the system in equilibrium , and thus is time-invariant . Dynamic models typically are represented by differential equations . Explicit vs. implicit : If all of the input parameters of the overall model are known , and the output parameters can be calculated by a finite series of computations ( known as linear programming , not to be confused with ' ' linearity ' ' as described above ) , the model is said to be ' ' explicit ' ' . But sometimes it is the ' ' output ' ' parameters which are known , and the corresponding inputs must be solved for by an iterative procedure , such as Newton 's method ( if the model is linear ) or Broyden 's method ( if non-linear ) . For example , a jet engine 's physical properties such as turbine and nozzle throat areas can be explicitly calculated given a design thermodynamic cycle ( air and fuel flow rates , pressures , and temperatures ) at a specific flight condition and power setting , but the engine 's operating cycles at other flight conditions and power settings can not be explicitly calculated from the constant physical properties . Discrete vs. continuous : A discrete model treats objects as discrete , such as the particles in a molecular model or the states in a statistical model ; while a continuous model represents the objects in a continuous manner , such as the velocity field of fluid in pipe flows , temperatures and stresses in a solid , and electric field that applies continuously over the entire model due to a point charge . Deterministic vs. probabilistic ( stochastic ) : A deterministic model is one in which every set of variable states is uniquely determined by parameters in the model and by sets of previous states of these variables . Therefore , deterministic models perform the same way for a given set of initial conditions . Conversely , in a stochastic model , randomness is present , and variable states are not described by unique values , but rather by probability distributions . Deductive , inductive , or floating : A deductive model is a logical structure based on a theory . An inductive model arises from empirical findings and generalization from them . The floating model rests on neither theory nor observation , but is merely the invocation of expected structure . Application of mathematics in social sciences outside of economics has been criticized for unfounded models . Application of catastrophe theory in science has been characterized as a floating model . # Significance in the natural sciences # Mathematical models are of great importance in the natural sciences , particularly in physics . Physical theories are almost invariably expressed using mathematical models . Throughout history , more and more accurate mathematical models have been developed . Newton 's laws accurately describe many everyday phenomena , but at certain limits relativity theory and quantum mechanics must be used , even these do not apply to all situations and need further refinement . It is possible to obtain the less accurate models in appropriate limits , for example relativistic mechanics reduces to Newtonian mechanics at speeds much less than the speed of light . Quantum mechanics reduces to classical physics when the quantum numbers are high . For example the de Broglie wavelength of a tennis ball is insignificantly small , so classical physics is a good approximation to use in this case . It is common to use idealized models in physics to simplify things . Massless ropes , point particles , ideal gases and the particle in a box are among the many simplified models used in physics . The laws of physics are represented with simple equations such as Newton 's laws , Maxwell 's equations and the Schrdinger equation . These laws are such as a basis for making mathematical models of real situations . Many real situations are very complex and thus modeled approximate on a computer , a model that is computationally feasible to compute is made from the basic laws or from approximate models made from the basic laws . For example , molecules can be modeled by molecular orbital models that are approximate solutions to the Schrdinger equation . In engineering , physics models are often made by mathematical methods such as finite element analysis . Different mathematical models use different geometries that are not necessarily accurate descriptions of the geometry of the universe . Euclidean geometry is much used in classical physics , while special relativity and general relativity are examples of theories that use geometries which are not Euclidean. # Some applications # Since prehistorical times simple models such as maps and diagrams have been used . Often when engineers analyze a system to be controlled or optimized , they use a mathematical model . In analysis , engineers can build a descriptive model of the system as a hypothesis of how the system could work , or try to estimate how an unforeseeable event could affect the system . Similarly , in control of a system , engineers can try out different control approaches in simulations . A mathematical model usually describes a system by a set of variables and a set of equations that establish relationships between the variables . Variables may be of many types ; real or integer numbers , boolean values or strings , for example . The variables represent some properties of the system , for example , measured system outputs often in the form of signals , timing data , counters , and event occurrence ( yes/no ) . The actual model is the set of functions that describe the relations between the different variables . # Building blocks # In business and engineering , mathematical models may be used to maximize a certain output . The system under consideration will require certain inputs . The system relating inputs to outputs depends on other variables too : decision variables , state variables , exogenous variables , and random variables . Decision variables are sometimes known as independent variables . Exogenous variables are sometimes known as parameters or constants . The variables are not independent of each other as the state variables are dependent on the decision , input , random , and exogenous variables . Furthermore , the output variables are dependent on the state of the system ( represented by the state variables ) . Objectives and constraints of the system and its users can be represented as functions of the output variables or state variables . The objective functions will depend on the perspective of the model 's user . Depending on the context , an objective function is also known as an ' ' index of performance ' ' , as it is some measure of interest to the user . Although there is no limit to the number of objective functions and constraints a model can have , using or optimizing the model becomes more involved ( computationally ) as the number increases . For example , in economics students often apply linear algebra when using input-output models . Complicated mathematical models that have many variables may be consolidated by use of vectors where one symbol represents several variables . # A priori information # Mathematical modeling problems are often classified into black box or white box models , according to how much a priori information on the system is available . A black-box model is a system of which there is no a priori information available . A white-box model ( also called glass box or clear box ) is a system where all necessary information is available . Practically all systems are somewhere between the black-box and white-box models , so this concept is useful only as an intuitive guide for deciding which approach to take . Usually it is preferable to use as much a priori information as possible to make the model more accurate . Therefore the white-box models are usually considered easier , because if you have used the information correctly , then the model will behave correctly . Often the a priori information comes in forms of knowing the type of functions relating different variables . For example , if we make a model of how a medicine works in a human system , we know that usually the amount of medicine in the blood is an exponentially decaying function . But we are still left with several unknown parameters ; how rapidly does the medicine amount decay , and what is the initial amount of medicine in blood ? This example is therefore not a completely white-box model . These parameters have to be estimated through some means before one can use the model . In black-box models one tries to estimate both the functional form of relations between variables and the numerical parameters in those functions . Using a priori information we could end up , for example , with a set of functions that probably could describe the system adequately . If there is no a priori information we would try to use functions as general as possible to cover all different models . An often used approach for black-box models are neural networks which usually do not make assumptions about incoming data . Alternatively the NARMAX ( Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Average model with eXogenous inputs ) algorithms which were developed as part of nonlinear system identification can be used to select the model terms , determine the model structure , and estimate the unknown parameters in the presence of correlated and nonlinear noise . The advantage of NARMAX models compared to neural networks is that NARMAX produces models that can be written down and related to the underlying process , whereas neural networks produce an approximation that is opaque . # Subjective information # Sometimes it is useful to incorporate subjective information into a mathematical model . This can be done based on intuition , experience , or expert opinion , or based on convenience of mathematical form . Bayesian statistics provides a theoretical framework for incorporating such subjectivity into a rigorous analysis : one specifies a prior probability distribution ( which can be subjective ) and then updates this distribution based on empirical data . An example of when such approach would be necessary is a situation in which an experimenter bends a coin slightly and tosses it once , recording whether it comes up heads , and is then given the task of predicting the probability that the next flip comes up heads . After bending the coin , the true probability that the coin will come up heads is unknown , so the experimenter would need to make an arbitrary decision ( perhaps by looking at the shape of the coin ) about what prior distribution to use . Incorporation of the subjective information is necessary in this case to get an accurate prediction of the probability , since otherwise one would guess 1 or 0 as the probability of the next flip being heads , which would be almost certainly wrong . # Complexity # In general , model complexity involves a trade-off between simplicity and accuracy of the model . Occam 's razor is a principle particularly relevant to modeling ; the essential idea being that among models with roughly equal predictive power , the simplest one is the most desirable . While added complexity usually improves the realism of a model , it can make the model difficult to understand and analyze , and can also pose computational problems , including numerical instability . Thomas Kuhn argues that as science progresses , explanations tend to become more complex before a Paradigm shift offers radical simplification . For example , when modeling the flight of an aircraft , we could embed each mechanical part of the aircraft into our model and would thus acquire an almost white-box model of the system . However , the computational cost of adding such a huge amount of detail would effectively inhibit the usage of such a model . Additionally , the uncertainty would increase due to an overly complex system , because each separate part induces some amount of variance into the model . It is therefore usually appropriate to make some approximations to reduce the model to a sensible size . Engineers often can accept some approximations in order to get a more robust and simple model . For example Newton 's classical mechanics is an approximated model of the real world . Still , Newton 's model is quite sufficient for most ordinary-life situations , that is , as long as particle speeds are well below the speed of light , and we study macro-particles only . # Training # Any model which is not pure white-box contains some parameters that can be used to fit the model to the system it is intended to describe . If the modeling is done by a neural network , the optimization of parameters is called ' ' training ' ' . In more conventional modeling through explicitly given mathematical functions , parameters are determined by curve fitting . # Model evaluation # A crucial part of the modeling process is the evaluation of whether or not a given mathematical model describes a system accurately . This question can be difficult to answer as it involves several different types of evaluation . # Fit to empirical data # Usually the easiest part of model evaluation is checking whether a model fits experimental measurements or other empirical data . In models with parameters , a common approach to test this fit is to split the data into two disjoint subsets : training data and verification data . The training data are used to estimate the model parameters . An accurate model will closely match the verification data even though these data were not used to set the model 's parameters . This practice is referred to as cross-validation in statistics . Defining a metric to measure distances between observed and predicted data is a useful tool of assessing model fit . In statistics , decision theory , and some economic models , a loss function plays a similar role . While it is rather straightforward to test the appropriateness of parameters , it can be more difficult to test the validity of the general mathematical form of a model . In general , more mathematical tools have been developed to test the fit of statistical models than models involving differential equations . Tools from non-parametric statistics can sometimes be used to evaluate how well the data fit a known distribution or to come up with a general model that makes only minimal assumptions about the model 's mathematical form . # Scope of the model # Assessing the scope of a model , that is , determining what situations the model is applicable to , can be less straightforward . If the model was constructed based on a set of data , one must determine for which systems or situations the known data is a typical set of data . The question of whether the model describes well the properties of the system between data points is called interpolation , and the same question for events or data points outside the observed data is called extrapolation . As an example of the typical limitations of the scope of a model , in evaluating Newtonian classical mechanics , we can note that Newton made his measurements without advanced equipment , so he could not measure properties of particles travelling at speeds close to the speed of light . Likewise , he did not measure the movements of molecules and other small particles , but macro particles only . It is then not surprising that his model does not extrapolate well into these domains , even though his model is quite sufficient for ordinary life physics . # Philosophical considerations # Many types of modeling implicitly involve claims about causality . This is usually ( but not always ) true of models involving differential equations . As the purpose of modeling is to increase our understanding of the world , the validity of a model rests not only on its fit to empirical observations , but also on its ability to extrapolate to situations or data beyond those originally described in the model . One can think of this as the differentiation between qualitative and quantitative predictions . One can also argue that a model is worthless unless it provides some insight which goes beyond what is already known from direct investigation of the phenomenon being studied . An example of such criticism is the argument that the mathematical models of Optimal foraging theory do not offer insight that goes beyond the common-sense conclusions of evolution and other basic principles of ecology . # Examples # One of the popular examples in computer science is the mathematical models of various machines , an example is the Deterministic finite automaton which is defined as an abstract mathematical concept , but due to the deterministic nature of a DFA , it is implementable in hardware and software for solving various specific problems . For example , the following is a DFA M with a binary alphabet , which requires that the input contains an even number of 0s . ' ' M ' ' = ( ' ' Q ' ' , , , ' ' q ' ' 0 , ' ' F ' ' ) where ' ' Q ' ' = ' ' S ' ' 1 , ' ' S ' ' 2 , = 0 , 1 , ' ' q 0 ' ' = ' ' S ' ' 1 , ' ' F ' ' = ' ' S ' ' 1 , and is defined by the following state transition table : : border= 1 cell padding= 1 cell spacing= 0 The state ' ' S ' ' 1 represents that there has been an even number of 0s in the input so far , while ' ' S ' ' 2 signifies an odd number . A 1 in the input does not change the state of the automaton . When the input ends , the state will show whether the input contained an even number of 0s or not . If the input did contain an even number of 0s , ' ' M ' ' will finish in state ' ' S ' ' 1 , an accepting state , so the input string will be accepted . The language recognized by ' ' M ' ' is the regular language given by the regular expression 1* ( 0 ( 1* ) 0 ( 1* ) ) , where is the Kleene star , e.g. , 1* denotes any non-negative number ( possibly zero ) of symbols 1 . Many everyday activities carried out without a thought are uses of mathematical models . A geographical map projection of a region of the earth onto a small , plane surface is a model which can be used for many purposes such as planning travel . Another simple activity is predicting the position of a vehicle from its initial position , direction and speed of travel , using the equation that distance traveled is the product of time and speed . This is known as dead reckoning when used more formally . Mathematical modeling in this way does not necessarily require formal mathematics ; animals have been shown to use dead reckoning . ' ' Population Growth ' ' . A simple ( though approximate ) model of population growth is the Malthusian growth model . A slightly more realistic and largely used population growth model is the logistic function , and its extensions . ' ' Model of a particle in a potential-field ' ' . In this model we consider a particle as being a point of mass which describes a trajectory in space which is modeled by a function giving its coordinates in space as a function of time . The potential field is given by a function V ! : mathbbR3 ! rightarrowmathbbR and the trajectory , that is a function mathbfr ! : *25;506228;TOOLONG , is the solution of the differential equation : : : *45;506255;TOOLONG Vmathbfr(t)partial xmathbfhatx+fracpartial Vmathbfr(t)partial ymathbfhaty+fracpartial Vmathbfr(t)partial zmathbfhatz , that can be written also as : : : *39;506302;TOOLONG Vmathbfr(t) . : Note this model assumes the particle is a point mass , which is certainly known to be false in many cases in which we use this model ; for example , as a model of planetary motion . ' ' Model of rational behavior for a consumer ' ' . In this model we assume a consumer faces a choice of ' ' n ' ' commodities labeled 1,2 , ... , ' ' n ' ' each with a market price ' ' p ' ' 1 , ' ' p ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' p ' ' ' ' n ' ' . The consumer is assumed to have a ' ' cardinal ' ' utility function ' ' U ' ' ( cardinal in the sense that it assigns numerical values to utilities ) , depending on the amounts of commodities ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' consumed . The model further assumes that the consumer has a budget ' ' M ' ' which is used to purchase a vector ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' in such a way as to maximize ' ' U ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) . The problem of rational behavior in this model then becomes an optimization problem , that is : : : max U ( x1 , x2 , ldots , xn ) : : subject to : : : sumi=1n pi xi leq M. : : xi geq 0 ; ; ; forall i in 1 , 2 , ldots , n : This model has been used in general equilibrium theory , particularly to show existence and Pareto efficiency of economic equilibria . However , the fact that this particular formulation assigns ' ' numerical values ' ' to levels of satisfaction is the source of criticism ( and even ridicule ) . However , it is not an essential ingredient of the theory and again this is an idealization . ' ' Neighbour-sensing model ' ' explains the mushroom formation from the initially chaotic fungal network . ' ' Computer science ' ' : models in Computer Networks , data models , surface model , ... ' ' Mechanics ' ' : movement of rocket model , ... Modeling requires selecting and identifying relevant aspects of a situation in the real world . # See also # Agent-based model TK Solver - Rule Based Modeling Conceptual model Cliodynamics Computer simulation Decision engineering Mathematical biology Mathematical diagram Mathematical models in physics Mathematical psychology Mathematical sociology Microscale and macroscale models Statistical Model # References # # Further reading # ; Books Aris , Rutherford 1978 ( 1994 ) . ' ' Mathematical Modelling Techniques ' ' , New York : Dover . ISBN 0-486-68131-9 Bender , E.A. 1978 ( 2000 ) . ' ' An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling ' ' , New York : Dover . ISBN 0-486-41180-X Lin , C.C. & Segel , L.A. ( 1988 ) . ' ' Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences ' ' , Philadelphia : SIAM . ISBN 0-89871-229-7 Gershenfeld , N. ( 1998 ) ' ' The Nature of Mathematical Modeling ' ' , Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-57095-6 . ; Specific applications Korotayev A. , Malkov A. , Khaltourina D. ( 2006 ) . . Moscow : ISBN 5-484-00414-4 . by Emilia Vynnycky and Richard G White . An introductory book on infectious disease modelling and its applications . @@22213 An operator is a mapping from one vector space or module to another . Operators are of critical importance to both linear algebra and functional analysis , and they find application in many other fields of pure and applied mathematics . For example , in classical mechanics , the derivative is used ubiquitously , and in quantum mechanics , observables are represented by hermitian operators . Important properties that various operators may exhibit include linearity , continuity , and boundedness. # Definitions # --Let ' ' U , V ' ' be two vector spaces . Any mapping from ' ' U ' ' to ' ' V ' ' is called an operator . Let ' ' V ' ' be a vector space over the field ' ' K ' ' . We can define the structure of a vector space on the set of all operators from ' ' U ' ' to ' ' V ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are operators ) : : ( A + B ) mathbfx : = Amathbfx + Bmathbfx , : ( alpha A ) mathbfx : = alpha A mathbfx for all ' ' A , B : U V ' ' , for all x in ' ' U ' ' and for all ' ' ' ' in ' ' K ' ' . Additionally , operators from any vector space to itself form a unital associative algebra : : ( AB ) mathbfx : = A(Bmathbfx) with the identity mapping ( usually denoted ' ' E ' ' , ' ' I ' ' or id ) being the unit . # Bounded operators and operator norm # Let ' ' U ' ' and ' ' V ' ' be two vector spaces over the same ordered field ( for example , mathbfR ) , and they are equipped with norms . Then a linear operator from ' ' U ' ' to ' ' V ' ' is called bounded if there exists ' ' C 0 ' ' such that : AmathbfxV leq CmathbfxU for all x in ' ' U ' ' . Bounded operators form a vector space . On this vector space we can introduce a norm that is compatible with the norms of ' ' U ' ' and ' ' V ' ' : : A = infC : AmathbfxV leq CmathbfxU . In case of operators from ' ' U ' ' to itself it can be shown that : AB leq AcdotB . Any unital normed algebra with this property is called a Banach algebra . It is possible to generalize spectral theory to such algebras . C*-algebras , which are Banach algebras with some additional structure , play an important role in quantum mechanics . # Special cases # # Functionals # A functional is an operator that maps a vector space to its underlying field . Important applications of functionals are the theories of generalized functions and calculus of variations . Both are of great importance to theoretical physics . # Linear operators # The most common kind of operator encountered are ' ' linear operators ' ' . Let ' ' U ' ' and ' ' V ' ' be vector spaces over a field ' ' K ' ' . Operator ' ' A : U V ' ' is called linear if : A ( alpha mathbfx + beta mathbfy ) = alpha A mathbfx + beta A mathbfy for all x , y in ' ' U ' ' and for all ' ' , ' ' in ' ' K ' ' . The importance of linear operators is partially because they are morphisms between vector spaces . In finite-dimensional case linear operators can be represented by matrices in the following way . Let K be a field , and U and V be finite-dimensional vector spaces over K . Let us select a basis mathbfu1 , ldots , mathbfun in U and mathbfv1 , ldots , mathbfvm in V . Then let mathbfx = xi mathbfui be an arbitrary vector in U ( assuming Einstein convention ) , and A : U to V be a linear operator . Then : Amathbfx = xi Amathbfui = xi ( Amathbfui ) j mathbfvj . Then aij : = ( Amathbfui ) j in K is the matrix of the operator A in fixed bases . aij does not depend on the choice of x , and Amathbfx = mathbfy iff aij xi = yj . Thus in fixed bases n-by-m matrices are in bijective correspondence to linear operators from U to V . The important concepts directly related to operators between finite-dimensional vector spaces are the ones of rank , determinant , inverse operator , and eigenspace . Linear operators also play a great role in the infinite-dimensional case . The concepts of rank and determinant can not be extended to infinite-dimensional matrices . This is why very different techniques are employed when studying linear operators ( and operators in general ) in the infinite-dimensional case . The study of linear operators in the infinite-dimensional case is known as functional analysis ( so called because various classes of functions form interesting examples of infinite-dimensional vector spaces ) . The space of sequences of real numbers , or more generally sequences of vectors in any vector space , themselves form an infinite-dimensional vector space . The most important cases are sequences of real or complex numbers , and these spaces , together with linear subspaces , are known as sequence spaces . Operators on these spaces are known as sequence transformations . Bounded linear operators over Banach space form a Banach algebra in respect to the standard operator norm . The theory of Banach algebras develops a very general concept of spectra that elegantly generalizes the theory of eigenspaces. # Examples # # Geometry # In geometry , additional structures on vector spaces are sometimes studied . Operators that map such vector spaces to themselves bijectively are very useful in these studies , they naturally form groups by composition . For example , bijective operators preserving the structure of a vector space are precisely the invertible linear operators . They form the general linear group under composition . They ' ' do not ' ' form a vector space under the addition of operators , e.g. both ' ' id ' ' and ' ' -id ' ' are invertible ( bijective ) , but their sum , 0 , is not . Operators preserving the Euclidean metric on such a space form the isometry group , and those that fix the origin form a subgroup known as the orthogonal group . Operators in the orthogonal group that also preserve the orientation of vector tuples form the special orthogonal group , or the group of rotations. # Probability theory # Operators are also involved in probability theory , such as expectation , variance , covariance , factorials , etc. # Calculus # From the point of view of functional analysis , calculus is the study of two linear operators : the differential operator fracmathrmdmathrmdt , and the indefinite integral operator int0t . # # Fourier series and Fourier transform # # The Fourier transform is useful in applied mathematics , particularly physics and signal processing . It is another integral operator ; it is useful mainly because it converts a function on one ( temporal ) domain to a function on another ( frequency ) domain , in a way effectively invertible . Nothing significant is lost , because there is an inverse transform operator . In the simple case of periodic functions , this result is based on the theorem that any continuous periodic function can be represented as the sum of a series of sine waves and cosine waves : : f(t) = a0 over 2 + sumn=1infty an cos ( omega n t ) + bn sin ( omega n t ) Coefficients ' ' ( a 0 , a 1 , b 1 , a 2 , b 2 , ... ) ' ' are in fact an element of an infinite-dimensional vector space 2 , and thus Fourier series is a linear operator . When dealing with general function R C , the transform takes on an integral form : : f(t) = 1 over sqrt2 pi int- infty+ inftyg ( omega ) e i omega t , domega . # # Laplace transform # # The ' ' Laplace transform ' ' is another integral operator and is involved in simplifying the process of solving differential equations . Given ' ' f ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) , it is defined by : : F(s) = ( mathcalLf ) ( s ) =int0infty e-st f(t) , dt. # Fundamental operators on scalar and vector fields # Three operators are key to vector calculus : Grad ( gradient ) , ( with operator symbol nabla ) assigns a vector at every point in a scalar field that points in the direction of greatest rate of change of that field and whose norm measures the absolute value of that greatest rate of change . Div ( divergence ) , ( with operator symbol nabla cdot ) is a vector operator that measures a vector field 's divergence from or convergence towards a given point . Curl , ( with operator symbol nabla times ) is a vector operator that measures a vector field 's curling ( winding around , rotating around ) trend about a given point . As an extension of vector calculus operators to physics , engineering and tensor spaces , Grad , Div and Curl operators also are often associatied with Tensor calculus as well as vector calculus . # See also # Operation Function List of mathematical operators Vector space Dual space Operator algebra Banach algebra List of operators Operator ( physics ) Operator ( programming ) # References # @@24133 The ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics , written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910 , 1912 , and 1913 . In 1927 , it appeared in a second edition with an important ' ' Introduction To the Second Edition ' ' , an ' ' Appendix A ' ' that replaced 9 and an all-new ' ' Appendix C ' ' . ' ' PM ' ' , as it is often abbreviated , was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven . As such , this ambitious project is of great importance in the history of mathematics and philosophy , # ' ' Symbol strings ' ' : The theory will build strings of these symbols by concatenation ( juxtaposition ) . # ' ' Formation rules ' ' : The theory specifies the rules of syntax ( rules of grammar ) usually as a recursive definition that starts with 0 and specifies how to build acceptable strings or well-formed formulas ( wffs ) . This includes a rule for substitution . of strings for the symbols called variables ( as opposed to the other symbol-types ) . # ' ' Transformation rule(s) ' ' : The axioms that specify the behaviours of the symbols and symbol sequences . # ' ' Rule of inference , detachment , ' ' modus ponens ' ' ' ' : The rule that allows the theory to detach a conclusion from the premises that led up to it , and thereafter to discard the premises ( symbols to the left of the line , or symbols above the line if horizontal ) . If this were not the case , then substitution would result in longer and longer strings that have to be carried forward . Indeed , after the application of modus ponens , nothing is left but the conclusion , the rest disappears forever . : Contemporary theories often specify as their first axiom the classical or modus ponens or the rule of detachment : : : ' ' A ' ' , ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ' ' B ' ' : The symbol is usually written as a horizontal line , here means implies . The symbols ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are stand-ins for strings ; this form of notation is called an axiom schema ( i.e. , there is a countable number of specific forms the notation could take ) . This can be read in a manner similar to IF-THEN but with a difference : given symbol string IF ' ' A ' ' and ' ' A ' ' implies ' ' B ' ' THEN ' ' B ' ' ( and retain only ' ' B ' ' for further use ) . But the symbols have no interpretation ( e.g. , no truth table or truth values or truth functions ) and modus ponens proceeds mechanistically , by grammar alone . # The logicistic construction of the theory of ' ' PM ' ' # The theory of ' ' PM ' ' has both significant similarities , and similar differences , to a contemporary formal theory . Kleene states that this deduction of mathematics from logic was offered as intuitive axiomatics . The axioms were intended to be believed , or at least to be accepted as plausible hypotheses concerning the world . Indeed , unlike a Formalist theory that manipulates symbols according to rules of grammar , ' ' PM ' ' introduces the notion of truth-values , i.e. , truth and falsity in the ' ' real-world ' ' sense , and the assertion of truth almost immediately as the fifth and sixth elements in the structure of the theory ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:436 ) : 1 . ' ' Variables ' ' . 2 . ' ' Uses of various letters ' ' . 3 . ' ' The fundamental functions of propositions ' ' : the Contradictory Function symbolised by and the Logical Sum or Disjunctive Function symbolised by being taken as primitive and logical implication ' ' defined ' ' ( the following example also used to illustrate 9 . ' ' Definition ' ' below ) as : : ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . = . ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' Df . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:11 ) : and logical product defined as : : ' ' p ' ' . ' ' q ' ' . = . ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) Df . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:12 ) : ( See more about the confusing dots used as both a grammatical device and as to symbolise logical conjunction ( logical AND ) at the section on notation. ) 4 . ' ' Equivalence ' ' : ' ' Logical ' ' equivalence , not arithmetic equivalence : given as a demonstration of how the symbols are used , i.e. , Thus ' ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ' stands for ' ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) . ( ' ' q ' ' ' ' p ' ' ) ' . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:7 ) . Notice that to ' ' discuss ' ' a notation ' ' PM ' ' identifies a meta -notation with space .. space : : Logical equivalence appears again as a ' ' definition ' ' : : : ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . = . ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) . ( ' ' q ' ' ' ' p . ' ' ) ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:12 ) , : Notice the appearance of parentheses . This ' ' grammatical ' ' usage is not specified and appears sporadically ; parentheses do play an important role in symbol strings , however , e.g. , the notation ( ' ' x ' ' ) for the contemporary ' ' x ' ' . 5 . ' ' Truth-values ' ' : The ' Truth-value ' of a proposition is ' ' truth ' ' if it is true , and falsehood ' ' if it is false ( this phrase is due to Frege ) ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:7 ) . 6 . ' ' Assertion-sign ' ' : ' . ' ' p may be read ' it is true that ' .. thus ' : ' ' p ' ' . . ' ' q ' ' ' means ' it is true that ' ' p ' ' implies ' ' q ' ' ' , whereas ' . ' ' p ' ' . . ' ' q ' ' ' means ' ' ' p ' ' is true ; therefore ' ' q ' ' is true ' . The first of these does not necessarily involve the truth either of ' ' p ' ' or of ' ' q ' ' , while the second involves the truth of both ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:92 ) . 7 . ' ' Inference ' ' : ' ' PM ' ' ' s version of ' ' modus ponens ' ' . If ' . ' ' p ' ' ' and ' ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) ' have occurred , then ' . ' ' q ' ' ' will occur if it is desired to put it on record . The process of the inference can not be reduced to symbols . Its sole record is the occurrence of ' . ' ' p ' ' ' in other words , the symbols on the left disappear or can be erased ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:9 ) . 8 . ' ' The Use of Dots ' ' : See the section on notation . 9 . ' ' Definitions ' ' : These use the = sign with Df at the right end . See the section on notation . 10 . ' ' Summary of preceding statements ' ' : brief discussion of the primitive ideas ' ' p ' ' and ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' and prefixed to a proposition . 11 . ' ' Primitive propositions ' ' : the axioms or postulates . This was significantly modified in the 2nd edition . 12 . ' ' Propositional functions ' ' : The notion of proposition was significantly modified in the 2nd edition , including the introduction of atomic propositions linked by logical signs to form molecular propositions , and the use of substitution of molecular propositions into atomic or molecular propositions to create new expressions . 13 . ' ' The range of values and total variation ' ' . 14 . ' ' Ambiguous assertion and the real variable ' ' : This and the next two sections were modified or abandoned in the 2nd edition . In particular , the distinction between the concepts defined in sections 15 . ' ' Definition and the real variable ' ' and 16 ' ' Propositions connecting real and apparent variables ' ' was abandoned in the second edition . 17 . ' ' Formal implication and formal equivalence ' ' . 18 . ' ' Identity ' ' : See the section on notation . The symbol = indicates predicate or ' ' arithmetic equality ' ' . 19 . ' ' Classes and relations ' ' . 20 . ' ' Various descriptive functions of relations ' ' . 21 . ' ' Plural descriptive functions ' ' . 22 . ' ' Unit classes ' ' . # Primitive ideas # Cf. ' ' PM ' ' 1962:9094 , for the first edition : ( 1 ) ' ' Elementary propositions ' ' . ( 2 ) ' ' Elementary propositions of functions ' ' . ( 3 ) ' ' Assertion ' ' : introduces the notions of truth and falsity . ( 4 ) ' ' Assertion of a propositional function ' ' . ( 5 ) ' ' Negation ' ' : If ' ' p ' ' is any proposition , the proposition not- ' ' p ' ' , or ' ' p ' ' is false , will be represented by ' ' p ' ' . ( 6 ) ' ' Disjunction ' ' : If ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' are any propositons , the proposition ' ' p ' ' or ' ' q ' ' , i.e. , either ' ' p ' ' is true or ' ' q ' ' is true , where the alternatives are to be not mutually exclusive , will be represented by ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . ( cf. section B ) # Primitive propositions ( Pp ) # The ' ' first ' ' edition ( see discussion relative to the second edition , below ) begins with a definition of the sign 1.01 . ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . = . ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . Df . 1.1 . Anything implied by a true elementary proposition is true . Pp modus ponens ( 1.11 was abandoned in the second edition. ) 1.2 . : ' ' p ' ' ' ' p ' ' . . ' ' p ' ' . Pp principle of tautology 1.3 . : ' ' q ' ' . . ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . Pp principle of addition 1.4 . : ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . . ' ' q ' ' ' ' p ' ' . Pp principle of permutation 1.5 . : ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) . . ' ' q ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) . Pp associative principle 1.6 . : . ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' . : ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . . ' ' p ' ' ' ' r ' ' . Pp principle of summation 1.7 . If ' ' p ' ' is an elementary proposition , ' ' p ' ' is an elementary proposition . Pp 1.71 . If ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' are elementary propositions , ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' is an elementary proposition . Pp 1.72 . If ' ' p ' ' and ' ' p ' ' are elementary propositional functions which take elementary propositions as arguments , ' ' p ' ' ' ' p ' ' is an elementary proposition . Pp Together with the Introduction to the Second Edition , the second edition 's Appendix A abandons the entire section 9 . This includes six primitive propositions 9 through 9.15 together with the Axioms of reducibility . The revised theory is made difficult by the introduction of the Sheffer stroke ( ) to symbolise incompatibility ( i.e. , if both elementary propositions ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' are true , their stroke ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' is false ) , the contemporary logical NAND ( not-AND ) . In the revised theory , the Introduction presents the notion of atomic proposition , a datum that belongs to the philosophical part of logic . These have no parts that are propositions and do not contain the notions all or some . For example : this is red , or this is earlier than that . Such things can exist ' ' ad finitum ' ' , i.e. , even an infinite eunumeration of them to replace generality ( i.e. , the notion of for all ) . ' ' PM ' ' then advances to molecular propositions that are all linked by the stroke . Definitions give equivalences for , , , and . . The new introduction defines elementary propositions as atomic and molecular positions together . It then replaces all the primitive propositions 1.2 to 1.72 with a single primitive proposition framed in terms of the stroke : : If ' ' p ' ' , ' ' q ' ' , ' ' r ' ' are elementary propositions , given ' ' p ' ' and ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) , we can infer ' ' r ' ' . This is a primitive proposition . The new introduction keeps the notation for there exists ( now recast as sometimes true ) and for all ( recast as always true ) . Appendix A strengths the notion of matrix or predicative function ( a primitive idea , ' ' PM ' ' 1962:164 ) and presents four new Primitive propositions as 8.18.13 . 88 . Multiplicative axiom 120 . Axiom of infinity # Notation used in ' ' PM ' ' # One author observes that The notation in that work has been superseded by the subsequent development of logic during the 20th century , to the extent that the beginner has trouble reading PM at all ; while much of the symbolic content can be converted to modern notation , the original notation itself is a subject of scholarly dispute , and some notation embody substantive logical doctrines so that it can not simply be replaced by contemporary symbolism . Kurt Gdel was harshly critical of the notation : : It is to be regretted that this first comprehensive and thorough-going presentation of a mathematical logic and the derivation of mathematics from it is so greatly lacking in formal precision in the foundations ( contained in 121 of ' ' Principia ' ' i.e. , sections 15 ( propositional logic ) , 814 ( predicate logic with identity/equality ) , 20 ( introduction to set theory ) , and 21 ( introduction to relations theory ) ) that it represents in this respect a considerable step backwards as compared with Frege . What is missing , above all , is a precise statement of the syntax of the formalism . Syntactical considerations are omitted even in cases where they are necessary for the cogency of the proofs . This is reflected in the example below of the symbols ' ' p ' ' , ' ' q ' ' , ' ' r ' ' and that can be formed into the string ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' . ' ' PM ' ' requires a ' ' definition ' ' of what this symbol-string means in terms of other symbols ; in contemporary treatments the formation rules ( syntactical rules leading to well formed formulas ) would have prevented the formation of this string . Source of the notation : Chapter I Preliminary Explanations of Ideas and Notations begins with the source of the notation : : The notation adopted in the present work is based upon that of Peano , and the following explanations are to some extent modelled on those which he prefixes to his ' ' Formulario Mathematico ' ' i.e. , Peano 1889 . His use of dots as brackets is adopted , and so are many of his symbols ( ' ' PM ' ' 1927:4 ) . ' ' PM ' ' adopts the assertion sign from Frege 's 1879 ' ' Begriffsschrift ' ' : : ( I ) t may be read ' it is true that ' Thus to assert a proposition ' ' p ' ' ' ' PM ' ' writes : : . ' ' p ' ' . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1927:92 ) ( Observe that , as in the original , the left dot is square and of greater size than the period on the right. ) # An introduction to the notation of Section A Mathematical Logic ( formulas 15.71 ) # ' ' PM ' ' ' s dots are used in a manner similar to parentheses . Later in section 14 , brackets appear , and in sections 20 and following , braces appear . Whether these symbols have specific meanings or are just for visual clarification is unclear . More than one dot indicates the depth of the parentheses , e.g. , . , : or : . , : : , etc . Unfortunately for contemporary readers , the single dot ( but also : , : . , : : , etc. ) is used to symbolise logical product ( contemporary logical AND often symbolised by & or ) . Logical implication is represented by Peano 's simplified to , logical negation is symbolised by an elongated tilde , i.e. , ( contemporary or ) , the logical OR by v . The symbol = together with Df is used to indicate is defined as , whereas in sections 13 and following , = is defined as ( mathematically ) identical with , i.e. , contemporary mathematical equality ( cf. discussion in section 13 ) . Logical equivalence is represented by ( contemporary if and only if ) ; elementary propositional functions are written in the customary way , e.g. , ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) , but later the function sign appears directly before the variable without parenthesis e.g. , ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' , etc . Example , ' ' PM ' ' introduces the definition of logical product as follows : : 3.01 . ' ' p ' ' . ' ' q ' ' . = . ( ' ' p ' ' v ' ' q ' ' ) Df . : : where ' ' p ' ' . ' ' q ' ' is the logical product of ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' . : 3.02 . ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' . = . ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' . ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' Df . : : This definition serves merely to abbreviate proofs . Translation of the formulas into contemporary symbols : Various authors use alternate symbols , so no definitive translation can be given . However , because of criticisms such as that of Kurt Gdel below , the best contemporary treatments will be very precise with respect to the formation rules ( the syntax ) of the formulas . The first formula might be converted into modern symbolism as follows : : ( ' ' p ' ' & ' ' q ' ' ) = df ( ( ' ' p ' ' v ' ' q ' ' ) alternately : ( ' ' p ' ' & ' ' q ' ' ) = df ( ( ' ' p ' ' v ' ' q ' ' ) alternately : ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) = df ( ( ' ' p ' ' v ' ' q ' ' ) etc . The second formula might be converted as follows : : ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) = df ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) & ( ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) But note that this is not ( logically ) equivalent to ( ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' q ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) nor to ( ( ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ) ' ' r ' ' ) , and these two are not logically equivalent either . # An introduction to the notation of Section B Theory of Apparent Variables ( formulas 814.34 ) # These sections concern what is now known as Predicate logic , and Predicate logic with identity ( equality ) . : NB : As a result of criticism and advances , the second edition of ' ' PM ' ' ( 1927 ) replaces 9 with a new 8 ( Appendix A ) . This new section eliminates the first edition 's distinction between real and apparent variables , and it eliminates the primitive idea ' assertion of a propositional function ' . To add to the complexity of the treatment , 8 introduces the notion of substituting a matrix , and the Sheffer stroke : : : : Matrix : In contemporary usage , ' ' PM ' ' ' s ' ' matrix ' ' is ( at least for propositional functions ) , a truth table , i.e. , ' ' all ' ' truth-values of a propositional or predicate function . : : : Sheffer stroke : Is the contemporary logical NAND ( NOT-AND ) , i.e. , incompatibility , meaning : : : : : Given two propositions ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' , then ' ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' ' means proposition ' ' p ' ' is incompatible with proposition ' ' q ' ' , i.e. , if both propositions ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' evaluate as false , then ' ' p ' ' ' ' q ' ' evaluates as true . After section 8 the Sheffer stroke sees no usage . Section 10 : The existential and universal operators : ' ' PM ' ' adds ( ' ' x ' ' ) to represent the contemporary symbolism for all ' ' x ' ' i.e. , ' ' x ' ' , and it uses a backwards serifed E to represent there exists an ' ' x ' ' , i.e. , ( x ) , i.e. , the contemporary x . The typical notation would be similar to the following : : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' means for all values of variable ' ' x ' ' , function evaluates to true : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' means for some value of variable ' ' x ' ' , function evaluates to true Sections 10 , 11 , 12 : Properties of a variable extended to all individuals : section 10 introduces the notion of a property of a variable . ' ' PM ' ' gives the example : is a function that indicates is a Greek , and indicates is a man , and indicates is a mortal these functions then apply to a variable ' ' x ' ' . ' ' PM ' ' can now write , and evaluate : : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' The notation above means for all ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' is a man . Given a collection of individuals , one can evaluate the above formula for truth or falsity . For example , given the restricted collection of individuals Socrates , Plato , Russell , Zeus the above evaluates to true if we allow for Zeus to be a man . But it fails for : : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' because Russell is not Greek . And it fails for : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' because Zeus is not a mortal . Equipped with this notation ' ' PM ' ' can create formulas to express the following : If all Greeks are men and if all men are mortals then all Greeks are mortals . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:138 ) : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' : : ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' Another example : the formula : : 10.01 . ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' . = . ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' Df . means The symbols representing the assertion ' There exists at least one ' ' x ' ' that satisfies function ' is defined by the symbols representing the assertion ' It 's not true that , given all values of ' ' x ' ' , there are no values of ' ' x ' ' satisfying ' . The symbolisms ' ' x ' ' and ' ' x ' ' appear at 10.02 and 10.03 . Both are abbreviations for universality ( i.e. , for all ) that bind the variable ' ' x ' ' to the logical operator . Contemporary notation would have simply used parentheses outside of the equality ( = ) sign : : 10.02 ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' . = . ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' Df : : Contemporary notation : ' ' x ' ' ( ( ' ' x ' ' ) ( ' ' x ' ' ) ( or a variant ) : 10.03 ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' . = . ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' Df : : Contemporary notation : ' ' x ' ' ( ( ' ' x ' ' ) ( ' ' x ' ' ) ( or a variant ) ' ' PM ' ' attributes the first symbolism to Peano . Section 11 applies this symbolism to two variables . Thus the following notations : ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x , y ' ' could all appear in a single formula . Section 12 reintroduces the notion of matrix ( contemporary truth table ) , the notion of logical types , and in particular the notions of ' ' first-order ' ' and ' ' second-order ' ' functions and propositions . New symbolism ! ' ' x ' ' represents any value of a first-order function . If a circumflex is placed over a variable , then this is an individual value of ' ' y ' ' , meaning that ' ' ' ' indicates individuals ( e.g. , a row in a truth table ) ; this distinction is necessary because of the matrix/extensional nature of propositional functions . Now equipped with the matrix notion , ' ' PM ' ' can assert its controversial axiom of reducibility : a function of one or two variables ( two being sufficient for ' ' PM ' ' ' s use ) ' ' where all its values are given ' ' ( i.e. , in its matrix ) is ( logically ) equivalent ( ) to some predicative function of the same variables . The one-variable definition is given below as an illustration of the notation ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:166167 ) : 12.1 : ( ' ' f ' ' ) : ' ' x ' ' . ' ' x ' ' . ' ' f ' ' ! ' ' x ' ' Pp ; : : Pp is a Primitive proposition ( Propositions assumed without proof ) ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:12 , i.e. , contemporary axioms ) , adding to the 7 defined in section 1 ( starting with 1.1 modus ponens ) . These are to be distinguished from the primitive ideas that include the assertion sign , negation , logical OR V , the notions of elementary proposition and elementary propositional function ; these are as close as ' ' PM ' ' comes to rules of notational formation , i.e. , syntax . This means : We assert the truth of the following : There exists a function ' ' f ' ' with the property that : given all values of ' ' x ' ' , their evaluations in function ( i.e. , resulting their matrix ) is logically equivalent to some ' ' f ' ' evaluated at those same values of ' ' x ' ' . ( and vice versa , hence logical equivalence ) . In other words : given a matrix determined by property applied to variable ' ' x ' ' , there exists a function ' ' f ' ' that , when applied to the ' ' x ' ' is logically equivalent to the matrix . Or : every matrix ' ' x ' ' can be represented by a function ' ' f ' ' applied to ' ' x ' ' , and vice versa. 13 : The identity operator = : This is a definition that uses the sign in two different ways , as noted by the quote from ' ' PM ' ' : : 13.01 . ' ' x ' ' = ' ' y ' ' . = : ( ) : ! ' ' x ' ' . . ! ' ' y ' ' Df means : : This definition states that ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' are to be called identical when every predicative function satisfied by ' ' x ' ' is also satisfied by ' ' y ' ' .. Note that the second sign of equality in the above definition is combined with Df , and thus is not really the same symbol as the sign of equality which is defined . The not-equals sign makes its appearance as a definition at 13.02 . 14 : Descriptions : : A ' ' description ' ' is a phrase of the form the term ' ' y ' ' which satisfies ' ' ' ' , where ' ' ' ' is some function satisfied by one and only one argument . From this ' ' PM ' ' employes two new symbols , a forward E and an inverted iota . Here is an example : : 14.02 . E ! ( ' ' y ' ' ) ( ' ' y ' ' ) . = : ( ' ' b ' ' ) : ' ' y ' ' . ' ' y ' ' . ' ' y ' ' = ' ' b ' ' Df . This has the meaning : : The ' ' y ' ' satisfying ' ' ' ' exists , which holds when , and only when ' ' ' ' is satisfied by one value of ' ' y ' ' and by no other value . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1967:173174 ) # Introduction to the notation of the theory of classes and relations # The text leaps from section 14 directly to the foundational sections 20 GENERAL THEORY OF CLASSES and 21 GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIONS . Relations are what known in contemporary set theory as ordered pairs . Sections 20 and 22 introduce many of the symbols still in contemporary usage . These include the symbols , , , , , , and V : signifies is an element of ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:188 ) ; ( 22.01 ) signifies is contained in , is a subset of ; ( 22.02 ) signifies the intersection ( logical product ) of classes ( sets ) ; ( 22.03 ) signifies the union ( logical sum ) of classes ( sets ) ; ( 22.03 ) signifies negation of a class ( set ) ; signifies the null class ; and V signifies the universal class or universe of discourse . Small Greek letters ( other than , , , , , , and ) represent classes ( e.g. , , , , , etc . ) ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:188 ) : : ' ' x ' ' : : The use of single letter in place of symbols such as ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) or ' ' ' ' ( ! ' ' z ' ' ) is practically almost indispensable , since otherwise the notation rapidly becomes intolerably cumbrous . Thus ' ' ' x ' ' ' will mean ' ' ' x ' ' is a member of the class ' . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:188 ) : = V : : The union of a set and its inverse is the universal ( completed ) set . : = : : The intersection of a set and its inverse is the null ( empty ) set . When applied to relations in section 23 CALCULUS OF RELATIONS , the symbols , , , and acquire a dot : for example : , . The notion , and notation , of a class ( set ) : In the first edition ' ' PM ' ' asserts that no new primitive ideas are necessary to define what is meant by a class , and only two new primitive propositions called the axioms of reducibility for classes and relations respectively ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:25 ) . But before this notion can be defined , ' ' PM ' ' feels it necessary to create a peculiar notation ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) that it calls a fictitious object . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:188 ) : : ' ' x ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) . . ( ' ' x ' ' ) : : i.e. , ' ' ' x ' ' is a member of the class determined by ( ' ' ' ' ) ' is logically equivalent to ' ' ' x ' ' satisfies ( ' ' ' ' ) , ' or to ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is true . ' . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:25 ) At least ' ' PM ' ' can tell the reader how these fictitious objects behave , because A class is wholly determinate when its membership is known , that is , there can not be two different classes having he same membership ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:26 ) . This is symbolised by the following equality ( similar to 13.01 above : : ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) = ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) . : ( ' ' x ' ' ) : ' ' x ' ' . . ' ' x ' ' : : This last is the distinguishing characteristic of classes , and justifies us in treating ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) as the class determined by the function ' ' ' ' . ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:188 ) Perhaps the above can be made clearer by the discussion of classes in ' ' Introduction to the 2nd Edition ' ' , which disposes of the ' ' Axiom of Reducibility ' ' and replaces it with the notion : All functions of functions are extensional ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:xxxix ) , i.e. , : ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' . . ( ' ' x ' ' ) : ( ' ' ' ' ) ( ' ' ' ' ) ( ' ' PM ' ' 1962:xxxix ) This has the reasonable meaning that IF for all values of ' ' x ' ' the ' ' truth-values ' ' of the functions and of ' ' x ' ' are logically equivalent , THEN the function of a given ' ' ' ' and of ' ' ' ' are logically equivalent . ' ' PM ' ' asserts this is obvious : : This is obvious , since can only occur in ( ' ' ' ' ) by the substitution of values of for ' ' p , q , r , ... ' ' in a logical- function , and , if ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' , the substitution of ' ' x ' ' for ' ' p ' ' in a logical- function gives the same truth-value to the truth-function as the substitution of ' ' x ' ' . Consequently there is no longer any reason to distinguish between functions classes , for we have , in virtue of the above , : ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' . . ( ' ' x ' ' ) . ' ' ' ' = . ' ' ' ' . Observe the change to the equality = sign on the right . ' ' PM ' ' goes on to state that will continue to hang onto the notation ' ' ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' ) , but this is merely equivalent to ' ' ' ' , and this is a class . ( all quotes : ' ' PM ' ' 1962:xxxix ) . # Consistency and criticisms # According to Carnap 's Logicist Foundations of Mathematics , Russell wanted a theory that could plausibly be said to derive all of mathematics from purely logical axioms . However , Principia Mathematica required , in addition to the basic axioms of type theory , three further axioms that seemed to not be true as mere matters of logic , namely the axiom of infinity , the axiom of choice , and the axiom of reducibility . Since the first two were existential axioms , Russell phrased mathematical statements depending on them as conditionals . But reducibility was required to be sure that the formal statements even properly express statements of real analysis , so that statements depending on it could not be reformulated as conditionals . Frank P. Ramsey tried to argue that Russell 's ramification of the theory of types was unnecessary , so that reducibility could be removed , but these arguments seemed inconclusive . Beyond the status of the axioms as logical truths , the questions remained : whether a contradiction could be derived from the ' ' Principia s axioms ( the question of inconsistency ) , and whether there exists a mathematical statement which could neither be proven nor disproven in the system ( the question of completeness ) . Propositional logic itself was known to be consistent , but the same had not been established for ' ' Principia s axioms of set theory . ( See Hilbert 's second problem. ) # Gdel 1930 , 1931 # In 1930 , Gdel 's completeness theorem showed that first-order predicate logic itself was complete in a much weaker sensethat is , any sentence that is unprovable from a given set of axioms must actually be false in some model of the axioms . However , this is not the stronger sense of completeness desired for Principia Mathematica , since a given system of axioms ( such as those of Principia Mathematica ) may have many models , in some of which a given statement is true and in others of which that statement is false , so that the statement is left undecided by the axioms . Gdel 's incompleteness theorems cast unexpected light on these two related questions . Gdel 's first incompleteness theorem showed that ' ' Principia ' ' could not be both consistent and complete . According to the theorem , within every sufficiently powerful logical system ( such as ' ' Principia ' ' ) , there exists a statement ' ' G ' ' that essentially reads , The statement ' ' G ' ' can not be proved . Such a statement is a sort of Catch-22 : if ' ' G ' ' is provable , then it is false , and the system is therefore inconsistent ; and if ' ' G ' ' is not provable , then it is true , and the system is therefore incomplete . Gdel 's second incompleteness theorem ( 1931 ) shows that no formal system extending basic arithmetic can be used to prove its own consistency . Thus , the statement there are no contradictions in the ' ' Principia ' ' system can not be proven in the ' ' Principia ' ' system unless there ' ' are ' ' contradictions in the system ( in which case it can be proven both true and false ) . # Wittgenstein 1919 , 1939 # By the second edition of ' ' PM ' ' , Russell had removed his ' ' axiom of reducibility ' ' to a new axiom ( although he does not state it as such ) . Gdel 1944:126 describes it this way : This change is connected with the new axiom that functions can occur in propositions only through their values , i.e. , extensionally . . . this is quite unobjectionable even from the constructive standpoint . . . provided that quantifiers are always restricted to definite orders . This change from a quasi- ' ' intensional ' ' stance to a fully ' ' extensional ' ' stance also restricts predicate logic to the second order , i.e. functions of functions : We can decide that mathematics is to confine itself to functions of functions which obey the above assumption ( ' ' PM ' ' 2nd Edition p. 401 , Appendix C ) . This new proposal resulted in a dire outcome . An extensional stance and restriction to a second-order predicate logic means that a propositional function extended to all individuals such as All ' x ' are blue now has to list all of the ' x ' that satisfy ( are true in ) the proposition , listing them in a possibly infinite conjunction : e.g. ' ' x 1 ' ' &and ; ' ' x 2 ' ' &and ; . . . &and ; ' ' x n ' ' &and ; . . . Ironically , this change came about as the result of criticism from Wittgenstein in his 1919 ' ' Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus ' ' . As described by Russell in the Preface to the 2nd edition of ' ' PM ' ' : : There is another course , recommended by Wittgenstein ( ' ' Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus ' ' , 5.54ff ) for philosophical reasons . This is to assume that functions of propositions are always truth-functions , and that a function can only occur in a proposition through its values . . . . Working through the consequences it appears that everything in Vol . I remains true . . . the theory of inductive cardinals and ordinals survives ; but it seems that the theory of infinite Dedekindian and well-ordered series largely collapses , so that irrationals , and real numbers generally , can no longer be adequately dealt with . Also Cantor 's proof that 2 n ' ' n ' ' breaks down unless ' ' n ' ' is finite . ( ' ' PM ' ' 2nd edition reprinted 1962:xiv , also cf new Appendix C ) . In other words , the fact that an infinite list can not realistically be specified means that the concept of number in the infinite sense ( i.e. the continuum ) can not be described by the new theory proposed in ' ' PM Second Edition ' ' . Wittgenstein in his ' ' Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics , Cambridge 1939 ' ' criticised ' ' Principia ' ' on various grounds , such as : It purports to reveal the fundamental basis for arithmetic . However , it is our everyday arithmetical practices such as counting which are fundamental ; for if a persistent discrepancy arose between counting and ' ' Principia ' ' , this would be treated as evidence of an error in ' ' Principia ' ' ( e.g. , that Principia did not characterise numbers or addition correctly ) , not as evidence of an error in everyday counting . The calculating methods in ' ' Principia ' ' can only be used in practice with very small numbers . To calculate using large numbers ( e.g. , billions ) , the formulae would become too long , and some short-cut method would have to be used , which would no doubt rely on everyday techniques such as counting ( or else on non-fundamental and hence questionable methods such as induction ) . So again ' ' Principia ' ' depends on everyday techniques , not vice versa . Wittgenstein did , however , concede that ' ' Principia ' ' may nonetheless make some aspects of everyday arithmetic clearer . # Gdel 1944 # In his 1944 ' ' Russell 's mathematical logic ' ' , Gdel offers a critical but sympathetic discussion of the logicistic order of ideas : : It is to be regretted that this first comprehensive and thorough-going presentation of a mathematical logic and the derivation of mathematics from it is so greatly lacking in formal precision in the foundations ( contained in 1-*21 of ' ' Principia ' ' ) that it represents in this respect a considerable step backwards as compared with Frege . What is missing , above all , is a precise statement of the syntax of the formalism . Syntactical considerations are omitted even in cases where they are necessary for the cogency of the proofs . . . The matter is especially doubtful for the rule of substitution and of replacing defined symbols by their ' ' definiens ' ' . . . it is chiefly the rule of substitution which would have to be proved ( Gdel 1944:124 ) # Quotations # From this proposition it will follow , when arithmetical addition has been defined , that 1+1=2 . Volume I , 1st edition , ( page 362 in 2nd edition ; page 360 in abridged version ) . ( The proof is actually completed in Volume II , 1st edition , , accompanied by the comment , The above proposition is occasionally useful . ) # See also # Axiomatic set theory Begriffsschrift Boolean algebra ( logic ) Information Processing Language # Footnotes # # References # Primary : Whitehead , Alfred North , and Bertrand Russell . ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' , 3 vols , Cambridge University Press , 1910 , 1912 , and 1913 . Second edition , 1925 ( Vol. 1 ) , 1927 ( Vols 2 , 3 ) . Abridged as ' ' Principia Mathematica to 56 ' ' , Cambridge University Press , 1962. Secondary : Stephen Kleene 1952 ' ' Introduction to Meta-Mathematics ' ' , 6th Reprint , North-Holland Publishing Company , Amsterdam NY , ISBN 0-7204-2103-9. * Ivor Grattan-Guinness ( 2000 ) ' ' The Search for Mathematical Roots 18701940 ' ' , Princeton University Press , Princeton N.J. , ISBN 0-691-05857-1 ( alk. paper ) . Ludwig Wittgenstein 2009 ' ' Major Works : Selected Philosophical Writings ' ' , HarperrCollins , NY , NY , ISBN 978-0-06-155024-9 . In particular : : : ' ' Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus ' ' ( Vienna 1918 , original publication in German ) . Jean van Heijenoort editor 1967 ' ' From Frege to Gdel : A Source book in Mathematical Logic , 18791931 ' ' , 3rd printing , Harvard University Press , Cambridge MA , ISBN 0-674-32449-8 ( pbk. ) @@26446 Recreational mathematics is an umbrella term for mathematics carried out for recreation ( including self-education and entertainment ) rather than as a strictly research and application-based professional activity , although it is not necessarily limited to being an endeavor for amateurs . It often involves mathematical puzzles and games . Many topics in this field require no knowledge of advanced mathematics , and recreational mathematics often appeals to children and untrained adults , inspiring their further study of the subject . # Topics # Some of the more well-known topics in recreational mathematics are magic squares , fractals , logic puzzles and mathematical chess problems , but this area of mathematics includes the aesthetics and culture of mathematics , peculiar or amusing stories and coincidences about mathematics , and the personal lives of mathematicians. # Mathematical games # Mathematical games are multiplayer games whose rules , strategies , and outcomes can be studied and explained using mathematics . The players of the game may not need to use explicit mathematics in order to play mathematical games . For example , Mancala is a mathematical game , because mathematicians can study it using combinatorial game theory , but no mathematics is necessary in order to play it . # Mathematical puzzles # Mathematical puzzles require mathematics in order to solve them . They have specific rules , as do multiplayer games , but mathematical puzzles do n't usually involve competition between two or more players . Instead , in order to solve such a puzzle , the solver must find a solution that satisfies the given conditions . Logic puzzles are a common type of mathematical puzzle . Conway 's Game of Life and fractals are also considered mathematical puzzles , even though the solver only interacts with them by providing a set of initial conditions . As they often include or require game-like features or thinking , mathematical puzzles are sometimes also called mathematical games . # Other activities # Other curiosities and pastimes of non-trivial mathematical interest include : patterns in juggling the sometimes profound algorithmic and geometrical characteristics of origami patterns and process in creating string figures such as Cat 's cradles , etc. # Publications # The journal ' ' Eureka ' ' published by the mathematical society of the University of Cambridge is one of the oldest publications in recreational mathematics . It has been published 60 times since 1939 and authors have included many famous mathematicians and scientists such as Martin Gardner , John Conway , Roger Penrose , Ian Stewart , Timothy Gowers , Stephen Hawking and Paul Dirac. The ' ' Journal of Recreational Mathematics ' ' is the largest publication on this topic . Mathematical Games was the title of a long-running column on the subject by Martin Gardner ( 1914-2010 ) , in ' ' Scientific American ' ' . He inspired several generations of mathematicians and scientists , through his interest in mathematical recreations . Mathematical Games ( 1956-1981 ) was succeeded by Metamagical Themas ( 1981-1983 ) , a similarly distinguished , but shorter-running , column by Douglas Hofstadter , then by Mathematical Recreations ( 19 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ) , a column by Ian Stewart , and most recently Puzzling Adventures ( ? ? ? ? -present ) by Dennis Shasha. # In popular culture # In the episode titled 42 of the ' ' Doctor Who ' ' science fiction television series , Doctor Who completes a sequence of happy primes . He then complains that schools no longer teach recreational mathematics . ' ' The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time ' ' , a book about a young boy with Asperger syndrome , discusses many mathematical games and puzzles . # People # Prominent practitioners and advocates of recreational mathematics have included : # See also # Book : Recreational mathematics ' ' Journal of Recreational Mathematics ' ' Puzzle Three cups problem # References # # Further reading # W. W. Rouse Ball and H.S.M. Coxeter ( 1987 ) . ' ' Mathematical Recreations and Essays ' ' , Thirteenth Edition , Dover . ISBN 0-486-25357-0. Henry E. Dudeney ( 1967 ) . ' ' 536 Puzzles and Curious Problems . Charles Scribner 's sons ' ' . ISBN 0-684-71755-7. Sam Loyd ( 1959. 2 Vols. ) . in Martin Gardner : The Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd . Dover . OCLC 5720955. Raymond M. Smullyan ( 1991 ) . ' ' The Lady or the Tiger ? And Other Logic Puzzles ' ' . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0-19-286136-0. ( 2012 ) . ' ' Math Puzzles for MBAs ' ' . eBook for iPad . ISBN 9781623141318. @@26691 In mathematics , a set is a collection of distinct objects , considered as an object in its own right . For example , the numbers 2 , 4 , and 6 are distinct objects when considered separately , but when they are considered collectively they form a single set of size three , written 2,4,6 . Sets are one of the most fundamental concepts in mathematics . Developed at the end of the 19th century , set theory is now a ubiquitous part of mathematics , and can be used as a foundation from which nearly all of mathematics can be derived . In mathematics education , elementary topics such as Venn diagrams are taught at a young age , while more advanced concepts are taught as part of a university degree . The German word ' ' Menge ' ' , rendered as set in English , was coined by Bernard Bolzano in his work ' ' The Paradoxes of the Infinite ' ' . # Definition # A set is a well defined collection of distinct objects . The objects that make up a set ( also known as the elements or members of a set ) can be anything : numbers , people , letters of the alphabet , other sets , and so on . Georg Cantor , the founder of set theory , gave the following definition of a set at the beginning of his ' ' ' ' : Sets are conventionally denoted with capital letters . Sets ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are equal if and only if they have precisely the same elements . Cantor 's definition turned out to be inadequate for formal mathematics ; instead , the notion of a set is taken as an undefined primitive in axiomatic set theory , and its properties are defined by the ZermeloFraenkel axioms . The most basic properties are that a set has elements , and that two sets are equal ( one and the same ) if and only if every element of one set is an element of the other . # Describing sets # There are two ways of describing , or specifying the members of , a set . One way is by intensional definition , using a rule or semantic description : : ' ' A ' ' is the set whose members are the first four positive integers . : ' ' B ' ' is the set of colors of the French flag . The second way is by extension that is , listing each member of the set . An extensional definition is denoted by enclosing the list of members in curly brackets : : ' ' C ' ' = 4 , 2 , 1 , 3 : ' ' D ' ' = blue , white , red . There are two important points to note about sets . First , a set can have two or more members which are identical , for example , 11 , 6 , 6 . However , we say that two sets which differ only in that one has duplicate members are in fact exactly identical ( see Axiom of extensionality ) . Hence , the set 11 , 6 , 6 is exactly identical to the set 11 , 6 . The second important point is that the order in which the elements of a set are listed is irrelevant ( unlike for a sequence or tuple ) . We can illustrate these two important points with an example : : 6 , 11 = 11 , 6 = 11 , 6 , 6 , 11 . For sets with many elements , the enumeration of members can be abbreviated . For instance , the set of the first thousand positive integers may be specified extensionally as : : 1 , 2 , 3 , ... , 1000 , where the ellipsis ( .. ) indicates that the list continues in the obvious way . Ellipses may also be used where sets have infinitely many members . Thus the set of positive even numbers can be written as The notation with braces may also be used in an intensional specification of a set . In this usage , the braces have the meaning the set of all .. . So , ' ' E ' ' = playing card suits is the set whose four members are A more general form of this is set-builder notation , through which , for instance , the set ' ' F ' ' of the twenty smallest integers that are four less than perfect squares can be denoted : : ' ' F ' ' = ' ' n ' ' 2 4 : ' ' n ' ' is an integer ; and 0 ' ' n ' ' 19 . In this notation , the colon ( : ) means such that , and the description can be interpreted as ' ' F ' ' is the set of all numbers of the form ' ' n ' ' 2 4 , such that ' ' n ' ' is a whole number in the range from 0 to 19 inclusive . Sometimes the vertical bar ( ) is used instead of the colon . One often has the choice of specifying a set intensionally or extensionally . In the examples above , for instance , ' ' A ' ' = ' ' C ' ' and ' ' B ' ' = ' ' D ' ' . # Membership # If ' ' a ' ' is a member of ' ' B ' ' , this is denoted ' ' a ' ' ' ' B ' ' , while if ' ' c ' ' is not a member of ' ' B ' ' then ' ' c ' ' ' ' B ' ' . For example , with respect to the sets ' ' A ' ' = 1,2,3,4 , ' ' B ' ' = blue , white , red , and ' ' F ' ' = ' ' n ' ' 2 4 : ' ' n ' ' is an integer ; and 0 ' ' n ' ' 19 defined above , : 4 &isin ; ' ' A ' ' and 12 &isin ; ' ' F ' ' ; but : 9 &notin ; ' ' F ' ' and green &notin ; ' ' B ' ' . # Subsets # If every member of set ' ' A ' ' is also a member of set ' ' B ' ' , then ' ' A ' ' is said to be a ' ' subset ' ' of ' ' B ' ' , written ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ( also pronounced ' ' A is contained in B ' ' ) . Equivalently , we can write ' ' B ' ' ' ' A ' ' , read as ' ' B is a superset of A ' ' , ' ' B includes A ' ' , or ' ' B contains A ' ' . The relationship between sets established by is called ' ' inclusion ' ' or ' ' containment ' ' . If ' ' A ' ' is a subset of , but not equal to , ' ' B ' ' , then ' ' A ' ' is called a ' ' proper subset ' ' of ' ' B ' ' , written ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ( ' ' A is a proper subset of B ' ' ) or ' ' B ' ' ' ' A ' ' ( ' ' B is a proper superset of A ' ' ) . Note that the expressions ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' and ' ' B ' ' ' ' A ' ' are used differently by different authors ; some authors use them to mean the same as ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ( respectively ' ' B ' ' ' ' A ' ' ) , whereas other use them to mean the same as ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ( respectively ' ' B ' ' ' ' A ' ' ) . *37;79;div *20;118;div ' ' A ' ' is a subset of ' ' B ' ' Example : : The set of all men is a proper subset of the set of all people . : 1 , 3 &sube ; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 &sube ; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . The empty set is a subset of every set and every set is a subset of itself : : &empty ; &sube ; ' ' A ' ' . : ' ' A ' ' &sube ; ' ' A ' ' . An obvious but useful identity , which can often be used to show that two seemingly different sets are equal : : if and only if and . A partition of a set ' ' S ' ' is a set of nonempty subsets of ' ' S ' ' such that every element ' ' x ' ' in ' ' S ' ' is in exactly one of these subsets . # Power sets # The power set of a set ' ' S ' ' is the set of all subsets of ' ' S ' ' . Note that the power set contains ' ' S ' ' itself and the empty set because these are both subsets of ' ' S ' ' . For example , the power set of the set 1 , 2 , 3 is 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 3 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 , &empty ; . The power set of a set ' ' S ' ' is usually written as ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' S ' ' ) . The power set of a finite set with ' ' n ' ' elements has 2 ' ' n ' ' elements . This relationship is one of the reasons for the terminology ' ' power set ' ' . For example , the set 1 , 2 , 3 contains three elements , and the power set shown above contains 2 3 = 8 elements . The power set of an infinite ( either countable or uncountable ) set is always uncountable . Moreover , the power set of a set is always strictly bigger than the original set in the sense that there is no way to pair every element of ' ' S ' ' with exactly one element of ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' S ' ' ) . ( There is never an onto map or surjection from ' ' S ' ' onto ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' S ' ' ) . ) Every partition of a set ' ' S ' ' is a subset of the powerset of ' ' S ' ' . # Cardinality # The cardinality There is a unique set with no members and zero cardinality , which is called the ' ' empty set ' ' ( or the ' ' null set ' ' ) and is denoted by the symbol ( other notations are used ; see empty set ) . For example , the set of all three-sided squares has zero members and thus is the empty set . Though it may seem trivial , the empty set , like the number zero , is important in mathematics ; indeed , the existence of this set is one of the fundamental concepts of axiomatic set theory . Some sets have infinite cardinality . The set N of natural numbers , for instance , is infinite . Some infinite cardinalities are greater than others . For instance , the set of real numbers has greater cardinality than the set of natural numbers . However , it can be shown that the cardinality of ( which is to say , the number of points on ) a straight line is the same as the cardinality of any segment of that line , of the entire plane , and indeed of any finite-dimensional Euclidean space . # Special sets # There are some sets that hold great mathematical importance and are referred to with such regularity that they have acquired special names and notational conventions to identify them . One of these is the empty set , denoted or . Another is the unit set x , which contains exactly one element , namely x . Many of these sets are represented using blackboard bold or bold typeface . Special sets of numbers include : P or , denoting the set of all primes : P = 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 17 , ... . N or , denoting the set of all natural numbers : N = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . ( sometimes defined containing 0 ) . Z or , denoting the set of all integers ( whether positive , negative or zero ) : Z = ... , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , ... . Q or , denoting the set of all rational numbers ( that is , the set of all proper and improper fractions ) : Q = ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' : ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' Z , ' ' b ' ' 0 . For example , 1/4 Q and 11/6 Q . All integers are in this set since every integer ' ' a ' ' can be expressed as the fraction ' ' a ' ' /1 ( Z Q ) . R or , denoting the set of all real numbers . This set includes all rational numbers , together with all irrational numbers ( that is , numbers that can not be rewritten as fractions , such as *39;140;span 2 , as well as transcendental numbers such as &pi ; , ' ' e ' ' and numbers that can not be defined ) . C or , denoting the set of all complex numbers : C = ' ' a ' ' + ' ' bi ' ' : ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' R . For example , 1 + 2 ' ' i ' ' C . H or , denoting the set of all quaternions : H = ' ' a ' ' + ' ' bi ' ' + ' ' cj ' ' + ' ' dk ' ' : ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' , ' ' d ' ' R . For example , 1 + ' ' i ' ' + 2 ' ' j ' ' ' ' k ' ' H . Positive and negative sets are denoted by a superscript - or + , for example : + represents the set of positive rational numbers . Each of the above sets of numbers has an infinite number of elements , and each can be considered to be a proper subset of the sets listed below it . The primes are used less frequently than the others outside of number theory and related fields . # Basic operations # There are several fundamental operations for constructing new sets from given sets . # Unions # Two sets can be added together . The ' ' union ' ' of ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' , denoted by ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' , is the set of all things that are members of either ' ' A ' ' or ' ' B ' ' . Examples : : : : 1 , 2 , 3 3 , 4 , 5 = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Some basic properties of unions : : : : : : : # Intersections # A new set can also be constructed by determining which members two sets have in common . The ' ' intersection ' ' of ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' , denoted by is the set of all things that are members of both ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' . If then ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are said to be ' ' disjoint ' ' . Examples : : : Some basic properties of intersections : : : : : : : # Complements # Two sets can also be subtracted . The ' ' relative complement ' ' of ' ' B ' ' in ' ' A ' ' ( also called the ' ' set-theoretic difference ' ' of ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' ) , denoted by ( or ) , is the set of all elements that are members of ' ' A ' ' but not members of ' ' B ' ' . Note that it is valid to subtract members of a set that are not in the set , such as removing the element ' ' green ' ' from the set doing so has no effect . In certain settings all sets under discussion are considered to be subsets of a given universal set ' ' U ' ' . In such cases , is called the ' ' absolute complement ' ' or simply ' ' complement ' ' of ' ' A ' ' , and is denoted by ' ' A ' ' &prime ; . Examples : : : : If ' ' U ' ' is the set of integers , ' ' E ' ' is the set of even integers , and ' ' O ' ' is the set of odd integers , then ' ' U ' ' ' ' E ' ' = ' ' E ' ' &prime ; = ' ' O ' ' . Some basic properties of complements : : for . : : : : : : . An extension of the complement is the symmetric difference , defined for sets ' ' A ' ' , ' ' B ' ' as : A , Delta , B = ( A setminus B ) cup ( B setminus A ) . For example , the symmetric difference of 7,8,9,10 and 9,10,11,12 is the set 7,8,11,12. # Cartesian product # A new set can be constructed by associating every element of one set with every element of another set . The ' ' Cartesian product ' ' of two sets ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' , denoted by ' ' A ' ' &times ; ' ' B ' ' is the set of all ordered pairs ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) such that ' ' a ' ' is a member of ' ' A ' ' and ' ' b ' ' is a member of ' ' B ' ' . Examples : : : : Some basic properties of cartesian products : : : : Let ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' be finite sets . Then : &thinsp ; ' ' A ' ' &times ; ' ' B ' ' &thinsp ; = &thinsp ; ' ' B ' ' &times ; ' ' A ' ' &thinsp ; = &thinsp ; ' ' A ' ' &thinsp ; &times ; &thinsp ; ' ' B ' ' &thinsp ; . # Applications # Set theory is seen as the foundation from which virtually all of mathematics can be derived . For example , structures in abstract algebra , such as groups , fields and rings , are sets closed under one or more operations . One of the main applications of naive set theory is constructing relations . A relation from a domain ' ' A ' ' to a codomain ' ' B ' ' is a subset of the Cartesian product ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' . Given this concept , we are quick to see that the set ' ' F ' ' of all ordered pairs ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' 2 ) , where ' ' x ' ' is real , is quite familiar . It has a domain set R and a codomain set that is also R , because the set of all squares is subset of the set of all reals . If placed in functional notation , this relation becomes ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 . The reason these two are equivalent is for any given value , ' ' y ' ' that the function is defined for , its corresponding ordered pair , ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' y ' ' 2 ) is a member of the set ' ' F ' ' . # Axiomatic set theory # Although initially naive set theory , which defines a set merely as ' ' any well-defined ' ' collection , was well accepted , it soon ran into several obstacles . It was found that this definition spawned several paradoxes , most notably : Russell 's paradoxIt shows that the set of all sets that ' ' do not contain themselves ' ' , i.e. the set ' ' x ' ' : ' ' x ' ' is a set and ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' does not exist . Cantor 's paradoxIt shows that the set of all sets can not exist . The reason is that the phrase ' ' well-defined ' ' is not very well defined . It was important to free set theory of these paradoxes because nearly all of mathematics was being redefined in terms of set theory . In an attempt to avoid these paradoxes , set theory was axiomatized based on first-order logic , and thus axiomatic set theory was born . For most purposes however , naive set theory is still useful . # Principle of inclusion and exclusion # This principle gives us the cardinality of the union of sets . beginalign leftA1cup A2cup A3cupldotscup Anright= & *64;181;TOOLONG & left ( leftA1cap A2right+leftA1cap A3right+ldotsleftAn-1cap Anrightright ) + &ldots+ *35;247;TOOLONG A2cap A3capldotscap Anrightright ) endalign # De Morgan 's Law # De Morgan stated two laws about Sets . If A and B are any two Sets then , ( A B ) = A B The complement of A union B equals the complement of A intersected with the complement of B. ( A B ) = A B The complement of A intersected with B is equal to the complement of A union to the complement of B. @@46439 The philosophy of mathematics is the branch of philosophy that studies the philosophical assumptions , foundations , and implications of mathematics . The aim of the philosophy of mathematics is to provide an account of the nature and methodology of mathematics and to understand the place of mathematics in people 's lives . The logical and structural nature of mathematics itself makes this study both broad and unique among its philosophical counterparts . The terms ' ' philosophy of mathematics ' ' and ' ' mathematical philosophy ' ' are frequently used as synonyms . The latter , however , may be used to refer to several other areas of study . One refers to a project of formalizing a philosophical subject matter , say , aesthetics , ethics , logic , metaphysics , or theology , in a purportedly more exact and rigorous form , as for example the labors of scholastic theologians , or the systematic aims of Leibniz and Spinoza . Another refers to the working philosophy of an individual practitioner or a like-minded community of practicing mathematicians . Additionally , some understand the term mathematical philosophy to be an allusion to the approach to the foundations of mathematics taken by Bertrand Russell in his books ' ' The Principles of Mathematics ' ' and ' ' Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy ' ' . # Recurrent themes # Recurrent themes include : What are the sources of mathematical subject matter ? What is the ontological status of mathematical entities ? What does it mean to refer to a mathematical object ? What is the character of a mathematical proposition ? What is the relation between logic and mathematics ? What is the role of hermeneutics in mathematics ? What kinds of inquiry play a role in mathematics ? What are the objectives of mathematical inquiry ? What gives mathematics its hold on experience ? What are the human traits behind mathematics ? What is mathematical beauty ? What is the source and nature of mathematical truth ? What is the relationship between the abstract world of mathematics and the material universe ? # History # The origin of mathematics is subject to argument . Whether the birth of mathematics was a random happening or induced by necessity duly contingent of other subjects , say for example physics , is still a matter of prolific debates . Many thinkers have contributed their ideas concerning the nature of mathematics . Today , some philosophers of mathematics aim to give accounts of this form of inquiry and its products as they stand , while others emphasize a role for themselves that goes beyond simple interpretation to critical analysis . There are traditions of mathematical philosophy in both Western philosophy and Eastern philosophy . Western philosophies of mathematics go as far back as Plato , who studied the ontological status of mathematical objects , and Aristotle , who studied logic and issues related to infinity ( actual versus potential ) . Ancient Greece These earlier Greek ideas of numbers were later upended by the discovery of the irrationality of the square root of two . Hippasus , a disciple of Pythagoras , showed that the diagonal of a unit square was incommensurable with its ( unit-length ) edge : in other words he proved there was no existing ( rational ) number that accurately depicts the proportion of the diagonal of the unit square to its edge . This caused a significant re-evaluation of Greek philosophy of mathematics . According to legend , fellow Pythagoreans were so traumatized by this discovery that they murdered Hippasus to stop him from spreading his heretical idea . Simon Stevin was one of the first in Europe to challenge Greek ideas in the 16th century . Beginning with Leibniz , the focus shifted strongly to the relationship between mathematics and logic . This perspective dominated the philosophy of mathematics through the time of Frege and of Russell , but was brought into question by developments in the late 19th and early 20th centuries . # 20th century # A perennial issue in the philosophy of mathematics concerns the relationship between logic and mathematics at their joint foundations . While 20th century philosophers continued to ask the questions mentioned at the outset of this article , the philosophy of mathematics in the 20th century was characterized by a predominant interest in formal logic , set theory , and foundational issues . It is a profound puzzle that on the one hand mathematical truths seem to have a compelling inevitability , but on the other hand the source of their truthfulness remains elusive . Investigations into this issue are known as the foundations of mathematics program . At the start of the 20th century , philosophers of mathematics were already beginning to divide into various schools of thought about all these questions , broadly distinguished by their pictures of mathematical epistemology and ontology . Three schools , formalism , intuitionism , and logicism , emerged at this time , partly in response to the increasingly widespread worry that mathematics as it stood , and analysis in particular , did not live up to the standards of certainty and rigor that had been taken for granted . Each school addressed the issues that came to the fore at that time , either attempting to resolve them or claiming that mathematics is not entitled to its status as our most trusted knowledge . Surprising and counter-intuitive developments in formal logic and set theory early in the 20th century led to new questions concerning what was traditionally called the ' ' foundations of mathematics ' ' . As the century unfolded , the initial focus of concern expanded to an open exploration of the fundamental axioms of mathematics , the axiomatic approach having been taken for granted since the time of Euclid around 300 BCE as the natural basis for mathematics . Notions of axiom , proposition and proof , as well as the notion of a proposition being true of a mathematical object ( see Assignment ( mathematical logic ) ) , were formalized , allowing them to be treated mathematically . The ZermeloFraenkel axioms for set theory were formulated which provided a conceptual framework in which much mathematical discourse would be interpreted . In mathematics , as in physics , new and unexpected ideas had arisen and significant changes were coming . With Gdel numbering , propositions could be interpreted as referring to themselves or other propositions , enabling inquiry into the consistency of mathematical theories . This reflective critique in which the theory under review becomes itself the object of a mathematical study led Hilbert to call such study ' ' metamathematics ' ' or ' ' proof theory ' ' . As the 20th century progressed , however , philosophical opinions diverged as to just how well-founded were the questions about foundations that were raised at the century 's beginning . Hilary Putnam summed up one common view of the situation in the last third of the century by saying : # When philosophy discovers something wrong with science , sometimes science has to be changedRussell 's paradox comes to mind , as does George Berkeley # Philosophy of mathematics today proceeds along several different lines of inquiry , by philosophers of mathematics , logicians , and mathematicians , and there are many schools of thought on the subject . The schools are addressed separately in the next section , and their assumptions explained . # Major themes # # Mathematical realism # ' ' Mathematical realism ' ' , like realism in general , holds that mathematical entities exist independently of the human mind . Thus humans do not invent mathematics , but rather discover it , and any other intelligent beings in the universe would presumably do the same . In this point of view , there is really one sort of mathematics that can be discovered ; triangles , for example , are real entities , not the creations of the human mind . Many working mathematicians have been mathematical realists ; they see themselves as discoverers of naturally occurring objects . Examples include Paul Erds and Kurt Gdel . Gdel believed in an objective mathematical reality that could be perceived in a manner analogous to sense perception . Certain principles ( e.g. , for any two objects , there is a collection of objects consisting of precisely those two objects ) could be directly seen to be true , but the continuum hypothesis conjecture might prove undecidable just on the basis of such principles . Gdel suggested that quasi-empirical methodology could be used to provide sufficient evidence to be able to reasonably assume such a conjecture . Within realism , there are distinctions depending on what sort of existence one takes mathematical entities to have , and how we know about them . Major forms of mathematical realism include Platonism and Empiricism . # Mathematical anti-realism # Mathematical anti-realism generally holds that mathematical statements have truth-values , but that they do not do so by corresponding to a special realm of immaterial or non-empirical entities . Major forms of mathematical anti-realism include Formalism and Fictionalism. # Contemporary schools of thought # # Platonism # ' ' Mathematical Platonism ' ' is the form of realism that suggests that mathematical entities are abstract , have no spatiotemporal or causal properties , and are eternal and unchanging . This is often claimed to be the view most people have of numbers . The term ' ' Platonism ' ' is used because such a view is seen to parallel Plato 's Theory of Forms and a World of Ideas ( Greek : ' ' eidos ' ' ( ) described in Plato 's Allegory of the cave : the everyday world can only imperfectly approximate an unchanging , ultimate reality . Both ' ' Plato 's cave ' ' and ' ' Platonism ' ' have meaningful , not just superficial connections , because Plato 's ideas were preceded and probably influenced by the hugely popular ' ' Pythagoreans ' ' of ancient Greece , who believed that the world was , quite literally , generated by numbers . The major problem of mathematical platonism is this : precisely where and how do the mathematical entities exist , and how do we know about them ? Is there a world , completely separate from our physical one , that is occupied by the mathematical entities ? How can we gain access to this separate world and discover truths about the entities ? One answer might be the Ultimate Ensemble , which is a theory that postulates all structures that exist mathematically also exist physically in their own universe . Plato spoke of mathematics by : I mean , as I was saying , that arithmetic has a very great and elevating effect , compelling the soul to reason about abstract number , and rebelling against the introduction of visible or tangible objects into the argument . You know how steadily the masters of the art repel and ridicule any one who attempts to divide absolute unity when he is calculating , and if you divide , they multiply , taking care that one shall continue one and not become lost in fractions . That is very true . Now , suppose a person were to say to them : O my friends , what are these wonderful numbers about which you are reasoning , in which , as you say , there is a unity such as you demand , and each unit is equal , invariable , indivisible , --what would they answer ? In context , chapter 8 , of H.D.P. Lee 's translation , reports the education of a philosopher contains five mathematical disciplines : #mathematics ; #arithmetic , written in unit fraction parts using theoretical unities and abstract numbers ; #plane geometry and solid geometry also considered the line to be segmented into rational and irrational unit parts ; #astronomy #harmonics Translators of the works of Plato rebelled against practical versions of his culture 's practical mathematics . However , Plato himself and Greeks had copied 1,500 older Egyptian fraction abstract unities , one being a hekat unity scaled to ( 64/64 ) in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet , thereby not getting lost in fractions . Gdel 's Platonism postulates a special kind of mathematical intuition that lets us perceive mathematical objects directly . ( This view bears resemblances to many things Husserl said about mathematics , and supports Kant 's idea that mathematics is synthetic ' ' a priori ' ' . ) Davis and Hersh have suggested in their book ' ' The Mathematical Experience ' ' that most mathematicians act as though they are Platonists , even though , if pressed to defend the position carefully , they may retreat to formalism ( see below ) . Some mathematicians hold opinions that amount to more nuanced versions of Platonism . Full-blooded Platonism is a modern variation of Platonism , which is in reaction to the fact that different sets of mathematical entities can be proven to exist depending on the axioms and inference rules employed ( for instance , the law of the excluded middle , and the axiom of choice ) . It holds that all mathematical entities exist , however they may be provable , even if they can not all be derived from a single consistent set of axioms. # Empiricism # ' ' Empiricism ' ' is a form of realism that denies that mathematics can be known ' ' a priori ' ' at all . It says that we discover mathematical facts by empirical research , just like facts in any of the other sciences . It is not one of the classical three positions advocated in the early 20th century , but primarily arose in the middle of the century . However , an important early proponent of a view like this was John Stuart Mill . Mill 's view was widely criticized , because , according to critics , it makes statements like 4 come out as uncertain , contingent truths , which we can only learn by observing instances of two pairs coming together and forming a quartet . Contemporary mathematical empiricism , formulated by Quine and Putnam , is primarily supported by the ' ' indispensability argument ' ' : mathematics is indispensable to all empirical sciences , and if we want to believe in the reality of the phenomena described by the sciences , we ought also believe in the reality of those entities required for this description . That is , since physics needs to talk about electrons to say why light bulbs behave as they do , then electrons must exist . Since physics needs to talk about numbers in offering any of its explanations , then numbers must exist . In keeping with Quine and Putnam 's overall philosophies , this is a naturalistic argument . It argues for the existence of mathematical entities as the best explanation for experience , thus stripping mathematics of being distinct from the other sciences . Putnam strongly rejected the term Platonist as implying an over-specific ontology that was not necessary to mathematical practice in any real sense . He advocated a form of pure realism that rejected mystical notions of truth and accepted much quasi-empiricism in mathematics . Putnam was involved in coining the term pure realism ( see below ) . The most important criticism of empirical views of mathematics is approximately the same as that raised against Mill . If mathematics is just as empirical as the other sciences , then this suggests that its results are just as fallible as theirs , and just as contingent . In Mill 's case the empirical justification comes directly , while in Quine 's case it comes indirectly , through the coherence of our scientific theory as a whole , i.e. consilience after E.O . Wilson . Quine suggests that mathematics seems completely certain because the role it plays in our web of belief is incredibly central , and that it would be extremely difficult for us to revise it , though not impossible . For a philosophy of mathematics that attempts to overcome some of the shortcomings of Quine and Gdel 's approaches by taking aspects of each see Penelope Maddy 's ' ' Realism in Mathematics ' ' . Another example of a realist theory is the embodied mind theory ( below ) . For a modern revision of mathematical empiricism see New Empiricism ( below ) . For experimental evidence suggesting that human infants can do elementary arithmetic , see Brian Butterworth. # Mathematical monism # Max Tegmark 's mathematical universe hypothesis goes further than full-blooded Platonism in asserting that not only do all mathematical objects exist , but nothing else does . Tegmark 's sole postulate is : ' ' All structures that exist mathematically also exist physically ' ' . That is , in the sense that in those worlds complex enough to contain self-aware substructures they will subjectively perceive themselves as existing in a physically ' real ' world . # Logicism # ' ' Logicism ' ' is the thesis that mathematics is reducible to logic , and hence nothing but a part of logic . Logicists hold that mathematics can be known ' ' a priori ' ' , but suggest that our knowledge of mathematics is just part of our knowledge of logic in general , and is thus analytic , not requiring any special faculty of mathematical intuition . In this view , logic is the proper foundation of mathematics , and all mathematical statements are necessary logical truths . Rudolf Carnap ( 1931 ) presents the logicist thesis in two parts : #The ' ' concepts ' ' of mathematics can be derived from logical concepts through explicit definitions . #The ' ' theorems ' ' of mathematics can be derived from logical axioms through purely logical deduction . Gottlob Frege was the founder of logicism . In his seminal ' ' Die Grundgesetze der Arithmetik ' ' ( ' ' Basic Laws of Arithmetic ' ' ) he built up arithmetic from a system of logic with a general principle of comprehension , which he called Basic Law V ( for concepts ' ' F ' ' and ' ' G ' ' , the extension of ' ' F ' ' equals the extension of ' ' G ' ' if and only if for all objects ' ' a ' ' , ' ' Fa ' ' if and only if ' ' Ga ' ' ) , a principle that he took to be acceptable as part of logic . Frege 's construction was flawed . Russell discovered that Basic Law V is inconsistent ( this is Russell 's paradox ) . Frege abandoned his logicist program soon after this , but it was continued by Russell and Whitehead . They attributed the paradox to vicious circularity and built up what they called ramified type theory to deal with it . In this system , they were eventually able to build up much of modern mathematics but in an altered , and excessively complex form ( for example , there were different natural numbers in each type , and there were infinitely many types ) . They also had to make several compromises in order to develop so much of mathematics , such as an axiom of reducibility . Even Russell said that this axiom did not really belong to logic . Modern logicists ( like Bob Hale , Crispin Wright , and perhaps others ) have returned to a program closer to Frege 's . They have abandoned Basic Law V in favor of abstraction principles such as Hume 's principle ( the number of objects falling under the concept ' ' F ' ' equals the number of objects falling under the concept ' ' G ' ' if and only if the extension of ' ' F ' ' and the extension of ' ' G ' ' can be put into one-to-one correspondence ) . Frege required Basic Law V to be able to give an explicit definition of the numbers , but all the properties of numbers can be derived from Hume 's principle . This would not have been enough for Frege because ( to paraphrase him ) it does not exclude the possibility that the number 3 is in fact Julius Caesar . In addition , many of the weakened principles that they have had to adopt to replace Basic Law V no longer seem so obviously analytic , and thus purely logical . # Formalism # ' ' Formalism ' ' holds that mathematical statements may be thought of as statements about the consequences of certain string manipulation rules . For example , in the game of Euclidean geometry ( which is seen as consisting of some strings called axioms , and some rules of inference to generate new strings from given ones ) , one can prove that the Pythagorean theorem holds ( that is , you can generate the string corresponding to the Pythagorean theorem ) . According to formalism , mathematical truths are not about numbers and sets and triangles and the likein fact , they are n't about anything at all . Another version of formalism is often known as deductivism . In deductivism , the Pythagorean theorem is not an absolute truth , but a relative one : ' ' if ' ' you assign meaning to the strings in such a way that the rules of the game become true ( i.e. , true statements are assigned to the axioms and the rules of inference are truth-preserving ) , ' ' then ' ' you have to accept the theorem , or , rather , the interpretation you have given it must be a true statement . The same is held to be true for all other mathematical statements . Thus , formalism need not mean that mathematics is nothing more than a meaningless symbolic game . It is usually hoped that there exists some interpretation in which the rules of the game hold . ( Compare this position to structuralism . ) But it does allow the working mathematician to continue in his or her work and leave such problems to the philosopher or scientist . Many formalists would say that in practice , the axiom systems to be studied will be suggested by the demands of science or other areas of mathematics . A major early proponent of formalism was David Hilbert , whose program was intended to be a complete and consistent axiomatization of all of mathematics . Hilbert aimed to show the consistency of mathematical systems from the assumption that the finitary arithmetic ( a subsystem of the usual arithmetic of the positive integers , chosen to be philosophically uncontroversial ) was consistent . Hilbert 's goals of creating a system of mathematics that is both complete and consistent were dealt a fatal blow by the second of Gdel 's incompleteness theorems , which states that sufficiently expressive consistent axiom systems can never prove their own consistency . Since any such axiom system would contain the finitary arithmetic as a subsystem , Gdel 's theorem implied that it would be impossible to prove the system 's consistency relative to that ( since it would then prove its own consistency , which Gdel had shown was impossible ) . Thus , in order to show that any axiomatic system of mathematics is in fact consistent , one needs to first assume the consistency of a system of mathematics that is in a sense stronger than the system to be proven consistent . Hilbert was initially a deductivist , but , as may be clear from above , he considered certain metamathematical methods to yield intrinsically meaningful results and was a realist with respect to the finitary arithmetic . Later , he held the opinion that there was no other meaningful mathematics whatsoever , regardless of interpretation . Other formalists , such as Rudolf Carnap , Alfred Tarski , and Haskell Curry , considered mathematics to be the investigation of formal axiom systems . Mathematical logicians study formal systems but are just as often realists as they are formalists . Formalists are relatively tolerant and inviting to new approaches to logic , non-standard number systems , new set theories etc . The more games we study , the better . However , in all three of these examples , motivation is drawn from existing mathematical or philosophical concerns . The games are usually not arbitrary . The main critique of formalism is that the actual mathematical ideas that occupy mathematicians are far removed from the string manipulation games mentioned above . Formalism is thus silent on the question of which axiom systems ought to be studied , as none is more meaningful than another from a formalistic point of view . Recently , some formalist mathematicians have proposed that all of our ' ' formal ' ' mathematical knowledge should be systematically encoded in computer-readable formats , so as to facilitate automated proof checking of mathematical proofs and the use of interactive theorem proving in the development of mathematical theories and computer software . Because of their close connection with computer science , this idea is also advocated by mathematical intuitionists and constructivists in the computability tradition ( see below ) . See QED project for a general overview . # Conventionalism # The French mathematician Henri Poincar was among the first to articulate a conventionalist view . Poincar 's use of non-Euclidean geometries in his work on differential equations convinced him that Euclidean geometry should not be regarded as ' ' a priori ' ' truth . He held that axioms in geometry should be chosen for the results they produce , not for their apparent coherence with human intuitions about the physical world . # Psychologism # Psychologism in the philosophy of mathematics is the position that mathematical concepts and/or truths are grounded in , derived from or explained by psychological facts ( or laws ) . John Stuart Mill seems to have been an advocate of a type of logical psychologism , as were many 19th-century German logicians such as Sigwart and Erdmann as well as a number of psychologists , past and present : for example , Gustave Le Bon . Psychologism was famously criticized by Frege in his ' ' The Foundations of Arithmetic ' ' , and many of his works and essays , including his review of Husserl 's ' ' Philosophy of Arithmetic ' ' . Edmund Husserl , in the first volume of his ' ' Logical Investigations ' ' , called The Prolegomena of Pure Logic , criticized psychologism thoroughly and sought to distance himself from it . The Prolegomena is considered a more concise , fair , and thorough refutation of psychologism than the criticisms made by Frege , and also it is considered today by many as being a memorable refutation for its decisive blow to psychologism . Psychologism was also criticized by Charles Sanders Peirce and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. # Intuitionism # In mathematics , intuitionism is a program of methodological reform whose motto is that there are no non-experienced mathematical truths ( L.E.J. Brouwer ) . From this springboard , intuitionists seek to reconstruct what they consider to be the corrigible portion of mathematics in accordance with Kantian concepts of being , becoming , intuition , and knowledge . Brouwer , the founder of the movement , held that mathematical objects arise from the ' ' a priori ' ' forms of the volitions that inform the perception of empirical objects . A major force behind intuitionism was L.E.J. Brouwer , who rejected the usefulness of formalized logic of any sort for mathematics . His student Arend Heyting postulated an intuitionistic logic , different from the classical Aristotelian logic ; this logic does not contain the law of the excluded middle and therefore frowns upon proofs by contradiction . The axiom of choice is also rejected in most intuitionistic set theories , though in some versions it is accepted . Important work was later done by Errett Bishop , who managed to prove versions of the most important theorems in real analysis within this framework . In intuitionism , the term explicit construction is not cleanly defined , and that has led to criticisms . Attempts have been made to use the concepts of Turing machine or computable function to fill this gap , leading to the claim that only questions regarding the behavior of finite algorithms are meaningful and should be investigated in mathematics . This has led to the study of the computable numbers , first introduced by Alan Turing . Not surprisingly , then , this approach to mathematics is sometimes associated with theoretical computer science . # #Constructivism# # Like intuitionism , constructivism involves the regulative principle that only mathematical entities which can be explicitly constructed in a certain sense should be admitted to mathematical discourse . In this view , mathematics is an exercise of the human intuition , not a game played with meaningless symbols . Instead , it is about entities that we can create directly through mental activity . In addition , some adherents of these schools reject non-constructive proofs , such as a proof by contradiction . # #Finitism# # Finitism is an extreme form of constructivism , according to which a mathematical object does not exist unless it can be constructed from natural numbers in a finite number of steps . In her book ' ' Philosophy of Set Theory ' ' , Mary Tiles characterized those who allow countably infinite objects as classical finitists , and those who deny even countably infinite objects as strict finitists . The most famous proponent of finitism was Leopold Kronecker , who said : Ultrafinitism is an even more extreme version of finitism , which rejects not only infinities but finite quantities that can not feasibly be constructed with available resources . # Structuralism # Structuralism is a position holding that mathematical theories describe structures , and that mathematical objects are exhaustively defined by their ' ' places ' ' in such structures , consequently having no intrinsic properties . For instance , it would maintain that all that needs to be known about the number 1 is that it is the first whole number after 0 . Likewise all the other whole numbers are defined by their places in a structure , the number line . Other examples of mathematical objects might include lines and planes in geometry , or elements and operations in abstract algebra . Structuralism is an epistemologically realistic view in that it holds that mathematical statements have an objective truth value . However , its central claim only relates to what ' ' kind ' ' of entity a mathematical object is , not to what kind of ' ' existence ' ' mathematical objects or structures have ( not , in other words , to their ontology ) . The kind of existence mathematical objects have would clearly be dependent on that of the structures in which they are embedded ; different sub-varieties of structuralism make different ontological claims in this regard . The ' ' Ante Rem ' ' , or fully realist , variation of structuralism has a similar ontology to Platonism in that structures are held to have a real but abstract and immaterial existence . As such , it faces the usual problems of explaining the interaction between such abstract structures and flesh-and-blood mathematicians . ' ' In Re ' ' , or moderately realistic , structuralism is the equivalent of Aristotelian realism . Structures are held to exist inasmuch as some concrete system exemplifies them . This incurs the usual issues that some perfectly legitimate structures might accidentally happen not to exist , and that a finite physical world might not be big enough to accommodate some otherwise legitimate structures . The ' ' Post Res ' ' or eliminative variant of structuralism is anti-realist about structures in a way that parallels nominalism . According to this view mathematical ' ' systems ' ' exist , and have structural features in common . If something is true of a structure , it will be true of all systems exemplifying the structure . However , it is merely convenient to talk of structures being held in common between systems : they in fact have no independent existence . # Embodied mind theories # ' ' Embodied mind theories ' ' hold that mathematical thought is a natural outgrowth of the human cognitive apparatus which finds itself in our physical universe . For example , the abstract concept of number springs from the experience of counting discrete objects . It is held that mathematics is not universal and does not exist in any real sense , other than in human brains . Humans construct , but do not discover , mathematics . With this view , the physical universe can thus be seen as the ultimate foundation of mathematics : it guided the evolution of the brain and later determined which questions this brain would find worthy of investigation . However , the human mind has no special claim on reality or approaches to it built out of math . If such constructs as Euler 's identity are true then they are true as a map of the human mind and cognition . Embodied mind theorists thus explain the effectiveness of mathematicsmathematics was constructed by the brain in order to be effective in this universe . The most accessible , famous , and infamous treatment of this perspective is ' ' Where Mathematics Comes From ' ' , by George Lakoff and Rafael E. Nez . In addition , mathematician Keith Devlin has investigated similar concepts with his book ' ' The Math Instinct ' ' , as has neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene with his book ' ' The Number Sense ' ' . For more on the philosophical ideas that inspired this perspective , see cognitive science of mathematics . # #New empiricism# # A more recent empiricism returns to the principle of the English empiricists of the 18th and 19th centuries , in particular John Stuart Mill , who asserted that all knowledge comes to us from observation through the senses . This applies not only to matters of fact , but also to relations of ideas , as Hume called them : the structures of logic which interpret , organize and abstract observations . To this principle it adds a materialist connection : all the processes of logic which interpret , organize and abstract observations , are physical phenomena which take place in real time and physical space : namely , in the brains of human beings . Abstract objects , such as mathematical objects , are ideas , which in turn exist as electrical and chemical states of the billions of neurons in the human brain . This second concept is reminiscent of the social constructivist approach , which holds that mathematics is produced by humans rather than being discovered from abstract , ' ' a priori ' ' truths . However , it differs sharply from the constructivist implication that humans arbitrarily construct mathematical principles that have no inherent truth but which instead are created on a conveniency basis . On the contrary , new empiricism shows how mathematics , although constructed by humans , follows rules and principles that will be agreed on by all who participate in the process , with the result that everyone practicing mathematics comes up with the same answerexcept in those areas where there is philosophical disagreement on the meaning of fundamental concepts . This is because the new empiricism perceives this agreement as being a physical phenomenon , one which is observed by other humans in the same way that other physical phenomena , like the motions of inanimate bodies , or the chemical interaction of various elements , are observed . Combining the materialist principle with Millisian epistemology evades the principal difficulty with classical empiricismthat all knowledge comes from the senses . That difficulty lies in the observation that mathematical truths based on logical deduction appear to be more certainly true than knowledge of the physical world itself . ( The physical world in this case is taken to mean the portion of it lying outside the human brain . ) Kant argued that the structures of logic which organize , interpret and abstract observations were built into the human mind and were true and valid ' ' a priori ' ' . Mill , on the contrary , said that we believe them to be true because we have enough individual instances of their truth to generalize : in his words , From instances we have observed , we feel warranted in concluding that what we found true in those instances holds in all similar ones , past , present and future , however numerous they may be . Although the psychological or epistemological specifics given by Mill through which we build our logical apparatus may not be completely warranted , his explanation still nonetheless manages to demonstrate that there is no way around Kant 's ' ' a priori ' ' logic . To recant Mill 's original idea in an empiricist twist : ' ' Indeed , the very principles of logical deduction are true because we observe that using them leads to true conclusions ' ' , which is itself an ' ' a priori ' ' presupposition . If all this is true , then where do the world senses come in ? The early empiricists all stumbled over this point . Hume asserted that all knowledge comes from the senses , and then gave away the ballgame by excepting abstract propositions , which he called relations of ideas . These , he said , were absolutely true ( although the mathematicians who thought them up , being human , might get them wrong ) . Mill , on the other hand , tried to deny that abstract ideas exist outside the physical world : all numbers , he said , must be numbers of something : there are no such things as numbers in the abstract . When we count to eight or add five and three we are really counting spoons or bumblebees . All things possess quantity , he said , so that propositions concerning numbers are propositions concerning all things whatever . But then in almost a contradiction of himself he went on to acknowledge that numerical and algebraic expressions are not necessarily attached to real world objects : they do not excite in our minds ideas of any things in particular . Mill 's low reputation as a philosopher of logic , and the low estate of empiricism in the century and a half following him , derives from this failed attempt to link abstract thoughts to the physical world , when it may be more plausibly arguable that abstraction consists precisely of separating the thought from its physical foundations . The conundrum created by our certainty that abstract deductive propositions , if valid ( i.e. if we can prove them ) , are true , exclusive of observation and testing in the physical world , gives rise to a further reflection ... What if thoughts themselves , and the minds that create them , are physical objects , existing only in the physical world ? This would reconcile the contradiction between our belief in the certainty of abstract deductions and the empiricist principle that knowledge comes from observation of individual instances . We know that Euler 's equation is true because every time a human mind derives the equation , it gets the same result , unless it has made a mistake , which can be acknowledged and corrected . We observe this phenomenon , and we extrapolate to the general proposition that it is always true . This applies not only to physical principles , like the law of gravity , but to abstract phenomena that we observe only in human brains : in ours and in those of others . # #Aristotelian realism# # Similar to empiricism in emphasizing the relation of mathematics to the real world , Aristotelian realism holds that mathematics studies properties such as symmetry , continuity and order that can be literally realized in the physical world ( or in any other world there might be ) . It contrasts with Platonism in holding that the objects of mathematics , such as numbers , do not exist in an abstract world but can be physically realized . For example , the number 4 is realized in the relation between a heap of parrots and the universal being a parrot that divides the heap into so many parrots . Aristotelian realism is defended by James Franklin and the in the philosophy of mathematics and is close to the view of Penelope Maddy that when an egg carton is opened , a set of three eggs is perceived ( that is , a mathematical entity realized in the physical world ) . A problem for Aristotelian realism is what account to give of higher infinities , which may not be realizable in the physical world . # Fictionalism # Fictionalism in mathematics was brought to fame in 1980 when Hartry Field published ' ' Science Without Numbers ' ' , which rejected and in fact reversed Quine 's indispensability argument . Where Quine suggested that mathematics was indispensable for our best scientific theories , and therefore should be accepted as a body of truths talking about independently existing entities , Field suggested that mathematics was dispensable , and therefore should be considered as a body of falsehoods not talking about anything real . He did this by giving a complete axiomatization of Newtonian mechanics that did n't reference numbers or functions at all . He started with the betweenness of Hilbert 's axioms to characterize space without coordinatizing it , and then added extra relations between points to do the work formerly done by vector fields . Hilbert 's geometry is mathematical , because it talks about abstract points , but in Field 's theory , these points are the concrete points of physical space , so no special mathematical objects at all are needed . Having shown how to do science without using numbers , Field proceeded to rehabilitate mathematics as a kind of useful fiction . He showed that mathematical physics is a conservative extension of his non-mathematical physics ( that is , every physical fact provable in mathematical physics is already provable from Field 's system ) , so that mathematics is a reliable process whose physical applications are all true , even though its own statements are false . Thus , when doing mathematics , we can see ourselves as telling a sort of story , talking as if numbers existed . For Field , a statement like 4 is just as fictitious as Sherlock Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street but both are true according to the relevant fictions . By this account , there are no metaphysical or epistemological problems special to mathematics . The only worries left are the general worries about non-mathematical physics , and about fiction in general . Field 's approach has been very influential , but is widely rejected . This is in part because of the requirement of strong fragments of second-order logic to carry out his reduction , and because the statement of conservativity seems to require quantification over abstract models or deductions. # Social constructivism or social realism # ' ' Social constructivism ' ' or ' ' social realism ' ' theories see mathematics primarily as a social construct , as a product of culture , subject to correction and change . Like the other sciences , mathematics is viewed as an empirical endeavor whose results are constantly evaluated and may be discarded . However , while on an empiricist view the evaluation is some sort of comparison with reality , social constructivists emphasize that the direction of mathematical research is dictated by the fashions of the social group performing it or by the needs of the society financing it . However , although such external forces may change the direction of some mathematical research , there are strong internal constraintsthe mathematical traditions , methods , problems , meanings and values into which mathematicians are enculturatedthat work to conserve the historically defined discipline . This runs counter to the traditional beliefs of working mathematicians , that mathematics is somehow pure or objective . But social constructivists argue that mathematics is in fact grounded by much uncertainty : as mathematical practice evolves , the status of previous mathematics is cast into doubt , and is corrected to the degree it is required or desired by the current mathematical community . This can be seen in the development of analysis from reexamination of the calculus of Leibniz and Newton . They argue further that finished mathematics is often accorded too much status , and folk mathematics not enough , due to an overemphasis on axiomatic proof and peer review as practices . However , this might be seen as merely saying that rigorously proven results are overemphasized , and then look how chaotic and uncertain the rest of it all is ! The social nature of mathematics is highlighted in its subcultures . Major discoveries can be made in one branch of mathematics and be relevant to another , yet the relationship goes undiscovered for lack of social contact between mathematicians . Social constructivists argue each speciality forms its own epistemic community and often has great difficulty communicating , or motivating the investigation of unifying conjectures that might relate different areas of mathematics . Social constructivists see the process of doing mathematics as actually creating the meaning , while social realists see a deficiency either of human capacity to abstractify , or of human 's cognitive bias , or of mathematicians ' collective intelligence as preventing the comprehension of a real universe of mathematical objects . Social constructivists sometimes reject the search for foundations of mathematics as bound to fail , as pointless or even meaningless . Some social scientists also argue that mathematics is not real or objective at all , but is affected by racism and ethnocentrism . Some of these ideas are close to postmodernism . Contributions to this school have been made by Imre Lakatos and Thomas Tymoczko , although it is not clear that either would endorse the title . More recently Paul Ernest has explicitly formulated a social constructivist philosophy of mathematics . Some consider the work of Paul Erds as a whole to have advanced this view ( although he personally rejected it ) because of his uniquely broad collaborations , which prompted others to see and study mathematics as a social activity , e.g. , via the Erds number . Reuben Hersh has also promoted the social view of mathematics , calling it a humanistic approach , similar to but not quite the same as that associated with Alvin White ; one of Hersh 's co-authors , Philip J. Davis , has expressed sympathy for the social view as well . A criticism of this approach is that it is trivial , based on the trivial observation that mathematics is a human activity . To observe that rigorous proof comes only after unrigorous conjecture , experimentation and speculation is true , but it is trivial and no-one would deny this . So it 's a bit of a stretch to characterize a philosophy of mathematics in this way , on something trivially true . The calculus of Leibniz and Newton was reexamined by mathematicians such as Weierstrass in order to rigorously prove the theorems thereof . There is nothing special or interesting about this , as it fits in with the more general trend of unrigorous ideas which are later made rigorous . There needs to be a clear distinction between the objects of study of mathematics and the study of the objects of study of mathematics . The former does n't seem to change a great deal ; the latter is forever in flux . The latter is what the social theory is about , and the former is what Platonism ' ' et al . ' ' are about . However , this criticism is rejected by supporters of the social constructivist perspective because it misses the point that the very objects of mathematics are social constructs . These objects , it asserts , are primarily semiotic objects existing in the sphere of human culture , sustained by social practices ( after Wittgenstein ) that utilize physically embodied signs and give rise to intrapersonal ( mental ) constructs . Social constructivists view the reification of the sphere of human culture into a Platonic realm , or some other heaven-like domain of existence beyond the physical world , a long-standing category error . # Beyond the traditional schools # Rather than focus on narrow debates about the true nature of mathematical truth , or even on practices unique to mathematicians such as the proof , a growing movement from the 1960s to the 1990s began to question the idea of seeking foundations or finding any one right answer to why mathematics works . The starting point for this was Eugene Wigner 's famous 1960 paper ' ' The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences ' ' , in which he argued that the happy coincidence of mathematics and physics being so well matched seemed to be unreasonable and hard to explain . The embodied-mind or cognitive school and the social school were responses to this challenge , but the debates raised were difficult to confine to those . # #Quasi-empiricism# # One parallel concern that does not actually challenge the schools directly but instead questions their focus is the notion of quasi-empiricism in mathematics . This grew from the increasingly popular assertion in the late 20th century that no one foundation of mathematics could be ever proven to exist . It is also sometimes called postmodernism in mathematics although that term is considered overloaded by some and insulting by others . Quasi-empiricism argues that in doing their research , mathematicians test hypotheses as well as prove theorems . A mathematical argument can transmit falsity from the conclusion to the premises just as well as it can transmit truth from the premises to the conclusion . Quasi-empiricism was developed by Imre Lakatos , inspired by the philosophy of science of Karl Popper . Lakatos ' philosophy of mathematics is sometimes regarded as a kind of social constructivism , but this was not his intention . Such methods have always been part of folk mathematics by which great feats of calculation and measurement are sometimes achieved . Indeed , such methods may be the only notion of proof a culture has . Hilary Putnam has argued that any theory of mathematical realism would include quasi-empirical methods . He proposed that an alien species doing mathematics might well rely on quasi-empirical methods primarily , being willing often to forgo rigorous and axiomatic proofs , and still be doing mathematicsat perhaps a somewhat greater risk of failure of their calculations . He gave a detailed argument for this in ' ' New Directions ' ' . # #Popper 's two senses theory# # Realist and constructivist theories are normally taken to be contraries . However , Karl Popper argued that a number statement such as 4 apples can be taken in two senses . In one sense it is irrefutable and logically true . In the second sense it is factually true and falsifiable . Another way of putting this is to say that a single number statement can express two propositions : one of which can be explained on constructivist lines ; the other on realist lines . # #Unification# # Few philosophers are able to penetrate mathematical notations and culture to relate conventional notions of metaphysics to the more specialized metaphysical notions of the schools above . This may lead to a disconnection in which some mathematicians continue to profess discredited philosophy as a justification for their continued belief in a world-view promoting their work . Although the social theories and quasi-empiricism , and especially the embodied mind theory , have focused more attention on the epistemology implied by current mathematical practices , they fall far short of actually relating this to ordinary human perception and everyday understandings of knowledge . # #Language# # Innovations in the philosophy of language during the 20th century renewed interest in whether mathematics is , as is often said , the ' ' language ' ' of science . Although some mathematicians and philosophers would accept the statement mathematics is a language , linguists believe that the implications of such a statement must be considered . For example , the tools of linguistics are not generally applied to the symbol systems of mathematics , that is , mathematics is studied in a markedly different way than other languages . If mathematics is a language , it is a different type of language than natural languages . Indeed , because of the need for clarity and specificity , the language of mathematics is far more constrained than natural languages studied by linguists . However , the methods developed by Frege and Tarski for the study of mathematical language have been extended greatly by Tarski 's student Richard Montague and other linguists working in formal semantics to show that the distinction between mathematical language and natural language may not be as great as it seems . # Arguments # # Indispensability argument for realism # This argument , associated with Willard Quine and Hilary Putnam , is considered by Stephen Yablo to be one of the most challenging arguments in favor of the acceptance of the existence of abstract mathematical entities , such as numbers and sets . The form of the argument is as follows . #One must have ontological commitments to ' ' all ' ' entities that are indispensable to the best scientific theories , and to those entities ' ' only ' ' ( commonly referred to as all and only ) . #Mathematical entities are indispensable to the best scientific theories . Therefore , #One must have ontological commitments to mathematical entities . The justification for the first premise is the most controversial . Both Putnam and Quine invoke naturalism to justify the exclusion of all non-scientific entities , and hence to defend the only part of all and only . The assertion that all entities postulated in scientific theories , including numbers , should be accepted as real is justified by confirmation holism . Since theories are not confirmed in a piecemeal fashion , but as a whole , there is no justification for excluding any of the entities referred to in well-confirmed theories . This puts the nominalist who wishes to exclude the existence of sets and non-Euclidean geometry , but to include the existence of quarks and other undetectable entities of physics , for example , in a difficult position . # Epistemic argument against realism # The anti-realist epistemic argument against Platonism has been made by Paul Benacerraf and Hartry Field . Platonism posits that mathematical objects are ' ' abstract ' ' entities . By general agreement , abstract entities can not interact causally with concrete , physical entities . ( the truth-values of our mathematical assertions depend on facts involving Platonic entities that reside in a realm outside of space-time ) Whilst our knowledge of concrete , physical objects is based on our ability to perceive them , and therefore to causally interact with them , there is no parallel account of how mathematicians come to have knowledge of abstract objects . ( An account of mathematical truth .. must be consistent with the possibility of mathematical knowledge . ) Another way of making the point is that if the Platonic world were to disappear , it would make no difference to the ability of mathematicians to generate proofs , etc. , which is already fully accountable in terms of physical processes in their brains . Field developed his views into fictionalism . Benacerraf also developed the philosophy of mathematical structuralism , according to which there are no mathematical objects . Nonetheless , some versions of structuralism are compatible with some versions of realism . The argument hinges on the idea that a satisfactory naturalistic account of thought processes in terms of brain processes can be given for mathematical reasoning along with everything else . One line of defense is to maintain that this is false , so that mathematical reasoning uses some special intuition that involves contact with the Platonic realm . A modern form of this argument is given by Sir Roger Penrose . Another line of defense is to maintain that abstract objects are relevant to mathematical reasoning in a way that is non-causal , and not analogous to perception . This argument is developed by Jerrold Katz in his book ' ' Realistic Rationalism ' ' . A more radical defense is denial of physical reality , i.e. the mathematical universe hypothesis . In that case , a mathematician 's knowledge of mathematics is one mathematical object making contact with another . # Aesthetics # Many practicing mathematicians have been drawn to their subject because of a sense of beauty they perceive in it . One sometimes hears the sentiment that mathematicians would like to leave philosophy to the philosophers and get back to mathematicswhere , presumably , the beauty lies . In his work on the divine proportion , H.E . Huntley relates the feeling of reading and understanding someone else 's proof of a theorem of mathematics to that of a viewer of a masterpiece of artthe reader of a proof has a similar sense of exhilaration at understanding as the original author of the proof , much as , he argues , the viewer of a masterpiece has a sense of exhilaration similar to the original painter or sculptor . Indeed , one can study mathematical and scientific writings as literature . Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh have commented that the sense of mathematical beauty is universal amongst practicing mathematicians . By way of example , they provide two proofs of the irrationality of the . The first is the traditional proof by contradiction , ascribed to Euclid ; the second is a more direct proof involving the fundamental theorem of arithmetic that , they argue , gets to the heart of the issue . Davis and Hersh argue that mathematicians find the second proof more aesthetically appealing because it gets closer to the nature of the problem . Paul Erds was well known for his notion of a hypothetical Book containing the most elegant or beautiful mathematical proofs . There is not universal agreement that a result has one most elegant proof ; Gregory Chaitin has argued against this idea . Philosophers have sometimes criticized mathematicians ' sense of beauty or elegance as being , at best , vaguely stated . By the same token , however , philosophers of mathematics have sought to characterize what makes one proof more desirable than another when both are logically sound . Another aspect of aesthetics concerning mathematics is mathematicians ' views towards the possible uses of mathematics for purposes deemed unethical or inappropriate . The best-known exposition of this view occurs in G.H. Hardy 's book ' ' A Mathematician 's Apology ' ' , in which Hardy argues that pure mathematics is superior in beauty to applied mathematics precisely because it can not be used for war and similar ends . Some later mathematicians have characterized Hardy 's views as mildly dated , with the applicability of number theory to modern-day cryptography. @@48396 Mathematical analysis is a branch of mathematics that includes the theories of differentiation , integration , measure , limits , infinite series , and analytic functions . These theories are usually studied in the context of real and complex numbers and functions . Analysis evolved from calculus , which involves the elementary concepts and techniques of analysis . Analysis may be distinguished from geometry ; however , it can be applied to any space of mathematical objects that has a definition of nearness ( a topological space ) or specific distances between objects ( a metric space ) . # History # Mathematical analysis formally developed in the 17th century during the Scientific Revolution , but many of its ideas can be traced back to earlier mathematicians . Early results in analysis were implicitly present in the early days of ancient Greek mathematics . For instance , an infinite geometric sum is implicit in Zeno 's paradox of the dichotomy . Later , Greek mathematicians such as Eudoxus and Archimedes made more explicit , but informal , use of the concepts of limits and convergence when they used the method of exhaustion to compute the area and volume of regions and solids . The explicit use of infinitesimals appears in Archimedes ' ' ' The Method of Mechanical Theorems ' ' , a work rediscovered in the 20th century . In Asia , the Chinese mathematician Liu Hui used the method of exhaustion in the 3rd century AD to find the area of a circle . Zu Chongzhi established a method that would later be called Cavalieri 's principle to find the volume of a sphere in the 5th century . The Indian mathematician Bhskara II gave examples of the derivative and used what is now known as Rolle 's theorem in the 12th century . In the 14th century , Madhava of Sangamagrama developed infinite series expansions , like the power series and the Taylor series , of functions such as sine , cosine , tangent and arctangent . Alongside his development of the Taylor series of the trigonometric functions , he also estimated the magnitude of the error terms created by truncating these series and gave a rational approximation of an infinite series . His followers at the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics further expanded his works , up to the 16th century . The modern foundations of mathematical analysis were established in 17th century Europe . Newton and Leibniz independently developed infinitesimal calculus , which grew , with the stimulus of applied work that continued through the 18th century , into analysis topics such as the calculus of variations , ordinary and partial differential equations , Fourier analysis , and generating functions . During this period , calculus techniques were applied to approximate discrete problems by continuous ones . In the 18th century , Euler introduced the notion of mathematical function . Real analysis began to emerge as an independent subject when Bernard Bolzano introduced the modern definition of continuity in 1816 , but Bolzano 's work did not become widely known until the 1870s . In 1821 , Cauchy began to put calculus on a firm logical foundation by rejecting the principle of the generality of algebra widely used in earlier work , particularly by Euler . Instead , Cauchy formulated calculus in terms of geometric ideas and infinitesimals . Thus , his definition of continuity required an infinitesimal change in ' ' x ' ' to correspond to an infinitesimal change in ' ' y ' ' . He also introduced the concept of the Cauchy sequence , and started the formal theory of complex analysis . Poisson , Liouville , Fourier and others studied partial differential equations and harmonic analysis . The contributions of these mathematicians and others , such as Weierstrass , developed the ( , ) -definition of limit approach , thus founding the modern field of mathematical analysis . In the middle of the 19th century Riemann introduced his theory of integration . The last third of the century saw the arithmetization of analysis by Weierstrass , who thought that geometric reasoning was inherently misleading , and introduced the epsilon-delta definition of limit . Then , mathematicians started worrying that they were assuming the existence of a continuum of real numbers without proof . Dedekind then constructed the real numbers by Dedekind cuts , in which irrational numbers are formally defined , which serve to fill the gaps between rational numbers , thereby creating a complete set : the continuum of real numbers , which had already been developed by Simon Stevin in terms of decimal expansions . Around that time , the attempts to refine the theorems of Riemann integration led to the study of the size of the set of discontinuities of real functions . Also , monsters ( nowhere continuous functions , continuous but nowhere differentiable functions , space-filling curves ) began to be investigated . In this context , Jordan developed his theory of measure , Cantor developed what is now called naive set theory , and Baire proved the Baire category theorem . In the early 20th century , calculus was formalized using an axiomatic set theory . Lebesgue solved the problem of measure , and Hilbert introduced Hilbert spaces to solve integral equations . The idea of normed vector space was in the air , and in the 1920s Banach created functional analysis . # Important concepts # # Metric spaces # In mathematics , a metric space is a set where a notion of distance ( called a metric ) between elements of the set is defined . Much of analysis happens in some metric space ; the most commonly used are the real line , the complex plane , Euclidean space , other vector spaces , and the integers . Examples of analysis without a metric include measure theory ( which describes size rather than distance ) and functional analysis ( which studies topological vector spaces that need not have any sense of distance ) . Formally , A metric space is an ordered pair ( M , d ) where M is a set and d is a metric on M , i.e. , a function : d colon M times M rightarrow mathbbR such that for any x , y , z in M , the following holds : # d ( x , y ) ge 0 ( ' ' non-negative ' ' ) , # d ( x , y ) = 0 , iff x = y , ( ' ' identity of indiscernibles ' ' ) , # d ( x , y ) = d ( y , x ) , ( ' ' symmetry ' ' ) and # d ( x , z ) le d ( x , y ) + d ( y , z ) ( ' ' triangle inequality ' ' ) . # Sequences and limits # A sequence is an ordered list . Like a set , it contains members ( also called ' ' elements ' ' , or ' ' terms ' ' ) . Unlike a set , order matters , and exactly the same elements can appear multiple times at different positions in the sequence . Most precisely , a sequence can be defined as a function whose domain is a countable totally ordered set , such as the natural numbers . One of the most important properties of a sequence is ' ' convergence ' ' . Informally , a sequence converges if it has a ' ' limit ' ' . Continuing informally , a ( singly-infinite ) sequence has a limit if it approaches some point ' ' x ' ' , called the limit , as ' ' n ' ' becomes very large . That is , for an abstract sequence ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) ( with ' ' n ' ' running from 1 to infinity understood ) the distance between ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' and ' ' x ' ' approaches 0 as ' ' n ' ' , denoted : limntoinfty an = x. # Main branches # # Real analysis # Real analysis ( traditionally , the theory of functions of a real variable ) is a branch of mathematical analysis dealing with the real numbers and real-valued functions of a real variable . In particular , it deals with the analytic properties of real functions and sequences , including convergence and limits of sequences of real numbers , the calculus of the real numbers , and continuity , smoothness and related properties of real-valued functions . # Complex analysis # Complex analysis , traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable , is the branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers . It is useful in many branches of mathematics , including algebraic geometry , number theory , applied mathematics ; as well as in physics , including hydrodynamics , thermodynamics , mechanical engineering , electrical engineering , and particularly , quantum field theory . Complex analysis is particularly concerned with the analytic functions of complex variables ( or , more generally , meromorphic functions ) . Because the separate real and imaginary parts of any analytic function must satisfy Laplace 's equation , complex analysis is widely applicable to two-dimensional problems in physics . # Functional analysis # Functional analysis is a branch of mathematical analysis , the core of which is formed by the study of vector spaces endowed with some kind of limit-related structure ( e.g. inner product , norm , topology , etc. ) and the linear operators acting upon these spaces and respecting these structures in a suitable sense . The historical roots of functional analysis lie in the study of spaces of functions and the formulation of properties of transformations of functions such as the Fourier transform as transformations defining continuous , unitary etc. operators between function spaces . This point of view turned out to be particularly useful for the study of differential and integral equations . # Differential equations # A differential equation is a mathematical equation for an unknown function of one or several variables that relates the values of the function itself and its derivatives of various orders . Differential equations play a prominent role in engineering , physics , economics , biology , and other disciplines . Differential equations arise in many areas of science and technology , specifically whenever a deterministic relation involving some continuously varying quantities ( modeled by functions ) and their rates of change in space and/or time ( expressed as derivatives ) is known or postulated . This is illustrated in classical mechanics , where the motion of a body is described by its position and velocity as the time value varies . Newton 's laws allow one ( given the position , velocity , acceleration and various forces acting on the body ) to express these variables dynamically as a differential equation for the unknown position of the body as a function of time . In some cases , this differential equation ( called an equation of motion ) may be solved explicitly . # Measure theory # A measure on a set is a systematic way to assign a number to each suitable subset of that set , intuitively interpreted as its size . In this sense , a measure is a generalization of the concepts of length , area , and volume . A particularly important example is the Lebesgue measure on a Euclidean space , which assigns the conventional length , area , and volume of Euclidean geometry to suitable subsets of the n -dimensional Euclidean space mathbbRn . For instance , the Lebesgue measure of the interval left0 , 1right in the real numbers is its length in the everyday sense of the word&thinsp ; &thinsp ; specifically , 1 . Technically , a measure is a function that assigns a non-negative real number or + to ( certain ) subsets of a set X ( ' ' see ' ' Definition below ) . It must assign 0 to the empty set and be ( countably ) additive : the measure of a ' large ' subset that can be decomposed into a finite ( or countable ) number of ' smaller ' disjoint subsets , is the sum of the measures of the smaller subsets . In general , if one wants to associate a ' ' consistent ' ' size to ' ' each ' ' subset of a given set while satisfying the other axioms of a measure , one only finds trivial examples like the counting measure . This problem was resolved by defining measure only on a sub-collection of all subsets ; the so-called ' ' measurable ' ' subsets , which are required to form a sigma -algebra . This means that countable unions , countable intersections and complements of measurable subsets are measurable . Non-measurable sets in a Euclidean space , on which the Lebesgue measure can not be defined consistently , are necessarily complicated in the sense of being badly mixed up with their complement . Indeed , their existence is a non-trivial consequence of the axiom of choice . # Numerical analysis # Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation ( as opposed to general symbolic manipulations ) for the problems of mathematical analysis ( as distinguished from discrete mathematics ) . Modern numerical analysis does not seek exact answers , because exact answers are often impossible to obtain in practice . Instead , much of numerical analysis is concerned with obtaining approximate solutions while maintaining reasonable bounds on errors . Numerical analysis naturally finds applications in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences , but in the 21st century , the life sciences and even the arts have adopted elements of scientific computations . Ordinary differential equations appear in celestial mechanics ( planets , stars and galaxies ) ; numerical linear algebra is important for data analysis ; stochastic differential equations and Markov chains are essential in simulating living cells for medicine and biology . # Other topics in mathematical analysis # Calculus of variations deals with extremizing functionals , as opposed to ordinary calculus which deals with functions . Harmonic analysis deals with Fourier series and their abstractions. Geometric analysis involves the use of geometrical methods in the study of partial differential equations and the application of the theory of partial differential equations to geometry . Clifford analysis , the study of Clifford valued functions that are annihilated by Dirac or Dirac-like operators , termed in general as monogenic or Clifford analytic functions . ' ' p ' ' -adic analysis , the study of analysis within the context of ' ' p ' ' -adic numbers , which differs in some interesting and surprising ways from its real and complex counterparts . Non-standard analysis , which investigates the hyperreal numbers and their functions and gives a rigorous treatment of infinitesimals and infinitely large numbers . Computable analysis , the study of which parts of analysis can be carried out in a computable manner . Stochastic calculus analytical notions developed for stochastic processes . Set-valued analysis applies ideas from analysis and topology to set-valued functions . Convex analysis , the study of convex sets and functions . Tropical analysis ( or idempotent analysis ) analysis in the context of the semiring of the max-plus algebra where the lack of an additive inverse is compensated somewhat by the idempotent rule A + A = A. When transferred to the tropical setting , many nonlinear problems become linear . # Applications # Techniques from analysis are also found in other areas such as : # Physical sciences # The vast majority of classical mechanics , relativity , and quantum mechanics is based on applied analysis , and differential equations in particular . Examples of important differential equations include Newton 's second law , the Schrdinger equation , and the Einstein field equations . Functional analysis is also a major factor in quantum mechanics . # Signal processing # When processing signals , such as audio , radio waves , light waves , seismic waves , and even images , Fourier analysis can isolate individual components of a compound waveform , concentrating them for easier detection and/or removal . A large family of signal processing techniques consist of Fourier-transforming a signal , manipulating the Fourier-transformed data in a simple way , and reversing the transformation . # Other areas of math # Techniques from analysis are used in many areas of mathematics , including : Analytic number theory Analytic combinatorics Continuous probability Differential entropy in information theory Differential games Differential geometry , the application of calculus to specific mathematical spaces known as manifolds that possess a complicated internal structure but behave in a simple manner locally . Differential topology Mathematical finance # See also # Method of exhaustion Non-classical analysis Smooth infinitesimal analysis Paraconsistent mathematics Constructive analysis Fourier analysis Convex analysis Timeline of calculus and mathematical analysis *History of calculus # Notes # @@48404 In mathematics , and more specifically in algebra , a ring is an algebraic structure with operations generalizing the arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication . By means of this generalization , theorems from arithmetic are extended to non-numerical objects like polynomials , series , matrices and functions . Rings were first formalized as a common generalization of Dedekind domains that occur in number theory , and of polynomial rings and rings of invariants that occur in algebraic geometry and invariant theory . They are also used in other branches of mathematics such as geometry and mathematical analysis . The formal definition of rings is relatively recent , dating from the 1920s . Briefly , a ring is an abelian group with a second binary operation that is distributive over the abelian group operation and is associative . The abelian group operation is called addition and the second binary operation is called multiplication in analogy with the integers . One familiar example of a ring is the set of integers . The integers are a commutative ring , since ' ' a ' ' times ' ' b ' ' is equal to ' ' b ' ' times ' ' a ' ' . The set of polynomials also forms a commutative ring . An example of a non-commutative ring is the ring of square matrices of the same size . Finally , a field is a commutative ring in which one can divide by any nonzero element : an example is the field of real numbers . Whether a ring is commutative or not has profound implication in the study of rings as abstract objects , the field called the ring theory . The development of the commutative theory , commonly known as commutative algebra , has been greatly influenced by problems and ideas occurring naturally in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry : important commutative rings include fields , polynomial rings , the coordinate ring of an affine algebraic variety , and the ring of integers of a number field . On the other hand , the noncommutative theory takes examples from representation theory ( group rings ) , functional analysis ( operator algebras ) and the theory of differential operators ( rings of differential operators ) , and the topology ( cohomology ring of a topological space. ) # Definition and illustration # The most familiar example of a ring is the set of all integers , Z , consisting of the numbers : . . . , -5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , . . . The familiar properties for addition and multiplication of integers serve as a model for the axioms for rings . # Definition # A ring is a set ' ' R ' ' equipped with binary operations + and satisfying the following eight axioms , called the ring axioms : ' ' R ' ' is an abelian group under addition , meaning : : 1 . ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) + ' ' c ' ' = ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) for all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ( + is associative ) . : 2 . There is an element 0 in ' ' R ' ' such that ' ' a ' ' + 0 = ' ' a ' ' and 0 + ' ' a ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ( 0 is the additive identity ) . : 3 . For each ' ' a ' ' in ' ' R ' ' there exists ' ' a ' ' in ' ' R ' ' such that ' ' a ' ' + ( ' ' a ' ' ) = ( ' ' a ' ' ) + ' ' a ' ' = 0 ( ' ' a ' ' is the additive inverse of ' ' a ' ' ) . : 4. ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' = ' ' b ' ' + ' ' a ' ' for all ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ( + is commutative ) . ' ' R ' ' is a monoid under multiplication , meaning : : 5. ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' c ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) for all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ( is associative ) . : 6 . There is an element 1 in R such that ' ' a ' ' 1 = ' ' a ' ' and 1 ' ' a ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ( 1 is the multiplicative identity ) . Multiplication distributes over addition : : 7. ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) = ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) + ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) for all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ( left distributivity ) . : 8. ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) ' ' a ' ' = ( ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' ) + ( ' ' c ' ' ' ' a ' ' ) for all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ( right distributivity ) . # Notes on the definition # Warning : As explained in the history section below , many authors follow an alternative convention in which a ring is not required to have a 1 . This article adopts the convention that , unless otherwise stated , a ring is assumed to have a 1 . A structure satisfying all the axioms ' ' except ' ' the sixth ( existence of a multiplicative identity 1 ) is called a rng ( or sometimes pseudo-ring ) . For example , the set of even integers with the usual + and is a rng , but not a ring . The operations + and are called ' ' addition ' ' and ' ' multiplication ' ' , respectively . The multiplication symbol is often omitted , so the mere juxtaposition of ring elements is interpreted as multiplication . For example , ' ' xy ' ' means ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' . Although ring addition is commutative , ring multiplication is not required to be commutative : ' ' ab ' ' need not necessarily equal ' ' ba ' ' . Rings that also satisfy commutativity for multiplication ( such as the ring of integers ) are called commutative rings . Books on commutative algebra or algebraic geometry often adopt the convention that ring means commutative ring , to simplify terminology . # Basic properties # Some basic properties of a ring follow immediately from the axioms : The additive identity , the additive inverse of each element , and the multiplicative identity are unique . For any element ' ' x ' ' in a ring ' ' R ' ' , one has ' ' x ' ' 0 = 0 = 0 ' ' x ' ' and ( 1 ) ' ' x ' ' = ' ' x ' ' . If 0 = 1 in a ring ' ' R ' ' , then ' ' R ' ' has only one element , and is called the zero ring . The binomial formula holds for any commuting pair of elements ( i.e. , any ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' such that ' ' xy ' ' = ' ' yx ' ' ) . # Example : Integers modulo 4 # Equip the set mathbfZ4 = overline0 , overline1 , overline2 , overline3 with the following operations : The sum overlinex + overliney in Z 4 is the remainder when the integer ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' is divided by 4 . For example , overline2 + overline3 = overline1 and overline3 + overline3 = overline2 . The product overlinex cdot overliney in Z 4 is the remainder when the integer ' ' xy ' ' is divided by 4 . For example , overline2 cdot overline3 = overline2 and overline3 cdot overline3 = overline1 . Then Z 4 is a ring : each axiom follows from the corresponding axiom for Z . If ' ' x ' ' is an integer , the remainder of ' ' x ' ' when divided by 4 is an element of Z 4 , and this element is often denoted by or overlinex , which is consistent with the notation for 0,1,2,3 . The additive inverse of any overlinex in Z 4 is overline-x . For example , -overline3= overline-3 = overline1. # Example : 2-by-2 matrices # The set of 2-by-2 matrices with real number entries is written : mathcalM2(mathbbR) = left beginpmatrix a & b c & d endpmatrix bigg a , b , c , d in mathbbR right . With the operations of matrix addition and matrix multiplication , this set satisfies the above ring axioms . The element beginpmatrix 1 & 0 0 & 1 endpmatrix is the multiplicative identity of the ring . If A = beginpmatrix 0 & 1 1 & 0 endpmatrix and B=beginpmatrix 0 & 1 0 & 0 endpmatrix , then AB=beginpmatrix 0 & 0 0 & 1 endpmatrix while BA=beginpmatrix 1 & 0 0 & 0 endpmatrix ; this example shows that the ring is noncommutative . More generally , for any ring ' ' R ' ' , commutative or not , and any nonnegative integer ' ' n ' ' , one may form the ring of ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices with entries in ' ' R ' ' : see matrix ring . # History # # Dedekind # The study of rings originated from the theory of polynomial rings and the theory of algebraic integers . In 1871 Richard Dedekind defined the concept of the ring of integers of a number field . In this context , he introduced the terms ideal ( inspired by Ernst Kummer 's notion of ideal number ) and module and studied their properties . But Dedekind did not use the term ring and did not define the concept of a ring in a general setting . # Hilbert # The term Zahlring ( number ring ) was coined by David Hilbert in 1892 and published in 1897 . In 19th century German , the word Ring could mean association , which is still used today in English in a limited sense ( e.g. , spy ring ) , so if that were the etymology then it would be similar to the way group entered mathematics by being a non-technical word for collection of related things . According to Harvey Cohn , Hilbert used the term for a ring that had the property of circling directly back to an element of itself . Specifically , in a ring of algebraic integers , all high powers of an algebraic integer can be written as an integral combination of a fixed set of lower powers , and thus the powers cycle back . For instance , if ' ' a ' ' 3 4 ' ' a ' ' + 1 = 0 then ' ' a ' ' 3 = 4 ' ' a ' ' 1 , ' ' a ' ' 4 = 4 ' ' a ' ' 2 ' ' a ' ' , ' ' a ' ' 5 = ' ' a ' ' 2 + 16 ' ' a ' ' 4 , ' ' a ' ' 6 = 16 ' ' a ' ' 2 8 ' ' a ' ' + 1 , ' ' a ' ' 7 = 8 ' ' a ' ' 2 + 65 ' ' a ' ' 16 , and so on ; in general , ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' is going to be an integral linear combination of 1 , ' ' a ' ' , and ' ' a ' ' 2 . # Fraenkel and Noether # The first axiomatic definition of a ring was given by Adolf Fraenkel in 1914 , but his axioms were stricter than those in the modern definition . For instance , he required every non-zero-divisor to have a multiplicative inverse . In 1921 , Emmy Noether gave the modern axiomatic definition of ( commutative ) ring and developed the foundations of commutative ring theory in her monumental paper ' ' Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen ' ' . # Multiplicative identity : mandatory or optional ? # Fraenkel required a ring to have a multiplicative identity 1 , whereas Noether did not . Most or all books on algebra up to around 1960 followed Noether 's convention of not requiring a 1 . Starting in the 1960s , it became increasingly common to see books including the existence of 1 in the definition of ring , especially in advanced books by notable authors such as Artin , Atiyah and MacDonald , Bourbaki , Eisenbud , and Lang . But even today , there remain many books that do not require a 1 . Faced with this terminological ambiguity , some authors have tried to impose their views , while others have tried to adopt more precise terms . In the first category , we find for instance Gardner and Wiegandt , who argue that if one requires all rings to have a 1 , then some consequences include the lack of existence of infinite direct sums of rings , and the fact that proper direct summands of rings are not subrings . They conclude that in many , maybe most , branches of ring theory the requirement of the existence of a unity element is not sensible , and therefore unacceptable . In the second category , we find authors who use the following terms : : rings with multiplicative identity : ' ' unital ring ' ' , ' ' unitary ring ' ' , ' ' ring with unity ' ' , ' ' ring with identity ' ' , or ' ' ring with 1 ' ' : rings without multiplicative identity : ' ' rng ' ' or ' ' pseudo-ring ' ' . # Basic examples # Commutative rings : The motivating example is the ring of integers with the two operations of addition and multiplication . The rational , real and complex numbers form commutative rings ( in fact , they are even fields ) . The Gaussian integers form a ring , as do the Eisenstein integers . So does their generalization Kummer ring . cf. quadratic integers . The set of all algebraic integers forms a ring . This follows for example from the fact that it is the integral closure of the ring of rational integers in the field of complex numbers . The rings in the previous example are subrings of this ring . The polynomial ring ' ' R ' ' ' ' X ' ' of polynomials over a ring ' ' R ' ' is also a ring . The set of formal power series ' ' R ' ' ' ' X ' ' 1 , , ' ' X ' ' ' ' n ' ' over a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' is a ring . If ' ' S ' ' is a set , then the power set of ' ' S ' ' becomes a ring if we define addition to be the symmetric difference of sets and multiplication to be intersection . This corresponds to a ring of sets and is an example of a Boolean ring . The set of all continuous real-valued functions defined on the real line forms a commutative ring . The operations are addition and multiplication of functions . Noncommutative rings : For any ring ' ' R ' ' and any natural number ' ' n ' ' , the set of all square ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices with entries from ' ' R ' ' , forms a ring with matrix addition and matrix multiplication as operations . For ' ' n ' ' = 1 , this matrix ring is isomorphic to ' ' R ' ' itself . For ' ' n ' ' 1 ( and ' ' R ' ' not the zero ring ) , this matrix ring is noncommutative. If ' ' G ' ' is an abelian group , then the endomorphisms of ' ' G ' ' form a ring , the endomorphism ring End ( ' ' G ' ' ) of ' ' G ' ' . The operations in this ring are addition and composition of endomorphisms. If ' ' G ' ' is a group and ' ' R ' ' is a ring , the group ring of ' ' G ' ' over ' ' R ' ' is a free module over ' ' R ' ' having ' ' G ' ' as basis . Multiplication is defined by the rules that the elements of ' ' G ' ' commute with the elements of ' ' R ' ' and multiply together as they do in the group ' ' G ' ' . Many rings that appear in analysis are noncommutative . For example , most Banach algebras are noncommutative . Non-rings : The set of natural numbers N with the usual operations is not a ring , since ( N , + ) is not even a group ( the elements are not all invertible with respect to addition ) . For instance , there is no natural number which can be added to 3 to get 0 as a result . There is a natural way to make it a ring by adding negative numbers to the set , thus obtaining the ring of integers . The natural numbers ( including 0 ) form an algebraic structure known as a semiring ( which has all of the properties of a ring except the additive inverse property ) . Let ' ' R ' ' be the set of all continuous functions on the real line that vanish outside a bounded interval depending on the function , with addition as usual but with multiplication defined as convolution : : ( f g ) ( x ) = int-inftyinfty f(y)g(x-y)dy . : Then ' ' R ' ' is a rng , but not a ring : the Dirac delta function has the property of a multiplicative identity , but it is not a function and hence is not an element of ' ' R ' ' . # Basic concepts # # Elements in a ring # A left zero divisor of a ring R is an element a in the ring such that there exists a nonzero element b of R such that ab = 0 . A right zero divisor is defined similarly . A nilpotent element is an element a such that an = 0 for some n 0 . One example of a nilpotent element is a nilpotent matrix . A nilpotent element in a nonzero ring is necessarily a zero divisor . An idempotent e is an element such that e2 = e . One example of an idempotent element is a projection in linear algebra . A unit is an element a having a multiplicative inverse ; in this case the inverse is unique , and is denoted by a-1 . The set of units of a ring is a group under ring multiplication ; this group is denoted by Rtimes or R* or U(R) . For example , if ' ' R ' ' is the ring of all square matrices of size ' ' n ' ' over a field , then Rtimes consists of the set of all invertible matrices of size ' ' n ' ' , and is called the general linear group . # Subring # A subset ' ' S ' ' of ' ' R ' ' is said to be a subring if it can be regarded as a ring with the addition and the multiplication restricted from ' ' R ' ' to ' ' S ' ' . Equivalently , ' ' S ' ' is a subring if it is not empty , and for any ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' in ' ' S ' ' , xy , x+y and -x are in ' ' S ' ' . If all rings have been assumed , by convention , to have a multiplicative identity , then to be a subring one would also require ' ' S ' ' to share the same identity element as ' ' R ' ' . So if all rings have been assumed to have a multiplicative identity , then a proper ideal is not a subring . For example , the ring Z of integers is a subring of the field of real numbers and also a subring of the ring of polynomials Z ' ' X ' ' ( in both cases , Z contains 1 , which is the multiplicative identity of the larger rings ) . On the other hand , the subset of even integers 2 Z does not contain the identity element 1 and thus does not qualify as a subring . An intersection of subrings is a subring . The smallest subring containing a given subset ' ' E ' ' of ' ' R ' ' is called a subring generated by ' ' E ' ' . Such a subring exists since it is the intersection of all subrings containing ' ' E ' ' . For a ring ' ' R ' ' , the smallest subring containing 1 is called the ' ' characteristic subring ' ' of ' ' R ' ' . It can be obtained by adding copies of 1 and 1 together many times in any mixture . It is possible that ncdot 1=1+1+ldots+1 ( ' ' n ' ' times ) can be zero . If ' ' n ' ' is the smallest positive integer such that this occurs , then ' ' n ' ' is called the ' ' characteristic ' ' of ' ' R ' ' . In some rings , ncdot 1 is never zero for any positive integer ' ' n ' ' , and those rings are said to have ' ' characteristic zero ' ' . Given a ring ' ' R ' ' , let operatornameZ(R) denote the set of all elements ' ' x ' ' in ' ' R ' ' such that ' ' x ' ' commutes with every element in ' ' R ' ' : xy = yx for any ' ' y ' ' in ' ' R ' ' . Then operatornameZ(R) is a subring of ' ' R ' ' ; called the center of ' ' R ' ' . More generally , given a subset ' ' X ' ' of ' ' R ' ' , let ' ' S ' ' be the set of all elements in ' ' R ' ' that commute with every element in ' ' X ' ' . Then ' ' S ' ' is a subring of ' ' R ' ' , called the centralizer ( or commutant ) of ' ' X ' ' . The center is the centralizer of the entire ring ' ' R ' ' . Elements or subsets of the center are said to be ' ' central ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ; they generate a subring of the center . # Ideal # The definition of an ideal in a ring is analogous to that of normal subgroup in a group . But , in actuality , it plays a role of an idealized generalization of an element in a ring ; hence , the name ideal . Like elements of rings , the study of ideals is central to structural understanding of a ring . Let ' ' R ' ' be a ring . A subset ' ' I ' ' of ' ' R ' ' is then said to be a left ideal in ' ' R ' ' if R I subseteq I . Here , R I denotes the span of ' ' I ' ' over ' ' R ' ' ; i.e. , the set of finite sums : r1 x1 + cdots + rn xn , quad ri in R , quad xi in I. Similarly , ' ' I ' ' is said to be right ideal if I R subseteq I . A subset ' ' I ' ' is said to be a two-sided ideal or simply ideal if it is both a left ideal and right ideal . A one-sided or two-sided ideal is then an additive subgroup of ' ' R ' ' . If ' ' E ' ' is a subset of ' ' R ' ' , then R E is a left ideal , called the left ideal generated by ' ' E ' ' ; it is the smallest left ideal containing ' ' E ' ' . Similarly , one can consider the right ideal or the two-sided ideal generated by a subset of ' ' R ' ' . If ' ' x ' ' is in ' ' R ' ' , then Rx and xR are left ideals and right ideals , respectively ; they are called the principal left ideals and right ideals generated by ' ' x ' ' . The principal ideal RxR is written as ( x ) . For example , the set of all positive and negative multiples of 2 along with 0 form an ideal of the integers , and this ideal is generated by the integer 2 . In fact , every ideal of the ring of integers is principal . Like a group , a ring is said to be a simple if it is nonzero and it has no proper nonzero two-sided ideals . A commutative simple ring is precisely a field . Rings are often studied with special conditions set upon their ideals . For example , a ring in which there is no strictly increasing infinite chain of left ideals is called a left Noetherian ring . A ring in which there is no strictly decreasing infinite chain of left ideals is called a left Artinian ring . It is a somewhat surprising fact that a left Artinian ring is left Noetherian ( the HopkinsLevitzki theorem ) . The integers , however , form a Noetherian ring which is not Artinian . For commutative rings , the ideals generalize the classical notion of divisibility and decomposition of an integer into prime numbers in algebra . A proper ideal ' ' P ' ' of ' ' R ' ' is called a prime ideal if for any elements x , yin R we have that xy in P implies either x in P or yin P . Equivalently , ' ' P ' ' is prime if for any ideals I , J we have that IJ subseteq P implies either I subseteq P or J subseteq P. This latter formulation illustrates the idea of ideals as generalizations of elements . # Homomorphism # A homomorphism from a ring ( ' ' R ' ' , + , ) to a ring ( ' ' S ' ' , , ) is a function ' ' f ' ' from ' ' R ' ' to ' ' S ' ' that preserves the ring operations ; namely , such that , for all ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' in ' ' R ' ' the following identities hold : ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' f ' ' ( 1 ' ' R ' ' ) = 1 ' ' S ' ' If one is working with not necessarily unital rings , then the third condition is dropped . A ring homomorphism is said to be an isomorphism if there exists an inverse homomorphism to ' ' f ' ' ( i.e. , a ring homomorphism which is an inverse function ) . Any bijective ring homomorphism is a ring isomorphism . Two rings R , S are said to be isomorphic if there is an isomorphism between them and in that case one writes R simeq S . A ring homomorphism between the same ring is called an endomorphism and an isomorphism between the same ring an automorphism . Examples : The function that maps each integer ' ' x ' ' to its remainder modulo 4 ( a number in 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) is a homomorphism from the ring Z to the quotient ring Z /4 Z ( quotient ring is defined below ) . If u is a unit element in a ring ' ' R ' ' , then R to R , x mapsto uxu-1 is a ring homomorphism , called an inner automorphism of ' ' R ' ' . Let ' ' R ' ' be a commutative ring of prime characteristic ' ' p ' ' . Then x mapsto xp is a ring endmorphism of ' ' R ' ' called the Frobenius homomorphism. The Galois group of a field extension L/K is the set of all automorphisms of ' ' L ' ' whose restrictions to ' ' K ' ' are the identity . For any ring ' ' R ' ' , there are a unique ring homomorphism Z ' ' R ' ' and a unique ring homomorphism ' ' R ' ' 0 . An epimorphism ( i.e. , right-cancelable morphism ) of rings need not be surjective . For example , the unique map mathbbZ to mathbbQ is an epimorphism. An algebra homomorphism from a ' ' k ' ' -algebra to the endomorphism algebra of a vector space over ' ' k ' ' is called a representation of the algebra . Given a ring homomorphism f:R to S , the set of all elements mapped to 0 by ' ' f ' ' is called the kernel of ' ' f ' ' . The kernel is a two-sided ideal of ' ' R ' ' . The image of ' ' f ' ' , on the other hand , is not always an ideal , but it is always a subring of ' ' S ' ' . To give a ring homomorphism from a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' to a ring ' ' A ' ' with image contained in the center of ' ' A ' ' is the same as to give a structure of an algebra over ' ' R ' ' to ' ' A ' ' ( in particular gives a structure of ' ' A ' ' -module ) . # Quotient ring # The quotient ring of a ring , is analogous to the notion of a quotient group of a group . More formally , given a ring ( ' ' R ' ' , + , ) and a two-sided ideal ' ' I ' ' of ( ' ' R ' ' , + , ) , the quotient ring ( or factor ring ) ' ' R/I ' ' is the set of cosets of ' ' I ' ' ( with respect to the additive group of ( ' ' R ' ' , + , ) ; i.e. cosets with respect to ( ' ' R ' ' , + ) together with the operations : : ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' I ' ' ) + ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' I ' ' ) = ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) + ' ' I ' ' and : ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' I ' ' ) ( ' ' b ' ' + ' ' I ' ' ) = ( ' ' ab ' ' ) + ' ' I ' ' . for every ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' in ' ' R ' ' . Like the case of a quotient group , there is a canonical map p : R to R/I given by x mapsto x + I . It is surjective and satisfies the universal property : if f:R to S is a ring homomorphism such that f(I) = 0 , then there is a unique overlinef : R/I to S such that f = overlinef circ p . In particular , taking ' ' I ' ' to be the kernel , one sees that the quotient ring R / operatornameker f is isomorphic to the image of ' ' f ' ' ; the fact known as the first isomorphism theorem . The last fact implies that actually ' ' any ' ' surjective ring homomorphism satisfies the universal property since the image of such a map is a quotient ring . # The action of a ring on an abelian group # In group theory , one can consider the action of a group on a set . To give a group action , say , ' ' G ' ' acting on a set ' ' S ' ' , is to give a group homomorphism from ' ' G ' ' to the automorphism group of ' ' S ' ' ( that is , the symmetric group of ' ' S ' ' . ) In much the same way , one can consider a ring action ; that is , a ring homomorphism ' ' f ' ' from a ring ' ' R ' ' to the endomorphism ring of an abelian group ' ' M ' ' . One usually writes ' ' rm ' ' for ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' r ' ' ) ' ' m ' ' and call ' ' M ' ' a left module over ' ' R ' ' . If ' ' R ' ' is a field , this amounts to giving a structure of a vector space on ' ' M ' ' . If ' ' R ' ' is an algebra over a field , then the ring homomorphism ' ' f ' ' is an algebra representation of ' ' R ' ' . The following construction is useful for an application to linear algebra ( see also another example in the Domain section below . ) Let ' ' V ' ' be a left ' ' R ' ' -module , phi : R to S = operatornameEndR(V) be given by phi(r)v = rv and T : V to V a linear map . Then phi(R) and ' ' T ' ' generate a commutative subring of ' ' S ' ' . By the universal property of a polynomial ring , phi uniquely extends to : Rt to S , quad f mapsto f(T) . In particular , ' ' V ' ' acquires a structure of a module over Rt ; let VT denote the resulting module . This allows one to study ' ' T ' ' in terms of the module . For example , assuming ' ' R ' ' is a field , ' ' T ' ' is diagonalizable as a linear transformation if and only if VT is a semisimple module . For another example , VT , VU are isomorphic as a module if and only if T , U are similar ; i.e. , T = H circ U circ H-1 for some isomorphism ' ' H ' ' . : a vi = f(vi) , quad 1 le i le n. -- # Constructions # # Direct product # Let ' ' R ' ' and ' ' S ' ' be rings . Then the product can be equipped with the following natural ring structure : ( ' ' r ' ' 1 , ' ' s ' ' 1 ) + ( ' ' r ' ' 2 , ' ' s ' ' 2 ) = ( ' ' r ' ' 1 + ' ' r ' ' 2 , ' ' s ' ' 1 + ' ' s ' ' 2 ) ( ' ' r ' ' 1 , ' ' s ' ' 1 ) ( ' ' r ' ' 2 , ' ' s ' ' 2 ) = ( ' ' r ' ' 1 ' ' r ' ' 2 , ' ' s ' ' 1 ' ' s ' ' 2 ) for every ' ' r ' ' 1 , ' ' r ' ' 2 in ' ' R ' ' and ' ' s ' ' 1 , ' ' s ' ' 2 in ' ' S ' ' . The ring with the above operations of addition and multiplication and the multiplicative identity ( 1 , 1 ) is called the direct product of ' ' R ' ' with ' ' S ' ' . The same construction also works for an arbitrary family of rings : if Ri are rings indexed by a set ' ' I ' ' , then prodi in I Ri is a ring with componentwise addition and multiplication . Let ' ' R ' ' be a commutative ring and scriptstyle mathfraka1 , cdots , mathfrakan be ideals such that mathfrakai + mathfrakaj = ( 1 ) whenever i ne j . Then the Chinese remainder theorem says there is a canonical ring isomorphism : : R / left ( cap mathfrakairight ) simeq prod R/ mathfrakai , quad x mapsto ( x text mod mathfraka1 , ldots , x text mod mathfrakan ) . A finite direct product may also be viewed as a direct sum of ideals . Namely , let Ri , 1 le i le n be rings , Ri to R = prod Ri the inclusions with the images mathfrakai ( in particular mathfrakai are rings though not subrings ) . Then mathfrakai are ideals of ' ' R ' ' and : R = mathfraka1 oplus cdots oplus mathfrakan , quad mathfrakai mathfrakaj = 0 , i ne j , quad mathfrakai2 subseteq mathfrakai as a direct sum of abelian groups ( because for abelian groups finite products are the same as direct sums ) . Clearly the direct sum of such ideals also defines a product of rings that is isomorphic to ' ' R ' ' . Equivalently , the above can be done through central idempotents . Assume ' ' R ' ' has the above decomposition . Then we can write : 1 = e1 + cdots + en , quad ei in mathfrakai . By the conditions on mathfrakai , one has that ei are central idempotents and ei ej = 0 , i ne j ( orthogonal ) . Again , one can reverse the construction . Namely , if one is given a partition of 1 in orthogonal central idempotents , then let mathfrakai = R ei , which are two-sided ideals . If each ei is not a sum of orthogonal central idempotents , then their direct sum is isomorphic to ' ' R ' ' . An important application of an infinite direct product is the construction of a projective limit of rings , which carries over in verbatim from that for groups . Namely , suppose we 're given a family of rings Ri , ' ' i ' ' running over positive integers , say , and ring homomorphisms Rj to Ri , j ge i such that Ri to Ri are all the identities and Rk to Rj to Ri is Rk to Ri whenever k ge j ge i . Then varprojlim Ri is the subring of prod Ri consisting of ( xn ) such that xj maps to xi under Rj to Ri , j ge i . Another application of an infinite direct product is a restricted product of a family of rings . # Polynomial ring # Given a symbol ' ' t ' ' ( called a variable ) and a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' , the set of polynomials : Rt = left an tn + an-1 tn -1 + dots + a1 t + a0 mid n ge 0 , aj in R right forms a commutative ring with the usual addition and multiplication , containing ' ' R ' ' as a subring . It is called the polynomial ring over ' ' R ' ' . More generally , the set Rt1 , ldots , tn of all polynomials in variables t1 , ldots , tn forms a commutative ring , containing Rti as subrings . If ' ' R ' ' is an integral domain , then Rt is also an integral domain ; its field of fractions is the field of rational functions . If ' ' R ' ' is a noetherian ring , then Rt is a noetherian ring . If ' ' R ' ' is a unique factorization domain , then Rt is a unique factorization domain . Finally , ' ' R ' ' is a field if and only if Rt is a principal ideal domain . Let R subseteq S be commutative rings . Given an element ' ' x ' ' of ' ' S ' ' , one can consider the ring homomorphism : Rt to S , quad f mapsto f(x) ( i.e. , the substitution ) . If ' ' S ' ' = ' ' R ' ' ' ' t ' ' and ' ' x ' ' = ' ' t ' ' , then ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' t ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' . Because of this , the polynomial ' ' f ' ' is often also denoted by f(t) . The image of the map f mapsto f(x) is denoted by Rx ; it is the same thing as the subring of ' ' S ' ' generated by ' ' R ' ' and ' ' x ' ' . Example : let ' ' f ' ' be a polynomial in one variable ; i.e. , an element in a polynomial ring ' ' R ' ' . Then f(x+h) is an element in Rh and f(x+h) - f(x) is divisible by ' ' h ' ' in that ring . The result of substituting zero to ' ' h ' ' in ( f(x+h) - f(x)/h is f ' ( x ) , the derivative of ' ' f ' ' at ' ' x ' ' . The substitution is a special case of the universal property of a polynomial ring . The property states : given a ring homomorphism phi : R to S and an element ' ' x ' ' in ' ' S ' ' there exists a unique ring homomorphism overlinephi : Rt to S such that overlinephi(t) = x and overlinephi restricts to phi . If a monic polynomial generates the kernel of overlinephi , it is called the minimal polynomial of ' ' x ' ' over ' ' R ' ' . In a module-theoretic language , the universal property says that Rx is a free module over ' ' R ' ' with generators 1 , x , x2 , dots . To give an example , let ' ' S ' ' be the ring of all functions from ' ' R ' ' to itself ; the addition and the multiplication are those of functions . Let ' ' x ' ' be the identity function . Each ' ' r ' ' in ' ' R ' ' defines a constant function , giving rise to the homomorphism R to S . The universal property says that this map extends uniquely to : Rt to S , quad f mapsto overlinef ( ' ' t ' ' maps to ' ' x ' ' ) where overlinef is the polynomial function defined by ' ' f ' ' . The resulting map is injective if and only if ' ' R ' ' is infinite . There is a closely related notion : ring of polynomial functions on a vector space ' ' V ' ' . If ' ' V ' ' is a vector space over an infinite field , then , by choosing a basis , it may be identified with a polynomial ring . Similarly , choosing a basis , a symmetric algebra can be viewed as a polynomial ring . Given a non-constant monic polynomial ' ' f ' ' in Rt , there exists a ring ' ' S ' ' containing ' ' R ' ' such that ' ' f ' ' is a product of linear factors in St . Let ' ' k ' ' be an algebraically closed field . The Hilbert 's Nullstellensatz ( theorem of zeros ) states that there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between the set of all prime ideals in kt1 , ldots , tn and the set of closed subvarieties of kn . In particular , many local problems in algebraic geometry may be attacked through the study of the generators of an ideal in a polynomial ring . ( cf. Grbner basis . ) A quotient ring of the polynomial ring Rt1 , cdots , tn is said to be a finitely generated algebra over ' ' R ' ' or of finite type over ' ' R ' ' . The Noether normalization lemma says that any finitely generated commutative ' ' k ' ' -algebra ' ' R ' ' contains the polynomial ring with the coefficients in ' ' k ' ' over which ' ' R ' ' is finitely generated as a module . A polynomial ring is relatively well-understood and thus the theorem allows one to study a ring from the known facts about a polynomial ring . There are some other related constructions . A formal power series ring R ! t ! consists of formal power series : sum0infty ai ti , quad ai in R together with multiplication and addition that mimic those for convergent series . It contains Rt as a subring . Note a formal power series ring does not have the universal property of a polynomial ring ; a series may not converge after a substitution . The important advantage of a formal power series ring over a polynomial ring is that it is local ( in fact , complete ) . One can also consider a polynomial ring in infinitely many variables Rt1 , t2 , dots : it is a union ( i.e. , direct limit ) of Rt1 , t2 , dots , tn over all ' ' n ' ' . This ring is often used to furnish counterexamples. # Matrix ring and endomorphism ring # Let ' ' R ' ' be a ring ( not necessarily commutative ) . The set of all square matrices of size ' ' n ' ' with entries in ' ' R ' ' forms a ring with the entry-wise addition and the usual matrix multiplication . It is called the matrix ring and is denoted by M ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' R ' ' ) . Given a right ' ' R ' ' -module U , the set of all ' ' R ' ' -linear maps from ' ' U ' ' to itself forms a ring with addition that is of function and multiplication that is of composition of functions ; it is called the endomorphism ring of ' ' U ' ' and is denoted by operatornameEndR(U) . As in linear algebra , a matrix ring may be canonically interpreted as an endomorphism ring : operatornameEndR(Rn) simeq operatornameMn(R) . This is a special case of the following fact : If f : oplus1n U to oplus1n U is an ' ' R ' ' -linear map , then ' ' f ' ' may be written as a matrix with entries fij in S = operatornameEndR(U) , resulting in a homomorphism : operatornameEndR ( oplus1n U ) to operatornameMn(S) , quad f mapsto ( fij ) which is clearly an isomorphism . Let eij be a matrix whose ( i , j ) -th entry is 1 and the other entries zero . If ' ' C ' ' is the centralizer in ' ' R ' ' of eij ' s , then R simeq operatornameMn(C) . Any ring homomorhism ' ' R ' ' ' ' S ' ' induces ; in fact , any ring homomorphism between matrix rings arises in this way . Schur 's lemma says that if ' ' U ' ' is a simple right ' ' R ' ' -module , then operatornameEndR(U) is a division ring . Let displaystyle U = bigoplusi = 1r mi Ui be a direct sum of ' ' R ' ' -modules where Ui are simple modules and mUi means a direct sum of ' ' m ' ' copies of Ui . Then : operatornameEndR(U) simeq bigoplus1r operatornameMmi ( operatornameEndR(Ui) . The ArtinWedderburn theorem states any semisimple ring ( cf. below ) is of this form . A ring ' ' R ' ' and the matrix ring M ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' R ' ' ) over it are Morita equivalent : the category of right modules of ' ' R ' ' is equivalent to the category of right modules over M ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' R ' ' ) . In particular , two-sided ideals in ' ' R ' ' correspond in one-to-one to two-sided ideals in M ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' R ' ' ) . Examples : The automorphisms of the projective line over a ring are given by homographies from the 2 x 2 matrix ring . # Localization # The localization generalizes the construction of the field of fractions of an integral domain to an arbitrary ring and modules . Given a ( not necessarily commutative ) ring ' ' R ' ' and a subset ' ' S ' ' of ' ' R ' ' , there exists a ring RS-1 together with the ring homomorphism R to RS-1 that inverts ' ' S ' ' ; that is , the homomorphism maps elements in ' ' S ' ' to the unit elements in RS-1 , and , moreover , any ring homomorphism from ' ' R ' ' that inverts ' ' S ' ' uniquely factors through RS-1 . The ring RS-1 is called the localization of ' ' R ' ' with respect to ' ' S ' ' . For example , if ' ' R ' ' is a commutative ring and ' ' f ' ' an element in ' ' R ' ' , then the localization Rf-1 consists of elements of the form r/fn , , r in R , , n ge 0 ( to be precise , Rf-1 = Rt/ ( tf - 1 ) . ) The localization is frequently applied to a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' with respect to the complement of a prime ideal ( or a union of prime ideals ) in ' ' R ' ' . In that case S = R - mathfrakp , one often writes Rmathfrakp for RS-1 . Rmathfrakp is then a local ring with the maximal ideal mathfrakp Rmathfrakp . This is the reason for the terminology localization . The field of fractions of an integral domain ' ' R ' ' is the localization of ' ' R ' ' at the prime ideal zero . If mathfrakp is a prime ideal of a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' , then the field of fractions of R/mathfrakp is the same as the residue field of the local ring Rmathfrakp and is denoted by k(mathfrakp) . If ' ' M ' ' is a left ' ' R ' ' -module , then the localization of ' ' M ' ' with respect to ' ' S ' ' is given by a change of rings MS-1 = RS-1 otimesR M . The most important properties of localization are the following : when ' ' R ' ' is a commutative ring and ' ' S ' ' a multiplicatively closed subset mathfrakp mapsto mathfrakpS-1 is a bijection between the set of all prime ideals in ' ' R ' ' disjoint from ' ' S ' ' and the set of all prime ideals in RS-1 . RS-1 = varinjlim Rf-1 , ' ' f ' ' running over elements in ' ' S ' ' with partial ordering given by divisibility. The localization is exact : : 0 to M ' S-1 to MS-1 to M ' ' S-1 to 0 is exact over RS-1 whenever 0 to M ' to M to M ' ' to 0 is exact over ' ' R ' ' . Conversely , if 0 to M ' mathfrakm to Mmathfrakm to M ' ' mathfrakm to 0 is exact for any maximal ideal mathfrakm , then 0 to M ' to M to M ' ' to 0 is exact . A remark : localization is no help in proving a global existence . One instance of this is that if two modules are isomorphic at all prime ideals , it does not follow that they are isomorphic . ( One way to explain this is that the localization allows one to view a module as a sheaf over prime ideals and a sheaf is inherently a local notion . ) In category theory , a localization of a category amounts to making some morphisms isomorphisms . An element in a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' may be thought of as an endomorphism of any ' ' R ' ' -module . Thus , categorically , a localization of ' ' R ' ' with respect to a subset ' ' S ' ' of ' ' R ' ' is a functor from the category of ' ' R ' ' -modules to itself that sends elements of ' ' S ' ' viewed as endomorphisms to automorphisms and is universal with respect to this property . ( Of course , ' ' R ' ' then maps to RS-1 and ' ' R ' ' -modules map to RS-1 -modules. ) # Completion # Let ' ' R ' ' be a commutative ring , and let ' ' I ' ' be an ideal of ' ' R ' ' . The completion of ' ' R ' ' at ' ' I ' ' is the projective limit hatR = varprojlim R/In ; it is a commutative ring . The canonical homomorphisms from ' ' R ' ' to the quotients R/In induce a homomorphism R to hatR . The latter homomorphism is injective if ' ' R ' ' is a noetherian integral domain and ' ' I ' ' is a proper ideal , or if ' ' R ' ' is a noetherian local ring with maximal ideal ' ' I ' ' , by Krull 's intersection theorem . The construction is especially useful when ' ' I ' ' is a maximal ideal . The basic example is the completion Z ' ' p ' ' of Z at the principal ideal ( ' ' p ' ' ) generated by a prime number ' ' p ' ' ; it is called the ring of ' ' p ' ' -adic integers . The completion can in this case be constructed also from the ' ' p ' ' -adic absolute value on Q . The ' ' p ' ' -adic absolute value on Q is a map x mapsto x from Q to R given by np=p-vp(n) where vp(n) denotes the exponent of ' ' p ' ' in the prime factorization of a nonzero integer ' ' n ' ' into prime numbers ( we also put 0p=0 and m/np = mp/np ) . It defines a distance function on Q and the completion of Q as a metric space is denoted by Q ' ' p ' ' . It is again a field since the field operations extend to the completion . The subring of Q ' ' p ' ' consisting of elements ' ' x ' ' with xp le 1 is isomorphic to Z ' ' p ' ' . Similarly , the formal power series ring R ! t ! is the completion of Rt at ( t ) . See also : Hensel 's lemma . A complete ring has much simpler structure than a commutative ring . This owns to the Cohen structure theorem , which says , roughly , that a complete local ring tends to look like a formal power series ring or a quotient of it . On the other hand , the interaction between the integral closure and completion has been among the most important aspects that distinguish modern commutative ring theory from the classical one developed by the likes of Noether . Pathological examples found by Nagata led to the reexamination of the roles of Noetherian rings and motivated , among other things , the definition of excellent ring . # Group ring # This construction allows one to study a group using the ring theory . Let ' ' G ' ' be a group and ' ' A ' ' a commutative ring . The group ring AG of ' ' G ' ' over ' ' A ' ' is then the set of all functions f : G to A such that f(s) = 0 for all but finitely many ' ' s ' ' in ' ' G ' ' with addition and multiplication defined as follows . Let R = AG and make it an abelian group with the ordinary addition of functions . The multiplication on it is given by convolution : : ( f*g ) ( t ) = sums in G f(s)g(s-1t) . This is a finite sum and is therefore well-defined . Also , the function f*g belongs to R . One then checks that the addition and the multiplication satisfy the ring axioms . ' ' R ' ' has the multiplicative identity delta1 where deltat(t) = 1 , deltat(s) = 0 for all s ne t . ( cf. Kronecker delta. ) deltat , , t in G , form an ' ' A ' ' -basis of ' ' R ' ' . Explicitly , for any ' ' f ' ' in ' ' R ' ' , there is the expansion : f = sums in G f(s) deltas . Finally , essentially the same construction is possible for a unital semigroup instead of a group except the multiplication is given by : : ( f*g ) ( t ) = sumuv = t f(u)g(v) . The resulting ring is called a semigroup ring . For example , AmathbbN0 is a polynomial ring of one variable over ' ' A ' ' . # Tensor product # Let ' ' A ' ' , ' ' B ' ' be algebras over a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' . Then the tensor product of ' ' R ' ' -modules A otimesR B is a ' ' R ' ' -module . We can turn it to a ring by extending linearly ( x otimes u ) ( y otimes v ) = xy otimes uv . For example , if ' ' R ' ' ' is an ' ' R ' ' -algebra , then R ' otimesR Rt simeq R ' t and Rt otimesR Rt simeq Rt1 , t2 . For algebras ' ' A ' ' , ' ' A ' ' ' over ' ' k ' ' and their subalgebras ' ' B ' ' , ' ' B , resp. , : CA otimes A ' ( B otimes B ' ) = CA(B) otimes CA ' ( B ' ) where CA(B) refers to the centralizer of ' ' B ' ' in ' ' A ' ' . In particular , the center of A otimes B is the tensor product of the centers of ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' . Given a ring homomorphism R to S with central image , the functor -otimesR S is the left adjoint of the forgetful functor from the category of algebra over ' ' S ' ' to the category of algebras over ' ' R ' ' . # Rings with generators and relations # The most general way to construct a ring is by specifying generators and relations . Let ' ' F ' ' be a free ring ( i.e. , free algebra over the integers ) with the set ' ' X ' ' of symbols ; i.e. , ' ' F ' ' consists of polynomials with integral coefficients in noncommuting variables that are elements of ' ' X ' ' . A free ring satisfies the universal property : any function from the set ' ' X ' ' to a ring ' ' R ' ' factors through ' ' F ' ' so that F to R is the unique ring homomorphism . Just as in the group case , every ring can be represented as a quotient of a free ring . Now , we can impose relations among symbols in ' ' X ' ' by taking a quotient . Explicitly , if ' ' E ' ' is a subset of ' ' F ' ' , then the quotient ring of ' ' F ' ' by the ideal generated by ' ' E ' ' is called the ring with generators ' ' X ' ' and relations ' ' E ' ' . If we used a ring , say , ' ' A ' ' as a base ring instead of Z , then the resulting ring will be over ' ' A ' ' . For example , if E = xy - yx mid x , y in X , then the resulting ring will be the usual polynomial ring with coefficients in ' ' A ' ' in variables that are elements of ' ' X ' ' ( It is also the same thing as the symmetric algebra over ' ' A ' ' with symbols ' ' X ' ' . ) In the category-theoretic terms , the formation S mapsto textthe free ring generated by the set S is the left adjoint functor of the forgetful functor from the category of rings to Set ( and it is often called the free ring functor. ) # Special kinds of rings # # Domains # A nonzero ring with no nonzero zero-divisors is called a domain . A commutative domain is called an integral domain . The most important integral domains are principal ideals domains , PID for short , and fields . A principal ideal domain is an integral domain in which every ideal is principal . An important class of integral domains that contain a PID is a unique factorization domain , an integral domain in which every nonunit element is a product of prime elements . ( an element ' ' x ' ' is prime if ( x ) is a prime ideal . ) The fundamental question in algebraic number theory is on the extent to which the ring of integers ( not necessarily rational integers ) fails to be a PID . Among theorems concerning a PID , the most important one is the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain . The theorem may be illustrated by the following application to linear algebra . Let ' ' V ' ' be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field ' ' k ' ' and f : V to V a linear map with minimal polynomial ' ' q ' ' . Then , since kt is a unique factorization domain , ' ' q ' ' factors into powers of distinct irreducible polynomials ( i.e. , prime elements ) : : q = p1e1 .. pses . Letting t cdot v = f(v) , we make ' ' V ' ' a ' ' k ' ' ' ' t ' ' -module . The structure theorem then says that V = bigoplus Vi as ' ' k ' ' ' ' t ' ' -module where each Vi is isomorphic to a direct sum of submodules W isomorphic to kt/ ( pikj ) . Now , if pi(t) = t - lambdai , then such a W has a basis in which the restriction of ' ' f ' ' is represented by a Jordan matrix , Thus , if , say , ' ' k ' ' is algebraically closed , then pi are of the form t - lambdai and the above decomposition corresponds to the Jordan canonical form of ' ' f ' ' . Any nonzero subring of a field is necessarily an integral domain . The converse is also true : an integral domain is always a subring of its field of fractions . This only partially generalizes to a noncommutative setting . In algebraic geometry , UFD 's arise because of smoothness . More precisely , a point in a variety ( over a perfect field ) is smooth if the local ring at the point is a regular local ring . A regular local ring is a UFD . The following is a chain of class inclusions that describes the relationship between rings , domains and fields : Commutative rings integral domains integrally closed domains unique factorization domains principal ideal domains Euclidean domains fields # Division ring # A division ring is a ring such that every non-zero element is a unit . A commutative division ring is a field . A prominent example of a division ring that is not a field is the ring of quaternions . Any centralizer in a division ring is also a division ring . In particular , the center of a division ring is a field . It turned out that every ' ' finite ' ' domain ( in particular finite division ring ) is a field ; in particular commutative ( the Wedderburn 's little theorem ) . Every module over a division ring is a free module ( has a basis ) ; consequently , much of linear algebra can be carried out over a division ring instead of a field . The study of conjugacy classes figures prominently in the classical theory of division rings . Cartan famously asked the following question : given a division ring ' ' D ' ' and a proper sub-division-ring ' ' S ' ' that is not contained in the center , does each inner automorphism of ' ' D ' ' restrict to an automorphism of ' ' S ' ' ? The answer is negative : this is the CartanBrauerHua theorem . : OD = x in D v(x) ge 0 , quad mathfrakP = x in D v(x) 0 . Then OD is a subring of ' ' D ' ' with the unique maximal ideal that is mathfrakP . It is called the ring of integers of ' ' D ' ' . -- A cyclic algebra , introduced by L. E. Dickson , is a generalization of a quaternion algebra. # Semisimple rings # A ring is called a semisimple ring if it is semisimple as a left module ( or right module ) over itself ; i.e. , a direct sum of simple modules . A ring is called a semiprimitive ring if its Jacobson radical is zero . ( The Jacobson radical is the intersection of all maximal left ideals . ) A ring is semisimple if and only if it is artinian and is semiprimitive . An algebra over a field ' ' k ' ' is artinian if and only if it has finite dimension . Thus , a semisimple algebra over a field is necessarily finite-dimensional , while a simple algebra may have infinite-dimension ; e.g. , the ring of differential operators . Any module over a semisimple ring is semisimple . ( Proof : any free module over a semisimple ring is clearly semisimple and any module is a quotient of a free module . ) Examples of semisimple rings : A matrix ring over a division ring is semisimple ( actually simple ) . The group ring kG of a finite group ' ' G ' ' over a field ' ' k ' ' is semisimple if the characteristic of ' ' k ' ' does not divide the order of ' ' G ' ' . ( Maschke 's theorem ) The Weyl algebra ( over a field ) is a simple ring ; it is not semisimple since it has infinite dimension and thus not artinian. Clifford algebras are semisimple . Semisimplicity is closely related to separability . An algebra ' ' A ' ' over a field ' ' k ' ' is said to be separable if the base extension A otimesk F is semisimple for any field extension F/k . If ' ' A ' ' happens to be a field , then this is equivalent to the usual definition in field theory ( cf. separable extension. ) # Central simple algebra and Brauer group # For a field ' ' k ' ' , a ' ' k ' ' -algebra is central if its center is ' ' k ' ' and is simple if it is a simple ring . Since the center of a simple ' ' k ' ' -algebra is a field , any simple ' ' k ' ' -algebra is a central simple algebra over its center . In this section , a central simple algebra is assumed to have finite dimension . Also , we mostly fix the base field ; thus , an algebra refers to a ' ' k ' ' -algebra . The matrix ring of size ' ' n ' ' over a ring ' ' R ' ' will be denoted by Rn . The SkolemNoether theorem states any automorphism of a central simple algebra is inner . Two central simple algebras ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are said to be ' ' similar ' ' if there are integers ' ' n ' ' and ' ' m ' ' such that A otimesk kn approx B otimesk km . Since kn otimesk km simeq knm , the similarity is an equivalence relation . The similarity classes A with the multiplication AB = A otimesk B form an abelian group called the Brauer group of ' ' k ' ' and is denoted by operatornameBr(k) . By the ArtinWedderburn theorem , a central simple algebra is the matrix ring of a division ring ; thus , each similarity class is represented by a unique division ring . For example , operatornameBr(k) is trivial if ' ' k ' ' is a finite field or an algebraically closed field ( more generally quasi-algebraically closed field ; cf. Tsen 's theorem ) . operatornameBr(mathbbR) has order 2 ( a special case of the theorem of Frobenius ) . Finally , if ' ' k ' ' is a nonarchimedean local field ( e.g. , mathbbQp ) , then operatornameBr(k) = mathbbQ/mathbbZ through the invariant map . Now , if ' ' F ' ' is a field extension of ' ' k ' ' , then the base extension - otimesk F induces operatornameBr(k) to operatornameBr(F) . Its kernel is denoted by operatornameBr(F/k) . It consists of A such that A otimesk F is a matrix ring over ' ' F ' ' ( i.e. , ' ' A ' ' is split by ' ' F ' ' . ) If the extension is finite and Galois , then operatornameBr(F/k) is canonically isomorphic to H2 ( operatornameGal ( F/k ) , k* ) . Azumaya algebras generalize the notion of central simple algebras to a commutative local ring . # Rings with extra structure # A ring may be viewed as an abelian group ( by using the addition operation ) , with extra structure . In the same way , there are other mathematical objects which may be considered as rings with extra structure . For example : An ' ' associative algebra ' ' is a ring that is also a vector space over a field ' ' K ' ' . For instance , the set of ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices over the real field R has dimension ' ' n ' ' 2 as a real vector space . A ring ' ' R ' ' is a ' ' topological ring ' ' if its set of elements is given a topology which makes the addition map ( + : Rtimes R to R , ) and the multiplication map ( cdot : Rtimes R to R , ) to be both continuous as maps between topological spaces ( where ' ' X ' ' ' ' X ' ' inherits the product topology or any other product in the category ) . For example , ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices over the real numbers could be given either the Euclidean topology , or the Zariski topology , and in either case one would obtain a topological ring . # Some examples of the ubiquity of rings # Many different kinds of mathematical objects can be fruitfully analyzed in terms of some associated ring . # Cohomology ring of a topological space # To any topological space ' ' X ' ' one can associate its integral cohomology ring : H* ( X , mathbbZ ) = bigoplusi=0infty Hi ( X , mathbbZ ) , a graded ring . There are also homology groups Hi ( X , mathbbZ ) of a space , and indeed these were defined first , as a useful tool for distinguishing between certain pairs of topological spaces , like the spheres and tori , for which the methods of point-set topology are not well-suited . Cohomology groups were later defined in terms of homology groups in a way which is roughly analogous to the dual of a vector space . To know each individual integral homology group is essentially the same as knowing each individual integral cohomology group , because of the universal coefficient theorem . However , the advantage of the cohomology groups is that there is a natural product , which is analogous to the observation that one can multiply pointwise a ' ' k ' ' -multilinear form and an ' ' l ' ' -multilinear form to get a ( ' ' k ' ' + ' ' l ' ' ) -multilinear form . The ring structure in cohomology provides the foundation for characteristic classes of fiber bundles , intersection theory on manifolds and algebraic varieties , Schubert calculus and much more . # Burnside ring of a group # To any group is associated its Burnside ring which uses a ring to describe the various ways the group can act on a finite set . The Burnside ring 's additive group is the free abelian group whose basis are the transitive actions of the group and whose addition is the disjoint union of the action . Expressing an action in terms of the basis is decomposing an action into its transitive constituents . The multiplication is easily expressed in terms of the representation ring : the multiplication in the Burnside ring is formed by writing the tensor product of two permutation modules as a permutation module . The ring structure allows a formal way of subtracting one action from another . Since the Burnside ring is contained as a finite index subring of the representation ring , one can pass easily from one to the other by extending the coefficients from integers to the rational numbers . # Representation ring of a group ring # To any group ring or Hopf algebra is associated its representation ring or Green ring . The representation ring 's additive group is the free abelian group whose basis are the indecomposable modules and whose addition corresponds to the direct sum . Expressing a module in terms of the basis is finding an indecomposable decomposition of the module . The multiplication is the tensor product . When the algebra is semisimple , the representation ring is just the character ring from character theory , which is more or less the Grothendieck group given a ring structure . # Function field of an irreducible algebraic variety # To any irreducible algebraic variety is associated its function field . The points of an algebraic variety correspond to valuation rings contained in the function field and containing the coordinate ring . The study of algebraic geometry makes heavy use of commutative algebra to study geometric concepts in terms of ring-theoretic properties . Birational geometry studies maps between the subrings of the function field . # Face ring of a simplicial complex # Every simplicial complex has an associated face ring , also called its StanleyReisner ring . This ring reflects many of the combinatorial properties of the simplicial complex , so it is of particular interest in algebraic combinatorics . In particular , the algebraic geometry of the StanleyReisner ring was used to characterize the numbers of faces in each dimension of simplicial polytopes. # Category theoretical description # Every ring can be thought of as a monoid in Ab , the category of abelian groups ( thought of as a monoidal category under the tensor product of mathbb Z -modules ) . The monoid action of a ring ' ' R ' ' on an abelian group is simply an ' ' R ' ' -module . Essentially , an ' ' R ' ' -module is a generalization of the notion of a vector space where rather than a vector space over a field , one has a vector space over a ring . Let ( ' ' A ' ' , + ) be an abelian group and let End ( ' ' A ' ' ) be its endomorphism ring ( see above ) . Note that , essentially , End ( ' ' A ' ' ) is the set of all morphisms of ' ' A ' ' , where if ' ' f ' ' is in End ( ' ' A ' ' ) , and ' ' g ' ' is in End ( ' ' A ' ' ) , the following rules may be used to compute ' ' f ' ' + ' ' g ' ' and ' ' f ' ' ' ' g ' ' : ( ' ' f ' ' + ' ' g ' ' ) ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) + ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) ( ' ' f ' ' ' ' g ' ' ) ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) where + as in ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) + ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is addition in ' ' A ' ' , and function composition is denoted from right to left . Therefore , associated to any abelian group , is a ring . Conversely , given any ring , ( ' ' R ' ' , + , ) , ( ' ' R ' ' , + ) is an abelian group . Furthermore , for every ' ' r ' ' in ' ' R ' ' , right ( or left ) multiplication by ' ' r ' ' gives rise to a morphism of ( ' ' R ' ' , + ) , by right ( or left ) distributivity . Let ' ' A ' ' = ( ' ' R ' ' , + ) . Consider those endomorphisms of ' ' A ' ' , that factor through right ( or left ) multiplication of ' ' R ' ' . In other words , let End R ( ' ' A ' ' ) be the set of all morphisms ' ' m ' ' of ' ' A ' ' , having the property that ' ' m ' ' ( ' ' r ' ' ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' r ' ' ' ' m ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) . It was seen that every ' ' r ' ' in ' ' R ' ' gives rise to a morphism of ' ' A ' ' : right multiplication by ' ' r ' ' . It is in fact true that this association of any element of ' ' R ' ' , to a morphism of ' ' A ' ' , as a function from ' ' R ' ' to End R ( ' ' A ' ' ) , is an isomorphism of rings . In this sense , therefore , any ring can be viewed as the endomorphism ring of some abelian ' ' X ' ' -group ( by ' ' X ' ' -group , it is meant a group with ' ' X ' ' being its set of operators ) . In essence , the most general form of a ring , is the endomorphism group of some abelian ' ' X ' ' -group . Any ring can be seen as a preadditive category with a single object . It is therefore natural to consider arbitrary preadditive categories to be generalizations of rings . And indeed , many definitions and theorems originally given for rings can be translated to this more general context . Additive functors between preadditive categories generalize the concept of ring homomorphism , and ideals in additive categories can be defined as sets of morphisms closed under addition and under composition with arbitrary morphisms. # Generalization # Algebraists have defined structures more general than rings by weakening or dropping some of ring axioms. # Rng # A rng is the same as a ring , except that the existence of a multiplicative identity is not assumed . # Nonassociative ring # A nonassociative ring is an algebraic structure that satisfies all of the ring axioms but the associative property # Semiring # A semiring is obtained by weakening the assumption that ( ' ' R ' ' , + ) is an abelian group to the assumption that ( ' ' R ' ' , + ) is a commutative monoid , and adding the axiom that 0 ' ' a ' ' = ' ' a ' ' 0 = 0 for all ' ' a ' ' in ' ' R ' ' ( since it no longer follows from the other axioms ) . # Other ring-like objects # # Ring object in a category # Let ' ' C ' ' be a category with finite products . Let pt denote a terminal object of ' ' C ' ' ( an empty product ) . A ring object in ' ' C ' ' is an object ' ' R ' ' equipped with morphisms R times R stackrelato R ( addition ) , R times R stackrelmto R ( multiplication ) , operatornamept stackrel0to R ( additive identity ) , R stackrelito R ( additive inverse ) , and operatornamept stackrel1to R ( multiplicative identity ) satisfying the usual ring axioms . Equivalently , a ring object is an object ' ' R ' ' equipped with a factorization of its functor of points hR = operatornameHom ( - , R ) : Coperatornameop to mathbfSets through the category of rings : Coperatornameop to mathbfRings *37;11786;TOOLONG mathbfSets . # Ring scheme # In algebraic geometry , a ring scheme over a base scheme ' ' S ' ' is a ring object in the category of ' ' S ' ' -schemes . One example is the ring scheme W ' ' n ' ' over Spec Z , which for any commutative ring ' ' A ' ' returns the ring W ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) of ' ' p ' ' -isotypic Witt vectors of length ' ' n ' ' over ' ' A ' ' . # Ring spectrum # In algebraic topology , a ring spectrum is a spectrum ' ' X ' ' together with a multiplication mu colon X wedge X to X and a unit map S to X from the sphere spectrum ' ' S ' ' , such that the ring axiom diagrams commute up to homotopy . In practice , it is common to define a ring spectrum as a monoid object in a good category of spectra such as the category of symmetric spectra . # See also # *50;11825;div Algebra over a commutative ring Algebraic structure Category of rings Chinese remainder theorem Glossary of ring theory Nonassociative ring Ring theory Semiring Spectrum of a ring Simplicial commutative ring Special types of rings : * Boolean ring * Commutative ring * Dedekind ring * Differential ring * Division ring ( skew field ) * Exponential ring * Field * Integral domain * Lie ring * Local ring * Noetherian and artinian rings * Ordered ring * Principal ideal domain ( PID ) * Reduced ring * Regular ring * Ring of periods * Ring theory * SBI ring * Unique factorization domain ( UFD ) * Valuation ring and discrete valuation ring * Zero ring # Notes # # Citations # # References # # General references # Cite book Cite book Cite book . Cite book Cite book Cite book Cite book Cite journal Cite journal . Cite book Cite book Cite book . Cite book Cite web . year=1930 . Cite book Cite book # Special references # . . Cite journal Cite book . . Cite journal Cite book . Cite book Cite book Cite web . Cite book . . Cite web Cite book # Primary sources # Cite journal Cite journal Cite journal # Historical references # Birkhoff , G. and Mac Lane , S. A Survey of Modern Algebra , 5th ed . New York : Macmillian , 1996. Bronshtein , I. N. and Semendyayev , K. A. Handbook of Mathematics , 4th ed . New York : Springer-Verlag , 2004 . ISBN 3-540-43491-7. Faith , Carl , ' ' Rings and things and a fine array of twentieth century associative algebra ' ' . Mathematical Surveys and Monographs , 65 . American Mathematical Society , Providence , RI , 1999. xxxiv+422 pp . ISBN 0-8218-0993-8. It , K. ( Ed . ) . Rings . 368 in Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics , 2nd ed. , Vol. 2 . Cambridge , MA : MIT Press , 1986. Kleiner , I. , The Genesis of the Abstract Ring Concept , Amer . Math . Monthly 103 , 417424 , 1996. Kleiner , I. , From numbers to rings : the early history of ring theory , ' ' Elem . Math . ' ' 53 ( 1998 ) , 1835. Renteln , P. and Dundes , A. Foolproof : A Sampling of Mathematical Folk Humor . Notices Amer . Math . Soc. 52 , 2434 , 2005. Singmaster , D. and Bloom , D. M. Problem E1648 . Amer . Math . Monthly 71 , 918920 , 1964. Van der Waerden , B. L. A History of Algebra . New York : Springer-Verlag , 1985. @@48781 ' ' Philosophi Naturalis Principia Mathematica ' ' , Latin for Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy , often referred to as simply the ' ' Principia ' ' , is a work in three books by Sir Isaac Newton , in Latin , first published 5 July 1687 . After annotating and correcting his personal copy of the first edition , Newton also published two further editions , in 1713 and 1726 . The ' ' Principia ' ' states Newton 's laws of motion , forming the foundation of classical mechanics , also Newton 's law of universal gravitation , and a derivation of Kepler 's laws of planetary motion ( which Kepler first obtained empirically ) . The ' ' Principia ' ' is justly regarded as one of the most important works in the history of science . The French mathematical physicist Alexis Clairaut assessed it in 1747 : The famous book of ' ' mathematical Principles of natural Philosophy ' ' marked the epoch of a great revolution in physics . The method followed by its illustrious author Sir Newton .. spread the light of mathematics on a science which up to then had remained in the darkness of conjectures and hypotheses . A more recent assessment has been that while acceptance of Newton 's theories was not immediate , by the end of a century after publication in 1687 , no one could deny that ( out of the ' ' Principia ' ' ) a science had emerged that , at least in certain respects , so far exceeded anything that had ever gone before that it stood alone as the ultimate exemplar of science generally . In formulating his physical theories , Newton developed and used mathematical methods now included in the field of calculus . But the language of calculus as we know it was largely absent from the ' ' Principia ' ' ; Newton gave many of his proofs in a geometric form of infinitesimal calculus , based on limits of ratios of vanishing small geometric quantities . In a revised conclusion to the ' ' Principia ' ' ( see ' ' General Scholium ' ' ) , Newton used his expression that became famous , ' ' Hypotheses non fingo ' ' ( I contrive no hypotheses ) . # Contents # # Expressed aim and topics covered # In the preface of the ' ' Principia ' ' , Newton wrote The ' ' Principia ' ' deals primarily with massive bodies in motion , initially under a variety of conditions and hypothetical laws of force in both non-resisting and resisting media , thus offering criteria to decide , by observations , which laws of force are operating in phenomena that may be observed . It attempts to cover hypothetical or possible motions both of celestial bodies and of terrestrial projectiles . It explores difficult problems of motions perturbed by multiple attractive forces . Its third and final book deals with the interpretation of observations about the movements of planets and their satellites . It shows how astronomical observations prove the inverse square law of gravitation ( to an accuracy that was high by the standards of Newton 's time ) ; offers estimates of relative masses for the known giant planets and for the Earth and the Sun ; defines the very slow motion of the Sun relative to the solar-system barycenter ; shows how the theory of gravity can account for irregularities in the motion of the Moon ; identifies the oblateness of the figure of the Earth ; accounts approximately for marine tides including phenomena of spring and neap tides by the perturbing ( and varying ) gravitational attractions of the Sun and Moon on the Earth 's waters ; explains the precession of the equinoxes as an effect of the gravitational attraction of the Moon on the Earth 's equatorial bulge ; and gives theoretical basis for numerous phenomena about comets and their elongated , near-parabolic orbits . The opening sections of the ' ' Principia ' ' contain , in revised and extended form , nearly all of the content of Newton 's 1684 tract ' ' De motu corporum in gyrum ' ' . The ' ' Principia ' ' begins with ' Definitions ' and ' Axioms or Laws of Motion ' and continues in three books : # Book 1 , De motu corporum # Book 1 , subtitled ' ' De motu corporum ' ' ( ' ' On the motion of bodies ' ' ) concerns motion in the absence of any resisting medium . It opens with a mathematical exposition of the method of first and last ratios , a geometrical form of infinitesimal calculus . The second section establishes relationships between centripetal forces and the law of areas now known as Kepler 's second law ( Propositions 13 ) , and relates circular velocity and radius of path-curvature to radial force ( Proposition 4 ) , and relationships between centripetal forces varying as the inverse-square of the distance to the center and orbits of conic-section form ( Propositions 510 ) . Propositions 1131 establish properties of motion in paths of eccentric conic-section form including ellipses , and their relation with inverse-square central forces directed to a focus , and include Newton 's theorem about ovals ( lemma 28 ) . Propositions 4345 are demonstration that in an eccentric orbit under centripetal force where the apse may move , a steady non-moving orientation of the line of apses is an indicator of an inverse-square law of force . Book 1 contains some proofs with little connection to real-world dynamics . But there are also sections with far-reaching application to the solar system and universe : Propositions 5769 deal with the motion of bodies drawn to one another by centripetal forces . This section is of primary interest for its application to the solar system , and includes Proposition 66 along with its 22 corollaries : here Newton took the first steps in the definition and study of the problem of the movements of three massive bodies subject to their mutually perturbing gravitational attractions , a problem which later gained name and fame ( among other reasons , for its great difficulty ) as the three-body problem . Propositions 7084 deal with the attractive forces of spherical bodies . The section contains Newton 's proof that a massive spherically symmetrical body attracts other bodies outside itself as if all its mass were concentrated at its centre . This fundamental result , called the Shell Theorem , enables the inverse square law of gravitation to be applied to the real solar system to a very close degree of approximation . # Book 2 # Part of the contents originally planned for the first book was divided out into a second book , which largely concerns motion through resisting mediums . Just as Newton examined consequences of different conceivable laws of attraction in Book 1 , here he examines different conceivable laws of resistance ; thus *25;25242;span Section 1 discusses resistance in direct proportion to velocity , and *25;25269;span Section 2 goes on to examine the implications of resistance in proportion to the square of velocity . Book 2 also discusses ( in *25;25296;span Section 5 ) hydrostatics and the properties of compressible fluids . The effects of air resistance on pendulums are studied in *25;25323;span Section 6 , along with Newton 's account of experiments that he carried out , to try to find out some characteristics of air resistance in reality by observing the motions of pendulums under different conditions . Newton compares the resistance offered by a medium against motions of bodies of different shape , attempts to derive the speed of sound , and gives accounts of experimental tests of the result . Less of Book 2 has stood the test of time than of Books 1 and 3 , and it has been said that Book 2 was largely written on purpose to refute a theory of Descartes which had some wide acceptance before Newton 's work ( and for some time after ) . According to this Cartesian theory of vortices , planetary motions were produced by the whirling of fluid vortices that filled interplanetary space and carried the planets along with them . Newton wrote at the end of Book 2 his conclusion that the hypothesis of vortices was completely at odds with the astronomical phenomena , and served not so much to explain as to confuse them . # Book 3 , De mundi systemate # Book 3 , subtitled ' ' De mundi systemate ' ' ( ' ' On the system of the world ' ' ) is an exposition of many consequences of universal gravitation , especially its consequences for astronomy . It builds upon the propositions of the previous books , and applies them with further specificity than in Book 1 to the motions observed in the solar system . Here ( introduced by Proposition 22 , and continuing in Propositions 2535 ) are developed several of the features and irregularities of the orbital motion of the Moon , especially the variation . Newton lists the astronomical observations on which he relies , and establishes in a stepwise manner that the inverse square law of mutual gravitation applies to solar system bodies , starting with the satellites of Jupiter and going on by stages to show that the law is of universal application . He also gives starting at Lemma 4 and Proposition 40 ) the theory of the motions of comets , for which much data came from John Flamsteed and Edmond Halley , and accounts for the tides , attempting quantitative estimates of the contributions of the Sun and Moon to the tidal motions ; and offers the first theory of the precession of the equinoxes . Book 3 also considers the harmonic oscillator in three dimensions , and motion in arbitrary force laws . In Book 3 Newton also made clear his heliocentric view of the solar system , modified in a somewhat modern way , since already in the mid-1680s he recognised the deviation of the Sun from the centre of gravity of the solar system . For Newton , the common centre of gravity of the Earth , the Sun and all the Planets is to be esteem 'd the Centre of the World , and that this centre either is at rest , or moves uniformly forward in a right line . Newton rejected the second alternative after adopting the position that the centre of the system of the world is immoveable , which is acknowledg 'd by all , while some contend that the Earth , others , that the Sun is fix 'd in that centre . Newton estimated the mass ratios Sun:Jupiter and Sun:Saturn , and pointed out that these put the centre of the Sun usually a little way off the common center of gravity , but only a little , the distance at most would scarcely amount to one diameter of the Sun . # Commentary on the Principia # The sequence of definitions used in setting up dynamics in the ' ' Principia ' ' is recognisable in many textbooks today . Newton first set out the definition of mass *20;25350;sup 6 This was then used to define the quantity of motion ( today called momentum ) , and the principle of inertia in which mass replaces the previous Cartesian notion of ' ' intrinsic force ' ' . This then set the stage for the introduction of forces through the change in momentum of a body . Curiously , for today 's readers , the exposition looks dimensionally incorrect , since Newton does not introduce the dimension of time in rates of changes of quantities . He defined space and time not as they are well known to all . Instead , he defined true time and space as absolute and explained : To some modern readers it can appear that some dynamical quantities recognised today were used in the ' ' Principia ' ' but not named . The mathematical aspects of the first two books were so clearly consistent that they were easily accepted ; for example , Locke asked Huygens whether he could trust the mathematical proofs , and was assured about their correctness . However , the concept of an attractive force acting at a distance received a cooler response . In his notes , Newton wrote that the inverse square law arose naturally due to the structure of matter . However , he retracted this sentence in the published version , where he stated that the motion of planets is consistent with an inverse square law , but refused to speculate on the origin of the law . Huygens and Leibniz noted that the law was incompatible with the notion of the aether . From a Cartesian point of view , therefore , this was a faulty theory . Newton 's defence has been adopted since by many famous physicistshe pointed out that the mathematical form of the theory had to be correct since it explained the data , and he refused to speculate further on the basic nature of gravity . The sheer number of phenomena that could be organised by the theory was so impressive that younger philosophers soon adopted the methods and language of the ' ' Principia ' ' . # Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy # Perhaps to reduce the risk of public misunderstanding , Newton included at the beginning of Book 3 ( in the second ( 1713 ) and third ( 1726 ) editions ) a section entitled Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy . In the four rules , as they came finally to stand in the 1726 edition , Newton effectively offers a methodology for handling unknown phenomena in nature and reaching towards explanations for them . The four Rules of the 1726 edition run as follows ( omitting some explanatory comments that follow each ) : Rule 1 : ' ' We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances . ' ' Rule 2 : ' ' Therefore to the same natural effects we must , as far as possible , assign the same causes . ' ' Rule 3 : ' ' The qualities of bodies , which admit neither intensification nor remission of degrees , and which are found to belong to all bodies within the reach of our experiments , are to be esteemed the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever . ' ' Rule 4 : ' ' In experimental philosophy we are to look upon propositions inferred by general induction from phenomena as accurately or very nearly true , not withstanding any contrary hypothesis that may be imagined , till such time as other phenomena occur , by which they may either be made more accurate , or liable to exceptions . ' ' This section of Rules for philosophy is followed by a listing of ' Phenomena ' , in which are listed a number of mainly astronomical observations , that Newton used as the basis for inferences later on , as if adopting a consensus set of facts from the astronomers of his time . Both the ' Rules ' and the ' Phenomena ' evolved from one edition of the ' ' Principia ' ' to the next . Rule 4 made its appearance in the third ( 1726 ) edition ; Rules 13 were present as ' Rules ' in the second ( 1713 ) edition , and predecessors of them were also present in the first edition of 1687 , but there they had a different heading : they were not given as ' Rules ' , but rather in the first ( 1687 ) edition the predecessors of the three later ' Rules ' , and of most of the later ' Phenomena ' , were all lumped together under a single heading ' Hypotheses ' ( in which the third item was the predecessor of a heavy revision that gave the later Rule 3 ) . From this textual evolution , it appears that Newton wanted by the later headings ' Rules ' and ' Phenomena ' to clarify for his readers his view of the roles to be played by these various statements . In the third ( 1726 ) edition of the ' ' Principia ' ' , Newton explains each rule in an alternative way and/or gives an example to back up what the rule is claiming . The first rule is explained as a philosophers ' principle of economy . The second rule states that if one cause is assigned to a natural effect , then the same cause so far as possible must be assigned to natural effects of the same kind : for example respiration in humans and in animals , fires in the home and in the Sun , or the reflection of light whether it occurs terrestrially or from the planets . An extensive explanation is given of the third rule , concerning the qualities of bodies , and Newton discusses here the generalisation of observational results , with a caution against making up fancies contrary to experiments , and use of the rules to illustrate the observation of gravity and space . Isaac Newtons statement of the four rules revolutionised the investigation of phenomena . With these rules , Newton could in principle begin to address all of the worlds present unsolved mysteries . He was able to use his new analytical method to replace that of Aristotle , and he was able to use his method to tweak and update Galileo Galilei # General Scholium # The ' ' General Scholium ' ' is a concluding essay added to the second edition , 1713 ( and amended in the third edition , 1726 ) . It is not to be confused with the ' ' General Scholium ' ' at the end of Book 2 , Section 6 , which discusses his pendulum experiments and resistance due to air , water , and other fluids . Here Newton used what became his famous expression Hypotheses non fingo , I contrive no hypotheses , in response to criticisms of the first edition of the ' ' Principia ' ' . ( Fingo ' ' ' is sometimes nowadays translated ' feign ' rather than the traditional ' frame ' . ) Newton 's gravitational attraction , an invisible force able to act over vast distances , had led to criticism that he had introduced occult agencies into science . Newton firmly rejected such criticisms and wrote that it was enough that the phenomena implied gravitational attraction , as they did ; but the phenomena did not so far indicate the cause of this gravity , and it was both unnecessary and improper to frame hypotheses of things not implied by the phenomena : such hypotheses have no place in experimental philosophy , in contrast to the proper way in which particular propositions are inferr 'd from the phenomena and afterwards rendered general by induction . Newton also underlined his criticism of the vortex theory of planetary motions , of Descartes , pointing to its incompatibility with the highly eccentric orbits of comets , which carry them through all parts of the heavens indifferently . Newton also gave theological argument . From the system of the world , he inferred the existence of a Lord God , along lines similar to what is sometimes called the argument from intelligent or purposive design . It has been suggested that Newton gave an oblique argument for a unitarian conception of God and an implicit attack on the doctrine of the Trinity , but the General Scholium appears to say nothing specifically about these matters . # Writing and publication # # Halley and Newton 's initial stimulus # In January 1684 , Halley , Wren and Hooke had a conversation in which Hooke claimed to not only have derived the inverse-square law , but also all the laws of planetary motion . Wren was unconvinced , Hooke did not produce the claimed derivation although the others gave him time to do it , and Halley , who could derive the inverse-square law for the restricted circular case ( by substituting Kepler 's relation into Huygens ' formula for the centrifugal force ) but failed to derive the relation generally , resolved to ask Newton . Halley 's visits to Newton in 1684 thus resulted from Halley 's debates about planetary motion with Wren and Hooke , and they seem to have provided Newton with the incentive and spur to develop and write what became ' ' Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ' ' ( ' ' Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy ' ' ) . Halley was at that time a Fellow and Council member of the Royal Society in London , ( positions that in 1686 he resigned to become the Society 's paid Clerk ) . Halley 's visit to Newton in Cambridge in 1684 probably occurred in August . When Halley asked Newton 's opinion on the problem of planetary motions discussed earlier that year between Halley , Hooke and Wren , Newton surprised Halley by saying that he had already made the derivations some time ago ; but that he could not find the papers . ( Matching accounts of this meeting come from Halley and Abraham De Moivre to whom Newton confided . ) Halley then had to wait for Newton to ' find ' the results , but in November 1684 Newton sent Halley an amplified version of whatever previous work Newton had done on the subject . This took the form of a 9-page manuscript , ' ' De motu corporum in gyrum ' ' ( ' ' Of the motion of bodies in an orbit ' ' ) : the title is shown on some surviving copies , although the ( lost ) original may have been without title . Newton 's tract ' ' De motu corporum in gyrum ' ' , which he sent to Halley in late 1684 , derived what are now known as the three laws of Kepler , assuming an inverse square law of force , and generalised the result to conic sections . It also extended the methodology by adding the solution of a problem on the motion of a body through a resisting medium . The contents of ' ' De motu ' ' so excited Halley by their mathematical and physical originality and far-reaching implications for astronomical theory , that he immediately went to visit Newton again , in November 1684 , to ask Newton to let the Royal Society have more of such work . The results of their meetings clearly helped to stimulate Newton with the enthusiasm needed to take his investigations of mathematical problems much further in this area of physical science , and he did so in a period of highly concentrated work that lasted at least until mid-1686 . Newton 's single-minded attention to his work generally , and to his project during this time , is shown by later reminiscences from his secretary and copyist of the period , Humphrey Newton . His account tells of Isaac Newton 's absorption in his studies , how he sometimes forgot his food , or his sleep , or the state of his clothes , and how when he took a walk in his garden he would sometimes rush back to his room with some new thought , not even waiting to sit before beginning to write it down . Other evidence also shows Newton 's absorption in the ' ' Principia ' ' : Newton for years kept up a regular programme of chemical or alchemical experiments , and he normally kept dated notes of them , but for a period from May 1684 to April 1686 , Newton 's chemical notebooks have no entries at all . So it seems that Newton abandoned pursuits to which he was normally dedicated , and did very little else for well over a year and a half , but concentrated on developing and writing what became his great work . The first of the three constituent books was sent to Halley for the printer in spring 1686 , and the other two books somewhat later . The complete work , published by Halley at his own financial risk , appeared in July 1687 . Newton had also communicated ' ' De motu ' ' to Flamsteed , and during the period of composition he exchanged a few letters with Flamsteed about observational data on the planets , eventually acknowledging Flamsteed 's contributions in the published version of the ' ' Principia ' ' of 1687. # Preliminary version # The process of writing that first edition of the ' ' Principia ' ' went through several stages and drafts : some parts of the preliminary materials still survive , others are lost except for fragments and cross-references in other documents . Surviving preliminary materials show that Newton ( up to some time in 1685 ) conceived his book as a two-volume work : The first volume was to be ' ' De motu corporum , Liber primus ' ' , with contents that later appeared in extended form as Book 1 of the ' ' Principia ' ' . A fair-copy draft of Newton 's planned second volume ' ' De motu corporum , Liber secundus ' ' still survives , and its completion has been dated to about the summer of 1685 . What it covers is the application of the results of ' ' Liber primus ' ' to the Earth , the Moon , the tides , the solar system , and the universe : in this respect it has much the same purpose as the final Book 3 of the ' ' Principia ' ' , but it is written much less formally and is more easily read . It is not known just why Newton changed his mind so radically about the final form of what had been a readable narrative in ' ' De motu corporum , Liber secundus ' ' of 1685 , but he largely started afresh in a new , tighter , and less accessible mathematical style , eventually to produce Book 3 of the ' ' Principia ' ' as we know it . Newton frankly admitted that this change of style was deliberate when he wrote that he had ( first ) composed this book in a popular method , that it might be read by many , but to prevent the disputes by readers who could not lay aside their prejudices , he had reduced it into the form of propositions ( in the mathematical way ) which should be read by those only , who had first made themselves masters of the principles established in the preceding books . The final Book 3 also contained in addition some further important quantitative results arrived at by Newton in the meantime , especially about the theory of the motions of comets , and some of the perturbations of the motions of the Moon . The result was numbered Book 3 of the ' ' Principia ' ' rather than Book 2 , because in the meantime , drafts of ' ' Liber primus ' ' had expanded and Newton had divided it into two books . The new and final Book 2 was concerned largely with the motions of bodies through resisting mediums . But the ' ' Liber secundus ' ' of 1685 can still be read today . Even after it was superseded by Book 3 of the ' ' Principia ' ' , it survived complete , in more than one manuscript . After Newton 's death in 1727 , the relatively accessible character of its writing encouraged the publication of an English translation in 1728 ( by persons still unknown , not authorised by Newton 's heirs ) . It appeared under the English title ' ' A Treatise of the System of the World ' ' . This had some amendments relative to Newton 's manuscript of 1685 , mostly to remove cross-references that used obsolete numbering to cite the propositions of an early draft of Book 1 of the ' ' Principia ' ' . Newton 's heirs shortly afterwards published the Latin version in their possession , also in 1728 , under the ( new ) title ' ' De Mundi Systemate ' ' , amended to update cross-references , citations and diagrams to those of the later editions of the ' ' Principia ' ' , making it look superficially as if it had been written by Newton after the ' ' Principia ' ' , rather than before . The ' ' System of the World ' ' was sufficiently popular to stimulate two revisions ( with similar changes as in the Latin printing ) , a second edition ( 1731 ) , and a ' corrected ' reprint of the second edition ( 1740 ) . # Halley 's role as publisher # The text of the first of the three books of the ' ' Principia ' ' was presented to the Royal Society at the close of April 1686 . Hooke made some priority claims ( but failed to substantiate them ) , causing some delay . When Hooke 's claim was made known to Newton , who hated disputes , Newton threatened to withdraw and suppress Book 3 altogether , but Halley , showing considerable diplomatic skills , tactfully persuaded Newton to withdraw his threat and let it go forward to publication . Samuel Pepys , as President , gave his imprimatur on 30 June 1686 , licensing the book for publication . The Society had just spent its book budget on a ' ' History of Fishes ' ' , and the cost of publication was borne by Edmund Halley ( who was also then acting as publisher of the ' ' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society ' ' ) : the book appeared in summer 1687. # Historical context # # Beginnings of the Scientific Revolution # Nicolaus Copernicus had moved the Earth away from the center of the universe with the heliocentric theory for which he presented evidence in his book ' ' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ' ' ( ' ' On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres ' ' ) published in 1543 . The structure was completed when Johannes Kepler wrote the book ' ' Astronomia nova ' ' ( ' ' A new astronomy ' ' ) in 1609 , setting out the evidence that planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus , and that planets do not move with constant speed along this orbit . Rather , their speed varies so that the line joining the centres of the sun and a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times . To these two laws he added a third a decade later , in his book ' ' Harmonices Mundi ' ' ( ' ' Harmonies of the world ' ' ) . This law sets out a proportionality between the third power of the characteristic distance of a planet from the sun and the square of the length of its year . The foundation of modern dynamics was set out in Galileo 's book ' ' Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo ' ' ( ' ' Dialogue on the two main world systems ' ' ) where the notion of inertia was implicit and used . In addition , Galileo 's experiments with inclined planes had yielded precise mathematical relations between elapsed time and acceleration , velocity or distance for uniform and uniformly accelerated motion of bodies . Descartes ' book of 1644 ' ' Principia philosophiae ' ' ( ' ' Principles of philosophy ' ' ) stated that bodies can act on each other only through contact : a principle that induced people , among them himself , to hypothesize a universal medium as the carrier of interactions such as light and gravitythe aether . Newton was criticized for apparently introducing forces that acted at distance without any medium . Not until the development of particle theory was Descartes ' notion vindicated when it was possible to describe all interactions , like the strong , weak , and electromagnetic fundamental interactions , using mediating gauge bosons and gravity through hypothesized gravitons . Although he was mistaken in his treatment of circular motion , this effort was more fruitful in the short term when it led others to identify circular motion as a problem raised by the principle of inertia . Christiaan Huygens solved this problem in the 1650s and published it much later in 1673 in his book ' ' Horologium oscillatorium sive de motu pendulorum ' ' . # Newton 's role # Newton had studied these books , or , in some cases , secondary sources based on them , and taken notes entitled ' ' Quaestiones quaedam philosophicae ' ' ( ' ' Questions about philosophy ' ' ) during his days as an undergraduate . During this period ( 16641666 ) he created the basis of calculus , and performed the first experiments in the optics of colour . At this time , his proof that white light was a combination of primary colours ( found via prismatics ) replaced the prevailing theory of colours and received an overwhelmingly favourable response , and occasioned bitter disputes with Robert Hooke and others , which forced him to sharpen his ideas to the point where he already composed sections of his later book ' ' Opticks ' ' by the 1670s in response . Work on calculus is shown in various papers and letters , including two to Leibniz . He became a fellow of the Royal Society and the second Lucasian Professor of Mathematics ( succeeding Isaac Barrow ) at Trinity College , Cambridge . # Newton 's early work on motion # In the 1660s Newton studied the motion of colliding bodies , and deduced that the centre of mass of two colliding bodies remains in uniform motion . Surviving manuscripts of the 1660s also show Newton 's interest in planetary motion and that by 1669 he had shown , for a circular case of planetary motion , that the force he called ' endeavour to recede ' ( now called centrifugal force ) had an inverse-square relation with distance from the center . After his 16791680 correspondence with Hooke , described below , Newton adopted the language of inward or centripetal force . According to Newton scholar J Bruce Brackenridge , although much has been made of the change in language and difference of point of view , as between centrifugal or centripetal forces , the actual computations and proofs remained the same either way . They also involved the combination of tangential and radial displacements , which Newton was making in the 1660s . The difference between the centrifugal and centripetal points of view , though a significant change of perspective , did not change the analysis . Newton also clearly expressed the concept of linear inertia in the 1660s : for this Newton was indebted to Descartes ' work published 1644. # Controversy with Hooke # Hooke published his ideas about gravitation in the 1660s and again in 1674 . He argued for an attracting principle of gravitation in ' ' Micrographia ' ' of 1665 , in a 1666 Royal Society lecture ' ' On gravity ' ' , and again in 1674 , when he published his ideas about the ' ' System of the World ' ' in somewhat developed form , as an addition to ' ' An Attempt to Prove the Motion of the Earth from Observations ' ' . Hooke clearly postulated mutual attractions between the Sun and planets , in a way that increased with nearness to the attracting body , along with a principle of linear inertia . Hooke 's statements up to 1674 made no mention , however , that an inverse square law applies or might apply to these attractions . Hooke 's gravitation was also not yet universal , though it approached universality more closely than previous hypotheses . Hooke also did not provide accompanying evidence or mathematical demonstration . On these two aspects , Hooke stated in 1674 : Now what these several degrees of gravitational attraction are I have not yet experimentally verified ( indicating that he did not yet know what law the gravitation might follow ) ; and as to his whole proposal : This I only hint at present , having my self many other things in hand which I would first compleat , and therefore can not so well attend it ( i.e. , prosecuting this Inquiry ) . In November 1679 , Hooke began an exchange of letters with Newton , of which the full text is now published . Hooke told Newton that Hooke had been appointed to manage the Royal Society 's correspondence , and wished to hear from members about their researches , or their views about the researches of others ; and as if to whet Newton 's interest , he asked what Newton thought about various matters , giving a whole list , mentioning compounding the celestial motions of the planets of a direct motion by the tangent and an attractive motion towards the central body , and my hypothesis of the lawes or causes of springinesse , and then a new hypothesis from Paris about planetary motions ( which Hooke described at length ) , and then efforts to carry out or improve national surveys , the difference of latitude between London and Cambridge , and other items . Newton 's reply offered a fansy of my own about a terrestrial experiment ( not a proposal about celestial motions ) which might detect the Earth 's motion , by the use of a body first suspended in air and then dropped to let it fall . The main point was to indicate how Newton thought the falling body could experimentally reveal the Earth 's motion by its direction of deviation from the vertical , but he went on hypothetically to consider how its motion could continue if the solid Earth had not been in the way ( on a spiral path to the centre ) . Hooke disagreed with Newton 's idea of how the body would continue to move . A short further correspondence developed , and towards the end of it Hooke , writing on 6 January 1680 to Newton , communicated his supposition .. that the Attraction always is in a duplicate proportion to the Distance from the Center Reciprocall , and Consequently that the Velocity will be in a subduplicate proportion to the Attraction and Consequently as Kepler Supposes Reciprocall to the Distance . ( Hooke 's inference about the velocity was actually incorrect . ) In 1686 , when the first book of Newton 's ' ' Principia ' ' was presented to the Royal Society , Hooke claimed that Newton had obtained from him the notion of the rule of the decrease of Gravity , being reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the Center . At the same time ( according to Edmond Halley 's contemporary report ) Hooke agreed that the Demonstration of the Curves generated therby was wholly Newton 's . A recent assessment about the early history of the inverse square law is that by the late 1660s , the assumption of an inverse proportion between gravity and the square of distance was rather common and had been advanced by a number of different people for different reasons . Newton himself had shown in the 1660s that for planetary motion under a circular assumption , force in the radial direction had an inverse-square relation with distance from the center . Newton , faced in May 1686 with Hooke 's claim on the inverse square law , denied that Hooke was to be credited as author of the idea , giving reasons including the citation of prior work by others before Hooke . Newton also firmly claimed that even if it had happened that he had first heard of the inverse square proportion from Hooke , which it had not , he would still have some rights to it in view of his mathematical developments and demonstrations , which enabled observations to be relied on as evidence of its accuracy , while Hooke , without mathematical demonstrations and evidence in favour of the supposition , could only guess ( according to Newton ) that it was approximately valid at great distances from the center . The background described above shows there was basis for Newton to deny deriving the inverse square law from Hooke . On the other hand , Newton did accept and acknowledge , in all editions of the ' ' Principia ' ' , that Hooke ( but not exclusively Hooke ) had separately appreciated the inverse square law in the solar system . Newton acknowledged Wren , Hooke and Halley in this connection in the Scholium to Proposition 4 in Book 1 . Newton also acknowledged to Halley that his correspondence with Hooke in 167980 had reawakened his dormant interest in astronomical matters , but that did not mean , according to Newton , that Hooke had told Newton anything new or original : yet am I not beholden to him for any light into that business but only for the diversion he gave me from my other studies to think on these things & for his dogmaticalness in writing as if he had found the motion in the Ellipsis , which inclined me to try it .. . ) Newton 's reawakening interest in astronomy received further stimulus by the appearance of a comet in the winter of 1680/1681 , on which he corresponded with John Flamsteed . In 1759 , decades after the deaths of both Newton and Hooke , Alexis Clairaut , mathematical astronomer eminent in his own right in the field of gravitational studies , made his assessment after reviewing what Hooke had published on gravitation . One must not think that this idea .. of Hooke diminishes Newton 's glory , Clairaut wrote ; The example of Hooke serves to show what a distance there is between a truth that is glimpsed and a truth that is demonstrated . # Location of copies # Several national rare-book collections contain original copies of Newton 's ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' , including : The Martin Bodmer Library keeps a copy of the original edition that was owned by Leibniz . In it , we can see handwritten notes by Leibniz , in particular concerning the controversy of who discovered calculus ( although he published it later , Newton argued that he developed it earlier ) . The Wren Library , Trinity College Cambridge has Newton 's own copy of the first edition with handwritten annotations. Cambridge University Library has Newton 's own copy of the first edition , with handwritten notes for the second edition . The Whipple Museum of the History of Science in Cambridge has a first-edition copy which had belonged to Robert Hooke. The Pepys Library in Magdalene College , Cambridge , has Samuel Pepys ' copy of the third edition . Fisher Library in the University of Sydney has a first-edition copy , annotated by a mathematician of uncertain identity and corresponding notes from Newton himself . The University College London library holds a copy in ' Strong Room E ' of its Rare Books collection . The University of WisconsinMadison Memorial Library at Special Collections The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin holds two first edition copies , one with manuscript additions and corrections. The Earl Gregg Swem Library at the College of William & Mary has a first edition copy of the Principia . In it , are notes in Latin throughout by a not yet identified hand . The Frederick E. Brasch Collection of Newton and Newtoniana in Stanford University also has a first edition of the Principia . A first edition is also located in the archives of the library at the Georgia Institute of Technology . The Georgia Tech library is also home to a second and third edition . A first edition forms part of the Crawford Collection , housed at the Royal Observatory , Edinburgh . The collection also holds a third edition copy . The Uppsala University Library owns a first edition copy , which was stolen in the 1960s and returned to the library in 2009. The University of Michigan Special Collections Library owns several early printings , including the first ( 1687 ) , second ( 1713 ) , second revised ( 1714 ) , unnumbered ( 1723 ) , and third ( 1726 ) editions of the Principia . The Royal Astronomical Society holds a first edition , and two copies of the third edition . The Royal Society in London holds John Flamsteed 's first edition copy , and also the manuscript of the first edition . The manuscript is complete containing all three books but does not contain the figures and illustrations for the first edition . The John J. Burns Library at Boston College contains a first edition as well as a 1723 copy published between the second and third editions . Yale University owns multiple copies , with a first edition among the collection of Harvey Cushing in the Medical Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library , as well as a second edition , housed in the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library , presented by the author to the Yale College Library in 1714. The George C. Gordon Library at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute holds a third edition copy . The Gunnerus Library at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim holds a first edition copy of the Principia . Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections owns a first edition of the Principia . The Fellows Library at Winchester College owns a first edition of the Principia . The Fellows ' Library at Jesus College , Oxford , owns a copy of the first edition . The Old Library of Magdalen College , Oxford owns a first edition copy . The Library of New College , Oxford owns a first edition copy . The Library of Somerville College , Oxford owns a second edition copy . The Southwest Research Institute in Texas owns a third edition copy dated 1726CE. The Teleki-Bolyai Library in Trgu-Mures , first edition , 2-line imprint . A facsimile edition ( based on the 3rd edition of 1726 but with variant readings from earlier editions and important annotations ) was published in 1972 by Alexandre Koyr and I. Bernard Cohen . # Later editions # Two later editions were published by Newton : # Second edition , 1713 # Newton had been urged to make a new edition of the ' ' Principia ' ' since the early 1690s , partly because copies of the first edition had already become very rare and expensive within a few years after 1687 . Newton referred to his plans for a second edition in correspondence with Flamsteed in November 1694 : Newton also maintained annotated copies of the first edition specially bound up with interleaves on which he could note his revisions ; two of these copies still survive : but he had not completed the revisions by 1708 , and of two would-be editors , Newton had almost severed connections with one , Fatio de Duillier , and the other , David Gregory seems not to have met with Newton 's approval and was also terminally ill , dying later in 1708 . Nevertheless , reasons were accumulating not to put off the new edition any longer . Richard Bentley , master of Trinity College , persuaded Newton to allow him to undertake a second edition , and in June 1708 Bentley wrote to Newton with a specimen print of the first sheet , at the same time expressing the ( unfulfilled ) hope that Newton had made progress towards finishing the revisions . It seems that Bentley then realised that the editorship was technically too difficult for him , and with Newton 's consent he appointed Roger Cotes , Plumian professor of astronomy at Trinity , to undertake the editorship for him as a kind of deputy ( but Bentley still made the publishing arrangements and had the financial responsibility and profit ) . The correspondence of 17091713 shows Cotes reporting to two masters , Bentley and Newton , and managing ( and often correcting ) a large and important set of revisions to which Newton sometimes could not give his full attention . Under the weight of Cotes ' efforts , but impeded by priority disputes between Newton and Leibniz , and by troubles at the Mint , Cotes was able to announce publication to Newton on 30 June 1713 . Bentley sent Newton only six presentation copies ; Cotes was unpaid ; Newton omitted any acknowledgement to Cotes . Among those who gave Newton corrections for the Second Edition were : Firmin Abauzit , Roger Cotes and David Gregory . However , Newton omitted acknowledgements to some because of the priority disputes . John Flamsteed , the Astronomer Royal , suffered this especially . # Third edition , 1726 # The third edition was published 25 March 1726 , under the stewardship of ' ' Henry Pemberton , M.D. , a man of the greatest skill in these matters ... ' ' ; Pemberton later said that this recognition was worth more to him than the two hundred guinea award from Newton . # Annotated and other editions # In 173942 two French priests , Pres Thomas LeSeur and Franois Jacquier ( of the ' Minim ' order , but sometimes erroneously identified as Jesuits ) produced with the assistance of J-L Calandrini an extensively annotated version of the ' Principia ' in the 3rd edition of 1726 . Sometimes this is referred to as the ' Jesuit edition ' : it was much used , and reprinted more than once in Scotland during the 19th century . milie du Chtelet also made a translation of Newton 's Principia into French . Unlike LeSeur and Jacquier 's edition , hers was a complete translation of Newton 's three books and their prefaces . She also included a Commentary section where she fused the three books into a much clearer and easier to understand summary . She included an analytical section where she applied the new mathematics of calculus to Newton 's most controversial theories . Previously , geometry was the standard mathematics used to analyse theories . Du Chatelet 's translation is the only complete one to have been done in French and hers remains the standard French translation to this day . See Translating Newton 's ' Principia ' : The Marquise du Chtelet 's Revisions and Additions for a French Audience . Author(s) : Judith P. Zinsser Source : Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London , Vol. 55 , No. 2 ( May 2001 ) , pp. 227245. # English translations # Two full English translations of Newton 's ' Principia ' have appeared , both based on Newton 's 3rd edition of 1726 . The first , from 1729 , by Andrew Motte , was described by Newton scholar I. Bernard Cohen ( in 1968 ) as still of enormous value in conveying to us the sense of Newton 's words in their own time , and it is generally faithful to the original : clear , and well written . The 1729 version was the basis for several republications , often incorporating revisions , among them a widely used modernised English version of 1934 , which appeared under the editorial name of Florian Cajori ( though completed and published only some years after his death ) . Cohen pointed out ways in which the 18th-century terminology and punctuation of the 1729 translation might be confusing to modern readers , but he also made severe criticisms of the 1934 modernised English version , and showed that the revisions had been made without regard to the original , also demonstrating gross errors that provided the final impetus to our decision to produce a wholly new translation . The second full English translation , into modern English , is the work that resulted from this decision by collaborating translators I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman ; it was published in 1999 with a guide by way of introduction . William H. Donahue has published a translation of the work 's central argument , published in 1996 , along with expansion of included proofs and ample commentary . The book was developed as a textbook for classes at St. John 's College and the aim of this translation is to be faithful to the Latin text . # Homages # British astronaut Tim Peake has named his 2014 mission to the International Space Station ' ' Principia ' ' after the book , in honour of Britain 's greatest scientist . @@49024 Mathematica is a computational software program used in many scientific , engineering , mathematical and computing fields , based on symbolic mathematics . It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign , Illinois . The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica . # Features # Features of Mathematica include : Automatic translation of English sentences into Mathematica code Elementary mathematical function library Special mathematical function library Matrix and data manipulation tools including support for sparse arrays Support for complex number , arbitrary precision , interval arithmetic and symbolic computation 2D and 3D data , function and geo visualization and animation tools Solvers for systems of equations , diophantine equations , ODEs , PDEs , DAEs , DDEs , SDEs and recurrence relations Numeric and symbolic tools for discrete and continuous calculus Multivariate statistics libraries including fitting , hypothesis testing , and probability and expectation calculations on over 140 distributions . 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SQL , Java , . NET , C++ , Fortran , CUDA , OpenCL and http based systems Tools for parallel programming Using both free-form linguistic input ( a natural language user interface ) and Mathematica language in notebook when connected to the Internet # Interface # Mathematica is split into two parts , the kernel and the front end . The kernel interprets expressions ( Mathematica code ) and returns result expressions . The front end , designed by Theodore Gray , provides a GUI , which allows the creation and editing of Notebook documents containing program code with prettyprinting , formatted text together with results including typeset mathematics , graphics , GUI components , tables , and sounds . All contents and formatting can be generated algorithmically or interactively edited . Most standard word processing capabilities are supported . It includes a spell-checker but does not spell check automatically as you type . Documents can be structured using a hierarchy of cells , which allow for outlining and sectioning of a document and support automatic numbering index creation . Documents can be presented in a slideshow environment for presentations . Notebooks and their contents are represented as Mathematica expressions that can be created , modified or analysed by Mathematica programs . This allows conversion to other formats such as TeX or XML . The front end includes development tools such as a debugger , input completion and automatic syntax coloring . Among the alternative front ends is the Wolfram Workbench , an Eclipse based IDE , introduced in 2006 . It provides project-based code development tools for Mathematica , including revision management , debugging , profiling , and testing . The Mathematica Kernel also includes a command line front end . Other interfaces include JMath , based on GNU readline and MASH which runs self-contained Mathematica programs ( with arguments ) from the UNIX command line . # High-performance computing # In recent years , the capabilities for high-performance computing have been extended with the introduction of packed arrays ( version 4 , 1999 ) and sparse matrices ( version 5 , 2003 ) , and by adopting the GNU Multi-Precision Library to evaluate high-precision arithmetic . Version 5.2 ( 2005 ) added automatic multi-threading when computations are performed on multi-core computers . This release included CPU specific optimized libraries . In addition Mathematica is supported by third party specialist acceleration hardware such as ClearSpeed . In 2002 , gridMathematica was introduced to allow user level parallel programming on heterogeneous clusters and multiprocessor systems and in 2008 parallel computing technology was included in all Mathematica licenses including support for grid technology such as Windows HPC Server 2008 , Microsoft Compute Cluster Server and Sun Grid . Support for CUDA and OpenCL GPU hardware was added in 2010 . Also , since version 8 it can generate C code , which is automatically compiled by a system C compiler , such as the Intel C++ Compiler or Visual Studio 2010. # Deployment # There are several ways to deploy applications written in Mathematica : Mathematica Player Pro is a runtime version of Mathematica that will run any Mathematica application but does not allow editing or creation of the code . A free-of-charge version , Wolfram CDF Player , is provided for running Mathematica programs that have been saved in the Computable Document Format ( CDF ) . It can also view standard Mathematica files , but not run them . It includes plugins for common web browsers on Windows and Macintosh . webMathematica allows a web browser to act as a front end to a remote Mathematica server . It is designed to allow a user written application to be remotely accessed via a browser on any platform . It may not be used to give full access to Mathematica . Mathematica code can be converted to C code or to an automatically generated DLL. Mathematica code can be run on a Wolfram cloud service as a web-app or as an API # Connections with other applications # Communication with other applications occurs through a protocol called . It allows communication between the Mathematica kernel and front-end , and also provides a general interface between the kernel and other applications . Wolfram Research freely distributes a developer kit for linking applications written in the C programming language to the Mathematica kernel through ' ' MathLink ' ' . Using ' ' J/Link ' ' . , a Java program can ask Mathematica to perform computations ; likewise , a Mathematica program can load Java classes , manipulate Java objects and perform method calls . Similar functionality is achieved with ' ' . NET /Link ' ' , but with . NET programs instead of Java programs . Other languages that connect to Mathematica include Haskell , AppleScript , Racket , Visual Basic , Python and Clojure . Links are available to many specialized mathematical software packages including OpenOffice.org Calc , Microsoft Excel , MATLAB , R , Sage , SINGULAR , Wolfram SystemModeler and Origin . Mathematical equations can be exchanged with other computational or typesetting software via MathML . Communication with SQL databases is achieved through built-in support for JDBC . Mathematica can also install web services from a WSDL description . Mathematica can capture real-time data via a link to LabVIEW , from financial data feeds and directly from hardware devices via GPIB ( IEEE 488 ) , USB and serial interfaces . It automatically detects and reads from HID devices . # Computable data # Mathematica includes collections of curated data provided for use in computations . Mathematica is also integrated with Wolfram Alpha , an online service which provides additional data , some of which is kept updated in real time . Some of the data sets include astronomical , chemical , geopolitical , language , biomedical and weather data , in addition to mathematical data ( such as knots and polyhedra ) . # Design # Wolfram Research provides listing the algorithms used to implement the functions in Mathematica . # Licensing and platform availability # Mathematica is proprietary software licensed at a range of prices for commercial , educational , and other uses . Mathematica 10 is supported on various versions of Microsoft Windows ( Vista , 7 and 8 ) , Apple 's OS X , Linux and Raspbian . All platforms are supported with 64-bit implementations . Mathematica prior to version 10 for OS X required Java SE 6 which is a deprecated component of Mavericks . Earlier versions of Mathematica up to 6.0.3 supported other operating systems , including Solaris , AIX , Convex , HP-UX , IRIX , MS-DOS , NeXTSTEP , OS/2 , Ultrix and Windows Me. # Version history # Mathematica built on the ideas in Cole and Wolfram 's earlier Symbolic Manipulation Program ( SMP ) . Wolfram Research has released the following versions of Mathematica : *50;0;div Mathematica 1.0 ( June 23 , 1988 ) Mathematica 1.1 ( October 31 , 1988 ) Mathematica 1.2 ( August 1 , 1989 ) Mathematica 2.0 ( January 15 , 1991 ) Mathematica 2.1 ( June 15 , 1992 ) Mathematica 2.2 ( June 1 , 1993 ) Mathematica 3.0 ( September 3 , 1996 ) Mathematica 4.0 ( May 19 , 1999 ) Mathematica 4.1 ( November 2 , 2000 ) Mathematica 4.2 ( November 1 , 2002 ) Mathematica 5.0 ( June 12 , 2003 ) Mathematica 5.1 ( October 25 , 2004 ) Mathematica 5.2 ( June 20 , 2005 ) Mathematica 6.0 ( May 1 , 2007 ) Mathematica 7.0 ( November 18 , 2008 ) Mathematica 7.0.1 ( March 5 , 2009 ) Mathematica 8.0 ( November 15 , 2010 ) Mathematica 8.0.1 ( March 7 , 2011 ) Mathematica 8.0.4 ( October 24 , 2011 ) Mathematica 9.0 ( November 28 , 2012 ) Mathematica 9.0.1 ( January 30 , 2013 ) Mathematica 10.0 ( July 9 , 2014 ) # Trivia # The name of the program Mathematica was suggested to Stephen Wolfram by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs although Stephen Wolfram had thought about it earlier and rejected it . # See also # Wolfram ( programming language ) Wolfram Alpha , a web answer engine Wolfram SystemModeler , a physical modeling and simulation tool which integrates with Mathematica IMTEK Mathematica Supplement , an open-source Mathematica add-on for finite element simulation List of computer simulation software List of graphing software Mathematical software # References # @@49172 In mathematics , an ( real ) interval is a set of real numbers with the property that any number that lies between two numbers in the set is also included in the set . For example , the set of all numbers satisfying is an interval which contains and , as well as all numbers between them . Other examples of intervals are the set of all real numbers R , the set of all negative real numbers , and the empty set . Real intervals play an important role in the theory of integration , because they are the simplest sets whose size or measure or length is easy to define . The concept of measure can then be extended to more complicated sets of real numbers , leading to the Borel measure and eventually to the Lebesgue measure . Intervals are central to interval arithmetic , a general numerical computing technique that automatically provides guaranteed enclosures for arbitrary formulas , even in the presence of uncertainties , mathematical approximations , and arithmetic roundoff . Intervals are likewise defined on an arbitrary totally ordered set , such as integers or rational numbers . The notation of integer intervals is considered in the special section below . # Notations for intervals # The interval of numbers between and , including and , is often denoted . The two numbers are called the ' ' endpoints ' ' of the interval . In countries where numbers are written with a decimal comma , a semicolon may be used as a separator , to avoid ambiguity . # Excluding the endpoints # To indicate that one of the endpoints is to be excluded from the set , the corresponding square bracket can be either replaced with a parenthesis , or reversed . Both notations are described in International standard ISO 31-11 . Thus , in set builder notation , : beginalign ( a , b ) = mathopena , bmathclose &= xinR , , a *252;730;x ( a , b ) is often used to denote an ordered pair in set theory , the coordinates of a point or vector in analytic geometry and linear algebra , or ( sometimes ) a complex number in algebra . The notation a , b too is occasionally used for ordered pairs , especially in computer science . Some authors use a , b to denote the complement of the interval ; namely , the set of all real numbers that are either less than or equal to , or greater than or equal to . # Infinite endpoints # In both styles of notation , one may use an infinite endpoint to indicate that there is no bound in that direction . Specifically , one may use a=-infty or b=+infty ( or both ) . For example , is the set of all positive real numbers , and is the set of real numbers . The notations , , , and are ambiguous . For authors who define intervals as subsets of the real numbers , those notations are either meaningless , or equivalent to the open variants . In the latter case , the interval comprising all real numbers is both open and closed , = = = . On the extended real number line the intervals are all different as this includes and elements . For example means the extended real numbers excluding only . # Integer intervals # The notation when and are integers , or , or just is sometimes used to indicate the interval of all ' ' integers ' ' between and , including both . This notation is used in some programming languages ; in Pascal , for example , it is used to formally define a subrange type , most frequently used to specify lower and upper bounds of valid indices of an array . An integer interval that has a finite lower or upper endpoint always includes that endpoint . Therefore , the exclusion of endpoints can be explicitly denoted by writing , , or . Alternate-bracket notations like or are rarely used for integer intervals . # Terminology # An open interval does not include its endpoints , and is indicated with parentheses . For example means greater than and less than . A closed interval includes its endpoints , and is denoted with square brackets . For example means greater than or equal to and less than or equal to . A degenerate interval is any set consisting of a single real number . Some authors include the empty set in this definition . A real interval that is neither empty nor degenerate is said to be proper , and has infinitely many elements . An interval is said to be left-bounded or right-bounded if there is some real number that is , respectively , smaller than or larger than all its elements . An interval is said to be bounded if it is both left- and right-bounded ; and is said to be unbounded otherwise . Intervals that are bounded at only one end are said to be half-bounded . The empty set is bounded , and the set of all reals is the only interval that is unbounded at both ends . Bounded intervals are also commonly known as finite intervals . Bounded intervals are bounded sets , in the sense that their diameter ( which is equal to the absolute difference between the endpoints ) is finite . The diameter may be called the length , width , measure , or size of the interval . The size of unbounded intervals is usually defined as , and the size of the empty interval may be defined as or left undefined . The centre ( midpoint ) of bounded interval with endpoints and is , and its radius is the half-length /2 . These concepts are undefined for empty or unbounded intervals . An interval is said to be left-open if and only if it has no minimum ( an element that is smaller than all other elements ) ; right-open if it has no maximum ; and open if it has both properties . The interval = , for example , is left-closed and right-open . The empty set and the set of all reals are open intervals , while the set of non-negative reals , for example , is a right-open but not left-open interval . The open intervals coincide with the open sets of the real line in its standard topology . An interval is said to be left-closed if it has a minimum element , right-closed if it has a maximum , and simply closed if it has both . These definitions are usually extended to include the empty set and to the ( left- or right- ) unbounded intervals , so that the closed intervals coincide with closed sets in that topology . The interior of an interval is the largest open interval that is contained in ; it is also the set of points in which are not endpoints of . The closure of is the smallest closed interval that contains ; which is also the set augmented with its finite endpoints . For any set of real numbers , the interval enclosure or interval span of is the unique interval that contains and does not properly contain any other interval that also contains . # Classification of intervals # The intervals of real numbers can be classified into eleven different types , listed below ; where and are real numbers , with a *10;984; : : empty : b , a = ( a , a ) = a , a ) = ( a , a = = emptyset : degenerate : a , a = a : proper and bounded : : : open : ( a , b ) =x , , a : : closed : a , b=x , , aleq xleq b : : left-closed , right-open : a , b ) =x , , a , leq x : : left-open , right-closed : ( a , b=x , , a *17;996;x\leq : left-bounded and right-unbounded : : : left-open : ( a , infty ) =x , , xa : : left-closed : a , infty ) =x , , xgeq a : left-unbounded and right-bounded : : : right-open : ( -infty , b ) =x , , x : : right-closed : ( -infty , b=x , , xleq b : unbounded at both ends : ( -infty , +infty ) =R # Intervals of the extended real line # In some contexts , an interval may be defined as a subset of the extended real numbers , the set of all real numbers augmented with and . In this interpretation , the notations , , , and are all meaningful and distinct . In particular , denotes the set of all ordinary real numbers , while denotes the extended reals . This choice affects some of the above definitions and terminology . For instance , the interval = R is closed in the realm of ordinary reals , but not in the realm of the extended reals. # Properties of intervals # The intervals are precisely the connected subsets of R . It follows that the image of an interval by any continuous function is also an interval . This is one formulation of the intermediate value theorem . The intervals are also the convex subsets of R . The interval enclosure of a subset Xsubseteq R is also the convex hull of X . The intersection of any collection of intervals is always an interval . The union of two intervals is an interval if and only if they have a non-empty intersection or an open end-point of one interval is a closed end-point of the other ( e.g. , ( a , b ) cup b , c = ( a , c ) . If R is viewed as a metric space , its open balls are the open bounded sets , and its closed balls are the closed bounded sets . Any element of an interval defines a partition of into three disjoint intervals 1 , 2 , 3 : respectively , the elements of that are less than , the singleton x , x = x , and the elements that are greater than . The parts 1 and 3 are both non-empty ( and have non-empty interiors ) if and only if is in the interior of . This is an interval version of the trichotomy principle . # Dyadic intervals # A ' ' dyadic interval ' ' is a bounded real interval whose endpoints are fracj2n and fracj+12n , where j and n are integers . Depending on the context , either endpoint may or may not be included in the interval . Dyadic intervals have the following properties : The length of a dyadic interval is always an integer power of two . Each dyadic interval is contained in exactly one dyadic interval of twice the length . Each dyadic interval is spanned by two dyadic intervals of half the length . If two open dyadic intervals overlap , then one of them is a subset of the other . The dyadic intervals consequently have a structure that reflects that of an infinite binary tree . Dyadic intervals are relevant to several areas of numerical analysis , including adaptive mesh refinement , multigrid methods and wavelet analysis . Another way to represent such a structure is p-adic analysis ( for ) . # Generalizations # # Multi-dimensional intervals # In many contexts , an n -dimensional interval is defined as a subset of Rn that is the Cartesian product of n intervals , I = I1times I2 times cdots times In , one on each coordinate axis . For n=2 , this generally defines a rectangle whose sides are parallel to the coordinate axes ; for n=3 , it defines an axis-aligned rectangular box . A facet of such an interval I is the result of replacing any non-degenerate interval factor Ik by a degenerate interval consisting of a finite endpoint of Ik . The faces of I comprise I itself and all faces of its facets . The corners of I are the faces that consist of a single point of Rn . # Complex intervals # Intervals of complex numbers can be defined as regions of the complex plane , either rectangular or circular . # Topological algebra # Intervals can be associated with points of the plane and hence regions of intervals can be associated with regions of the plane . Generally , an interval in mathematics corresponds to an ordered pair ( ' ' x , y ' ' ) taken from the direct product R R of real numbers with itself . Often it is assumed that ' ' y ' ' ' ' x ' ' . For purposes of mathematical structure , this restriction is discarded , and reversed intervals where ' ' y ' ' &minus ; ' ' x ' ' *241;1015; ( R oplus R , + , times ) has two ideals , ' ' x ' ' , 0 : ' ' x ' ' R and 0 , ' ' y ' ' : ' ' y ' ' R . The identity element of this algebra is the condensed interval 1,1 . If interval ' ' x , y ' ' is not in one of the ideals , then it has multiplicative inverse 1/ ' ' x ' ' , 1/ ' ' y ' ' . Endowed with the usual topology , the algebra of intervals forms a topological ring . The group of units of this ring consists of four quadrants determined by the axes , or ideals in this case . The identity component of this group is quadrant I. Every interval can be considered a symmetric interval around its midpoint . In a reconfiguration published in 1956 by M Warmus , the axis of balanced intervals ' ' x ' ' , &minus ; ' ' x ' ' is used along with the axis of intervals ' ' x , x ' ' that reduce to a point . Instead of the direct sum R oplus R , the ring of intervals has been identified with the split-complex number plane by M. Warmus and D. H. Lehmer through the identification : ' ' z ' ' = ( ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' ) /2 + j ( ' ' x ' ' &minus ; ' ' y ' ' ) /2 . This linear mapping of the plane , which amounts of a ring isomorphism , provides the plane with a multiplicative structure having some analogies to ordinary complex arithmetic , such as polar decomposition . @@51955 Distributions ( or generalized functions ) are objects that generalize the classical notion of functions in mathematical analysis . Distributions make it possible to differentiate functions whose derivatives do not exist in the classical sense . In particular , any locally integrable function has a distributional derivative . Distributions are widely used in the theory of partial differential equations , where it may be easier to establish the existence of distributional solutions than classical solutions , or appropriate classical solutions may not exist . Distributions are also important in physics and engineering where many problems naturally lead to differential equations whose solutions or initial conditions are distributions , such as the Dirac delta function ( which is historically called a function even though it is not considered a genuine function mathematically ) . According to , generalized functions originated in the work of on second-order hyperbolic partial differential equations , and the ideas were developed in somewhat extended form by Laurent Schwartz in the late 1940s . According to his autobiography , Schwartz introduced the term distribution by analogy with a distribution of electrical charge , possibly including not only point charges but also dipoles and so on . comments that although the ideas in the transformative book by were not entirely new , it was Schwartz 's broad attack and conviction that distributions would be useful almost everywhere in analysis that made the difference . The basic idea in distribution theory is to reinterpret functions as linear functionals acting on a space of test functions . Standard functions act by integration against a test function , but many other linear functionals do not arise in this way , and these are the generalized functions . There are different possible choices for the space of test functions , leading to different spaces of distributions . The basic space of test function consists of smooth functions with compact support , leading to standard distributions . Use of the space of smooth , rapidly decreasing test functions gives instead the tempered distributions , which are important because they have a well-defined distributional Fourier transform . Every tempered distribution is a distribution in the normal sense , but the converse is not true : in general the larger the space of test functions , the more restrictive the notion of distribution . On the other hand , the use of spaces of analytic test functions leads to Sato 's theory of hyperfunctions ; this theory has a different character from the previous ones because there are no analytic functions with non-empty compact support . # Basic idea # Distributions are a class of linear functionals that map a set of ' ' test functions ' ' ( conventional and well-behaved functions ) into the set of real numbers . In the simplest case , the set of test functions considered is D ( R ) , which is the set of functions : R R having two properties : is smooth ( infinitely differentiable ) ; has compact support ( is identically zero outside some bounded interval ) . A distribution ' ' T ' ' is a linear mapping ' ' T ' ' : D ( R ) R . Instead of writing ' ' T ' ' ( ) , it is conventional to write langle T , varphi rangle for the value of ' ' T ' ' acting on a test function . A simple example of a distribution is the Dirac delta , defined by : leftlangle delta , varphi rightrangle = varphi(0) , meaning that evaluates a test function at 0 . Its physical interpretation is as the density of a point source . As described next , there are straightforward mappings from both locally integrable functions and Radon measures to corresponding distributions , but not all distributions can be formed in this manner . # Functions and measures as distributions # Suppose that ' ' f ' ' : R R is a locally integrable function . Then a corresponding distribution ' ' T f ' ' may be defined by : leftlangle Tf , varphi rightrangle = intmathbfR f(x) varphi(x) , dxqquad textfor quad varphiin D(mathbfR) . This integral is a real number which depends linearly and continuously on . Conversely , the values of the distribution ' ' T f ' ' on test functions in D ( R ) determine the pointwise almost everywhere values of the function ' ' f ' ' on R . In a conventional abuse of notation , ' ' f ' ' is often used to represent both the original function ' ' f ' ' and the corresponding distribution ' ' T f ' ' . This example suggests the definition of a distribution as a linear and , in an appropriate sense , continuous functional on the space of test functions D ( R ) . Similarly , if is a Radon measure on R , then a corresponding distribution ' ' R ' ' may be defined by : leftlangle Rmu , varphi rightrangle = intmathbfR varphi , dmuqquad textfor quad varphiin D(mathbfR) . This integral also depends linearly and continuously on , so that ' ' R ' ' is a distribution . If is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure with density ' ' f ' ' and ' ' d ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ' ' dx ' ' , then this definition for ' ' R ' ' is the same as the previous one for ' ' T f ' ' , but if is not absolutely continuous , then ' ' R ' ' is a distribution that is not associated with a function . For example , if ' ' P ' ' is the point-mass measure on R that assigns measure one to the singleton set 0 and measure zero to sets that do not contain zero , then : intmathbfR varphi , dP = varphi(0) , so that ' ' R ' ' ' ' P ' ' = is the Dirac delta . # Adding and multiplying distributions # Distributions may be multiplied by real numbers and added together , so they form a real vector space . Distributions may also be multiplied by infinitely differentiable functions , but it is not possible to define a product of general distributions that extends the usual pointwise product of functions and has the same algebraic properties . # Derivatives of distributions # It is desirable to choose a definition for the derivative of a distribution which , at least for distributions derived from smooth functions , has the property that T ' f = Tf ' . If is a test function , we can use integration by parts to see that : leftlangle f ' , varphirightrangle = intmathbfRf ' varphi , dx = left f(x) varphi(x) right-inftyinfty - intmathbfRfvarphi ' , dx = -leftlangle f , varphi ' rightrangle where the last equality follows from the fact that is zero outside of a bounded set . This suggests that if ' ' T ' ' is a ' ' distribution ' ' , we should define its derivative ' ' T ' ' by : leftlangle T ' , varphi rightrangle = - leftlangle T , varphi ' rightrangle . It turns out that this is the proper definition ; it extends the ordinary definition of derivative , every distribution becomes infinitely differentiable and the usual properties of derivatives hold . Example : Recall that the Dirac delta ( so-called Dirac delta function ) is the distribution defined by the equation : leftlangle delta , varphi rightrangle = varphi(0) . It is the derivative of the distribution corresponding to the Heaviside step function ' ' H ' ' : For any test function , : leftlangle H ' , varphi rightrangle = - leftlangle H , varphi ' rightrangle = - int-inftyinfty H(x) varphi ' ( x ) dx = - int0infty varphi ' ( x ) dx = varphi(0) - varphi(infty) = varphi(0) = leftlangle delta , varphi rightrangle , so ' ' H ' ' = . Note , ( ) = 0 because of compact support . Similarly , the derivative of the Dirac delta is the distribution defined by the equation : langledelta ' , varphirangle= -varphi ' ( 0 ) . This latter distribution is an example of a distribution that is not derived from a function or a measure . Its physical interpretation is as the density of a dipole source . # Test functions and distributions # In the following , real-valued distributions on an open subset ' ' U ' ' of R ' ' n ' ' will be formally defined . With minor modifications , one can also define complex-valued distributions , and one can replace R ' ' n ' ' by any ( paracompact ) smooth manifold . The first object to define is the space D ( ' ' U ' ' ) of test functions on ' ' U ' ' . Once this is defined , it is then necessary to equip it with a topology by defining the limit of a sequence of elements of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . The space of distributions will then be given as the space of continuous linear functionals on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . # Test function space # The space D ( ' ' U ' ' ) of test functions on ' ' U ' ' is defined as follows . A function : ' ' U ' ' R is said to have compact support if there exists a compact subset ' ' K ' ' of ' ' U ' ' such that ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 0 for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' U ' ' ' ' K ' ' . The elements of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) are the infinitely differentiable functions : ' ' U ' ' R with compact support also known as bump functions . This is a real vector space . It can be given a topology by defining the limit of a sequence of elements of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . A sequence ( ' ' k ' ' ) in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is said to converge to D ( ' ' U ' ' ) if the following two conditions hold : There is a compact set ' ' K ' ' ' ' U ' ' containing the supports of all ' ' k ' ' : : : bigcupnolimitsk *31;804398;TOOLONG K. For each multi-index , the sequence of partial derivatives partialalpha varphik tends uniformly to partialalphavarphi . With this definition , D ( ' ' U ' ' ) becomes a complete locally convex topological vector space satisfying the HeineBorel property . This topology can be placed in the context of the following general construction : let : X = bigcupnolimitsi Xi be a countable increasing union of locally convex topological vector spaces and ' ' i ' ' : ' ' X i ' ' ' ' X ' ' be the inclusion maps . In this context , the inductive limit topology , or final topology , on ' ' X ' ' is the finest locally convex vector space topology making all the inclusion maps iotai continuous . The topology can be explicitly described as follows : let be the collection of convex balanced subsets ' ' W ' ' of ' ' X ' ' such that ' ' W ' ' ' ' X i ' ' is open for all ' ' i ' ' . A base for the inductive limit topology then consists of the sets of the form ' ' x ' ' + ' ' W ' ' , where ' ' x ' ' in ' ' X ' ' and ' ' W ' ' in . The proof that is a vector space topology makes use of the assumption that each ' ' X i ' ' is locally convex . By construction , is a local base for . That any locally convex vector space topology on ' ' X ' ' must necessarily contain means it is the weakest one . One can also show that , for each ' ' i ' ' , the subspace topology ' ' X i ' ' inherits from coincides with its original topology . When each ' ' X i ' ' is a Frchet space , ( ' ' X ' ' , ) is called an LF space . Now let ' ' U ' ' be the union of ' ' U i ' ' where ' ' U i ' ' is a countable nested family of open subsets of ' ' U ' ' with compact closures ' ' K i ' ' = ' ' i ' ' . Then we have the countable increasing union : mathrmD(U) = bigcupnolimitsi mathrmDKi where D ' ' K i ' ' is the set of all smooth functions on ' ' U ' ' with support lying in ' ' K i ' ' . On each D ' ' K i ' ' , consider the topology given by the seminorms : varphi alpha = maxx in Ki left partialalpha varphi right , i.e. the topology of uniform convergence of derivatives of arbitrary order . This makes each D ' ' K i ' ' a Frchet space . The resulting LF space structure on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the topology described in the beginning of the section . On D ( ' ' U ' ' ) , one can also consider the topology given by the seminorms : varphi alpha , Ki = maxx in Ki left partialalpha varphi right . However , this topology has the disadvantage of not being complete . On the other hand , because of the particular features of D ' ' K i ' ' ' s , a set this bounded with respect to if and only if it lies in some D ' ' K i ' ' ' s . The completeness of ( ' ' D ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) , ) then follow from that of D ' ' K i ' ' ' s . The topology is not metrizable by the Baire category theorem , since D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the union of subspaces of the first category in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . # Distributions # A distribution on ' ' U ' ' is a continuous linear functional ' ' T ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) R ( or ' ' T ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) C ) . That is , a distribution ' ' T ' ' assigns to each test function a real ( or complex ) scalar ' ' T ' ' ( ) such that : T ( c1varphi1 + c2varphi2 ) = c1 T(varphi1) + c2 T(varphi2) for all test functions 1 , 2 and scalars c 1 , c 2 . Moreover , ' ' T ' ' is continuous if and only if : limktoinftyT(varphik)= *30;804431;TOOLONG for every convergent sequence ' ' k ' ' in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . ( Even though the topology of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is not metrizable , a linear functional on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is continuous if and only if it is sequentially continuous . ) Equivalently , ' ' T ' ' is continuous if and only if for every compact subset ' ' K ' ' of ' ' U ' ' there exists a positive constant ' ' C K ' ' and a non-negative integer ' ' N K ' ' such that : T(varphi) le CK supK partialalphavarphi for all test functions with support contained in ' ' K ' ' and all multi-indices with N K . The space of distributions on ' ' U ' ' is denoted by D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . The vector space D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the continuous dual space of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) equipped with the weak-* topology , and like D ( ' ' U ' ' ) it is a non-metrizable , locally convex topological vector space . The duality pairing between a distribution ' ' T ' ' in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) and a test function in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is denoted using angle brackets by : begincases mathrmD ' ( U ) times mathrmD(U) to mathbfR ( T , varphi ) mapsto langle T , varphi rangle , endcases so that ' ' T ' ' , = ' ' T ' ' ( ) . One interprets this notation as the distribution ' ' T ' ' acting on the test function to give a scalar , or symmetrically as the test function acting on the distribution ' ' T ' ' . A sequence of distributions ( ' ' T k ' ' ) converges with respect to the weak-* topology on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) to a distribution ' ' T ' ' if and only if : langle Tk , varphirangle to langle T , varphirangle for every test function in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . For example , if ' ' f k ' ' : R R is the function : fk(x) = begincases k & textif 0le x le 1/k 0 & textotherwise endcases and ' ' T k ' ' is the distribution corresponding to ' ' f k ' ' , then : langle Tk , varphirangle = kint01/k varphi(x) , dx to varphi(0) = langle delta , varphirangle as ' ' k ' ' , so ' ' T k ' ' in D ( R ) . Thus , for large ' ' k ' ' , the function ' ' f k ' ' can be regarded as an approximation of the Dirac delta distribution . # Functions as distributions # The function ' ' f ' ' : ' ' U ' ' R is called locally integrable if it is Lebesgue integrable over every compact subset ' ' K ' ' of ' ' U ' ' . This is a large class of functions which includes all continuous functions and all ' ' L p ' ' functions . The topology on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is defined in such a fashion that any locally integrable function ' ' f ' ' yields a continuous linear functional on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) that is , an element of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) denoted here by ' ' T f ' ' , whose value on the test function is given by the Lebesgue integral : : langle Tf , varphi rangle = intU fvarphi , dx . Conventionally , one abuses notation by identifying ' ' T f ' ' with ' ' f ' ' , provided no confusion can arise , and thus the pairing between ' ' T f ' ' and is often written : langle f , varphirangle = langle Tf , varphirangle . If ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' are two locally integrable functions , then the associated distributions ' ' T f ' ' and ' ' T g ' ' are equal to the same element of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) if and only if ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' are equal almost everywhere ( see , for instance , ) . In a similar manner , every Radon measure on ' ' U ' ' defines an element of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) whose value on the test function is d . As above , it is conventional to abuse notation and write the pairing between a Radon measure and a test function as , . Conversely , as shown in a theorem by Schwartz ( similar to the Riesz representation theorem ) , every distribution which is non-negative on non-negative functions is of this form for some ( positive ) Radon measure . The test functions are themselves locally integrable , and so define distributions . As such they are dense in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) with respect to the topology on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) in the sense that for any distribution ' ' T ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) , there is a sequence ' ' n ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) such that : langlevarphin , psirangleto langle T , psirangle for all D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . This fact follows from the HahnBanach theorem , since the dual of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) with its weak-* topology is the space D ( ' ' U ' ' ) , and it can also be proven more constructively by a convolution argument . # Operations on distributions # Many operations which are defined on smooth functions with compact support can also be defined for distributions . In general , if ' ' A ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is a linear mapping of vector spaces which is continuous with respect to the weak-* topology , then it is possible to extend ' ' A ' ' to a mapping ' ' A ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) by passing to the limit . ( This approach works for non-linear mappings as well , provided they are assumed to be uniformly continuous . ) In practice , however , it is more convenient to define operations on distributions by means of the transpose ( ; ) . If ' ' A ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is a continuous linear operator , then the transpose is an operator ' ' A t ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) such that : intU Avarphi(x)cdot psi(x) , dx = intU varphi(x) cdot Atpsi(x) , dxqquad textfor all varphi , psiin D(U) . ( For operators acting on spaces of complex-valued test functions , the transpose ' ' A t ' ' differs from the adjoint ' ' A ' ' in that it does not include a complex conjugate . ) If such an operator ' ' A t ' ' exists and is continuous on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) , then the original operator ' ' A ' ' may be extended to D ( ' ' U ' ' ) by defining ' ' AT ' ' for a distribution ' ' T ' ' as : langle AT , varphirangle = langle T , Atvarphirangleqquad textfor all varphiin D(U). # Differentiation # Suppose ' ' A ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the partial derivative operator : Avarphi = fracpartialvarphipartial xk . If and are in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) , then an integration by parts gives : intU fracpartialvarphipartial xk psi , dx = -intUvarphi fracpartialpsipartial xk , dx , so that ' ' A t ' ' = ' ' A ' ' . This operator is a continuous linear transformation on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . So , if ' ' T ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is a distribution , then the partial derivative of ' ' T ' ' with respect to the coordinate ' ' x k ' ' is defined by the formula : leftlangle fracpartial Tpartial xk , varphi rightrangle = - leftlangle T , fracpartial varphipartial xk rightrangle qquad textfor all varphiin D(U) . With this definition , every distribution is infinitely differentiable , and the derivative in the direction ' ' x k ' ' is a linear operator on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . More generally , if = ( 1 , ... , ' ' n ' ' ) is an arbitrary multi-index and is the associated partial derivative operator , then the partial derivative ' ' T ' ' of the distribution ' ' T ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is defined by : leftlangle partialalpha T , varphi rightrangle = ( -1 ) alpha leftlangle T , partialalpha varphi rightrangle mbox for all varphi in mathrmD(U) . Differentiation of distributions is a continuous operator on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) ; this is an important and desirable property that is not shared by most other notions of differentiation . # Multiplication by a smooth function # If ' ' m ' ' : ' ' U ' ' R is an infinitely differentiable function and ' ' T ' ' is a distribution on ' ' U ' ' , then the product m ' ' T ' ' is defined by : langle mT , varphirangle = langle T , mvarphi rangleqquad textfor all varphiin D(U) . This definition coincides with the transpose definition since if ' ' M ' ' : D ( ' ' U ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the operator of multiplication by the function ' ' m ' ' ( i.e. , ' ' M ' ' = m ) , then : intU Mvarphi(x)cdot psi(x) , dx = intU m(x)varphi(x)cdot psi(x) , dx = intU varphi(x)cdot m(x)psi(x) , dx = intU varphi(x)cdot Mpsi(x) , dx , so that ' ' M t ' ' = ' ' M ' ' . Under multiplication by smooth functions , D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is a module over the ring C ( ' ' U ' ' ) . With this definition of multiplication by a smooth function , the ordinary product rule of calculus remains valid . However , a number of unusual identities also arise . For example , if is the Dirac delta distribution on R , then ' ' m ' ' = ' ' m ' ' ( 0 ) , and if is the derivative of the delta distribution , then : mdelta ' = m(0)delta ' - m ' delta = m(0)delta ' - m ' ( 0 ) delta . , These definitions of differentiation and multiplication also make it possible to define the operation of a linear differential operator with smooth coefficients on a distribution . A linear differential operator ' ' P ' ' takes a distribution ' ' T ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) to another distribution ' ' PT ' ' given by a sum of the form : PT = sumnolimitsalphale k palpha partialalpha T , where the coefficients ' ' p ' ' are smooth functions on ' ' U ' ' . The action of the distribution ' ' PT ' ' on a test function is given by : leftlangle sumnolimitsalphale k palpha partialalpha T , varphirightrangle = leftlangle T , sumnolimitsalphale k ( -1 ) alpha *37;804463;TOOLONG . The minimum integer ' ' k ' ' for which such an expansion holds for every distribution ' ' T ' ' is called the order of ' ' P ' ' . The space D ( ' ' U ' ' ) is a D-module with respect to the action of the ring of linear differential operators . # Composition with a smooth function # Let ' ' T ' ' be a distribution on an open set ' ' U ' ' R ' ' n ' ' . Let ' ' V ' ' be an open set in R ' ' n ' ' , and ' ' F ' ' : ' ' V ' ' ' ' U ' ' . Then provided ' ' F ' ' is a submersion , it is possible to define : Tcirc F in mathrmD ' ( V ) . This is the composition of the distribution ' ' T ' ' with ' ' F ' ' , and is also called the pullback of ' ' T ' ' along ' ' F ' ' , sometimes written : Fsharp : Tmapsto Fsharp T = Tcirc F. The pullback is often denoted ' ' F* ' ' , although this notation should not be confused with the use of ' ' to denote the adjoint of a linear mapping . The condition that ' ' F ' ' be a submersion is equivalent to the requirement that the Jacobian derivative ' ' dF ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) of ' ' F ' ' is a surjective linear map for every ' ' x ' ' ' ' V ' ' . A necessary ( but not sufficient ) condition for extending ' ' F ' ' # to distributions is that ' ' F ' ' be an open mapping . The inverse function theorem ensures that a submersion satisfies this condition . If ' ' F ' ' is a submersion , then ' ' F ' ' # is defined on distributions by finding the transpose map . Uniqueness of this extension is guaranteed since ' ' F ' ' # is a continuous linear operator on D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . Existence , however , requires using the change of variables formula , the inverse function theorem ( locally ) and a partition of unity argument ; see . In the special case when ' ' F ' ' is a diffeomorphism from an open subset ' ' V ' ' of R ' ' n ' ' onto an open subset ' ' U ' ' of R ' ' n ' ' change of variables under the integral gives : intVvarphicirc F(x) psi(x) , dx = intUvarphi(x) psi left ( F-1(x) right ) left det dF-1(x) right , dx . In this particular case , then , ' ' F ' ' # is defined by the transpose formula : : left langle Fsharp T , varphi right rangle = left langle T , left det d(F-1) right varphicirc F-1 right rangle. # Localization of distributions # There is no way to define the value of a distribution in D ( ' ' U ' ' ) at a particular point of ' ' U ' ' . However , as is the case with functions , distributions on ' ' U ' ' restrict to give distributions on open subsets of ' ' U ' ' . Furthermore , distributions are ' ' locally determined ' ' in the sense that a distribution on all of ' ' U ' ' can be assembled from a distribution on an open cover of ' ' U ' ' satisfying some compatibility conditions on the overlap . Such a structure is known as a sheaf . # Restriction # Let ' ' U ' ' and ' ' V ' ' be open subsets of R ' ' n ' ' with ' ' V ' ' ' ' U ' ' . Let ' ' E VU ' ' : D ( ' ' V ' ' ) D ( ' ' U ' ' ) be the operator which ' ' extends by zero ' ' a given smooth function compactly supported in ' ' V ' ' to a smooth function compactly supported in the larger set ' ' U ' ' . Then the restriction mapping ' ' VU ' ' is defined to be the transpose of ' ' E VU ' ' . Thus for any distribution ' ' T ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) , the restriction ' ' VU ' ' ' ' T ' ' is a distribution in the dual space D ( ' ' V ' ' ) defined by : langle rhoVUT , varphirangle = langle T , EVUvarphirangle for all test functions D ( ' ' V ' ' ) . Unless ' ' U ' ' = ' ' V ' ' , the restriction to ' ' V ' ' is neither injective nor surjective . Lack of surjectivity follows since distributions can blow up towards the boundary of ' ' V ' ' . For instance , if ' ' U ' ' = R and ' ' V ' ' = ( 0 , 2 ) , then the distribution : T(x) = sumn=1infty n , deltaleft(x-frac1nright) is in D ( ' ' V ' ' ) but admits no extension to D ( ' ' U ' ' ) . # Support of a distribution # Let ' ' T ' ' D ( ' ' U ' ' ) be a distribution on an open set ' ' U ' ' . Then ' ' T ' ' is said to vanish on an open set ' ' V ' ' of ' ' U ' ' if ' ' T ' ' lies in the kernel of the restriction map ' ' VU ' ' . Explicitly ' ' T ' ' vanishes on ' ' V ' ' if : langle T , varphirangle = 0 for all test functions C ( ' ' U ' ' ) with support in ' ' V ' ' . Let ' ' V ' ' be a maximal open set on which the distribution ' ' T ' ' vanishes ; i.e. , ' ' V ' ' is the union of every open set on which ' ' T ' ' vanishes . The support of ' ' T ' ' is the complement of ' ' V ' ' in ' ' U ' ' . Thus : operatornamesupp , T = U setminus bigcupleftV mid rhoVUT = 0right . The distribution ' ' T ' ' has compact support if its support is a compact set . Explicitly , ' ' T ' ' has compact support if there is a compact subset ' ' K ' ' of ' ' U ' ' such that for every test function whose support is completely outside of ' ' K ' ' , we have ' ' T ' ' ( ) = 0 . Compactly supported distributions define continuous linear functionals on the space C ( ' ' U ' ' ) ; the topology on C ( ' ' U ' ' ) is defined such that a sequence of test functions ' ' k ' ' converges to 0 if and only if all derivatives of ' ' k ' ' converge uniformly to 0 on every compact subset of ' ' U ' ' . Conversely , it can be shown that every continuous linear functional on this space defines a distribution of compact support . The embedding of C c ( ' ' U ' ' ) into C ( ' ' U ' ' ) , where the spaces are given their respective topologies , is continuous and has dense image . Thus compactly supported distributions can be identified with those distributions that can be extended from C c ( ' ' U ' ' ) to C ( ' ' U ' ' ) . # Tempered distributions and Fourier transform # By using a larger space of test functions , one can define the tempered distributions , a subspace of D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) . These distributions are useful if one studies the Fourier transform : all tempered distributions have a Fourier transform , but not all distributions in D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) have one . The space of test functions employed here , the so-called Schwartz space ' ' S ' ' ( R ' ' n ' ' ) , is the function space of all infinitely differentiable functions that are rapidly decreasing at infinity along with all partial derivatives . Thus is in the Schwartz space provided that any derivative of , multiplied with any power of ' ' x ' ' , converges towards 0 for ' ' x ' ' . These functions form a complete topological vector space with a suitably defined family of seminorms . More precisely , let : palpha , beta ( varphi ) = supx in mathbfRn xalpha Dbeta varphi(x) for , multi-indices of size ' ' n ' ' . Then is a Schwartz function if all the values : palpha , beta ( varphi ) *16;804502; The family of seminorms ' ' p ' ' , defines a locally convex topology on the Schwartz space . The seminorms are , in fact , norms on the Schwartz space , since Schwartz functions are smooth . The Schwartz space is metrizable and complete . Because the Fourier transform changes differentiation by ' ' x ' ' into multiplication by ' ' x ' ' and vice versa , this symmetry implies that the Fourier transform of a Schwartz function is also a Schwartz function . The space of tempered distributions is defined as the ( continuous ) dual of the Schwartz space . In other words , a distribution ' ' T ' ' is a tempered distribution if and only if : limmtoinfty T(varphim)=0. is true whenever , : limmtoinfty palpha , beta ( varphim ) = 0 holds for all multi-indices , . The derivative of a tempered distribution is again a tempered distribution . Tempered distributions generalize the bounded ( or slow-growing ) locally integrable functions ; all distributions with compact support and all square-integrable functions are tempered distributions . More generally , all functions that are products of polynomials with elements of ' ' L p ' ' ( R ' ' n ' ' ) for ' ' p ' ' 1 are tempered distributions . The ' ' tempered distributions ' ' can also be characterized as ' ' slowly growing ' ' . This characterization is ' ' dual ' ' to the ' ' rapidly falling ' ' behaviour , e.g. propto xn cdot exp ( - x2 ) , of the test functions . To study the Fourier transform , it is best to consider ' ' complex ' ' -valued test functions and complex-linear distributions . The ordinary continuous Fourier transform ' ' F ' ' yields then an automorphism of Schwartz function space , and we can define the Fourier transform of the tempered distribution ' ' T ' ' by ( ' ' FT ' ' ) ( ) = ' ' T ' ' ( ' ' F ' ' ) for every Schwartz function . ' ' FT ' ' is thus again a tempered distribution . The Fourier transform is a continuous , linear , bijective operator from the space of tempered distributions to itself . This operation is compatible with differentiation in the sense that : FdfracdTdx=ixFT and also with convolution : if ' ' T ' ' is a tempered distribution and is a ' ' slowly increasing ' ' infinitely differentiable function on R ' ' n ' ' ( meaning that all derivatives of grow at most as fast as polynomials ) , then ' ' T ' ' is again a tempered distribution and : F ( psi T ) =Fpsi*FT , is the convolution of ' ' FT ' ' and ' ' F ' ' . In particular , the Fourier transform of the constant function equal to 1 is the distribution . # Convolution # Under some circumstances , it is possible to define the convolution of a function with a distribution , or even the convolution of two distributions . ; Convolution of a test function with a distribution If ' ' f ' ' D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) is a compactly supported smooth test function , then convolution with ' ' f ' ' , : begincases Cf : mathrmD(mathbfRn)to mathrmD(mathbfRn) Cf : g mapsto f g endcases defines a linear operator which is continuous with respect to the LF space topology on D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) . Convolution of ' ' f ' ' with a distribution ' ' T ' ' D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) can be defined by taking the transpose of ' ' C f ' ' relative to the duality pairing of D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) with the space D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) of distributions . If ' ' f ' ' , ' ' g ' ' , D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) , then by Fubini 's theorem : left langle Cfg , varphi right rangle = *41;804520;TOOLONG , dydx = left langle g , Cwidetildefvarphi right rangle where scriptstylewidetildef(x) = f(-x) . Extending by continuity , the convolution of ' ' f ' ' with a distribution ' ' T ' ' is defined by : langle f*T , varphirangle = left langle T , widetildef*varphi right rangle for all test functions D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) . An alternative way to define the convolution of a function ' ' f ' ' and a distribution ' ' T ' ' is to use the translation operator ' ' x ' ' defined on test functions by : taux varphi(y) = varphi(y-x) and extended by the transpose to distributions in the obvious way . The convolution of the compactly supported function ' ' f ' ' and the distribution ' ' T ' ' is then the function defined for each ' ' x ' ' R ' ' n ' ' by : ( f*T ) ( x ) = left langle T , tauxwidetildef right rangle . It can be shown that the convolution of a compactly supported function and a distribution is a smooth function . If the distribution ' ' T ' ' has compact support as well , then ' ' f ' ' ' ' T ' ' is a compactly supported function , and the Titchmarsh convolution theorem implies that : operatornamech(f*T) = operatornamechf + operatornamechT where ' ' ch ' ' denotes the convex hull . ; Distribution of compact support It is also possible to define the convolution of two distributions ' ' S ' ' and ' ' T ' ' on R ' ' n ' ' , provided one of them has compact support . Informally , in order to define ' ' S ' ' ' ' T ' ' where ' ' T ' ' has compact support , the idea is to extend the definition of the convolution to a linear operation on distributions so that the associativity formula : S* ( T*varphi ) = ( S*T ) varphi continues to hold for all test functions . proves the uniqueness of such an extension . It is also possible to provide a more explicit characterization of the convolution of distributions . Suppose that it is ' ' T ' ' that has compact support . For any test function in D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) , consider the function : psi(x) = langle T , tau-xvarphirangle . It can be readily shown that this defines a smooth function of ' ' x ' ' , which moreover has compact support . The convolution of ' ' S ' ' and ' ' T ' ' is defined by : langle S T , varphirangle = langle S , psirangle . This generalizes the classical notion of convolution of functions and is compatible with differentiation in the following sense : : partialalpha(S*T)= ( partialalpha S ) T=S* ( partialalpha T ) . This definition of convolution remains valid under less restrictive assumptions about ' ' S ' ' and ' ' T ' ' ; see for instance and . # Distributions as derivatives of continuous functions # The formal definition of distributions exhibits them as a subspace of a very large space , namely the topological dual of D ( ' ' U ' ' ) ( or S ( R ' ' d ' ' ) for tempered distributions ) . It is not immediately clear from the definition how exotic a distribution might be . To answer this question , it is instructive to see distributions built up from a smaller space , namely the space of continuous functions . Roughly , any distribution is locally a ( multiple ) derivative of a continuous function . A precise version of this result , given below , holds for distributions of compact support , tempered distributions , and general distributions . Generally speaking , no proper subset of the space of distributions contains all continuous functions and is closed under differentiation . This says that distributions are not particularly exotic objects ; they are only as complicated as necessary . # Tempered distributions # If ' ' f ' ' ' ' S ' ' ( R ' ' n ' ' ) is a tempered distribution , then there exists a constant ' ' C ' ' 0 , and positive integers ' ' M ' ' and ' ' N ' ' such that for all Schwartz functions ' ' S ' ' ( R ' ' n ' ' ) : langle f , varphirangle le Csumnolimitsalphale N , betale MsupxinmathbfRn left xalpha Dbeta varphi(x) right =Csumnolimitsalphale N , betale Mpalpha , beta(varphi) . This estimate along with some techniques from functional analysis can be used to show that there is a continuous slowly increasing function ' ' F ' ' and a multi-index such that : f=Dalpha F. , # Restriction of distributions to compact sets # If ' ' f ' ' D ( R ' ' n ' ' ) , then for any compact set ' ' K ' ' R ' ' n ' ' , there exists a continuous function ' ' F ' ' compactly supported in R ' ' n ' ' ( possibly on a larger set than ' ' K ' ' itself ) and a multi-index such that ' ' f ' ' = ' ' D ' ' ' ' F ' ' on C c ( ' ' K ' ' ) . This follows from the previously quoted result on tempered distributions by means of a localization argument . # Distributions with point support # If ' ' f ' ' has support at a single point ' ' P ' ' , then ' ' f ' ' is in fact a finite linear combination of distributional derivatives of the function at ' ' P ' ' . That is , there exists an integer ' ' m ' ' and complex constants ' ' a ' ' for multi-indices ' ' m ' ' such that : f = sumnolimitsalphale maalpha Dalpha(tauPdelta) where ' ' P ' ' is the translation operator . # General distributions # A version of the above theorem holds locally in the following sense . Let ' ' T ' ' be a distribution on ' ' U ' ' , then one can find for every multi-index a continuous function ' ' g ' ' such that : displaystyle T = sumnolimitsalpha Dalpha galpha and that any compact subset ' ' K ' ' of ' ' U ' ' intersects the supports of only finitely many ' ' g ' ' ; therefore , to evaluate the value of ' ' T ' ' for a given smooth function ' ' f ' ' compactly supported in ' ' U ' ' , we only need finitely many ' ' g ' ' ; hence the infinite sum above is well-defined as a distribution . If the distribution ' ' T ' ' is of finite order , then one can choose ' ' g ' ' in such a way that only finitely many of them are nonzero. # Using holomorphic functions as test functions # The success of the theory led to investigation of the idea of hyperfunction , in which spaces of holomorphic functions are used as test functions . A refined theory has been developed , in particular Mikio Sato 's algebraic analysis , using sheaf theory and several complex variables . This extends the range of symbolic methods that can be made into rigorous mathematics , for example Feynman integrals. # Problem of multiplication # It is easy to define the product of a distribution with a smooth function , or more generally the product of two distributions whose singular supports are disjoint . With more effort it is possible to define a well-behaved product of several distributions provided their wave front sets at each point are compatible . A limitation of the theory of distributions ( and hyperfunctions ) is that there is no associative product of two distributions extending the product of a distribution by a smooth function , as has been proved by Laurent Schwartz in the 1950s . For example , if p.v . 1/ ' ' x ' ' is the distribution obtained by the Cauchy principal value : left ( operatornamep.v. frac1xright ) phi = limepsilonto 0+ intxgeepsilon fracphi(x)x , dx for all ' ' S ' ' ( R ) , and is the Dirac delta distribution then : left ( delta times x right ) times operatornamep.v. frac1x = 0 but : delta times left ( x times operatornamep.v. frac1x right ) = delta so the product of a distribution by a smooth function ( which is always well defined ) can not be extended to an associative product on the space of distributions . Thus , nonlinear problems can not be posed in general and thus not solved within distribution theory alone . In the context of quantum field theory , however , solutions can be found . In more than two spacetime dimensions the problem is related to the regularization of divergences . Here Henri Epstein and Vladimir Glaser developed the mathematically rigorous ( but extremely technical ) ' ' causal perturbation theory ' ' . This does not solve the problem in other situations . Many other interesting theories are non linear , like for example NavierStokes equations of fluid dynamics . In some cases a solution of the multiplication problem is dictated by the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics . Since this is required to be equivalent to the Schrdinger theory of quantum mechanics which is invariant under coordinate transformations , this property must be shared by path integrals . This fixes some products of distributions as shown by . The result is equivalent to what can be derived from dimensional regularization . Several not entirely satisfactory theories of algebras of generalized functions have been developed , among which Colombeau 's ( simplified ) algebra is maybe the most popular in use today . @@52033 In mathematics , computer science , economics , or management science , mathematical optimization ( alternatively , optimization or mathematical programming ) is the selection of a best element ( with regard to some criteria ) from some set of available alternatives . In the simplest case , an optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real function by systematically choosing input values from within an allowed set and computing the value of the function . The generalization of optimization theory and techniques to other formulations comprises a large area of applied mathematics . More generally , optimization includes finding best available values of some objective function given a defined domain ( or a set of constraints ) , including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains . # Optimization problems # An optimization problem can be represented in the following way : : ' ' Given : ' ' a function ' ' f ' ' : ' ' A ' ' to R from some set ' ' A ' ' to the real numbers : ' ' Sought : ' ' an element ' ' x ' ' 0 in ' ' A ' ' such that ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 0 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' A ' ' ( minimization ) or such that ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 0 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' A ' ' ( maximization ) . Such a formulation is called an optimization problem or a mathematical programming problem ( a term not directly related to computer programming , but still in use for example in linear programming see History below ) . Many real-world and theoretical problems may be modeled in this general framework . Problems formulated using this technique in the fields of physics and computer vision may refer to the technique as energy minimization , speaking of the value of the function ' ' f ' ' as representing the energy of the system being modeled . Typically , ' ' A ' ' is some subset of the Euclidean space R ' ' n ' ' , often specified by a set of ' ' constraints ' ' , equalities or inequalities that the members of ' ' A ' ' have to satisfy . The domain ' ' A ' ' of ' ' f ' ' is called the ' ' search space ' ' or the ' ' choice set ' ' , while the elements of ' ' A ' ' are called ' ' candidate solutions ' ' or ' ' feasible solutions ' ' . The function ' ' f ' ' is called , variously , an objective function , a loss function or cost function ( minimization ) , indirect utility function ( minimization ) , a utility function ( maximization ) , a fitness function ( maximization ) , or , in certain fields , an energy function , or energy functional . A feasible solution that minimizes ( or maximizes , if that is the goal ) the objective function is called an ' ' optimal solution ' ' . By convention , the standard form of an optimization problem is stated in terms of minimization . Generally , unless both the objective function and the feasible region are convex in a minimization problem , there may be several local minima , where a ' ' local minimum ' ' x is defined as a point for which there exists some &gt ; 0 so that for all x such that : mathbfx-mathbfx*leqdelta ; , the expression : f(mathbfx*)leq f(mathbfx) holds ; that is to say , on some region around x all of the function values are greater than or equal to the value at that point . Local maxima are defined similarly . A large number of algorithms proposed for solving non-convex problems including the majority of commercially available solvers are not capable of making a distinction between local optimal solutions and rigorous optimal solutions , and will treat the former as actual solutions to the original problem . The branch of applied mathematics and numerical analysis that is concerned with the development of deterministic algorithms that are capable of guaranteeing convergence in finite time to the actual optimal solution of a non-convex problem is called global optimization. # Notation # Optimization problems are often expressed with special notation . Here are some examples . # Minimum and maximum value of a function # Consider the following notation : : minxinmathbb R ; ( x2 + 1 ) This denotes the minimum value of the objective function x2 + 1 , when choosing ' ' x ' ' from the set of real numbers mathbb R . The minimum value in this case is 1 , occurring at x = 0 . Similarly , the notation : maxxinmathbb R ; 2x asks for the maximum value of the objective function 2 ' ' x ' ' , where ' ' x ' ' may be any real number . In this case , there is no such maximum as the objective function is unbounded , so the answer is infinity or undefined . # Optimal input arguments # Consider the following notation : : undersetxin ( -infty , -1operatornamearg , min ; x2 + 1 , or equivalently : undersetxoperatornamearg , min ; x2 + 1 , ; textsubject to : ; xin ( -infty , -1 . This represents the value ( or values ) of the argument ' ' x ' ' in the interval ( -infty , -1 that minimizes ( or minimize ) the objective function ' ' x ' ' 2 + 1 ( the actual minimum value of that function is not what the problem asks for ) . In this case , the answer is ' ' x ' ' = -1 , since ' ' x ' ' = 0 is infeasible , i.e. does not belong to the feasible set . Similarly , : undersetxin-5,5 , ; yinmathbb Roperatornamearg , max ; xcos(y) , or equivalently : undersetx , ; yoperatornamearg , max ; xcos(y) , ; textsubject to : ; xin-5,5 , ; yinmathbb R , represents the ( x , y ) pair ( or pairs ) that maximizes ( or maximize ) the value of the objective function xcos(y) , with the added constraint that ' ' x ' ' lie in the interval -5,5 ( again , the actual maximum value of the expression does not matter ) . In this case , the solutions are the pairs of the form ( 5 , 2k ) and ( 5 , ( 2k+1 ) ) , where ' ' k ' ' ranges over all integers . Arg min and arg max are sometimes also written argmin and argmax , and stand for argument of the minimum and argument of the maximum . # History # Fermat and Lagrange found calculus-based formulas for identifying optima , while Newton and Gauss proposed iterative methods for moving towards an optimum . Historically , the first term for optimization was linear programming , which was due to George B. Dantzig , although much of the theory had been introduced by Leonid Kantorovich in 1939 . Dantzig published the Simplex algorithm in 1947 , and John von Neumann developed the theory of duality in the same year . The term , ' ' programming ' ' , in this context does not refer to computer programming . Rather , the term comes from the use of ' ' program ' ' by the United States military to refer to proposed training and logistics schedules , which were the problems Dantzig studied at that time . Later important researchers in mathematical optimization include the following : Richard Bellman Roger Fletcher Ronald A. Howard Narendra Karmarkar William Karush Leonid Khachiyan Bernard Koopman Harold Kuhn Joseph Louis Lagrange Lszl Lovsz Arkadi Nemirovski Yurii Nesterov Boris Polyak Lev Pontryagin James Renegar R. Tyrrell Rockafellar Cornelis Roos Naum Z. Shor Michael J. Todd Albert Tucker # Major subfields # Convex programming studies the case when the objective function is convex ( minimization ) or concave ( maximization ) and the constraint set is convex . This can be viewed as a particular case of nonlinear programming or as generalization of linear or convex quadratic programming . * Linear programming ( LP ) , a type of convex programming , studies the case in which the objective function ' ' f ' ' is linear and the set of constraints is specified using only linear equalities and inequalities . Such a set is called a polyhedron or a polytope if it is bounded . * Second order cone programming ( SOCP ) is a convex program , and includes certain types of quadratic programs . * Semidefinite programming ( SDP ) is a subfield of convex optimization where the underlying variables are semidefinite matrices . It is generalization of linear and convex quadratic programming . * Conic programming is a general form of convex programming . LP , SOCP and SDP can all be viewed as conic programs with the appropriate type of cone . * Geometric programming is a technique whereby objective and inequality constraints expressed as posynomials and equality constraints as monomials can be transformed into a convex program . Integer programming studies linear programs in which some or all variables are constrained to take on integer values . This is not convex , and in general much more difficult than regular linear programming . Quadratic programming allows the objective function to have quadratic terms , while the feasible set must be specified with linear equalities and inequalities . For specific forms of the quadratic term , this is a type of convex programming . Fractional programming studies optimization of ratios of two nonlinear functions . The special class of concave fractional programs can be transformed to a convex optimization problem . Nonlinear programming studies the general case in which the objective function or the constraints or both contain nonlinear parts . This may or may not be a convex program . In general , whether the program is convex affects the difficulty of solving it . Stochastic programming studies the case in which some of the constraints or parameters depend on random variables . Robust programming is , like stochastic programming , an attempt to capture uncertainty in the data underlying the optimization problem . This is not done through the use of random variables , but instead , the problem is solved taking into account inaccuracies in the input data . Combinatorial optimization is concerned with problems where the set of feasible solutions is discrete or can be reduced to a discrete one . Stochastic optimization for use with random ( noisy ) function measurements or random inputs in the search process . Infinite-dimensional optimization studies the case when the set of feasible solutions is a subset of an infinite-dimensional space , such as a space of functions . Heuristics and metaheuristics make few or no assumptions about the problem being optimized . Usually , heuristics do not guarantee that any optimal solution need be found . On the other hand , heuristics are used to find approximate solutions for many complicated optimization problems . Constraint satisfaction studies the case in which the objective function ' ' f ' ' is constant ( this is used in artificial intelligence , particularly in automated reasoning ) . * Constraint programming . Disjunctive programming is used where at least one constraint must be satisfied but not all . It is of particular use in scheduling . In a number of subfields , the techniques are designed primarily for optimization in dynamic contexts ( that is , decision making over time ) : Calculus of variations seeks to optimize an objective defined over many points in time , by considering how the objective function changes if there is a small change in the choice path . Optimal control theory is a generalization of the calculus of variations . Dynamic programming studies the case in which the optimization strategy is based on splitting the problem into smaller subproblems . The equation that describes the relationship between these subproblems is called the Bellman equation . Mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints is where the constraints include variational inequalities or complementarities. # Multi-objective optimization # Adding more than one objective to an optimization problem adds complexity . For example , to optimize a structural design , one would want a design that is both light and rigid . Because these two objectives conflict , a trade-off exists . There will be one lightest design , one stiffest design , and an infinite number of designs that are some compromise of weight and stiffness . The set of trade-off designs that can not be improved upon according to one criterion without hurting another criterion is known as the Pareto set . The curve created plotting weight against stiffness of the best designs is known as the Pareto frontier . A design is judged to be Pareto optimal ( equivalently , Pareto efficient or in the Pareto set ) if it is not dominated by any other design : If it is worse than another design in some respects and no better in any respect , then it is dominated and is not Pareto optimal . The choice among Pareto optimal solutions to determine the favorite solution is delegated to the decision maker . In other words , defining the problem as multiobjective optimization signals that some information is missing : desirable objectives are given but not their detailed combination . In some cases , the missing information can be derived by interactive sessions with the decision maker . Multi-objective optimization problems have been generalized further to vector optimization problems where the ( partial ) ordering is no longer given by the Pareto ordering . # Multi-modal optimization # Optimization problems are often multi-modal ; that is , they possess multiple good solutions . They could all be globally good ( same cost function value ) or there could be a mix of globally good and locally good solutions . Obtaining all ( or at least some of ) the multiple solutions is the goal of a multi-modal optimizer . Classical optimization techniques due to their iterative approach do not perform satisfactorily when they are used to obtain multiple solutions , since it is not guaranteed that different solutions will be obtained even with different starting points in multiple runs of the algorithm . Evolutionary Algorithms are however a very popular approach to obtain multiple solutions in a multi-modal optimization task . # Classification of critical points and extrema # # Feasibility problem # The satisfiability problem , also called the feasibility problem , is just the problem of finding any feasible solution at all without regard to objective value . This can be regarded as the special case of mathematical optimization where the objective value is the same for every solution , and thus any solution is optimal . Many optimization algorithms need to start from a feasible point . One way to obtain such a point is to relax the feasibility conditions using a slack variable ; with enough slack , any starting point is feasible . Then , minimize that slack variable until slack is null or negative . # Existence # The extreme value theorem of Karl Weierstrass states that a continuous real-valued function on a compact set attains its maximum and minimum value . More generally , a lower semi-continuous function on a compact set attains its minimum ; an upper semi-continuous function on a compact set attains its maximum . # Necessary conditions for optimality # One of Fermat 's theorems states that optima of unconstrained problems are found at stationary points , where the first derivative or the gradient of the objective function is zero ( see first derivative test ) . More generally , they may be found at critical points , where the first derivative or gradient of the objective function is zero or is undefined , or on the boundary of the choice set . An equation ( or set of equations ) stating that the first derivative(s) equal(s) zero at an interior optimum is called a ' first-order condition ' or a set of first-order conditions . Optima of equality-constrained problems can be found by the Lagrange multiplier method . The optima of problems with equality and/or inequality constraints can be found using the ' KarushKuhnTucker conditions ' . # Sufficient conditions for optimality # While the first derivative test identifies points that might be extrema , this test does not distinguish a point that is a minimum from one that is a maximum or one that is neither . When the objective function is twice differentiable , these cases can be distinguished by checking the second derivative or the matrix of second derivatives ( called the Hessian matrix ) in unconstrained problems , or the matrix of second derivatives of the objective function and the constraints called the bordered Hessian in constrained problems . The conditions that distinguish maxima , or minima , from other stationary points are called ' second-order conditions ' ( see ' Second derivative test ' ) . If a candidate solution satisfies the first-order conditions , then satisfaction of the second-order conditions as well is sufficient to establish at least local optimality. # Sensitivity and continuity of optima # The envelope theorem describes how the value of an optimal solution changes when an underlying parameter changes . The process of computing this change is called comparative statics . The maximum theorem of Claude Berge ( 1963 ) describes the continuity of an optimal solution as a function of underlying parameters . # Calculus of optimization # For unconstrained problems with twice-differentiable functions , some critical points can be found by finding the points where the gradient of the objective function is zero ( that is , the stationary points ) . More generally , a zero subgradient certifies that a local minimum has been found for minimization problems with convex functions and other locally Lipschitz functions . Further , critical points can be classified using the definiteness of the Hessian matrix : If the Hessian is ' ' positive ' ' definite at a critical point , then the point is a local minimum ; if the Hessian matrix is negative definite , then the point is a local maximum ; finally , if indefinite , then the point is some kind of saddle point . Constrained problems can often be transformed into unconstrained problems with the help of Lagrange multipliers . Lagrangian relaxation can also provide approximate solutions to difficult constrained problems . When the objective function is convex , then any local minimum will also be a global minimum . There exist efficient numerical techniques for minimizing convex functions , such as interior-point methods . # Computational optimization techniques # To solve problems , researchers may use algorithms that terminate in a finite number of steps , or iterative methods that converge to a solution ( on some specified class of problems ) , or heuristics that may provide approximate solutions to some problems ( although their iterates need not converge ) . # Optimization algorithms # Simplex algorithm of George Dantzig , designed for linear programming . Extensions of the simplex algorithm , designed for quadratic programming and for linear-fractional programming . Variants of the simplex algorithm that are especially suited for network optimization. Combinatorial algorithms # Iterative methods # The iterative methods used to solve problems of nonlinear programming differ according to whether they evaluate Hessians , gradients , or only function values . While evaluating Hessians ( H ) and gradients ( G ) improves the rate of convergence , for functions for which these quantities exist and vary sufficiently smoothly , such evaluations increase the computational complexity ( or computational cost ) of each iteration . In some cases , the computational complexity may be excessively high . One major criterion for optimizers is just the number of required function evaluations as this often is already a large computational effort , usually much more effort than within the optimizer itself , which mainly has to operate over the N variables . The derivatives provide detailed information for such optimizers , but are even harder to calculate , e.g. approximating the gradient takes at least N+1 function evaluations . For approximations of the 2nd derivatives ( collected in the Hessian matrix ) the number of function evaluations is in the order of N. Newton 's method requires the 2nd order derivates , so for each iteration the number of function calls is in the order of N , but for a simpler pure gradient optimizer it is only N. However , gradient optimizers need usually more iterations than Newton 's algorithm . Which one is best with respect to the number of function calls depends on the problem itself . Methods that evaluate Hessians ( or approximate Hessians , using finite differences ) : * Newton 's method ** Sequential quadratic programming : A Newton-based method for small-medium scale ' ' constrained ' ' problems . Some versions can handle large-dimensional problems . Methods that evaluate gradients or approximate gradients using finite differences ( or even subgradients ) : * Quasi-Newton methods : Iterative methods for medium-large problems ( e.g. N *98505;809421;1000). These works that are sometimes done by God outside the usual order assigned to things are wont to be called miracles : because we are astonished ( ' ' admiramur ' ' ) at a thing when we see an effect without knowing the cause . And since at times one and the same cause is known to some and unknown to others , it happens that of several who see an effect , some are astonished and some not : thus an astronomer is not astonished when he sees an eclipse of the sun , for he knows the cause ; whereas one who is ignorant of this science must needs wonder , since he knows not the cause . Wherefore it is wonderful to the latter but not to the former . Accordingly a thing is wonderful simply , when its cause is hidden simply : and this is what we mean by a miracle : something , to wit , that is wonderful in itself and not only in respect of this person or that . Now God is the cause which is hidden to every man simply : for we have proved above that in this state of life no man can comprehend Him by his intellect . Therefore properly speaking miracles are works done by God outside the order usually observed in things . Of these miracles there are various degrees and orders . The *25;907934;span highest degree in miracles comprises those works wherein something is done by God , that nature can never do : for instance , that two bodies occupy the same place , that the sun recede or stand still , that the sea be divided and make way to passers by . Among these there is a certain order : for the greater the work done by God , and the further it is removed from the capability of nature , the greater the miracle : thus it is a greater miracle that the sun recede , than that the waters be divided . The *25;907961;span second degree in miracles belongs to those whereby God does something that nature can do , but not in the same order : thus it is a work of nature that an animal live , see and walk : but that an animal live after being dead , see after being blind , walk after being lame , this nature can not do , but God does these things sometimes by a miracle . Among these miracles also , there are degrees , according as the thing done is further removed from the faculty of nature . The *25;907988;span third degree of miracles is when God does what is wont to be done by the operation of nature , but without the operation of the natural principles : for instance when by the power of God a man is cured of a fever that nature is able to cure ; or when it rains without the operation of the principles of nature . # # Hinduism # In Hinduism , miracles are focused on episodes of liberation of the spirit . A key example is the revelation of Krishna to Arjuna , wherein Krishna persuades Arjuna to rejoin the battle against his cousins by briefly and miraculously giving Arjuna the power to see the true scope of the Universe , and its sustainment within Krishna , which requires divine vision . This is a typical situation in Hindu mythology wherein wondrous acts are performed for the purpose of bringing spiritual liberation to those who witness or read about them . Hindu sages have criticized both expectation and reliance on miracles as cheats , situations where people have sought to earn a benefit without doing the work necessary to merit it . Miracles continue to be occasionally reported in the practice of Hinduism , with an example of a miracle modernly reported in Hinduism being the Hindu milk miracle of September 1995 , with additional occurrences in 2006 and 2010 , wherein statues of certain Hindu deities were seen to drink milk offered to them . # Islam # Miracle in the Qur'an can be defined as a supernatural intervention in the life of human beings . According to this definition , miracles are present in a threefold sense : in sacred history , in connection with Muhammad himself and in relation to revelation . The Qur'an does not use the technical Arabic word for miracle ( ' ' Mudjiza ' ' ) literally meaning that by means of which the Prophet confounds , overwhelms , his opponents . It rather uses the term ' Ayah ' ( literally meaning sign ) . The term ' ' Ayah ' ' is used in the Qur'an in the above mentioned threefold sense : it refers to the verses of the Qur'an ( believed to be the divine speech in human language ; presented by Muhammad as his chief Miracle ) ; as well as to miracles of it and the signs ( particularly those of creation ) . To defend the possibility of miracles and God 's omnipotence against the encroachment of the independent secondary causes , some medieval Muslim theologians such as Al-Ghazali rejected the idea of cause and effect in essence , but accepted it as something that facilitates humankind 's investigation and comprehension of natural processes . They argued that the nature was composed of uniform atoms that were re-created at every instant by God . Thus if the soil was to fall , God would have to create and re-create the accident of heaviness for as long as the soil was to fall . For Muslim theologians , the laws of nature were only the customary sequence of apparent causes : customs of God . Sufi biographical literature records claims of miraculous accounts of men and women . The miraculous prowess of the Sufi holy men includes ' ' firasa ' ' ( clairvoyance ) , the ability to disappear from sight , to become completely invisible and practice ' ' buruz ' ' ( exteriorization ) . The holy men reportedly tame wild beasts and traverse long distances in a very short time span . They could also produce food and rain in seasons of drought , heal the sick and help barren women conceive . # Judaism # Descriptions of miracles ( Hebrew ' ' Ness , ' ' ) appear in the Tanakh . Examples include prophets , such as Elijah who performed miracles like the raising of a widow 's dead son ( 1 Kings 17:1724 ) and Elisha whose miracles include multiplying the poor widow 's jar of oil ( 2 Kings 4:17 ) and restoring to life the son of the woman of Shunem ( 2 Kings 4:1837 ) . During the first century BCE , a variety of religious movements and splinter groups developed amongst the Jews in Judea . A number of individuals claimed to be miracle workers in the tradition of Elijah and Elisha , the ancient Jewish prophets . The Talmud provides some examples of such Jewish miracle workers , one of whom is Honi HaM'agel , who was famous for his ability to successfully pray for rain . Most Chasidic communities are rife with tales of miracles that follow a yechidut , a spiritual audience with a tzadik : barren women become pregnant , cancer tumors shrink , wayward children become pious . Many Hasidim claim that miracles can take place in merit of partaking of the shirayim ( the leftovers from the rebbe 's meal ) , such as miraculous healing or blessings of wealth or piety . # Criticism # Thomas Paine , one of the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution , wrote All the tales of miracles , with which the Old and New Testament are filled , are fit only for impostors to preach and fools to believe . Thomas Jefferson , principal author of the Declaration of Independence of the United States , edited a version of the Bible in which he removed sections of the New Testament containing supernatural aspects as well as perceived misinterpretations he believed had been added by the Four Evangelists . Jefferson wrote , The establishment of the innocent and genuine character of this benevolent moralist , and the rescuing it from the imputation of imposture , which has resulted from artificial systems , footnote : e.g. The immaculate conception of Jesus , his deification , the creation of the world by him , his miraculous powers , his resurrection and visible ascension , his corporeal presence in the Eucharist , the Trinity ; original sin , atonement , regeneration , election , orders of Hierarchy , etc . T.J. invented by ultra-Christian sects , unauthorized by a single word ever uttered by him , is a most desirable object , and one to which Priestley has successfully devoted his labors and learning . John Adams , second President of the United States , wrote , The question before the human race is , whether the God of nature shall govern the world by his own laws , or whether priests and kings shall rule it by fictitious miracles ? American Revolutionary War patriot and hero Ethan Allen wrote In those parts of the world where learning and science have prevailed , miracles have ceased ; but in those parts of it as are barbarous and ignorant , miracles are still in vogue . Robert Ingersoll wrote , Not 20 people were convinced by the reported miracles of Christ , and yet people of the nineteenth century were coolly asked to be convinced on hearsay by miracles which those who are supposed to have seen them refused to credit . Elbert Hubbard , American writer , publisher , artist , and philosopher , wrote A miracle is an event described by those to whom it was told by people who did not see it . Biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins criticises the belief in miracles as a subversion of Occam 's Razor . @@53696 In mathematics , especially in elementary arithmetic , division ( ) is an arithmetic operation . Specifically , if ' ' b ' ' times ' ' c ' ' equals ' ' a ' ' , written : : ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' where ' ' b ' ' is not zero , then ' ' a ' ' divided by ' ' b ' ' equals ' ' c ' ' , written : : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' = ' ' c ' ' For instance , : 6 3 = 2 since : 3 2 = 6 In the expression a b = c , ' ' a ' ' is called the dividend or numerator , ' ' b ' ' the divisor or denominator and the result ' ' c ' ' is called the quotient . Conceptually , division of integers can be viewed in either of two distinct but related ways quotition and partition : Partitioning involves taking a set of size ' ' a ' ' and forming ' ' b ' ' groups that are equal in size . The size of each group formed , ' ' c ' ' , is the quotient of ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' . Quotition , or quotative division ( also sometimes spelled ' ' quotitive ' ' ) involves taking a set of size ' ' a ' ' and forming groups of size ' ' b ' ' . The number of groups of this size that can be formed , ' ' c ' ' , is the quotient of ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' . ( Both divisions give the same result because multiplication is commutative . ) Teaching division usually leads to the concept of fractions being introduced to school pupils . Unlike addition , subtraction , and multiplication , the set of all integers is not closed under division . Dividing two integers may result in a remainder . To complete the division of the remainder , the number system is extended to include fractions or rational numbers as they are more generally called . # Notation # Division is often shown in algebra and science by placing the ' ' dividend ' ' over the ' ' divisor ' ' with a horizontal line , also called a vinculum or fraction bar , between them . For example , ' ' a ' ' divided by ' ' b ' ' is written : frac ab This can be read out loud as a divided by b , a by b or a over b . A way to express division all on one line is to write the ' ' dividend ' ' ( or numerator ) , then a slash , then the ' ' divisor ' ' ( or denominator ) , like this : : a/b , This is the usual way to specify division in most computer programming languages since it can easily be typed as a simple sequence of ASCII characters . Some mathematical software , such as GNU Octave , allows the operands to be written in the reverse order by using the backslash as the division operator : : bbackslash a A typographical variation halfway between these two forms uses a solidus ( fraction slash ) but elevates the dividend , and lowers the divisor : : Any of these forms can be used to display a fraction . A fraction is a division expression where both dividend and divisor are integers ( typically called the ' ' numerator ' ' and ' ' denominator ' ' ) , and there is no implication that the division must be evaluated further . A second way to show division is to use the obelus ( or division sign ) , common in arithmetic , in this manner : : a div b This form is infrequent except in elementary arithmetic . ISO 80000-2-9.6 states it should not be used . The obelus is also used alone to represent the division operation itself , as for instance as a label on a key of a calculator . In some non-English-speaking cultures , a divided by b is written ' ' a ' ' : ' ' b ' ' . This notation was introduced in 1631 by William Oughtred in his ' ' Clavis Mathematicae ' ' and later popularized by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz . However , in English usage the colon is restricted to expressing the related concept of ratios ( then a is to b ) . In elementary classes of some countries , the notation b ) a or b overline ) a is used to denote ' ' a ' ' divided by ' ' b ' ' , especially when discussing long division . This notation was first introduced by Michael Stifel in ' ' Arithmetica integra ' ' , published in 1544. # Computing # # Manual methods # Division is often introduced through the notion of sharing out a set of objects , for example a pile of sweets , into a number of equal portions . Distributing the objects several at a time in each round of sharing to each portion leads to the idea of chunking , i.e. , division by repeated subtraction . More systematic and more efficient ( but also more formalised and more rule-based , and more removed from an overall holistic picture of what division is achieving ) , a person who knows the multiplication tables can divide two integers using pencil and paper using the method of short division , if the divisor is simple . Long division is used for larger integer divisors . If the dividend has a fractional part ( expressed as a decimal fraction ) , one can continue the algorithm past the ones place as far as desired . If the divisor has a fractional part , we can restate the problem by moving the decimal to the right in both numbers until the divisor has no fraction . A person can calculate division with an abacus by repeatedly placing the dividend on the abacus , and then subtracting the divisor the offset of each digit in the result , counting the number of divisions possible at each offset . A person can use logarithm tables to divide two numbers , by subtracting the two numbers ' logarithms , then looking up the antilogarithm of the result . A person can calculate division with a slide rule by aligning the divisor on the C scale with the dividend on the D scale . The quotient can be found on the D scale where it is aligned with the left index on the C scale . The user is responsible , however , for mentally keeping track of the decimal point . # By computer or with computer assistance # Modern computers compute division by methods that are faster than long division : see Division algorithm . In modular arithmetic , some numbers have a multiplicative inverse with respect to the modulus . We can calculate division by multiplication in such a case . This approach is useful in computers that do not have a fast division instruction . # Properties # Division is right-distributive over addition and subtraction . That means : fraca + bc = ( a + b ) div c = fracac + fracbc in the same way as in multiplication ( a + b ) times c = a times c + b times c , but fracab + c = a div ( b + c ) ne fracab + fracac unlike multiplication . # Euclidean division # The Euclidean division is the mathematical formulation of the outcome of the usual process of division of integers . It asserts that , given two integers , ' ' a ' ' , the ' ' dividend ' ' , and ' ' b ' ' , the ' ' divisor ' ' , such that ' ' b ' ' 0 , there are unique integers ' ' q ' ' , the ' ' quotient ' ' , and ' ' r ' ' , the remainder , such that ' ' a ' ' = ' ' bq ' ' + ' ' r ' ' and 0 ' ' r ' ' *508;1063; tfrac2611 simeq 2.36 or tfrac2611 simeq 2 tfrac 36100 . This is the approach usually taken in numerical computation . # Give the answer as a fraction representing a rational number , so the result of the division of 26 by 11 is tfrac2611 . But , usually , the resulting fraction should be simplified : the result of the division of 52 by 22 is also tfrac2611 . This simplification may be done by factoring out the greatest common divisor. # Give the answer as an integer ' ' quotient ' ' and a ' ' remainder ' ' , so tfrac2611 = 2 mbox remainder 4 . To make the distinction with the previous case , this division , with two integers as result , is sometimes called ' ' Euclidean division ' ' , because it is the basis of the Euclidean algorithm . # Give the integer quotient as the answer , so tfrac2611 = 2 . This is sometimes called ' ' integer division ' ' . Dividing integers in a computer program requires special care . Some programming languages , such as C , treat integer division as in case 5 above , so the answer is an integer . Other languages , such as MATLAB and every computer algebra system return a rational number as the answer , as in case 3 above . These languages also provide functions to get the results of the other cases , either directly or from the result of case 3 . Names and symbols used for integer division include div , / , , and % . Definitions vary regarding integer division when the dividend or the divisor is negative : rounding may be toward zero ( so called T-division ) or toward &minus ; ( F-division ) ; rarer styles can occur &ndash ; see Modulo operation for the details . Divisibility rules can sometimes be used to quickly determine whether one integer divides exactly into another . # Of rational numbers # The result of dividing two rational numbers is another rational number when the divisor is not 0 . We may define division of two rational numbers ' ' p ' ' / ' ' q ' ' and ' ' r ' ' / ' ' s ' ' by : p/q over r/s = p over q times s over r = ps over qr . All four quantities are integers , and only ' ' p ' ' may be 0 . This definition ensures that division is the inverse operation of multiplication . # Of real numbers # Division of two real numbers results in another real number when the divisor is not 0 . It is defined such ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' = ' ' c ' ' if and only if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' cb ' ' and ' ' b ' ' 0 . # By zero # Division of any number by zero ( where the divisor is zero ) is undefined . This is because zero multiplied by any finite number always results in a product of zero . Entry of such an expression into most calculators produces an error message . # Of complex numbers # Dividing two complex numbers results in another complex number when the divisor is not 0 , defined thus : : p + iq over r + is = p r + q s over r2 + s2 + iq r - p s over r2 + s2 . All four quantities are real numbers . ' ' r ' ' and ' ' s ' ' may not both be 0 . Division for complex numbers expressed in polar form is simpler than the definition above : : p eiq over r eis = p over rei ( q - s ) . Again all four quantities are real numbers . ' ' r ' ' may not be 0 . # Of polynomials # One can define the division operation for polynomials in one variable over a field . Then , as in the case of integers , one has a remainder . See Euclidean division of polynomials , and , for hand-written computation , polynomial long division or synthetic division . # Of matrices # One can define a division operation for matrices . The usual way to do this is to define , where denotes the inverse of ' ' B ' ' , but it is far more common to write out explicitly to avoid confusion . # Left and right division # Because matrix multiplication is not commutative , one can also define a left division or so-called ' ' backslash-division ' ' as . For this to be well defined , need not exist , however does need to exist . To avoid confusion , division as defined by is sometimes called ' ' right division ' ' or ' ' slash-division ' ' in this context . Note that with left and right division defined this way , is in general not the same as and nor is the same as , but and . # Pseudoinverse # To avoid problems when and/or do not exist , division can also be defined as multiplication with the pseudoinverse , i.e. , and , where and denote the pseudoinverse of ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' . # In abstract algebra # In abstract algebras such as matrix algebras and quaternion algebras , fractions such as a over b are typically defined as a cdot 1 over b or a cdot b-1 where b is presumed an invertible element ( i.e. , there exists a multiplicative inverse b-1 such that bb-1 = b-1b = 1 where 1 is the multiplicative identity ) . In an integral domain where such elements may not exist , ' ' division ' ' can still be performed on equations of the form ab = ac or ba = ca by left or right cancellation , respectively . More generally division in the sense of cancellation can be done in any ring with the aforementioned cancellation properties . If such a ring is finite , then by an application of the pigeonhole principle , every nonzero element of the ring is invertible , so ' ' division ' ' by any nonzero element is possible in such a ring . To learn about when ' ' algebras ' ' ( in the technical sense ) have a division operation , refer to the page on division algebras . In particular Bott periodicity can be used to show that any real normed division algebra must be isomorphic to either the real numbers R , the complex numbers C , the quaternions H , or the octonions O . # Calculus # The derivative of the quotient of two functions is given by the quotient rule : : left ( frac fgright ) ' = fracf'g - fg ' g2 . There is no general method to integrate the quotient of two functions . # See also # 400AD Sunzi division algorithm Division by two Field Fraction ( mathematics ) Galley division Group Inverse element Order of operations Quasigroup ( left division ) Repeating decimal # References # @@53759 In mathematics , a category is an algebraic structure that comprises objects that are linked by arrows . A category has two basic properties : the ability to compose the arrows associatively and the existence of an identity arrow for each object . A simple example is the category of sets , whose objects are sets and whose arrows are functions . On the other hand , any monoid can be understood as a special sort of category , and so can any preorder . In general , the objects and arrows may be abstract entities of any kind , and the notion of category provides a fundamental and abstract way to describe mathematical entities and their relationships . This is the central idea of ' ' category theory ' ' , a branch of mathematics which seeks to generalize all of mathematics in terms of objects and arrows , independent of what the objects and arrows represent . Virtually every branch of modern mathematics can be described in terms of categories , and doing so often reveals deep insights and similarities between seemingly different areas of mathematics . For more extensive motivational background and historical notes , see category theory and the list of category theory topics . Two categories are the same if they have the same collection of objects , the same collection of arrows , and the same associative method of composing any pair of arrows . Two categories may also be considered equivalent for purposes of category theory , even if they are not precisely the same . Well-known categories are denoted by a short capitalized word or abbreviation in bold or italics : examples include Set , the category of sets and set functions ; Ring , the category of rings and ring homomorphisms ; and Top , the category of topological spaces and continuous maps . All of the preceding categories have the identity map as identity arrow and composition as the associative operation on arrows . The standard text on category theory is ' ' Categories for the Working Mathematician ' ' by Saunders Mac Lane . Other references are given in the References below . The basic definitions in this article are contained within the first few chapters of any of these books . # Definition # There are many equivalent definitions of a category . One commonly used definition is as follows . A category ' ' C ' ' consists of a class ob ( ' ' C ' ' ) of objects a class hom ( ' ' C ' ' ) of morphisms , or arrows , or maps , between the objects . Each morphism ' ' f ' ' has a unique ' ' source object a ' ' and ' ' target object b ' ' where ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are in ob ( ' ' C ' ' ) . We write ' ' f ' ' : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , and we say ' ' f ' ' is a morphism from ' ' a ' ' to ' ' b ' ' . We write hom ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) ( or hom ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) when there may be confusion about to which category hom ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) refers ) to denote the hom-class of all morphisms from ' ' a ' ' to ' ' b ' ' . ( Some authors write Mor ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) or simply ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) instead. ) for every three objects ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' , a binary operation hom ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) hom ( ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' ) hom ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' c ' ' ) called ' ' composition of morphisms ' ' ; the composition of ' ' f ' ' : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' g ' ' : ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' is written as ' ' g ' ' ' ' f ' ' or ' ' gf ' ' . ( Some authors use diagrammatic order , writing ' ' f ; g ' ' or ' ' fg ' ' . ) such that the following axioms hold : ( associativity ) if ' ' f ' ' : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , ' ' g ' ' : ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' and ' ' h ' ' : ' ' c ' ' ' ' d ' ' then ' ' h ' ' ( ' ' g ' ' ' ' f ' ' ) = ( ' ' h ' ' ' ' g ' ' ) ' ' f ' ' , and ( identity ) for every object ' ' x ' ' , there exists a morphism 1 ' ' x ' ' : ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' ( some authors write ' ' id ' ' ' ' x ' ' ) called the ' ' identity morphism for x ' ' , such that for every morphism ' ' f ' ' : ' ' a ' ' ' ' x ' ' and every morphism ' ' g ' ' : ' ' x ' ' ' ' b ' ' , we have 1 ' ' x ' ' ' ' f ' ' = ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' 1 ' ' x ' ' = ' ' g ' ' . From these axioms , one can prove that there is exactly one identity morphism for every object . Some authors use a slight variation of the definition in which each object is identified with the corresponding identity morphism. # History # Category theory first appeared in a paper entitled General Theory of Natural Equivalences , written by Samuel Eilenberg and Saunders Mac Lane in 1945. # Small and large categories # A category ' ' C ' ' is called small if both ob ( ' ' C ' ' ) and hom ( ' ' C ' ' ) are actually sets and not proper classes , and large otherwise . A locally small category is a category such that for all objects ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' , the hom-class hom ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) is a set , called a homset . Many important categories in mathematics ( such as the category of sets ) , although not small , are at least locally small . # Examples # The class of all sets together with all functions between sets , where composition is the usual function composition , forms a large category , Set . It is the most basic and the most commonly used category in mathematics . The category Rel consists of all sets , with binary relations as morphisms . Abstracting from relations instead of functions yields allegories instead of categories . Any class can be viewed as a category whose only morphisms are the identity morphisms . Such categories are called discrete . For any given set ' ' I ' ' , the ' ' discrete category on I ' ' is the small category that has the elements of ' ' I ' ' as objects and only the identity morphisms as morphisms . Discrete categories are the simplest kind of category . Any preordered set ( ' ' P ' ' , ) forms a small category , where the objects are the members of ' ' P ' ' , the morphisms are arrows pointing from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' y ' ' when ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' . Between any two objects there can be at most one morphism . The existence of identity morphisms and the composability of the morphisms are guaranteed by the reflexivity and the transitivity of the preorder . By the same argument , any partially ordered set and any equivalence relation can be seen as a small category . Any ordinal number can be seen as a category when viewed as an ordered set . Any monoid ( any algebraic structure with a single associative binary operation and an identity element ) forms a small category with a single object ' ' x ' ' . ( Here , ' ' x ' ' is any fixed set . ) The morphisms from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' x ' ' are precisely the elements of the monoid , the identity morphism of ' ' x ' ' is the identity of the monoid , and the categorical composition of morphisms is given by the monoid operation . Several definitions and theorems about monoids may be generalized for categories . Any group can be seen as a category with a single object in which every morphism is invertible ( for every morphism ' ' f ' ' there is a morphism ' ' g ' ' that is both left and right inverse to ' ' f ' ' under composition ) by viewing the group as acting on itself by left multiplication . A morphism which is invertible in this sense is called an isomorphism . A groupoid is a category in which every morphism is an isomorphism . Groupoids are generalizations of groups , group actions and equivalence relations . Any directed graph generates a small category : the objects are the vertices of the graph , and the morphisms are the paths in the graph ( augmented with loops as needed ) where composition of morphisms is concatenation of paths . Such a category is called the ' ' free category ' ' generated by the graph . The class of all preordered sets with monotonic functions as morphisms forms a category , Ord . It is a concrete category , i.e. a category obtained by adding some type of structure onto Set , and requiring that morphisms are functions that respect this added structure . The class of all groups with group homomorphisms as morphisms and function composition as the composition operation forms a large category , Grp . Like Ord , Grp is a concrete category . The category Ab , consisting of all abelian groups and their group homomorphisms , is a full subcategory of Grp , and the prototype of an abelian category . Other examples of concrete categories are given by the following table . Fiber bundles with bundle maps between them form a concrete category . The category Cat consists of all small categories , with functors between them as morphisms. # Construction of new categories # # Dual category # Any category ' ' C ' ' can itself be considered as a new category in a different way : the objects are the same as those in the original category but the arrows are those of the original category reversed . This is called the ' ' dual ' ' or ' ' opposite category ' ' and is denoted ' ' C ' ' op . # Product categories # If ' ' C ' ' and ' ' D ' ' are categories , one can form the ' ' product category ' ' ' ' C ' ' ' ' D ' ' : the objects are pairs consisting of one object from ' ' C ' ' and one from ' ' D ' ' , and the morphisms are also pairs , consisting of one morphism in ' ' C ' ' and one in ' ' D ' ' . Such pairs can be composed componentwise. # Types of morphisms # A morphism ' ' f ' ' : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' is called a ' ' monomorphism ' ' ( or ' ' monic ' ' ) if ' ' fg 1 ' ' = ' ' fg 2 ' ' implies ' ' g 1 ' ' = ' ' g 2 ' ' for all morphisms ' ' g ' ' 1 , ' ' g 2 ' ' : ' ' x ' ' ' ' a ' ' . an ' ' epimorphism ' ' ( or ' ' epic ' ' ) if ' ' g 1 f ' ' = ' ' g 2 f ' ' implies ' ' g 1 ' ' = ' ' g 2 ' ' for all morphisms ' ' g 1 ' ' , ' ' g 2 ' ' : ' ' b ' ' ' ' x ' ' . a bimorphism if it is both a monomorphism and an epimorphism. a ' ' retraction ' ' if it has a right inverse , i.e. if there exists a morphism ' ' g ' ' : ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' with ' ' fg ' ' = 1 ' ' b ' ' . a ' ' section ' ' if it has a left inverse , i.e. if there exists a morphism ' ' g ' ' : ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' with ' ' gf ' ' = 1 ' ' a ' ' . an ' ' isomorphism ' ' if it has an inverse , i.e. if there exists a morphism ' ' g ' ' : ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' with ' ' fg ' ' = 1 ' ' b ' ' and ' ' gf ' ' = 1 ' ' a ' ' . an ' ' endomorphism ' ' if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' . The class of endomorphisms of ' ' a ' ' is denoted end ( ' ' a ' ' ) . an ' ' automorphism ' ' if ' ' f ' ' is both an endomorphism and an isomorphism . The class of automorphisms of ' ' a ' ' is denoted aut ( ' ' a ' ' ) . Every retraction is an epimorphism . Every section is a monomorphism . The following three statements are equivalent : ' ' f ' ' is a monomorphism and a retraction ; ' ' f ' ' is an epimorphism and a section ; ' ' f ' ' is an isomorphism . Relations among morphisms ( such as ' ' fg ' ' = ' ' h ' ' ) can most conveniently be represented with commutative diagrams , where the objects are represented as points and the morphisms as arrows . # Types of categories # In many categories , e.g. Ab or Vect ' ' K ' ' , the hom-sets hom ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) are not just sets but actually abelian groups , and the composition of morphisms is compatible with these group structures ; i.e. is bilinear . Such a category is called preadditive . If , furthermore , the category has all finite products and coproducts , it is called an additive category . If all morphisms have a kernel and a cokernel , and all epimorphisms are cokernels and all monomorphisms are kernels , then we speak of an abelian category . A typical example of an abelian category is the category of abelian groups . A category is called complete if all limits exist in it . The categories of sets , abelian groups and topological spaces are complete . A category is called cartesian closed if it has finite direct products and a morphism defined on a finite product can always be represented by a morphism defined on just one of the factors . Examples include Set and CPO , the category of complete partial orders with Scott-continuous functions . A topos is a certain type of cartesian closed category in which all of mathematics can be formulated ( just like classically all of mathematics is formulated in the category of sets ) . A topos can also be used to represent a logical theory . @@61891 In mathematics , genus ( plural genera ) has a few different , but closely related , meanings : # Topology # # Orientable surface # The genus of a connected , orientable surface is an integer representing the maximum number of cuttings along non-intersecting closed simple curves without rendering the resultant manifold disconnected . It is equal to the number of handles on it . Alternatively , it can be defined in terms of the Euler characteristic ' ' ' ' , via the relationship ' ' ' ' = 2 2 ' ' g ' ' for closed surfaces , where ' ' g ' ' is the genus . For surfaces with ' ' b ' ' boundary components , the equation reads ' ' ' ' = 2 2 ' ' g ' ' ' ' b ' ' . For instance : The sphere ' ' S ' ' ' ' 2 ' ' and a disc both have genus zero . A torus has genus one , as does the surface of a coffee mug with a handle . This is the source of the joke that a topologist is someone who ca n't tell his donut from his coffee mug . An explicit construction of surfaces of genus ' ' g ' ' is given in the article on the fundamental polygon . *87;0;gallery File:Sphere filled blue.svggenus 0 File:Torus illustration.pnggenus 1 File:Double torus illustration.pnggenus 2 File:Triple torus illustration.pnggenus 3 In simpler terms , the value of an orientable surface 's genus is equal to the number of holes it has . # Non-orientable surfaces # The non-orientable genus , demigenus , or Euler genus of a connected , non-orientable closed surface is a positive integer representing the number of cross-caps attached to a sphere . Alternatively , it can be defined for a closed surface in terms of the Euler characteristic , via the relationship = 2 ' ' k ' ' , where ' ' k ' ' is the non-orientable genus . For instance : A projective plane has non-orientable genus one . A Klein bottle has non-orientable genus two . # Knot # The genus of a knot ' ' K ' ' is defined as the minimal genus of all Seifert surfaces for ' ' K ' ' . A Seifert surface of a knot is however a manifold with boundary the boundary being the knot , i.e. homeomorphic to the unit circle . The genus of such a surface is defined to be the genus of the two-manifold , which is obtained by gluing the unit disk along the boundary . # Handlebody # The genus of a 3-dimensional handlebody is an integer representing the maximum number of cuttings along embedded disks without rendering the resultant manifold disconnected . It is equal to the number of handles on it . For instance : A ball has genus zero . A solid torus ' ' D ' ' 2 ' ' S ' ' 1 has genus one . # Graph theory # The genus of a graph is the minimal integer ' ' n ' ' such that the graph can be drawn without crossing itself on a sphere with ' ' n ' ' handles ( i.e. an oriented surface of genus ' ' n ' ' ) . Thus , a planar graph has genus 0 , because it can be drawn on a sphere without self-crossing . The non-orientable genus of a graph is the minimal integer ' ' n ' ' such that the graph can be drawn without crossing itself on a sphere with ' ' n ' ' cross-caps ( i.e. a non-orientable surface of ( non-orientable ) genus ' ' n ' ' ) . ( This number is also called the demigenus . ) The Euler genus is the minimal integer ' ' n ' ' such that the graph can be drawn without crossing itself on a sphere with ' ' n ' ' cross-caps or on a sphere with ' ' n/2 ' ' handles . In topological graph theory there are several definitions of the genus of a group . Arthur T. White introduced the following concept . The genus of a group ' ' G ' ' is the minimum genus of a ( connected , undirected ) Cayley graph for ' ' G ' ' . The graph genus problem is NP-complete. # Algebraic geometry # There are two related definitions of genus of any projective algebraic scheme ' ' X ' ' : the arithmetic genus and the geometric genus . When ' ' X ' ' is an algebraic curve with field of definition the complex numbers , and if ' ' X ' ' has no singular points , then these definitions agree and coincide with the topological definition applied to the Riemann surface of ' ' X ' ' ( its manifold of complex points ) . The definition of elliptic curve from algebraic geometry is ' ' connected non-singular projective curve of genus 1 with a given rational point on it ' ' @@81863 In mathematics , two variables are proportional if a change in one is always accompanied by a change in the other , and if the changes are always related by use of a constant . The constant is called the coefficient of proportionality or proportionality constant . If one variable is always #the product of the other and a constant , the two are said to be ' ' directly proportional ' ' . are directly proportional if the ratio tfrac yx is constant . If the product of the two variables is always equal to a constant , the two are said to be ' ' inversely proportional ' ' . are inversely proportional if the product xy is constant . To express the statement , y is proportional to x , we write as an equation y = cx , for some real constant c . Symbolically , we write y x . If we solve for c , then the product xy is proportional to the constant c . To express the statement , y is inversely proportional to x , we write as an equation y = c/x . We can equivalently write , y is proportional to 1/x , which y = c/x would represent . If a linear function transforms into and if the product is not zero , we say are proportional An equality of two ratios such as tfrac ac = tfrac bd , where no term is zero , is called a proportion . # Geometric illustration # The common diagonal of the similar rectangles divides each rectangle into two superposable triangles , with two different kinds of stripes . The four striped triangles and the two striped rectangles have a common vertex : the center of an homothetic transformation with a negative ratio ' ' k ' ' or tfrac -1k , that transforms one triangle and its stripes into another triangle with the same stripes , enlarged or reduced . The duplication scale of a striped triangle is the proportionality constant between the corresponding sides lengths of the triangles , equal to a positive ratio obliquely written within the image :
tfrac ca = k or tfrac ac = tfrac 1k . In the proportion tfrac ab = tfrac cd , the terms ' ' a ' ' and ' ' d ' ' are called the extremes , while ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are the means , because ' ' a ' ' and ' ' d ' ' are the extreme terms of the list while ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are in the middle of the list . From any proportion , we get another proportion by inverting the extremes or the means . And the product of the extremes equals the product of the means . Within the image , a double arrow indicates two inverted terms of the first proportion . Consider dividing the largest rectangle in two triangles , cutting along the diagonal . If we remove two triangles from either half rectangle , we get one of the plain gray rectangles . Above and below this diagonal , Area # Symbols # The mathematical symbol ( U+221D in Unicode , propto in TeX ) is used to indicate that two values are proportional . For example , A B means the variable A is directly proportional to the variable B. Other symbols include : - U+2237 PROPORTION - U+223A GEOMETRIC PROPORTION # Direct proportionality # Given two variables ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' , ' ' y is directly proportional to x ' ' ( ' ' x and y vary directly , ' ' or ' ' x and y are in direct variation ' ' ) if there is a non-zero constant ' ' k ' ' such that : y = kx . , The relation is often denoted , using the symbol , as : y propto x and the constant ratio : k = fracyx , is called the proportionality constant , constant of variation or constant of proportionality . # Examples # If an object travels at a constant speed , then the distance traveled is directly proportional to the time spent traveling , with the speed being the constant of proportionality . The circumference of a circle is directly proportional to its diameter , with the constant of proportionality equal to . On a map drawn to scale , the distance between any two points on the map is directly proportional to the distance between the two locations that the points represent , with the constant of proportionality being the scale of the map . The force acting on a certain object due to gravity is directly proportional to the object 's mass ; the constant of proportionality between the mass and the force is known as gravitational acceleration . # Properties # Since : y = kx , is equivalent to : x = left(frac1kright)y , it follows that if ' ' y ' ' is directly proportional to ' ' x ' ' , with ( nonzero ) proportionality constant ' ' k ' ' , then ' ' x ' ' is also directly proportional to ' ' y ' ' with proportionality constant 1/ ' ' k ' ' . If ' ' y ' ' is directly proportional to ' ' x ' ' , then the graph of y as a function of x will be a straight line passing through the origin with the slope of the line equal to the constant of proportionality : it corresponds to linear growth . # Inverse proportionality # The concept of ' ' inverse proportionality ' ' can be contrasted against ' ' direct proportionality ' ' . Consider two variables said to be inversely proportional to each other . If all other variables are held constant , the magnitude or absolute value of one inversely proportional variable will decrease if the other variable increases , while their product ( the constant of proportionality ' ' k ' ' ) is always the same . Formally , two variables are inversely proportional ( also called varying inversely , in inverse variation , in inverse proportion , in reciprocal proportion ) if one of the variables is directly proportional with the multiplicative inverse ( reciprocal ) of the other , or equivalently if their product is a constant . It follows that the variable ' ' y ' ' is inversely proportional to the variable ' ' x ' ' if there exists a non-zero constant ' ' k ' ' such that : y = k over x The constant can be found by multiplying the original x variable and the original y variable . As an example , the time taken for a journey is inversely proportional to the speed of travel ; the time needed to dig a hole is ( approximately ) inversely proportional to the number of people digging . The graph of two variables varying inversely on the Cartesian coordinate plane is a hyperbola . The product of the X and Y values of each point on the curve will equal the constant of proportionality ( ' ' k ' ' ) . Since neither x nor y can equal zero ( if k is non-zero ) , the graph will never cross either axis . # Hyperbolic coordinates # The concepts of ' ' direct ' ' and ' ' inverse ' ' proportion lead to the location of points in the Cartesian plane by hyperbolic coordinates ; the two coordinates correspond to the constant of direct proportionality that locates a point on a ray and the constant of inverse proportionality that locates a point on a hyperbola. # Exponential and logarithmic proportionality # A variable ' ' y ' ' is exponentially proportional to a variable ' ' x ' ' , if ' ' y ' ' is directly proportional to the exponential function of ' ' x ' ' , that is if there exist non-zero constants ' ' k ' ' and ' ' a ' ' : y = k ax . , Likewise , a variable ' ' y ' ' is logarithmically proportional to a variable ' ' x ' ' , if ' ' y ' ' is directly proportional to the logarithm of ' ' x ' ' , that is if there exist non-zero constants ' ' k ' ' and ' ' a ' ' : y = k loga ( x ) . , @@82208 The International Mathematical Olympiad ( IMO ) is an annual six-problem , 42-point mathematical olympiad for pre-collegiate students and is the oldest of the International Science Olympiads . The first IMO was held in Romania in 1959 . It has since been held annually , except in 1980 . About 100 countries send teams of up to six students , plus one team leader , one deputy leader , and observers . Ever since its inception in 1959 , the olympiad has developed a rich legacy and has established itself as the pinnacle of mathematical competition among high school students . The content ranges from precalculus problems that are extremely difficult to problems on branches of mathematics not conventionally covered at school and often not at university level either , such as projective and complex geometry , functional equations and well-grounded number theory , of which extensive knowledge of theorems is required . Calculus , though allowed in solutions , is never required , as there is a principle at play that anyone with a basic understanding of mathematics should understand the problems , even if the solutions require a great deal more knowledge . Supporters of this principle claim that this allows more universality and creates an incentive to find elegant , deceptively simple-looking problems which nevertheless require a certain level of ingenuity . The selection process differs by country , but it often consists of a series of tests which admit fewer students at each progressing test . Awards are given to a top percentage of the individual contestants . Teams are not officially recognized -- all scores are given only to individual contestants , but team scoring is unofficially compared more so than individual scores . Contestants must be under the age of 20 and must not be registered at any tertiary institution . Subject to these conditions , an individual may participate any number of times in the IMO. # History # The first IMO was held in Romania in 1959 . Since then it has been held every year except 1980 . That year , it was cancelled due to internal strife in Mongolia . It was initially founded for eastern European countries participating in the Warsaw Pact , under the Soviet bloc of influence , but eventually other countries participated as well . Because of this eastern origin , the earlier IMOs were hosted only in eastern European countries , and gradually spread to other nations . Sources differ about the cities hosting some of the early IMOs . This may be partly because leaders are generally housed well away from the students , and partly because after the competition the students did not always stay based in one city for the rest of the IMO . The exact dates cited may also differ , because of leaders arriving before the students , and at more recent IMOs the IMO Advisory Board arriving before the leaders . Several students , such as Teodor von Burg , Lisa Sauermann , and Christian Reiher have performed exceptionally well on the IMO , scoring multiple gold medals . Others , such as Grigory Margulis , Jean-Christophe Yoccoz , Laurent Lafforgue , Stanislav Smirnov , Terence Tao , Sucharit Sarkar , Grigori Perelman , and Ngo Bao Chau have gone on to become notable mathematicians . Several former participants have won awards such as the Fields medal . In January 2011 , Google gave 1 million to the International Mathematical Olympiad organization . The donation will help the organization cover the costs of the next five global events ( 20112015 ) . # Scoring and format # The paper consists of six problems , with each problem being worth seven points , the total score thus being 42 points . No calculators are allowed . The examination is held over two consecutive days ; the contestants have four-and-a-half hours to solve three problems per day . The problems chosen are from various areas of secondary school mathematics , broadly classifiable as geometry , number theory , algebra , and combinatorics . They require no knowledge of higher mathematics such as calculus and analysis , and solutions are often short and elementary . However , they are usually disguised so as to make the process of finding the solutions difficult . Prominently featured are algebraic inequalities , complex numbers , and construction-oriented geometrical problems , though in recent years the latter has not been as popular as before . Each participating country , other than the host country , may submit suggested problems to a Problem Selection Committee provided by the host country , which reduces the submitted problems to a shortlist . The team leaders arrive at the IMO a few days in advance of the contestants and form the IMO Jury which is responsible for all the formal decisions relating to the contest , starting with selecting the six problems from the shortlist . The Jury aims to select the problems so that the order in increasing difficulty is Q1 , Q4 , Q2 , Q5 , Q3 and Q6 . As the leaders know the problems in advance of the contestants , they are kept strictly separated and observed . Each country 's marks are agreed between that country 's leader and deputy leader and coordinators provided by the host country ( the leader of the team whose country submitted the problem in the case of the marks of the host country ) , subject to the decisions of the chief coordinator and ultimately a jury if any disputes can not be resolved . # Selection process # The selection process for the IMO varies greatly by country . In some countries , especially those in east Asia , the selection process involves several difficult tests of a difficulty comparable to the IMO itself . The Chinese contestants go through a camp , which lasts from March 16 to April 2 . In others , such as the USA , possible participants go through a series of easier standalone competitions that gradually increase in difficulty . In the case of the USA , the tests include the American Mathematics Competitions , the American Invitational Mathematics Examination , and the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad , each of which is a competition in its own right . For high scorers on the final competition for the team selection , there also is a summer camp , like that of China . The former Soviet Union and other eastern European countries ' selection process consists of choosing a team several years beforehand , and giving them special training specifically for the event . However , such methods have been discontinued in some countries . In Ukraine , for instance , selection tests consist of four olympiads comparable to the IMO by difficulty and schedule . While identifying the winners , only the results of the current selection olympiads are considered . In India , the students are subjected to a test called AMTI , region-wise and then some of then are selected for RMO ( Regional Mathematics Olympiad ) . Selected Students are subjected to INMO ( Indian National Mathematics Olympiad ) , from which nationally 35-36 children are selected . They are subjected to a rigorous camp , from which 6 are selected to represent India at IMO. # Awards # The participants are ranked based on their individual scores . Medals are awarded to the highest ranked participants , such that slightly less than half of them receive a medal . Subsequently the cutoffs ( minimum scores required to receive a gold , silver or bronze medal respectively ) are chosen such that the ratio of gold to silver to bronze medals awarded approximates 1:2:3 . Participants who do not win a medal but who score seven points on at least one problem receive an honorable mention . Special prizes may be awarded for solutions of outstanding elegance or involving good generalisations of a problem . This last happened in 1995 ( Nikolay Nikolov , Bulgaria ) and 2005 ( Iurie Boreico ) , but was more frequent up to the early 1980s . The special prize in 2005 was awarded to Iurie Boreico , a student from Moldova , who came up with a brilliant solution to question 3 , which was an inequality involving three variables . The rule that at most half the contestants win a medal is sometimes broken if adhering to it causes the number of medals to deviate too much from half the number of contestants . This last happened in 2010 , when the choice was to give either 226 ( 43.71% ) or 266 ( 51.45% ) of the 517 ( excluding the 6 from North Korea see below ) contestants a medal , 2012 , when the choice was to give either 226 ( 46.35% ) or 277 ( 50.55% ) of the 548 contestants a medal , and 2013 , when the choice was to give either 249 ( 47.16% ) or 278 ( 52.65% ) of the 528 contestants a medal . # Penalties # North Korea was disqualified for cheating at the 32nd IMO in 1991 and the 51st IMO in 2010 . It is the only country to have been caught cheating . # Recent and future IMOs # The 51st IMO was held in Astana , Kazakhstan , July 215 , 2010. The 52nd IMO was held in Amsterdam , Netherlands , July 1324 , 2011. The 53rd IMO was held in Mar del Plata , Argentina , July 416 , 2012. The 54th IMO was held in Santa Marta , Colombia , July 1828 , 2013. The 55th IMO was held in Cape Town , South Africa , July 313 , 2014. The 56th IMO will be held in Chiang Mai , Thailand in 2015. The 57th IMO will be held in Hong Kong in 2016. The 58th IMO will be held in Brazil in 2017. The 59th IMO will be held in Romania in 2018. The 60th IMO will be held in UK in 2019. # Notable achievements # Five nations have achieved an all-members-gold IMO with a full team : China , 11 times : in 1992 , 1993 , 1997 , 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2004 , 2006 , 2009 , 2010 , and 2011 ; Russia , 2 times : in 2002 and 2008 ; United States , 2 times : in 1994 and 2011 ; Bulgaria , 1 time : in 2003 ; South Korea , 1 time : in 2012 . The only country to have its entire team score perfectly on the IMO was the United States , which won IMO 1994 when it accomplished this , coached by Paul Zeitz , and Luxembourg , whose 1-member team got a perfect score in IMO 1981 . The USA 's success earned a mention in ' ' TIME Magazine ' ' . Hungary won IMO 1975 in an unorthodox way when none of the eight team members received a gold medal ( five silver , three bronze ) . Second place team East Germany also did not have a single gold medal winner ( four silver , four bronze ) . Several individuals have consistently scored highly and/or earned medals on the IMO : Reid Barton ( United States ) was the first participant to win a gold medal four times ( 1998-2001 ) . Barton is also one of only seven four-time Putnam Fellow ( 200104 ) . In addition , he is the only person to have won both the IMO and the International Olympiad in Informatics ( IOI ) . Christian Reiher ( Germany ) , Lisa Sauermann ( Germany ) , Teodor von Burg ( Serbia ) , and Nipun Pitimanaaree ( Thailand ) are the only other participants to have won four gold medals ( 200003 , 200811 , 200912 , and 2010-13 respectively ) ; Reiher also received a bronze medal ( 1999 ) , Sauermann a silver medal ( 2007 ) , von Burg a silver medal ( 2008 ) and a bronze medal ( 2007 ) , and Pitimanaaree a silver medal ( 2009 ) . Wolfgang Burmeister ( East Germany ) , Martin Hrterich ( West Germany ) , Iurie Boreico ( Moldova ) , and Jeck Lim ( Singapore ) are the only other participants besides Reiher , Sauermann , von Burg , and Pitimanaaree to win five medals with at least three of them gold . Ciprian Manolescu ( Romania ) managed to write a perfect paper ( 42 points ) for gold medal more times than anybody else in history of competition , doing it all three times he participated in the IMO ( 1995 , 1996 , 1997 ) . Manolescu is also a three-time Putnam Fellow ( 1997 , 1998 , 2000 ) . Evgenia Malinnikova ( Soviet Union ) is the highest-scoring female contestant in IMO history . She has 3 gold medals in IMO 1989 ( 41 points ) , IMO 1990 ( 42 ) and IMO 1991 ( 42 ) , missing only 1 point in 1989 to precede Manolescu 's achievement . Terence Tao ( Australia ) participated in IMO 1986 , 1987 and 1988 , winning bronze , silver and gold medals respectively . He won a gold medal when he just turned thirteen in IMO 1988 , becoming the youngest person to receive a gold medal . Tao also holds the distinction of being the youngest medalist with his 1986 bronze medal , alongside 2009 bronze medalist Ral Chvez Sarmiento ( Peru ) , at the age of 10 and 11 respectively . Representing the United States , Noam Elkies won a gold medal with a perfect paper at the age of 14 in 1981 . Note that both Elkies and Tao could have participated in the IMO multiple times following their success , but entered university and therefore became ineligible . # Media coverage # A documentary , Hard Problems : The Road To The World 's Toughest Math Contest was made about the United States 2006 IMO team . A BBC documentary titled Beautiful Young Minds aired July 2007 about the IMO. @@82285 In mathematics , a proof is a deductive argument for a mathematical statement . In the argument , other previously established statements , such as theorems , can be used . In principle , a proof can be traced back to self-evident or assumed statements , known as axioms . Proofs are examples of deductive reasoning and are distinguished from inductive or empirical arguments ; a proof must demonstrate that a statement is always true ( occasionally by listing ' ' all ' ' possible cases and showing that it holds in each ) , rather than enumerate many confirmatory cases . An unproven statement that is believed true is known as a conjecture . Proofs employ logic but usually include some amount of natural language which usually admits some ambiguity . In fact , the vast majority of proofs in written mathematics can be considered as applications of rigorous informal logic . Purely formal proofs , written in symbolic language instead of natural language , are considered in proof theory . The distinction between formal and informal proofs has led to much examination of current and historical mathematical practice , quasi-empiricism in mathematics , and so-called folk mathematics ( in both senses of that term ) . The philosophy of mathematics is concerned with the role of language and logic in proofs , and mathematics as a language . # History and etymology # The word proof comes from the Latin ' ' probare ' ' meaning to test . Related modern words are the English probe , probation , and probability , the Spanish ' ' probar ' ' ( to smell or taste , or ( lesser use ) touch or test ) , Italian ' ' provare ' ' ( to try ) , and the German ' ' probieren ' ' ( to try ) . The early use of probity was in the presentation of legal evidence . A person of authority , such as a nobleman , was said to have probity , whereby the evidence was by his relative authority , which outweighed empirical testimony . Plausibility arguments using heuristic devices such as pictures and analogies preceded strict mathematical proof . It is likely that the idea of demonstrating a conclusion first arose in connection with geometry , which originally meant the same as land measurement . The development of mathematical proof is primarily the product of ancient Greek mathematics , and one of its greatest achievements . Thales ( 624546 BCE ) proved some theorems in geometry . Eudoxus ( 408355 BCE ) and Theaetetus ( 417369 BCE ) formulated theorems but did not prove them . Aristotle ( 384322 BCE ) said definitions should describe the concept being defined in terms of other concepts already known . Mathematical proofs were revolutionized by Euclid ( 300 BCE ) , who introduced the axiomatic method still in use today , starting with undefined terms and axioms ( propositions regarding the undefined terms assumed to be self-evidently true from the Greek axios meaning something worthy ) , and used these to prove theorems using deductive logic . His book , the ' ' Elements ' ' , was read by anyone who was considered educated in the West until the middle of the 20th century . In addition to the familiar theorems of geometry , such as the Pythagorean theorem , the ' ' Elements ' ' includes a proof that the square root of two is irrational and that there are infinitely many prime numbers . Further advances took place in medieval Islamic mathematics . While earlier Greek proofs were largely geometric demonstrations , the development of arithmetic and algebra by Islamic mathematicians allowed more general proofs that no longer depended on geometry . In the 10th century CE , the Iraqi mathematician Al-Hashimi provided general proofs for numbers ( rather than geometric demonstrations ) as he considered multiplication , division , etc. for lines . He used this method to provide a proof of the existence of irrational numbers . An inductive proof for arithmetic sequences was introduced in the ' ' Al-Fakhri ' ' ( 1000 ) by Al-Karaji , who used it to prove the binomial theorem and properties of Pascal 's triangle . Alhazen also developed the method of proof by contradiction , as the first attempt at proving the Euclidean parallel postulate . Modern proof theory treats proofs as inductively defined data structures . There is no longer an assumption that axioms are true in any sense ; this allows for parallel mathematical theories built on alternate sets of axioms ( see Axiomatic set theory and Non-Euclidean geometry for examples ) . # Nature and purpose # As practised , a proof is expressed in natural language and is a rigorous argument intended to convince the audience of the truth of a statement . The standard of rigor is not absolute and has varied throughout history . A proof can be presented differently depending on the intended audience . In order to gain acceptance , a proof has to meet communal statements of rigor ; an argument considered vague or incomplete may be rejected . The concept of a proof is formalized in the field of mathematical logic . A formal proof is written in a formal language instead of a natural language . A formal proof is defined as sequence of formulas in a formal language , in which each formula is a logical consequence of preceding formulas . Having a definition of formal proof makes the concept of proof amenable to study . Indeed , the field of proof theory studies formal proofs and their properties , for example , the property that a statement has a formal proof . An application of proof theory is to show that certain undecidable statements are not provable . The definition of a formal proof is intended to capture the concept of proofs as written in the practice of mathematics . The soundness of this definition amounts to the belief that a published proof can , in principle , be converted into a formal proof . However , outside the field of automated proof assistants , this is rarely done in practice . A classic question in philosophy asks whether mathematical proofs are analytic or synthetic . Kant , who introduced the analytic-synthetic distinction , believed mathematical proofs are synthetic . Proofs may be viewed as aesthetic objects , admired for their mathematical beauty . The mathematician Paul Erds was known for describing proofs he found particularly elegant as coming from The Book , a hypothetical tome containing the most beautiful method(s) of proving each theorem . The book ' ' Proofs from THE BOOK ' ' , published in 2003 , is devoted to presenting 32 proofs its editors find particularly pleasing . # Methods of proof # # Direct proof # In direct proof , the conclusion is established by logically combining the axioms , definitions , and earlier theorems . For example , direct proof can be used to establish that the sum of two even integers is always even : : Consider two even integers ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' . Since they are even , they can be written as ' ' x ' ' = 2 ' ' a ' ' and ' ' y ' ' = 2 ' ' b ' ' , respectively , for integers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' . Then the sum ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' = 2 ' ' a ' ' + 2 ' ' b ' ' = 2 ( ' ' a ' ' + ' ' b ' ' ) . Therefore ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' has 2 as a factor and , by definition , is even . Hence the sum of any two even integers is even . This proof uses the definition of even integers , the integer properties of closure under addition and multiplication , and distributivity. # Proof by mathematical induction # Mathematical induction is not a form of inductive reasoning . In proof by mathematical induction , a single base case is proved , and an induction rule is proved , which establishes that a certain case implies the next case . Applying the induction rule repeatedly , starting from the independently proved base case , proves many , often infinitely many , other cases . Since the base case is true , the infinity of other cases must also be true , even if all of them can not be proved directly because of their infinite number . A subset of induction is infinite descent . Infinite descent can be used to prove the irrationality of the square root of two . A common application of proof by mathematical induction is to prove that a property known to hold for one number holds for all natural numbers : Let be the set of natural numbers , and be a mathematical statement involving the natural number belonging to such that ( i ) is true , i.e. , is true for . ( ii ) is true whenever is true , i.e. , is true implies that is true . Then is true for all natural numbers . For example , we can prove by induction that all integers of the form are odd : : ( i ) For , , and is odd . Thus is true . : ( ii ) For for some , . If is odd , then must also be odd , because adding to an odd number results in an odd number . So is true if is true . : Thus is odd , for all natural numbers . It is common for the phrase proof by induction to be used for a proof by mathematical induction . # Proof by contraposition # Proof by contraposition infers the conclusion if ' ' p ' ' then ' ' q ' ' from the premise if ' ' not q ' ' then ' ' not p ' ' . The statement if ' ' not q ' ' then ' ' not p ' ' is called the contrapositive of the statement if ' ' p ' ' then ' ' q ' ' . For example , contraposition can be used to establish that , given an integer ' ' x ' ' , if ' ' x ' ' is even , then ' ' x ' ' is even : : Suppose ' ' x ' ' is not even . Then ' ' x ' ' is odd . The product of two odd numbers is odd , hence ' ' x ' ' = ' ' x ' ' ' ' x ' ' is odd . Thus ' ' x ' ' is not even . # Proof by contradiction # In proof by contradiction ( also known as ' ' reductio ad absurdum ' ' , Latin for by reduction to the absurd ) , it is shown that if some statement were true , a logical contradiction occurs , hence the statement must be false . A famous example of proof by contradiction shows that sqrt2 is an irrational number : : Suppose that sqrt2 were a rational number , so by definition sqrt2 = aover b where ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are non-zero integers with no common factor . Thus , bsqrt2 = a . Squaring both sides yields 2 ' ' b ' ' 2 = ' ' a ' ' 2 . Since 2 divides the left hand side , 2 must also divide the right hand side ( as they are equal and both integers ) . So ' ' a ' ' 2 is even , which implies that ' ' a ' ' must also be even . So we can write ' ' a ' ' = 2 ' ' c ' ' , where ' ' c ' ' is also an integer . Substitution into the original equation yields 2 ' ' b ' ' 2 = ( 2 ' ' c ' ' ) 2 = 4 ' ' c ' ' 2 . Dividing both sides by 2 yields ' ' b ' ' 2 = 2 ' ' c ' ' 2 . But then , by the same argument as before , 2 divides ' ' b ' ' 2 , so ' ' b ' ' must be even . However , if ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are both even , they share a factor , namely 2 . This contradicts our assumption , so we are forced to conclude that sqrt2 is an irrational number . # Proof by construction # Proof by construction , or proof by example , is the construction of a concrete example with a property to show that something having that property exists . Joseph Liouville , for instance , proved the existence of transcendental numbers by constructing an explicit example . It can also be used to construct a counterexample to disprove a proposition that all elements have a certain property . # Proof by exhaustion # In proof by exhaustion , the conclusion is established by dividing it into a finite number of cases and proving each one separately . The number of cases sometimes can become very large . For example , the first proof of the four color theorem was a proof by exhaustion with 1,936 cases . This proof was controversial because the majority of the cases were checked by a computer program , not by hand . The shortest known proof of the four color theorem still has over 600 cases . # Probabilistic proof # A probabilistic proof is one in which an example is shown to exist , with certainty , by using methods of probability theory . Probabilistic proof , like proof by construction , is one of many ways to show existence theorems . This is not to be confused with an argument that a theorem is ' probably ' true , a ' plausibility argument ' . The work on the Collatz conjecture shows how far plausibility is from genuine proof . # Combinatorial proof # A combinatorial proof establishes the equivalence of different expressions by showing that they count the same object in different ways . Often a bijection between two sets is used to show that the expressions for their two sizes are equal . Alternatively , a double counting argument provides two different expressions for the size of a single set , again showing that the two expressions are equal . # Nonconstructive proof # A nonconstructive proof establishes that a mathematical object with a certain property exists without explaining how such an object can be found . Often , this takes the form of a proof by contradiction in which the nonexistence of the object is proven to be impossible . In contrast , a constructive proof establishes that a particular object exists by providing a method of finding it . A famous example of a nonconstructive proof shows that there exist two irrational numbers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' such that ab is a rational number : : Either sqrt2sqrt2 is a rational number and we are done ( take a=b=sqrt2 ) , or sqrt2sqrt2 is irrational so we can write a=sqrt2sqrt2 and b=sqrt2 . This then gives left ( sqrt2sqrt2right ) sqrt2=sqrt22=2 , which is thus a rational of the form ab . # Statistical proofs in pure mathematics # The expression statistical proof may be used technically or colloquially in areas of pure mathematics , such as involving cryptography , chaotic series , and probabilistic or analytic number theory . It is less commonly used to refer to a mathematical proof in the branch of mathematics known as mathematical statistics . See also Statistical proof using data section below . # Computer-assisted proofs # Until the twentieth century it was assumed that any proof could , in principle , be checked by a competent mathematician to confirm its validity . However , computers are now used both to prove theorems and to carry out calculations that are too long for any human or team of humans to check ; the first proof of the four color theorem is an example of a computer-assisted proof . Some mathematicians are concerned that the possibility of an error in a computer program or a run-time error in its calculations calls the validity of such computer-assisted proofs into question . In practice , the chances of an error invalidating a computer-assisted proof can be reduced by incorporating redundancy and self-checks into calculations , and by developing multiple independent approaches and programs . Errors can never be completely ruled out in case of verification of a proof by humans either , especially if the proof contains natural language and requires deep mathematical insight . # Undecidable statements # A statement that is neither provable nor disprovable from a set of axioms is called undecidable ( from those axioms ) . One example is the parallel postulate , which is neither provable nor refutable from the remaining axioms of Euclidean geometry . Mathematicians have shown there are many statements that are neither provable nor disprovable in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice ( ZFC ) , the standard system of set theory in mathematics ( assuming that ZFC is consistent ) ; see list of statements undecidable in ZFC . Gdel 's ( first ) incompleteness theorem shows that many axiom systems of mathematical interest will have undecidable statements . # Heuristic mathematics and experimental mathematics # While early mathematicians such as Eudoxus of Cnidus did not use proofs , from Euclid to the foundational mathematics developments of the late 19th and 20th centuries , proofs were an essential part of mathematics . With the increase in computing power in the 1960s , significant work began to be done investigating mathematical objects outside of the proof-theorem framework , in experimental mathematics . Early pioneers of these methods intended the work ultimately to be embedded in a classical proof-theorem framework , e.g. the early development of fractal geometry , which was ultimately so embedded . # Related concepts # # Visual proof # Although not a formal proof , a visual demonstration of a mathematical theorem is sometimes called a proof without words . The left-hand picture below is an example of a historic visual proof of the Pythagorean theorem in the case of the ( 3,4,5 ) triangle . Image:Chinese pythagoras.jpgVisual proof for the ( 3 , 4 , 5 ) triangle as in the Chou Pei Suan Ching 500200 BC . *30;227;TOOLONG visual proof for the Pythagorean theorem by rearrangement . File:Pythag anim.gifA second animated proof of the Pythagorean theorem . Some illusory visual proofs , such as the missing square puzzle , can be constructed in a way which appear to prove a supposed mathematical fact but only do so under the presence of tiny errors ( for example , supposedly straight lines which actually bend slightly ) which are unnoticeable until the entire picture is closely examined , with lengths and angles precisely measured or calculated . # Elementary proof # An elementary proof is a proof which only uses basic techniques . More specifically , the term is used in number theory to refer to proofs that make no use of complex analysis . For some time it was thought that certain theorems , like the prime number theorem , could only be proved using higher mathematics . However , over time , many of these results have been reproved using only elementary techniques . # Two-column proof # A particular way of organising a proof using two parallel columns is often used in elementary geometry classes in the United States . The proof is written as a series of lines in two columns . In each line , the left-hand column contains a proposition , while the right-hand column contains a brief explanation of how the corresponding proposition in the left-hand column is either an axiom , a hypothesis , or can be logically derived from previous propositions . The left-hand column is typically headed Statements and the right-hand column is typically headed Reasons . # Colloquial use of mathematical proof # The expression mathematical proof is used by lay people to refer to using mathematical methods or arguing with mathematical objects , such as numbers , to demonstrate something about everyday life , or when data used in an argument is numerical . It is sometimes also used to mean a statistical proof ( below ) , especially when used to argue from data . # Statistical proof using data # Statistical proof from data refers to the application of statistics , data analysis , or Bayesian analysis to infer propositions regarding the probability of data . While ' ' using ' ' mathematical proof to establish theorems in statistics , it is usually not a mathematical proof in that the ' ' assumptions ' ' from which probability statements are derived require empirical evidence from outside mathematics to verify . In physics , in addition to statistical methods , statistical proof can refer to the specialized ' ' mathematical methods of physics ' ' applied to analyze data in a particle physics experiment or observational study in cosmology . Statistical proof may also refer to raw data or a convincing diagram involving data , such as scatter plots , when the data or diagram is adequately convincing without further analysis . # Inductive logic proofs and Bayesian analysis # Proofs using inductive logic , while considered mathematical in nature , seek to establish propositions with a degree of certainty , which acts in a similar manner to probability , and may be less than one certainty . Bayesian analysis establishes assertions as to the degree of a person 's subjective belief . Inductive logic should not be confused with mathematical induction . # Proofs as mental objects # Psychologism views mathematical proofs as psychological or mental objects . Mathematician philosophers , such as Leibniz , Frege , and Carnap , have attempted to develop a semantics for what they considered to be the language of thought , whereby standards of mathematical proof might be applied to empirical science . # Influence of mathematical proof methods outside mathematics # *26;259;TOOLONG such as Spinoza have attempted to formulate philosophical arguments in an axiomatic manner , whereby mathematical proof standards could be applied to argumentation in general philosophy . Other *26;287;TOOLONG have tried to use standards of mathematical proof and reason , without empiricism , to arrive at statements outside of mathematics , but having the certainty of propositions deduced in a mathematical proof , such as Descarte 's ' ' cogito ' ' argument . # Ending a proof # Sometimes , the abbreviation ' ' Q.E.D. ' ' is written to indicate the end of a proof . This abbreviation stands for ' ' Quod Erat Demonstrandum ' ' , which is Latin for ' ' that which was to be demonstrated ' ' . A more common alternative is to use a square or a rectangle , such as or , known as a tombstone or halmos after its eponym Paul Halmos . Often , which was to be shown is verbally stated when writing QED , , or in an oral presentation on a board . @@89489 : ' ' Not to be confused with Inequation . Less than , Greater than , and More than redirect here . For the use of the *7;9998; signs as punctuation , see Bracket . For the UK insurance brand More Thn , see RSA Insurance Group . ' ' In mathematics , an inequality is a relation that holds between two values when they are different ( see also : equality ) . The notation ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' means that ' ' a ' ' is not equal to ' ' b ' ' . It does not say that one is greater than the other , or even that they can be compared in size . If the values in question are elements of an ordered set , such as the integers or the real numbers , they can be compared in size . The notation ' ' a ' ' *66;10007; ' ' b ' ' means that ' ' a ' ' is greater than ' ' b ' ' . In either case , ' ' a ' ' is not equal to ' ' b ' ' . These relations are known as strict inequalities . The notation ' ' a ' ' *1037;10075; ) and ( in the case of applying a function ) monotonic functions are limited to ' ' strictly ' ' monotonic functions . # Transitivity # The Transitive property of inequality states : For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' : * If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' . * If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' . If ' ' either ' ' of the premises is a strict inequality , then the conclusion is a strict inequality . * E.g. if ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' An equality is of course a special case of a non-strict inequality . * E.g. if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' and ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' # Converse # The relations and are each other 's converse : For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' : *If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' . *If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' b ' ' ' ' a ' ' . # Addition and subtraction # A common constant ' ' c ' ' may be added to or subtracted from both sides of an inequality : For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' *If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' and ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' . *If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' and ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' . i.e. , the real numbers are an ordered group under addition . # Multiplication and division # The properties that deal with multiplication and division state : For any real numbers , ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and non-zero ' ' c ' ' : * If ' ' c ' ' is positive , then multiplying or dividing by ' ' c ' ' does not change the inequality : ** If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' 0 , then ' ' ac ' ' ' ' bc ' ' and ' ' a/c ' ' ' ' b/c ' ' . ** If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' 0 , then ' ' ac ' ' ' ' bc ' ' and ' ' a/c ' ' ' ' b/c ' ' . * If ' ' c ' ' is negative , then multiplying or dividing by ' ' c ' ' inverts the inequality : ** If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' *833;11114; ' ' b ' ' , then 1/ ' ' a ' ' 1/ ' ' b ' ' . These can also be written in chained notation as : For any non-zero real numbers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' : * If 0 *45;11949; 0 . * If ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' *13;11996; 1/ ' ' a ' ' 1/ ' ' b ' ' . * If ' ' a ' ' *50;12011; ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' , then 1/ ' ' a ' ' 1/ ' ' b ' ' *28;12063; 0 , then 0 *36;12093; 0 ' ' b ' ' , then 1/ ' ' a ' ' 0 1/ ' ' b ' ' . # Applying a function to both sides # Any monotonically increasing function may be applied to both sides of an inequality ( provided they are in the domain of that function ) and it will still hold . Applying a monotonically decreasing function to both sides of an inequality means the opposite inequality now holds . The rules for additive and multiplicative inverses are both examples of applying a monotonically decreasing function . If the inequality is strict ( ' ' a ' ' *16;12131; ' ' b ' ' ) ' ' and ' ' the function is strictly monotonic , then the inequality remains strict . If only one of these conditions is strict , then the resultant inequality is non-strict . The rules for additive and multiplicative inverses are both examples of applying a ' ' strictly ' ' monotonically decreasing function . As an example , consider the application of the natural logarithm to both sides of an inequality when a and b are positive real numbers : : a leq b Leftrightarrow ln(a) leq ln(b). : a *43;12149; This is true because the natural logarithm is a strictly increasing function . # Ordered fields # If ( ' ' F ' ' , + , &times ; ) is a field and is a total order on ' ' F ' ' , then ( ' ' F ' ' , + , &times ; , ) is called an ordered field if and only if : ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' implies ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ; 0 ' ' a ' ' and 0 ' ' b ' ' implies 0 ' ' a ' ' &times ; ' ' b ' ' . Note that both ( Q , + , &times ; , ) and ( R , + , &times ; , ) are ordered fields , but can not be defined in order to make ( C , + , &times ; , ) an ordered field , because &minus ; 1 is the square of ' ' i ' ' and would therefore be positive . The non-strict inequalities and on real numbers are total orders . The strict inequalities *7;12194; on real numbers are strict total orders . # Chained notation # The notation ' ' a ' ' *530;12203; 1 ' ' a ' ' 2 .. ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' means that ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' +1 for ' ' i ' ' = 1 , 2 , ... , ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 1 . By transitivity , this condition is equivalent to ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' a ' ' ' ' j ' ' for any 1 ' ' i ' ' ' ' j ' ' ' ' n ' ' . When solving inequalities using chained notation , it is possible and sometimes necessary to evaluate the terms independently . For instance to solve the inequality 4 ' ' x ' ' *864;12735; is graphed by an open circle on the number . A or is graphed with a closed or black circle . -- # Inequalities between means # There are many inequalities between means . For example , for any positive numbers ' ' a ' ' 1 , ' ' a ' ' 2 , , ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' we have where : style= height:200px # Power inequalities # A Power inequality is an inequality containing ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' terms , where ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are real positive numbers or variable expressions . They often appear in mathematical olympiads exercises . # Examples # For any real ' ' x ' ' , : : ex ge 1+x. , If ' ' x ' ' 0 , then : : xx ge left ( frac1eright ) 1/e. , If ' ' x ' ' 1 , then : : xxx ge x. , If ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' 0 , then : : ( x+y ) z + ( x+z ) y + ( y+z ) x 2. , For any real distinct numbers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' , : : fraceb-eab-a e(a+b)/2. If ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' 0 and 0 *27;13601; ( x+y ) p *19;13630; If ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' 0 , then : : xx yy zz ge ( xyz ) ( x+y+z ) /3. , If ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' 0 , then : : aa + bb ge ab + ba . , : This inequality was solved by I.Ilani in JSTOR , AMM , Vol.97 , No.1,1990. If ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' 0 , then : : aea + beb ge aeb + bea . , : This inequality was solved by S.Manyama in AJMAA , Vol.7 , Issue 2 , No.1,2010 and by V.Cirtoaje in JNSA , Vol.4 , Issue 2,130-137,2011. If ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' 0 , then : : a2a + b2b + c2c ge a2b + b2c + c2a. , If ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' 0 , then : : ab + ba 1 . , : This result was generalized by R. Ozols in 2002 who proved that if ' ' a ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' 0 , then : : a1a2+a2a3+cdots+ana11 : ( result is published in Latvian popular-scientific quarterly ' ' The Starry Sky ' ' , see references ) . # Well-known inequalities # Mathematicians often use inequalities to bound quantities for which exact formulas can not be computed easily . Some inequalities are used so often that they have names : Azuma 's inequality Bernoulli 's inequality Boole 's inequality CauchySchwarz inequality Chebyshev 's inequality Chernoff 's inequality Cramr&ndash ; Rao inequality Hoeffding 's inequality Hlder 's inequality Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means Jensen 's inequality Kolmogorov 's inequality Markov 's inequality Minkowski inequality Nesbitt 's inequality Pedoe 's inequality Poincar inequality Samuelson 's inequality Triangle inequality # Complex numbers and inequalities # The set of complex numbers mathbbC with its operations of addition and multiplication is a field , but it is impossible to define any relation so that ( mathbbC , + , times , le ) becomes an ordered field . To make ( mathbbC , + , times , le ) an ordered field , it would have to satisfy the following two properties : if ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' then ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' if 0 ' ' a ' ' and 0 ' ' b ' ' then 0 ' ' a b ' ' Because is a total order , for any number ' ' a ' ' , either 0 ' ' a ' ' or ' ' a ' ' 0 ( in which case the first property above implies that 0 -a ) . In either case 0 ' ' a ' ' 2 ; this means that i20 and 120 ; so -10 and 10 , which means ( -1+1 ) 0 ; contradiction . However , an operation can be defined so as to satisfy only the first property ( namely , if ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' then ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) . Sometimes the lexicographical order definition is used : a b if Re(a) *8;13651; Re(b) or ( Re(a) = Re(b) and Im(a) Im(b) ) It can easily be proven that for this definition ' ' a ' ' ' ' b ' ' implies ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' . # Vector inequalities # Inequality relationships similar to those defined above can also be defined for column vector . If we let the vectors x , yinmathbbRn ( meaning that x = left ( x1 , x2 , ldots , xnright ) mathsfT and y = left ( y1 , y2 , ldots , ynright ) mathsfT where xi and yi are real numbers for i=1 , ldots , n ) , we can define the following relationships . x = y if xi = yi for i=1 , ldots , n x *13;13661; if xi *14;13676; for i=1 , ldots , n x leq y if xi leq yi for i=1 , ldots , n and x neq y x leqq y if xi leq yi for i=1 , ldots , n Similarly , we can define relationships for x y , x geq y , and x geqq y . We note that this notation is consistent with that used by Matthias Ehrgott in ' ' Multicriteria Optimization ' ' ( see References ) . The property of Trichotomy ( as stated above ) is not valid for vector relationships . For example , when x = left 2 , 5 rightmathsfT and y = left 3 , 4 rightmathsfT , there exists no valid inequality relationship between these two vectors . Also , a multiplicative inverse would need to be defined on a vector before this property could be considered . However , for the rest of the aforementioned properties , a parallel property for vector inequalities exists . # General Existence Theorems # For a general system of polynomial inequalities , one can find a condition for a solution to exist . Firstly , any system of polynomial inequalities can be reduced to a system of quadratic inequalities by increasing the number of variables and equations ( for example by setting a square of a variable equal to a new variable ) . A single quadratic polynomial inequality in ' ' n ' ' -1 variables can be written as : : XT A X geq 0 where ' ' X ' ' is a vector of the variables X= ( x , y , z , .... , 1 ) T and ' ' A ' ' is a matrix . This has a solution , for example , when there is at least one positive element on the main diagonal of ' ' A ' ' . Systems of inequalities can be written in terms of matrices A , B , C , etc. and the conditions for existence of solutions can be written as complicated expressions in terms of these matrices . The solution for two polynomial inequalities in two variables tells us whether two conic section regions overlap or are inside each other . The general solution is not known but such a solution could be theoretically used to solve such unsolved problems as the kissing number problem . However , the conditions would be so complicated as to require a great deal of computing time or clever algorithms . @@90446 In mathematics equality is a relationship between two quantities or , more generally two mathematical expressions , asserting that the quantities have the same value or that the expressions represent the same mathematical object . The equality between ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' is written ' ' A ' ' = ' ' B ' ' , and pronounced ' ' A ' ' equals ' ' B ' ' . The symbol = is called an equals sign . # Introduction # When ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' may be viewed as functions of some variables , then ' ' A ' ' = ' ' B ' ' means that ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' define the same function . Such an equality of functions is sometimes called an identity . An example is ( ' ' x ' ' + 1 ) 2 = ' ' x ' ' 2 + 2 ' ' x ' ' + 1 . When ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are not fully specified or depend on some variables , equality is a proposition , which may be true for some values and false for some other values . Equality is a binary relation , or , in other words , a two-arguments predicate , which may produce a truth value ( ' ' false ' ' or ' ' true ' ' ) from its arguments . In computer programming , its computation from two expressions is known as comparison . In some cases , one may consider as equal two mathematical objects that are only equivalent for the properties that are considered . This is , in particular the case in geometry , where two geometric shapes are said equal when one may be moved to coincide with the other . The word congruence is also used for this kind of equality . An equation is the problem of finding values of some variables , called ' ' unknowns ' ' , for which the specified equality is true . ' ' Equation ' ' may also refer to an equality relation that is satisfied only for the values of the variables that one is interested on . For example ' ' x ' ' 2 + ' ' y ' ' 2 = 1 is the ' ' equation ' ' of the unit circle . There is no standard notation that distinguishes an equation from an identity or other use of the equality relation : a reader has to guess an appropriate interpretation from the semantic of expressions and the context . There are several formalizations of the notion of equality in mathematical logic , usually by means of axioms , such as the first few Peano axioms , or the axiom of extensionality in ZF set theory ) . There are also some logic systems that do not have any notion of equality . This reflects the undecidability of the equality of two real numbers defined by formulas involving the integers , the basic arithmetic operations , the logarithm and the exponential function . In other words , there can not exist any algorithm for deciding such an equality . Viewed as a relation , equality is the archetype of the more general concept of an equivalence relation on a set : those binary relations that are reflexive , symmetric , and transitive . The identity relation is an equivalence relation . Conversely , let ' ' R ' ' be is an equivalence relation , and let us denote by ' ' x R ' ' the equivalence class of ' ' x ' ' , consisting of all elements ' ' z ' ' such that ' ' x R z ' ' . Then the relation ' ' x R y ' ' is equivalent with the equality ' ' x R ' ' = ' ' y R ' ' . It follows that equality is the smallest equivalence relation on any set ' ' S ' ' , in the sense that it is the relation that has the smallest equivalence classes ( every class is reduced to a single element ) . The etymology of the word is from the Latin ' ' aequalis ' ' , meaning uniform or identical , from ' ' aequus ' ' , meaning level , even , or just . # Logical formulations # Equality is always defined such that things that are equal have all and only the same properties . Some people define equality as congruence . Often equality is just defined as identity . A stronger sense of equality is obtained if some form of Leibniz 's law is added as an axiom ; the assertion of this axiom rules out bare particulars things that have all and only the same properties but are not equal to each otherwhich are possible in some logical formalisms . The axiom states that two things are equal if they have all and only the same properties . Formally : : Given any ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' = ' ' y ' ' if , given any predicate ' ' P ' ' , ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) if and only if ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' ) . In this law , the connective if and only if can be weakened to if ; the modified law is equivalent to the original . Instead of considering Leibniz 's law as an axiom , it can also be taken as the ' ' definition ' ' of equality . The property of being an equivalence relation , as well as the properties given below , can then be proved : they become theorems . If a=b , then a can replace b and b can replace a. # Some basic logical properties of equality # The substitution property states : For any quantities ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' and any expression ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ) = ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ) ( if either side makes sense , i.e. is well-formed ) . In first-order logic , this is a schema , since we ca n't quantify over expressions like ' ' F ' ' ( which would be a functional predicate ) . Some specific examples of this are : For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , and ' ' c ' ' , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' + ' ' c ' ' = ' ' b ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ( here ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is ' ' x ' ' + ' ' c ' ' ) ; For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , and ' ' c ' ' , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' ' ' c ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' c ' ' ( here ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is ' ' x ' ' ' ' c ' ' ) ; For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , and ' ' c ' ' , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' ac ' ' = ' ' bc ' ' ( here ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is ' ' xc ' ' ) ; For any real numbers ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , and ' ' c ' ' , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' is not zero , then ' ' a ' ' / ' ' c ' ' = ' ' b ' ' / ' ' c ' ' ( here ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is ' ' x ' ' / ' ' c ' ' ) . The reflexive property states : : For any quantity ' ' a ' ' , ' ' a ' ' = ' ' a ' ' . This property is generally used in mathematical proofs as an intermediate step . The symmetric property states : For any quantities ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' , then ' ' b ' ' = ' ' a ' ' . The transitive property states : For any quantities ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , and ' ' c ' ' , if ' ' a ' ' = ' ' b ' ' and ' ' b ' ' = ' ' c ' ' , then ' ' a ' ' = ' ' c ' ' . The binary relation is approximately equal between real numbers or other things , even if more precisely defined , is not transitive ( it may seem so at first sight , but many small differences can add up to something big ) . However , equality almost everywhere ' ' is ' ' transitive . Although the symmetric and transitive properties are often seen as fundamental , they can be proved , if the substitution and reflexive properties are assumed instead . # Relation with equivalence and isomorphism # In some contexts , equality is sharply distinguished from ' ' equivalence ' ' or ' ' isomorphism . ' ' For example , one may distinguish ' ' fractions ' ' from ' ' rational numbers , ' ' the latter being equivalence classes of fractions : the fractions 1/2 and 2/4 are distinct as fractions , as different strings of symbols , but they represent the same rational number , the same point on a number line . This distinction gives rise to the notion of a quotient set . Similarly , the sets : textA , textB , textC , and 1 , 2 , 3 , are not equal sets the first consists of letters , while the second consists of numbers but they are both sets of three elements , and thus isomorphic , meaning that there is a bijection between them , for example : textA mapsto 1 , textB mapsto 2 , textC mapsto 3 . However , there are other choices of isomorphism , such as : textA mapsto 3 , textB mapsto 2 , textC mapsto 1 , and these sets can not be identified without making such a choice any statement that identifies them depends on choice of identification . This distinction , between equality and isomorphism , is of fundamental importance in category theory , and is one motivation for the development of category theory . @@142432 In mathematics ( especially algebraic topology and abstract algebra ) , homology ( in part from Greek ' ' homos ' ' identical ) is a certain general procedure to associate a sequence of abelian groups or modules with a given mathematical object such as a topological space or a group . See singular homology for a concrete version for topological spaces , or group cohomology for a concrete version for groups . For a topological space , the homology groups are generally much easier to compute than the homotopy groups , and consequently one usually will have an easier time working with homology to aid in the classification of spaces . The original motivation for defining homology groups is the observation that shapes are distinguished by their ' ' holes ' ' . But because a hole is not there , it is not immediately obvious how to define a hole , or how to distinguish between different kinds of holes . Homology is a rigorous mathematical method for defining and categorizing holes in a shape . As it turns out , subtle kinds of holes exist that homology can not see in which case homotopy groups may be what is needed . # Informal examples # Informally , the homology of a topological space ' ' X ' ' is a set of topological invariants of ' ' X ' ' represented by its ' ' homology groups ' ' : H0(X) , H1(X) , H2(X) , ldots where the krm th homology group Hk(X) describes the ' ' k ' ' -dimensional holes in ' ' X ' ' . A 0-dimensional hole is simply a gap between two components , consequently H0(X) describes the path-connected components of ' ' X ' ' . A one-dimensional sphere S1 is a circle . It has a single connected component and a one-dimensional hole , but no higher-dimensional holes . The corresponding homology groups are given as : Hk(S1) = begincases mathbb Z & k=0 , 1 0 & textotherwise endcases where mathbb Z is the group of integers and 0 is the trivial group . The group H1(S1) = mathbb Z represents a finitely-generated abelian group , with a single generator representing the one-dimensional hole contained in a circle . A two-dimensional sphere S2 has a single connected component , no one-dimensional holes , a two-dimensional hole , and no higher-dimensional holes . The corresponding homology groups are : Hk(S2) = begincases mathbb Z & k=0 , 2 0 & textotherwise endcases In general for an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional sphere ' ' S n ' ' , the homology groups are : Hk(Sn) = begincases mathbb Z & k=0 , n 0 & textotherwise endcases A one-dimensional ball ' ' B ' ' 1 is a solid disc . It has a single path-connected component , but in contrast to the circle , has no one-dimensional or higher-dimensional holes . The corresponding homology groups are all trivial except for H0(B1) = mathbb Z . In general , for an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional ball ' ' B n ' ' , : Hk(Bn) = begincases mathbb Z & k=0 0 & textotherwise endcases The torus is defined as a Cartesian product of two circles T = S1 times S1 . The torus has a single path-connected component , two independent one-dimensional holes ( indicated by circles in red and blue ) and one two-dimensional hole as the interior of the torus . The corresponding homology groups are : Hk(T) = begincases mathbb Z & k=0 , 2 mathbb Ztimes mathbb Z & k=1 0 & textotherwise endcases The two independent 1D holes form independent generators in a finitely-generated abelian group , expressed as the Cartesian product group mathbb Ztimes mathbb Z . # History # Homology theory can be said to start with the Euler polyhedron formula , or Euler characteristic . This was followed by Riemann 's definition of genus and ' ' n ' ' -fold connectedness numerical invariants in 1857 and Betti 's proof in 1871 of the independence of homology numbers from the choice of basis . Homology classes and relations were first defined rigorously by Henri Poincar in his seminal paper Analysis situs , ' ' J. Ecole polytech. ' ' ( 2 ) 1 . 1121 ( 1895 ) . Poincar was also the first to consider the simplicial homology of a triangulated manifold and to create what is now called a chain complex . The homology group was further developed by Emmy Noether and , independently , by Leopold Vietoris and Walther Mayer , in the period 192528 . Prior to this , topological classes in combinatorial topology were not formally considered as abelian groups . The spread of homology groups marked the change of terminology and viewpoint from combinatorial topology to algebraic topology . # Construction of homology groups # The construction begins with an object such as a topological space ' ' X ' ' , on which one first defines a ' ' chain complex ' ' ' ' C(X) ' ' encoding information about ' ' X ' ' . A chain complex is a sequence of abelian groups or modules ' ' C ' ' 0 , ' ' C ' ' 1 , ' ' C ' ' 2 , .. connected by homomorphisms partialn : Cn to Cn-1 , which are called boundary operators . That is , : *36;377285;TOOLONG , Cn *29;377323;TOOLONG , Cn-1 *31;377354;TOOLONG , dotsb *29;377387;TOOLONG , C1 *29;377418;TOOLONG , *31;377449;TOOLONG , 0 where 0 denotes the trivial group and Ciequiv0 for ' ' i ' ' *131;377482; partialn circ partialn+1 = 0n+1 , n-1 , i.e. , the constant map sending every element of ' ' C ' ' ' ' n ' ' +1 to the group identity in ' ' C ' ' ' ' n ' ' - 1 . That the boundary of a boundary is trivial implies *41;377615;TOOLONG , where mathrmim(partialn+1) denotes the image of the boundary operator and ker(partialn) its kernel . Elements of Bn(X) = mathrmim(partialn+1) are called boundaries and elements of Zn(X) = ker(partialn) are called cycles . Since each chain group ' ' C n ' ' is abelian all its subgroups are normal . Then because mathrmim(partialn+1) and ker(partialn) are both subgroups of ' ' C n ' ' , mathrmim(partialn+1) is a normal subgroup of ker(partialn) . Then one can create the factor group : Hn(X) : = ker(partialn) / mathrmim(partialn+1) = Zn(X)/Bn(X) , called the ' ' n ' ' -th homology group of ' ' X ' ' . The elements of ' ' H n ( X ) ' ' are called homology classes . Each homology class is an equivalence class over cycles and two cycles in the same homology class are said to be homologous . A chain complex is said to be exact if the image of the ( ' ' n ' ' + 1 ) -th map is always equal to the kernel of the ' ' n ' ' -th map . The homology groups of ' ' X ' ' therefore measure how far the chain complex associated to ' ' X ' ' is from being exact . The reduced homology groups of a chain complex ' ' C(X) ' ' are defined as homologies of the augmented chain complex : *36;377658;TOOLONG , Cn *29;377696;TOOLONG , Cn-1 *31;377727;TOOLONG , dotsb *29;377760;TOOLONG , C1 *29;377791;TOOLONG , *30;377822;TOOLONG , Z longrightarrow , 0 where the boundary operator epsilon is : epsilon left ( sumi ni sigmai right ) = sumi ni for a combination ' ' n i i ' ' of points i , which are the fixed generators of ' ' C 0 ' ' . The reduced homology groups tildeHi(X) coincide with Hi(X) for ' ' i ' ' 0 . The extra Z in the chain complex represents the unique map emptyset longrightarrow X from the empty simplex to ' ' X ' ' . Computing the cycle Zn(X) and boundary Bn(X) groups is usually rather difficult since they have a very large number of generators . On the other hand , there are tools which make the task easier . The ' ' simplicial homology ' ' groups ' ' H n ( X ) ' ' of a ' ' simplicial complex ' ' ' ' X ' ' are defined using the simplicial chain complex ' ' C(X) ' ' , with ' ' C(X) n ' ' the free abelian group generated by the ' ' n ' ' -simplices of ' ' X ' ' . The ' ' singular homology ' ' groups ' ' H n ( X ) ' ' are defined for any topological space ' ' X ' ' , and agree with the simplicial homology groups for a simplicial complex . Cohomology groups are formally similar to homology groups : one starts with a cochain complex , which is the same as a chain complex but whose arrows , now denoted ' ' d n ' ' point in the direction of increasing ' ' n ' ' rather than decreasing ' ' n ' ' ; then the groups ker(dn) = Zn(X) and mathrmim ( dn - 1 ) = Bn(X) follow from the same description . The ' ' n ' ' -th cohomology group of ' ' X ' ' is then the factor group : Hn(X) = Zn(X)/Bn(X) , in analogy with the ' ' n ' ' -th homology group . # Types of homology # The different types of homology theory arise from functors mapping from various categories of mathematical objects to the category of chain complexes . In each case the composition of the functor from objects to chain complexes and the functor from chain complexes to homology groups defines the overall homology functor for the theory . # Simplicial homology # The motivating example comes from algebraic topology : the simplicial homology of a simplicial complex ' ' X ' ' . Here ' ' A n ' ' is the free abelian group or module whose generators are the ' ' n ' ' -dimensional oriented simplexes of ' ' X ' ' . The mappings are called the ' ' boundary mappings ' ' and send the simplex with vertices : ( a0 , a1 , dots , an ) to the sum : sumi=0n ( -1 ) i left ( a0 , dots , ai-1 , ai+1 , dots , an right ) ( which is considered 0 if ' ' n ' ' = 0 ) . If we take the modules to be over a field , then the dimension of the ' ' n ' ' -th homology of ' ' X ' ' turns out to be the number of holes in ' ' X ' ' at dimension ' ' n ' ' . It may be computed by putting matrix representations of these boundary mappings in Smith normal form . # Singular homology # Using simplicial homology example as a model , one can define a ' ' singular homology ' ' for any topological space ' ' X ' ' . A chain complex for ' ' X ' ' is defined by taking ' ' A n ' ' to be the free abelian group ( or free module ) whose generators are all continuous maps from ' ' n ' ' -dimensional simplices into ' ' X ' ' . The homomorphisms ' ' n ' ' arise from the boundary maps of simplices. # Group homology # In abstract algebra , one uses homology to define derived functors , for example the Tor functors . Here one starts with some covariant additive functor ' ' F ' ' and some module ' ' X ' ' . The chain complex for ' ' X ' ' is defined as follows : first find a free module ' ' F ' ' 1 and a surjective homomorphism ' ' p ' ' 1 : ' ' F ' ' 1 ' ' X ' ' . Then one finds a free module ' ' F ' ' 2 and a surjective homomorphism ' ' p ' ' 2 : ' ' F ' ' 2 ker ( ' ' p ' ' 1 ) . Continuing in this fashion , a sequence of free modules ' ' F n ' ' and homomorphisms ' ' p n ' ' can be defined . By applying the functor ' ' F ' ' to this sequence , one obtains a chain complex ; the homology ' ' H n ' ' of this complex depends only on ' ' F ' ' and ' ' X ' ' and is , by definition , the ' ' n ' ' -th derived functor of ' ' F ' ' , applied to ' ' X ' ' . # Other homology theories # BorelMoore homology Cellular homology Cyclic homology Hochschild homology Floer homology Intersection homology K-homology Khovanov homology Morse homology Persistent homology Steenrod homology # Homology functors # Chain complexes form a category : A morphism from the chain complex ( ' ' d n ' ' : ' ' A n ' ' ' ' A ' ' ' ' n ' ' -1 ) to the chain complex ( ' ' e n ' ' : ' ' B n ' ' ' ' B ' ' ' ' n ' ' -1 ) is a sequence of homomorphisms ' ' f n ' ' : ' ' A n ' ' ' ' B n ' ' such that fn-1 circ dn = en circ fn for all ' ' n ' ' . The ' ' n ' ' -th homology ' ' H n ' ' can be viewed as a covariant functor from the category of chain complexes to the category of abelian groups ( or modules ) . If the chain complex depends on the object ' ' X ' ' in a covariant manner ( meaning that any morphism ' ' X Y ' ' induces a morphism from the chain complex of ' ' X ' ' to the chain complex of ' ' Y ' ' ) , then the ' ' H n ' ' are covariant functors from the category that ' ' X ' ' belongs to into the category of abelian groups ( or modules ) . The only difference between homology and cohomology is that in cohomology the chain complexes depend in a ' ' contravariant ' ' manner on ' ' X ' ' , and that therefore the homology groups ( which are called ' ' cohomology groups ' ' in this context and denoted by ' ' H n ' ' ) form ' ' contravariant ' ' functors from the category that ' ' X ' ' belongs to into the category of abelian groups or modules . # Properties # If ( ' ' d n ' ' : ' ' A n ' ' ' ' A ' ' ' ' n ' ' -1 ) is a chain complex such that all but finitely many ' ' A n ' ' are zero , and the others are finitely generated abelian groups ( or finite-dimensional vector spaces ) , then we can define the ' ' Euler characteristic ' ' : chi = sum ( -1 ) n , mathrmrank(An) ( using the rank in the case of abelian groups and the Hamel dimension in the case of vector spaces ) . It turns out that the Euler characteristic can also be computed on the level of homology : : chi = sum ( -1 ) n , mathrmrank(Hn) and , especially in algebraic topology , this provides two ways to compute the important invariant &chi ; for the object ' ' X ' ' which gave rise to the chain complex . Every short exact sequence : 0 rightarrow A rightarrow B rightarrow C rightarrow 0 of chain complexes gives rise to a long exact sequence of homology groups : cdots to Hn(A) to Hn(B) to Hn(C) to Hn-1(A) to Hn-1(B) to Hn-1(C) to Hn-2(A) to cdots All maps in this long exact sequence are induced by the maps between the chain complexes , except for the maps ' ' H n ( C ) ' ' ' ' H ' ' ' ' n ' ' -1 ' ' ( A ) ' ' The latter are called ' ' connecting homomorphisms ' ' and are provided by the snake lemma . The snake lemma can be applied to homology in numerous ways that aid in calculating homology groups , such as the theories of ' ' relative homology ' ' and ' ' Mayer-Vietoris sequences ' ' . # Applications and Software # Notable theorems proved using homology include the following : The Brouwer fixed point theorem : If ' ' f ' ' is any continuous map from the ball ' ' B n ' ' to itself , then there is a fixed point ' ' a ' ' ' ' B n ' ' with ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ) = ' ' a ' ' . Invariance of domain : If ' ' U ' ' is an open subset of R ' ' n ' ' and ' ' f ' ' : ' ' U ' ' R ' ' n ' ' is an injective continuous map , then ' ' V ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) is open and ' ' f ' ' is a homeomorphism between ' ' U ' ' and ' ' V ' ' . The Hairy ball theorem : any vector field on the 2-sphere ( or more generally , the 2 ' ' k ' ' -sphere for any ' ' k ' ' 1 ) vanishes at some point . The BorsukUlam theorem : any continuous function from an ' ' n ' ' -sphere into Euclidean ' ' n ' ' -space maps some pair of antipodal points to the same point . ( Two points on a sphere are called antipodal if they are in exactly opposite directions from the sphere 's center. ) # Application in science and engineering # In topological data analysis , data sets are regarded as a point cloud sampling of a manifold or algebraic variety embedded in Euclidean space . By linking nearest neighbor points in the cloud into a triangulation , a simplicial approximation of the manifold is created and its simplicial homology may be calculated . Finding techniques to robustly calculate homology using various triangulation strategies over multiple length scales is the topic of persistent homology . In sensor networks , sensors may communicate information via an ad-hoc network that dynamically changes in time . To understand the global context of this set of local measurements and communication paths , it is useful to compute the homology of the network topology to evaluate , for instance , holes in coverage . In dynamical systems theory in physics , Poincare was one of the first to consider the interplay between the invariant manifold of a dynamical system and its topological invariants . Morse theory relates the dynamics of a gradient flow on a manifold to , for example , its homology . Floer homology extended this to infinite-dimensional manifolds . The KAM theorem established that periodic orbits can follow complex trajectories ; in particular , they may form braids that can be investigated using Floer homology . In one class of finite element methods , boundary-value problems for differential equations involving the Hodge-Laplace operator may need to be solved on topologically nontrivial domains , for example , in electromagnetic simulations . In these simulations , solution is aided by fixing the cohomology class of the solution based on the chosen boundary conditions and the homology of the domain . FEM domains can be triangulated , from which the simplicial homology can be calculated . # Software # Various software packages have been developed for the purposes of computing homology groups of finite cell complexes . is a C++ library for performing fast matrix operations , including Smith normal form ; it interfaces with both and . , and are also written in C++ . All three implement pre-processing algorithms based on Simple-homotopy equivalence and discrete Morse theory to perform homology-preserving reductions of the input cell complexes before resorting to matrix algebra. is written in Lisp , and in addition to homology it may also be used to generate presentations of homotopy groups of finite simplicial complexes . # See also # Cycle space EilenbergSteenrod axioms Extraordinary homology theory Homological algebra Homological dimension Homological conjectures in commutative algebra List of cohomology theories - also has a list of homology theories Knneth theorem # Notes # # References # Cartan , Henri Paul and Eilenberg , Samuel ( 1956 ) ' ' Homological Algebra ' ' Princeton University Press , Princeton , NJ , Eilenberg , Samuel and Moore , J. C. ( 1965 ) ' ' Foundations of relative homological algebra ' ' ( Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society number 55 ) American Mathematical Society , Providence , R.I. , Hatcher , A. , ( 2002 ) ' ' ' ' Cambridge University Press , ISBN 0-521-79540-0 . Detailed discussion of homology theories for simplicial complexes and manifolds , singular homology , etc. Spanier , Edwin H. ( 1966 ) . ' ' Algebraic Topology . ' ' , Springer , p. 155 , . ISBN 0-387-90646-0. Timothy Gowers , June Barrow-Green , Imre Leader ( 2010 ) , ' ' The Princeton Companion to Mathematics . ' ' , Princeton University Press , ISBN 9781400830398. John Stillwell ( 1993 ) , ' ' Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory ' ' , Springer , *30;377854;TOOLONG , ISBN 978-0-387-97970-0. Charles A. Weibel ( 1999 ) , ' ' ' ' , chapter 28 in the book ' ' History of Topology ' ' by I.M. James , Elsevier , ISBN 9780080534077. @@143135 Parity is a mathematical term that describes the property of an integer 's inclusion in one of two categories : even or odd . An integer is even if it is ' evenly divisible ' by two and odd if it is not even . For example , 6 is even because there is no remainder when dividing it by 2 . By contrast , 3 , 5 , 7 , 21 leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 2 . Examples of even numbers include 4 , 0 , 8 , and 1734 . In particular , zero is an even number . Some examples of odd numbers are 5 , 3 , 9 , and 73 . Parity does not apply to non-integer numbers . A formal definition of an even number is that it is an integer of the form ' ' n ' ' = 2 ' ' k ' ' , where ' ' k ' ' is an integer ; it can then be shown that an odd number is an integer of the form ' ' n ' ' = 2 ' ' k ' ' + 1 . This classification applies only to integers , i.e. , non-integers like 1/2 or 4.201 are neither even nor odd . The sets of even and odd numbers can be defined as following : Even = 2k : k in mathbbZ Odd = 2k+1 : k in mathbbZ A number ( i.e. , integer ) expressed in the decimal numeral system is even or odd according to whether its last digit is even or odd . That is , if the last digit is 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , or 9 , then it is odd ; otherwise it is even . The same idea will work using any even base . In particular , a number expressed in the binary numeral system is odd if its last digit is 1 and even if its last digit is 0 . In an odd base , the number is even according to the sum of its digits &ndash ; it is even if and only if the sum of its digits is even . # Arithmetic on even and odd numbers # The following laws can be verified using the properties of divisibility . They are a special case of rules in modular arithmetic , and are commonly used to check if an equality is likely to be correct by testing the parity of each side . As with ordinary arithmetic , multiplication and addition are commutative and associative in modulo 2 arithmetic , and multiplication is distributive over addition . However , subtraction in modulo 2 is identical to addition , so subtraction also possesses these properties , which is not true for normal integer arithmetic . # Addition and subtraction # even even = even ; odd odd = even ; Rules analogous to these for divisibility by 9 are used in the method of casting out nines. # Multiplication # even even = even ; odd odd = odd . The structure ( even , odd , + , ) is in fact a field with just two elements . # Division # The division of two whole numbers does not necessarily result in a whole number . For example , 1 divided by 4 equals 1/4 , which is neither even ' ' nor ' ' odd , since the concepts even and odd apply only to integers . But when the quotient is an integer , it will be even if and only if the dividend has more factors of two than the divisor. # History # The ancient Greeks considered 1 , the monad , to be neither fully odd nor fully even . Some of this sentiment survived into the 19th century : Friedrich Wilhelm August Frbel 's 1826 ' ' The Education of Man ' ' instructs the teacher to drill students with the claim that 1 is neither even nor odd , to which Frbel attaches the philosophical afterthought , # Higher mathematics # # Higher dimensions and more general classes of numbers # 8 xx xx = 7 xx xx = 6 nd = 5 xx xx = 4 xx xx = 3 = 2 = 1 bl bl = a b c d e f g h Integer coordinates of points in Euclidean spaces of two or more dimensions also have a parity , usually defined as the parity of the sum of the coordinates . For instance , the face-centered cubic lattice and its higher-dimensional generalizations , the ' ' D n ' ' lattices , consist of all of the integer points whose sum of coordinates is even . # Number theory # The even numbers form an ideal in the ring of integers , but the odd numbers do not -- this is clear from the fact that the identity element for addition , zero , is an element of the even numbers only . An integer is even if it is congruent to 0 modulo this ideal , in other words if it is congruent to 0 modulo 2 , and odd if it is congruent to 1 modulo 2 . All prime numbers are odd , with one exception : the prime number 2 . All known perfect numbers are even ; it is unknown whether any odd perfect numbers exist . Goldbach 's conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be represented as a sum of two prime numbers . Modern computer calculations have shown this conjecture to be true for integers up to at least 4 &times ; 10 18 , but still no general proof has been found . # Group theory # The parity of a permutation ( as defined in abstract algebra ) is the parity of the number of transpositions into which the permutation can be decomposed . For example ( ABC ) to ( BCA ) is even because it can be done by swapping A and B then C and A ( two transpositions ) . It can be shown that no permutation can be decomposed both in an even and in an odd number of transpositions . Hence the above is a suitable definition . In Rubik 's Cube , Megaminx , and other twisting puzzles , the moves of the puzzle allow only even permutations of the puzzle pieces , so parity is important in understanding the configuration space of these puzzles . The Feit&ndash ; Thompson theorem states that a finite group is always solvable if its order is an odd number . This is an example of odd numbers playing a role in an advanced mathematical theorem where the method of application of the simple hypothesis of odd order is far from obvious . The Taylor series of an even function contains only terms whose exponent is an even number , and the Taylor series of an odd function contains only terms whose exponent is an odd number . # Combinatorial game theory # In combinatorial game theory , an ' ' evil number ' ' is a number that has an even number of 1 's in its binary representation , and an ' ' odious number ' ' is a number that has an odd number of 1 's in its binary representation ; these numbers play an important role in the strategy for the game Kayles . Some more sophisticated error detecting codes are also based on the use of multiple parity bits for subsets of the bits of the original encoded value . In wind instruments with a cylindrical bore and in effect closed at one end , such as the clarinet at the mouthpiece , the harmonics produced are odd multiples of the fundamental frequency . ( With cylindrical pipes open at both ends , used for example in some organ stops such as the open diapason , the harmonics are even multiples of the same frequency for the given bore length , but this has the effect of the fundamental frequency being doubled and all multiples of this fundamental frequency being produced . ) See harmonic series ( music ) . In some countries , house numberings are chosen so that the houses on one side of a street have even numbers and the houses on the other side have odd numbers . Similarly , among United States numbered highways , even numbers primarily indicate east-west highways while odd numbers primarily indicate north-south highways . Among airline flight numbers , even numbers typically identify eastern or northern flights , and odd numbers typically identify western or southern flights . @@160556 In mathematics , a ball is the space inside a sphere . It may be a closed ball ( including the boundary points of the sphere ) or an open ball ( excluding them ) . These concepts are defined not only in three-dimensional Euclidean space but also for lower and higher dimensions , and for metric spaces in general . A ' ' ball ' ' in ' ' n ' ' dimensions is called an ' ' n ' ' -ball and is bounded by an ' ' ( n-1 ) ' ' -sphere . Thus , for example , a ball in the Euclidean plane is the same thing as a disk , the area bounded by a circle . In Euclidean 3-space , a ball is taken to be the volume bounded by a 2-dimensional spherical shell boundary . In other contexts , such as in Euclidean geometry and informal use , ' ' sphere ' ' is sometimes used to mean ' ' ball ' ' . # Balls in general metric spaces # Let ( ' ' M ' ' , ' ' d ' ' ) be a metric space , namely a set ' ' M ' ' with a metric ( distance function ) ' ' d ' ' . The open ( metric ) ball of radius ' ' r ' ' 0 centered at a point ' ' p ' ' in ' ' M ' ' , usually denoted by ' ' B ' ' ' ' r ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) or ' ' B ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ; ' ' r ' ' ) , is defined by : Br(p) triangleq x in M mid d ( x , p ) *14;17748; The closed ( metric ) ball , which may be denoted by ' ' B ' ' ' ' r ' ' ' ' p ' ' or ' ' B ' ' ' ' p ' ' ; ' ' r ' ' , is defined by : Brp triangleq x in M mid d ( x , p ) le r . Note in particular that a ball ( open or closed ) always includes p itself , since the definition requires r 0 . The closure of the open ball ' ' B ' ' ' ' r ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) is usually denoted overline Br(p) . While it is always the case that Br(p) subseteq overline Br(p) and overline Br(p) subseteq Brp , it is ' ' not ' ' always the case that overline Br(p) = Brp . For example , in a metric space X with the discrete metric , one has overlineB1(p) = p and B1p = X , for any p in X . A ( open or closed ) unit ball is a ball of radius 1 . A subset of a metric space is bounded if it is contained in some ball . A set is totally bounded if , given any positive radius , it is covered by finitely many balls of that radius . The open balls of a metric space are a basis for a topological space , whose open sets are all possible unions of open balls . This space is called the topology induced by the metric ' ' d ' ' . # Balls in normed vector spaces # Any normed vector space ' ' V ' ' with norm is also a metric space , with the metric ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' &minus ; ' ' y ' ' . In such spaces , every ball ' ' B ' ' ' ' r ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) is a copy of the unit ball ' ' B ' ' 1 ( 0 ) , scaled by ' ' r ' ' and translated by ' ' p ' ' . # Euclidean norm # In particular , if ' ' V ' ' is ' ' n ' ' -dimensional Euclidean space with the ordinary ( Euclidean ) metric , every ball is the interior of a hypersphere ( a hyperball ) . That is a bounded interval when ' ' n ' ' = 1 , the interior of a circle ( a disk ) when ' ' n ' ' = 2 , and the interior of a sphere when ' ' n ' ' = 3. # P-norm # In Cartesian space Rn with the p-norm ' ' L ' ' ' ' p ' ' , an open ball is the set : B(r) = left x in Rn , : , sumi=1n leftxirightp *22;17764; For ' ' n ' ' =2 , in particular , the balls of ' ' L ' ' 1 ( often called the ' ' taxicab ' ' or ' ' Manhattan ' ' metric ) are squares with the diagonals parallel to the coordinate axes ; those of ' ' L ' ' ( the Chebyshev metric ) are squares with the sides parallel to the coordinate axes . For other values of ' ' p ' ' , the balls are the interiors of Lam curves ( hypoellipses or hyperellipses ) . For ' ' n ' ' = 3 , the balls of ' ' L ' ' 1 are octahedra with axis-aligned body diagonals , those of ' ' L ' ' are cubes with axis-aligned edges , and those of ' ' L ' ' ' ' p ' ' with ' ' p ' ' 2 are superellipsoids. # General convex norm # More generally , given any centrally symmetric , bounded , open , and convex subset ' ' X ' ' of R ' ' n ' ' , one can define a norm on R ' ' n ' ' where the balls are all translated and uniformly scaled copies of ' ' X ' ' . Note this theorem does not hold if open subset is replaced by closed subset , because the origin point qualifies but does not define a norm on R ' ' n ' ' . # Topological balls # One may talk about balls in any topological space ' ' X ' ' , not necessarily induced by a metric . An ( open or closed ) ' ' n ' ' -dimensional topological ball of ' ' X ' ' is any subset of ' ' X ' ' which is homeomorphic to an ( open or closed ) Euclidean ' ' n ' ' -ball . Topological ' ' n ' ' -balls are important in combinatorial topology , as the building blocks of cell complexes . Any open topological ' ' n ' ' -ball is homeomorphic to the Cartesian space R ' ' n ' ' and to the open unit ' ' n ' ' -cube ( 0,1 ) n subseteq Rn . Any closed topological ' ' n ' ' -ball is homeomorphic to the closed ' ' n ' ' -cube 0 , 1 ' ' n ' ' . An ' ' n ' ' -ball is homeomorphic to an ' ' m ' ' -ball if and only if ' ' n ' ' = ' ' m ' ' . The homeomorphisms between an open ' ' n ' ' -ball ' ' B ' ' and R ' ' n ' ' can be classified in two classes , that can be identified with the two possible topological orientations of ' ' B ' ' . A topological ' ' n ' ' -ball need not be smooth ; if it is smooth , it need not be diffeomorphic to a Euclidean ' ' n ' ' -ball. @@169358 Foundations of mathematics is the study of the basic mathematical concepts ( number , geometrical figure , set , function ... ) and how they form hierarchies of more complex structures and concepts , especially the fundamentally important structures that form the language of mathematics ( formulas , theories and their models giving a meaning to formulas , definitions , proofs , algorithms ... ) also called metamathematical concepts , with an eye to the philosophical aspects and the unity of mathematics . The search for foundations of mathematics is a central question of the philosophy of mathematics ; the abstract nature of mathematical objects presents special philosophical challenges . The foundations of mathematics as a whole does not aim to contain the foundations of every mathematical topic . Generally , the ' ' foundations ' ' of a field of study refers to a more-or-less systematic analysis of its most basic or fundamental concepts , its conceptual unity and its natural ordering or hierarchy of concepts , which may help to connect it with the rest of human knowledge . The development , emergence and clarification of the foundations can come late in the history of a field , and may not be viewed by everyone as its most interesting part . Mathematics always played a special role in scientific thought , serving since ancient times as a model of truth and rigor for rational inquiry , and giving tools or even a foundation for other sciences ( especially physics ) . Mathematics ' many developments towards higher abstractions in the 19th century brought new challenges and paradoxes , urging for a deeper and more systematic examination of the nature and criteria of mathematical truth , as well as a unification of the diverse branches of mathematics into a coherent whole . The systematic search for the foundations of mathematics started at the end of the 19th century and formed a new mathematical discipline called mathematical logic , with strong links to theoretical computer science . It went through a series of crises with paradoxical results , until the discoveries stabilized during the 20th century as a large and coherent body of mathematical knowledge with several aspects or components ( set theory , model theory , proof theory ... ) , whose detailed properties and possible variants are still an active research field . Its high level of technical sophistication inspired many philosophers to conjecture that it can serve as a model or pattern for the foundations of other sciences . # Historical context # See also : History of logic and History of mathematics . # Ancient Greek mathematics # While the practice of mathematics had previously developed in other civilizations , special interest in its theoretical and foundational aspects was clearly evident in the work of the Ancient Greeks . Early Greek philosophers disputed as to which is more basic , arithmetic or geometry . Zeno of Elea ( 490 BC ca. 430 BC ) produced four paradoxes that seem to show the impossibility of change . The Pythagorean school of mathematics originally insisted that only natural and rational numbers exist . The discovery of the irrationality of 2 , the ratio of the diagonal of a square to its side ( around 5th century BC ) , was a shock to them which they only reluctantly accepted . The discrepancy between rationals and reals was finally resolved by Eudoxus of Cnidus ( 408355 BC ) , a student of Plato , who reduced the comparison of irrational ratios to comparisons of multiples ( rational ratios ) , thus anticipating the definition of real numbers by Richard Dedekind ( 1831-1916 ) . In the ' ' Posterior Analytics ' ' , Aristotle ( 384 BC 322 BC ) laid down the axiomatic method for organizing a field of knowledge logically by means of primitive concepts , axioms , postulates , definitions , and theorems . Aristotle took a majority of his examples for this from arithmetic and from geometry . This method reached its high point with Euclid 's ' ' Elements ' ' ( 300 BC ) , a monumental treatise on geometry structured with very high standards of rigor : Euclid justifies each proposition by a demonstration in the form of chains of syllogisms ( though they do not always conform strictly to Aristotelian templates ) . Aristotle 's syllogistic logic , together with the axiomatic method exemplified by Euclid 's ' ' Elements ' ' , are universally recognized as towering scientific achievements of ancient Greece . # Platonism as a traditional philosophy of mathematics # Starting from the end of the 19th century , a Platonist view of mathematics became common among practicing mathematicians . The ' ' concepts ' ' or , as Platonists would have it , the ' ' objects ' ' of mathematics are abstract and remote from everyday perceptual experience : geometrical figures are conceived as idealities to be distinguished from effective drawings and shapes of objects , and numbers are not confused with the counting of concrete objects . Their existence and nature present special philosophical challenges : How do mathematical objects differ from their concrete representation ? Are they located in their representation , or in our minds , or somewhere else ? How can we know them ? The ancient Greek philosophers took such questions very seriously . Indeed , many of their general philosophical discussions were carried on with extensive reference to geometry and arithmetic . Plato ( 424/423 BC 348/347 BC ) insisted that mathematical objects , like other platonic ' ' Ideas ' ' ( forms or essences ) , must be perfectly abstract and have a separate , non-material kind of existence , in a world of mathematical objects independent of humans . He believed that the truths about these objects also exists independently of the human mind , but is ' ' discovered ' ' by humans . In the ' ' Meno ' ' Plato 's teacher Socrates asserts that it is possible to come to know this truth by a process akin to memory retrieval . Above the gateway to Plato 's academy appeared a famous inscription : Let no one who is ignorant of geometry enter here . In this way Plato indicated his high opinion of geometry . He regarded geometry as the first essential in the training of philosophers , because of its abstract character . This philosophy of ' ' Platonist mathematical realism ' ' , is shared by many mathematicians . It can be argued that Platonism somehow comes as a necessary assumption underlying any mathematical work . In this view , the laws of nature and the laws of mathematics have a similar status , and the effectiveness ceases to be unreasonable . Not our axioms , but the very real world of mathematical objects forms the foundation . Aristotle dissected and rejected this view in his Metaphysics . These questions provide much fuel for philosophical analysis and debate . # Middle Ages and Renaissance # For over 2,000 years , Euclid 's Elements stood as a perfectly solid foundation for mathematics , as its methodology of rational exploration guided mathematicians , philosophers , and scientists well into the 19th century . The Middle Ages saw a dispute over the ontological status of the universals ( platonic Ideas ) : Realism asserted their existence independently of perception ; conceptualism asserted their existence within the mind only ; nominalism , denied either , only seeing universals as names of collections of individual objects ( following older speculations that they are words , ' ' logos ' ' ) . Ren Descartes published La Gomtrie ( 1637 ) aimed to reduce geometry to algebra by means of coordinate systems , giving algebra a more foundational role ( while the Greeks embedded arithmetic into geometry by identifying whole numbers with evenly spaced points on a line ) . It became famous after 1649 and paved the way to infinitesimal calculus . Isaac Newton ( 1642 1727 ) in England and Leibniz ( 1646 1716 ) in Germany independently developed the infinitesimal calculus based on heuristic methods greatly efficient , but direly lacking rigorous justifications . Leibniz even went on to explicitly describe infinitesimals as actual infinitely small numbers ( close to zero ) . Leibniz also worked on formal logic but most of his writings on it remained unpublished until 1903 . The Christian philosopher George Berkeley ( 16851753 ) , in his campaign against the religious implications of Newtonian mechanics , wrote a pamphlet on the lack of rational justifications of infinitesimal calculus : They are neither finite quantities , nor quantities infinitely small , nor yet nothing . May we not call them the ghosts of departed quantities ? Then mathematics developed very rapidly and successfully in physical applications , but with little attention to logical foundations . # 19th century # In the 19th century , mathematics became increasingly abstract . Concerns about logical gaps and inconsistencies in different fields led to the development of axiomatic systems . # #Real Analysis# # Cauchy ( 1789 1857 ) started the project of formulating and proving the theorems of infinitesimal calculus in a rigorous manner , rejecting the heuristic principle of the generality of algebra exploited by earlier authors . In his 1821 work Cours d'Analyse he defines infinitely small quantities in terms of decreasing sequences that converge to 0 , which he then used to define continuity . But he did not formalize his notion of convergence . The modern ( , ) -definition of limit and continuous functions was first developed by Bolzano in 1817 , but remained relatively unknown . It gives a rigorous foundation of infinitesimal calculus based on the set of real numbers , arguably resolving the Zeno paradoxes and Berkeley 's arguments . Mathematicians such as Karl Weierstrass ( 1815 1897 ) discovered pathological functions such as continuous , nowhere-differentiable functions . Previous conceptions of a function as a rule for computation , or a smooth graph , were no longer adequate . Weierstrass began to advocate the arithmetization of analysis , to axiomatize analysis using properties of the natural numbers . In 1858 , Dedekind proposed a definition of the real numbers as cuts of rational numbers . This reduction of real numbers and continuous functions in terms of rational numbers and thus of natural numbers , was later integrated by Cantor in his set theory , and axiomatized in terms of second order arithmetic by Hilbert and Bernays. # #Group theory# # For the first time , the limits of mathematics were explored . Niels Henrik Abel ( 1802 1829 ) , a Norwegian , and variste Galois , ( 1811 1832 ) a Frenchman , investigated the solutions of various polynomial equations , and proved that there is no general algebraic solution to equations of degree greater than four ( AbelRuffini theorem ) . With these concepts , Pierre Wantzel ( 1837 ) proved that straightedge and compass alone can not trisect an arbitrary angle nor double a cube , nor construct a square equal in area to a given circle . Mathematicians had vainly attempted to solve all of these problems since the time of the ancient Greeks . Abel and Galois 's works opened the way for the developments of group theory ( which would later be used to study symmetry in physics and other fields ) , and abstract algebra . Concepts of vector spaces emerged from the conception of barycentric coordinates by Mbius in 1827 , to the modern definition of vector spaces and linear maps by Peano in 1888 . Geometry was no more limited to 3 dimensions . These concepts did not generalize numbers but combined notions of functions and sets which were not yet formalized , breaking away from familiar mathematical objects . # #Non-Euclidean Geometries# # After many failed attempts to derive the parallel postulate from other axioms , the study of the still hypothetical hyperbolic geometry by Johann Heinrich Lambert ( 1728 1777 ) led him to introduce the hyperbolic functions and compute the area of a hyperbolic triangle ( where the sum of angles is less than 180 ) . Then the Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky ( 17921856 ) established in 1826 ( and published in 1829 ) the coherence of this geometry ( thus the independence of the parallel postulate ) , in parallel with the Hungarian mathematician Jnos Bolyai ( 180260 ) in 1832 , and with Gauss . Later in the 19th century , the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann developed Elliptic geometry , another non-Euclidean geometry where no parallel can be found and the sum of angles in a triangle is more than 180 . It was proved consistent by defining point to mean a pair of antipodal points on a fixed sphere and line to mean a great circle on the sphere . At that time , the main method for proving the consistency of a set of axioms was to provide a model for it . # #Projective geometry# # One of the traps in a deductive system is circular reasoning , a problem that seemed to befall projective geometry until it was resolved by Karl von Staudt . As explained by Laptev & Rosenfeld ( 1996 ) : : In the mid-nineteenth century there was an acrimonious controversy between the proponents of synthetic and analytic methods in projective geometry , the two sides accusing each other of mixing projective and metric concepts . Indeed the basic concept that is applied in the synthetic presentation of projective geometry , the cross-ratio of four points of a line , was introduced through consideration of the lengths of intervals . The purely geometric approach of von Staudt was based on the complete quadrilateral to express the relation of projective harmonic conjugates . Then he created a means of expressing the familiar numeric properties with his Algebra of Throws . English language versions of this process of deducing the properties of a field can be found in either the book by Oswald Veblen and John Young , ' ' Projective Geometry ' ' ( 1938 ) , or more recently in John Stillwell 's ' ' Four Pillars of Geometry ' ' ( 2005 ) . Stillwell writes on page 120 : ... projective geometry is ' ' simpler ' ' than algebra in a certain sense , because we use only five geometric axioms to derive the nine field axioms . The algebra of throws is commonly seen as a feature of cross-ratios since students ordinarily rely upon numbers without worry about their basis . However , cross-ratio calculations use metric features of geometry , features not admitted by purists . For instance , in 1961 Coxeter wrote ' ' Introduction to Geometry ' ' without mention of cross-ratio. # #Boolean algebra and logic# # Attempts of formal treatment of mathematics had started with Leibniz and Lambert ( 1728 1777 ) , and continued with works by algebraists such as George Peacock ( 1791 1858 ) . Systematic mathematical treatments of logic came with the British mathematician George Boole ( 1847 ) who devised an algebra that soon evolved into what is now called Boolean algebra , in which the only numbers were 0 and 1 and logical combinations ( conjunction , disjunction , implication and negation ) are operations similar to the addition and multiplication of integers . Also De Morgan publishes his laws ( 1847 ) . Logic becomes a branch of mathematics . Boolean algebra is the starting point of mathematical logic and has important applications in computer science . Charles Sanders Peirce built upon the work of Boole to develop a logical system for relations and quantifiers , which he published in several papers from 1870 to 1885 . The German mathematician Gottlob Frege ( 18481925 ) presented an independent development of logic with quantifiers in his Begriffsschrift ( formula language ) published in 1879 , a work generally considered as marking a turning point in the history of logic . He exposed deficiencies in Aristotle 's Logic , and pointed out the 3 expected properties of a mathematical theory # Consistency : impossibility to prove contradictory statements # Completeness : any statement is either provable or refutable ( i.e. its negation is provable ) . # Decidability : there is a decision procedure to test any statement in the theory . He then showed in ' ' Grundgesetze der Arithmetik ( Basic Laws of Arithmetic ) ' ' how arithmetic could be formalised in his new logic . Frege 's work was popularized by Bertrand Russell near the turn of the century . But Frege 's two-dimensional notation had no success . Popular notations were ( x ) for universal and ( x ) for existential quantifiers , coming from Giuseppe Peano and William Ernest Johnson until the symbol was introduced by Gentzen in 1935 and became canonical in the 1960s . From 1890 to 1905 , Ernst Schrder published ' ' Vorlesungen ber die Algebra der Logik ' ' in three volumes . This work summarized and extended the work of Boole , De Morgan , and Peirce , and was a comprehensive reference to symbolic logic as it was understood at the end of the 19th century . # #Peano Arithmetic# # The formalization of arithmetic ( the theory of natural numbers ) as an axiomatic theory , started with Peirce in 1881 , and continued with Richard Dedekind and Giuseppe Peano in 1888 . This was still a second-order axiomatization ( expressing induction in terms of arbitrary subsets , thus with an implicit use of set theory ) as concerns for expressing theories in first-order logic were not yet understood . In Dedekind 's work , this approach appears as completely characterizing natural numbers and providing recursive definitions of addition and multiplication from the successor function and mathematical induction . # Foundational crisis # The ' ' foundational crisis of mathematics ' ' ( in German , Grundlagenkrise der Mathematik ) was the early 20th century 's term for the search for proper foundations of mathematics . Several schools of the philosophy of mathematics ran into difficulties one after the other in the 20th century , as the assumption that mathematics had any foundation that could be consistently stated within mathematics itself was heavily challenged by the discovery of various paradoxes ( such as Russell 's paradox ) . The name ' ' paradox ' ' should not be confused with ' ' contradiction ' ' . A contradiction in a formal theory is a formal proof of an absurdity inside the theory ( such as 2 + 2 = 5 ) , showing that this theory is inconsistent and must be rejected . But a paradox may either refer to a surprising but true result in a given formal theory , or to an informal argument leading to a contradiction , so that a candidate theory where a formalization of the argument might be attempted must disallow at least one of its steps ; in this case the problem is to find a satisfying theory without contradiction . Both meanings may apply if the formalized version of the argument forms the proof of a surprising truth . For instance , Russell 's paradox may be expressed as there is no set of all sets ( except in some marginal axiomatic set theories ) . Various schools of thought on the right approach to the foundations of mathematics were fiercely opposing each other . The leading school was that of the formalist approach , of which David Hilbert was the foremost proponent , culminating in what is known as Hilbert 's program , which thought to ground mathematics on a small basis of a logical system proved sound by metamathematical finitistic means . The main opponent was the intuitionist school , led by L. E. J. Brouwer , which resolutely discarded formalism as a meaningless game with symbols ( van Dalen , 2008 ) . The fight was acrimonious . In 1920 Hilbert succeeded in having Brouwer , whom he considered a threat to mathematics , removed from the editorial board of ' ' Mathematische Annalen ' ' , the leading mathematical journal of the time . # Philosophical views # At the beginning of the 20th century , 3 schools of philosophy of mathematics were opposing each other : Formalism , Intuitionism and Logicism. # #Formalism# # It has been claimed that formalists , such as David Hilbert ( 1862&ndash ; 1943 ) , hold that mathematics is only a language and a series of games . Indeed he used the words formula game in his 1927 response to L. E. J. Brouwer 's criticisms : : And to what has the formula game thus made possible been successful ? This formula game enables us to express the entire thought-content of the science of mathematics in a uniform manner and develop it in such a way that , at the same time , the interconnections between the individual propositions and facts become clear . . . The formula game that Brouwer so deprecates has , besides its mathematical value , an important general philosophical significance . For this formula game is carried out according to certain definite rules , in which the ' ' technique of our thinking ' ' is expressed . These rules form a closed system that can be discovered and definitively stated . Thus Hilbert is insisting that mathematics is not an ' ' arbitrary ' ' game with ' ' arbitrary ' ' rules ; rather it must agree with how our thinking , and then our speaking and writing , proceeds . : We are not speaking here of arbitrariness in any sense . Mathematics is not like a game whose tasks are determined by arbitrarily stipulated rules . Rather , it is a conceptual system possessing internal necessity that can only be so and by no means otherwise . The foundational philosophy of formalism , as exemplified by David Hilbert , is a response to the paradoxes of set theory , and is based on formal logic . Virtually all mathematical theorems today can be formulated as theorems of set theory . The truth of a mathematical statement , in this view , is represented by the fact that the statement can be derived from the axioms of set theory using the rules of formal logic . Merely the use of formalism alone does not explain several issues : why we should use the axioms we do and not some others , why we should employ the logical rules we do and not some others , why do true mathematical statements ( e.g. , the laws of arithmetic ) appear to be true , and so on . Hermann Weyl would ask these very questions of Hilbert : : What truth or objectivity can be ascribed to this theoretic construction of the world , which presses far beyond the given , is a profound philosophical problem . It is closely connected with the further question : what impels us to take as a basis precisely the particular axiom system developed by Hilbert ? Consistency is indeed a necessary but not a sufficient condition . For the time being we probably can not answer this question In some cases these questions may be sufficiently answered through the study of formal theories , in disciplines such as reverse mathematics and computational complexity theory . As noted by Weyl , formal logical systems also run the risk of inconsistency ; in Peano arithmetic , this arguably has already been settled with several proofs of consistency , but there is debate over whether or not they are sufficiently finitary to be meaningful . Gdel 's second incompleteness theorem establishes that logical systems of arithmetic can never contain a valid proof of their own consistency . What Hilbert wanted to do was prove a logical system ' ' S ' ' was consistent , based on principles ' ' P ' ' that only made up a small part of ' ' S ' ' . But Gdel proved that the principles ' ' P ' ' could not even prove ' ' P ' ' to be consistent , let alone ' ' S ' ' ! # #Intuitionism# # Intuitionists , such as L. E. J. Brouwer ( 1882&ndash ; 1966 ) , hold that mathematics is a creation of the human mind . Numbers , like fairy tale characters , are merely mental entities , which would not exist if there were never any human minds to think about them . The foundational philosophy of ' ' intuitionism ' ' or ' ' constructivism ' ' , as exemplified in the extreme by Brouwer and more coherently by Stephen Kleene , requires proofs to be constructive in nature the existence of an object must be demonstrated rather than inferred from a demonstration of the impossibility of its non-existence . For example , as a consequence of this the form of proof known as reductio ad absurdum is suspect . Some modern theories in the philosophy of mathematics deny the existence of foundations in the original sense . Some theories tend to focus on mathematical practice , and aim to describe and analyze the actual working of mathematicians as a social group . Others try to create a cognitive science of mathematics , focusing on human cognition as the origin of the reliability of mathematics when applied to the real world . These theories would propose to find foundations only in human thought , not in any objective outside construct . The matter remains controversial . # #Logicism# # Logicism is one of the schools of thought in the philosophy of mathematics , putting forth the theory that mathematics is an extension of logic and therefore some or all mathematics is reducible to logic . Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead championed this theory fathered by Gottlob Frege. # #Set-theoretical Platonism# # Many researchers in axiomatic set theory have subscribed to what is known as set-theoretical Platonism , exemplified by mathematician Kurt Gdel . Several set theorists followed this approach and actively searched for possible axioms that may be considered as true for heuristic reasons and that would decide the continuum hypothesis . Many large cardinal axioms were studied but the continuum hypothesis remained independent from them . Other types of axioms were considered , but none of them has as yet reached consensus as a solution to the continuum problem . # #Indispensability argument for realism# # This argument by Willard Quine and Hilary Putnam says ( in Putnam 's shorter words ) , : ' ' quantification over mathematical entities is indispensable for science ... ; therefore we should accept such quantification ; but this commits us to accepting the existence of the mathematical entities in question . However Putnam was not a Platonist. # #Rough-and-ready realism# # Few mathematicians are typically concerned on a daily , working basis over logicism , formalism or any other philosophical position . Instead , their primary concern is that the mathematical enterprise as a whole always remains productive . Typically , they see this as insured by remaining open-minded , practical and busy ; as potentially threatened by becoming overly-ideological , fanatically reductionistic or lazy . Such a view was expressed by the Physics Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman : ' ' People say to me , Are you looking for the ultimate laws of physics ? No , I 'm not If it turns out there is a simple ultimate law which explains everything , so be it that would be very nice to discover . If it turns out it 's like an onion with millions of layers then that 's the way it is . But either way there 's Nature and she 's going to come out the way She is . So therefore when we go to investigate we should n't predecide what it is we 're looking for only to find out more about it . Now you ask : Why do you try to find out more about it ? If you began your investigation to get an answer to some deep philosophical question , you may be wrong . It may be that you ca n't get an answer to that particular question just by finding out more about the character of Nature . But that 's not my interest in science ; my interest in science is to simply find out about the world and the more I find out the better it is , I like to find out ' ' : ' ' Philosophers , incidentally , say a great deal about what is absolutely necessary for science , and it is always , so far as one can see , rather naive , and probably wrong and also Steven Weinberg : ' ' The insights of philosophers have occasionally benefited physicists , but generally in a negative fashionby protecting them from the preconceptions of other philosophers. ( ... ) without some guidance from our preconceptions one could do nothing at all . It is just that philosophical principles have not generally provided us with the right preconceptions . : ' ' Physicists do of course carry around with them a working philosophy . For most of us , it is a rough-and-ready realism , a belief in the objective reality of the ingredients of our scientific theories . But this has been learned through the experience of scientific research and rarely from the teachings of philosophers . ( ... ) we should not expect the philosophy of science to provide today 's scientists with any useful guidance about how to go about their work or about what they are likely to find . ( ... ) : ' ' After a few years ' infatuation with philosophy as an undergraduate I became disenchanted . The insights of the philosophers I studied seemed murky and inconsequential compared with the dazzling successes of physics and mathematics . From time to time since then I have tried to read current work on the philosophy of science . Some of it I found to be written in a jargon so impenetrable that I can only think that it aimed at impressing those who confound obscurity with profundity . ( ... ) But only rarely did it seem to me to have anything to do with the work of science as I knew it . ( ... ) : ' ' I am not alone in this ; I know of no one who has participated actively in the advance of physics in the postwar period whose research has been significantly helped by the work of philosophers . I raised in the previous chapter the problem of what Wigner calls the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics ; here I want to take up another equally puzzling phenomenon , the unreasonable ineffectiveness of philosophy . : ' ' Even where philosophical doctrines have in the past been useful to scientists , they have generally lingered on too long , becoming of more harm than ever they were of use . He believed that any undecidability in mathematics , such as the continuum hypothesis , could be potentially resolved despite the incompleteness theorem , by finding suitable further axioms to add to set theory . # #Philosophical consequences of the Completeness Theorem# # The Completeness theorem establishes an equivalence in first-order logic , between the formal provability of a formula , and its truth in all possible models . Precisely , for any consistent first-order theory it gives an explicit construction of a model described by the theory ; and this model will be countable if the language of the theory is countable . However this explicit construction is not algorithmic . It is based on an iterative process of completion of the theory , where each step of the iteration consists in adding a formula to the axioms if it keeps the theory consistent ; but this consistency question is only semi-decidable ( an algorithm is available to find any contradiction but if there is none this consistency fact can remain unprovable ) . This can be seen as a giving a sort of justification to the Platonist view that the objects of our mathematical theories are real . More precisely , it shows that the mere assumption of the existence of the set of natural numbers as a totality ( an actual infinity ) suffices to imply the existence of a model ( a world of objects ) of any consistent theory . However several difficulties remain : For any consistent theory this usually does not give just one world of objects , but an infinity of possible worlds that the theory might equally describe , with a possible diversity of truths between them . In the case of set theory , none of the models obtained by this construction resemble the intended model , as they are countable while set theory intends to describe uncountable infinities . Similar remarks can be made in many other cases . For example , with theories that include arithmetic , such constructions generally give models that include non-standard numbers , unless the construction method was specifically designed to avoid them . As it gives models to all consistent theories without distinction , it gives no reason to accept or reject any axiom as long as the theory remains consistent , but regards all consistent axiomatic theories as referring to equally existing worlds . It gives no indication on which axiomatic system should be preferred as a foundation of mathematics . As claims of consistency are usually unprovable , they remain a matter of belief or non-rigorous kinds of justifications . Hence the existence of models as given by the completeness theorem needs in fact 2 philosophical assumptions : the actual infinity of natural numbers and the consistency of the theory . Another consequence of the completeness theorem is that it justifies the conception of infinitesimals as actual infinitely small nonzero quantities , based on the existence of non-standard models as equally legitimate to standard ones . This idea was formalized by Abraham Robinson into the theory of nonstandard analysis . However this theory did not look so simple and did not have much success . # More paradoxes # 1920 : Thoralf Skolem corrected Lwenheim 's proof of what is now called the downward Lwenheim-Skolem theorem , leading to Skolem 's paradox discussed in 1922 ( the existence of countable models of ZF , making infinite cardinalities a relative property ) . 1922 : Proof by Abraham Fraenkel that the axiom of choice can not be proved from the axioms of Zermelo 's set theory with urelements. 1927 : Werner Heisenberg published the Uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics 1931 : Publication of Gdel 's incompleteness theorems , showing that essential aspects of Hilbert 's program could not be attained . It showed how to construct , for any sufficiently powerful and consistent recursively axiomatizable system such as necessary to axiomatize the elementary theory of arithmetic on the ( infinite ) set of natural numbers a statement that formally expresses its own unprovability , which he then proved equivalent to the claim of consistency of the theory ; so that ( assuming the consistency as true ) , the system is not powerful enough for proving its own consistency , let alone that a simpler system could do the job . It thus became clear that the notion of mathematical truth can not be completely determined and reduced to a purely formal system as envisaged in Hilbert 's program . This dealt a final blow to the heart of Hilbert 's program , the hope that consistency could be established by finitistic means ( it was never made clear exactly what axioms were the finitistic ones , but whatever axiomatic system was being referred to , it was a ' weaker ' system than the system whose consistency it was supposed to prove ) . 1935 : Publication of the article by Albert Einstein , Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen arguing that quantum mechanics was incomplete , as its formalism was non-local , which the authors assumed to not possibly reflect some true underlying mechanism that remained to be discovered . 1936 : Alfred Tarski proved his truth undefinability theorem . 1936 : Alan Turing proved that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem for all possible program-input pairs can not exist . 1938 : Gdel proved the consistency of the axiom of choice and of the Generalized Continuum-Hypothesis. 1936 - 1937 : Alonzo Church and Alan Turing , respectively , published independent papers showing that a general solution to the Entscheidungsproblem is impossible : the universal validity of statements in first-order logic is not decidable ( it is only semi-decidable as given by the completeness theorem ) . 1955 : Pyotr Novikov showed that there exists a finitely presented group G such that the word problem for G is undecidable. 1963 : Paul Cohen showed that the Continuum Hypothesis is unprovable from ZFC . Cohen 's proof developed the method of forcing , which is now an important tool for establishing independence results in set theory . 1964 : John Stewart Bell published his inequalities showing that the predictions of quantum mechanics in the EPR thought experiment are significantly different from the predictions of a particular class of hidden variable theories ( the local hidden variable theories ) . Inspired by the fundamental randomness in physics , Gregory Chaitin starts publishing results on Algorithmic Information theory ( measuring incompleteness and randomness in mathematics ) 1966 : Paul Cohen showed that the axiom of choice is unprovable in ZF even without urelements. 1970 : Hilbert 's tenth problem is proven unsolvable : there is no recursive solution to decide whether a Diophantine equation ( multivariable polynomial equation ) has a solution in integers . 1971 : Suslin 's problem is proven to be independent from ZFC. # Partial resolution of the crisis # Starting in 1935 , the Bourbaki group of French mathematicians started publishing a series of books to formalize many areas of mathematics on the new foundation of set theory . The intuitionistic school did not attract many adherents among working mathematicians , due to difficulties of constructive mathematics . We may consider that Hilbert 's program has been partially completed , so that the crisis is essentially resolved , satisfying ourselves with lower requirements than Hibert 's original ambitions . His ambitions were expressed in a time when nothing was clear : we did not know if mathematics could have a rigorous foundation at all . Now we can say that mathematics has a clear and satisfying foundation made of set theory and model theory . Set theory and model theory are clearly defined and the right foundation for each other . There are many possible variants of set theory which differ in consistency strength , where stronger versions ( postulating higher types of infinities ) contain formal proofs of the consistency of weaker versions , but none contains a formal proof of its own consistency . Thus the only thing we do n't have is a formal proof of consistency of whatever version of set theory we may prefer , such as ZF . In practice , most mathematicians either do not work from axiomatic systems , or if they do , do not doubt the consistency of ZFC , generally their preferred axiomatic system . In most of mathematics as it is practiced , the incompleteness and paradoxes of the underlying formal theories never played a role anyway , and in those branches in which they do or whose formalization attempts would run the risk of forming inconsistent theories ( such as logic and category theory ) , they may be treated carefully . Toward the middle of the 20th century it turned out that set theory ( ZFC or otherwise ) was inadequate as a foundation for some of the emerging new fields , such as homological algebra @@173416 Mathematical physics refers to development of mathematical methods for application to problems in physics . The ' ' Journal of Mathematical Physics ' ' defines the field as the application of mathematics to problems in physics and the development of mathematical methods suitable for such applications and for the formulation of physical theories . # Scope # There are several distinct branches of mathematical physics , and these roughly correspond to particular historical periods . # Geometrically advanced formulations of classical mechanics # The rigorous , abstract and advanced re-formulation of Newtonian mechanics adopting the Lagrangian mechanics and the Hamiltonian mechanics even in the presence of constraints . Both formulations are embodied in the so-called analytical mechanics . It leads , for instance , to discover the deep interplay of the notion of symmetry and that of conserved quantities during the dynamical evolution , stated within the most elementary formulation of Noether 's theorem . These approaches and ideas can be and , in fact , have been extended to other areas of physics as statistical mechanics , continuum mechanics , classical field theory and quantum field theory . Moreover they have provided several examples and basic ideas in differential geometry ( e.g. the theory of vector bundles and several notions in symplectic geometry ) . # Partial differential equations # The theory of partial differential equations ( and the related areas of variational calculus , Fourier analysis , potential theory , and vector analysis ) are perhaps most closely associated with mathematical physics . These were developed intensively from the second half of the eighteenth century ( by , for example , D'Alembert , Euler , and Lagrange ) until the 1930s . Physical applications of these developments include hydrodynamics , celestial mechanics , continuum mechanics , elasticity theory , acoustics , thermodynamics , electricity , magnetism , and aerodynamics. # Quantum theory # The theory of atomic spectra ( and , later , quantum mechanics ) developed almost concurrently with the mathematical fields of linear algebra , the spectral theory of operators , operator algebras and more broadly , functional analysis . Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics includes Schrdinger operators , and it has connections to atomic and molecular physics . Quantum information theory is another subspecialty. # Relativity and Quantum Relativistic Theories # The special and general theories of relativity require a rather different type of mathematics . This was group theory , which played an important role in both quantum field theory and differential geometry . This was , however , gradually supplemented by topology and functional analysis in the mathematical description of cosmological as well as quantum field theory phenomena . In this area both homological algebra and category theory are important nowadays . # Statistical mechanics # Statistical mechanics forms a separate field , which includes the theory of phase transitions . It relies upon the Hamiltonian mechanics ( or its quantum version ) and it is closely related with the more mathematical ergodic theory and some parts of probability theory . There are increasing interactions between combinatorics and physics , in particular statistical physics . # Usage # The usage of the term mathematical physics is sometimes idiosyncratic . Certain parts of mathematics that initially arose from the development of physics are not , in fact , considered parts of mathematical physics , while other closely related fields are . For example , ordinary differential equations and symplectic geometry are generally viewed as purely mathematical disciplines , whereas dynamical systems and Hamiltonian mechanics belong to mathematical physics . # Mathematical vs. theoretical physics # The term mathematical physics is sometimes used to denote research aimed at studying and solving problems inspired by physics or thought experiments within a mathematically rigorous framework . In this sense , mathematical physics covers a very broad academic realm distinguished only by the blending of pure mathematics and physics . Although related to theoretical physics , mathematical physics in this sense emphasizes the mathematical rigour of the same type as found in mathematics . On the other hand , theoretical physics emphasizes the links to observations and experimental physics , which often requires theoretical physicists ( and mathematical physicists in the more general sense ) to use heuristic , intuitive , and approximate arguments . Such arguments are not considered rigorous by mathematicians . Arguably , rigorous mathematical physics is closer to mathematics , and theoretical physics is closer to physics . This is reflected institutionally : mathematical physicists are often members of the mathematics department . Such mathematical physicists primarily expand and elucidate physical theories . Because of the required level of mathematical rigour , these researchers often deal with questions that theoretical physicists have considered to already be solved . However , they can sometimes show ( but neither commonly nor easily ) that the previous solution was incomplete , incorrect , or simply , too naive . Issues about attempts to infer the second law of thermodynamics from statistical mechanics are examples . Other examples concerns all the subtleties involved with synchronisation procedures in special and general relativity ( Sagnac effect and Einstein synchronisation ) The effort to put physical theories on a mathematically rigorous footing has inspired many mathematical developments . For example , the development of quantum mechanics and some aspects of functional analysis parallel each other in many ways . The mathematical study of quantum mechanics , quantum field theory and quantum statistical mechanics has motivated results in operator algebras . The attempt to construct a rigorous quantum field theory has also brought about progress in fields such as representation theory . Use of geometry and topology plays an important role in string theory . # Prominent mathematical physicists # Prominent contributors to the 20th century 's mathematical physics include Albert Einstein 1879-1955 , Paul Dirac 1902 1984 , Arnold Sommerfeld 1868-1951 , Niels Bohr 1885-1962 , Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976 , Wolfgang Pauli 1900-1958 Max Born 1882-1970 , Abdus Salam 1926-1996 , Steven Weinberg 1933- , Sheldon Lee Glashow 1932- Satyendra Nath Bose 18941974 , Eugene Wigner 1902-1995 , John von Neumann 1903-1957 , Julian Schwinger 19181994 , Sin-Itiro Tomonaga 19061979 , Richard Feynman 19181988 , Freeman Dyson 1923 , Jrgen Moser 1928-1999 , Hideki Yukawa 19071981 , Roger Penrose 1931 , Munir Ahmad Rashid 1934- , Vladimir Arnold 1937-2010 , Arthur Strong Wightman 1922-2013 , Stephen Hawking 1942 , Edward Witten 1951 , Arthur Jaffe 1937- , Barry Simon 1946- , Peter Higgs 1929- , Leonard Susskind 1940- , Ashoke Sen 1956- and Rudolf Haag 1922 . The roots of mathematical physics can be traced back to the likes of Archimedes in Greece , Ptolemy in Egypt , Alhazen in Iraq , and Al-Biruni in Persia . In the first decade of the 16th century , amateur astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed heliocentrism , and published a treatise on it in 1543 . Not quite radical , Copernicus merely sought to simplify astronomy and achieve orbits of more perfect circles , stated by Aristotelian physics to be the intrinsic motion of Aristotle 's fifth elementthe quintessence or universal essence known in Greek as ' ' aither ' ' for the English ' ' pure air ' ' that was the pure substance beyond the sublunary sphere , and thus was celestial entities ' pure composition . The German Johannes Kepler 15711630 , Tycho Brahe 's assistant , modified Copernican orbits to ' ' ellipses ' ' , however , formalized in the equations of Kepler 's laws of planetary motion . An enthusiastic atomist , Galileo Galilei in his 1623 book ' ' The Assayer ' ' asserted that the book of nature is written in mathematics . His 1632 book , upon his telescopic observations , supported heliocentrism . Having introducing experimentation , Galileo then refuted geocentric cosmology by refuting Aristotelian physics itself . Galilei 's 1638 book ' ' Discourse on Two New Sciences ' ' established law of equal free fall as well as the principles of inertial motion , founding the central concepts of what would become today 's classical mechanics . By the Galilean law of inertia as well as the principle Galilean invariance , also called Galilean relativity , for any object experiencing inertia , there is empirical justification of knowing only its being at ' ' relative ' ' rest or ' ' relative ' ' motionrest or motion with respect to another object . Ren Descartes adopted Galilean principles and developed a complete system of heliocentric cosmology , anchored on the principle of vortex motion , Cartesian physics , whose widespread acceptance brought demise of Aristotelian physics . Descartes sought to formalize mathematical reasoning in science , and developed Cartesian coordinates for geometrically plotting locations in 3D space and marking their progressions along the flow of time . # Newtonian and post Newtonian # Isaac Newton 16421727 developed new mathematics , including calculus and several numerical methods such as Newton 's method to solve problems in physics . Newton 's theory of motion , published in 1687 , modeled three Galilean laws of motion along with Newton 's law of universal gravitation on a framework of absolute spacehypothesized by Newton as a physically real entity of Euclidean geometric structure extending infinitely in all directionswhile presuming absolute time , supposedly justifying knowledge of absolute motion , the object 's motion with respect to absolute space . The principle Galilean invariance/relativity was merely implicit in Newton 's theory of motion . Having ostensibly reduced Keplerian celestial laws of motion as well as Galilean terrestrial laws of motion to a unifying force , Newton achieved great mathematic rigor if theoretical laxity . In the 18th century , the Swiss Daniel Bernoulli 17001782 made contributions to fluid dynamics , and vibrating strings . The Swiss Leonhard Euler 17071783 did special work in variational calculus , dynamics , fluid dynamics , and other areas . Also notable was the Italian-born Frenchman , Joseph-Louis Lagrange 17361813 for work in analytical mechanics ( he formulated the so-called Lagrangian mechanics ) and variational methods . A major contribution to the formulation of Analytical Dynamics called Hamiltonian Dynamics was also made by the Irish physicist , astronomer and mathematician , William Rowan Hamilton 1805-1865 . Hamiltonian Dynamics had played an important role in the formulation of modern theories in physics including field theory and quantum mechanics . The French mathematical physicist Joseph Fourier 1768 1830 introduced the notion of Fourier series to solve the heat equation giving rise to a new approach to handle partial differential equations by means of integral transforms . Into the early 19th century , the French Pierre-Simon Laplace 17491827 made paramount contributions to mathematical astronomy , potential theory , and probability theory . Simon Denis Poisson 17811840 worked in analytical mechanics and potential theory . In Germany , Carl Friedrich Gauss 17771855 made key contributions to the theoretical foundations of electricity , magnetism , mechanics , and fluid dynamics . A couple of decades ahead of Newton 's publication of a particle theory of light , the Dutch Christiaan Huygens 16291695 developed the wave theory of light , published in 1690 . By 1804 , Thomas Young 's double-slit experiment revealed an interference pattern as though light were a wave , and thus Huygens 's wave theory of light , as well as Huygens 's inference that that light waves were vibrations of the luminiferous aether was accepted . Jean-Augustin Fresnel modeled hypothetical behavior of the aether . Michael Faraday introduced the theoretical concept of a fieldnot action at a distance . Mid-19th century , the Scottish James Clerk Maxwell 18311879 reduced electricity and magnetism to Maxwell 's electromagnetic field theory , whittled down by others to the four Maxwell 's equations . Initially , optics was found consequent of Maxwell 's field . Later , radiation and then today 's known electromagnetic spectrum were found also consequent of this electromagnetic field . The English physicist Lord Rayleigh 18421919 worked on sound . The Irishmen William Rowan Hamilton 18051865 , George Gabriel Stokes 18191903 and Lord Kelvin 18241907 did a lot of major work : Stokes was a leader in optics and fluid dynamics ; Kelvin made substantial discoveries in thermodynamics ; Hamilton did notable work on analytical mechanics finding out a new and powerful approach nowadays known as Hamiltonian mechanics . Very relevant contributions to this approach are due to his German colleague Carl Gustav Jacobi 18041851 in particular referring to the so-called canonical transformations . The German Hermann von Helmholtz 18211894 is greatly contributed to electromagnetism , waves , fluids , and sound . In the United States , the pioneering work of Josiah Willard Gibbs 18391903 became the basis for statistical mechanics . Fundamental theoretical results in this area were achieved by the German Ludwig Boltzmann 1844-1906 . Together , these individuals laid the foundations of electromagnetic theory , fluid dynamics , and statistical mechanics . # Relativistic # By the 1880s , prominent was the paradox that an observer within Maxwell 's electromagnetic field measured it at approximately constant speed regardless of the observer 's speed relative to other objects within the electromagnetic field . Thus , although the observer 's speed was continually lost relative to the electromagnetic field , it was preserved relative to other objects ' ' in ' ' the electromagnetic field . And yet no violation of Galilean invariance within physical interactions among objects was detected . As Maxwell 's electromagnetic field was modeled as oscillations of the aether , physicists inferred that motion within the aether resulted in aether drift , shifting the electromagnetic field , explaining the observer 's missing speed relative to it . Physicists ' mathematical process to translate the positions in one reference frame to predictions of positions in another reference frame , all plotted on Cartesian coordinates , had been the Galilean transformation , which was newly replaced with Lorentz transformation , modeled by the Dutch Hendrik Lorentz 18531928 . In 1887 , experimentalists Michelson and Morley failed to detect aether drift , however . It was hypothesized that motion ' ' into ' ' the aether prompted aether 's shortening , too , as modeled in the Lorentz contraction . Hypotheses at the aether thus kept Maxwell 's electromagnetic field aligned with the principle Galilean invariance across all inertial frames of reference , while Newton 's theory of motion was spared . In the 19th century , Gauss 's contributions to non-Euclidean geometry , or geometry on curved surfaces , laid the groundwork for the subsequent development of Riemannian geometry by Bernhard Riemann 18261866 . Austrian theoretical physicist and philosopher Ernest Mach criticized Newton 's postulated absolute space . Mathematician Jules-Henri Poincar 18541912 questioned even absolute time . In 1905 , Pierre Duhem published a devastating criticism of the foundation of Newtown 's theory of motion . Also in 1905 , Albert Einstein 18791955 published special theory of relativity , newly explaining both the electromagnetic field 's invariance and Galilean invariance by discarding all hypotheses at aether , including aether itself . Refuting the framework of Newton 's theoryabsolute space and absolute timespecial relativity states ' ' relative space ' ' and ' ' relative time ' ' , whereby ' ' length ' ' contracts and ' ' time ' ' dilates along the travel pathway of an object experiencing kinetic energy . In 1908 , Einstein 's former professor Hermann Minkowski modeled 3D space together with the 1D axis of time by treating the temporal axis like a fourth spatial dimensionaltogether 4D spacetimeand declared the imminent demise of the separation of space and time . Einstein initially called this superfluous learnedness , but later used Minkowski spacetime to great elegance in general theory of relativity , extending invariance to all reference frameswhether perceived as inertial or as acceleratedand thanked Minkowski , by then deceased . General relativity replaces Cartesian coordinates with Gaussian coordinates , and replaces Newton 's claimed empty yet Euclidean space traversed instantly by Newton 's vector of hypothetical gravitational forcean instant action at a distancewith a gravitational ' ' field ' ' . The gravitational field is Minkowski spacetime itself , the 4D topology of Einstein aether modeled on a Lorentzian manifold that curves geometrically , according to the Riemann curvature tensor , in the vicinity of either mass or energy . ( By special relativitya special case of general relativityeven massless energy exerts gravitational effect by its mass equivalence locally curving the geometry of the four , unified dimensions of space and time. ) # Quantum # Another revolutionary development of the twentieth century has been quantum theory , which emerged from the seminal contributions of Max Planck 18561947 ( on black body radiation ) and Einstein 's work on the photoelectric effect . This was , at first , followed by a heuristic framework devised by Arnold Sommerfeld 18681951 and Niels Bohr 18851962 , but this was soon replaced by the quantum mechanics developed by Max Born 18821970 , Werner Heisenberg 19011976 , Paul Dirac 19021984 , Erwin Schrdinger 18871961 , Satyendra Nath Bose 1894 1974 , and Wolfgang Pauli 19001958 . This revolutionary theoretical framework is based on a probabilistic interpretation of states , and evolution and measurements in terms of self-adjoint operators on an infinite dimensional vector space . That is the so-called Hilbert space , introduced in its elementary form by David Hilbert 18621943 and Frigyes Riesz 1880-1956 , and rigorously defined within the axiomatic modern version by John von Neumann in his celebrated book on mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics , where he built up a relevant part of modern functional analysis on Hilbert spaces , the spectral theory in particular . Paul Dirac used algebraic constructions to produce a relativistic model for the electron , predicting its magnetic moment and the existence of its antiparticle , the positron. # See also # International Association of Mathematical Physics Notable publications in mathematical physics Theoretical physics # Notes # # References # # Further reading # # The Classics # : : : : ( pbk. ) : ( softcover ) : citation first1 = Stephen W. last1 = Hawking author1-link = Stephen Hawking first2 = George F. R. last2 = Ellis title = ' The large scale structure of space-time ' place = Cambridge , England : ( This is a reprint of the second ( 1980 ) edition of this title. ) : ( This is a reprint of the 1956 second edition. ) : citation first1 = Philip McCord last1 = Morse author1-link = Philip M. Morse first2 = Herman : : : ( This tome was reprinted in 1985. ) : : : # Textbooks for undergraduate studies # : ( pbk. ) : : : : : # Textbooks for graduate studies # : : : : cite book first=V. last=Moretti title=Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics ; With an Introduction to the Algebraic Formulation # Other specialised subareas # : : ( pbk. ) : citation first = Robert last = Geroch author-link = Robert Geroch title = ' Mathematical physics ' place = Chicago , IL. : : : ( pbk. ) : ( pbk. ) @@185427 In mathematics , a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output . An example is the function that relates each real number ' ' x ' ' to its square ' ' x ' ' 2 . The output of a function ' ' f ' ' corresponding to an input ' ' x ' ' is denoted by ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) ( read ' ' f ' ' of ' ' x ' ' ) . In this example , if the input is &minus ; 3 , then the output is 9 , and we may write ' ' f ' ' ( &minus ; 3 ) = 9 . The input variable(s) are sometimes referred to as the argument(s) of the function . Functions of various kinds are the central objects of investigation in most fields of modern mathematics . There are many ways to describe or represent a function . Some functions may be defined by a formula or algorithm that tells how to compute the output for a given input . Others are given by a picture , called the graph of the function . In science , functions are sometimes defined by a table that gives the outputs for selected inputs . A function could be described implicitly , for example as the inverse to another function or as a solution of a differential equation . The input and output of a function can be expressed as an ordered pair , ordered so that the first element is the input ( or tuple of inputs , if the function takes more than one input ) , and the second is the output . In the example above , ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 , we have the ordered pair ( &minus ; 3 , 9 ) . If both input and output are real numbers , this ordered pair can be viewed as the Cartesian coordinates of a point on the graph of the function . But no picture can exactly define every point in an infinite set . In modern mathematics , a function is defined by its set of inputs , called the ' ' domain ' ' ; a set containing the set of outputs , and possibly additional elements , as members , called its ' ' codomain ' ' ; and the set of all input-output pairs , called its ' ' graph ' ' . ( Sometimes the codomain is called the function 's range , but warning : the word range is sometimes used to mean , instead , specifically the set of outputs . An unambiguous word for the latter meaning is the function 's image . To avoid ambiguity , the words codomain and image are the preferred language for their concepts . ) For example , we could define a function using the rule ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 by saying that the domain and codomain are the real numbers , and that the graph consists of all pairs of real numbers ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' 2 ) . Collections of functions with the same domain and the same codomain are called function spaces , the properties of which are studied in such mathematical disciplines as real analysis , complex analysis , and functional analysis . In analogy with arithmetic , it is possible to define addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division of functions , in those cases where the output is a number . Another important operation defined on functions is function composition , where the output from one function becomes the input to another function . # Introduction and examples # For an example of a function , let ' ' X ' ' be the set consisting of four shapes : a red triangle , a yellow rectangle , a green hexagon , and a red square ; and let ' ' Y ' ' be the set consisting of five colors : red , blue , green , pink , and yellow . Linking each shape to its color is a function from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' : each shape is linked to a color ( i.e. , an element in ' ' Y ' ' ) , and each shape is linked , or mapped , to exactly one color . There is no shape that lacks a color and no shape that has two or more colors . This function will be referred to as the color-of-the-shape function . The input to a function is called the argument and the output is called the value . The set of all permitted inputs to a given function is called the domain of the function , while the set of permissible outputs is called the codomain . Thus , the domain of the color-of-the-shape function is the set of the four shapes , and the codomain consists of the five colors . The concept of a function does ' ' not ' ' require that every possible output is the value of some argument , e.g. the color blue is not the color of any of the four shapes in ' ' X ' ' . A second example of a function is the following : the domain is chosen to be the set of natural numbers ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ... ) , and the codomain is the set of integers ( ... , &minus ; 3 , &minus ; 2 , &minus ; 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , ... ) . The function associates to any natural number ' ' n ' ' the number 4&minus ; ' ' n ' ' . For example , to 1 it associates 3 and to 10 it associates &minus ; 6 . A third example of a function has the set of polygons as domain and the set of natural numbers as codomain . The function associates a polygon with its number of vertices . For example , a triangle is associated with the number 3 , a square with the number 4 , and so on . The term range is sometimes used either for the codomain or for the set of all the actual values a function has . To avoid ambiguity this article avoids using the term . # Definition # In order to avoid the use of the informally defined concepts of rules and associates , the above intuitive explanation of functions is completed with a formal definition . This definition relies on the notion of the Cartesian product . The Cartesian product of two sets ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' is the set of all ordered pairs , written ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) , where ' ' x ' ' is an element of ' ' X ' ' and ' ' y ' ' is an element of ' ' Y ' ' . The ' ' x ' ' and the ' ' y ' ' are called the components of the ordered pair . The Cartesian product of ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' is denoted by ' ' X ' ' &times ; ' ' Y ' ' . A function ' ' f ' ' from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' is a subset of the Cartesian product ' ' X ' ' &times ; ' ' Y ' ' subject to the following condition : every element of ' ' X ' ' is the first component of one and only one ordered pair in the subset . In other words , for every ' ' x ' ' in ' ' X ' ' there is exactly one element ' ' y ' ' such that the ordered pair ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) is contained in the subset defining the function ' ' f ' ' . This formal definition is a precise rendition of the idea that to each ' ' x ' ' is associated an element ' ' y ' ' of ' ' Y ' ' , namely the uniquely specified element ' ' y ' ' with the property just mentioned . Considering the color-of-the-shape function above , the set ' ' X ' ' is the domain consisting of the four shapes , while ' ' Y ' ' is the codomain consisting of five colors . There are twenty possible ordered pairs ( four shapes times five colors ) , one of which is : ( yellow rectangle , red ) . The color-of-the-shape function described above consists of the set of those ordered pairs , : ( shape , color ) where the color is the actual color of the given shape . Thus , the pair ( red triangle , red ) is in the function , but the pair ( yellow rectangle , red ) is not . # Notation # A function ' ' f ' ' with domain ' ' X ' ' and codomain ' ' Y ' ' is commonly denoted by : fcolon X rightarrow Y or : X stackrel f rightarrow Y. In this context , the elements of ' ' X ' ' are called arguments of ' ' f ' ' . For each argument ' ' x ' ' , the corresponding unique ' ' y ' ' in the codomain is called the function value at ' ' x ' ' or the ' ' image ' ' of ' ' x ' ' under ' ' f ' ' . It is written as ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) . One says that ' ' f ' ' associates ' ' y ' ' with ' ' x ' ' or maps ' ' x ' ' to ' ' y ' ' . This is abbreviated by : y = f(x) . A general function is often denoted by ' ' f ' ' . Special functions have names , for example , the signum function is denoted by sgn . Given a real number ' ' x ' ' , its image under the signum function is then written as sgn ( ' ' x ' ' ) . Here , the argument is denoted by the symbol ' ' x ' ' , but different symbols may be used in other contexts . For example , in physics , the velocity of some body , depending on the time , is denoted ' ' v ' ' ( ' ' t ' ' ) . The parentheses around the argument may be omitted when there is little chance of confusion , thus : ; this is known as prefix notation . In order to denote a specific function , the notation mapsto ( an arrow with a bar at its tail ) is used . For example , the above function reads : beginalign fcolon mathbbN &to mathbbZ x &mapsto 4-x. endalign The first part can be read as : ' ' f ' ' is a function from mathbbN ( the set of natural numbers ) to mathbbZ ( the set of integers ) or ' ' f ' ' is a mathbbZ -valued function of an mathbbN -valued variable . The second part is read : ' ' x ' ' maps to 4&minus ; ' ' x ' ' . In other words , this function has the natural numbers as domain , the integers as codomain . Strictly speaking , a function is properly defined only when the domain and codomain are specified . For example , the formula ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 4 &minus ; ' ' x ' ' alone ( without specifying the codomain and domain ) is not a properly defined function . Moreover , the function : beginalign gcolon mathbbZ &to mathbbZ x &mapsto 4-x. endalign ( with different domain ) is not considered the same function , even though the formulas defining ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' agree , and similarly with a different codomain . Despite that , many authors drop the specification of the domain and codomain , especially if these are clear from the context . So in this example many just write ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 4 &minus ; ' ' x ' ' . Sometimes , the maximal possible domain is also understood implicitly : a formula such as f(x)=sqrtx2-5x+6 may mean that the domain of ' ' f ' ' is the set of real numbers ' ' x ' ' where the square root is defined ( in this case ' ' x ' ' 2 or ' ' x ' ' 3 ) . To define a function , sometimes a dot notation is used in order to emphasize the functional nature of an expression without assigning a special symbol to the variable . For instance , scriptstyle a(cdot)2 stands for the function textstyle xmapsto ax2 , scriptstyle inta , cdot f(u)du stands for the integral function scriptstyle xmapsto intax f(u)du , and so on . # Specifying a function # A function can be defined by any mathematical condition relating each argument ( input value ) to the corresponding output value . If the domain is finite , a function ' ' f ' ' may be defined by simply tabulating all the arguments ' ' x ' ' and their corresponding function values ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) . More commonly , a function is defined by a formula , or ( more generally ) an algorithm a recipe that tells how to compute the value of ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) given any ' ' x ' ' in the domain . There are many other ways of defining functions . Examples include piecewise definitions , induction or recursion , algebraic or analytic closure , limits , analytic continuation , infinite series , and as solutions to integral and differential equations . The lambda calculus provides a powerful and flexible syntax for defining and combining functions of several variables . In advanced mathematics , some functions exist because of an axiom , such as the Axiom of Choice . # Graph # The ' ' graph ' ' of a function is its set of ordered pairs ' ' F ' ' . This is an abstraction of the idea of a graph as a picture showing the function plotted on a pair of coordinate axes ; for example , , the point above 3 on the horizontal axis and to the right of 9 on the vertical axis , lies on the graph of # Formulas and algorithms # Different formulas or algorithms may describe the same function . For instance is exactly the same function as . Furthermore , a function need not be described by a formula , expression , or algorithm , nor need it deal with numbers at all : the domain and codomain of a function may be arbitrary sets . One example of a function that acts on non-numeric inputs takes English words as inputs and returns the first letter of the input word as output . As an example , the factorial function is defined on the nonnegative integers and produces a nonnegative integer . It is defined by the following inductive algorithm : 0 ! is defined to be 1 , and ' ' n ' ' ! is defined to be n ( n-1 ) ! for all positive integers ' ' n ' ' . The factorial function is denoted with the exclamation mark ( serving as the symbol of the function ) after the variable ( postfix notation ) . # Computability # Functions that send integers to integers , or finite strings to finite strings , can sometimes be defined by an algorithm , which gives a precise description of a set of steps for computing the output of the function from its input . Functions definable by an algorithm are called ' ' computable functions ' ' . For example , the Euclidean algorithm gives a precise process to compute the greatest common divisor of two positive integers . Many of the functions studied in the context of number theory are computable . Fundamental results of computability theory show that there are functions that can be precisely defined but are not computable . Moreover , in the sense of cardinality , almost all functions from the integers to integers are not computable . The number of computable functions from integers to integers is countable , because the number of possible algorithms is . The number of all functions from integers to integers is higher : the same as the cardinality of the real numbers . Thus most functions from integers to integers are not computable . Specific examples of uncomputable functions are known , including the busy beaver function and functions related to the halting problem and other undecidable problems . # Basic properties # There are a number of general basic properties and notions . In this section , ' ' f ' ' is a function with domain ' ' X ' ' and codomain ' ' Y ' ' . # Image and preimage # If ' ' A ' ' is any subset of the domain ' ' X ' ' , then ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) is the subset of the codomain ' ' Y ' ' consisting of all images of elements of A. We say the ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) is the ' ' image ' ' of A under f . The ' ' image ' ' of ' ' f ' ' is given by ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) . On the other hand , the ' ' inverse image ' ' ( or ' ' preimage ' ' , ' ' complete inverse image ' ' ) of a subset ' ' B ' ' of the codomain ' ' Y ' ' under a function ' ' f ' ' is the subset of the domain ' ' X ' ' defined by : f-1(B) = x in X : f(x) in B. So , for example , the preimage of 4 , 9 under the squaring function is the set 3 , 2,2,3 . The term range usually refers to the image , but sometimes it refers to the codomain . By definition of a function , the image of an element ' ' x ' ' of the domain is always a single element ' ' y ' ' of the codomain . Conversely , though , the preimage of a singleton set ( a set with exactly one element ) may in general contain any number of elements . For example , if ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 7 ( the constant function taking value 7 ) , then the preimage of 5 is the empty set but the preimage of 7 is the entire domain . It is customary to write ' ' f ' ' 1 ( ' ' b ' ' ) instead of ' ' f ' ' 1 ( ' ' b ' ' ) , i.e. : f-1(b) = x in X : f(x) = b . This set is sometimes called the fiber of ' ' b ' ' under ' ' f ' ' . Use of ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) to denote the image of a subset ' ' A ' ' ' ' X ' ' is consistent so long as no subset of the domain is also an element of the domain . In some fields ( e.g. , in set theory , where ordinals are also sets of ordinals ) it is convenient or even necessary to distinguish the two concepts ; the customary notation is ' ' f ' ' ' ' A ' ' for the set ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) : x ' ' A ' ' . Likewise , some authors use square brackets to avoid confusion between the inverse image and the inverse function . Thus they would write ' ' f ' ' 1 ' ' B ' ' and ' ' f ' ' 1 ' ' b ' ' for the preimage of a set and a singleton . # Injective and surjective functions # A function is called ' ' injective ' ' ( or ' ' one-to-one ' ' , or an injection ) if ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ) &ne ; ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ) for any two ' ' different ' ' elements ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' of the domain . It is called surjective ( or ' ' onto ' ' ) if ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) = ' ' Y ' ' . That is , it is surjective if for every element ' ' y ' ' in the codomain there is an ' ' x ' ' in the domain such that ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' y ' ' . Finally ' ' f ' ' is called ' ' bijective ' ' if it is both injective and surjective . This nomenclature was introduced by the Bourbaki group . The above color-of-the-shape function is not injective , since two distinct shapes ( the red triangle and the red rectangle ) are assigned the same value . Moreover , it is not surjective , since the image of the function contains only three , but not all five colors in the codomain. # Function composition # The ' ' function composition ' ' of two functions takes the output of one function as the input of a second one . More specifically , the composition of ' ' f ' ' with a function ' ' g ' ' : ' ' Y ' ' ' ' Z ' ' is the function g circ fcolon X rightarrow Z defined by : ( g circ f ) ( x ) = g ( f ( x ) . That is , the value of ' ' x ' ' is obtained by first applying ' ' f ' ' to ' ' x ' ' to obtain ' ' y ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) and then applying ' ' g ' ' to ' ' y ' ' to obtain ' ' z ' ' = ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' ) . In the notation gcirc f , the function on the right , ' ' f ' ' , acts first and the function on the left , ' ' g ' ' acts second , reversing English reading order . The notation can be memorized by reading the notation as ' ' g ' ' of ' ' f ' ' or ' ' g ' ' after ' ' f ' ' . The composition gcirc f is only defined when the codomain of ' ' f ' ' is the domain of ' ' g ' ' . Assuming that , the composition in the opposite order fcirc g need not be defined . Even if it is , i.e. , if the codomain of ' ' f ' ' is the codomain of ' ' g ' ' , it is ' ' not ' ' in general true that : g circ f = f circ g . That is , the order of the composition is important . For example , suppose ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 and ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' +1 . Then ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 +1 , while ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ( ' ' x ' ' +1 ) 2 , which is ' ' x ' ' 2 +2 ' ' x ' ' +1 , a different function . # Identity function # The unique function over a set ' ' X ' ' that maps each element to itself is called the ' ' identity function ' ' for ' ' X ' ' , and typically denoted by id ' ' X ' ' . Each set has its own identity function , so the subscript can not be omitted unless the set can be inferred from context . Under composition , an identity function is neutral : if ' ' f ' ' is any function from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' , then : beginalign f circ operatornameidX &= f , operatornameidY circ f &= f . endalign # Restrictions and extensions # Informally , a ' ' restriction ' ' of a function ' ' f ' ' is the result of trimming its domain . More precisely , if ' ' S ' ' is any subset of ' ' X ' ' , the restriction of ' ' f ' ' to ' ' S ' ' is the function ' ' f ' ' ' ' S ' ' from ' ' S ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' such that ' ' f ' ' ' ' S ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) for all ' ' s ' ' in ' ' S ' ' . If ' ' g ' ' is a restriction of ' ' f ' ' , then it is said that ' ' f ' ' is an ' ' extension ' ' of ' ' g ' ' . The ' ' overriding ' ' of ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' by ' ' g ' ' : ' ' W ' ' ' ' Y ' ' ( also called ' ' overriding union ' ' ) is an extension of ' ' g ' ' denoted as ( ' ' f ' ' ' ' g ' ' ) : ( ' ' X ' ' ' ' W ' ' ) Y. Its graph is the set-theoretical union of the graphs of ' ' g ' ' and ' ' f ' ' ' ' X ' ' ' ' W ' ' . Thus , it relates any element of the domain of ' ' g ' ' to its image under ' ' g ' ' , and any other element of the domain of ' ' f ' ' to its image under ' ' f ' ' . Overriding is an associative operation ; it has the empty function as an identity element . If ' ' f ' ' ' ' X ' ' ' ' W ' ' and ' ' g ' ' ' ' X ' ' ' ' W ' ' are pointwise equal ( e.g. , the domains of ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' are disjoint ) , then the union of ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' is defined and is equal to their overriding union . This definition agrees with the definition of union for binary relations . # Inverse function # An ' ' inverse function ' ' for ' ' f ' ' , denoted by ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 , is a function in the opposite direction , from ' ' Y ' ' to ' ' X ' ' , satisfying : f circ f-1 = operatornameidY , f-1 circ f = operatornameidX . That is , the two possible compositions of ' ' f ' ' and ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 need to be the respective identity maps of ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' . As a simple example , if ' ' f ' ' converts a temperature in degrees Celsius ' ' C ' ' to degrees Fahrenheit ' ' F ' ' , the function converting degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius would be a suitable ' ' f ' ' 1 . : beginalign f(C) &= frac 95 C + 32 f-1(F) &= frac 59 ( F - 32 ) endalign Such an inverse function exists if and only if ' ' f ' ' is bijective . In this case , ' ' f ' ' is called invertible . The notation g circ f ( or , in some texts , just gf ) and ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 are akin to multiplication and reciprocal notation . With this analogy , identity functions are like the multiplicative identity , 1 , and inverse functions are like reciprocals ( hence the notation ) . # Types of functions # # Real-valued functions # A real-valued function ' ' f ' ' is one whose codomain is the set of real numbers or a subset thereof . If , in addition , the domain is also a subset of the reals , ' ' f ' ' is a real valued function of a real variable . The study of such functions is called real analysis . Real-valued functions enjoy so-called pointwise operations . That is , given two functions : ' ' f ' ' , ' ' g ' ' : ' ' X ' ' &rarr ; ' ' Y ' ' where ' ' Y ' ' is a subset of the reals ( and ' ' X ' ' is an arbitrary set ) , their ( pointwise ) sum ' ' f ' ' + ' ' g ' ' and product ' ' f ' ' ' ' g ' ' are functions with the same domain and codomain . They are defined by the formulas : : beginalign ( f+g ) ( x ) &= f(x)+g(x) , ( fcdot g ) ( x ) &= f(x) cdot g(x) . endalign In a similar vein , complex analysis studies functions whose domain and codomain are both the set of complex numbers . In most situations , the domain and codomain are understood from context , and only the relationship between the input and output is given , but if f(x) = sqrtx , then in real variables the domain is limited to non-negative numbers . The following table contains a few particularly important types of real-valued functions : # Further types of functions # There are many other special classes of functions that are important to particular branches of mathematics , or particular applications . Here is a partial list : differentiable , integrable polynomial , rational algebraic , transcendental odd or even convex , monotonic holomorphic , meromorphic , entire vector-valued computable # Function spaces # The set of all functions from a set ' ' X ' ' to a set ' ' Y ' ' is denoted by ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' , by ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' , or by ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' . The latter notation is motivated by the fact that , when ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' are finite and of size ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' , then the number of functions ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' is ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' = ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' . This is an example of the convention from enumerative combinatorics that provides notations for sets based on their cardinalities . If ' ' X ' ' is infinite and there is more than one element in ' ' Y ' ' then there are uncountably many functions from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' , though only countably many of them can be expressed with a formula or algorithm . # Currying # An alternative approach to handling functions with multiple arguments is to transform them into a chain of functions that each takes a single argument . For instance , one can interpret Add(3,5) to mean first produce a function that adds 3 to its argument , and then apply the ' Add 3 ' function to 5 . This transformation is called currying : Add 3 is curry(Add) applied to 3 . There is a bijection between the function spaces ' ' C ' ' ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' and ( ' ' C ' ' ' ' B ' ' ) ' ' A ' ' . When working with curried functions it is customary to use prefix notation with function application considered left-associative , since juxtaposition of multiple argumentsas in ( ' ' f ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' ) naturally maps to evaluation of a curried function . Conversely , the and symbols are considered to be right-associative , so that curried functions may be defined by a notation such as ' ' f ' ' : Z Z Z = ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' . # Variants and generalizations # # Alternative definition of a function # The above definition of a function from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' is generally agreed on , however there are two different ways a function is normally defined where the domain ' ' X ' ' and codomain ' ' Y ' ' are not explicitly or implicitly specified . Usually this is not a problem as the domain and codomain normally will be known . With one definition saying the function defined by on the reals does not completely specify a function as the codomain is not specified , and in the other it is a valid definition . In the other definition a function is defined as a set of ordered pairs where each first element only occurs once . The domain is the set of all the first elements of a pair and there is no explicit codomain separate from the image . Concepts like surjective have to be refined for such functions , more specifically by saying that a ( given ) function is ' ' surjective on a ( given ) set ' ' if its image equals that set . For example , we might say a function ' ' f ' ' is surjective on the set of real numbers . If a function is defined as a set of ordered pairs with no specific codomain , then indicates that ' ' f ' ' is a function whose domain is ' ' X ' ' and whose image is a subset of ' ' Y ' ' . This is the case in the ISO standard . ' ' Y ' ' may be referred to as the codomain but then any set including the image of ' ' f ' ' is a valid codomain of ' ' f ' ' . This is also referred to by saying that ' ' f ' ' maps ' ' X ' ' into ' ' Y ' ' ' ' Quantities and Units - Part 2 : Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology ' ' , page 15 . ISO 80000-2 ( ISO/IEC 2009-12-01 ) In some usages ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' may subset the ordered pairs , e.g. the function ' ' f ' ' on the real numbers such that ' ' y ' ' = ' ' x ' ' 2 when used as in means the function defined only on the interval 0,2 . With the definition of a function as an ordered triple this would always be considered a partial function . An alternative definition of the composite function ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) defines it for the set of all ' ' x ' ' in the domain of ' ' f ' ' such that ' ' f(x) ' ' is in the domain of ' ' g ' ' . Thus the real square root of ' ' x ' ' 2 is a function only defined at 0 where it has the value 0 . Functions are commonly defined as a type of relation . A relation from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' is a set of ordered pairs with x in X and y in Y . A function from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' can be described as a relation from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' that is left-total and right-unique . However when ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' are not specified there is a disagreement about the definition of a relation that parallels that for functions . Normally a relation is just defined as a set of ordered pairs and a correspondence is defined as a triple , however the distinction between the two is often blurred or a relation is never referred to without specifying the two sets . The definition of a function as a triple defines a function as a type of correspondence , whereas the definition of a function as a set of ordered pairs defines a function as a type of relation . Many operations in set theory , such as the power set , have the class of all sets as their domain , and therefore , although they are informally described as functions , they do not fit the set-theoretical definition outlined above , because a class is not necessarily a set . However some definitions of relations and functions define them as classes of pairs rather than sets of pairs and therefore do include the power set as a function . # Partial and multi-valued functions # In some parts of mathematics , including recursion theory and functional analysis , it is convenient to study ' ' partial functions ' ' in which some values of the domain have no association in the graph ; i.e. , single-valued relations . For example , the function ' ' f ' ' such that ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 1/ ' ' x ' ' does not define a value for ' ' x ' ' = 0 , since division by zero is not defined . Hence ' ' f ' ' is only a partial function from the real line to the real line . The term total function can be used to stress the fact that every element of the domain does appear as the first element of an ordered pair in the graph . In other parts of mathematics , non-single-valued relations are similarly conflated with functions : these are called ' ' multivalued functions ' ' , with the corresponding term single-valued function for ordinary functions . # Functions with multiple inputs and outputs # The concept of function can be extended to an object that takes a combination of two ( or more ) argument values to a single result . This intuitive concept is formalized by a function whose domain is the Cartesian product of two or more sets . For example , consider the function that associates two integers to their product : ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' . This function can be defined formally as having domain Z &times ; Z , the set of all integer pairs ; codomain Z ; and , for graph , the set of all pairs ( ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) , ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' ) . Note that the first component of any such pair is itself a pair ( of integers ) , while the second component is a single integer . The function value of the pair ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) is ' ' f ' ' ( ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) . However , it is customary to drop one set of parentheses and consider ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) a function of two variables , ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' . Functions of two variables may be plotted on the three-dimensional Cartesian as ordered triples of the form ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) . The concept can still further be extended by considering a function that also produces output that is expressed as several variables . For example , consider the integer divide function , with domain Z &times ; N and codomain Z &times ; N . The resultant ( quotient , remainder ) pair is a single value in the codomain seen as a Cartesian product . # #Binary operations# # The familiar binary operations of arithmetic , addition and multiplication , can be viewed as functions from R &times ; R to R . This view is generalized in abstract algebra , where ' ' n ' ' -ary functions are used to model the operations of arbitrary algebraic structures . For example , an abstract group is defined as a set ' ' X ' ' and a function ' ' f ' ' from ' ' X ' ' &times ; ' ' X ' ' to ' ' X ' ' that satisfies certain properties . Traditionally , addition and multiplication are written in the infix notation : ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' and ' ' x ' ' &times ; ' ' y ' ' instead of + ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) and &times ; ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) . # Functors # The idea of structure-preserving functions , or homomorphisms , led to the abstract notion of morphism , the key concept of category theory . In fact , functions ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' &rarr ; ' ' Y ' ' are the morphisms in the category of sets , including the empty set : if the domain ' ' X ' ' is the empty set , then the subset of ' ' X ' ' &times ; ' ' Y ' ' describing the function is necessarily empty , too . However , this is still a well-defined function . Such a function is called an empty function . In particular , the identity function of the empty set is defined , a requirement for sets to form a category . The concept of categorification is an attempt to replace set-theoretic notions by category-theoretic ones . In particular , according to this idea , sets are replaced by categories , while functions between sets are replaced by functors. # History # @@198772 The Mathematical Association of America ( MAA ) is a professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level . Members include university , college , and high school teachers ; graduate and undergraduate students ; pure and applied mathematicians ; computer scientists ; statisticians ; and many others in academia , government , business , and industry . The MAA was founded in 1915 and is headquartered at 1529 18th Street , Northwest in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington , D.C .. The organization publishes mathematics journals and books , including the American Mathematical Monthly ( established in 1894 by Benjamin Finkel ) , the most widely read mathematics journal in the world according to records on JSTOR. # Meetings # The MAA sponsors the annual summer MathFest and cosponsors with the American Mathematical Society the Joint Mathematics Meeting , held in early January of each year . On occasion the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics joins in these meetings . Twenty-nine regional sections also hold regular meetings . # Publications # The association publishes multiple journals : The American Mathematical Monthly is expository , aimed at a broad audience from undergraduate students to research mathematicians. Mathematics Magazine is expository , aimed at teachers of undergraduate mathematics , especially at the junior-senior level . The College Mathematics Journal is expository , aimed at teachers of undergraduate mathematics , especially at the freshman-sophomore level . Math Horizons is expository , aimed at undergraduate students . MAA FOCUS is the association member newsletter . The Association publishes an online resource , Mathematical Sciences Digital Library ( Math DL ) . The service launched in 2001 with the online-only ' ' Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications ' ' ( JOMA ) and a set of classroom tools , ' ' Digital Classroom Resources ' ' . These were followed in 2004 by ' ' Convergence ' ' , an online-only history magazine , and in 2005 by ' ' MAA Reviews ' ' , an online book review service , and ' ' Classroom Capsules and Notes ' ' , a set of classroom notes . # Competitions # The MAA sponsors numerous competitions for students , including the William Lowell Putnam exam for undergraduate students , and the American Mathematics Competitions ( AMC ) for middle- and high-school students . This series of competitions is as follows : AMC 10/AMC 12 , a 25-question , 75-minute multiple choice exam AIME , a 15-question , 3-hour short answer exam USAMO/USAJMO , a 6-question 2-day 9-hour proof based olympiad Through this program , outstanding students are identified and invited to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad Program . Ultimately , six high school students are chosen to represent the U.S. at the International Mathematics Olympiad. # Sections # The MAA is composed of the following twenty-nine regional sections : Allegheny Mountain , EPADEL , Florida , Illinois , Indiana , Intermountain , Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky , Louisiana/Mississippi , MD-DC-VA , Metro New York , Michigan , Missouri , Nebraska SE SD , New Jersey , North Central , Northeastern , Northern CA NV-HI , Ohio , Oklahoma-Arkansas , Pacific Northwest , Rocky Mountain , Seaway , Southeastern , Southern CA NV , Southwestern , Texas , Wisconsin # Awards and prizes # The MAA distributes many prizes , including the Chauvenet Prize and the Carl B. Allendoerfer , Trevor Evans , Lester R. Ford , George Plya , Merten M. Hasse , Henry L. Alder and Euler Book Prize awards . # Memberships # The MAA is one of four partners in the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics ( JPBM , http : *25;2386;TOOLONG ) , and participates in the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences ( CBMS , http : //www.cbmsweb.org/ ) , an umbrella organization of sixteen professional societies . # Historical accounts # A detailed history of the first fifty years of the MAA appears in . A report on activities prior to World War II appears in . Further details of its history can be found in . In addition numerous regional sections of the MAA have published accounts of their local history . # Inclusiveness # The MAA has for a long time followed a strict policy of inclusiveness and non-discrimination . In previous periods it was subject to the same problems of discrimination that were widespread across the United States . One notorious incident at a south-eastern sectional meeting in Nashville in 1951 has been documented by the mathematician and equal rights activist Lee Lorch , who recently received the highest honour of the MAA for distinguished services to mathematics . The citation delivered at the 2007 MAA awards presentation , where Lorch received a standing ovation , recorded that : : ' ' Lee Lorch , the chair of the mathematics department at Fisk University , and three Black colleagues , Evelyn Boyd ( now Granville ) , Walter Brown , and H. M. Holloway came to the meeting and were able to attend the scientific sessions . However , the organizer for the closing banquet refused to honor the reservations of these four mathematicians . ( Letters in Science , August 10 , 1951 , pp. 161162 spell out the details ) . Lorch and his colleagues wrote to the governing bodies of the AMS and MAA seeking bylaws against discrimination . Bylaws were not changed , but non-discriminatory policies were established and have been strictly observed since then . ' ' The Association 's first woman president was Dorothy Lewis Bernstein ( 19791980 ) . # MAA Carriage House # The Carriage House that belonged to the residents at 1529 18th Street , N.W. dates to around 1900 . It is older than the 5-story townhouse where the MAA Headquarters is currently located , which was completed in 1903 . Charles Evans Hughes occupied the house while he was Secretary of State ( 19211925 ) and a Supreme Court Justice ( 19101916 and 19301941 ) . The Carriage House would have been used by the owners as a livery stable to house the family carriage , though little else is known about its history today . There are huge doors that were once used as an entrance for horses and carriages . Iron rings used to tie up horses can still be seen on an adjacent building . The Carriage House would have perhaps also been used as living quarters for a coachman , as was typical for the time period . The building is owned by the MAA since 1978 . In Spring of 2007 an opening ceremony was held to mark its transformation from a mail room and publication warehouse into a first-rate conference center . It is now used for meetings , lectures , and other events . @@198822 The American Mathematical Society ( AMS ) is an association of professional mathematicians dedicated to the interests of mathematical research and scholarship , and serves the national and international community through its publications , meetings , advocacy and other programs . The society is one of the four parts of the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics ( JPBM ) and a member of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences ( CBMS ) . # History # It was founded in 1888 as the ' ' New York Mathematical Society ' ' , the brainchild of Thomas Fiske , who was impressed by the ' ' London Mathematical Society ' ' on a visit to England . John Howard Van Amringe was the first president and Fiske became secretary . The society soon decided to publish a journal , but ran into some resistance , due to concerns about competing with the American Journal of Mathematics . The result was the ' ' Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society ' ' , with Fiske as editor-in-chief . The de facto journal , as intended , was influential in increasing membership . The popularity of the ' ' Bulletin ' ' soon led to Transactions of the American Mathematical Society and Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society , which were also ' ' de facto ' ' journals . In 1891 Charlotte Scott became the first woman to join the society . The society reorganized under its present name and became a national society in 1894 , and that year Scott served as the first woman on the first Council of the American Mathematical Society . In 1951 , the society 's headquarters moved from New York City to Providence , Rhode Island . In 1954 the society called for the creation of a new teaching degree , a Doctor of Arts in Mathematics , similar to a PhD but without a research thesis . Julia Robinson was the first female president of the American Mathematical Society ( 19831984 ) , but was unable to complete her term as she was suffering from leukemia . The society also added an office in Ann Arbor , Michigan in 1984 and an office in Washington , D.C. in 1992 . In 1988 the Journal of the American Mathematical Society was created , with the intent of being the flagship journal of the AMS. # Meetings # The AMS , along with the Mathematical Association of America and other organizations , holds the largest annual research mathematics meeting in the world , the Joint Mathematics Meeting held in early January . The 2013 Joint Mathematics Meeting in San Diego drew over 6,600 attendees . Each of the four regional sections of the AMS ( Central , Eastern , Southeastern and Western ) hold meetings in the spring and fall of each year . The society also co-sponsors meetings with other international mathematical societies . # Fellows # The AMS selects an annual class of Fellows who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of mathematics . # Publications # The AMS publishes Mathematical Reviews , a database of reviews of mathematical publications , various journals , and books . In 1997 the AMS acquired the Chelsea Publishing Company , which it continues to use as an imprint . Journals : General *Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society - published quarterly , * - online only , *Journal of the American Mathematical Society - published quarterly , *Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society - published six times per year , *Notices of the American Mathematical Society - published monthly , one of the most widely read mathematical periodicals , *Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society - published monthly , *Transactions of the American Mathematical Society - published monthly , Subject-specific *Mathematics of Computation - published quarterly , *Mathematical Surveys and Monographs * - online only , * - online only . Blogs : # Prizes # Some prizes are awarded jointly with other mathematical organizations . See specific articles for details . Bcher Memorial Prize Cole Prize Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student Fulkerson Prize Leroy P. Steele Prizes Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry # Typesetting # The AMS was an early advocate of the typesetting program TeX , requiring that contributions be written in it and producing its own packages AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX . TeX and LaTeX are now ubiquitous in mathematical publishing . # Presidents # The AMS is led by the President , who is elected for a two-year term , and can not serve for two consecutive terms . # 1888 1900 # John Howard Van Amringe ( New York Mathematical Society ) ( 18881890 ) Emory McClintock ( New York Mathematical Society ) ( 189194 ) George Hill ( 189596 ) Simon Newcomb ( 189798 ) Robert Woodward ( 18991900 ) # 1901 1950 # Eliakim Moore ( 190102 ) Thomas Fiske ( 190304 ) William Osgood ( 190506 ) Henry White ( 190708 ) Maxime Bcher ( 190910 ) Henry Fine ( 191112 ) Edward Van Vleck ( 191314 ) Ernest Brown ( 191516 ) Leonard Dickson ( 191718 ) Frank Morley ( 191920 ) Gilbert Bliss ( 192122 ) Oswald Veblen ( 192324 ) George Birkhoff ( 192526 ) Virgil Snyder ( 192728 ) Earle Raymond Hedrick ( 192930 ) Luther Eisenhart ( 193132 ) Arthur Byron Coble ( 193334 ) Solomon Lefschetz ( 193536 ) Robert Moore ( 193738 ) Griffith C. Evans ( 193940 ) Marston Morse ( 194142 ) Marshall Stone ( 194344 ) Theophil Hildebrandt ( 194546 ) Einar Hille ( 194748 ) Joseph L. Walsh ( 194950 ) # 1951 2000 # John von Neumann ( 195152 ) Gordon Whyburn ( 195354 ) Raymond Wilder ( 195556 ) Richard Brauer ( 195758 ) Edward McShane ( 195960 ) Deane Montgomery ( 196162 ) Joseph Doob ( 196364 ) Abraham Albert ( 196566 ) Charles B. Morrey , Jr . ( 196768 ) Oscar Zariski ( 196970 ) Nathan Jacobson ( 197172 ) Saunders Mac Lane ( 197374 ) Lipman Bers ( 197576 ) R. H. Bing ( 197778 ) Peter Lax ( 197980 ) Andrew Gleason ( 198182 ) Julia Robinson ( 198384 ) Irving Kaplansky ( 198586 ) George Mostow ( 198788 ) William Browder ( 198990 ) Michael Artin ( 199192 ) Ronald Graham ( 199394 ) Cathleen Morawetz ( 199596 ) Arthur Jaffe ( 199798 ) Felix Browder ( 19992000 ) # 2001 # Hyman Bass ( 200102 ) David Eisenbud ( 200304 ) James Arthur ( 200506 ) James Glimm ( 200708 ) George E. Andrews ( 200910 ) Eric M. Friedlander ( 2011-12 ) David Vogan ( 2013-14 ) # See also # Mathematical Association of America European Mathematical Society List of Mathematical Societies @@221484 Math rock is a rhythmically complex , often guitar-based , style of experimental rock and indie rock music that emerged in the late 1980s , influenced by progressive rock bands like King Crimson and 20th century minimalist composers such as Steve Reich . It is characterized by complex , atypical rhythmic structures ( including irregular stopping and starting ) , counterpoint , odd time signatures , angular melodies , and extended , often dissonant , chords. # Characteristics # Whereas most rock music uses a basic 4/4 meter ( however accented or syncopated ) , math rock frequently uses asymmetrical time signatures such as 7/8 , 11/8 , or 13/8 , or features constantly changing meters based on various groupings of 2 and 3 . This rhythmic complexity , seen as mathematical in character by many listeners and critics , is what gives the genre its name . The sound is usually dominated by guitars and drums as in traditional rock , and because of the complex rhythms , drummers of math rock groups have a tendency to stick out more often than in other groups . It is commonplace to find guitarists in math rock groups using the tapping method of guitar playing , and loop pedals are occasionally incorporated , as by the band Battles . Guitars are also often played in clean tones more than in other upbeat rock songs , but some groups also use distortion . Lyrics are generally not the focus of math rock ; the voice is treated as just another sound in the mix . Often , vocals are not overdubbed , and are positioned low in the mix , as in the recording style of Steve Albini . Many of math rock 's most famous groups are entirely instrumental such as Don Caballero or Hella , though both have experimented with singing to varying degrees . The term ' ' math rock ' ' has often been passed off as a joke that has developed into what some believe is a musical style . An advocate of this is Matt Sweeney , singer with Chavez , who themselves were often linked to the math rock scene . # Development # # Early influences # Some rock musicians who emerged in the 1960s and ' 70s experimented with unusual meters and structures . Notable examples include Frank Zappa , Henry Cow , Cream , The Beatles , Captain Beefheart , Emerson , Lake & Palmer , Genesis , Kansas , Jethro Tull , Gentle Giant , Yes , Rush , King Crimson , Gong , The Police , Mahavishnu Orchestra and Pink Floyd . The music of these and others from this era sometimes had hard rock or metal leanings , but such groups were generally classified as progressive rock . The Canadian punk rock group Nomeansno ( founded in 1979 and active as of 2013 ) have been cited by music critics as a secret influence on math rock , predating much of the genre 's development by more than a decade . Though never finding or even seeking mainstream attention , Nomeansno 's music typically blends dark humor , punk energy and aggression , drastic shifts in tempo and structure and acclaimed instrumental prowess in their quest for transcendence . An even more avant-garde group of the same era , Massacre , featured the guitarist Fred Frith and the bassist Bill Laswell . With some influence from the rapid-fire energy of punk , Massacre 's influential music used complex rhythmic characteristics . Black Flag 's 1984 album ' ' My War ' ' also included unusual polyrhythms . In the 1990s , a heavier , rhythmically complex style grew out of the broader noise rock scenes active in Chicago and other Midwestern cities , with influential groups also coming from Japan and Southern California . These groups shared influences ranging from the music of 20th-century composers such as Igor Stravinsky , Bla Bartk , John Cage , and Steve Reich , as well as the chaotic free-jazz approach of John Zorn 's Naked City and Miles Daviss later work , and critics soon dubbed the style math rock . # Australian groups # Bands such as Because of Ghosts , The Sinking Citizenship , and My Disco emerged in the early 2000s in Melbourne . # European groups # The European math rock scene started in the late 90s to early 2000 , including bands such as Adebisi Shank ( Ireland ) , Kobong ( Poland ) , The Redneck Manifesto ( Ireland ) , Three Trapped Tigers and This Town Needs Guns ( United Kingdom ) and Uzeda ( Italy ) . # Japanese groups # The most important Japanese groups include Ruins , Zeni Geva , Boredoms , Aburadako , and Doom . Yona-Kit is a collaboration between Japanese and U.S. musicians . Other Japanese groups which incorporate math rock in their music include Toe , Zazen Boys , and Lite . Skin Graft Records and Tzadik Records have released Japanese math rock albums in the United States . # United States # During the 1990s , the greatest concentration of math rock bands was in the urban centers of the U.S. 's Midwestern Rust Belt , ranging from Minneapolis to Buffalo . Chicago was a central hub . The Chicago-based sound engineer Steve Albini is a key figure in the scene , and many math rock bands from around the country have enlisted him to record their albums , giving the genre 's recorded catalog a certain uniformity of sound , and lumping his bands past and presentShellac , Rapeman , and Big Blackinto the pigeonhole as well . Also , many math rock records were released by Chicago-based Touch and Go Records , as well as its sister labels , Quarterstick Records and Skin Graft Records . Bands from Chicago include Sweep the Leg Johnny . Several other math rock groups of the 1990s were based in Midwestern cities : Cleveland 's Craw and Keelhaul , St. Louis 's Dazzling Killmen , and Minneapolis 's Colossamite . Outside the Midwest , the city of Pittsburgh is home to Don Caballerowhose drummer , Damon Che , is also involved with the international math rock band Bellini as well as Black Moth Super Rainbow , Tabula Rasa , and Knot Feeder . Bands from Washington , D.C. include The Dismemberment Plan , Shudder to Think , Hoover , Faraquet , 1.6 Band , Autoclave , later Jawbox , and Circus Lupus . The Richmond , VA-based Breadwinner inspired bands such as Fulflej and Lamb of God . Polvo of Chapel Hill , North Carolina is often considered math rock , although the band has disavowed that categorization . The success of Louisville , Kentucky 's Slint inspired bands such as Rodan , Crain , The For Carnation , June of 44 , Sonora Pine , Roadside Monument , and Shipping News . In California , math rock groups from San Diego include Drive Like Jehu , Antioch Arrow , Tristeza , No Knife , Heavy Vegetable and Sleeping People . Northern California was the base of Game Theory and The Loud Family , both led by Scott Miller , who was said to tinker with pop the way a born mathematician tinkers with numbers . The origin of Game Theory 's name is mathematical , suggesting a nearly mathy sound cited as IQ rock . # Contemporary math rock # By the turn of the 21st century , most of the later generation bands such as Sweep the Leg Johnny had disbanded and the genre had been roundly disavowed by most bands labeled with the math rock moniker . Many more bands , consisting of both those from the original wave of the genre and those of the new generation , have managed to be tagged with the moniker of math-rock . The British band Foals exemplify the angular guitar sections and start/stop dynamics of the math rock sound particularly in their earlier demos ; however they lack the mixture of time signatures or the odd time signatures needed to be thought of as a proper math rock band . The Edmund Fitzgerald were a band containing members of the band Foals , with the addition of the use of complex time signatures and time changes . Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategies are another British band who use angular guitar sections , as well as some post-rock techniques and the use of different time signatures . This Town Needs Guns , an Oxford based band , predominantly use asymmetrical time signatures , typical math rock characteristics , as well as complex finger picking . In the mid-2000s , many math rock bands enjoyed renewed popularity . Slint and Chavez embarked on reunion tours , while Shellac toured and released their first album in seven years . Don Caballero reunited with a new lineup and released an album in 2006 , while several of its original members joined new projects , such as the band Knot Feeder . @@245466 In mathematics , a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking locally defined data attached to the open sets of a topological space . The data can be restricted to smaller open sets , and the data assigned to an open set is equivalent to all collections of compatible data assigned to collections of smaller open sets covering the original one . For example , such data can consist of the rings of continuous or smooth real-valued functions defined on each open set . Sheaves are by design quite general and abstract objects , and their correct definition is rather technical . They exist in several varieties such as sheaves of sets or sheaves of rings , depending on the type of data assigned to open sets . There are also maps ( or morphisms ) from one sheaf to another ; sheaves ( of a specific type , such as sheaves of abelian groups ) with their morphisms on a fixed topological space form a category . On the other hand , to each continuous map there is associated both a direct image functor , taking sheaves and their morphisms on the domain to sheaves and morphisms on the codomain , and an inverse image functor operating in the opposite direction . These functors , and certain variants of them , are essential parts of sheaf theory . Due to their general nature and versatility , sheaves have several applications in topology and especially in algebraic and differential geometry . First , geometric structures such as that of a differentiable manifold or a scheme can be expressed in terms of a sheaf of rings on the space . In such contexts several geometric constructions such as vector bundles or divisors are naturally specified in terms of sheaves . Second , sheaves provide the framework for a very general cohomology theory , which encompasses also the usual topological cohomology theories such as singular cohomology . Especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds , sheaf cohomology provides a powerful link between topological and geometric properties of spaces . Sheaves also provide the basis for the theory of D-modules , which provide applications to the theory of differential equations . In addition , generalisations of sheaves to more general settings than topological spaces , such as Grothendieck topology , have provided applications to mathematical logic and number theory . # Introduction # In topology , differential geometry and algebraic geometry , several structures defined on a topological space ( e.g. , a differentiable manifold ) can be naturally ' ' localised ' ' or ' ' restricted ' ' to open subsets of the space : typical examples include continuous real or complex-valued functions , ' ' n ' ' times differentiable ( real or complex-valued ) functions , bounded real-valued functions , vector fields , and sections of any vector bundle on the space . ' ' Presheaves ' ' formalise the situation common to the examples above : a presheaf ( of sets ) on a topological space is a structure that associates to each open set ' ' U ' ' of the space a set ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) of ' ' sections ' ' on ' ' U ' ' , and to each open set ' ' V ' ' included in ' ' U ' ' a map ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' V ' ' ) giving ' ' restrictions ' ' of sections over ' ' U ' ' to ' ' V ' ' . Each of the examples above defines a presheaf with restrictions of functions , vector fields and sections of a vector bundle having the obvious meaning . Moreover , in each of these examples the sets of sections have additional algebraic structure : pointwise operations make them abelian groups , and in the examples of real and complex-valued functions the sets of sections have even a ring structure . In addition , in each example the restriction maps are homomorphisms of the corresponding algebraic structure . This observation leads to the natural definition of presheaves with additional algebraic structure such as presheaves of groups , of abelian groups , of rings : sets of sections are required to have the specified algebraic structure , and the restrictions are required to be homomorphisms . Thus for example continuous real-valued functions on a topological space form a presheaf of rings on the space . Given a presheaf , a natural question to ask is to what extent its sections over an open set ' ' U ' ' are specified by their restrictions to smaller open sets ' ' V ' ' ' ' i ' ' of an open cover of ' ' U ' ' . A presheaf is ' ' separated ' ' if its sections are locally determined : whenever two sections over ' ' U ' ' coincide when restricted to each of ' ' V ' ' ' ' i ' ' , the two sections are identical . All examples of presheaves discussed above are separated , since in each case the sections are specified by their values at the points of the underlying space . Finally , a separated presheaf is a sheaf if ' ' compatible sections can be glued together ' ' , i.e. , whenever there is a section of the presheaf over each of the covering sets ' ' V ' ' ' ' i ' ' , chosen so that they match on the overlaps of the covering sets , these sections correspond to a ( unique ) section on ' ' U ' ' , of which they are restrictions . It is easy to verify that all examples above except the presheaf of bounded functions are in fact sheaves : in all cases the criterion of being a section of the presheaf is ' ' local ' ' in a sense that it is enough to verify it in an arbitrary neighbourhood of each point . On the other hand , it is clear that a function can be bounded on each set of an ( infinite ) open cover of a space without being bounded on all of the space ; thus bounded functions provide an example of a presheaf that in general fails to be a sheaf . Another example of a presheaf that fails to be a sheaf is the ' ' constant presheaf ' ' that associates the same fixed set ( or abelian group , or ring , ... ) to each open set : it follows from the gluing property of sheaves that the set of sections on a disjoint union of two open sets is the Cartesian product of the sets of sections over the two open sets . The correct way to define the constant sheaf ' ' F A ' ' ( associated to for instance a set ' ' A ' ' ) on a topological space is to require sections on an open set ' ' U ' ' to be continuous maps from ' ' U ' ' to ' ' A ' ' equipped with the discrete topology ; then in particular ' ' F A ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) = ' ' A ' ' for connected ' ' U ' ' . Maps between presheaves and sheaves ( called morphisms ) consist of maps between the sets of sections over each open set of the underlying space , compatible with restrictions of sections . If the presheaves or sheaves considered are provided with additional algebraic structure , these maps are assumed to be homomorphisms . Sheaves endowed with nontrivial endomorphisms , such as the action of an algebraic torus or a Galois group , are of particular interest . Presheaves and sheaves are typically denoted by capital letters , ' ' F ' ' being particularly common , presumably for the French word for sheaves , ' ' faisceau ' ' . Use of script letters such as mathcalF is also common . # Formal definitions # The first step in defining a sheaf is to define a ' ' presheaf ' ' , which captures the idea of associating data and restriction maps to the open sets of a topological space . The second step is to require the normalisation and gluing axioms . A presheaf that satisfies these axioms is a sheaf . # Presheaves # Let ' ' X ' ' be a topological space , and let C be a category . Usually C is the category of sets , the category of groups , the category of abelian groups , or the category of commutative rings . A presheaf ' ' F ' ' on ' ' X ' ' is a functor with values in C given by the following data : For each open set ' ' U ' ' of ' ' X ' ' , there corresponds an object ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) in C For each inclusion of open sets ' ' V ' ' ' ' U ' ' , there corresponds a morphism res ' ' V ' ' , ' ' U ' ' : ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' V ' ' ) in the category C . The morphisms res ' ' V ' ' , ' ' U ' ' are called restriction morphisms . If , then its restriction is often denoted ' ' s ' ' ' ' V ' ' by analogy with restriction of functions . The restriction morphisms are required to satisfy two properties : For every open set ' ' U ' ' of ' ' X ' ' , the restriction morphism res ' ' U ' ' , ' ' U ' ' : ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the identity morphism on ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) . If we have three open sets ' ' W ' ' ' ' V ' ' ' ' U ' ' , then the function composition Informally , the second axiom says it does n't matter whether we restrict to ' ' W ' ' in one step or restrict first to ' ' V ' ' , then to ' ' W ' ' . There is a compact way to express the notion of a presheaf in terms of category theory . First we define the category of open sets on ' ' X ' ' to be the category ' ' O ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) whose objects are the open sets of ' ' X ' ' and whose morphisms are inclusions . Then a C -valued presheaf on ' ' X ' ' is the same as a contravariant functor from ' ' O ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) to C . This definition can be generalized to the case when the source category is not of the form ' ' O ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) for any ' ' X ' ' ; see presheaf ( category theory ) . If ' ' F ' ' is a C -valued presheaf on ' ' X ' ' , and ' ' U ' ' is an open subset of ' ' X ' ' , then ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) is called the sections of ' ' F ' ' over ' ' U ' ' . If C is a concrete category , then each element of ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) is called a section . A section over ' ' X ' ' is called a global section . A common notation ( used also below ) for the restriction res ' ' V ' ' , ' ' U ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) of a section is ' ' s ' ' ' ' V ' ' . This terminology and notation is by analogy with sections of fiber bundles or sections of the tal space of a sheaf ; see below . ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) is also often denoted ( ' ' U ' ' , ' ' F ' ' ) , especially in contexts such as sheaf cohomology where ' ' U ' ' tends to be fixed and ' ' F ' ' tends to be variable . # Sheaves # For simplicity , consider first the case where the sheaf takes values in the category of sets . In fact , this definition applies more generally to the situation where the category is a concrete category whose underlying set functor is conservative , meaning that if the underlying map of sets is a bijection , then the original morphism is an isomorphism . A ' ' sheaf ' ' is a presheaf with values in the category of sets that satisfies the following two axioms : # ( Locality ) If ( ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ) is an open covering of an open set ' ' U ' ' , and if ' ' s ' ' , ' ' t ' ' ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) are such that ' ' s ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' = ' ' t ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' for each set ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' of the covering , then ' ' s ' ' = ' ' t ' ' ; and # ( Gluing ) If ( ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ) is an open covering of an open set ' ' U ' ' , and if for each ' ' i ' ' a section ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ) is given such that for each pair ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' U ' ' ' ' j ' ' of the covering sets the restrictions of ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' and ' ' s ' ' ' ' j ' ' agree on the overlaps : ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' j ' ' = ' ' s ' ' ' ' j ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' j ' ' , then there is a section ' ' s ' ' ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) such that ' ' s ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' = ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' for each ' ' i ' ' . The section ' ' s ' ' whose existence is guaranteed by axiom 2 is called the gluing , concatenation , or collation of the sections ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' . By axiom 1 it is unique . Sections ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' satisfying the condition of axiom 2 are often called ' ' compatible ' ' ; thus axioms 1 and 2 together state that ' ' compatible sections can be uniquely glued together ' ' . A separated presheaf , or monopresheaf , is a presheaf satisfying axiom 1 . If C has products , the sheaf axioms are equivalent to the requirement that , for any open covering ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' , the first arrow in the following diagram is an equalizer : : F(U) rightarrow prodi F(Ui) prodi , j F ( Ui cap Uj ) . Here the first map is the product of the restriction maps : operatornameresUi , U colon F(U) rightarrow F(Ui) and the pair of arrows the products of the two sets of restrictions : operatornameresUi cap Uj , Ui colon F(Ui) rightarrow F ( Ui cap Uj ) and : operatornameresUi cap Uj , Uj colon F(Uj) rightarrow F ( Ui cap Uj ) . For a separated presheaf , the first arrow need only be injective . In general , for an open set ' ' U ' ' and open covering ( ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ) , construct a category ' ' J ' ' whose objects are the sets ' ' U i ' ' and the intersections and whose morphisms are the inclusions of in ' ' U i ' ' and ' ' U j ' ' . The sheaf axioms for ' ' U ' ' and ( ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' ) are that the limit of the functor ' ' F ' ' restricted to the category ' ' J ' ' must be isomorphic to ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) . Notice that the empty subset of a topological space is covered by the empty family of sets . The product of an empty family or the limit of an empty family is a terminal object , and consequently the value of a sheaf on the empty set must be a terminal object . If sheaf values are in the category of sets , applying the local identity axiom to the empty family shows that over the empty set , there is at most one section , and applying the gluing axiom to the empty family shows that there is at least one section . This property is called the normalisation axiom . It can be shown that to specify a sheaf , it is enough to specify its restriction to the open sets of a basis for the topology of the underlying space . Moreover , it can also be shown that it is enough to verify the sheaf axioms above relative to the open sets of a covering . Thus a sheaf can often be defined by giving its values on the open sets of a basis , and verifying the sheaf axioms relative to the basis . # Morphisms # Heuristically speaking , a morphism of sheaves is analogous to a function between them . However , because sheaves contain data relative to every open set of a topological space , a morphism of sheaves is defined as a collection of functions , one for each open set , that satisfy a compatibility condition . Let ' ' F ' ' and ' ' G ' ' be two sheaves on ' ' X ' ' with values in the category C . A ' ' morphism ' ' : ' ' G ' ' ' ' F ' ' consists of a morphism ( ' ' U ' ' ) : ' ' G ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) for each open set ' ' U ' ' of ' ' X ' ' , subject to the condition that this morphism is compatible with restrictions . In other words , for every open subset ' ' V ' ' of an open set ' ' U ' ' , the following diagram *33;20764;div is commutative . Recall that we could also express a sheaf as a special kind of functor . In this language , a morphism of sheaves is a natural transformation of the corresponding functors . With this notion of morphism , there is a category of C -valued sheaves on ' ' X ' ' for any C . The objects are the C -valued sheaves , and the morphisms are morphisms of sheaves . An ' ' isomorphism ' ' of sheaves is an isomorphism in this category . It can be proved that an isomorphism of sheaves is an isomorphism on each open set ' ' U ' ' . In other words , is an isomorphism if and only if for each ' ' U ' ' , ( ' ' U ' ' ) is an isomorphism . The same is true of monomorphisms , but not of epimorphisms . See sheaf cohomology . Notice that we did not use the gluing axiom in defining a morphism of sheaves . Consequently , the above definition makes sense for presheaves as well . The category of C -valued presheaves is then a functor category , the category of contravariant functors from ' ' O ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) to C . # Examples # Because sheaves encode exactly the data needed to pass between local and global situations , there are many examples of sheaves occurring throughout mathematics . Here are some additional examples of sheaves : Any continuous map of topological spaces determines a sheaf of sets . Let ' ' f ' ' : ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' be a continuous map . We define a sheaf ( ' ' Y ' ' / ' ' X ' ' ) on ' ' X ' ' by setting ( ' ' Y ' ' / ' ' X ' ' ) ( U ) equal to the sections ' ' U ' ' ' ' Y ' ' , that is , ( ' ' Y ' ' / ' ' X ' ' ) ( U ) is the set of all continuous functions ' ' s ' ' : ' ' U ' ' ' ' Y ' ' such that ' ' f s ' ' = ' ' id ' ' ' ' U ' ' . Restriction is given by restriction of functions . This sheaf is called the sheaf of sections of ' ' f ' ' , and it is especially important when ' ' f ' ' is the projection of a fiber bundle onto its base space . Notice that if the image of ' ' f ' ' does not contain ' ' U ' ' , then ( ' ' Y ' ' / ' ' X ' ' ) ( ' ' U ' ' ) is empty . For a concrete example , take ' ' X ' ' = C 0 , ' ' Y ' ' = C , and ' ' f(z) ' ' = exp ( ' ' z ' ' ) . ( ' ' Y ' ' / ' ' X ' ' ) ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the set of branches of the logarithm on ' ' U ' ' . Fix a point ' ' x ' ' in ' ' X ' ' and an object ' ' S ' ' in a category C . The ' ' skyscraper sheaf over ' ' x ' ' with stalk ' ' ' ' S ' ' is the sheaf ' ' S ' ' ' ' x ' ' defined as follows : If ' ' U ' ' is an open set containing ' ' x ' ' , then ' ' S ' ' ' ' x ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) = ' ' S ' ' . If ' ' U ' ' does not contain ' ' x ' ' , then ' ' S ' ' ' ' x ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) is the terminal object of C . The restriction maps are either the identity on ' ' S ' ' , if both open sets contain ' ' x ' ' , or the unique map from ' ' S ' ' to the terminal object of C . # Sheaves on manifolds # In the following examples ' ' M ' ' is an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional ' ' C ' ' ' ' k ' ' -manifold . The table lists the values of certain sheaves over open subsets ' ' U ' ' of ' ' M ' ' and their restriction maps . # Presheaves that are not sheaves # Here are two examples of presheaves that are not sheaves : Let ' ' X ' ' be the two-point topological space ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' with the discrete topology . Define a presheaf ' ' F ' ' as follows : ' ' F ' ' ( ) = , ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = R , ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' ) = R , ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = R R R . The restriction map ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is the projection of R &times ; R &times ; R onto its first coordinate , and the restriction map ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' ) is the projection of R &times ; R &times ; R onto its second coordinate . ' ' F ' ' is a presheaf that is not separated : A global section is determined by three numbers , but the values of that section over ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' determine only two of those numbers . So while we can glue any two sections over ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' , we can not glue them uniquely . Let ' ' X ' ' be the real line , and let ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) be the set of bounded continuous functions on ' ' U ' ' . This is not a sheaf because it is not always possible to glue . For example , let ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' be the set of all ' ' x ' ' such that ' ' x ' ' *81;20799; ' ' i ' ' . Consequently we get a section ' ' s ' ' ' ' i ' ' on ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' . However , these sections do not glue , because the function ' ' f ' ' is not bounded on the real line . Consequently ' ' F ' ' is a presheaf , but not a sheaf . In fact , ' ' F ' ' is separated because it is a sub-presheaf of the sheaf of continuous functions . # Turning a presheaf into a sheaf # It is frequently useful to take the data contained in a presheaf and to express it as a sheaf . It turns out that there is a best possible way to do this . It takes a presheaf ' ' F ' ' and produces a new sheaf ' ' aF ' ' called the sheaving , sheafification or sheaf associated to the presheaf ' ' F ' ' . ' ' a ' ' is called the sheaving functor , sheafification functor , or associated sheaf functor . There is a natural morphism of presheaves ' ' i ' ' : ' ' F ' ' ' ' aF ' ' that has the universal property that for any sheaf ' ' G ' ' and any morphism of presheaves ' ' f ' ' : ' ' F ' ' ' ' G ' ' , there is a unique morphism of sheaves tilde f : aF rightarrow G such that f = tilde f i . In fact ' ' a ' ' is the adjoint functor to the inclusion functor from the category of sheaves to the category of presheaves , and ' ' i ' ' is the unit of the adjunction . In this way , the category of sheaves turns into Giraud subcategory of presheaves. # Images of sheaves # The definition of a morphism on sheaves makes sense only for sheaves on the same space ' ' X ' ' . This is because the data contained in a sheaf is indexed by the open sets of the space . If we have two sheaves on different spaces , then their data is indexed differently . There is no way to go directly from one set of data to the other . However , it is possible to move a sheaf from one space to another using a continuous function . Let ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' be a continuous function from a topological space ' ' X ' ' to a topological space ' ' Y ' ' . If we have a sheaf on ' ' X ' ' , we can move it to ' ' Y ' ' , and vice versa . There are four ways in which sheaves can be moved . A sheaf mathcalF on ' ' X ' ' can be moved to ' ' Y ' ' using the direct image functor f* or the direct image with proper support functor f ! . A sheaf mathcalG on ' ' Y ' ' can be moved to ' ' X ' ' using the inverse image functor f-1 or the twisted inverse image functor f ! . The twisted inverse image functor f ! is , in general , only defined as a functor between derived categories . These functors come in adjoint pairs : f-1 and f* are left and right adjoints of each other , and Rf ! and f ! are left and right adjoints of each other . The functors are intertwined with each other by Grothendieck duality and Verdier duality . There is a different inverse image functor for sheaves of modules over sheaves of rings . This functor is usually denoted f* and it is distinct from f-1 . See inverse image functor. # Stalks of a sheaf # The stalk mathcalFx of a sheaf mathcalF captures the properties of a sheaf around a point ' ' x ' ' ' ' X ' ' . Here , around means that , conceptually speaking , one looks at smaller and smaller neighborhood of the point . Of course , no single neighborhood will be small enough , so we will have to take a limit of some sort . The stalk is defined by : mathcalFx = varinjlimUni x mathcalF(U) , the direct limit being over all open subsets of ' ' X ' ' containing the given point ' ' x ' ' . In other words , an element of the stalk is given by a section over some open neighborhood of ' ' x ' ' , and two such sections are considered equivalent if their restrictions agree on a smaller neighborhood . The natural morphism ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) ' ' F ' ' ' ' x ' ' takes a section ' ' s ' ' in ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) to its ' ' germ ' ' . This generalises the usual definition of a germ . A different way of defining the stalk is : mathcalFx : = i-1mathcalF(x) , where ' ' i ' ' is the inclusion of the one-point space ' ' x ' ' into ' ' X ' ' . The equivalence follows from the definition of the inverse image . In many situations , knowing the stalks of a sheaf is enough to control the sheaf itself . For example , whether or not a morphism of sheaves is a monomorphism , epimorphism , or isomorphism can be tested on the stalks . They also find use in constructions such as Godement resolutions . # Ringed spaces and locally ringed spaces # A pair ( X , mathcalOX ) consisting of a topological space ' ' X ' ' and a sheaf of rings on ' ' X ' ' is called a ringed space . Many types of spaces can be defined as certain types of ringed spaces . The sheaf mathcalOX is called the structure sheaf of the space . A very common situation is when all the stalks of the structure sheaf are local rings , in which case the pair is called a locally ringed space . Here are examples of definitions made in this way : An ' ' n ' ' -dimensional ' ' C ' ' ' ' k ' ' manifold ' ' M ' ' is a locally ringed space whose structure sheaf is an underlinemathbfR -algebra and is locally isomorphic to the sheaf of ' ' C ' ' k real-valued functions on R ' ' n ' ' . A complex analytic space is a locally ringed space whose structure sheaf is a underlinemathbfC -algebra and is locally isomorphic to the vanishing locus of a finite set of holomorphic functions together with the restriction ( to the vanishing locus ) of the sheaf of holomorphic functions on C ' ' n ' ' for some ' ' n ' ' . A scheme is a locally ringed space that is locally isomorphic to the spectrum of a ring . A semialgebraic space is a locally ringed space that is locally isomorphic to a semialgebraic set in Euclidean space together with its sheaf of semialgebraic functions . # Sheaves of modules # Let ( X , mathcalOX ) be a ringed space . A sheaf of modules is a sheaf mathcalM such that on every open set ' ' U ' ' of ' ' X ' ' , mathcalM(U) is an mathcalOX(U) -module and for every inclusion of open sets ' ' V ' ' ' ' U ' ' , the restriction map mathcalM(U) to mathcalM(V) is a homomorphism of mathcalOX(U) -modules . Most important geometric objects are sheaves of modules . For example , there is a one-to-one correspondence between vector bundles and locally free sheaves of mathcalOX -modules . Sheaves of solutions to differential equations are D-modules , that is , modules over the sheaf of differential operators . A particularly important case are abelian sheaves , which are modules over the constant sheaf underlinemathbfZ . Every sheaf of modules is an abelian sheaf . # Finiteness conditions for sheaves of modules # The condition that a module is finitely generated or finitely presented can also be formulated for a sheaf of modules . mathcalM is finitely generated if , for every point ' ' x ' ' of ' ' X ' ' , there exists an open neighborhood ' ' U ' ' of ' ' x ' ' , a natural number ' ' n ' ' ( possibly depending on ' ' U ' ' ) , and a surjective morphism of sheaves mathcalOXnU to mathcalMU . Similarly , mathcalM is finitely presented if in addition there exists a natural number ' ' m ' ' ( again possibly depending on ' ' U ' ' ) and a morphism of sheaves mathcalOXmU to mathcalOXnU such that the sequence of morphisms mathcalOXmU to mathcalOXnU to mathcalM is exact . Equivalently , the kernel of the morphism mathcalOXnU to mathcalM is itself a finitely generated sheaf . These , however , are not the only possible finiteness conditions on a sheaf . The most important finiteness condition for a sheaf is coherence . mathcalM is coherent if it is of finite type and if , for every open set ' ' U ' ' and every morphism of sheaves phi : mathcalOXn to mathcalM ( not necessarily surjective ) , the kernel of is of finite type . mathcalOX is coherent if it is coherent as a module over itself . Note that coherence is a strictly stronger condition than finite presentation : mathcalOX is always finitely presented as a module over itself , but it is not always coherent . For example , let ' ' X ' ' be a point , let mathcalOX be the ring ' ' R ' ' = C ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... of complex polynomials in countably many indeterminates . Choose ' ' n ' ' = 1 , and for the morphism , take the map that sends every variable to zero . The kernel of this map is not finitely generated , so mathcalOX is not coherent . # The tal space of a sheaf # In the examples above it was noted that some sheaves occur naturally as sheaves of sections . In fact , all sheaves of sets can be represented as sheaves of sections of a topological space called the ' ' tal space ' ' , from the French word tal , meaning roughly spread out . If ' ' F ' ' is a sheaf over ' ' X ' ' , then the tal space of ' ' F ' ' is a topological space ' ' E ' ' together with a local homeomorphism ' ' ' ' : ' ' E ' ' ' ' X ' ' such that the sheaf of sections of ' ' ' ' is ' ' F ' ' . ' ' E ' ' is usually a very strange space , and even if the sheaf ' ' F ' ' arises from a natural topological situation , ' ' E ' ' may not have any clear topological interpretation . For example , if ' ' F ' ' is the sheaf of sections of a continuous function ' ' f ' ' : ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' , then ' ' E ' ' = ' ' Y ' ' if and only if ' ' f ' ' is a local homeomorphism . The tal space ' ' E ' ' is constructed from the stalks of ' ' F ' ' over ' ' X ' ' . As a set , it is their disjoint union and ' ' ' ' is the obvious map that takes the value ' ' x ' ' on the stalk of ' ' F ' ' over ' ' x ' ' ' ' X ' ' . The topology of ' ' E ' ' is defined as follows . For each element ' ' s ' ' of ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) and each ' ' x ' ' in ' ' U ' ' , we get a germ of ' ' s ' ' at ' ' x ' ' . These germs determine points of ' ' E ' ' . For any ' ' U ' ' and ' ' s ' ' ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) , the union of these points ( for all ' ' x ' ' ' ' U ' ' ) is declared to be open in ' ' E ' ' . Notice that each stalk has the discrete topology as subspace topology . Two morphisms between sheaves determine a continuous map of the corresponding tal spaces that is compatible with the projection maps ( in the sense that every germ is mapped to a germ over the same point ) . This makes the construction into a functor . The construction above determines an equivalence of categories between the category of sheaves of sets on ' ' X ' ' and the category of tal spaces over ' ' X ' ' . The construction of an tal space can also be applied to a presheaf , in which case the sheaf of sections of the tal space recovers the sheaf associated to the given presheaf . This construction makes all sheaves into representable functors on certain categories of topological spaces . As above , let ' ' F ' ' be a sheaf on ' ' X ' ' , let ' ' E ' ' be its tal space , and let ' ' ' ' : ' ' E ' ' ' ' X ' ' be the natural projection . Consider the category Top / ' ' X ' ' of topological spaces over ' ' X ' ' , that is , the category of topological spaces together with fixed continuous maps to ' ' X ' ' . Every object of this space is a continuous map ' ' f ' ' : ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' , and a morphism from ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Z ' ' ' ' X ' ' is a continuous map ' ' Y ' ' ' ' Z ' ' that commutes with the two maps to ' ' X ' ' . There is a functor from Top / ' ' X ' ' to the category of sets that takes an object ' ' f ' ' : ' ' Y ' ' ' ' X ' ' to ( ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' F ' ' ) ( ' ' Y ' ' ) . For example , if ' ' i ' ' : ' ' U ' ' ' ' X ' ' is the inclusion of an open subset , then ( ' ' i ' ' ) = ( ' ' i ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' F ' ' ) ( ' ' U ' ' ) agrees with the usual ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' U ' ' ) , and if ' ' i ' ' : ' ' x ' ' ' ' X ' ' is the inclusion of a point , then ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ( ' ' i ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' F ' ' ) ( ' ' x ' ' ) is the stalk of ' ' F ' ' at ' ' x ' ' . There is a natural isomorphism : ( f-1F ) ( Y ) cong *28;20882;TOOLONG , pi ) , which shows that ' ' E ' ' represents the functor . ' ' E ' ' is constructed so that the projection map is a covering map . In algebraic geometry , the natural analog of a covering map is called an tale morphism . Despite its similarity to tal , the word tale has a different meaning both in French and in mathematics . In particular , it is possible to turn ' ' E ' ' into a scheme and into a morphism of schemes in such a way that retains the same universal property , but is ' ' not ' ' in general an tale morphism because it is not quasi-finite . It is , however , formally tale . The definition of sheaves by tal spaces is older than the definition given earlier in the article . It is still common in some areas of mathematics such as mathematical analysis . # Sheaf cohomology # It was noted above that the functor Gamma ( U , - ) preserves isomorphisms and monomorphisms , but not epimorphisms . If ' ' F ' ' is a sheaf of abelian groups , or more generally a sheaf with values in an abelian category , then Gamma ( U , - ) is actually a left exact functor . This means that it is possible to construct derived functors of Gamma ( U , - ) . These derived functors are called the ' ' cohomology groups ' ' ( or ' ' modules ' ' ) of ' ' F ' ' and are written Hi ( U , - ) . Grothendieck proved in his ' ' Tohoku ' ' paper that every category of sheaves of abelian groups contains enough injective objects , so these derived functors always exist . However , computing sheaf cohomology using injective resolutions is nearly impossible . In practice , it is much more common to find a different and more tractable resolution of ' ' F ' ' . A general construction is provided by Godement resolutions , and particular resolutions may be constructed using soft sheaves , fine sheaves , and flabby sheaves ( also known as ' ' flasque sheaves ' ' from the French ' ' flasque ' ' meaning flabby ) . As a consequence , it can become possible to compare sheaf cohomology with other cohomology theories . For example , the de Rham complex is a resolution of the constant sheaf underlinemathbfR on any smooth manifold , so the sheaf cohomology of underlinemathbfR is equal to its de Rham cohomology . In fact , comparing sheaf cohomology to de Rham cohomology and singular cohomology provides a proof of de Rham 's theorem that the two cohomology theories are isomorphic . A different approach is by ech cohomology. ech cohomology was the first cohomology theory developed for sheaves and it is well-suited to concrete calculations . It relates sections on open subsets of the space to cohomology classes on the space . In most cases , ech cohomology computes the same cohomology groups as the derived functor cohomology . However , for some pathological spaces , ech cohomology will give the correct H1 but incorrect higher cohomology groups . To get around this , Jean-Louis Verdier developed hypercoverings . Hypercoverings not only give the correct higher cohomology groups but also allow the open subsets mentioned above to be replaced by certain morphisms from another space . This flexibility is necessary in some applications , such as the construction of Pierre Deligne 's mixed Hodge structures . A much cleaner approach to the computation of some cohomology groups is the BorelBottWeil theorem , which identifies the cohomology groups of some line bundles on flag manifolds with irreducible representations of Lie groups . This theorem can be used , for example , to easily compute the cohomology groups of all line bundles on projective space . In many cases there is a duality theory for sheaves that generalizes Poincar duality . See Grothendieck duality and Verdier duality . # Sites and topoi # Andr Weil 's Weil conjectures stated that there was a cohomology theory for algebraic varieties over finite fields that would give an analogue of the Riemann hypothesis . The only natural topology on such a variety , however , is the Zariski topology , but sheaf cohomology in the Zariski topology is badly behaved because there are very few open sets . Alexandre Grothendieck solved this problem by introducing Grothendieck topologies , which axiomatize the notion of ' ' covering ' ' . Grothendieck 's insight was that the definition of a sheaf depends only on the open sets of a topological space , not on the individual points . Once he had axiomatized the notion of covering , open sets could be replaced by other objects . A presheaf takes each one of these objects to data , just as before , and a sheaf is a presheaf that satisfies the gluing axiom with respect to our new notion of covering . This allowed Grothendieck to define tale cohomology and l-adic cohomology , which eventually were used to prove the Weil conjectures . A category with a Grothendieck topology is called a ' ' site ' ' . A category of sheaves on a site is called a ' ' topos ' ' or a ' ' Grothendieck topos ' ' . The notion of a topos was later abstracted by William Lawvere and Miles Tierney to define an elementary topos , which has connections to mathematical logic . # History # The first origins of sheaf theory are hard to pin down -- they may be co-extensive with the idea of analytic continuation . It took about 15 years for a recognisable , free-standing theory of sheaves to emerge from the foundational work on cohomology. 1936 Eduard ech introduces the ' ' nerve ' ' construction , for associating a simplicial complex to an open covering . 1938 Hassler Whitney gives a ' modern ' definition of cohomology , summarizing the work since J. W. Alexander and Kolmogorov first defined ' ' cochains ' ' . 1943 Norman Steenrod publishes on homology ' ' with local coefficients ' ' . 1945 Jean Leray publishes work carried out as a prisoner of war , motivated by proving fixed point theorems for application to PDE theory ; it is the start of sheaf theory and spectral sequences . 1947 Henri Cartan reproves the de Rham theorem by sheaf methods , in correspondence with Andr Weil ( see De Rham-Weil theorem ) . Leray gives a sheaf definition in his courses via closed sets ( the later ' ' carapaces ' ' ) . 1948 The Cartan seminar writes up sheaf theory for the first time . 1950 The second edition sheaf theory from the Cartan seminar : the sheaf space ( ' ' espace tal ' ' ) definition is used , with stalkwise structure . Supports are introduced , and cohomology with supports . Continuous mappings give rise to spectral sequences . At the same time Kiyoshi Oka introduces an idea ( adjacent to that ) of a sheaf of ideals , in several complex variables . 1951 The Cartan seminar proves the Theorems A and B based on Oka 's work . 1953 The finiteness theorem for coherent sheaves in the analytic theory is proved by Cartan and Jean-Pierre Serre , as is Serre duality . 1954 Serre 's paper ' ' Faisceaux algbriques cohrents ' ' ( published in 1955 ) introduces sheaves into algebraic geometry . These ideas are immediately exploited by Hirzebruch , who writes a major 1956 book on topological methods . 1955 Alexander Grothendieck in lectures in Kansas defines abelian category and ' ' presheaf ' ' , and by using injective resolutions allows direct use of sheaf cohomology on all topological spaces , as derived functors. 1956 Oscar Zariski 's report ' ' Algebraic sheaf theory ' ' 1957 Grothendieck 's ' ' Tohoku ' ' paper rewrites homological algebra ; he proves Grothendieck duality ( i.e. , Serre duality for possibly singular algebraic varieties ) . 1957 onwards : Grothendieck extends sheaf theory in line with the needs of algebraic geometry , introducing : schemes and general sheaves on them , local cohomology , derived categories ( with Verdier ) , and Grothendieck topologies . There emerges also his influential schematic idea of ' six operations ' in homological algebra. 1958 Godement 's book on sheaf theory is published . At around this time Mikio Sato proposes his hyperfunctions , which will turn out to have sheaf-theoretic nature . At this point sheaves had become a mainstream part of mathematics , with use by no means restricted to algebraic topology . It was later discovered that the logic in categories of sheaves is intuitionistic logic ( this observation is now often referred to as Kripke&ndash ; Joyal semantics , but probably should be attributed to a number of authors ) . This shows that some of the facets of sheaf theory can also be traced back as far as Leibniz. # See also # Coherent sheaf Cosheaf Gerbe Holomorphic sheaf Stack ( mathematics ) Sheaf of spectra # Notes # # References # @@275991 In mathematics , the range of a function refers to either the codomain or the image of the function , depending upon usage . Modern usage almost always uses range to mean image . The word range may eventually become obsolete . The codomain of a function is some arbitrary set . In real analysis it is the real numbers . In complex analysis it is the complex numbers . The image of a function is the set of all outputs of the function . The image is always a subset of the codomain . Older books , if they use the word range at all , tend to use it to mean what is now called the codomain . More modern books , if they use the word range at all , tend to use it to mean what is now more often called the image . In a given book , the word will usually be defined the first time it is used . As an example of the two different usages , consider the function f(x) = x2 as it is used in real analysis , that is , as a function from the real numbers to the real numbers . In this case , its codomain is the set of real numbers R , but its image is the set of non-negative real numbers , since x2 is never negative if x is real . Some books , mostly older books , use the term range for the codomain : R . More modern books usually use the term range for the image : the non-negative real numbers . Even more modern books , including most books published in this century , do n't use the word range at all . In computer science , the convention is slightly different . Computer science books still sometimes use Range ( computer science ) to mean codomain. # Examples # Let ' ' f ' ' be a function on the real numbers fcolon mathbbRrightarrowmathbbR defined by f(x) = 2x . This function takes any real number as its input and outputs a real number two times the input . In this case , the codomain and the image are the same ( i.e. the function is a surjection ) , so the range is unambiguous ; it is the set of all real numbers . In contrast , consider the function fcolon mathbbRrightarrowmathbbR defined by f(x) = sin(x) . If the word range is used in the first sense given above , we would say the range of ' ' f ' ' is the codomain , all real numbers ; but since the output of the sine function is always between 1 and 1 , range in the second sense would say the range is the image , the closed interval from 1 to 1 . # Formal definition # In the first sense ( i.e. , when range is used to mean the codomain ) , the range of a function must be specified ; it is often assumed to be the set of all real numbers , and ' ' y ' ' there exists an ' ' x ' ' in the domain of ' ' f ' ' such that ' ' y ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is called the image of ' ' f ' ' . In the second sense ( i.e. , when range is used to mean the image ) , the range of a function ' ' f ' ' is ' ' y ' ' there exists an ' ' x ' ' in the domain of ' ' f ' ' such that ' ' y ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) . In this case , the codomain of ' ' f ' ' must be specified , but is often assumed to be the set of all real numbers . In both cases , image ' ' f ' ' range ' ' f ' ' codomain ' ' f ' ' , with at least one of the containments being equality . @@276410 In abstract algebra , the concept of a module over a ring is a generalization of the notion of vector space over a field , wherein the corresponding scalars are the elements of an arbitrary ring . Modules also generalize the notion of abelian groups , which are modules over the ring of integers . Thus , a module , like a vector space , is an additive abelian group ; a product is defined between elements of the ring and elements of the module that is distributive over both parameters and is compatible with the ring multiplication . Modules are very closely related to the representation theory of groups . They are also one of the central notions of commutative algebra and homological algebra , and are used widely in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology . # Introduction # # Motivation # In a vector space , the set of scalars forms a field and acts on the vectors by scalar multiplication , subject to certain axioms such as the distributive law . In a module , the scalars need only be a ring , so the module concept represents a significant generalization . In commutative algebra , both ideals and quotient rings are modules , so that many arguments about ideals or quotient rings can be combined into a single argument about modules . In non-commutative algebra the distinction between left ideals , ideals , and modules becomes more pronounced , though some ring theoretic conditions can be expressed either about left ideals or left modules . Much of the theory of modules consists of extending as many as possible of the desirable properties of vector spaces to the realm of modules over a well-behaved ring , such as a principal ideal domain . However , modules can be quite a bit more complicated than vector spaces ; for instance , not all modules have a basis , and even those that do , free modules , need not have a unique rank if the underlying ring does not satisfy the invariant basis number condition , unlike vector spaces which always have a ( possibly infinite ) basis whose cardinality is then unique . ( These last two assertions require the axiom of choice in general , but not in the case of finite-dimensional spaces , or certain well-behaved infinite-dimensional spaces such as L ' ' p ' ' spaces. ) # Formal definition # Suppose that ' ' R ' ' is a ring and 1 ' ' R ' ' is its multiplicative identity . A left ' ' R ' ' -module ' ' M ' ' consists of an abelian group and an operation such that for all ' ' r ' ' , ' ' s ' ' in ' ' R ' ' and ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' in ' ' M ' ' , we have : # r(x+y) = rx + ry # ( r+s ) x = rx + sx # ( rs ) x = r(sx) # 1Rx = x . The operation of the ring on ' ' M ' ' is called ' ' scalar multiplication ' ' , and is usually written by juxtaposition , i.e. as ' ' rx ' ' for ' ' r ' ' in ' ' R ' ' and ' ' x ' ' in ' ' M ' ' . The notation ' ' R ' ' ' ' M ' ' indicates a left ' ' R ' ' -module ' ' M ' ' . A right ' ' R ' ' -module ' ' M ' ' or ' ' M ' ' ' ' R ' ' is defined similarly , except that the ring acts on the right ; i.e. , scalar multiplication takes the form , and the above axioms are written with scalars ' ' r ' ' and ' ' s ' ' on the right of ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' . Authors who do not require rings to be unital omit condition 4 above in the definition of an ' ' R ' ' -module , and so would call the structures defined above unital left ' ' R ' ' -modules . In this article , consistent with the glossary of ring theory , all rings and modules are assumed to be unital . If one writes the scalar action as ' ' f ' ' ' ' r ' ' so that , and ' ' f ' ' for the map that takes each ' ' r ' ' to its corresponding map ' ' f ' ' ' ' r ' ' , then the first axiom states that every ' ' f ' ' ' ' r ' ' is a group homomorphism of ' ' M ' ' , and the other three axioms assert that the map given by is a ring homomorphism from ' ' R ' ' to the endomorphism ring End ( ' ' M ' ' ) . Thus a module is a ring action on an abelian group ( cf. group action . Also consider monoid action of multiplicative structure of ' ' R ' ' ) . In this sense , module theory generalizes representation theory , which deals with group actions on vector spaces , or equivalently group ring actions . A bimodule is a module that is a left module and a right module such that the two multiplications are compatible . If ' ' R ' ' is commutative , then left ' ' R ' ' -modules are the same as right ' ' R ' ' -modules and are simply called ' ' R ' ' -modules. # Examples # If ' ' K ' ' is a field , then the concepts ' ' K ' ' -vector space ( a vector space over ' ' K ' ' ) and ' ' K ' ' -module are identical . The concept of a Z -module agrees with the notion of an abelian group . That is , every abelian group is a module over the ring of integers Z in a unique way . For ' ' n ' ' &gt ; 0 , let ' ' nx ' ' = ' ' x ' ' + ' ' x ' ' + .. + ' ' x ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' summands ) , 0 ' ' x ' ' = 0 , and ( &minus ; ' ' n ' ' ) ' ' x ' ' = &minus ; ( ' ' nx ' ' ) . Such a module need not have a basisgroups containing torsion elements do not . ( For example , in the group of integers modulo 3 , one can not find even one element which satisfies the definition of a linearly independent set since when an integer such as 3 or 6 multiplies an element the result is 0 . However if a finite field is considered as a module over the same finite field taken as a ring , it is a vector space and does have a basis. ) If ' ' R ' ' is any ring and ' ' n ' ' a natural number , then the cartesian product ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' is both a left and a right module over ' ' R ' ' if we use the component-wise operations . Hence when ' ' n ' ' = 1 , ' ' R ' ' is an ' ' R ' ' -module , where the scalar multiplication is just ring multiplication . The case ' ' n ' ' = 0 yields the trivial ' ' R ' ' -module 0 consisting only of its identity element . Modules of this type are called free and if ' ' R ' ' has invariant basis number ( e.g. any commutative ring or field ) the number ' ' n ' ' is then the rank of the free module . If ' ' S ' ' is a nonempty set , ' ' M ' ' is a left ' ' R ' ' -module , and ' ' M ' ' ' ' S ' ' is the collection of all functions ' ' f ' ' : ' ' S ' ' ' ' M ' ' , then with addition and scalar multiplication in ' ' M ' ' ' ' S ' ' defined by ( ' ' f ' ' + ' ' g ' ' ) ( ' ' s ' ' ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) + ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) and ( ' ' rf ' ' ) ( ' ' s ' ' ) = ' ' rf ' ' ( ' ' s ' ' ) , ' ' M ' ' ' ' S ' ' is a left ' ' R ' ' -module . The right ' ' R ' ' -module case is analogous . In particular , if ' ' R ' ' is commutative then the collection of ' ' R-module homomorphisms ' ' ' ' h ' ' : ' ' M ' ' ' ' N ' ' ( see below ) is an ' ' R ' ' -module ( and in fact a ' ' submodule ' ' of ' ' N ' ' ' ' M ' ' ) . If ' ' X ' ' is a smooth manifold , then the smooth functions from ' ' X ' ' to the real numbers form a ring ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) . The set of all smooth vector fields defined on ' ' X ' ' form a module over ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) , and so do the tensor fields and the differential forms on ' ' X ' ' . More generally , the sections of any vector bundle form a projective module over ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) , and by Swan 's theorem , every projective module is isomorphic to the module of sections of some bundle ; the category of ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) -modules and the category of vector bundles over ' ' X ' ' are equivalent . The square ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices with real entries form a ring ' ' R ' ' , and the Euclidean space R ' ' n ' ' is a left module over this ring if we define the module operation via matrix multiplication . If ' ' R ' ' is any ring and ' ' I ' ' is any left ideal in ' ' R ' ' , then ' ' I ' ' is a left module over ' ' R ' ' . Analogously of course , right ideals are right modules . If ' ' R ' ' is a ring , we can define the ring ' ' R ' ' op which has the same underlying set and the same addition operation , but the opposite multiplication : if ' ' ab ' ' = ' ' c ' ' in ' ' R ' ' , then ' ' ba ' ' = ' ' c ' ' in ' ' R ' ' op . Any ' ' left ' ' ' ' R ' ' -module ' ' M ' ' can then be seen to be a ' ' right ' ' module over ' ' R ' ' op , and any right module over ' ' R ' ' can be considered a left module over ' ' R ' ' op . There are modules of a Lie algebra as well . # Submodules and homomorphisms # Suppose ' ' M ' ' is a left ' ' R ' ' -module and ' ' N ' ' is a subgroup of ' ' M ' ' . Then ' ' N ' ' is a submodule ( or ' ' R ' ' -submodule , to be more explicit ) if , for any ' ' n ' ' in ' ' N ' ' and any ' ' r ' ' in ' ' R ' ' , the product ' ' rn ' ' is in ' ' N ' ' ( or ' ' nr ' ' for a right module ) . The set of submodules of a given module ' ' M ' ' , together with the two binary operations + and , forms a lattice which satisfies the modular law : Given submodules ' ' U ' ' , ' ' N ' ' 1 , ' ' N ' ' 2 of ' ' M ' ' such that ' ' N ' ' 1 ' ' N ' ' 2 , then the following two submodules are equal : ( ' ' N ' ' 1 + ' ' U ' ' ) ' ' N ' ' 2 = ' ' N ' ' 1 + ( ' ' U ' ' ' ' N ' ' 2 ) . If ' ' M ' ' and ' ' N ' ' are left ' ' R ' ' -modules , then a map ' ' f ' ' : ' ' M ' ' ' ' N ' ' is a homomorphism of ' ' R ' ' -modules if , for any ' ' m ' ' , ' ' n ' ' in ' ' M ' ' and ' ' r ' ' , ' ' s ' ' in ' ' R ' ' , : f ( rm + sn ) = rf(m) + sf(n) This , like any homomorphism of mathematical objects , is just a mapping which preserves the structure of the objects . Another name for a homomorphism of modules over ' ' R ' ' is an ' ' R ' ' -linear map . A bijective module homomorphism is an isomorphism of modules , and the two modules are called ' ' isomorphic ' ' . Two isomorphic modules are identical for all practical purposes , differing solely in the notation for their elements . The kernel of a module homomorphism ' ' f ' ' : ' ' M ' ' ' ' N ' ' is the submodule of ' ' M ' ' consisting of all elements that are sent to zero by ' ' f ' ' . The isomorphism theorems familiar from groups and vector spaces are also valid for ' ' R ' ' -modules . The left ' ' R ' ' -modules , together with their module homomorphisms , form a category , written as ' ' R ' ' - Mod . This is an abelian category . # Types of modules # Finitely generated . An ' ' R ' ' -module ' ' M ' ' is finitely generated if there exist finitely many elements ' ' x ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' in ' ' M ' ' such that every element of ' ' M ' ' is a linear combination of those elements with coefficients from the ring ' ' R ' ' . Cyclic . A module is called a cyclic module if it is generated by one element . Free . A free ' ' R ' ' -module is a module that has a basis , or equivalently , one that is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of the ring ' ' R ' ' . These are the modules that behave very much like vector spaces . Projective . Projective modules are direct summands of free modules and share many of their desirable properties . Injective . Injective modules are defined dually to projective modules . Flat . A module is called flat if taking the tensor product of it with any exact sequence of ' ' R ' ' -modules preserves exactness . Torsionless module . A module is called torsionless if it embeds into its algebraic dual . Simple . A simple module ' ' S ' ' is a module that is not 0 and whose only submodules are 0 and ' ' S ' ' . Simple modules are sometimes called ' ' irreducible ' ' . Semisimple . A semisimple module is a direct sum ( finite or not ) of simple modules . Historically these modules are also called ' ' completely reducible ' ' . Indecomposable . An indecomposable module is a non-zero module that can not be written as a direct sum of two non-zero submodules . Every simple module is indecomposable , but there are indecomposable modules which are not simple ( e.g. uniform modules ) . Faithful . A faithful module ' ' M ' ' is one where the action of each ' ' r ' ' 0 in ' ' R ' ' on ' ' M ' ' is nontrivial ( i.e. ' ' rx ' ' 0 for some ' ' x ' ' in ' ' M ' ' ) . Equivalently , the annihilator of ' ' M ' ' is the zero ideal . Torsion-free . A torsion-free module is a module over a ring such that 0 is the only element annihilated by a regular element ( non zero-divisor ) of the ring . Noetherian . A Noetherian module is a module which satisfies the ascending chain condition on submodules , that is , every increasing chain of submodules becomes stationary after finitely many steps . Equivalently , every submodule is finitely generated . Artinian . An Artinian module is a module which satisfies the descending chain condition on submodules , that is , every decreasing chain of submodules becomes stationary after finitely many steps . Graded . A graded module is a module with a decomposition as a direct sum ' ' M ' ' = ' ' x ' ' ' ' M ' ' ' ' x ' ' over a graded ring ' ' R ' ' = ' ' x ' ' ' ' R ' ' ' ' x ' ' such that ' ' R ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' M ' ' ' ' y ' ' ' ' M ' ' ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' for all ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' . Uniform . A uniform module is a module in which all pairs of nonzero submodules have nonzero intersection . # Further notions # # Relation to representation theory # If ' ' M ' ' is a left ' ' R ' ' -module , then the ' ' action ' ' of an element ' ' r ' ' in ' ' R ' ' is defined to be the map ' ' M ' ' ' ' M ' ' that sends each ' ' x ' ' to ' ' rx ' ' ( or ' ' xr ' ' in the case of a right module ) , and is necessarily a group endomorphism of the abelian group ( ' ' M ' ' , + ) . The set of all group endomorphisms of ' ' M ' ' is denoted End Z ( ' ' M ' ' ) and forms a ring under addition and composition , and sending a ring element ' ' r ' ' of ' ' R ' ' to its action actually defines a ring homomorphism from ' ' R ' ' to End Z ( ' ' M ' ' ) . Such a ring homomorphism ' ' R ' ' End Z ( ' ' M ' ' ) is called a ' ' representation ' ' of ' ' R ' ' over the abelian group ' ' M ' ' ; an alternative and equivalent way of defining left ' ' R ' ' -modules is to say that a left ' ' R ' ' -module is an abelian group ' ' M ' ' together with a representation of ' ' R ' ' over it . A representation is called ' ' faithful ' ' if and only if the map ' ' R ' ' End Z ( ' ' M ' ' ) is injective . In terms of modules , this means that if ' ' r ' ' is an element of ' ' R ' ' such that ' ' rx ' ' = 0 for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' M ' ' , then ' ' r ' ' = 0 . Every abelian group is a faithful module over the integers or over some modular arithmetic Z / ' ' n ' ' Z . # Generalizations # Any ring ' ' R ' ' can be viewed as a preadditive category with a single object . With this understanding , a left ' ' R ' ' -module is nothing but a ( covariant ) additive functor from ' ' R ' ' to the category Ab of abelian groups . Right ' ' R ' ' -modules are contravariant additive functors . This suggests that , if ' ' C ' ' is any preadditive category , a covariant additive functor from ' ' C ' ' to Ab should be considered a generalized left module over ' ' C ' ' ; these functors form a functor category ' ' C ' ' - Mod which is the natural generalization of the module category ' ' R ' ' - Mod . Modules over ' ' commutative ' ' rings can be generalized in a different direction : take a ringed space ( ' ' X ' ' , O ' ' X ' ' ) and consider the sheaves of O ' ' X ' ' -modules . These form a category O ' ' X ' ' - Mod , and play an important role in the scheme-theoretic approach to algebraic geometry . If ' ' X ' ' has only a single point , then this is a module category in the old sense over the commutative ring O ' ' X ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) . One can also consider modules over a semiring . Modules over rings are abelian groups , but modules over semirings are only commutative monoids . Most applications of modules are still possible . In particular , for any semiring ' ' S ' ' the matrices over ' ' S ' ' form a semiring over which the tuples of elements from ' ' S ' ' are a module ( in this generalized sense only ) . This allows a further generalization of the concept of vector space incorporating the semirings from theoretical computer science . @@277184 Mathematical notation is a system of symbolic representations of mathematical objects and ideas . Mathematical notations are used in mathematics , the physical sciences , engineering , and economics . Mathematical notations include relatively simple symbolic representations , such as the numbers 0 , 1 and 2 , function symbols sin and + ; conceptual symbols , such as lim , ' ' dy/dx ' ' , equations and variables ; and complex diagrammatic notations such as Penrose graphical notation and CoxeterDynkin diagrams . # Definition # A mathematical notation is a writing system used for recording concepts in mathematics . The notation uses symbols or symbolic expressions which are intended to have a precise semantic meaning . In the history of mathematics , these symbols have denoted numbers , shapes , patterns , and change . The notation can also include symbols for parts of the conventional discourse between mathematicians , when viewing mathematics as a language . The media used for writing are recounted below , but common materials currently include paper and pencil , board and chalk ( or dry-erase marker ) , and electronic media . Systematic adherence to mathematical concepts is a fundamental concept of mathematical notation . ( See also some related concepts : Logical argument , Mathematical logic , and Model theory. ) # Expressions # A mathematical expression is a ' ' sequence ' ' of symbols which can be evaluated . For example , if the symbols represent numbers , the expressions are evaluated according to a conventional order of operations which provides for calculation , if possible , of any expressions within parentheses , followed by any exponents and roots , then multiplications and divisions and finally any additions or subtractions , all done from left to right . In a computer language , these rules are implemented by the compilers . For more on expression evaluation , see the computer science topics : eager evaluation , lazy evaluation , and evaluation operator . # Precise semantic meaning # Modern mathematics needs to be precise , because ambiguous notations do not allow formal proofs . Suppose that we have statements , denoted by some formal sequence of symbols , about some objects ( for example , numbers , shapes , patterns ) . Until the statements can be shown to be valid , their meaning is not yet resolved . While reasoning , we might let the symbols refer to those denoted objects , perhaps in a model . The semantics of that object has a heuristic side and a deductive side . In either case , we might want to know the properties of that object , which we might then list in an intensional definition . Those properties might then be expressed by some well-known and agreed-upon symbols from a table of mathematical symbols . This mathematical notation might include annotation such as All x , No x , There is an x ( or its equivalent , Some x ) , A set , A function A mapping from the real numbers to the complex numbers In different contexts , the same symbol or notation can be used to represent different concepts . Therefore , to fully understand a piece of mathematical writing , it is important to first check the definitions that an author gives for the notations that are being used . This may be problematic if the author assumes the reader is already familiar with the notation in use . # History # # Counting # It is believed that a mathematical notation to represent counting was first developed at least 50,000 years ago early mathematical ideas such as finger counting have also been represented by collections of rocks , sticks , bone , clay , stone , wood carvings , and knotted ropes . The tally stick is a timeless way of counting . Perhaps the oldest known mathematical texts are those of ancient Sumer . The Census Quipu of the Andes and the Ishango Bone from Africa both used the tally mark method of accounting for numerical concepts . The development of zero as a number is one of the most important developments in early mathematics . It was used as a placeholder by the Babylonians and Greek Egyptians , and then as an integer by the Mayans , Indians and Arabs . ( See The history of zero for more information. ) # Geometry becomes analytic # The mathematical viewpoints in geometry did not lend themselves well to counting . The natural numbers , their relationship to fractions , and the identification of continuous quantities actually took millennia to take form , and even longer to allow for the development of notation . It was not until the invention of analytic geometry by Ren Descartes that geometry became more subject to a numerical notation . Some symbolic shortcuts for mathematical concepts came to be used in the publication of geometric proofs . Moreover , the power and authority of geometry 's theorem and proof structure greatly influenced non-geometric treatises , Isaac Newton 's Principia Mathematica , for example . # Counting is mechanized # After the rise of Boolean algebra and the development of positional notation , it became possible to mechanize simple circuits for counting , first by mechanical means , such as gears and rods , using rotation and translation to represent changes of state , then by electrical means , using changes in voltage and current to represent the analogs of quantity . Today , computers use standard circuits to both store and change quantities , which represent not only numbers but pictures , sound , motion , and control . # Modern notation # The 18th and 19th centuries saw the creation and standardization of mathematical notation as used today . Euler was responsible for many of the notations in use today : the use of ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' for constants and ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' for unknowns , ' ' e ' ' for the base of the natural logarithm , sigma ( ) for summation , ' ' i ' ' for the imaginary unit , and the functional notation ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) . He also popularized the use of for Archimedes constant ( due to William Jones ' proposal for the use of in this way based on the earlier notation of William Oughtred ) . Many fields of mathematics bear the imprint of their creators for notation : the differential operator is due to Leibniz , the cardinal infinities to Georg Cantor ( in addition to the lemniscate ( ) of John Wallis ) , the congruence symbol ( ) to Gauss , and so forth . # Computerized notation # The rise of expression evaluators such as calculators and slide rules were only part of what was required to mathematicize civilization . Today , keyboard-based notations are used for the e-mail of mathematical expressions , the Internet shorthand notation . The wide use of programming languages , which teach their users the need for rigor in the statement of a mathematical expression ( or else the compiler will not accept the formula ) are all contributing toward a more mathematical viewpoint across all walks of life . Mathematically oriented markup languages such as TeX , LaTeX and , more recently , MathML are powerful enough that they qualify as mathematical notations in their own right . For some people , computerized visualizations have been a boon to comprehending mathematics that mere symbolic notation could not provide . They can benefit from the wide availability of devices , which offer more graphical , visual , aural , and tactile feedback . # Ideographic notation # In the history of writing , ideographic symbols arose first , as more-or-less direct renderings of some concrete item . This has come full circle with the rise of computer visualization systems , which can be applied to abstract visualizations as well , such as for rendering some projections of a CalabiYau manifold . Examples of abstract visualization which properly belong to the mathematical imagination can be found , for example in computer graphics . The need for such models abounds , for example , when the measures for the subject of study are actually random variables and not really ordinary mathematical functions . # Non-Latin-based mathematical notation # Modern Arabic mathematical notation is based mostly on the Arabic alphabet and is used widely in the Arab world , especially in pre-university levels of education . ( Western notation uses Arabic numerals , but the Arabic notation also replaces Latin letters and related symbols with Arabic script . ) Some mathematical notations are mostly diagrammatic , and so are almost entirely script independent . Examples are Penrose graphical notation and CoxeterDynkin diagrams . Braille-based mathematical notations used by blind people include Nemeth Braille and GS8 Braille . @@293450 In mathematics , an ( anti- ) involution , or an involutory function , is a function that is its own inverse , for all in the domain of . For in , this is often called Babbage 's functional equation ( 1820 ) . # General properties # Any involution is a bijection . The identity map is a trivial example of an involution . Common examples in mathematics of more detailed involutions include multiplication by &minus ; 1 in arithmetic , the taking of reciprocals , complementation in set theory and complex conjugation . Other examples include circle inversion , rotation by a half-turn , and reciprocal ciphers such as the ROT13 transformation and the Beaufort polyalphabetic cipher . The number of involutions , including the identity involution , on a set with ' ' n ' ' = 0 , 1 , 2 , elements is given by a recurrence relation found by Heinrich August Rothe in 1800 : : ' ' a ' ' 0 = ' ' a ' ' 1 = 1 ; : ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' = ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 1 + ( ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 1 ) ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' &minus ; 2 , for ' ' n ' ' 1 . The first few terms of this sequence are 1 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 10 , 26 , 76 , 232 ; these numbers are called the telephone numbers , and they also count the number of Young tableaux with a given number of cells . # Linear algebra # In linear algebra , an involution is a linear operator ' ' T ' ' such that T2=I . Except for in characteristic 2 , such operators are diagonalizable with 1s and &minus ; 1s on the diagonal . If the operator is orthogonal ( an orthogonal involution ) , it is orthonormally diagonalizable . For example , suppose that a basis for a vector space ' ' V ' ' is chosen , and that ' ' e ' ' 1 and ' ' e ' ' 2 are basis elements . There exists a linear transformation ' ' f ' ' which sends ' ' e ' ' 1 to ' ' e ' ' 2 , and sends ' ' e ' ' 2 to ' ' e ' ' 1 , and which is the identity on all other basis vectors . It can be checked that ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' V ' ' . That is , ' ' f ' ' is an involution of ' ' V ' ' . This definition extends readily to modules . Given a module ' ' M ' ' over a ring ' ' R ' ' , an ' ' R ' ' endomorphism ' ' f ' ' of ' ' M ' ' is called an involution if ' ' f ' ' 2 is the identity homomorphism on ' ' M ' ' . Involutions are related to idempotents ; if 2 is invertible then they correspond in a one-to-one manner . # Quaternion algebra # In a quaternion algebra , an ( anti- ) involution is defined by the following axioms : if we consider a transformation beginalign x &mapsto f(x) endalign then an involution is f ( f ( x ) =x . An involution is its own inverse An involution is linear : f(x1+x2)=f(x1)+f(x2) and f ( lambda x ) =lambda f(x) f ( x1 x2 ) =f(x1) f(x2) An anti-involution does not obey the last axiom but instead f ( x1 x2 ) =f(x2) f(x1) # Ring theory # In ring theory , the word ' ' involution ' ' is customarily taken to mean an antihomomorphism that is its own inverse function . Examples of involutions in common rings : complex conjugation on the complex plane multiplication by j in the split-complex numbers taking the transpose in a matrix ring . # Group theory # In group theory , an element of a group is an involution if it has order 2 ; i.e. an involution is an element ' ' a ' ' such that ' ' a ' ' ' ' e ' ' and ' ' a ' ' 2 = ' ' e ' ' , where ' ' e ' ' is the identity element . Originally , this definition agreed with the first definition above , since members of groups were always bijections from a set into itself ; i.e. , ' ' group ' ' was taken to mean ' ' permutation group ' ' . By the end of the 19th century , ' ' group ' ' was defined more broadly , and accordingly so was ' ' involution ' ' . A permutation is an involution precisely if it can be written as a product of one or more non-overlapping transpositions . The involutions of a group have a large impact on the group 's structure . The study of involutions was instrumental in the classification of finite simple groups . Coxeter groups are groups generated by involutions with the relations determined only by relations given for pairs of the generating involutions . Coxeter groups can be used , among other things , to describe the possible regular polyhedra and their generalizations to higher dimensions . # Mathematical logic # The operation of complement in Boolean algebras is an involution . Accordingly , negation in classical logic satisfies the ' ' law of double negation : ' ' ' ' A ' ' is equivalent to ' ' A ' ' . Generally in non-classical logics , negation that satisfies the law of double negation is called ' ' involutive . ' ' In algebraic semantics , such a negation is realized as an involution on the algebra of truth values . Examples of logics which have involutive negation are Kleene and Bochvar three-valued logics , ukasiewicz many-valued logic , fuzzy logic IMTL , etc . Involutive negation is sometimes added as an additional connective to logics with non-involutive negation ; this is usual , for example , in t-norm fuzzy logics . The involutiveness of negation is an important characterization property for logics and the corresponding varieties of algebras . For instance , involutive negation characterizes Boolean algebras among Heyting algebras . Correspondingly , classical Boolean logic arises by adding the law of double negation to intuitionistic logic . The same relationship holds also between MV-algebras and BL-algebras ( and so correspondingly between ukasiewicz logic and fuzzy logic BL ) , IMTL and MTL , and other pairs of important varieties of algebras ( resp. corresponding logics ) . # Computer science # The XOR bitwise operation with a given value for one parameter is also an involution . XOR masks were once used to draw graphics on images in such a way that drawing them twice on the background reverts the background to its original state . # References # # Further reading # # See also # Automorphism Idempotence ROT13 Semigroup with involution @@293802 A set has closure under an operation if performance of that operation on members of the set always produces a member of the same set ; in this case we also say that the set is closed under the operation . For example , the real numbers are closed under subtraction , but the natural numbers ( non-negative integers ) are not : 3 and 8 are both natural numbers , but 3 &minus ; 8 is &minus ; 5 , which is not . Another example is the set containing only the number zero , which is closed under addition , subtraction and multiplication . Similarly , a set is said to be closed under a ' ' collection ' ' of operations if it is closed under each of the operations individually . # Basic properties # A set that is closed under an operation or collection of operations is said to satisfy a closure property . Often a closure property is introduced as an axiom , which is then usually called the axiom of closure . Modern set-theoretic definitions usually define operations as maps between sets , so adding closure to a structure as an axiom is superfluous ; however in practice operations are often defined initially on a superset of the set in question and a closure proof is required to establish that the operation applied to pairs from that set only produces members of that set . For example , the set of even integers is closed under addition , but the set of odd integers is not . When a set ' ' S ' ' is not closed under some operations , one can usually find the smallest set containing ' ' S ' ' that is closed . This smallest closed set is called the closure of ' ' S ' ' ( with respect to these operations ) . For example , the closure under subtraction of the set of natural numbers , viewed as a subset of the real numbers , is the set of integers . An important example is that of topological closure . The notion of closure is generalized by Galois connection , and further by monads . The set ' ' S ' ' must be a subset of a closed set in order for the closure operator to be defined . In the preceding example , it is important that the reals are closed under subtraction ; in the domain of the natural numbers subtraction is not always defined . The two uses of the word closure should not be confused . The former usage refers to the property of being closed , and the latter refers to the smallest closed set containing one that may not be closed . In short , the closure of a set satisfies a closure property . # Closed sets # A set is closed under an operation if that operation returns a member of the set when evaluated on members of the set . Sometimes the requirement that the operation be valued in a set is explicitly stated , in which case it is known as the axiom of closure . For example , one may define a group as a set with a binary product operator obeying several axioms , including an axiom that the product of any two elements of the group is again an element . However the modern definition of an operation makes this axiom superfluous ; an ' ' n ' ' -ary operation on ' ' S ' ' is just a subset of ' ' S ' ' ' ' n ' ' +1 . By its very definition , an operator on a set can not have values outside the set . Nevertheless , the closure property of an operator on a set still has some utility . Closure on a set does not necessarily imply closure on all subsets . Thus a subgroup of a group is a subset on which the binary product and the unary operation of inversion satisfy the closure axiom . An operation of a different sort is that of finding the limit points of a subset of a topological space ( if the space is first-countable , it suffices to restrict consideration to the limits of sequences but in general one must consider at least limits of nets ) . A set that is closed under this operation is usually just referred to as a closed set in the context of topology . Without any further qualification , the phrase usually means closed in this sense . Closed intervals like 1,2 = ' ' x ' ' : 1 ' ' x ' ' 2 are closed in this sense . A partially ordered set is downward closed ( and also called a lower set ) if for every element of the set all smaller elements are also in it ; this applies for example for the real intervals ( &minus ; , ' ' p ' ' ) and ( &minus ; , ' ' p ' ' , and for an ordinal number ' ' p ' ' represented as interval 0 , ' ' p ' ' ) ; every downward closed set of ordinal numbers is itself an ordinal number . Upward closed and upper set are defined similarly . # ' ' P ' ' closures of binary relations # The notion of a closure can be applied for an arbitrary binary relation ' ' R ' ' ' ' S ' ' ' ' S ' ' , and an arbitrary property ' ' P ' ' in the following way : the ' ' P ' ' closure of ' ' R ' ' is the least relation ' ' Q ' ' ' ' S ' ' ' ' S ' ' that contains ' ' R ' ' ( i.e. ' ' R ' ' ' ' Q ' ' ) and for which property ' ' P ' ' holds ( i.e. ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' Q ' ' ) is true ) . For instance , one can define the symmetric closure as the least symmetric relation containing ' ' R ' ' . This generalization is often encountered in the theory of rewriting systems , where one often uses more wordy notions such as the reflexive transitive closure ' ' R ' ' -- the smallest preorder containing ' ' R ' ' , or the reflexive transitive symmetric closure ' ' R ' ' -- the smallest equivalence relation containing ' ' R ' ' , and therefore also known as the equivalence closure . When considering a particular term algebra , an equivalence relation that is compatible with all operations of the algebra *16;1074430;ref that is , such that e.g. ' ' xRy ' ' implies ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' 2 ) ' ' R ' ' ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' 2 ) and ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' ) ' ' R ' ' ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' y ' ' ) for any binary operation ' ' f ' ' and arbitrary ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 ' ' S ' ' is called a congruence relation . The congruence closure of ' ' R ' ' is defined as the smallest congruence relation containing ' ' R ' ' . For arbitrary ' ' P ' ' and ' ' R ' ' , the ' ' P ' ' closure of ' ' R ' ' need not exist . In the above examples , these exist because reflexivity , transitivity and symmetry are closed under arbitrary intersections . In such cases , the ' ' P ' ' closure can be directly defined as the intersection of all sets with property ' ' P ' ' containing ' ' R ' ' . Some important particular closures can be constructively obtained as follows : ' ' cl ' ' ref ( ' ' R ' ' ) = ' ' R ' ' ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' : ' ' x ' ' ' ' S ' ' is the reflexive closure of ' ' R ' ' , ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' R ' ' ) = ' ' R ' ' ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' : ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ' ' R ' ' is its symmetry closure , ' ' cl ' ' trn ( ' ' R ' ' ) = ' ' R ' ' ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' : ' ' n ' ' 1 ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' -1 , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ' ' R ' ' is its transitive closure , ' ' cl ' ' emb , ( ' ' R ' ' ) = ' ' R ' ' ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , , ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' -1 , ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' +1 , , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) , ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , , ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' -1 , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' +1 , , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) : ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ' ' R ' ' ' ' f ' ' ' ' n ' ' -ary 1 ' ' i ' ' ' ' n ' ' ' ' x ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ' ' S ' ' is its embedding closure with respect to a given set of operations on ' ' S ' ' , each with a fixed arity . The relation ' ' R ' ' is said to have closure under some ' ' cl ' ' xxx , if ' ' R ' ' = ' ' cl ' ' xxx ( ' ' R ' ' ) ; for example ' ' R ' ' is called symmetric if ' ' R ' ' = ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' R ' ' ) . Any of these four closures preserves symmetry , i.e. , if ' ' R ' ' is symmetric , so is any ' ' cl ' ' xxx ( ' ' R ' ' ) . *16;1074448;ref formally : if ' ' R ' ' = ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' R ' ' ) , then ' ' cl ' ' xxx ( ' ' R ' ' ) = ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' cl ' ' xxx ( ' ' R ' ' ) Similarly , all four preserve reflexivity . Moreover , ' ' cl ' ' trn preserves closure under ' ' cl ' ' emb , for arbitrary . As a consequence , the equivalence closure of an arbitrary binary relation ' ' R ' ' can be obtained as ' ' cl ' ' trn ( ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' cl ' ' ref ( ' ' R ' ' ) ) , and the congruence closure with respect to some can be obtained as ' ' cl ' ' trn ( ' ' cl ' ' emb , ( ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' cl ' ' ref ( ' ' R ' ' ) ) . In the latter case , the nesting order does matter ; e.g. if ' ' S ' ' is the set of terms over = ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' , ' ' f ' ' and ' ' R ' ' = ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' b ' ' ) , ' ' c ' ' , then the pair ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' ) , ' ' c ' ' is contained in the congruence closure ' ' cl ' ' trn ( ' ' cl ' ' emb , ( ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' cl ' ' ref ( ' ' R ' ' ) ) of ' ' R ' ' , but not in the relation ' ' cl ' ' emb , ( ' ' cl ' ' trn ( ' ' cl ' ' sym ( ' ' cl ' ' ref ( ' ' R ' ' ) ) . # Closure operator # : Given an operation on a set ' ' X ' ' , one can define the closure ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' S ' ' ) of a subset ' ' S ' ' of ' ' X ' ' to be the smallest subset closed under that operation that contains ' ' S ' ' as a subset , if any such subsets exist . Consequently , ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' S ' ' ) is the intersection of all closed sets containing ' ' S ' ' . For example , the closure of a subset of a group is the subgroup generated by that set . The closure of sets with respect to some operation defines a closure operator on the subsets of ' ' X ' ' . The closed sets can be determined from the closure operator ; a set is closed if it is equal to its own closure . Typical structural properties of all closure operations are : The closure is increasing or extensive : the closure of an object contains the object . The closure is idempotent : the closure of the closure equals the closure . The closure is monotone , that is , if ' ' X ' ' is contained in ' ' Y ' ' , then also ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) is contained in ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' Y ' ' ) . An object that is its own closure is called closed . By idempotency , an object is closed if and only if it is the closure of some object . These three properties define an abstract closure operator . Typically , an abstract closure acts on the class of all subsets of a set . If ' ' X ' ' is contained in a set closed under the operation then every subset of ' ' X ' ' has a closure . # Examples # In topology and related branches , the relevant operation is taking limits . The topological closure of a set is the corresponding closure operator . The Kuratowski closure axioms characterize this operator . In linear algebra , the linear span of a set ' ' X ' ' of vectors is the closure of that set ; it is the smallest subset of the vector space that includes ' ' X ' ' and is closed under the operation of linear combination . This subset is a subspace. In matroid theory , the closure of ' ' X ' ' is the largest superset of ' ' X ' ' that has the same rank as ' ' X ' ' . In set theory , the transitive closure of a set . In set theory , the transitive closure of a binary relation . In algebra , the algebraic closure of a field . In commutative algebra , closure operations for ideals , as integral closure and tight closure . In geometry , the convex hull of a set ' ' S ' ' of points is the smallest convex set of which ' ' S ' ' is a subset . In the theory of formal languages , the Kleene closure of a language can be described as the set of strings that can be made by concatenating zero or more strings from that language . In group theory , the conjugate closure or normal closure of a set of group elements is the smallest normal subgroup containing the set . In mathematical analysis and in probability theory , the closure of a collection of subsets of ' ' X ' ' under countably many set operations is called the -algebra generated by the collection . # See also # Open set Clopen set # Notes # @@295829 In mathematics , a reflection ( also spelled reflexion ) is a mapping from a Euclidean space to itself that is an isometry with a hyperplane as a set of fixed points ; this set is called the axis ( in dimension 2 ) or plane ( in dimension 3 ) of reflection . The image of a figure by a reflection is its mirror image in the axis or plane of reflection . For example the mirror image of the small Latin letter p for a reflection with respect to a vertical axis would look like q . Its image by reflection in a horizontal axis would look like b . A reflection is an involution : when applied twice in succession , every point returns to its original location , and every geometrical object is restored to its original state . The term reflection is sometimes used for a larger class of mappings from a Euclidean space to itself , namely the non-identity isometries that are involutions . Such isometries have a set of fixed points ( the mirror ) that is an affine subspace , but is possibly smaller than a hyperplane . For instance a reflection through a point is an involutive isometry with just one fixed point ; the image of the letter p under it would look like a d . This operation is also known as a central inversion , and exhibits Euclidean space as a symmetric space . In a Euclidean vector space , the reflection in the point situated at the origin is the same as vector negation . Other examples include reflections in a line in three-dimensional space . Typically , however , unqualified use of the term reflection means reflection in a hyperplane . A figure which does not change upon undergoing a reflection is said to have reflectional symmetry . # Construction # In plane ( or 3-dimensional ) geometry , to find the reflection of a point one drops a perpendicular from the point onto the line ( plane ) used for reflection , and continues it to the same distance on the other side . To find the reflection of a figure , one reflects each point in the figure . # Properties # The matrix for a reflection is orthogonal with determinant -1 and eigenvalues ( 1 , 1 , 1 , .. 1 , -1 ) . The product of two such matrices is a special orthogonal matrix which represents a rotation . Every rotation is the result of reflecting in an even number of reflections in hyperplanes through the origin , and every improper rotation is the result of reflecting in an odd number . Thus reflections generate the orthogonal group , and this result is known as the CartanDieudonn theorem . Similarly the Euclidean group , which consists of all isometries of Euclidean space , is generated by reflections in affine hyperplanes . In general , a group generated by reflections in affine hyperplanes is known as a reflection group . The finite groups generated in this way are examples of Coxeter groups . # Reflection across a line in the plane # Reflection across a line through the origin in two dimensions can be described by the following formula : mathrmRefl(v) = 2fracvcdot llcdot ll - v Where ' ' v ' ' denotes the vector being reflected , ' ' l ' ' denotes any vector in the line being reflected in , and ' ' v ' ' ' ' l ' ' denotes the dot product of ' ' v ' ' with ' ' l ' ' . Note the formula above can also be described as : mathrmRefl(v) = 2mathrmProjl(v) - v , Where the reflection of line ' ' l ' ' on ' ' a ' ' is equal to 2 times the projection of ' ' v ' ' on line ' ' l ' ' minus ' ' v ' ' . Reflections in a line have the eigenvalues of 1 , and 1 . # Reflection through a hyperplane in ' ' n ' ' dimensions # Given a vector ' ' a ' ' in Euclidean space R ' ' n ' ' , the formula for the reflection in the hyperplane through the origin , orthogonal to ' ' a ' ' , is given by : mathrmRefa(v) = v - 2fracvcdot aacdot aa where ' ' v ' ' ' ' a ' ' denotes the dot product of ' ' v ' ' with ' ' a ' ' . Note that the second term in the above equation is just twice the vector projection of ' ' v ' ' onto ' ' a ' ' . One can easily check that Ref ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' v ' ' ) = &minus ; ' ' v ' ' , if ' ' v ' ' is parallel to ' ' a ' ' , and Ref ' ' a ' ' ( ' ' v ' ' ) = ' ' v ' ' , if ' ' v ' ' is perpendicular to ' ' a ' ' . Using the geometric product the formula is a little simpler : mathrmRefa(v) = -fraca v aa2 Since these reflections are isometries of Euclidean space fixing the origin they may be represented by orthogonal matrices . The orthogonal matrix corresponding to the above reflection is the matrix whose entries are : Rij = deltaij - 2fracai aja2 where ' ' ij ' ' is the Kronecker delta . The formula for the reflection in the affine hyperplane vcdot a = c not through the origin is : mathrmRefa , c(v) = v - 2fracvcdot a - cacdot aa. @@298428 In mathematics , the term identity has several different important meanings : An identity is an equality relation ' ' A ' ' = ' ' B ' ' , such that ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' contain some variables and ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' produce the same value as each other regardless of what values ( usually numbers ) are substituted for the variables . In other words , ' ' A ' ' = ' ' B ' ' is an identity if ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' define the same functions . This means that an ' ' identity ' ' is an ' ' equality ' ' between functions that are differently defined . For example ( ' ' x ' ' + ' ' y ' ' ) 2 = ' ' x ' ' 2 + 2 ' ' xy ' ' + ' ' y ' ' 2 and are identities . Identities were sometimes indicated by the triple bar symbol instead of the equals sign = , but this is no longer a common usage . In algebra , an identity or identity element of a binary operation is an element ' ' e ' ' that , when combined with any element ' ' x ' ' of the set on which the operation is defined , produces that same ' ' x ' ' . That is , for all ' ' x ' ' . Examples of this are 0 for the addition , 1 for the multiplication of numbers , and also the identity matrix for the multiplication of square matrices of a fixed size . The identity function from a set ' ' S ' ' to itself , often denoted mathrmid or mathrmidS , is the function which maps every element to itself . In other words , mathrmid(x) = x for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' S ' ' . This function is the identity element of the composition of functions . # Examples # # Identity relation # A common example of the first meaning is the trigonometric identity : sin 2 theta + cos 2 theta equiv 1 , which is true for all complex values of theta ( since the complex numbers BbbC are the domain of sin and cos ) , as opposed to : cos theta = 1 , , which is true only for some values of theta , not all . For example , the latter equation is true when theta = 0 , , false when theta = 2 , . See also list of mathematical identities . # Identity element # The number 0 is the ' ' additive identity ' ' ( identity element for the binary operation of addition ) for integers , real numbers , and complex numbers . For every number ' ' a ' ' , including 0 itself , : 0 + a = a+0=a , . In a more general context , when a binary operation is denoted with and has an identity , this identity is commonly denoted by the symbol 0 ( zero ) and called an ' ' additive identity ' ' . Similarly , the number 1 is the identity of the multiplication of numbers . It is often called the ' ' multiplicative identity ' ' for distinguishing it from the additive identity , zero . For every number ' ' a ' ' , including 1 itself , : 1 times a = a times 1 = a , . # Identity function # A common example of an identity function is the identity permutation , which sends each element of the set 1 , 2 , ldots , n to itself or a1 , a2 , ldots , an to itself in natural order . # Comparison # These meanings are not mutually exclusive ; for instance , the identity permutation is the identity element in the group of permutations of 1 , 2 , ldots , n under composition . Also , some care is sometimes needed to avoid ambiguities : 0 is the ' ' identity ' ' element for the addition of numbers and ' ' x ' ' + 0 = ' ' x ' ' is an identity . On the other hand , the identity function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' is not the identity element for the addition or the multiplication of functions ( these are the constant functions 0 and 1 ) , but is the identity element for the function composition . @@325806 In mathematics , and more specifically in graph theory , a graph is a representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links . The interconnected objects are represented by mathematical abstractions called ' ' vertices ' ' , and the links that connect some pairs of vertices are called ' ' edges ' ' . Typically , a graph is depicted in diagrammatic form as a set of dots for the vertices , joined by lines or curves for the edges . Graphs are one of the objects of study in discrete mathematics . The edges may be directed or undirected . For example , if the vertices represent people at a party , and there is an edge between two people if they shake hands , then this is an undirected graph , because if person A shook hands with person B , then person B also shook hands with person A. In contrast , if there is an edge from person A to person B when person A knows of person B , then this graph is directed , because knowledge of someone is not necessarily a symmetric relation ( that is , one person knowing another person does not necessarily imply the reverse ; for example , many fans may know of a celebrity , but the celebrity is unlikely to know of all their fans ) . This latter type of graph is called a ' ' directed ' ' graph and the edges are called ' ' directed edges ' ' or ' ' arcs ' ' . Vertices are also called ' ' nodes ' ' or ' ' points ' ' , and edges are also called ' ' arcs ' ' or ' ' lines ' ' . Graphs are the basic subject studied by graph theory . The word graph was first used in this sense by J.J. Sylvester in 1878. a graph is an ordered pair ' ' G ' ' = ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' E ' ' ) comprising a set ' ' V ' ' of vertices or nodes together with a set ' ' E ' ' of edges or lines , which are 2-element subsets of ' ' V ' ' ( i.e. , an edge is related with two vertices , and the relation is represented as an unordered pair of the vertices with respect to the particular edge ) . To avoid ambiguity , this type of graph may be described precisely as undirected and simple . Other senses of ' ' graph ' ' stem from different conceptions of the edge set . In one more generalized notion , ' ' E ' ' is a set together with a relation of incidence that associates with each edge two vertices . In another generalized notion , ' ' E ' ' is a multiset of unordered pairs of ( not necessarily distinct ) vertices . Many authors call this type of object a multigraph or pseudograph . All of these variants and others are described more fully below . The vertices belonging to an edge are called the ends , endpoints , or end vertices of the edge . A vertex may exist in a graph and not belong to an edge . ' ' V ' ' and ' ' E ' ' are usually taken to be finite , and many of the well-known results are not true ( or are rather different ) for infinite graphs because many of the arguments fail in the infinite case . The order of a graph is V ( the number of vertices ) . A graph 's size is E , the number of edges . The degree of a vertex is the number of edges that connect to it , where an edge that connects to the vertex at both ends ( a loop ) is counted twice . For an edge ' ' u ' ' , ' ' v ' ' , graph theorists usually use the somewhat shorter notation ' ' uv ' ' . # Adjacency relation # The edges ' ' E ' ' of an undirected graph ' ' G ' ' induce a symmetric binary relation on ' ' V ' ' that is called the adjacency relation of ' ' G ' ' . Specifically , for each edge ' ' u ' ' , ' ' v ' ' the vertices ' ' u ' ' and ' ' v ' ' are said to be adjacent to one another , which is denoted ' ' u ' ' ' ' v ' ' . # Types of graphs # # Distinction in terms of the main definition # As stated above , in different contexts it may be useful to define the term ' ' graph ' ' with different degrees of generality . Whenever it is necessary to draw a strict distinction , the following terms are used . Most commonly , in modern texts in graph theory , unless stated otherwise , ' ' graph ' ' means undirected simple finite graph ( see the definitions below ) . # #Undirected graph# # An undirected graph is one in which edges have no orientation . The edge ( a , b ) is identical to the edge ( b , a ) , i.e. , they are not ordered pairs , but sets ' ' u ' ' , ' ' v ' ' ( or 2-multisets ) of vertices . The maximum number of edges in an undirected graph without a self-loop is ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' n ' ' - 1 ) /2. # #Directed graph# # A directed graph or digraph is an ordered pair ' ' D ' ' = ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' A ' ' ) with ' ' V ' ' a set whose elements are called vertices or nodes , and ' ' A ' ' a set of ordered pairs of vertices , called arcs , directed edges , or arrows . An arc ' ' a ' ' = ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) is considered to be directed from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' y ' ' ; ' ' y ' ' is called the head and ' ' x ' ' is called the tail of the arc ; ' ' y ' ' is said to be a direct successor of ' ' x ' ' , and ' ' x ' ' is said to be a direct predecessor of ' ' y ' ' . If a path leads from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' y ' ' , then ' ' y ' ' is said to be a successor of ' ' x ' ' and reachable from ' ' x ' ' , and ' ' x ' ' is said to be a predecessor of ' ' y ' ' . The arc ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) is called the arc ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) inverted . A directed graph ' ' D ' ' is called symmetric if , for every arc in ' ' D ' ' , the corresponding inverted arc also belongs to ' ' D ' ' . A symmetric loopless directed graph ' ' D ' ' = ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' A ' ' ) is equivalent to a simple undirected graph ' ' G ' ' = ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' E ' ' ) , where the pairs of inverse arcs in ' ' A ' ' correspond 1-to-1 with the edges in ' ' E ' ' ; thus the edges in ' ' G ' ' number ' ' E ' ' = ' ' A ' ' /2 , or half the number of arcs in ' ' D ' ' . A variation on this definition is the oriented graph , in which at most one of ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) and ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) may be arcs . # #Mixed graph# # A mixed graph ' ' G ' ' is a graph in which some edges may be directed and some may be undirected . It is written as an ordered triple ' ' G ' ' = ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' E ' ' , ' ' A ' ' ) with ' ' V ' ' , ' ' E ' ' , and ' ' A ' ' defined as above . Directed and undirected graphs are special cases . # #Multigraph# # A loop is an edge ( directed or undirected ) which starts and ends on the same vertex ; these may be permitted or not permitted according to the application . In this context , an edge with two different ends is called a link . The term multigraph is generally understood to mean that multiple edges ( and sometimes loops ) are allowed . Where graphs are defined so as to ' ' allow ' ' loops and multiple edges , a multigraph is often defined to mean a graph ' ' without ' ' loops , however , where graphs are defined so as to ' ' disallow ' ' loops and multiple edges , the term is often defined to mean a graph which can have both multiple edges ' ' and ' ' loops , although many use the term pseudograph for this meaning . # #Quiver# # A quiver or multidigraph is a directed graph which may have more than one arrow from a given source to a given target . A quiver may also have directed loops in it . # #Simple graph# # As opposed to a multigraph , a simple graph is an undirected graph that has no loops ( edges connected at both ends to the same vertex ) and no more than one edge between any two different vertices . In a simple graph the edges of the graph form a set ( rather than a multiset ) and each edge is a ' ' distinct ' ' pair of vertices . In a simple graph with ' ' n ' ' vertices every vertex has a degree that is less than ' ' n ' ' ( the converse , however , is not true there exist non-simple graphs with ' ' n ' ' vertices in which every vertex has a degree smaller than ' ' n ' ' ) . # #Weighted graph# # A graph is a weighted graph if a number ( weight ) is assigned to each edge . Such weights might represent , for example , costs , lengths or capacities , etc. depending on the problem at hand . Some authors call such a graph a network . Weighted correlation networks can be defined by soft-thresholding the pairwise correlations among variables ( e.g. gene measurements ) . # #Half-edges , loose edges# # In certain situations it can be helpful to allow edges with only one end , called half-edges , or no ends ( loose edges ) ; see for example signed graphs and biased graphs . # Important graph classes # # #Regular graph# # A regular graph is a graph where each vertex has the same number of neighbours , i.e. , every vertex has the same degree or valency . A regular graph with vertices of degree ' ' k ' ' is called a ' ' k ' ' regular graph or regular graph of degree ' ' k ' ' . # #Complete graph# # Complete graphs have the feature that each pair of vertices has an edge connecting them . # #Finite and infinite graphs# # A finite graph is a graph ' ' G ' ' = ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' E ' ' ) such that ' ' V ' ' and ' ' E ' ' are finite sets . An infinite graph is one with an infinite set of vertices or edges or both . Most commonly in graph theory it is implied that the graphs discussed are finite . If the graphs are infinite , that is usually specifically stated . # #Graph classes in terms of connectivity# # In an undirected graph ' ' G ' ' , two vertices ' ' u ' ' and ' ' v ' ' are called connected if ' ' G ' ' contains a path from ' ' u ' ' to ' ' v ' ' . Otherwise , they are called disconnected . A graph is called connected if every pair of distinct vertices in the graph is connected ; otherwise , it is called disconnected . A graph is called ' ' k ' ' -vertex-connected or ' ' k ' ' -edge-connected if no set of ' ' k-1 ' ' vertices ( respectively , edges ) exists that , when removed , disconnects the graph . A ' ' k ' ' -vertex-connected graph is often called simply ' ' k ' ' -connected . A directed graph is called weakly connected if replacing all of its directed edges with undirected edges produces a connected ( undirected ) graph . It is strongly connected or strong if it contains a directed path from ' ' u ' ' to ' ' v ' ' and a directed path from ' ' v ' ' to ' ' u ' ' for every pair of vertices ' ' u ' ' , ' ' v ' ' . # #Category of all graphs# # The category of all graphs is the slice category mathbfSetdownarrow D where D : mathbfSet rightarrow mathbfSet is the functor taking a set s to s times s . # Properties of graphs # Two edges of a graph are called adjacent if they share a common vertex . Two arrows of a directed graph are called consecutive if the head of the first one is at the tail of the second one . Similarly , two vertices are called adjacent if they share a common edge ( consecutive if they are at the tail and at the head of an arrow ) , in which case the common edge is said to join the two vertices . An edge and a vertex on that edge are called incident . The graph with only one vertex and no edges is called the trivial graph . A graph with only vertices and no edges is known as an edgeless graph . The graph with no vertices and no edges is sometimes called the null graph or empty graph , but the terminology is not consistent and not all mathematicians allow this object . In a weighted graph or digraph , each edge is associated with some value , variously called its ' ' cost ' ' , ' ' weight ' ' , ' ' length ' ' or other term depending on the application ; such graphs arise in many contexts , for example in optimal routing problems such as the traveling salesman problem . Normally , the vertices of a graph , by their nature as elements of a set , are distinguishable . This kind of graph may be called vertex-labeled . However , for many questions it is better to treat vertices as indistinguishable ; then the graph may be called unlabeled . ( Of course , the vertices may be still distinguishable by the properties of the graph itself , e.g. , by the numbers of incident edges ) . The same remarks apply to edges , so graphs with labeled edges are called edge-labeled graphs . Graphs with labels attached to edges or vertices are more generally designated as labeled . Consequently , graphs in which vertices are indistinguishable and edges are indistinguishable are called ' ' unlabeled ' ' . ( Note that in the literature the term ' ' labeled ' ' may apply to other kinds of labeling , besides that which serves only to distinguish different vertices or edges. ) # Examples # The diagram at right is a graphic representation of the following graph : : ' ' V ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 : ' ' E ' ' = . In category theory a small category can be represented by a directed multigraph in which the objects of the category represented as vertices and the morphisms as directed edges . Then , the functors between categories induce some , but not necessarily all , of the digraph morphisms of the graph . In computer science , directed graphs are used to represent knowledge ( e.g. , Conceptual graph ) , finite state machines , and many other discrete structures . A binary relation ' ' R ' ' on a set ' ' X ' ' defines a directed graph . An element ' ' x ' ' of ' ' X ' ' is a direct predecessor of an element ' ' y ' ' of ' ' X ' ' iff ' ' xRy ' ' . A directed edge can model information networks such as Twitter , with one user following another # Important graphs # Basic examples are : In a complete graph , each pair of vertices is joined by an edge ; that is , the graph contains all possible edges . In a bipartite graph , the vertex set can be partitioned into two sets , ' ' W ' ' and ' ' X ' ' , so that no two vertices in ' ' W ' ' are adjacent and no two vertices in ' ' X ' ' are adjacent . Alternatively , it is a graph with a chromatic number of 2. In a complete bipartite graph , the vertex set is the union of two disjoint sets , ' ' W ' ' and ' ' X ' ' , so that every vertex in ' ' W ' ' is adjacent to every vertex in ' ' X ' ' but there are no edges within ' ' W ' ' or ' ' X ' ' . In a ' ' linear graph ' ' or path graph of length ' ' n ' ' , the vertices can be listed in order , ' ' v ' ' 0 , ' ' v ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' v ' ' n , so that the edges are ' ' v ' ' i1 ' ' v ' ' i for each ' ' i ' ' = 1 , 2 , ... , ' ' n ' ' . If a linear graph occurs as a subgraph of another graph , it is a path in that graph . In a cycle graph of length ' ' n 3 ' ' , vertices can be named ' ' v ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' v ' ' n so that the edges are ' ' v ' ' i1 ' ' v i ' ' for each ' ' i ' ' = 2 , ... , ' ' n ' ' in addition to ' ' v ' ' n ' ' v ' ' 1 . Cycle graphs can be characterized as connected 2-regular graphs . If a cycle graph occurs as a subgraph of another graph , it is a ' ' cycle ' ' or ' ' circuit ' ' in that graph . A planar graph is a graph whose vertices and edges can be drawn in a plane such that no two of the edges intersect ( i.e. , ' ' embedded ' ' in a plane ) . A tree is a connected graph with no cycles . A ' ' forest ' ' is a graph with no cycles ( i.e. the disjoint union of one or more ' ' trees ' ' ) . More advanced kinds of graphs are : The Petersen graph and its generalizations Perfect graphs Cographs Chordal graphs Other graphs with large automorphism groups : vertex-transitive , arc-transitive , and distance-transitive graphs . Strongly regular graphs and their generalization distance-regular graphs . # Operations on graphs # There are several operations that produce new graphs from old ones , which might be classified into the following categories : Elementary operations , sometimes called editing operations on graphs , which create a new graph from the original one by a simple , local change , such as addition or deletion of a vertex or an edge , merging and splitting of vertices , etc. Graph rewrite operations replacing the occurrence of some pattern graph within the host graph by an instance of the corresponding replacement graph . Unary operations , which create a significantly new graph from the old one . Examples : * Line graph * Dual graph * Complement graph Binary operations , which create new graph from two initial graphs . Examples : * Disjoint union of graphs * Cartesian product of graphs * Tensor product of graphs * Strong product of graphs * Lexicographic product of graphs # Generalizations # In a hypergraph , an edge can join more than two vertices . An undirected graph can be seen as a simplicial complex consisting of 1-simplices ( the edges ) and 0-simplices ( the vertices ) . As such , complexes are generalizations of graphs since they allow for higher-dimensional simplices . Every graph gives rise to a matroid . In model theory , a graph is just a structure . But in that case , there is no limitation on the number of edges : it can be any cardinal number , see continuous graph . In computational biology , power graph analysis introduces power graphs as an alternative representation of undirected graphs . In geographic information systems , geometric networks are closely modeled after graphs , and borrow many concepts from graph theory to perform spatial analysis on road networks or utility grids. @@326471 In contemporary education , mathematics education is the practice of teaching and learning mathematics , along with the associated scholarly research . Researchers in mathematics education are primarily concerned with the tools , methods and approaches that facilitate practice or the study of practice , however mathematics education research , known on the continent of Europe as the didactics or pedagogy of mathematics , has developed into an extensive field of study , with its own concepts , theories , methods , national and international organisations , conferences and literature . This article describes some of the history , influences and recent controversies . # History # Elementary mathematics was part of the education system in most ancient civilisations , including Ancient Greece , the Roman empire , Vedic society and ancient Egypt . In most cases , a formal education was only available to male children with a sufficiently high status , wealth or caste . In Plato 's division of the liberal arts into the trivium and the quadrivium , the quadrivium included the mathematical fields of arithmetic and geometry . This structure was continued in the structure of classical education that was developed in medieval Europe . Teaching of geometry was almost universally based on Euclid 's ' ' Elements ' ' . Apprentices to trades such as masons , merchants and money-lenders could expect to learn such practical mathematics as was relevant to their profession . The first mathematics textbooks to be written in English and French were published by Robert Recorde , beginning with ' ' The Grounde of Artes ' ' in 1540 . However , there are many different writings on mathematics and math methodology that date back to 1800 BCE . These were mostly located in Mesopotamia where the Sumerians were practicing multiplication and division . There are also artifacts demonstrating their own methodology for solving equations like the quadratic equation . After the Sumerians some of the most famous ancient works on mathematics come from Egypt in the form of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus . The more famous Rhind Papyrus has been dated to approximately 1650 BCE but it is thought to be a copy of an even older scroll . This papyrus was essentially an early textbook for Egyptian students . In the Renaissance , the academic status of mathematics declined , because it was strongly associated with trade and commerce . Although it continued to be taught in European universities , it was seen as subservient to the study of Natural , Metaphysical and Moral Philosophy . This trend was somewhat reversed in the seventeenth century , with the University of Aberdeen creating a Mathematics Chair in 1613 , followed by the Chair in Geometry being set up in University of Oxford in 1619 and the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics being established by the University of Cambridge in 1662 . However , it was uncommon for mathematics to be taught outside of the universities . Isaac Newton , for example , received no formal mathematics teaching until he joined Trinity College , Cambridge in 1661 . In the 18th and 19th centuries , the industrial revolution led to an enormous increase in urban populations . Basic numeracy skills , such as the ability to tell the time , count money and carry out simple arithmetic , became essential in this new urban lifestyle . Within the new public education systems , mathematics became a central part of the curriculum from an early age . By the twentieth century , mathematics was part of the core curriculum in all developed countries . During the twentieth century , mathematics education was established as an independent field of research . Here are some of the main events in this development : In 1893 , a Chair in mathematics education was created at the University of Gttingen , under the administration of Felix Klein The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction ( ICMI ) was founded in 1908 , and Felix Klein became the first president of the organisation A new interest in mathematics education emerged in the 1960s , and the commission was revitalised In 1968 , the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education was established in Nottingham The first International Congress on Mathematical Education ( ICME ) was held in Lyon in 1969 . The second congress was in Exeter in 1972 , and after that it has been held every four years In the 20th century , the cultural impact of the electronic age ( McLuhan ) was also taken up by educational theory and the teaching of mathematics . While previous approach focused on working with specialized ' problems ' in arithmetic , the emerging structural approach to knowledge had small children meditating about number theory and ' sets ' . # Objectives # At different times and in different cultures and countries , mathematics education has attempted to achieve a variety of different objectives . These objectives have included : The teaching of basic numeracy skills to all pupils The teaching of practical mathematics ( arithmetic , elementary algebra , plane and solid geometry , trigonometry ) to most pupils , to equip them to follow a trade or craft The teaching of abstract mathematical concepts ( such as set and function ) at an early age The teaching of selected areas of mathematics ( such as Euclidean geometry ) as an example of an axiomatic system and a model of deductive reasoning The teaching of selected areas of mathematics ( such as calculus ) as an example of the intellectual achievements of the modern world The teaching of advanced mathematics to those pupils who wish to follow a career in Science , Technology , Engineering , and Mathematics ( STEM ) fields . The teaching of heuristics and other problem-solving strategies to solve non-routine problems . # Methods # The method or methods used in any particular context are largely determined by the objectives that the relevant educational system is trying to achieve . Methods of teaching mathematics include the following : Conventional approach : the gradual and systematic guiding through the hierarchy of mathematical notions , ideas and techniques . Starts with arithmetic and is followed by Euclidean geometry and elementary algebra taught concurrently . Requires the instructor to be well informed about elementary mathematics , since didactic and curriculum decisions are often dictated by the logic of the subject rather than pedagogical considerations . Other methods emerge by emphasizing some aspects of this approach . Classical education : the teaching of mathematics within the quadrivium , part of the classical education curriculum of the Middle Ages , which was typically based on Euclid 's ' ' Elements ' ' taught as a paradigm of deductive reasoning . Rote learning : the teaching of mathematical results , definitions and concepts by repetition and memorisation typically without meaning or supported by mathematical reasoning . A derisory term is ' ' drill and kill ' ' . In traditional education , rote learning is used to teach multiplication tables , definitions , formulas , and other aspects of mathematics . Exercises : the reinforcement of mathematical skills by completing large numbers of exercises of a similar type , such as adding vulgar fractions or solving quadratic equations . Problem solving : the cultivation of mathematical ingenuity , creativity and heuristic thinking by setting students open-ended , unusual , and sometimes unsolved problems . The problems can range from simple word problems to problems from international mathematics competitions such as the International Mathematical Olympiad . Problem solving is used as a means to build new mathematical knowledge , typically by building on students ' prior understandings . New Math : a method of teaching mathematics which focuses on abstract concepts such as set theory , functions and bases other than ten . Adopted in the US as a response to the challenge of early Soviet technical superiority in space , it began to be challenged in the late 1960s . One of the most influential critiques of the New Math was Morris Kline 's 1973 book ' ' Why Johnny Ca n't Add ' ' . The New Math method was the topic of one of Tom Lehrer 's most popular parody songs , with his introductory remarks to the song : ... in the new approach , as you know , the important thing is to understand what you 're doing , rather than to get the right answer . Historical method : teaching the development of mathematics within an historical , social and cultural context . Provides more human interest than the conventional approach. , Standards-based mathematics : a vision for pre-college mathematics education in the US and Canada , focused on deepening student understanding of mathematical ideas and procedures , and formalized by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics which created the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics . Relational approach : Uses class topics to solve everyday problems and relates the topic to current events . This approach focuses on the many uses of math and helps students understand why they need to know it as well as helping them to apply math to real world situations outside of the classroom . Recreational mathematics : Mathematical problems that are fun can motivate students to learn mathematics and can increase enjoyment of mathematics . Computer-based math an approach based around use of mathematical software as the primary tool of computation . # Content and age levels # Different levels of mathematics are taught at different ages and in somewhat different sequences in different countries . Sometimes a class may be taught at an earlier age than typical as a special or honors class . Elementary mathematics in most countries is taught in a similar fashion , though there are differences . In the United States fractions are typically taught starting from 1st grade , whereas in other countries they are usually taught later , since the metric system does not require young children to be familiar with them . Most countries tend to cover fewer topics in greater depth than in the United States . K-12 topics include elementary arithmetic ( addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division ) , and pre-algebra . In most of the U.S. , algebra , geometry and analysis ( pre-calculus and calculus ) are taught as separate courses in different years of high school . Mathematics in most other countries ( and in a few U.S. states ) is integrated , with topics from all branches of mathematics studied every year . Students in many countries choose an option or pre-defined course of study rather than choosing courses ' ' la carte ' ' as in the United States . Students in science-oriented curricula typically study differential calculus and trigonometry at age 1617 and integral calculus , complex numbers , analytic geometry , exponential and logarithmic functions , and infinite series in their final year of secondary school . Probability and statistics may be taught in secondary education classes . Science and engineering students in colleges and universities may be required to take multivariable calculus , differential equations , linear algebra . Applied mathematics is also used in specific majors ; for example , civil engineers may be required to study fluid mechanics , while math for computer science might include graph theory , permutation , probability , and proofs . ( Mathematics students obviously would continue to study potentially any area. ) # Standards # Throughout most of history , standards for mathematics education were set locally , by individual schools or teachers , depending on the levels of achievement that were relevant to , realistic for , and considered socially appropriate for their pupils . In modern times , there has been a move towards regional or national standards , usually under the umbrella of a wider standard school curriculum . In England , for example , standards for mathematics education are set as part of the National Curriculum for England , while Scotland maintains its own educational system . In the USA , the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers have published the national mathematics Common Core State Standards Initiative . Ma ( 2000 ) summarised the research of others who found , based on nationwide data , that students with higher scores on standardised math tests had taken more mathematics courses in high school . This led some states to require three years of math instead of two . But because this requirement was often met by taking another lower level math course , the additional courses had a diluted effect in raising achievement levels . In North America , the has published the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics . In 2006 , they released the , which recommend the most important mathematical topics for each grade level through grade 8 . However , these standards are not nationally enforced in US schools . # Research # Robust , useful theories of classroom teaching do not yet exist . However , there are useful theories on how children learn mathematics and much research has been conducted in recent decades to explore how these theories can be applied to teaching . The following results are examples of some of the current findings in the field of mathematics education : ; Important results : One of the strongest results in recent research is that the most important feature in effective teaching is giving students opportunity to learn . Teachers can set expectations , time , kinds of tasks , questions , acceptable answers , and type of discussions that will influence students ' opportunity to learn . This must involve both skill efficiency and conceptual understanding . ; Conceptual understanding : Two of the most important features of teaching in the promotion of conceptual understanding are attending explicitly to concepts and allowing students to struggle with important mathematics . Both of these features have been confirmed through a wide variety of studies . Explicit attention to concepts involves making connections between facts , procedures and ideas . ( This is often seen as one of the strong points in mathematics teaching in East Asian countries , where teachers typically devote about half of their time to making connections . At the other extreme is the U.S.A. , where essentially no connections are made in school classrooms . ) These connections can be made through explanation of the meaning of a procedure , questions comparing strategies and solutions of problems , noticing how one problem is a special case of another , reminding students of the main point , discussing how lessons connect , and so on . : Deliberate , productive struggle with mathematical ideas refers to the fact that when students exert effort with important mathematical ideas , even if this struggle initially involves confusion and errors , the end result is greater learning . This has been shown to be true whether the struggle is due to challenging , well-implemented teaching , or due to faulty teaching the students must struggle to make sense of . ; Formative assessment : Formative assessment is both the best and cheapest way to boost student achievement , student engagement and teacher professional satisfaction . Results surpass those of reducing class size or increasing teachers ' content knowledge . Effective assessment is based on clarifying what students should know , creating appropriate activities to obtain the evidence needed , giving good feedback , encouraging students to take control of their learning and letting students be resources for one another . ; Homework : Homework which leads students to practice past lessons or prepare future lessons are more effective than those going over today 's lesson . Students benefit from feedback . Students with learning disabilities or low motivation may profit from rewards . For younger children , homework helps simple skills , but not broader measures of achievement . ; Students with difficulties : Students with genuine difficulties ( unrelated to motivation or past instruction ) struggle with basic facts , answer impulsively , struggle with mental representations , have poor number sense and have poor short-term memory . Techniques that have been found productive for helping such students include peer-assisted learning , explicit teaching with visual aids , instruction informed by formative assessment and encouraging students to think aloud . ; Algebraic reasoning : It is important for elementary school children to spend a long time learning to express algebraic properties without symbols before learning algebraic notation . When learning symbols , many students believe letters always represent unknowns and struggle with the concept of variable . They prefer arithmetic reasoning to algebraic equations for solving word problems . It takes time to move from arithmetic to algebraic generalizations to describe patterns . Students often have trouble with the minus sign and understand the equals sign to mean the answer is ... # Methodology # As with other educational research ( and the social sciences in general ) , mathematics education research depends on both quantitative and qualitative studies . Quantitative research includes studies that use inferential statistics to answer specific questions , such as whether a certain teaching method gives significantly better results than the status quo . The best quantitative studies involve randomized trials where students or classes are randomly assigned different methods in order to test their effects . They depend on large samples to obtain statistically significant results . Qualitative research , such as case studies , action research , discourse analysis , and clinical interviews , depend on small but focused samples in an attempt to understand student learning and to look at how and why a given method gives the results it does . Such studies can not conclusively establish that one method is better than another , as randomized trials can , but unless it is understood ' ' why ' ' treatment X is better than treatment Y , application of results of quantitative studies will often lead to lethal mutations of the finding in actual classrooms . Exploratory qualitative research is also useful for suggesting new hypotheses , which can eventually be tested by randomized experiments . Both qualitative and quantitative studies therefore are considered essential in educationjust as in the other social sciences . Many studies are mixed , simultaneously combining aspects of both quantitative and qualitative research , as appropriate . # #Randomized trials# # There has been some controversy over the relative strengths of different types of research . Because randomized trials provide clear , objective evidence on what works , policy makers often take only those studies into consideration . Some scholars have pushed for more random experiments in which teaching methods are randomly assigned to classes . In other disciplines concerned with human subjects , like biomedicine , psychology , and policy evaluation , controlled , randomized experiments remain the preferred method of evaluating treatments . Educational statisticians and some mathematics educators have been working to increase the use of randomized experiments to evaluate teaching methods . On the other hand , many scholars in educational schools have argued against increasing the number of randomized experiments , often because of philosophical objections , such as the ethical difficulty of randomly assigning students to various treatments when the effects of such treatments are not yet known . Unlike medical subjects , students have little choice over the teaching method imposed on them , so only a method with solid evidence from other studies can be ethically used as the basis for a randomized trial . Other questions concern the limited knowledge students may have of the experimental treatment they are receiving . Within the broad frame of qualitative research , certain types of research , such as action research , may fall in and out of favor among researchers . Preferences for certain types of research and policy decisions concerning research may vary from country to country . In the United States , the National Mathematics Advisory Panel ( NMAP ) published a report in 2008 based on studies , some of which used randomized assignment of treatments to experimental units , such as classrooms or students . The NMAP report 's preference for randomized experiments received criticism from some scholars . In 2010 , the What Works Clearinghouse ( essentially the research arm for the Department of Education ) responded to ongoing controversy by extending its research base to include non-experimental studies , including regression discontinuity designs and single-case studies . # Mathematics educators # The following are some of the people who have had a significant influence on the teaching of mathematics at various periods in history : Euclid ( fl. 300 BC ) , Ancient Greek , author of ' ' The Elements ' ' Tatyana Alexeyevna Afanasyeva ( 18761964 ) , Dutch/Russian mathematician who advocated the use of visual aids and examples for introductory courses in geometry for high school students Robert Lee Moore ( 18821974 ) , American mathematician , originator of the Moore method George Plya ( 18871985 ) , Hungarian mathematician , author of ' ' How to Solve It ' ' Georges Cuisenaire ( 18911976 ) , Belgian primary school teacher who invented Cuisenaire rods William Arthur Brownell ( 18951977 ) , American educator who led the movement to make mathematics meaningful to children , often considered the beginning of modern mathematics education Hans Freudenthal ( 19051990 ) , Dutch mathematician who had a profound impact on Dutch education and founded the Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education in 1971 Caleb Gattegno ( 1911-1988 ) , Egyptian , Founder of the Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics in Britain ( 1952 ) and founder of the journal Mathematics Teaching . Toru Kumon ( 19141995 ) , Japanese , originator of the Kumon method , based on mastery through exercise Pierre van Hiele and Dina van Hiele-Geldof , Dutch educators ( 1930s1950s ) who proposed a theory of how children learn geometry ( 1957 ) , which eventually became very influential worldwide Robert Parris Moses ( 1935 ) , founder of the nationwide US Algebra project Robert & Ellen Kaplan ( about 1930/40s- ) , authors of , , and ( by Michael Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan ) . Robert M. Gagn ( 19581980s ) , pioneer in mathematics education research . # Mathematics teachers # The following people all taught mathematics at some stage in their lives , although they are better known for other things : Lewis Carroll , pen name of British author Charles Dodgson , lectured in mathematics at Christ Church , Oxford . As a mathematics educator , Dodgson defended the use of Euclid 's Elements as a geometry textbook ; Euclid and his Modern Rivals is a criticism of a reform movement in geometry education led by the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching . John Dalton , British chemist and physicist , taught mathematics at schools and colleges in Manchester , Oxford and York Tom Lehrer , American songwriter and satirist , taught mathematics at Harvard , MIT and currently at University of California , Santa Cruz Brian May , rock guitarist and composer , worked briefly as a mathematics teacher before joining Queen Georg Joachim Rheticus , Austrian cartographer and disciple of Copernicus , taught mathematics at the University of Wittenberg Edmund Rich , Archbishop of Canterbury in the 13th century , lectured on mathematics at the universities of Oxford and Paris amon de Valera , a leader of Ireland 's struggle for independence in the early 20th century and founder of the Fianna Fil party , taught mathematics at schools and colleges in Dublin Archie Williams , American athlete and Olympic gold medalist , taught mathematics at high schools in California . # Organizations # Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Association of Teachers of Mathematics Mathematical Association National Council of Teachers of Mathematics @@329542 In geometry , a disk ( also spelled disc ) is the region in a plane bounded by a circle . A disk is said to be ' ' closed ' ' or ' ' open ' ' according to whether or not it contains the circle that constitutes its boundary . In Cartesian coordinates , the open disk of center ( a , b ) and radius ' ' R ' ' is given by the formula : D= ( x , y ) in mathbb R2 : ( x-a ) 2+ ( y-b ) 2 *14;176002; while the closed disk of the same center and radius is given by : overline D = ( x , y ) in mathbb R2 : ( x-a ) 2+ ( y-b ) 2 le R2 . The area of a closed or open disk of radius ' ' R ' ' is ' ' R ' ' 2 ( see area of a disk ) . The ' ' ball ' ' is the disk generalised to metric spaces . In context , the term ' ' ball ' ' may be used instead of ' ' disk ' ' . In theoretical physics a disk is a rigid body which is capable of participating in collisions in a two-dimensional gas . Usually the disk is considered rigid so that collisions are deemed elastic . # Geometry # The Euclidean disk is circular symmetrical . # Topological notions # The open disk and the closed disk are not homeomorphic , since the latter is compact and the former is not . However from the viewpoint of algebraic topology they share many properties : both of them are contractible and so are homotopy equivalent to a single point . This implies that their fundamental groups are trivial , and all homology groups are trivial except the 0th one , which is isomorphic to Z . The Euler characteristic of a point ( and therefore also that of a closed or open disk ) is 1 . Every continuous map from the closed disk to itself has at least one fixed point ( we do n't require the map to be bijective or even surjective ) ; this is the case ' ' n ' ' =2 of the Brouwer fixed point theorem . The statement is false for the open disk : consider for example : f ( x , y ) =left ( fracx+sqrt1-y22 , yright ) which maps every point of the open unit disk to another point of the open unit disk slightly to the right of the given one . @@332183 ' ' Does God Play Dice ? ' ' ' ' The Science of Discworld ' ' Michael Faraday Prize ( 1995 ) FRS ( 2001 ) Christopher Zeeman religion = Ian Nicholas Stewart FRS ( born 24 September 1945 ) is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick , England , and a widely known popular-science and science-fiction writer . # Biography # Stewart was born in 1945 in England . While in the sixth form at school , Stewart came to the attention of the mathematics teacher . The teacher had Stewart sit mock A-level examinations without any preparation along with the upper-sixth students ; Stewart placed first in the examination . This teacher arranged for Stewart to be admitted to Cambridge on a scholarship to Churchill College , where he obtained a BA in mathematics . Stewart then went to the University of Warwick for his doctorate , on completion of which in 1969 he was offered an academic position at Warwick , where he presently professes mathematics . He is well known for his popular expositions of mathematics and his contributions to catastrophe theory . While at Warwick he edited the mathematical magazine Manifold . He also wrote a column called Mathematical Recreations for Scientific American magazine for several years . Stewart has held visiting academic positions in Germany ( 1974 ) , New Zealand ( 1976 ) , and the U.S. ( University of Connecticut 197778 , University of Houston 198384 ) . # Research and Publications # Stewart has published more than 140 scientific papers , including a series of influential papers co-authored with Jim Collins on . Stewart has collaborated with Dr Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett on four popular science books based on Pratchett 's Discworld . In 1999 Terry Pratchett made both Jack Cohen and Professor Ian Stewart Honorary Wizards of the Unseen University at the same ceremony at which the University of Warwick gave Terry Pratchett an honorary degree . In March 2014 Ian Stewart 's iPad app , , launched in the App Store . The app was produced in partnership with Profile Books and Touch Press . # Mathematics and popular science # ' ' Concepts of Modern Mathematics ' ' ( 1981 ) ' ' Oh ! Catastrophe ' ' ( 1982 , in French ) ' ' Does God Play Dice ? The New Mathematics of Chaos ' ' ( 1989 ) ' ' Game , Set and Math ' ' ( 1991 ) ' ' Fearful Symmetry ' ' ( 1992 ) ' ' Another Fine Math You 've Got Me Into ' ' ( 1992 ) ' ' The Collapse of Chaos : Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World ' ' , with Jack Cohen ( 1995 ) ' ' Nature 's Numbers : Unreal Reality of Mathematics ' ' ( 1995 ) ' ' What is Mathematics ? ' ' originally by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins , second edition revised by Ian Stewart ( 1996 ) ' ' From Here to Infinity ' ' ( 1996 ) , first published as ' ' The Problems of Mathematics ' ' ( 1992 ) ' ' Figments of Reality ' ' , with Jack Cohen ( 1997 ) ' ' The Magical Maze : Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes ' ' ( 1998 ) ISBN 0-471-35065-6 ' ' Life 's Other Secret ' ' ( 1998 ) ' ' What Shape is a Snowflake ? ' ' ( 2001 ) ' ' Flatterland ' ' ( 2001 ) ISBN 0-7382-0442-0 ( See Flatland ) ' ' The Annotated Flatland ' ' ( 2002 ) ' ' Evolving the Alien : The Science of Extraterrestrial Life ' ' , with Jack Cohen ( 2002 ) . Second edition published as ' ' What Does a Martian Look Like ? The Science of Extraterrestrial Life ' ' . ' ' Math Hysteria ' ' ( 2004 ) ISBN 0-19-861336-9 ' ' The Mayor of Uglyville 's Dilemma ' ' ( 2005 ) ' ' Letters to a Young Mathematician ' ' ( 2006 ) ISBN 0-465-08231-9 ' ' How to Cut a Cake : And Other Mathematical Conundrums ' ' ( 2006 ) ISBN 978-0-19-920590-5 ' ' Why Beauty Is Truth : A History of Symmetry ' ' ( 2007 ) ISBN 0-465-08236-X ' ' Taming the infinite : The story of Mathematics from the first numbers to chaos theory ' ' ( 2008 ) ISBN 978-1847241818 ' ' Professor Stewart 's Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities ' ' ( 2008 ) ISBN 1-84668-064-6 ' ' Professor Stewart 's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures : Another Drawer from the Cabinet of Curiosities ' ' ( 2009 ) ISBN 978-1-84668-292-6 ' ' Cows in the Maze : And Other Mathematical Explorations ' ' ( 2010 ) ISBN 978-0-19-956207-7 ' ' The Mathematics of Life ' ' ( 2011 ) ISBN 978-0-465-02238-0 ' ' In Pursuit of the Unknown : 17 Equations That Changed the World ' ' ( 2012 ) ISBN 978-1-84668-531-6 ' ' Symmetry : A Very Short Introduction ' ' ( 2013 ) ISBN 978-0-19965-198-6 ' ' Visions of Infinity : The Great Mathematical Problems ' ' ( 2013 ) ISBN 978-0-46502-240-3 Incredible Numbers by Professor Ian Stewart ( iPad app ) ( 2014 ) # ' ' Science of Discworld ' ' series # ' ' The Science of Discworld ' ' , with Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett ' ' The Science of Discworld II : The Globe ' ' , with Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett ' ' The Science of Discworld III : Darwin 's Watch ' ' , with Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett ' ' The Science of Discworld IV : Judgement Day ' ' , with Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett # Textbooks # ' ' Catastrophe Theory and its Applications ' ' , with Tim Poston , Pitman , 1978 . ISBN 0-273-01029-8. ' ' Complex Analysis : The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Plane ' ' , I. Stewart , D Tall . 1983 ISBN 0-521-24513-3 ' ' Algebraic number theory and Fermat 's last theorem ' ' , 3rd Edition , I. Stewart , D Tall . A. K. Peters ( 2002 ) ISBN 1-56881-119-5 ' ' Galois Theory ' ' , 3rd Edition , Chapman and Hall ( 2000 ) ISBN 1-58488-393-6 # Science fiction # ' ' Wheelers ' ' , with Jack Cohen ( fiction ) ' ' Heaven ' ' , with Jack Cohen , ISBN 0-446-52983-4 , Aspect , May 2004 ( fiction ) # Science and Mathematics # # Awards and Honours # In 1995 Stewart received the Michael Faraday Medal and in 1997 he gave the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture on ' ' The Magical Maze ' ' . He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2001 . Stewart was the first recipient of the Christopher Zeeman Medal , awarded jointly by the LMS and the IMA for his work on promoting mathematics . # Family life # Stewart married his wife , Avril , in 1970 . They met at a party at a house Avril was renting while she trained as a nurse . They have two sons . He lists his recreations as science fiction , painting , guitar , keeping fish , geology , Egyptology and snorkeling @@364754 In mathematics , schemes connect the fields of algebraic geometry , commutative algebra and number theory . Schemes were introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in 1960 in his treatise lments de gomtrie algbrique , with the aim of developing the formalism needed to solve deep problems of algebraic geometry , such as Weil conjectures ( proved by Pierre Deligne ) . Schemes enlarge the notion of algebraic variety to include nilpotent elements ( the equations ' ' x ' ' = 0 and ' ' x ' ' 2 = 0 define the same points , but different schemes ) , and varieties defined over any commutative ring . Some consider schemes to be the basic object of study of modern algebraic geometry . Technically , a scheme is a topological space together with commutative rings for all of its open sets , which arises from gluing together spectra ( spaces of prime ideals ) of commutative rings along their open subsets . # Types of schemes # There are many ways one can qualify a scheme . According to a basic idea of Grothendieck , conditions should be applied to a ' ' morphism ' ' of schemes . Any scheme ' ' S ' ' has a unique morphism to Spec ( Z ) , so this attitude , part of the ' ' relative point of view ' ' , does n't lose anything . For detail on the development of scheme theory , which quickly becomes technically demanding , see first glossary of scheme theory . # History and motivation # The algebraic geometers of the Italian school had often used the somewhat foggy concept of generic point when proving statements about algebraic varieties . What is true for the generic point is true for all points of the variety except a small number of special points . In the 1920s , Emmy Noether had first suggested a way to clarify the concept : start with the coordinate ring of the variety ( the ring of all polynomial functions defined on the variety ) ; the maximal ideals of this ring will correspond to ordinary points of the variety ( under suitable conditions ) , and the non-maximal prime ideals will correspond to the various generic points , one for each subvariety . By taking all prime ideals , one thus gets the whole collection of ordinary and generic points . Noether did not pursue this approach . In the 1930s , Wolfgang Krull turned things around and took a radical step : start with ' ' any ' ' commutative ring , consider the set of its prime ideals , turn it into a topological space by introducing the Zariski topology , and study the algebraic geometry of these quite general objects . Others did not see the point of this generality and Krull abandoned it . Andr Weil was especially interested in algebraic geometry over finite fields and other rings . In the 1940s he returned to the prime ideal approach ; he needed an ' ' abstract variety ' ' ( outside projective space ) for foundational reasons , particularly for the existence in an algebraic setting of the Jacobian variety . In Weil 's main foundational book ( 1946 ) , generic points are constructed by taking points in a very large algebraically closed field , called a ' ' universal domain ' ' . In 1944 Oscar Zariski defined an abstract ZariskiRiemann space from the function field of an algebraic variety , for the needs of birational geometry : this is like a direct limit of ordinary varieties ( under ' blowing up ' ) , and the construction , reminiscent of locale theory , used valuation rings as points . In the 1950s , Jean-Pierre Serre , Claude Chevalley and Masayoshi Nagata , motivated largely by the Weil conjectures relating number theory and algebraic geometry , pursued similar approaches with prime ideals as points . According to Pierre Cartier , the word ' ' scheme ' ' was first used in the 1956 Chevalley Seminar , in which Chevalley was pursuing Zariski 's ideas ; and it was Andr Martineau who suggested to Serre the move to the current spectrum of a ring in general . # Modern definitions of the objects of algebraic geometry # Alexander Grothendieck then gave the decisive definition , bringing to a conclusion a generation of experimental suggestions and partial developments . He defined the spectrum of a commutative ring as the space of prime ideals with Zariski topology , but augments it with a sheaf of rings : to every Zariski-open set he assigns a commutative ring , thought of as the ring of polynomial functions defined on that set . These objects are the affine schemes ; a general scheme is then obtained by gluing together several such affine schemes , in analogy to the fact that general varieties can be obtained by gluing together affine varieties . The generality of the scheme concept was initially criticized : some schemes are removed from having straightforward geometrical interpretation , which made the concept difficult to grasp . However , admitting arbitrary schemes makes the whole category of schemes better-behaved . Moreover , natural considerations regarding , for example , moduli spaces , lead to schemes that are non-classical . The occurrence of these schemes that are not varieties ( nor built up simply from varieties ) in problems that could be posed in classical terms made for the gradual acceptance of the new foundations of the subject . Subsequent work on algebraic spaces and algebraic stacks by Deligne , Mumford , and Michael Artin , originally in the context of moduli problems , has further enhanced the geometric flexibility of modern algebraic geometry . Grothendieck advocated certain types of ringed toposes as generalisations of schemes , and following his proposals relative schemes over ringed toposes were developed by M. Hakim . Recent ideas about higher algebraic stacks and homotopical or derived algebraic geometry have regard to further expanding the algebraic reach of geometric intuition , bringing algebraic geometry closer in spirit to homotopy theory . # Definitions # An affine scheme is a locally ringed space isomorphic to the spectrum of a commutative ring . We denote the spectrum of a commutative ring ' ' A ' ' by Spec ( ' ' A ' ' ) . A scheme is a locally ringed space ' ' X ' ' admitting a covering by open sets ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' , such that the restriction of the structure sheaf ' ' O ' ' ' ' X ' ' to each ' ' U ' ' ' ' i ' ' is an affine scheme . Therefore one may think of a scheme as being covered by coordinate charts of affine schemes . The above formal definition means exactly that schemes are obtained by glueing together affine schemes for the Zariski topology . In the early days , this was called a ' ' prescheme ' ' , and a scheme was defined to be a separated prescheme . The term prescheme has fallen out of use , but can still be found in older books , such as Grothendieck 's lments de gomtrie algbrique and Mumford 's . # The category of schemes # Schemes form a category if we take as morphisms the morphisms of locally ringed spaces . Morphisms from schemes to affine schemes are completely understood in terms of ring homomorphisms by the following contravariant adjoint pair : For every scheme ' ' X ' ' and every commutative ring ' ' A ' ' we have a natural equivalence : operatornameHomrm Schemes ( X , operatornameSpec(A) cong operatornameHomrm CRing ( A , mathcal OX(X) . Since Z is an initial object in the category of rings , the category of schemes has Spec ( Z ) as a final object . The category of schemes has finite products , but one has to be careful : the underlying topological space of the product scheme of ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' O X ' ' ) and ( ' ' Y ' ' , ' ' O Y ' ' ) is normally ' ' not ' ' equal to the product of the topological spaces ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' . In fact , the underlying topological space of the product scheme often has more points than the product of the underlying topological spaces . For example , if ' ' K ' ' is the field with nine elements , then Spec ' ' K ' ' Spec ' ' K ' ' Spec ( ' ' K ' ' &otimes ; Z ' ' K ' ' ) Spec ( ' ' K ' ' &otimes ; Z /3 Z ' ' K ' ' ) Spec ( ' ' K ' ' ' ' K ' ' ) , a set with two elements , though Spec ' ' K ' ' has only a single element . For a scheme S , the category of schemes over S has also fibre products , and since it has a final object S , it follows that it has finite limits . # ' ' O X ' ' modules # Just as the ' ' R ' ' -modules are central in commutative algebra when studying the commutative ring ' ' R ' ' , so are the ' ' O X ' ' -modules central in the study of the scheme ' ' X ' ' with structure sheaf ' ' O X ' ' . ( See locally ringed space for a definition of ' ' O X ' ' -modules . ) The category of ' ' O X ' ' -modules is abelian . Of particular importance are the coherent sheaves on ' ' X ' ' , which arise from finitely generated ( ordinary ) modules on the affine parts of ' ' X ' ' . The category of coherent sheaves on ' ' X ' ' is also abelian . The sections of the structure sheaf ' ' O X ' ' of ' ' X ' ' are called regular functions , which are defined on each open subsets ' ' U ' ' in ' ' X ' ' . The invertible subsheaf of ' ' O X ' ' , denoted ' ' O X ' ' , consists only of the invertible germs of regular functions under the multiplication . In most situations , the sheaf ' ' K X ' ' is defined on an open affine subset of ' ' X ' ' as the total quotient rings ' ' Q(A) ' ' ( though there are cases where the definition is more complicated ) . The sections of ' ' K ' ' ' ' X ' ' are called ' ' rational functions ' ' on ' ' X ' ' . The invertible subsheaf of ' ' K X ' ' is denoted by ' ' K X ' ' . The equivalent class of this invertible sheaf turns to be an abelian group with tensor products and isomorphic to ' ' H 1 ( X , O X ) ' ' , which is called Picard group . On projective schemes the sections of the structure sheaf ' ' O X ' ' defined on each open subsets ' ' U ' ' of ' ' X ' ' are also called regular functions though there are no global sections except for constants . # Generalizations # A commonly used generalization of schemes are the algebraic stacks . All schemes are algebraic stacks , but the category of algebraic stacks is richer in that it contains many quotient objects and moduli spaces that can not be constructed as schemes ; stacks can also have negative dimension . Standard constructions of scheme theory , such as sheaves and tale cohomology , can be extended to algebraic stacks . @@366808 In mathematics , a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space , R 3 , considered up to continuous deformations ( isotopies ) . A crucial difference between the standard mathematical and conventional notions of a knot is that mathematical knots are closedthere are no ends to tie or untie on a mathematical knot . Physical properties such as friction and thickness also do not apply , although there are mathematical definitions of a knot that take such properties into account . The term ' ' knot ' ' is also applied to embeddings of Sj in Sn , especially in the case j=n-2 . The branch of mathematics that studies knots is known as knot theory . # Formal definition # A knot is an embedding#General topology # Tame vs. wild knots # A ' ' polygonal ' ' knot is a knot whose image in E 3 is the union of a finite set of line segments . A ' ' tame ' ' knot is any knot equivalent to a polygonal knot . Knots which are not tame are called ' ' wild ' ' . # Types of knots # The simplest knot , called the unknot or trivial knot , is a round circle embedded in R 3 . In the ordinary sense of the word , the unknot is not knotted at all . The simplest nontrivial knots are the trefoil knot ( 3 1 in the table ) , the figure-eight knot ( 4 1 ) and the cinquefoil knot ( 5 1 ) . Several knots , linked or tangled together , are called links . Knots are links with a single component . Often mathematicians prefer to consider knots embedded into the 3-sphere , S 3 , rather than R 3 since the 3-sphere is compact . The 3-sphere is equivalent to R 3 with a single point added at infinity ( see one-point compactification ) . A knot is tame if it can be thickened up , that is , if there exists an extension to an embedding of the solid torus , S1 times D2 , into the 3-sphere . A knot is tame if and only if it can be represented as a finite closed polygonal chain . Knots that are not tame are called wild and can have pathological behavior . In knot theory and 3-manifold theory , often the adjective tame is omitted . Smooth knots , for example , are always tame . Given a knot in the 3-sphere , the knot complement is all the points of the 3-sphere not contained in the knot . A major theorem of Gordon and Luecke states that at most two knots have homeomorphic complements ( the original knot and its mirror reflection ) . This in effect turns the study of knots into the study of their complements , and in turn into 3-manifold theory . The JSJ decomposition and Thurston 's hyperbolization theorem reduces the study of knots in the 3-sphere to the study of various geometric manifolds via ' ' splicing ' ' or ' ' satellite operations ' ' . In the pictured knot , the JSJ-decomposition splits the complement into the union of three manifolds : two trefoil complements and the complement of the Borromean rings . The trefoil complement has the geometry of H2 times R , while the Borromean rings complement has the geometry of H3 . # Generalization # In contemporary mathematics the term ' ' knot ' ' is sometimes used to describe a more general phenomenon related to embeddings . Given a manifold M with a submanifold N , one sometimes says N can be knotted in M if there exists an embedding of N in M which is not isotopic to N . Traditional knots form the case where N=S1 and M=mathbb R3 or M=S3 . The Schoenflies theorem states that the circle does not knot in the 2-sphereevery circle in the 2-sphere is isotopic to the standard circle . Alexander 's theorem states that the 2-sphere does not smoothly ( or PL or tame topologically ) knot in the 3-sphere . In the tame topological category , it 's known that the n -sphere does not knot in the n+1 -sphere for all n . This is a theorem of Brown and Mazur . The Alexander horned sphere is an example of a knotted 2-sphere in the 3-sphere which is not tame . In the smooth category , the n -sphere is known not to knot in the n+1 -sphere provided n neq 3 . The case n=3 is a long-outstanding problem closely related to the question : does the 4-ball admit an exotic smooth structure ? Haefliger proved that there are no smooth j-dimensional knots in Sn provided 2n-3j-30 , and gave further examples of knotted spheres for all n j geq 1 such that 2n-3j-3=0 . n-j is called the codimension of the knot . An interesting aspect of Haefliger 's work is that the isotopy classes of embeddings of Sj in Sn form a group , with group operation given by the connect sum , provided the co-dimension is greater than two . Haefliger based his work on Smale 's h-cobordism theorem . One of Smale 's theorems is that when one deals with knots in co-dimension greater than two , even inequivalent knots have diffeomorphic complements . This gives the subject a different flavour than co-dimension 2 knot theory . If one allows topological or PL-isotopies , Zeeman proved that spheres do not knot when the co-dimension is larger than two . See a generalization to manifolds. @@368684 In mathematics , a moment is a specific quantitative measure of the shape of a set of points , used in both mechanics and statistics . If the points represent mass , then the zeroth moment is the total mass , the first moment is the center of mass , and the second moment is the rotational inertia . If the points represent probability density , then the zeroth moment is the total probability ( i.e. one ) , the first moment is the mean , the second moment is the variance , and the third moment is the skewness . The mathematical concept is closely related to the concept of moment in physics . For a bounded distribution of mass or probability , the collection of all the moments ( of all orders , from to ) uniquely determines the distribution . # Significance of the moments # The -th moment of a real-valued continuous function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) of a real variable about a value ' ' c ' ' is : mu ' n=int-inftyinfty ( x - c ) n , f(x) , dx . It is possible to define moments for random variables in a more general fashion than moments for real valuessee moments in metric spaces . The moment of a function , without further explanation , usually refers to the above expression with ' ' c ' ' = 0 . For the second and higher moments , the central moments ( moments about the mean , with ' ' c ' ' being the mean ) are usually used rather than the moments about zero , because they provide clearer information about the distribution 's shape . Other moments may also be defined . For example , the -th inverse moment about zero is *25;36186;TOOLONG and the -th logarithmic moment about zero is *28;36213;TOOLONG . The -th moment about zero of a probability density function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is the expected value of and is called a ' ' raw moment ' ' or ' ' crude moment ' ' . The moments about its mean are called ' ' central ' ' moments ; these describe the shape of the function , independently of translation . If ' ' f ' ' is a probability density function , then the value of the integral above is called the -th moment of the probability distribution . More generally , if ' ' F ' ' is a cumulative probability distribution function of any probability distribution , which may not have a density function , then the -th moment of the probability distribution is given by the RiemannStieltjes integral : mu ' n = operatornameE left Xn right =int-inftyinfty xn , dF(x) , where ' ' X ' ' is a random variable that has this cumulative distribution ' ' F ' ' , and is the expectation operator or mean . When : operatornameEleft left Xn right right = int-inftyinfty xn , dF(x) = infty , then the moment is said not to exist . If the -th moment about any point exists , so does the -th moment ( and thus , all lower-order moments ) about every point . The zeroth moment of any probability density function is 1 , since the area under any probability density function must be equal to one . class= wikitable ! Moment number ! ! Raw moment ! ! Central moment ! ! Standardised moment ! ! Raw cumulant ! ! Standardised cumulant # Mean # The first raw moment is the mean . # Variance # The second central moment is the variance . Its positive square root is the standard deviation ' ' ' ' . # # Normalised moments # # The ' ' normalised ' ' -th central moment or standardised moment is the -th central moment divided by ; the normalised -th central moment of : x = fracoperatornameE left ( x - mu ) n right sigman . These normalised central moments are dimensionless quantities , which represent the distribution independently of any linear change of scale . # Skewness # The third central moment is a measure of the lopsidedness of the distribution ; any symmetric distribution will have a third central moment , if defined , of zero . The normalised third central moment is called the skewness , often . A distribution that is skewed to the left ( the tail of the distribution is heavier on the left ) will have a negative skewness . A distribution that is skewed to the right ( the tail of the distribution is heavier on the right ) , will have a positive skewness . For distributions that are not too different from the normal distribution , the median will be somewhere near ; the mode about . # Kurtosis # The fourth central moment is a measure of whether the distribution is tall and skinny or short and squat , compared to the normal distribution of the same variance . Since it is the expectation of a fourth power , the fourth central moment , where defined , is always positive ; and except for a point distribution , it is always strictly positive . The fourth central moment of a normal distribution is . The kurtosis is defined to be the normalised fourth central moment minus 3 ( Equivalently , as in the next section , it is the fourth cumulant divided by the square of the variance ) . Some authorities do not subtract three , but it is usually more convenient to have the normal distribution at the origin of coordinates . If a distribution has a peak at the mean and long tails , the fourth moment will be high and the kurtosis positive ( leptokurtic ) ; conversely , bounded distributions tend to have low kurtosis ( platykurtic ) . The kurtosis can be positive without limit , but must be greater than or equal to ; equality only holds for binary distributions . For unbounded skew distributions not too far from normal , tends to be somewhere in the area of and . The inequality can be proven by considering : operatornameE left ( T2 - aT - 1 ) 2 right where ( ' ' X ' ' ' ' ' ' ) / ' ' ' ' . This is the expectation of a square , so it is non-negative for all ' ' a ' ' ; however it is also a quadratic polynomial in ' ' a ' ' . Its discriminant must be non-positive , which gives the required relationship . # Mixed moments # Mixed moments are moments involving multiple variables . Some examples are covariance , coskewness and cokurtosis . While there is a unique covariance , there are multiple co-skewnesses and co-kurtoses. # Higher moments # High-order moments are moments beyond 4th-order moments . As with variance , skewness , and kurtosis , these are higher-order statistics , involving non-linear combinations of the data , and can be used for description or estimation of further shape parameters . The higher the moment , the harder it is to estimate , in the sense that larger samples are required in order to obtain estimates of similar quality . This is due to the excess degrees of freedom consumed by the higher orders . Further , they can be subtle to interpret , often being most easily understood in terms of lower order moments compare the higher derivatives of jerk and jounce in physics . For example , just as the 4th-order moment ( kurtosis ) can be interpreted as relative importance of tails versus shoulders in causing dispersion ( for a given dispersion , high kurtosis corresponds to heavy tails , while low kurtosis corresponds to heavy shoulders ) , the 5th-order moment can be interpreted as measuring relative importance of tails versus center ( mode , shoulders ) in causing skew ( for a given skew , high 5th moment corresponds to heavy tail and little movement of mode , while low 5th moment corresponds to more change in shoulders ) . # Cumulants # The first moment and the second and third ' ' unnormalized central ' ' moments are additive in the sense that if ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' are independent random variables then : beginalign mu1(X+Y) &= mu1(X)+mu1(Y) operatornameVar(X+Y) &=operatornameVar(X) + operatornameVar(Y) mu3(X+Y) &=mu3(X)+mu3(Y) endalign ( These can also hold for variables that satisfy weaker conditions than independence . The first always holds ; if the second holds , the variables are called uncorrelated ) . In fact , these are the first three cumulants and all cumulants share this additivity property . # Sample moments # For all ' ' k ' ' , the -th raw moment of a population can be estimated using the -th raw sample moment : frac1nsumi = 1n Xki applied to a sample drawn from the population . It can be shown that the expected value of the raw sample moment is equal to the -th raw moment of the population , if that moment exists , for any sample size . It is thus an unbiased estimator . This contrasts with the situation for central moments , whose computation uses up a degree of freedom by using the sample mean . So for example an unbiased estimate of the population variance ( the second central moment ) is given by : frac1n-1sumi = 1n ( Xi-bar X ) 2 in which the previous denominator has been replaced by the degrees of freedom , and in which bar X refers to the sample mean . This estimate of the population moment is greater than the unadjusted observed sample moment by a factor of tfracnn-1 , and it is referred to as the adjusted sample variance or sometimes simply the sample variance . # Problem of moments # The ' ' problem of moments ' ' seeks characterizations of sequences ' ' ' ' &prime ; ' ' n ' ' : ' ' n ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 , .. that are sequences of moments of some function ' ' f ' ' . # Partial moments # Partial moments are sometimes referred to as one-sided moments . The -th order lower and upper partial moments with respect to a reference point ' ' r ' ' may be expressed as : mun-(r)=int-inftyr ( r - x ) n , f(x) , dx , : mun+ ( r ) =intrinfty ( x - r ) n , f(x) , dx . Partial moments are normalized by being raised to the power 1/ ' ' n ' ' . The upside potential ratio may be expressed as a ratio of a first-order upper partial moment to a normalized second-order lower partial moment . They have been used in the definition of some financial metrics , such as the Sortino ratio , as they focus purely on upside or downside. # Central moments in metric spaces # Let be a metric space , and let B ( ' ' M ' ' ) be the Borel -algebra on ' ' M ' ' , the -algebra generated by the ' ' d ' ' -open subsets of ' ' M ' ' . ( For technical reasons , it is also convenient to assume that ' ' M ' ' is a separable space with respect to the metric ' ' d ' ' . ) Let . The ' ' p ' ' th central moment of a measure on the measurable space ( ' ' M ' ' , B ( ' ' M ' ' ) about a given point is defined to be : intM d ( x , x0 ) p , mathrmd mu ( x ) . ' ' ' ' is said to have finite -th central moment if the -th central moment of about ' ' x ' ' 0 is finite for some . This terminology for measures carries over to random variables in the usual way : if is a probability space and is a random variable , then the -th central moment of ' ' X ' ' about is defined to be : intM d ( x , x0 ) p , mathrmd left ( X* ( mathbfP ) right ) ( x ) equiv intOmega d ( X(omega) , x0 ) p , mathrmd mathbfP ( omega ) , and ' ' X ' ' has finite -th central moment if the -th central moment of ' ' X ' ' about ' ' x ' ' 0 is finite for some . @@381013 In mathematics , the support of a function is the set of points where the function is not zero-valued or , in the case of functions defined on a topological space , the closure of that set . This concept is used very widely in mathematical analysis . In the form of functions with support that is bounded , it also plays a major part in various types of mathematical duality theories . # Formulation # Suppose that ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' R is a real-valued function whose domain is an arbitrary set ' ' X ' ' . The set-theoretic support of ' ' f ' ' , written supp ( ' ' f ' ' ) , is the set of points in ' ' X ' ' where ' ' f ' ' is non-zero : operatornamesupp(f) = xin X , , f(x)ne 0 . The support of ' ' f ' ' is the smallest subset of ' ' X ' ' with the property that ' ' f ' ' is zero on its complement , meaning that the non-zero values of ' ' f ' ' live on supp(f) . If ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 0 for all but a finite number of points ' ' x ' ' in ' ' X ' ' , then ' ' f ' ' is said to have finite support . If the set ' ' X ' ' has an additional structure ( for example , a topology ) , then the support of ' ' f ' ' is defined in an analogous way as the smallest subset of ' ' X ' ' of an appropriate type such that ' ' f ' ' vanishes in an appropriate sense on its complement . The notion of support also extends in a natural way to functions taking values in more general sets than R and to other objects , such as measures or distributions . # Closed support # The most common situation occurs when ' ' X ' ' is a topological space ( such as the real line or ' ' n ' ' -dimensional Euclidean space ) and ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' R is a continuous real ( or complex ) -valued function . In this case , the support of ' ' f ' ' is defined topologically as the closure of the subset of ' ' X ' ' where ' ' f ' ' is non-zero i.e. , : operatornamesupp(f) : = overlinex in X , , f(x) neq 0 . Since the intersection of closed sets is closed , supp ( ' ' f ' ' ) is the intersection of all closed sets that contain the set-theoretic support of ' ' f ' ' . For example , if ' ' f ' ' : R R is the function defined by : f(x) = begincases 1-x2 & textif x *54;63205; then the support of ' ' f ' ' is the closed interval -1,1 , since ' ' f ' ' is non-zero on the open interval ( -1,1 ) and the closure of this set is -1,1 . The notion of closed support is usually applied to continuous functions , but the definition makes sense for arbitrary real or complex-valued functions on a topological space , and some authors do not require that ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' R ( or C ) be continuous . # Compact support # Functions with compact support on a topological space ' ' X ' ' are those whose support is a compact subset of ' ' X ' ' . If ' ' X ' ' is the real line , or ' ' n ' ' -dimensional Euclidean space , then a function has compact support if and only if has bounded support , since the support is closed by definition and a subset of R n is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded . For example , the function ' ' f ' ' : R R defined above is a continuous function with compact support -1,1 . The condition of compact support is stronger than the condition of vanishing at infinity . For example , the function ' ' f ' ' : R R defined by : f(x) = fracx1+x2 vanishes at infinity , since ' ' f(x) ' ' 0 as ' ' x ' ' , but its support R is not compact . Real-valued compactly supported smooth functions on a Euclidean space are called bump functions . Mollifiers are an important special case of bump functions as they can be used in distribution theory to create sequences of smooth functions approximating nonsmooth ( generalized ) functions , via convolution . In good cases , functions with compact support are dense in the space of functions that vanish at infinity , but this property requires some technical work to justify in a given example . As an intuition for more complex examples , and in the language of limits , for any 0 , any function ' ' f ' ' on the real line R that vanishes at infinity can be approximated by choosing an appropriate compact subset ' ' C ' ' of R such that : f(x) - IC(x)f(x) *20;63261; for all ' ' x ' ' ' ' X ' ' , where IC is the indicator function of ' ' C ' ' . Every continuous function on a compact topological space has compact support since every closed subset of a compact space is indeed compact . # Essential support # If ' ' X ' ' is a topological measure space with a Borel measure ( such as R n , or a Lebesgue measurable subset of R n , equipped with Lebesgue measure ) , then one typically identifies functions that are equal -almost everywhere . In that case , the essential support of a measurable function ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' R , written ess supp ( ' ' f ' ' ) , is defined to be the smallest closed subset ' ' F ' ' of ' ' X ' ' such that ' ' f=0 ' ' -almost everywhere outside ' ' F ' ' . Equivalently , ess supp(f) is the complement of the largest open set on which ' ' f ' ' =0 -almost everywhere : operatornameess , supp(f) : = X setminusbigcup leftOmegasubset X , , Omega , textis open and , f = 0 , mutext-almost everywhere in , Omega right . The essential support of a function ' ' f ' ' depends on the measure as well as on ' ' f ' ' , and it may be strictly smaller than the closed support . For example , if ' ' f ' ' : 0,1 R is the Dirichlet function that is 0 on irrational numbers and 1 on rational numbers , and 0,1 is equipped with Lebesgue measure , then the support of ' ' f ' ' is the entire interval 0,1 , but the essential support of ' ' f ' ' is empty , since ' ' f ' ' is equal almost everywhere to the zero function . In analysis one nearly always wants to use the essential support of a function , rather than its closed support , when the two sets are different , so ess supp ( ' ' f ' ' ) is often written simply as supp ( ' ' f ' ' ) and referred to as the support . # Generalization # If ' ' M ' ' is an arbitrary set containing zero , the concept of support is immediately generalizable to functions ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' M ' ' . ' ' M ' ' may also be any algebraic structure with identity ( such as a group , monoid , or composition algebra ) , in which the identity element assumes the role of zero . For instance , the family Z N of functions from the natural numbers to the integers is the uncountable set of integer sequences . The subfamily ' ' f ' ' in Z N : ' ' f ' ' has finite support is the countable set of all integer sequences that have only finitely many nonzero entries . # In probability and measure theory # In probability theory , the support of a probability distribution can be loosely thought of as the closure of the set of possible values of a random variable having that distribution . There are , however , some subtleties to consider when dealing with general distributions defined on a sigma algebra , rather than on a topological space . Note that the word ' ' support ' ' can refer to the logarithm of the likelihood of a probability density function . # Support of a distribution # It is possible also to talk about the support of a distribution , such as the Dirac delta function ( ' ' x ' ' ) on the real line . In that example , we can consider test functions ' ' F ' ' , which are smooth functions with support not including the point 0 . Since ( ' ' F ' ' ) ( the distribution applied as linear functional to ' ' F ' ' ) is 0 for such functions , we can say that the support of is 0 only . Since measures ( including probability measures ) on the real line are special cases of distributions , we can also speak of the support of a measure in the same way . Suppose that ' ' f ' ' is a distribution , and that ' ' U ' ' is an open set in Euclidean space such that , for all test functions phi such that the support of phi is contained in ' ' U ' ' , f(phi) = 0 . Then ' ' f ' ' is said to vanish on ' ' U ' ' . Now , if ' ' f ' ' vanishes on an arbitrary family Ualpha of open sets , then for any test function phi supported in bigcup Ualpha , a simple argument based on the compactness of the support of phi and a partition of unity shows that f(phi) = 0 as well . Hence we can define the ' ' support ' ' of ' ' f ' ' as the complement of the largest open set on which ' ' f ' ' vanishes . For example , the support of the Dirac delta is 0 . # Singular support # In Fourier analysis in particular , it is interesting to study the singular support of a distribution . This has the intuitive interpretation as the set of points at which a distribution ' ' fails to be a smooth function ' ' . For example , the Fourier transform of the Heaviside step function can , up to constant factors , be considered to be 1/ ' ' x ' ' ( a function ) ' ' except ' ' at ' ' x ' ' = 0 . While ' ' x ' ' = 0 is clearly a special point , it is more precise to say that the transform of the distribution has singular support 0 : it can not accurately be expressed as a function in relation to test functions with support including 0 . It ' ' can ' ' be expressed as an application of a Cauchy principal value ' ' improper ' ' integral . For distributions in several variables , singular supports allow one to define ' ' wave front sets ' ' and understand Huygens ' principle in terms of mathematical analysis . Singular supports may also be used to understand phenomena special to distribution theory , such as attempts to ' multiply ' distributions ( squaring the Dirac delta function fails - essentially because the singular supports of the distributions to be multiplied should be disjoint ) . # Family of supports # An abstract notion of family of supports on a topological space ' ' X ' ' , suitable for sheaf theory , was defined by Henri Cartan . In extending Poincar duality to manifolds that are not compact , the ' compact support ' idea enters naturally on one side of the duality ; see for example Alexander-Spanier cohomology . Bredon , ' ' Sheaf Theory ' ' ( 2nd edition , 1997 ) gives these definitions . A family of closed subsets of ' ' X ' ' is a ' ' family of supports ' ' , if it is down-closed and closed under finite union . Its ' ' extent ' ' is the union over . A ' ' paracompactifying ' ' family of supports that satisfies further than any ' ' Y ' ' in is , with the subspace topology , a paracompact space ; and has some ' ' Z ' ' in which is a neighbourhood . If ' ' X ' ' is a locally compact space , assumed Hausdorff the family of all compact subsets satisfies the further conditions , making it paracompactifying. @@381798 In mathematics , a singleton , also known as a unit set , is a set with exactly one element . For example , the set 0 is a singleton . The term is also used for a 1-tuple ( a sequence with one element ) . # Properties # Within the framework of ZermeloFraenkel set theory , the axiom of regularity guarantees that no set is an element of itself . This implies that a singleton is necessarily distinct from the element it contains , thus 1 and 1 are not the same thing , and the empty set is distinct from the set containing only the empty set . A set such as is a singleton as it contains a single element ( which itself is a set , however , not a singleton ) . A set is a singleton if and only if its cardinality is . In the standard set-theoretic construction of the natural numbers , the number 1 is ' ' defined ' ' as the singleton 0 . In axiomatic set theory , the existence of singletons is a consequence of the axiom of pairing : for any set ' ' A ' ' , the axiom applied to ' ' A ' ' and ' ' A ' ' asserts the existence of ' ' A ' ' , ' ' A ' ' , which is the same as the singleton ' ' A ' ' ( since it contains ' ' A ' ' , and no other set , as an element ) . If ' ' A ' ' is any set and ' ' S ' ' is any singleton , then there exists precisely one function from ' ' A ' ' to ' ' S ' ' , the function sending every element of ' ' A ' ' to the single element of ' ' S ' ' . Thus every singleton is a terminal object in the category of sets . # In category theory # Structures built on singletons often serve as terminal objects or zero objects of various categories : The statement above shows that the singleton sets are precisely the terminal objects in the category Set of sets . No other sets are terminal . Any singleton admits a unique topological space structure ( both subsets are open ) . These singleton topological spaces are terminal objects in the category of topological spaces and continuous functions . No other spaces are terminal in that category . Any singleton admits a unique group structure ( the unique element serving as identity element ) . These singleton groups are zero objects in the category of groups and group homomorphisms . No other groups are terminal in that category . # Definition by indicator functions # Let S be a class defined by an indicator function : b : X to 0 , 1 . Then S is called a ' ' singleton ' ' if and only if there is some such that for all , : b(x) = ( x = y ) , . Traditionally , this definition was introduced by Whitehead and Russell along with the definition of the natural number 1 , as : 1 *25;983;TOOLONG hatalpha ( exists x ) . alpha = iota jmath x , where iota jmath x *25;1010;TOOLONG haty ( y = x ) . @@410009 Rotation in mathematics is a concept originating in geometry . Any rotation is a motion of a certain space that preserves at least one point . It can describe , for example , the motion of a rigid body around a fixed point . A rotation is different from other types of motions : translations , which have no fixed points , and ( hyperplane ) reflections , each of them having an entire -dimensional flat of fixed points in a -dimensional space . Mathematically , a rotation is a map . All rotations about a fixed point form a group under composition called the rotation group ( of a particular space ) . But in mechanics and , more generally , in physics , this concept is frequently understood as a coordinate transformation ( importantly , a transformation of an orthonormal basis ) , because for any motion of a body there is an inverse transformation which if applied to the frame of reference results in the body being at the same coordinates . For example in two dimensions rotating a body clockwise about a point keeping the axes fixed is equivalent to rotating the axes counterclockwise about the same point while the body is kept fixed . These two types of rotation are called active and passive transformations . # Related definitions and terminology # The ' ' rotation group ' ' is a Lie group of rotations about a fixed point . This ( common ) fixed point is called the ' ' center of rotation ' ' and is usually identified with the origin . The rotation group is a ' ' point stabilizer ' ' in a broader group of ( orientation-preserving ) motions . For a particular rotation : The ' ' axis of rotation ' ' is a line of its fixed points . They exist only in . The ' ' plane of rotation ' ' is a plane that is invariant under the rotation . Unlike the axis , its points are not fixed themselves . The axis ( where is present ) and the plane of a rotation are orthogonal . A ' ' representation ' ' of rotations is a particular formalism , either algebraic or geometric , used to parametrize a rotation map . This meaning is somehow inverse to the meaning in the group theory . Rotations of ( affine ) spaces of points and of respective vector spaces are not always clearly distinguished . The former are sometimes referred to as ' ' affine rotations ' ' ( although the term is misleading ) , whereas the latter are ' ' vector rotations ' ' . See the article below for details . # Definitions and representations # # In Euclidean geometry # A motion of a Euclidean space is the same as its isometry : it leaves the distance between any two points unchanged after the transformation . But a ( proper ) rotation also has to preserve the orientation structure . The improper rotation term refers to isometries that reverse ( flip ) the orientation . In the language of group theory the distinction is expressed as ' ' direct ' ' vs ' ' indirect ' ' isometries in the Euclidean group , where the former comprise the identity component . Any direct Euclidean motion can be represented as a composition of a rotation about the fixed point and a translation . There are no non-trivial rotations in one dimension . In two dimensions , only a single angle is needed to specify a rotation about the origin the ' ' angle of rotation ' ' that specifies an element of the circle group ( also known as ) . The rotation is acting to rotate an object counterclockwise through an angle about the origin ; see below for details . Composition of rotations about different sums their angles modulo 1 turn , that implies that all two-dimensional rotations about ' ' the same ' ' point commute . Rotations about ' ' different ' ' points , in general , do not commute . Any two-dimensional direct motion is either a translation or a rotation ; see Euclidean plane isometry for details . Rotations in three-dimensional space differ from those in two dimensions in a number of important ways . Rotations in three dimensions are generally not commutative , so the order in which rotations are applied is important even about the same point . Also , unlike two-dimensional case , a three-dimensional direct motion , in general position , is not a rotation but a screw operation . Rotations about the origin have three degrees of freedom ( see rotation formalisms in three dimensions for details ) , the same as the number of dimensions . A three-dimensional rotation can be specified in a number of ways . The most usual methods are : Euler angles ( pictured at the left ) . Any rotation about the origin can be represented as the composition of three rotations defined as the motion obtained by changing one of the Euler angles while leaving the other two constant . They constitute a mixed axes of rotation system , where the first angle moves the line of nodes around the external axis ' ' z ' ' , the second rotates around the line of nodes and the third one is an intrinsic rotation around an axis fixed in the body that moves . This presentation is convenient only for rotations about a fixed point . Axisangle representation ( pictured at the right ) specifies an angle with the axis about which the rotation takes place . It can be easily visualised . There are two variants to represent it : * as a pair consisting of the angle and a unit vector for the axis , or * as a Euclidean vector obtained by multiplying the angle with this unit vector , called the ' ' rotation vector ' ' ( although , strictly speaking , it is a pseudovector ) . Matrices , versors ( quaternions ) , and other algebraic things : see the #Linear and multilinear algebra formalism section for details . A general rotation in four dimensions has only one fixed point , the centre of rotation , and no axis of rotation ; see rotations in 4-dimensional Euclidean space for details . Instead the rotation has two mutually orthogonal planes of rotation , each of which is fixed in the sense that points in each plane stay within the planes . The rotation has two angles of rotation , one for each plane of rotation , through which points in the planes rotate . If these are and then all points not in the planes rotate through an angle between and . Rotations in four dimensions about a fixed point have six degrees of freedom . A four-dimensional direct motion in general position ' ' is ' ' a rotation about certain point ( as in all even Euclidean dimensions ) , but screw operations exist also . # Linear and multilinear algebra formalism # When one considers motions of the Euclidean space that preserve the origin , the distinction between points and vectors , important in pure mathematics , can be erased because there is a canonical one-to-one correspondence between points and position vectors . The same is true for geometries other than Euclidean , but whose space is an affine space with a supplementary structure ; see an example below . Alternatively , the vector description of rotations can be understood as a parametrization of geometric rotations up to their composition with translations . In other words , one vector rotation presents many equivalent rotations about ' ' all ' ' points in the space . A motion that preserves the origin is the same as a linear operator on vectors that preserves the same geometric structure but expressed in terms of vectors . For Euclidean vectors , this expression is their ' ' magnitude ' ' ( Euclidean norm ) . In components , such operator is expressed with orthogonal matrix that is multiplied to column vectors . As it was already stated , a ( proper ) rotation is different from an arbitrary fixed-point motion in its preservation of the orientation of the vector space . Thus , the determinant of a rotation orthogonal matrix must be 1 . The only other possibility for the determinant of an orthogonal matrix is , and this result means the transformation is a hyperplane reflection , a point reflection ( for odd ) , or another kind of improper rotation . Matrices of all proper rotations form the special orthogonal group . # #Two dimensions# # In two dimensions , to carry out a rotation using matrices the point to be rotated ( orientation from positive to ) is written as a vector , then multiplied by a matrix calculated from the angle , : : beginbmatrix x ' y ' endbmatrix = beginbmatrix cos theta & -sin theta sin theta & cos theta endbmatrix beginbmatrix x y endbmatrix . where are the coordinates of the point that after rotation , and the formulae for and can be seen to be : beginalign x ' *25;0;TOOLONG y ' *25;27;TOOLONG endalign The vectors beginbmatrix x y endbmatrix and beginbmatrix x ' y ' endbmatrix have the same magnitude and are separated by an angle as expected . Points on the plane can be also presented as complex numbers : the point in the plane is represented by the complex number : z = x + iy This can be rotated through an angle by multiplying it by , then expanding the product using Euler 's formula as follows : : beginalign ei theta z &= ( cos theta + i sin theta ) ( x + i y ) &= x cos theta + i y cos theta + i x sin theta - y sin theta &= ( x cos theta - y sin theta ) + i ( x sin theta + y cos theta ) &= x ' + i y ' , endalign and equating real and imaginary parts gives the same result as a two-dimensional matrix : : beginalign x ' *25;54;TOOLONG y ' *25;81;TOOLONG endalign Since complex numbers form a commutative ring , vector rotations in two dimensions are commutative , unlike in higher dimensions . They have only one degree of freedom , as such rotations are entirely determined by the angle of rotation . # #Three dimensions# # As in two dimensions , a matrix can be used to rotate a point to a point . The matrix used is a matrix , : mathbfA = beginpmatrix a & b & c d & e & f g & h & i endpmatrix This is multiplied by a vector representing the point to give the result : mathbfA beginpmatrix x y z endpmatrix = beginpmatrix a & b & c d & e & f g & h & i endpmatrix beginpmatrix x y z endpmatrix = beginpmatrix x ' y ' z ' endpmatrix The set of all appropriate matrices together with the operation of matrix multiplication is the rotation group SO(3) . The matrix is a member of the three-dimensional special orthogonal group , , that is it is an orthogonal matrix with determinant 1 . That it is an orthogonal matrix means that its rows are a set of orthogonal unit vectors ( so they are an orthonormal basis ) as are its columns , making it simple to spot and check if a matrix is a valid rotation matrix . Above-mentioned Euler angles and axisangle representations can be easily converted to a rotation matrix . Another possibility to represent a rotation of three-dimensional Euclidean vectors are quaternions described below . # #Quaternions# # Unit quaternions , or ' ' versors ' ' , are in some ways the least intuitive representation of three-dimensional rotations . They are not the three-dimensional instance of a general approach . They are more compact than matrices and easier to work with than all other methods , so are often preferred in real-world applications . A versor ( also called a ' ' rotation quaternion ' ' ) consists of four real numbers , constrained so the norm of the quaternion is 1 . This constraint limits the degrees of freedom of the quaternion to three , as required . Unlike matrices and complex numbers two multiplications are needed : : mathbfx ' = mathbfqxq-1 , where is the versor , is its inverse , and is the vector treated as a quaternion with zero scalar part . The quaternion can be related to the rotation vector form of the axis angle rotation by the exponential map over the quaternions , : mathbfq = emathbfv/2 , where is the rotation vector treated as a quaternion . A single multiplication by a versor , either left or right , is itself a rotation , but in four dimensions . Any four-dimensional rotation about the origin can be represented with two quaternion multiplications : one left and one right , by two ' ' different ' ' unit quaternions. # #Further notes# # More generally , coordinate rotations in any dimension are represented by orthogonal matrices . The set of all orthogonal matrices in dimensions which describe proper rotations ( determinant = +1 ) , together with the operation of matrix multiplication , forms the special orthogonal group . Matrices are often used for doing transformations , especially when a large number of points are being transformed , as they are a direct representation of the linear operator . Rotations represented in other ways are often converted to matrices before being used . They can be extended to represent rotations and transformations at the same time using homogeneous coordinates . Projective transformations are represented by matrices . They are not rotation matrices , but a transformation that represents a Euclidean rotation has a rotation matrix in the upper left corner . The main disadvantage of matrices is that they are more expensive to calculate and do calculations with . Also in calculations where numerical instability is a concern matrices can be more prone to it , so calculations to restore orthonormality , which are expensive to do for matrices , need to be done more often . # #More alternatives to the matrix formalism# # As was demonstrated above , there exist three multilinear algebra rotation formalisms : one of U(1) , or complex numbers , for two dimensions , and yet two of versors , or quaternions , for three and four dimensions . In general ( and not necessarily for Euclidean vectors ) the rotation of a vector space equipped with a quadratic form can be expressed as a bivector . This formalism is used in geometric algebra and , more generally , in the Clifford algebra representation of Lie groups . The doubly-covering group of is known as the Spin group , . It can be conveniently described in terms of Clifford algebra . Unit quaternions present the group . # In non-Euclidean geometries # In spherical geometry , a direct motion of the -sphere ( an example of the elliptic geometry ) is the same as a rotation of -dimensional Euclidean space about the origin ( ) . For odd , most of these motions do not have fixed points on the -sphere and , strictly speaking , are not rotations ' ' of the sphere ' ' ; such motions are sometimes referred to as ' ' Clifford translations ' ' . Rotations about a fixed point in elliptic and hyperbolic geometries are not different from Euclidean ones . Affine geometry and projective geometry have not a distinct notion of rotation . # In relativity # One application of this is special relativity , as it can be considered to operate in a four-dimensional space , spacetime , spanned by three space dimensions and one of time . In special relativity this space is linear and the four-dimensional rotations , called Lorentz transformations , have practical physical interpretations . The Minkowski space is not a metric space , and the term ' ' isometry ' ' is inapplicable to Lorentz transformation . If a rotation is only in the three space dimensions , i.e. in a plane that is entirely in space , then this rotation is the same as a spatial rotation in three dimensions . But a rotation in a plane spanned by a space dimension and a time dimension is a hyperbolic rotation , a transformation between two different reference frames , which is sometimes called a Lorentz boost . These transformations demonstrate the pseudo-Euclidean nature of the Minkowski space . They are sometimes described as ' ' squeeze mappings ' ' and frequently appear on Minkowski diagrams which visualize ( 1 + 1 ) -dimensional pseudo-Euclidean geometry on planar drawings . The study of relativity is concerned with the Lorentz group generated by the space rotations and hyperbolic rotations . Whereas rotations , in physics and astronomy , correspond to rotations of celestial sphere as a 2-sphere in the Euclidean 3-space , Lorentz transformations from induce conformal transformations of the celestial sphere . It is a broader class of the sphere transformations known as Mbius transformations . # Discrete rotations # # Importance # Rotations define important classes of symmetry : rotational symmetry is an invariance with respect to a ' ' particular rotation ' ' . The circular symmetry is an invariance with respect to all rotation about the fixed axis . As was stated above , Euclidean rotations are applied to rigid body dynamics . Moreover , most of mathematical formalism in physics ( such as the vector calculus ) is rotation-invariant ; see rotation for more physical aspects . Euclidean rotations and , more generally , Lorentz symmetry described above are thought to be symmetry laws of nature . In contrast , the reflectional symmetry is not a precise symmetry law of nature . # Generalizations # The complex-valued matrices analogous to real orthogonal matrices are the unitary matrices . The set of all unitary matrices in a given dimension forms a unitary group of degree ; and its subgroup representing proper rotations is the special unitary group of degree . These complex rotations are important in the context of spinors . The elements of are used to parametrize ' ' three ' ' -dimensional Euclidean rotations ( see above ) , as well as respective transformations of the spin ( see representation theory of SU(2) ) @@449738 : ' ' Not to be confused with a stationary point where f ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 0 ' ' . ' ' : ' ' Not to be confused with fixed-point arithmetic , a form of limited-precision arithmetic in computing . ' ' In mathematics , a fixed point ( sometimes shortened to fixpoint , also known as an invariant point ) of a function is an element of the function 's domain that is mapped to itself by the function . A set of fixed points is sometimes called a ' ' fixed set ' ' . That is to say , ' ' c ' ' is a fixed point of the function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) if and only if ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' c ' ' ) = ' ' c ' ' . This means ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' ( ... ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' c ' ' ) ... ) = ' ' f n ' ' ( ' ' c ' ' ) = ' ' c ' ' , an important terminating consideration when recursively computing ' ' f ' ' . For example , if ' ' f ' ' is defined on the real numbers by : f(x) = x2 - 3 x + 4 , then 2 is a fixed point of ' ' f ' ' , because ' ' f ' ' ( 2 ) = 2 . Not all functions have fixed points : for example , if ' ' f ' ' is a function defined on the real numbers as ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' + 1 , then it has no fixed points , since ' ' x ' ' is never equal to ' ' x ' ' + 1 for any real number . In graphical terms , a fixed point means the point ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) is on the line ' ' y ' ' = ' ' x ' ' , or in other words the graph of ' ' f ' ' has a point in common with that line . Points which come back to the same value after a finite number of iterations of the function are known as periodic points ; a fixed point is a periodic point with period equal to one . In projective geometry , a fixed point of a projectivity has been called a double point . # Attractive fixed points # An ' ' attractive fixed point ' ' of a function ' ' f ' ' is a fixed point ' ' x ' ' 0 of ' ' f ' ' such that for any value of ' ' x ' ' in the domain that is close enough to ' ' x ' ' 0 , the iterated function sequence : x , f(x) , f ( f ( x ) , f ( f ( f(x) ) , dots converges to ' ' x ' ' 0 . An expression of prerequisites and proof of the existence of such solution is given by Banach fixed point theorem . The natural cosine function ( natural means in radians , not degrees or other units ) has exactly one fixed point , which is attractive . In this case , close enough is not a stringent criterion at all -- to demonstrate this , start with ' ' any ' ' real number and repeatedly press the ' ' cos ' ' key on a calculator ( checking first that the calculator is in radians mode ) . It eventually converges to about 0.739085133 , which is a fixed point . That is where the graph of the cosine function intersects the line y = x . Not all fixed points are attractive : for example , ' ' x ' ' = 0 is a fixed point of the function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = 2 ' ' x ' ' , but iteration of this function for any value other than zero rapidly diverges . However , if the function ' ' f ' ' is continuously differentiable in an open neighbourhood of a fixed point ' ' x ' ' 0 , and f , ' ( x0 ) <1 , attraction is guaranteed . Attractive fixed points are a special case of a wider mathematical concept of attractors . An attractive fixed point is said to be a ' ' stable fixed point ' ' if it is also Lyapunov stable . A fixed point is said to be a ' ' neutrally stable fixed point ' ' if it is Lyapunov stable but not attracting . The center of a linear homogeneous differential equation of the second order is an example of a neutrally stable fixed point . # Applications # In many fields , equilibria or stability are fundamental concepts that can be described in terms of fixed points . For example , in economics , a Nash equilibrium of a game is a fixed point of the game 's best response correspondence . However , in physics , more precisely in the theory of Phase Transitions , ' ' linearisation ' ' near an ' ' unstable ' ' fixed point has led to Wilson 's Nobel prize-winning work inventing the renormalization group , and to the mathematical explanation of the term critical phenomenon . In compilers , fixed point computations are used for program analysis , for example data-flow analysis which are often required to do code optimization . The vector of PageRank values of all web pages is the fixed point of a linear transformation derived from the World Wide Web 's link structure . Logician Saul Kripke makes use of fixed points in his influential theory of truth . He shows how one can generate a partially defined truth predicate ( one which remains undefined for problematic sentences like This sentence is not true ) , by recursively defining truth starting from the segment of a language which contains no occurrences of the word , and continuing until the process ceases to yield any newly well-defined sentences . ( This will take a denumerable infinity of steps . ) That is , for a language L , let L-prime be the language generated by adding to L , for each sentence S in L , the sentence ' ' S ' ' is true . A fixed point is reached when L-prime is L ; at this point sentences like This sentence is not true remain undefined , so , according to Kripke , the theory is suitable for a natural language which contains its ' ' own ' ' truth predicate . The concept of fixed point can be used to define the convergence of a function . # Topological fixed point property # A topological space X is said to have the ' ' fixed point property ' ' ( briefly FPP ) if for any continuous function : fcolon X to X there exists x in X such that f(x)=x . The FPP is a topological invariant , i.e. is preserved by any homeomorphism . The FPP is also preserved by any retraction . According to the Brouwer fixed point theorem , every compact and convex subset of a euclidean space has the FPP . Compactness alone does not imply the FPP and convexity is not even a topological property so it makes sense to ask how to topologically characterize the FPP . In 1932 Borsuk asked whether compactness together with contractibility could be a necessary and sufficient condition for the FPP to hold . The problem was open for 20 years until the conjecture was disproved by Kinoshita who found an example of a compact contractible space without the FPP. # Generalization to partial orders : prefixpoint and postfixpoint # The notion and terminology is generalized to a partial order . Let be a partial order over a set ' ' X ' ' and let ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' &rarr ; ' ' X ' ' be a function over ' ' X ' ' . Then a prefixpoint ( also spelled pre-fixpoint ) of ' ' f ' ' is any ' ' p ' ' such that ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) ' ' p ' ' . Analogously a postfixpoint ( or post-fixpoint ) of ' ' f ' ' is any ' ' p ' ' such that ' ' p ' ' ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) . One way to express the KnasterTarski theorem is to say that a monotone function on a complete lattice has a least fixpoint which coincides with its least prefixpoint ( and similarly its greatest fixpoint coincides with its greatest postfixpoint ) . Prefixpoints and postfixpoints have applications in theoretical computer science . @@457210 Broadly speaking , pure mathematics is mathematics that studies entirely abstract concepts . From the eighteenth century onwards , this was a recognized category of mathematical activity , sometimes characterized as ' ' speculative mathematics ' ' , and at variance with the trend towards meeting the needs of navigation , astronomy , physics , economics , engineering , and so on . Another insightful view put forth is that ' ' pure mathematics is not necessarily applied mathematics ' ' : it is possible to study abstract entities with respect to their intrinsic nature , and not be concerned with how they manifest in the real world . Even though the pure and applied viewpoints are distinct philosophical positions , in practice there is much overlap in the activity of pure and applied mathematicians . To develop accurate models for describing the real world , many applied mathematicians draw on tools and techniques that are often considered to be pure mathematics . On the other hand , many pure mathematicians draw on natural and social phenomena as inspiration for their abstract research . # History # # Ancient Greece # Ancient Greek mathematicians were among the earliest to make a distinction between pure and applied mathematics . Plato helped to create the gap between arithmetic , now called number theory , and logistic , now called arithmetic . Plato regarded logistic ( arithmetic ) as appropriate for businessmen and men of war who must learn the art of numbers or they will not know how to array their troops and arithmetic ( number theory ) as appropriate for philosophers because they have to arise out of the sea of change and lay hold of true being . Euclid of Alexandria , when asked by one of his students of what use was the study of geometry , asked his slave to give the student threepence , since he must needs make gain of what he learns . The Greek mathematician Apollonius of Perga was asked about the usefulness of some of his theorems in Book IV of ' ' Conics ' ' to which he proudly asserted , # They are worthy of acceptance for the sake of the demonstrations themselves , in the same way as we accept many other things in mathematics for this and for no other reason . # And since many of his results were not applicable to the science or engineering of his day , Apollonius further argued in the preface of the fifth book of ' ' Conics ' ' that the subject is one of those that ... seem worthy of study for their own sake . # 19th century # The term itself is enshrined in the full title of the Sadleirian Chair , founded ( as a professorship ) in the mid-nineteenth century . The idea of a separate discipline of ' ' pure ' ' mathematics may have emerged at that time . The generation of Gauss made no sweeping distinction of the kind , between ' ' pure ' ' and ' ' applied ' ' . In the following years , specialisation and professionalisation ( particularly in the Weierstrass approach to mathematical analysis ) started to make a rift more apparent . # 20th century # At the start of the twentieth century mathematicians took up the axiomatic method , strongly influenced by David Hilbert 's example . The logical formulation of pure mathematics suggested by Bertrand Russell in terms of a quantifier structure of propositions seemed more and more plausible , as large parts of mathematics became axiomatised and thus subject to the simple criteria of ' ' rigorous proof ' ' . In fact in an axiomatic setting ' ' rigorous ' ' adds nothing to the idea of ' ' proof ' ' . Pure mathematics , according to a view that can be ascribed to the Bourbaki group , is what is proved . Pure mathematician became a recognized vocation , achievable through training . # Generality and abstraction # One central concept in pure mathematics is the idea of generality ; pure mathematics often exhibits a trend towards increased generality . Generalizing theorems or mathematical structures can lead to deeper understanding of the original theorems or structures Generality can simplify the presentation of material , resulting in shorter proofs or arguments that are easier to follow . One can use generality to avoid duplication of effort , proving a general result instead of having to prove separate cases independently , or using results from other areas of mathematics . Generality can facilitate connections between different branches of mathematics . Category theory is one area of mathematics dedicated to exploring this commonality of structure as it plays out in some areas of math . Generality 's impact on intuition is both dependent on the subject and a matter of personal preference or learning style . Often generality is seen as a hindrance to intuition , although it can certainly function as an aid to it , especially when it provides analogies to material for which one already has good intuition . As a prime example of generality , the Erlangen program involved an expansion of geometry to accommodate non-Euclidean geometries as well as the field of topology , and other forms of geometry , by viewing geometry as the study of a space together with a group of transformations . The study of numbers , called algebra at the beginning undergraduate level , extends to abstract algebra at a more advanced level ; and the study of functions , called calculus at the college freshman level becomes mathematical analysis and functional analysis at a more advanced level . Each of these branches of more ' ' abstract ' ' mathematics have many sub-specialties , and there are in fact many connections between pure mathematics and applied mathematics disciplines . A steep rise in abstraction was seen mid 20th century . In practice , however , these developments led to a sharp divergence from physics , particularly from 1950 to 1980 . Later this was criticised , for example by Vladimir Arnold , as too much Hilbert , not enough Poincar . The point does not yet seem to be settled , in that string theory pulls one way , while discrete mathematics pulls back towards proof as central . # Purism # Mathematicians have always had differing opinions regarding the distinction between pure and applied mathematics . One of the most famous ( but perhaps misunderstood ) modern examples of this debate can be found in G.H. Hardy 's ' ' A Mathematician 's Apology ' ' . It is widely believed that Hardy considered applied mathematics to be ugly and dull . Although it is true that Hardy preferred pure mathematics , which he often compared to painting and poetry , Hardy saw the distinction between pure and applied mathematics to be simply that applied mathematics sought to express ' ' physical ' ' truth in a mathematical framework , whereas pure mathematics expressed truths that were independent of the physical world . Hardy made a separate distinction in mathematics between what he called real mathematics , which has permanent aesthetic value , and the dull and elementary parts of mathematics that have practical use . Hardy considered some physicists , such as Einstein and Dirac , to be among the real mathematicians , but at the time that he was writing the ' ' Apology ' ' he also considered general relativity and quantum mechanics to be useless , which allowed him to hold the opinion that only dull mathematics was useful . Moreover , Hardy briefly admitted thatjust as the application of matrix theory and group theory to physics had come unexpectedlythe time may come where some kinds of beautiful , real mathematics may be useful as well . Another insightful view is offered by Magid : # Subfields # Analysis is concerned with the properties of functions . It deals with concepts such as continuity , limits , differentiation and integration , thus providing a rigorous foundation for the calculus of infinitesimals introduced by Newton and Leibniz in the 17th century . Real analysis studies functions of real numbers , while complex analysis extends the aforementioned concepts to functions of complex numbers . Functional analysis is a branch of analysis that studies infinite-dimensional vector spaces and views functions as points in these spaces . Abstract algebra is not to be confused with the manipulation of formulae that is covered in secondary education . It studies sets together with binary operations defined on them . Sets and their binary operations may be classified according to their properties : for instance , if an operation is associative on a set that contains an identity element and inverses for each member of the set , the set and operation is considered to be a group . Other structures include rings , fields , vector spaces and lattices . Geometry is the study of shapes and space , in particular , groups of transformations that act on spaces . For example , projective geometry is about the group of projective transformations that act on the real projective plane , whereas inversive geometry is concerned with the group of inversive transformations acting on the extended complex plane . Geometry has been extended to topology , which deals with objects known as topological spaces and continuous maps between them . Topology is concerned with the way in which a space is connected and ignores precise measurements of distance or angle . Number theory is the theory of the positive integers . It is based on ideas such as divisibility and congruence . Its fundamental theorem states that each positive integer has a unique prime factorization . In some ways it is the most accessible discipline in pure mathematics for the general public : for instance the Goldbach conjecture is easily stated ( but is yet to be proved or disproved ) . In other ways it is the least accessible discipline ; for example , Wiles ' proof that Fermat 's equation has no nontrivial solutions requires understanding automorphic forms , which though intrinsic to nature have not found a place in physics or the general public discourse . # Notes # @@457680 In mathematics , a spline is a numeric function that is piecewise-defined by polynomial functions , and which possesses a sufficiently high degree of smoothness at the places where the polynomial pieces connect ( which are known as ' ' knots ' ' ) . In interpolating problems , ' ' spline interpolation ' ' is often preferred to polynomial interpolation because it yields similar results to interpolating with higher degree polynomials while avoiding instability due to Runge 's phenomenon . In computer graphics , parametric curves whose coordinates are given by splines are popular because of the simplicity of their construction , their ease and accuracy of evaluation , and their capacity to approximate complex shapes through curve fitting and interactive curve design . The most commonly used splines are cubic spline , i.e. , of order 3in particular , cubic B-spline and cubic Bzier spline . They are common , in particular , in spline interpolation simulating the function of flat splines . The term ' ' spline ' ' is adopted from the name of a flexible strip of metal commonly used by draftsmen to assist in drawing curved lines . # Examples # A simple example of a quadratic spline ( a spline of degree 2 ) is : S(t) = begincases ( t+1 ) 2-1 & -2 le t *55;0; for which S ' ( 0 ) =2 . A simple example of a cubic spline is : S(t) = lefttright3 as : S(t) = begincases t3 & t ge 0 -t3 & t *23;57; and : S ' ( 0 ) = 0 : S ' ' ( 0 ) = 0 An example of using a cubic spline to create a bell shaped curve is the Irwin-Hall distribution polynomials : : fX(x)= begincases frac14(x+2)3 & -2le x le -1 frac14left ( 3x3 - 6x2 +4 right ) & -1le x le 1 frac14(2-x)3 & 1le x le 2 endcases # History # Before computers were used , numerical calculations were done by hand . Functions such as the step function were used but polynomials were generally preferred . With the advent of computers , splines first replaced polynomials in interpolation , and then served in construction of smooth and flexible shapes in computer graphics . It is commonly accepted that the first mathematical reference to splines is the 1946 paper by Schoenberg , which is probably the first place that the word spline is used in connection with smooth , piecewise polynomial approximation . However , the ideas have their roots in the aircraft and shipbuilding industries . In the foreword to ( Bartels et al. , 1987 ) , Robin Forrest describes lofting , a technique used in the British aircraft industry during World War II to construct templates for airplanes by passing thin wooden strips ( called splines ) through points laid out on the floor of a large design loft , a technique borrowed from ship-hull design . For years the practice of ship design had employed models to design in the small . The successful design was then plotted on graph paper and the key points of the plot were re-plotted on larger graph paper to full size . The thin wooden strips provided an interpolation of the key points into smooth curves . The strips would be held in place at discrete points ( using lead weights , called ducks by Forrest ( see for illustration ) ; Schoenberg used dogs or rats ) and between these points would assume shapes of minimum strain energy . According to Forrest , one possible impetus for a mathematical model for this process was the potential loss of the critical design components for an entire aircraft should the loft be hit by an enemy bomb . This gave rise to conic lofting , which used conic sections to model the position of the curve between the ducks . Conic lofting was replaced by what we would call splines in the early 1960s based on work by J. C. Ferguson at Boeing and ( somewhat later ) by M.A. Sabin at British Aircraft Corporation . The word spline was originally in an East Anglian dialect . The use of splines for modeling automobile bodies seems to have several independent beginnings . Credit is claimed on behalf of de Casteljau at Citron , Pierre Bzier at Renault , and Birkhoff , Garabedian , and de Boor at General Motors ( see Birkhoff and de Boor , 1965 ) , all for work occurring in the very early 1960s or late 1950s . At least one of de Casteljau 's papers was published , but not widely , in 1959 . De Boor 's work at General Motors resulted in a number of papers being published in the early 1960s , including some of the fundamental work on B-splines . Work was also being done at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft , where two of the authors of the first book-length treatment of splines ( Ahlberg et al. , 1967 ) were employed ; and the David Taylor Model Basin , by Feodor Theilheimer . The work at General Motors is detailed nicely in Birkhoff ( 1990 ) and Young ( 1997 ) . Davis ( 1997 ) summarizes some of this material . # Definition # A spline is a piecewise-polynomial real function : S : a , bto mathbbR on an interval ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' composed of ' ' k ' ' subintervals ti-1 , ti with : a = t0 *41;82; . The restriction of ' ' S ' ' to an interval ' ' i ' ' is a polynomial : Pi : ti-1 , ti to mathbbR , so that : S(t) = P1 ( t ) mbox , t0 le t *13;125; : S(t) = P2 ( t ) mbox , t1 le t *13;140; : : : vdots : S(t) = Pk ( t ) mbox , tk-1 le t le tk . The highest order of the polynomials Pi ( t ) is said to be the order of the spline ' ' S ' ' . The spline is said to be uniform if all subintervals are of the same length , and non-uniform otherwise . The idea is to choose the polynomials in a way that guarantees sufficient smoothness of ' ' S ' ' . Specifically , for a spline of order n , ' ' S ' ' is required to be both continuous and continuously differentiable to order n-1 at the interior points ti : for i=1 , dots , k-1 and j=0 , dots , n-1 : Pi(j) ( ti ) = Pi+1(j) ( ti ) . # Derivation of a cubic spline interpolating between points # Spline interpolation is one of the most common uses of splines. # See also # B-spline Biarc Perfect spline Smoothing spline T-Spline # References # # Further reading # @@516931 In mathematics , the term mapping , usually shortened to map , refers to either A function , often with some sort of special structure , or A morphism in category theory , which generalizes the idea of a function . There are also a few , less common uses in logic and graph theory . # Maps as functions # In many branches of mathematics , the term map is used to mean a function , sometimes with a specific property of particular importance to that branch . For instance , a map is a ' ' continuous function ' ' in topology , a ' ' linear transformation ' ' in linear algebra , etc . Some authors , such as Serge Lang , use function only to refer to maps in which the range is a set of numbers , i.e. , the fields R or C , and the term ' ' mapping ' ' for more general functions . Sets of maps of special kinds are the subjects of many important theories : see for instance Lie group , mapping class group , permutation group . In the theory of dynamical systems , a map denotes an evolution function used to create discrete dynamical systems . See also Poincar map . A ' ' partial map ' ' is a ' ' partial function ' ' , and a ' ' total map ' ' is a ' ' total function ' ' . Related terms like ' ' domain ' ' , ' ' codomain ' ' , ' ' injective ' ' , ' ' continuous ' ' , etc. can be applied equally to maps and functions , with the same meaning . All these usages can be applied to maps as general functions or as functions with special properties . In the communities surrounding programming languages that treat functions as first class citizens , a map often refers to the binary higher-order function that takes a function and a list ' ' v ' ' 0 , ' ' v ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' v n ' ' as arguments and returns ( ' ' v ' ' 0 ) , ( ' ' v ' ' 1 ) , ... , ( ' ' v n ' ' ) , s.t. ' ' n ' ' 0 . # Maps as morphisms # In category theory , map is often used as a synonym for morphism or arrow , thus for something more general than a function . # Other uses # # In logic # In formal logic , the term is sometimes used for a ' ' functional predicate ' ' , whereas a function is a model of such a predicate in set theory . # In graph theory # In graph theory , a map is a drawing of a graph on a surface without overlapping edges ( an embedding ) . If the surface is a plane then a map is a planar graph , similar to a political map . @@542465 In geometry , a locus ( plural : ' ' loci ' ' ) is a set of points whose location satisfies or is determined by one or more specified conditions . # Commonly studied loci # Examples from plane geometry : The set of points equidistant from two points is a perpendicular bisector to the line segment connecting the two points . The set of points equidistant from two lines which cross is the angle bisector. All conic sections are loci : * Parabola : the set of points equidistant from a single point ( the focus ) and a line ( the directrix ) . * Circle : the set of points for which the distance from a single point is constant ( the radius ) . The set of points for each of which the ratio of the distances to two given foci is a positive constant ( that is not 1 ) is referred to as a Circle of Apollonius. *Hyperbola : the set of points for each of which the absolute value of the difference between the distances to two given foci is a constant . *Ellipse : the set of points for each of which the sum of the distances to two given foci is a constant . In particular , the circle is a locus . # Proof of a locus # In order to prove that a geometric shape is the correct locus for a given set of conditions , one generally divides the proof into two stages : Proof that all the points that satisfy the conditions are on the given shape . Proof that all the points on the given shape satisfy the conditions . # Examples # The locus of the points P that have a given ratio of distances k = d1/d2 to two given points . In this example we choose k = 3 , A(-1,0) and B(0,2) as the fixed points . : : P ( x , y ) is a point of the locus : Leftrightarrow PA = 3 PB : Leftrightarrow PA2 = 9 PB2 : Leftrightarrow ( x+1 ) 2+ ( y-0 ) 2=9(x-0)2+9(y-2)2 : Leftrightarrow 8(x2+y2)-2x-36y+35 =0 : Leftrightarrow *50;66771;TOOLONG This equation represents a circle with center ( 1/8,9/4 ) and radius frac38sqrt5 . A triangle ABC has a fixed side AB with length c . We determine the locus of the third vertex C such that the medians from A en C are orthogonal . We choose an orthonormal coordinate system such that A(-c/2,0) , B(c/2,0) . C ( x , y ) is the variable third vertex . The center of BC is M ( ( 2x+c ) /4 , y/2 ) . The median from C has a slope y/x . The median AM has a slope 2y/ ( 2x+3c ) . : : C ( x , y ) is a point of the locus : Leftrightarrow The medians from A and C are orthogonal : Leftrightarrow fracyx cdot frac2y2x+3c = -1 : Leftrightarrow 2 y2 + 2x2 + 3c x = 0 : Leftrightarrow x2 + y2 + ( 3c/2 ) x = 0 : Leftrightarrow ( x + 3c/4 ) 2 + y2 = 9c2/16 The locus of the vertex C is a circle with center ( -3c/4,0 ) and radius 3c/4 . A locus can also be defined by two associated curves depending on one common parameter . If the parameter varies , the intersection points of the associated curves describe the locus . On the figure , the points K and L are fixed points on a given line m . The line k is a variable line through K. The line l through L is perpendicular to k . The angle between k and m is the parameter . k and l are associated lines depending on the common parameter . The variable intersection point S of k and l describes a circle . This circle is the locus of the intersection point of the two associated lines . @@577301 In mathematics , magnitude is the size of a mathematical object , a property by which the object can be compared as larger or smaller than other objects of the same kind . More formally , an object 's magnitude is an ordering ( or ranking ) of the class of objects to which it belongs . # History # The Greeks distinguished between several types of magnitude , including : Positive fractions Line segments ( ordered by length ) Plane figures ( ordered by area ) Solids ( ordered by volume ) Angles ( ordered by angular magnitude ) They proved that the first two could not be the same , or even isomorphic systems of magnitude . They did not consider negative magnitudes to be meaningful , and ' ' magnitude ' ' is still chiefly used in contexts in which zero is either the lowest size or less than all possible sizes . # Numbers # The magnitude of any number is usually called its absolute value or modulus , denoted by ' ' x ' ' . # Real numbers # The absolute value of a real number ' ' r ' ' is defined by : : left r right = r , text if r text 0 : left r right = -r , text if r *12;1626; It may be thought of as the number 's distance from zero on the real number line . For example , the absolute value of both 7 and 7 is 7. # Complex numbers # A complex number ' ' z ' ' may be viewed as the position of a point ' ' P ' ' in a 2-dimensional space , called the complex plane . The absolute value or modulus of ' ' z ' ' may be thought of as the distance of ' ' P ' ' from the origin of that space . The formula for the absolute value of is similar to that for the Euclidean norm of a vector in a 2-dimensional Euclidean space : : left z right = sqrta2 + b2 where ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are the respectively real part and imaginary part of ' ' z ' ' . For instance , the modulus of is sqrt(-3)2+42 = 5. # Euclidean vectors # A Euclidean vector represents the position of a point ' ' P ' ' in a Euclidean space . Geometrically , it can be described as an arrow from the origin of the space ( vector tail ) to that point ( vector tip ) . Mathematically , a vector x in an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional Euclidean space can be defined as an ordered list of ' ' n ' ' real numbers ( the Cartesian coordinates of ' ' P ' ' ) : x = ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' . Its magnitude or length is most commonly defined as its Euclidean norm ( or Euclidean length ) : : mathbfx : = sqrtx12 + x22 + cdots + xn2 . For instance , in a 3-dimensional space , the magnitude of 4 , 5 , 6 is ( 4 2 + 5 2 + 6 2 ) = 77 or about 8.775 . This is equivalent to the square root of the dot product of the vector by itself : : mathbfx : = sqrtmathbfx cdot mathbfx . The Euclidean norm of a vector is just a special case of Euclidean distance : the distance between its tail and its tip . Two similar notations are used for the Euclidean norm of a vector x : # left mathbfx right , # left mathbfx right . A disadvantage to the second notation is that it is also used to denote the absolute value of scalars and the determinants of matrices and therefore its meaning can be ambiguous . # Normed vector spaces # By definition , all Euclidean vectors have a magnitude ( see above ) . However , the notion of magnitude can not be applied to all kinds of vectors . A function that maps objects to their magnitudes is called a norm . A vector space endowed with a norm , such as the Euclidean space , is called a normed vector space . In high mathematics , not all vector spaces are normed. # Logarithmic magnitudes # When comparing magnitudes , it is often helpful to use a logarithmic scale . Real-world examples include the loudness of a sound ( decibel ) , the brightness of a star , or the Richter scale of earthquake intensity . Logarithmic magnitudes can be negative . It is usually not meaningful to simply add or subtract them . # Order of magnitude # In advanced mathematics , as well as colloquially in popular culture , especially geek culture , the phrase order of magnitude is used to denote a change in a numeric quantity , usually a measurement , by a factor of 10 ; that is , the moving of the decimal point in a number one way or the other , possibly with the addition of significant zeros . Occasionally the phrase half an order of magnitude is also used , generally in more informal contexts . Sometimes , this is used to denote a 5 to 1 change , or alternatively 10 1/2 to 1 ( approximately 3.162 to 1 ) . @@579311 In mathematics , an image is the subset of a function 's codomain which is the output of the function on a subset of its domain . Precisely evaluating the function at each element of a subset X of the domain produces a set called the image of X ' ' under or through ' ' the function . The inverse image or preimage of a particular subset ' ' S ' ' of the codomain of a function is the set of all elements of the domain that map to the members of ' ' S ' ' . Image and inverse image may also be defined for general binary relations , not just functions . # Definition # The word image is used in three related ways . In these definitions , ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' is a function from the set ' ' X ' ' to the set ' ' Y ' ' . # Image of an element # If ' ' x ' ' is a member of ' ' X ' ' , then ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' y ' ' ( the value of ' ' f ' ' when applied to ' ' x ' ' ) is the image of ' ' x ' ' under ' ' f ' ' . ' ' y ' ' is alternatively known as the output of ' ' f ' ' for argument ' ' x ' ' . # Image of a subset # The image of a subset ' ' A ' ' ' ' X ' ' under ' ' f ' ' is the subset ' ' f ' ' ' ' A ' ' ' ' Y ' ' defined by ( in set-builder notation ) : : fA = , y in Y , , y = f(x) text for some x in A , When there is no risk of confusion , ' ' f ' ' ' ' A ' ' is simply written as ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) . This convention is a common one ; the intended meaning must be inferred from the context . This makes the image of ' ' f ' ' a function whose domain is the power set of ' ' X ' ' ( the set of all subsets of ' ' X ' ' ) , and whose codomain is the power set of ' ' Y ' ' . See Notation below . # Image of a function # The image ' ' f ' ' ' ' X ' ' of the entire domain ' ' X ' ' of ' ' f ' ' is called simply the image of ' ' f ' ' . # Inverse image # Let ' ' f ' ' be a function from ' ' X ' ' to ' ' Y ' ' . The preimage or inverse image of a set ' ' B ' ' ' ' Y ' ' under ' ' f ' ' is the subset of ' ' X ' ' defined by : f-1 B = , x in X , , f(x) in B The inverse image of a singleton , denoted by ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' y ' ' or by ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' y ' ' , is also called the fiber over ' ' y ' ' or the level set of ' ' y ' ' . The set of all the fibers over the elements of ' ' Y ' ' is a family of sets indexed by ' ' Y ' ' . For example , for the function ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 , the inverse image of 4 would be -2,2 . Again , if there is no risk of confusion , we may denote ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ' ' B ' ' by ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' ) , and think of ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 as a function from the power set of ' ' Y ' ' to the power set of ' ' X ' ' . The notation ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 should not be confused with that for inverse function . The two coincide only if ' ' f ' ' is a bijection . # *20;478;span Notation for image and inverse image # The traditional notations used in the previous section can be confusing . An alternative is to give explicit names for the image and preimage as functions between powersets : # Arrow notation # frightarrow : *32;500;TOOLONG with frightarrow(A) = f(a) ; ; a in A fleftarrow : *32;534;TOOLONG with fleftarrow(B) = a in X ; ; f(a) in B # Star notation # fstar : *32;568;TOOLONG instead of frightarrow fstar : *32;602;TOOLONG instead of fleftarrow # Other terminology # An alternative notation for ' ' f ' ' ' ' A ' ' used in mathematical logic and set theory is ' ' f ' ' ' ' A ' ' . Some texts refer to the image of ' ' f ' ' as the range of ' ' f ' ' , but this usage should be avoided because the word range is also commonly used to mean the codomain of ' ' f ' ' . # Examples # 1 . ' ' f ' ' : 1,2,3 ' ' a , b , c , d ' ' defined by f(x)=leftbeginmatrix a , & mboxif x=1 a , & mboxif x=2 c , & mboxif x=3. endmatrixright . The ' ' image ' ' of the set 2,3 under ' ' f ' ' is ' ' f ' ' ( 2,3 ) = ' ' a , c ' ' . The ' ' image ' ' of the function ' ' f ' ' is ' ' a , c ' ' . The ' ' preimage ' ' of ' ' a ' ' is ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' a ' ' ) = 1,2 . The ' ' preimage ' ' of ' ' a , b ' ' is also 1,2 . The preimage of ' ' b ' ' , ' ' d ' ' is the empty set . 2. ' ' f ' ' : R R defined by ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 . The ' ' image ' ' of -2,3 under ' ' f ' ' is ' ' f ' ' ( -2,3 ) = 4,9 , and the ' ' image ' ' of ' ' f ' ' is R + . The ' ' preimage ' ' of 4,9 under ' ' f ' ' is ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( 4,9 ) = -3 , -2,2,3 . The preimage of set ' ' N ' ' = ' ' n ' ' R ' ' n ' ' *127;636; 2 R defined by ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' 2 + ' ' y ' ' 2 . The ' ' fibres ' ' ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' a ' ' ) are concentric circles about the origin , the origin itself , and the empty set , depending on whether ' ' a ' ' 0 , ' ' a ' ' =0 , or ' ' a ' ' *203;765;0, ' ' x ' ' ( ' ' M ' ' ) for ' ' x ' ' ' ' M ' ' . This is also an example of a fiber bundle . # Consequences # Given a function ' ' f ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' Y ' ' , for all subsets ' ' A ' ' , ' ' A ' ' 1 , and ' ' A ' ' 2 of ' ' X ' ' and all subsets ' ' B ' ' , ' ' B ' ' 1 , and ' ' B ' ' 2 of ' ' Y ' ' we have : ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 1 ' ' A ' ' 2 ) = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 1 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 2 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 1 ' ' A ' ' 2 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 1 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 2 ) ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 1 ' ' B ' ' 2 ) = ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 1 ) ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 2 ) ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 1 ' ' B ' ' 2 ) = ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 1 ) ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 2 ) ' ' f ' ' ( A ) ' ' B ' ' ' ' A ' ' ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' ) ' ' B ' ' ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) ' ' A ' ' ' ' A ' ' 1 ' ' A ' ' 2 ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 1 ) ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' 2 ) ' ' B ' ' 1 ' ' B ' ' 2 ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 1 ) ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' 2 ) ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' C ) = ( ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' ) C ( ' ' f ' ' ' ' A ' ' ) &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' ) = ' ' A ' ' ' ' f ' ' &minus ; 1 ( ' ' B ' ' ) . The results relating images and preimages to the ( Boolean ) algebra of intersection and union work for any collection of subsets , not just for pairs of subsets : fleft ( bigcupsin SAsright ) = bigcupsin S f(As) fleft ( bigcapsin SAsright ) subseteq bigcapsin S f(As) f-1left ( bigcupsin SAsright ) = bigcupsin S f-1(As) f-1left ( bigcapsin SAsright ) = bigcapsin S f-1(As) ( Here , ' ' S ' ' can be infinite , even uncountably infinite . ) With respect to the algebra of subsets , by the above we see that the inverse image function is a lattice homomorphism while the image function is only a semilattice homomorphism ( it does not always preserve intersections ) . @@591097 The London Mathematical Society ( LMS ) is one of the United Kingdom 's learned societies for mathematics ( the others being the Royal Statistical Society ( RSS ) and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications ( IMA ) . # History # The Society was established on 16 January 1865 , the first president being Augustus De Morgan . The earliest meetings were held in University College , but the Society soon moved into Burlington House , Piccadilly . The initial activities of the Society included talks and publication of a journal . The LMS was used as a model for the establishment of the American Mathematical Society in 1888 . The Society was granted a royal charter in 1965 , a century after its foundation . In 1998 the Society moved from rooms in Burlington House into De Morgan House ( named after the society 's first president ) , at 5758 Russell Square , Bloomsbury , to accommodate an expansion of its staff . The Society is also a member of the UK . # Proposal for unification with the IMA # On 4 July 2008 , the Joint Planning Group for the LMS and IMA proposed a merger of two societies to form a single , unified society . The proposal was the result of eight years of consultations and the councils of both societies commended the report to their members . Those in favour of the merger argued a single society would give mathematics in the UK a coherent voice when dealing with Research Councils . While accepted by the IMA membership , the proposal was rejected by the LMS membership on 29 May 2009 by 591 to 458 ( 56% to 44% ) . # Activities # The Society publishes books and periodicals ; organizes mathematical conferences ; provides funding to promote mathematics research and education ; and awards a number of prizes and fellowships for excellence in mathematical research . # Publications # The Society 's periodical publications include three printed journals : ' ' Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society ' ' ' ' Journal of the London Mathematical Society ' ' ' ' Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society ' ' . Other publications include an electronic journal , the ' ' Journal of Computation and Mathematics ' ' ; and a regular members ' newsletter . It also publishes the journal ' ' Compositio Mathematica ' ' on behalf of its owning foundation , and copublishes ' ' Nonlinearity ' ' with the Institute of Physics . The Society publishes four book series : a series of ' ' Monographs ' ' , a series of ' ' Lecture Notes ' ' , a series of ' ' Student Texts ' ' , and ( jointly with the American Mathematical Society ) the ' ' History of Mathematics ' ' series ; it also co-publishes four series of translations : ' ' Russian Mathematical Surveys ' ' , ' ' Izvestiya : Mathematics ' ' and ' ' Sbornik : Mathematics ' ' ( jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion ) , and ' ' Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society ' ' ( jointly with the American Mathematical Society ) . # Prizes # The named prizes are : De Morgan Medal ( triennial ) the most prestigious ; Plya Prize ( two years out of three ) ; Senior Berwick Prize ; Senior Whitehead Prize ( biennial ) ; Naylor Prize and Lectureship ; Berwick Prize ; Frhlich Prize ( biennial ) ; Whitehead Prize ( annual ) . In addition , the Society jointly with the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications awards the David Crighton Medal every three years . # List of presidents # 18651866 Augustus De Morgan 18661868 James Joseph Sylvester 18681870 Arthur Cayley 18701872 William Spottiswoode 18721874 Thomas Archer Hirst 18741876 Henry John Stephen Smith 18761878 Lord Rayleigh 18781880 Charles Watkins Merrifield 18801882 Samuel Roberts 18821884 Olaus Henrici 18841886 James Whitbread Lee Glaisher 18861888 James Cockle 18881890 John James Walker 18901892 Alfred George Greenhill 18921894 Alfred Kempe 18941896 Percy Alexander MacMahon 18961898 Edwin Elliott 18981900 William Thomson , 1st Baron Kelvin 19001902 E. W. Hobson 19021904 Horace Lamb 19041906 Andrew Forsyth 19061908 William Burnside 19081910 William Davidson Niven 19101912 H. F. Baker 19121914 Augustus Edward Hough Love 19141916 Joseph Larmor 19161918 Hector Macdonald 19181920 John Edward Campbell 19201922 Herbert Richmond 19221924 William Henry Young 19241926 Arthur Lee Dixon 19261928 G. H. Hardy 19281929 E. T. Whittaker 19291931 Sydney Chapman 19311933 Alfred Cardew Dixon 19331935 G. N. Watson 19351937 George Barker Jeffery 19371939 Edward Arthur Milne 19391941 G. H. Hardy 19411943 John Edensor Littlewood 19431945 L. J. Mordell 19451947 Edward Charles Titchmarsh 19471949 W. V. D. Hodge 19491951 Max Newman 19511953 George Frederick James Temple 19531955 J. H. C. Whitehead 19551957 Philip Hall 19571959 Harold Davenport 19591961 Hans Heilbronn 19611963 Mary Cartwright 19631965 Arthur Geoffrey Walker 19651967 Graham Higman 19671969 J. A. Todd 19691970 Edward Collingwood 19701972 Claude Ambrose Rogers 19721974 David George Kendall 19741976 Michael Atiyah 19761978 J. W. S. Cassels 19781980 C. T. C. Wall 19801982 Barry Johnson 19821984 Paul Cohn 19841986 Ioan James 19861988 Erik Christopher Zeeman 19881990 John H. Coates 19901992 John Kingman 19921994 John Ringrose 19941996 Nigel Hitchin 19961998 John M. Ball 19982000 Martin J. Taylor 20002002 Trevor Stuart 20022003 Peter Goddard 20042005 Frances Kirwan 20052007 John Toland 20072009 E. Brian Davies 2009 ( interim ) John M. Ball 20092011 Angus Macintyre 20112013 Graeme Segal 2014 Terry Lyons @@609737 In mathematics , a duality , generally speaking , translates concepts , theorems or mathematical structures into other concepts , theorems or structures , in a one-to-one fashion , often ( but not always ) by means of an involution operation : if the dual of ' ' A ' ' is ' ' B ' ' , then the dual of ' ' B ' ' is ' ' A ' ' . Such involutions sometimes have fixed points , so that the dual of ' ' A ' ' is ' ' A ' ' itself . For example , Desargues ' theorem in projective geometry is self-dual in this sense . In mathematical contexts , ' ' duality ' ' has numerous meanings although it is a very pervasive and important concept in ( modern ) mathematics and an important general theme that has manifestations in almost every area of mathematics . Many mathematical dualities between objects of two types correspond to pairings , bilinear functions from an object of one type and another object of the second type to some family of scalars . For instance , linear algebra duality corresponds in this way to bilinear maps from pairs of vector spaces to scalars , the duality between distributions and the associated test functions corresponds to the pairing in which one integrates a distribution against a test function , and Poincar duality corresponds similarly to intersection number , viewed as a pairing between submanifolds of a given manifold . Duality can also be seen as a functor , at least in the realm of vector spaces . There it is allowed to assign to each space its dual space and the pullback construction allows to assign for each arrow , its dual . # Order-reversing dualities # A particularly simple form of duality comes from order theory . The dual of a poset ' ' P ' ' = ( ' ' X ' ' , ) is the poset ' ' P d ' ' = ( ' ' X ' ' , ) comprising the same ground set but the converse relation . Familiar examples of dual partial orders include the subset and superset relations and on any collection of sets , the ' ' divides ' ' and ' ' multiple-of ' ' relations on the integers , and the ' ' descendant-of ' ' and ' ' ancestor-of ' ' relations on the set of humans . A concept defined for a partial order ' ' P ' ' will correspond to a ' ' dual concept ' ' on the dual poset ' ' P d ' ' . For instance , a minimal element of ' ' P ' ' will be a maximal element of ' ' P d ' ' : minimality and maximality are dual concepts in order theory . Other pairs of dual concepts are upper and lower bounds , lower sets and upper sets , and ideals and filters . A particular order reversal of this type occurs in the family of all subsets of some set ' ' S ' ' : if bar A=Ssetminus A denotes the complement set , then ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' if and only if bar Bsubset bar A . In topology , open sets and closed sets are dual concepts : the complement of an open set is closed , and vice versa . In matroid theory , the family of sets complementary to the independent sets of a given matroid themselves form another matroid , called the dual matroid . In logic , one may represent a truth assignment to the variables of an unquantified formula as a set , the variables that are true for the assignment . A truth assignment satisfies the formula if and only if the complementary truth assignment satisfies the De Morgan dual of its formula . The existential and universal quantifiers in logic are similarly dual . A partial order may be interpreted as a category in which there is an arrow from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' y ' ' in the category if and only if ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' in the partial order . The order-reversing duality of partial orders can be extended to the concept of a dual category , the category formed by reversing all the arrows in a given category . Many of the specific dualities described later are dualities of categories in this sense . According to Artstein-Avidan and Milman , a ' ' duality transform ' ' is just an involutive antiautomorphism mathcal T of a partially ordered set ' ' S ' ' , that is , an order-reversing involution mathcal T : S to S. Surprisingly , in several important cases these simple properties determine the transform uniquely up to some simple symmetries . If mathcal T1 , mathcal T2 are two duality transforms then their composition is an order automorphism of ' ' S ' ' ; thus , any two duality transforms differ only by an order automorphism . For example , all order automorphisms of a power set ' ' S ' ' = 2 ' ' R ' ' are induced by permutations of ' ' R ' ' . The papers cited above treat only sets ' ' S ' ' of functions on ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' satisfying some condition of convexity and prove that all order automorphisms are induced by linear or affine transformations of ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' . # Dimension-reversing dualities # There are many distinct but interrelated dualities in which geometric or topological objects correspond to other objects of the same type , but with a reversal of the dimensions of the features of the objects . A classical example of this is the duality of the platonic solids , in which the cube and the octahedron form a dual pair , the dodecahedron and the icosahedron form a dual pair , and the tetrahedron is self-dual . The dual polyhedron of any of these polyhedra may be formed as the convex hull of the center points of each face of the primal polyhedron , so the vertices of the dual correspond one-for-one with the faces of the primal . Similarly , each edge of the dual corresponds to an edge of the primal , and each face of the dual corresponds to a vertex of the primal . These correspondences are incidence-preserving : if two parts of the primal polyhedron touch each other , so do the corresponding two parts of the dual polyhedron . More generally , using the concept of polar reciprocation , any convex polyhedron , or more generally any convex polytope , corresponds to a dual polyhedron or dual polytope , with an ' ' i ' ' -dimensional feature of an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional polytope corresponding to an ( ' ' n ' ' &minus ; ' ' i ' ' &minus ; 1 ) -dimensional feature of the dual polytope . The incidence-preserving nature of the duality is reflected in the fact that the face lattices of the primal and dual polyhedra or polytopes are themselves order-theoretic duals . Duality of polytopes and order-theoretic duality are both involutions : the dual polytope of the dual polytope of any polytope is the original polytope , and reversing all order-relations twice returns to the original order . Choosing a different center of polarity leads to geometrically different dual polytopes , but all have the same combinatorial structure . From any three-dimensional polyhedron , one can form a planar graph , the graph of its vertices and edges . The dual polyhedron has a dual graph , a graph with one vertex for each face of the polyhedron and with one edge for every two adjacent faces . The same concept of planar graph duality may be generalized to graphs that are drawn in the plane but that do not come from a three-dimensional polyhedron , or more generally to graph embeddings on surfaces of higher genus : one may draw a dual graph by placing one vertex within each region bounded by a cycle of edges in the embedding , and drawing an edge connecting any two regions that share a boundary edge . An important example of this type comes from computational geometry : the duality for any finite set ' ' S ' ' of points in the plane between the Delaunay triangulation of ' ' S ' ' and the Voronoi diagram of ' ' S ' ' . As with dual polyhedra and dual polytopes , the duality of graphs on surfaces is a dimension-reversing involution : each vertex in the primal embedded graph corresponds to a region of the dual embedding , each edge in the primal is crossed by an edge in the dual , and each region of the primal corresponds to a vertex of the dual . The dual graph depends on how the primal graph is embedded : different planar embeddings of a single graph may lead to different dual graphs . Matroid duality is an algebraic extension of planar graph duality , in the sense that the dual matroid of the graphic matroid of a planar graph is isomorphic to the graphic matroid of the dual graph . In topology , Poincar duality also reverses dimensions ; it corresponds to the fact that , if a topological manifold is represented as a cell complex , then the dual of the complex ( a higher-dimensional generalization of the planar graph dual ) represents the same manifold . In Poincar duality , this homeomorphism is reflected in an isomorphism of the ' ' k ' ' th homology group and the ( ' ' n ' ' &minus ; ' ' k ' ' ) th cohomology group . Another example of a dimension-reversing duality arises in projective geometry . In the projective plane , it is possible to find geometric transformations that map each point of the projective plane to a line , and each line of the projective plane to a point , in an incidence-preserving way : in terms of the incidence matrix of the points and lines in the plane , this operation is just that of forming the transpose . Transformations of this type exist also in any higher dimension ; one way to construct them is to use the same polar transformations that generate polyhedron and polytope duality . Due to this ability to replace any configuration of points and lines with a corresponding configuration of lines and points , there arises a general principle of duality in projective geometry : given any theorem in plane projective geometry , exchanging the terms point and line everywhere results in a new , equally valid theorem . A simple example is that the statement two points determine a unique line , the line passing through these points has the dual statement that two lines determine a unique point , the intersection point of these two lines . For further examples , see Dual theorems . The points , lines , and higher-dimensional subspaces ' ' n ' ' -dimensional projective space may be interpreted as describing the linear subspaces of an ( ' ' n ' ' + 1 ) -dimensional vector space ; if this vector space is supplied with an inner product the transformation from any linear subspace to its perpendicular subspace is an example of a projective duality . The Hodge dual extends this duality within an inner product space by providing a canonical correspondence between the elements of the exterior algebra . A kind of geometric duality also occurs in optimization theory , but not one that reverses dimensions . A linear program may be specified by a system of real variables ( the coordinates for a point in Euclidean space R ' ' n ' ' ) , a system of linear constraints ( specifying that the point lie in a halfspace ; the intersection of these halfspaces is a convex polytope , the feasible region of the program ) , and a linear function ( what to optimize ) . Every linear program has a dual problem with the same optimal solution , but the variables in the dual problem correspond to constraints in the primal problem and vice versa. # Duality in logic and set theory # In logic , functions or relations ' ' A ' ' and ' ' B ' ' are considered dual if ' ' A ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) = ' ' B ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) , where is logical negation . The basic duality of this type is the duality of the and quantifiers . These are dual because ' ' x ' ' . ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) and ' ' x ' ' . ' ' P ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) are equivalent for all predicates ' ' P ' ' : if there exists an ' ' x ' ' for which ' ' P ' ' fails to hold , then it is false that ' ' P ' ' holds for all ' ' x ' ' . From this fundamental logical duality follow several others : A formula is said to be ' ' satisfiable ' ' in a certain model if there are assignments to its free variables that render it true ; it is ' ' valid ' ' if ' ' every ' ' assignment to its free variables makes it true . Satisfiability and validity are dual because the invalid formulas are precisely those whose negations are satisfiable , and the unsatisfiable formulas are those whose negations are valid . This can be viewed as a special case of the previous item , with the quantifiers ranging over interpretations . In classical logic , the and operators are dual in this sense , because ( ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' ) and ( ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' ) are equivalent . This means that for every theorem of classical logic there is an equivalent dual theorem . De Morgan 's laws are examples . More generally , bigwedge ( neg xi ) = negbigvee xi . The left side is true if and only if ' ' i ' ' . ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' , and the right side if and only if ' ' i ' ' . ' ' x ' ' ' ' i ' ' . In modal logic , ' ' p ' ' means that the proposition ' ' p ' ' is necessarily true , and Diamond p that ' ' p ' ' is possibly true . Most interpretations of modal logic assign dual meanings to these two operators . For example in Kripke semantics , ' ' p ' ' is possibly true means there exists some world ' ' W ' ' in which ' ' p ' ' is true , while ' ' p ' ' is necessarily true means for all worlds ' ' W ' ' , ' ' p ' ' is true . The duality of and Diamond then follows from the analogous duality of and . Other dual modal operators behave similarly . For example , temporal logic has operators denoting will be true at some time in the future and will be true at all times in the future which are similarly dual . Other analogous dualities follow from these : Set-theoretic union and intersection are dual under the set complement operator ' ' C ' ' . That is , ' ' A C ' ' ' ' B C ' ' = ( ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ) ' ' C ' ' , and more generally , bigcap AalphaC = left ( bigcup Aalpharight ) C . This follows from the duality of and : an element ' ' x ' ' is a member of bigcap AalphaC if and only if . ' ' x ' ' ' ' A ' ' , and is a member of left ( bigcup Aalpharight ) C if and only if . ' ' x ' ' ' ' A ' ' . Topology inherits a duality between open and closed subsets of some fixed topological space ' ' X ' ' : a subset ' ' U ' ' of ' ' X ' ' is closed if and only if its complement in ' ' X ' ' is open . Because of this , many theorems about closed sets are dual to theorems about open sets . For example , any union of open sets is open , so dually , any intersection of closed sets is closed . The interior of a set is the largest open set contained in it , and the closure of the set is the smallest closed set that contains it . Because of the duality , the complement of the interior of any set ' ' U ' ' is equal to the closure of the complement of ' ' U ' ' . The collection of all open subsets of a topological space ' ' X ' ' forms a complete Heyting algebra . There is a duality , known as Stone duality , connecting sober spaces and spatial locales. Birkhoff 's representation theorem relating distributive lattices and partial orders # Dual objects # A group of dualities can be described by endowing , for any mathematical object ' ' X ' ' , the set of morphisms Hom ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' D ' ' ) into some fixed object ' ' D ' ' , with a structure similar to the one of ' ' X ' ' . This is sometimes called internal Hom . In general , this yields a true duality only for specific choices of ' ' D ' ' , in which case ' ' X ' ' =Hom ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' D ' ' ) is referred to as the ' ' dual ' ' of ' ' X ' ' . It may or may not be true that the ' ' bidual ' ' , that is to say , the dual of the dual , ' ' X ' ' = ( ' ' X ' ' ) is isomorphic to ' ' X ' ' , as the following example , which is underlying many other dualities , shows : the dual vector space ' ' V ' ' of a ' ' K ' ' -vector space ' ' V ' ' is defined as : ' ' V ' ' = Hom ( ' ' V ' ' , ' ' K ' ' ) . The set of morphisms , i.e. , linear maps , is a vector space in its own right . There is always a natural , injective map ' ' V ' ' ' ' V ' ' given by ' ' v ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' v ' ' ) , where ' ' f ' ' is an element of the dual space . That map is an isomorphism if and only if the dimension of ' ' V ' ' is finite . In the realm of topological vector spaces , a similar construction exists , replacing the dual by the topological dual vector space . A topological vector space that is canonically isomorphic to its bidual is called reflexive space . The dual lattice of a lattice ' ' L ' ' is given by : Hom ( ' ' L ' ' , Z ) , which is used in the construction of toric varieties . The Pontryagin dual of locally compact topological groups ' ' G ' ' is given by : Hom ( ' ' G ' ' , ' ' S ' ' 1 ) , continuous group homomorphisms with values in the circle ( with multiplication of complex numbers as group operation ) . # Dual categories # # Opposite category and adjoint functors # In another group of dualities , the objects of one theory are translated into objects of another theory and the maps between objects in the first theory are translated into morphisms in the second theory , but with direction reversed . Using the parlance of category theory , this amounts to a contravariant functor between two categories ' ' C ' ' and ' ' D ' ' : : ' ' F ' ' : ' ' C ' ' ' ' D ' ' which for any two objects ' ' X ' ' and ' ' Y ' ' of ' ' C ' ' gives a map : Hom ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' Y ' ' ) Hom ' ' D ' ' ( ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' Y ' ' ) , ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) That functor may or may not be an equivalence of categories . There are various situations , where such a functor is an equivalence between the opposite category ' ' C ' ' op of ' ' C ' ' , and ' ' D ' ' . Using a duality of this type , every statement in the first theory can be translated into a dual statement in the second theory , where the direction of all arrows has to be reversed . Therefore , any duality between categories ' ' C ' ' and ' ' D ' ' is formally the same as an equivalence between ' ' C ' ' and ' ' D ' ' op ( ' ' C ' ' op and ' ' D ' ' ) . However , in many circumstances the opposite categories have no inherent meaning , which makes duality an additional , separate concept . Many category-theoretic notions come in pairs in the sense that they correspond to each other while considering the opposite category . For example , Cartesian products ' ' Y ' ' 1 ' ' Y ' ' 2 and disjoint unions ' ' Y ' ' 1 ' ' Y ' ' 2 of sets are dual to each other in the sense that : Hom ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' Y ' ' 1 &times ; ' ' Y ' ' 2 ) = Hom ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' Y ' ' 1 ) &times ; Hom ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' Y ' ' 2 ) and : Hom ( ' ' Y ' ' 1 ' ' Y ' ' 2 , ' ' X ' ' ) = Hom ( ' ' Y ' ' 1 , ' ' X ' ' ) &times ; Hom ( ' ' Y ' ' 2 , ' ' X ' ' ) for any set ' ' X ' ' . This is a particular case of a more general duality phenomenon , under which limits in a category ' ' C ' ' correspond to colimits in the opposite category ' ' C ' ' op ; further concrete examples of this are epimorphisms vs. monomorphism , in particular factor modules ( or groups etc. ) vs. submodules , direct products vs. direct sums ( also called coproducts to emphasize the duality aspect ) . Therefore , in some cases , proofs of certain statements can be halved , using such a duality phenomenon . Further notions displaying related by such a categorical duality are projective and injective modules in homological algebra , fibrations and cofibrations in topology and more generally model categories . Two functors ' ' F ' ' : ' ' C ' ' ' ' D ' ' and ' ' G ' ' : ' ' D ' ' ' ' C ' ' are adjoint if for all objects ' ' c ' ' in ' ' C ' ' and ' ' d ' ' in ' ' D ' ' : Hom ' ' D ' ' ( F ( ' ' c ' ' ) , ' ' d ' ' ) Hom ' ' C ' ' ( ' ' c ' ' , ' ' G ' ' ( ' ' d ' ' ) , in a natural way . Actually , the correspondence of limits and colimits is an example of adjoints , since there is an adjunction : operatornamecolim : CI leftrightarrow C : Delta , between the colimit functor that assigns to any diagram in ' ' C ' ' indexed by some category ' ' I ' ' its colimit and the diagonal functor that maps any object ' ' c ' ' of ' ' C ' ' to the constant diagram which has ' ' c ' ' at all places . Dually , : Delta : CI leftrightarrow C : lim. , # Examples # For example , there is a duality between commutative rings and affine schemes : to every commutative ring ' ' A ' ' there is an affine spectrum , Spec ' ' A ' ' , conversely , given an affine scheme ' ' S ' ' , one gets back a ring by taking global sections of the structure sheaf O ' ' S ' ' . In addition , ring homomorphisms are in one-to-one correspondence with morphisms of affine schemes , thereby there is an equivalence : ( Commutative rings ) op ( affine schemes ) Compare with noncommutative geometry and Gelfand duality . In a number of situations , the objects of two categories linked by a duality are partially ordered , i.e. , there is some notion of an object being smaller than another one . In such a situation , a duality that respects the orderings in question is known as a Galois connection . An example is the standard duality in Galois theory ( fundamental theorem of Galois theory ) between field extensions and subgroups of the Galois group : a bigger field extension correspondsunder the mapping that assigns to any extension ' ' L ' ' ' ' K ' ' ( inside some fixed bigger field ) the Galois group Gal ( / ' ' L ' ' ) to a smaller group . Pontryagin duality gives a duality on the category of locally compact abelian groups : given any such group ' ' G ' ' , the character group : ( ' ' G ' ' ) = Hom ( ' ' G ' ' , ' ' S ' ' 1 ) given by continuous group homomorphisms from ' ' G ' ' to the circle group ' ' S ' ' 1 can be endowed with the compact-open topology . Pontryagin duality states that the character group is again locally compact abelian and that : ' ' G ' ' ( ( ' ' G ' ' ) . Moreover , discrete groups correspond to compact abelian groups ; finite groups correspond to finite groups . Pontryagin is the background to Fourier analysis , see below . TannakaKrein duality , a non-commutative analogue of Pontryagin duality Gelfand duality relating commutative C*-algebras and compact Hausdorff spaces Both Gelfand and Pontryagin duality can be deduced in a largely formal , category-theoretic way . # Analytic dualities # In analysis , problems are frequently solved by passing to the dual description of functions and operators . Fourier transform switches between functions on a vector space and its dual : : hatf(xi) : = int-inftyinfty f(x) e- 2pi i x xi , dx , and conversely : f(x) = int-inftyinfty hatf(xi) e2 pi i x xi , dxi . If ' ' f ' ' is an ' ' L ' ' 2 -function on R or R ' ' N ' ' , say , then so is hatf and f(-x) = hathatf(x) . Moreover , the transform interchanges operations of multiplication and convolution on the corresponding function spaces . A conceptual explanation of the Fourier transform is obtained by the aforementioned Pontryagin duality , applied to the locally compact groups R ( or R ' ' N ' ' etc. ) : any character of R is given by e 2i ' ' x ' ' . The dualizing character of Fourier transform has many other manifestations , for example , in alternative descriptions of quantum mechanical systems in terms of coordinate and momentum representations . Laplace transform is similar to Fourier transform and interchanges operators of multiplication by polynomials with constant coefficient linear differential operators . Legendre transformation is an important analytic duality which switches between velocities in Lagrangian mechanics and momenta in Hamiltonian mechanics . # Poincar-style dualities # Theorems showing that certain objects of interest are the dual spaces ( in the sense of linear algebra ) of other objects of interest are often called ' ' dualities ' ' . Many of these dualities are given by a bilinear pairing of two ' ' K ' ' -vector spaces : ' ' A ' ' ' ' B ' ' ' ' K ' ' . For perfect pairings , there is , therefore , an isomorphism of ' ' A ' ' to the dual of ' ' B ' ' . For example , Poincar duality of a smooth compact complex manifold ' ' X ' ' is given by a pairing of singular cohomology with C -coefficients ( equivalently , sheaf cohomology of the constant sheaf C ) : H ' ' i ' ' ( X ) H 2 ' ' n ' ' &minus ; ' ' i ' ' ( X ) C , where ' ' n ' ' is the ( complex ) dimension of ' ' X ' ' . Poincar duality can also be expressed as a relation of singular homology and de Rham cohomology , by asserting that the map : ( gamma , omega ) mapsto intgamma omega ( integrating a differential ' ' k ' ' -form over an 2 ' ' n ' ' &minus ; ' ' k ' ' -(real) -dimensional cycle ) is a perfect pairing . The same duality pattern holds for a smooth projective variety over a separably closed field , using l-adic cohomology with Q -coefficients instead . This is further generalized to possibly singular varieties , using intersection cohomology instead , a duality called Verdier duality . With increasing level of generality , it turns out , an increasing amount of technical background is helpful or necessary to understand these theorems : the modern formulation of both these dualities can be done using derived categories and certain direct and inverse image functors of sheaves , applied to locally constant sheaves ( with respect to the classical analytical topology in the first case , and with respect to the tale topology in the second case ) . Yet another group of similar duality statements is encountered in arithmetics : tale cohomology of finite , local and global fields ( also known as Galois cohomology , since tale cohomology over a field is equivalent to group cohomology of the ( absolute ) Galois group of the field ) admit similar pairings . The absolute Galois group ' ' G ' ' ( F ' ' q ' ' ) of a finite field , for example , is isomorphic to hat mathbf Z , the profinite completion of Z , the integers . Therefore , the perfect pairing ( for any ' ' G ' ' -module ' ' M ' ' ) : H ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' G ' ' , ' ' M ' ' ) H 1 ' ' n ' ' ( ' ' G ' ' , Hom ( ' ' M ' ' , Q / Z ) Q / Z is a direct consequence of Pontryagin duality of finite groups . For local and global fields , similar statements exist ( local duality and global or Poitou&ndash ; Tate duality ) . Serre duality or coherent duality are similar to the statements above , but applies to cohomology of coherent sheaves instead . Alexander duality @@627842 The International Congress of Mathematicians ( ICM ) is the largest conference for the topic of mathematics . It meets once every four years , hosted by the International Mathematical Union ( IMU ) . The Fields Medals , the Nevanlinna Prize , the Gauss Prize , and the Chern Medal are awarded during the congress ' opening ceremony . Each congress is memorialized by a printed set of Proceedings recording academic papers based on invited talks intended to be relevant to current topics of general interest . # History # Felix Klein and Georg Cantor are credited with putting forward the idea of an international congress of mathematicians in the 1890s . The first International Congress of Mathematicians was held in Zurich in August 1897 . The organizers included such prominent mathematicians as Luigi Cremona , Felix Klein , Gsta Mittag-Leffler , Andrey Markov , and others . The congress was attended by 208 mathematicians from 16 countries , including 12 from Russia and 7 from the U.S.A. During the 1900 congress in Paris , France , David Hilbert announced his famous list of 23 unsolved mathematical problems , now termed Hilbert 's problems . Moritz Cantor and Vito Volterra gave the two plenary lectures at the start of the congress . At the 1904 ICM Gyula Knig delivered a lecture where he claimed that Cantor 's famous continuum hypothesis was false . An error in Knig 's proof was discovered by Ernst Zermelo soon thereafter . Knig 's announcement at the congress caused considerable uproar , and Klein had to personally explain to the Grand Duke of Baden ( who was a financial sponsor of the congress ) what could cause such an unrest among mathematicians . During the 1912 congress in Cambridge , England , Edmund Landau listed four basic problems about prime numbers , now called Landau 's problems . The 1924 congress in Toronto was organized by John Charles Fields , initiator of the Fields Medal ; it included a roundtrip railway excursion to Vancouver and ferry to Victoria . The first two Fields Medals were awarded at the 1936 ICM in Oslo . In the aftermath of World War I , at the insistence of the Allied Powers , the 1920 ICM in Strasbourg and the 1924 ICM in Toronto excluded mathematicians from the countries formerly comprising the Central Powers . This resulted in a still unresolved controversy as to whether to count the Strasbourg and Toronto congresses as true ICMs . At the opening of the 1932 ICM in Zrich , Hermann Weyl said : We attend here to an extraordinary improbable event . For the number of ' ' n ' ' , corresponding to the just opened International Congress of Mathematicians , we have the inequality 7 ' ' n ' ' 9 ; unfortunately our axiomatic foundations are not sufficient to give a more precise statement . As a consequence of this controversy , from the 1932 Zrich congress onward , the ICMs are not numbered . For the 1950 ICM in Cambridge , Massachusetts , Laurent Schwartz , one of the Fields Medalists for that year , and Jacques Hadamard , both of whom were viewed by the U.S. authorities as communist sympathizers , were only able to obtain U.S. visas after the personal intervention of President Harry Truman . The first woman to give an ICM plenary lecture , at the 1932 congress in Zrich , was Emmy Noether . The second ICM plenary talk by a woman was delivered 58 years later , at the 1990 ICM in Kyoto , by Karen Uhlenbeck . The 1998 congress was attended by 3,346 participants . The American Mathematical Society reported that more than 4,500 participants attended the 2006 conference in Madrid , Spain . The King of Spain presided over the 2006 conference opening ceremony . The 2010 Congress took place in Hyderabad , India on August 1927 , 2010 . The will be held in Seoul , South Korea on August 13-21 , 2014. # ICMs and the International Mathematical Union # The organizing committees of the early ICMs were formed in large part on an ' ' ad hoc ' ' basis and there was no single body continuously overseeing the ICMs . Following the end of World War I , the Allied Powers established in 1919 in Brussels the International Research Council ( IRC ) . At the IRC 's instructions , in 1920 the ' ' Union Mathematique Internationale ' ' ( UMI ) was created . This was the immediate predecessor of the current International Mathematical Union . Under the IRC 's pressure , UMI reassigned the 1920 congress from Stockholm to Strasbourg and insisted on the rule which excluded from the congress mathematicians representing the former Central Powers . The exclusion rule , which also applied to the 1924 ICM , turned out to be quite unpopular among mathematicians from the U.S. and Great Britain . The 1924 ICM was originally scheduled to be held in New York , but had to be moved to Toronto after the American Mathematical Society withdrew its invitation to host the congress , in protest against the exclusion rule . As a result of the exclusion rule and the protests it generated , the 1920 and the 1924 ICMs were considerably smaller than the previous ones . In the run-up to the 1928 ICM in Bologna , IRC and UMI still insisted on applying the exclusion rule . In the face of the protests against the exclusion rule and the possibility of a boycott of the congress by the American Mathematical Society and the London Mathematical Society , the congress 's organizers decided to hold the 1928 ICM under the auspices of the University of Bologna rather than of the UMI . The 1928 congress and all the subsequent congresses have been open for participation by mathematicians of all countries . The statutes of the UMI expired in 1931 and at the 1932 ICM in Zurich a decision to dissolve the UMI was made , largely in opposition to IRC 's pressure on the UMI . At the 1950 ICM the participants voted to reconstitute the International Mathematical Union ( IMU ) , which was formally established in 1951 . Starting with the 1954 congress in Amsterdam , the ICMs are held under the auspices of the IMU. # Soviet participation # The Soviet Union sent 27 participants to the 1928 ICM in Bologna and 10 participants to the 1932 ICM in Zurich . No Soviet mathematicians participated in the 1936 ICM , although a number of invitations were extended to them . At the 1950 ICM there were again no participants from the Soviet Union , although quite a few were invited . Similarly , no representatives of other Eastern Bloc countries , except for Yugoslavia , participated in the 1950 congress . Andrey Kolmogorov had been appointed to the Fields Medal selection committee for the 1950 congress , but did not participate in the committee 's work . However , in a famous episode , a few days before the end of the 1950 ICM , the congress ' organizers received a telegram from Sergei Vavilov , President of the USSR Academy of Sciences . The telegram thanked the organizers for inviting Soviet mathematicians but said that they are unable to attend being very much occupied with their regular work , and wished success to the congress 's participants . Vavilov 's message was seen as a hopeful sign for the future ICMs and the situation improved further after Joseph Stalin 's death in 1953 . The Soviet Union was represented by five mathematicians at the 1954 ICM in Amsterdam , and several other Eastern Bloc countries sent their representatives as well . In 1957 the USSR joined the International Mathematical Union and the participation in subsequent ICMs by the Soviet and other Eastern Bloc scientists has been mostly at normal levels . However , even after 1957 , tensions between ICM organizers and the Soviet side persisted . Soviet mathematicians invited to attend the ICMs routinely experienced difficulties with obtaining exit visas from the Soviet Union and were often unable to come . Thus of the 41 invited speakers from the USSR for the 1974 ICM in Vancouver , only 20 actually arrived . Grigory Margulis , who was awarded the Fields Medal at 1978 ICM in Helsinki , was not granted an exit visa and was unable to attend the 1978 congress . Another , related , point of contention was the jurisdiction over Fields Medals for Soviet mathematicians . After 1978 the Soviet Union put forward a demand that the USSR Academy of Sciences approve all Soviet candidates for the Fields Medal , before it was awarded to them . However , the IMU insisted that the decisions regarding invited speakers and Fields medalists be kept under exclusive jurisdiction of the ICM committees appointed for that purpose by the IMU. # List of Congresses # @@682629 In mathematics , an element , or member , of a set is any one of the distinct objects that make up that set . # Sets # Writing ' ' A ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 means that the elements of the set ' ' A ' ' are the numbers 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 . Sets of elements of ' ' A ' ' , for example 1 , 2 , are subsets of ' ' A ' ' . Sets can themselves be elements . For example consider the set ' ' B ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . The elements of ' ' B ' ' are ' ' not ' ' 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . Rather , there are only three elements of ' ' B ' ' , namely the numbers 1 and 2 , and the set 3 , 4 . The elements of a set can be anything . For example , ' ' C ' ' = red , green , blue , is the set whose elements are the colors red , green and blue . # Notation and terminology # The relation is an element of , also called set membership , is denoted by the symbol . Writing : x in A means that ' ' x ' ' is an element of ' ' A ' ' . Equivalent expressions are ' ' x ' ' is a member of ' ' A ' ' , ' ' x ' ' belongs to ' ' A ' ' , ' ' x ' ' is in ' ' A ' ' and ' ' x ' ' lies in ' ' A ' ' . The expressions ' ' A ' ' includes ' ' x ' ' and ' ' A ' ' contains ' ' x ' ' are also used to mean set membership , however some authors use them to mean instead ' ' x ' ' is a subset of ' ' A ' ' . Logician George Boolos strongly urged that contains be used for membership only and includes for the subset relation only . Another possible notation for the same relation is : A ni x , meaning ' ' A ' ' contains ' ' x ' ' , though it is used less often . The negation of set membership is denoted by the symbol . Writing : x notin A means that ' ' x ' ' is not an element of ' ' A ' ' . The symbol was first used by Giuseppe Peano 1889 in his work ' ' ' ' . Here he wrote on page X : # Signum significat est . Ita a b legitur a est quoddam b ; .. # which means # The symbol means ' ' is ' ' . So a b has to be read as a ' ' is a ' ' b ; .. # Thereby is a derivation from the lowercase Greek letter epsilon ( ) and shall be the first letter of the word , which means is . The Unicode characters for these symbols are U+2208 ( ' element of ' ) , U+220B ( ' contains as member ' ) and U+2209 ( ' not an element of ' ) . The equivalent LaTeX commands are in , ni and notin . Mathematica has commands Element and NotElement . # Cardinality of sets # The number of elements in a particular set is a property known as cardinality , informally this is the size of a set . In the above examples the cardinality of the set ' ' A ' ' is 4 , while the cardinality of either of the sets ' ' B ' ' and ' ' C ' ' is 3 . An infinite set is a set with an infinite number of elements , while a finite set is a set with a finite number of elements . The above examples are examples of finite sets . An example of an infinite set is the set of natural numbers , N = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ... . # Examples # Using the sets defined above , namely ' ' A ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ' ' B ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and ' ' C ' ' = red , green , blue : 2 ' ' A ' ' 3,4 ' ' B ' ' 3,4 is a member of ' ' B ' ' Yellow ' ' C ' ' The cardinality of ' ' D ' ' = 2 , 4 , 8 , 10 , 12 is finite and equal to 5. The cardinality of ' ' P ' ' = 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , ... ( the prime numbers ) is infinite ( this was proven by Euclid ) . # References # # Further reading # - Naive means that it is not fully axiomatized , not that it is silly or easy ( Halmos 's treatment is neither ) . - Both the notion of set ( a collection of members ) , membership or element-hood , the axiom of extension , the axiom of separation , and the union axiom ( Suppes calls it the sum axiom ) are needed for a more thorough understanding of set element . @@715527 birthplace = Norman W. Johnson ( born November 12 , 1930 ) is a mathematician , previously at Wheaton College , Norton , Massachusetts . He earned his Ph.D . from the University of Toronto in 1966 with a dissertation title of ' ' The Theory of Uniform Polytopes and Honeycombs ' ' under the supervision of H. S. M. Coxeter . In his 1966 doctoral thesis Johnson discovered three uniform antiprism-like star polytopes named the Johnson antiprisms . Their bases are the three ditrigonal polyhedra the small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron , ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron and the great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron . In 1966 he enumerated 92 convex non-uniform polyhedra with regular faces . Victor Zalgaller later proved ( 1969 ) that Johnson 's list was complete , and the set is now known as the Johnson solids . More recently , Johnson has participated in the Uniform Polychora Project , an effort to find and name higher-dimensional polytopes. # Works # ' ' Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups ' ' ' ' Convex Solids with Regular Faces ' ' ( or ' ' Convex polyhedra with regular faces ' ' ) , Canadian Journal of Mathematics , 18 , 1966 , pages 169&ndash ; 200 . ( Contains the original enumeration of the 92 Johnson solids and the conjecture that there are no others. ) Contains the original enumeration of the 92 solids and the conjecture that there are no others . ' ' The Theory of Uniform Polytopes and Honeycombs ' ' , Ph.D . Dissertation , University of Toronto , 1966 # Notes # @@888711 Mathematical statistics is the application of mathematics to statistics , which was originally conceived as the science of the state the collection and analysis of facts about a country : its economy , land , military , population , and so forth . Mathematical techniques which are used for this include mathematical analysis , linear algebra , stochastic analysis , differential equations , and measure-theoretic probability theory . # Introduction # Statistical science is concerned with the planning of studies , especially with the design of randomized experiments and with the planning of surveys using random sampling . The initial analysis of the data from properly randomized studies often follows the study protocol . Of course , the data from a randomized study can be analyzed to consider secondary hypotheses or to suggest new ideas . A secondary analysis of the data from a planned study uses tools from data analysis . Data analysis is divided into : descriptive statistics - the part of statistics that describes data , i.e. summarises the data and their typical properties . inferential statistics - the part of statistics that draws conclusions from data ( using some model for the data ) : For example , inferential statistics involves selecting a model for the data , checking whether the data fulfill the conditions of a particular model , and with quantifying the involved uncertainty ( e.g. using confidence intervals ) . While the tools of data analysis work best on data from randomized studies , they are also applied to other kinds of data --- for example , from natural experiments and observational studies , in which case the inference is dependent on the model chosen by the statistician , and so subjective . Mathematical statistics has been inspired by and has extended many procedures in applied statistics . # Statistics , mathematics , and mathematical statistics # Mathematical statistics has substantial overlap with the discipline of statistics . Statistical theorists study and improve statistical procedures with mathematics , and statistical research often raises mathematical questions . Statistical theory relies on probability and decision theory . Mathematicians and statisticians like Gauss , Laplace , and C. S. Peirce used decision theory with probability distributions and loss functions ( or utility functions ) . The decision-theoretic approach to statistical inference was reinvigorated by Abraham Wald and his successors , and makes extensive use of scientific computing , analysis , and optimization ; for the design of experiments , statisticians use algebra and combinatorics. @@990534 In linear algebra , functional analysis and related areas of mathematics , a norm is a function that assigns a strictly positive ' ' length ' ' or ' ' size ' ' to each vector in a vector space , other than the zero vector ( which has zero length assigned to it ) . A seminorm , on the other hand , is allowed to assign zero length to some non-zero vectors ( in addition to the zero vector ) . A norm must also satisfy certain properties pertaining to scalability and additivity which are given in the formal definition below . A simple example is the 2-dimensional Euclidean space R 2 equipped with the Euclidean norm . Elements in this vector space ( e.g. , ( 3 , 7 ) are usually drawn as arrows in a 2-dimensional cartesian coordinate system starting at the origin ( 0 , 0 ) . The Euclidean norm assigns to each vector the length of its arrow . Because of this , the Euclidean norm is often known as the magnitude . A vector space on which a norm is defined is called a normed vector space . Similarly , a vector space with a seminorm is called a seminormed vector space . It is often possible to supply a norm for a given vector space in more than one way . # Definition # Given a vector space ' ' V ' ' over a subfield ' ' F ' ' of the complex numbers , a norm on ' ' V ' ' is a function with the following properties : For all ' ' a ' ' ' ' F ' ' and all u , v ' ' V ' ' , # ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' a ' ' v ) = ' ' a ' ' ' ' p ' ' ( v ) , ( ' ' absolute homogeneity ' ' or ' ' absolute scalability ' ' ) . # ' ' p ' ' ( u + v ) ' ' p ' ' ( u ) + ' ' p ' ' ( v ) ( ' ' triangle inequality ' ' or ' ' subadditivity ' ' ) . # If ' ' p ' ' ( v ) = 0 then v is the zero vector ( ' ' separates points ' ' ) . By the first axiom , absolute homogeneity , we have ' ' p ' ' ( 0 ) = 0 and ' ' p ' ' ( -v ) = ' ' p ' ' ( v ) , so that by the triangle inequality : ' ' p ' ' ( v ) 0 ( ' ' positivity ' ' ) . A seminorm is a norm with the 3rd property ( separating points ) removed . Every vector space ' ' V ' ' with seminorm ' ' p ' ' ( v ) induces a normed space ' ' V/W ' ' , called the quotient space , where ' ' W ' ' is the subspace of ' ' V ' ' consisting of all vectors v in ' ' V ' ' with ' ' p ' ' ( v ) = 0 . The induced norm on ' ' V/W ' ' is clearly well-defined and is given by : : ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' W ' ' + v ) = ' ' p ' ' ( v ) . Two norms ( or seminorms ) ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' on a vector space ' ' V ' ' are equivalent if there exist two real constants ' ' c ' ' and ' ' C ' ' , with such that : for every vector v in ' ' V ' ' , one has that : . A topological vector space is called normable ( seminormable ) if the topology of the space can be induced by a norm ( seminorm ) . # Notation # If a norm is given on a vector space ' ' V ' ' then the norm of a vector v ' ' V ' ' is usually denoted by enclosing it within double vertical lines : &#x2016 ; v &#x2016 ; : = ' ' p ' ' ( v ) . Such notation is also sometimes used if ' ' p ' ' is only a seminorm . For the length of a vector in Euclidean space ( which is an example of a norm , as explained below ) , the notation v with single vertical lines is also widespread . In Unicode , the codepoint of the double vertical line character &#x2016 ; is U+2016 . The double vertical line should not be confused with the parallel to symbol , Unicode U+2225 ( &#x2225 ; ) . This is usually not a problem because the former is used in parenthesis-like fashion , whereas the latter is used as an infix operator . The single vertical line is called vertical line in Unicode and its codepoint is U+007C. # Examples # All norms are seminorms. The ' ' trivial seminorm ' ' has ' ' p ' ' ( x ) = 0 for all x in ' ' V ' ' . The absolute value is a norm on the real numbers . Every linear form ' ' f ' ' on a vector space defines a seminorm by x ' ' f ' ' ( x ) . # Euclidean norm # On an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional Euclidean space R ' ' n ' ' , the intuitive notion of length of the vector ' ' x ' ' = ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) is captured by the formula : boldsymbolx : = sqrtx12 + cdots + xn2 . This gives the ordinary distance from the origin to the point ' ' x ' ' , a consequence of the Pythagorean theorem . The Euclidean norm is by far the most commonly used norm on R ' ' n ' ' , but there are other norms on this vector space as will be shown below . However all these norms are equivalent in the sense that they all define the same topology . On an ' ' n ' ' -dimensional complex space C ' ' n ' ' the most common norm is : boldsymbolz : = sqrtz12 + cdots + zn2= sqrtz1 bar z1 + cdots + zn bar zn . In both cases we can also express the norm as the square root of the inner product of the vector and itself : : boldsymbolx : = sqrtboldsymbolx* boldsymbolx , where ' ' x ' ' is represented as a column vector ( ' ' x ' ' 1 ; ' ' x ' ' 2 ; ... ; ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) , and ' ' x ' ' denotes its conjugate transpose . This formula is valid for any inner product space , including Euclidean and complex spaces . For Euclidean spaces , the inner product is equivalent to the dot product . Hence , in this specific case the formula can be also written with the following notation : : boldsymbolx : = sqrtboldsymbolx cdot boldsymbolx . The Euclidean norm is also called the Euclidean length , ' ' L ' ' 2 distance , 2 distance , ' ' L ' ' 2 norm , or 2 norm ; see ' ' L ' ' ' ' p ' ' space . The set of vectors in R ' ' n+1 ' ' whose Euclidean norm is a given positive constant forms an ' ' n ' ' -sphere. # #Euclidean norm of a complex number# # The Euclidean norm of a complex number is the absolute value ( also called the modulus ) of it , if the complex plane is identified with the Euclidean plane R 2 . This identification of the complex number x + ' ' i ' ' y as a vector in the Euclidean plane , makes the quantity sqrtx2 +y2 ( as first suggested by Euler ) the Euclidean norm associated with the complex number . # Taxicab norm or Manhattan norm # : boldsymbolx1 : = sumi=1n xi . The name relates to the distance a taxi has to drive in a rectangular street grid to get from the origin to the point ' ' x ' ' . The set of vectors whose 1-norm is a given constant forms the surface of a cross polytope of dimension equivalent to that of the norm minus 1 . The Taxicab norm is also called the ' ' L ' ' 1 norm . The distance derived from this norm is called the Manhattan distance or ' ' L ' ' 1 distance . The 1-norm is simply the sum of the absolute values of the columns . In contrast , : sumi=1n xi is not a norm because it may yield negative results . # ' ' p ' ' -norm # Let ' ' p ' ' 1 be a real number . : mathbfxp : = bigg ( sumi=1n xip bigg ) 1/p . Note that for ' ' p ' ' = 1 we get the taxicab norm , for ' ' p ' ' = 2 we get the Euclidean norm , and as ' ' p ' ' approaches infty the ' ' p ' ' -norm approaches the infinity norm or maximum norm . Note that the p-norm is related to the Hlder mean . This definition is still of some interest for 0 *219;0; p ' ' class is a vector space , and it is also true that the function : intXf(x)-g(x)p dmu , ! ( without ' ' p ' ' th root ) defines a distance that makes ' ' L ' ' ' ' p ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) into a complete metric topological vector space . These spaces are of great interest in functional analysis , probability theory , and harmonic analysis . However , outside trivial cases , this topological vector space is not locally convex and has no continuous nonzero linear forms . Thus the topological dual space contains only the zero functional . The derivative of the ' ' p ' ' -norm is given by : fracpartialpartial xk mathbfxp = fracxk xkp-2mathbfxpp-1 . For the special case of ' ' p ' ' = 2 , this becomes : fracpartialpartial xk mathbfx2 = fracxkmathbfx2 , or : fracpartialpartial mathbfx mathbfx2 = fracmathbfxmathbfx2. # Maximum norm ( special case of : infinity norm , uniform norm , or supremum norm ) # : mathbfxinfty : = max left ( x1 , ldots , xn right ) . The set of vectors whose infinity norm is a given constant , ' ' c ' ' , forms the surface of a hypercube with edge length 2 ' ' c ' ' . # Zero norm # In probability and functional analysis , the zero norm induces a complete metric topology for the space of measureable functions and for the F-space of sequences with Fnorm ( xn ) mapsto sumn2-n xn/ ( 1+xn ) , which is discussed by Stefan Rolewicz in ' ' Metric Linear Spaces ' ' . # #Hamming distance of a vector from zero# # In metric geometry , the discrete metric takes the value one for distinct points and zero otherwise . When applied coordinate-wise to the elements of a vector space , the discrete distance defines the ' ' Hamming distance ' ' , which is important in coding and information theory . In the field of real or complex numbers , the distance of the discrete metric from zero is not homogeneous in the non-zero point ; indeed , the distance from zero remains one as its non-zero argument approaches zero . However , the discrete distance of a number from zero does satisfy the other properties of a norm , namely the triangle inequality and positive definiteness . When applied component-wise to vectors , the discrete distance from zero behaves like a non-homogeneous norm , which counts the number of non-zero components in its vector argument ; again , this non-homogeneous norm is discontinuous . In signal processing and statistics , David Donoho referred to the ' ' zero ' ' ' ' norm ' ' with quotation marks . Following Donoho 's notation , the zero norm of x is simply the number of non-zero coordinates of x , or the Hamming distance of the vector from zero . When this norm is localized to a bounded set , it is the limit of ' ' p ' ' -norms as ' ' p ' ' approaches 0 . Of course , the zero norm is not a B-norm , because it is not positive homogeneous . It is not even an F-norm , because it is discontinuous , jointly and severally , with respect to the scalar argument in scalar-vector multiplication and with respect to its vector argument . Abusing terminology , some engineers omit Donoho 's quotation marks and inappropriately call the number-of-nonzeros function the L0 norm ( sic. ) , also misusing the notation for the Lebesgue space of measurable functions . # Other norms # Other norms on R ' ' n ' ' can be constructed by combining the above ; for example : x : = 2x1 + sqrt3x22 + max(x3,2x4)2 is a norm on R 4 . For any norm and any injective linear transformation ' ' A ' ' we can define a new norm of ' ' x ' ' , equal to : Ax . In 2D , with ' ' A ' ' a rotation by 45 and a suitable scaling , this changes the taxicab norm into the maximum norm . In 2D , each ' ' A ' ' applied to the taxicab norm , up to inversion and interchanging of axes , gives a different unit ball : a parallelogram of a particular shape , size and orientation . In 3D this is similar but different for the 1-norm ( octahedrons ) and the maximum norm ( prisms with parallelogram base ) . All the above formulas also yield norms on C ' ' n ' ' without modification . # Infinite-dimensional case # The generalization of the above norms to an infinite number of components leads to the ' ' L ' ' ' ' p ' ' spaces , with norms : xp = bigg ( sumiinmathbb Nxipbigg ) 1/p text resp. fp , X = bigg ( intXf ( x ) p , mathrm dxbigg ) 1/p ( for complex-valued sequences ' ' x ' ' resp. functions ' ' f ' ' defined on Xsubsetmathbb R ) , which can be further generalized ( see Haar measure ) . Any inner product induces in a natural way the norm x : = sqrtlangle x , xrangle . Other examples of infinite dimensional normed vector spaces can be found in the Banach space article . # Properties # The concept of unit circle ( the set of all vectors of norm 1 ) is different in different norms : for the 1-norm the unit circle in R 2 is a square , for the 2-norm ( Euclidean norm ) it is the well-known unit circle , while for the infinity norm it is a different square . For any ' ' p ' ' -norm it is a superellipse ( with congruent axes ) . See the accompanying illustration . Note that due to the definition of the norm , the unit circle is always convex and centrally symmetric ( therefore , for example , the unit ball may be a rectangle but can not be a triangle ) . In terms of the vector space , the seminorm defines a topology on the space , and this is a Hausdorff topology precisely when the seminorm can distinguish between distinct vectors , which is again equivalent to the seminorm being a norm . The topology thus defined ( by either a norm or a seminorm ) can be understood either in terms of sequences or open sets . A sequence of vectors vn is said to converge in norm to v if vn - v rightarrow 0 as n to infty . Equivalently , the topology consists of all sets that can be represented as a union of open balls . Two norms and on a vector space ' ' V ' ' are called ' ' equivalent ' ' if there exist positive real numbers ' ' C ' ' and ' ' D ' ' such that for all ' ' x ' ' in ' ' V ' ' : Cxalphaleqxbetaleq Dxalpha . For instance , on mathbfCn , if ' ' p ' ' ' ' r ' ' 0 , then : xp leq xr leq n(1/r-1/p)xp . In particular , : x2lex1lesqrtnx2 : xinftylex2lesqrtnxinfty : xinftylex1le nxinfty . If the vector space is a finite-dimensional real/complex one , all norms are equivalent . On the other hand , in the case of infinite-dimensional vector spaces , not all norms are equivalent . Equivalent norms define the same notions of continuity and convergence and for many purposes do not need to be distinguished . To be more precise the uniform structure defined by equivalent norms on the vector space is uniformly isomorphic . Every ( semi ) -norm is a sublinear function , which implies that every norm is a convex function . As a result , finding a global optimum of a norm-based objective function is often tractable . Given a finite family of seminorms ' ' p ' ' ' ' i ' ' on a vector space the sum : p(x) : =sumi=0n pi(x) is again a seminorm . For any norm ' ' p ' ' on a vector space ' ' V ' ' , we have that for all u and v ' ' V ' ' : : p ( u v ) p ( u ) p ( v ) If X and Y are normed spaces and u : X to Y is a continuous linear map , then the norm of u and the norm of the transpose of u are equal . For the l p norms , we have Hlder 's inequality : xmathsfT yle xpyqqquad frac1p+frac1q=1 . A special case of this is the CauchySchwarz inequality : : xmathsfT ylex2y2. # Classification of seminorms : Absolutely convex absorbing sets # All seminorms on a vector space ' ' V ' ' can be classified in terms of absolutely convex absorbing sets in ' ' V ' ' . To each such set , ' ' A ' ' , corresponds a seminorm ' ' p A ' ' called the gauge of ' ' A ' ' , defined as : ' ' p A ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) : = inf : 0 , ' ' x ' ' ' ' A ' ' with the property that : ' ' x ' ' : ' ' p A ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) *36;221; A ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) 1 . Conversely : Any locally convex topological vector space has a local basis consisting of absolutely convex sets . A common method to construct such a basis is to use a family ( p ) of seminorms p that separates points : the collection of all finite intersections of sets p *570;259;1/n} V ( so that V=g V *748;831;1}) 0 *22;1581; then there exists ' ' k ' ' -seminorm ' ' p ' ' on ' ' X ' ' equivalent to ' ' q ' ' . # See also # Normed vector space Asymmetric norm Matrix norm Gowers norm Mahalanobis distance Manhattan distance Relation of norms and metrics # Notes # # References # @@1126638 In mathematics , an invariant is a property of a class of mathematical objects that remains unchanged when transformations of a certain type are applied to the objects . The particular class of objects and type of transformations are usually indicated by the context in which the term is used . For example , the area of a triangle is an invariant with respect to isometries of the Euclidean plane . The phrases invariant under and invariant to a transformation are both used . More generally , an invariant with respect to an equivalence relation is a property that is constant on each equivalence class . Invariants are used in diverse areas of mathematics such as geometry , topology and algebra . Some important classes of transformations are defined by an invariant they leave unchanged , for example conformal maps are defined as transformations of the plane that preserve angles . The discovery of invariants is an important step in the process of classifying mathematical objects . # Simple examples # The most fundamental example of invariance is expressed in our ability to count . For a finite collection of objects of any kind , there appears to be a number to which we invariably arrive , regardless of how we count the objects in the set . The quantity -- a cardinal number -- is associated with the set , and is invariant under the process of counting . An identity is an equation that remains true for all values of its variables . There are also inequalities that remain true when the values of their variables change . Another simple example of invariance is that the distance between two points on a number line is not changed by adding the same quantity to both numbers . On the other hand , multiplication does not have this property , so distance is not invariant under multiplication . Angles and ratios of distances are invariant under scalings , rotations , translations and reflections . These transformations produce similar shapes , which is the basis of trigonometry . All circles are similar . Therefore they can be transformed into each other and the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is invariant and equal to pi . # More advanced examples # Some more complicated examples : The real part and the absolute value of a complex number are invariant under complex conjugation . The degree of a polynomial is invariant under linear change of variables . The dimension and homology groups of a topological object are invariant under homeomorphism. The number of fixed points of a dynamical system is invariant under many mathematical operations . Euclidean distance is invariant under orthogonal transformations . Euclidean area is invariant under a linear map with determinant 1 ( see Equi-areal maps ) . Some invariants of projective transformations : collinearity of three or more points , concurrency of three or more lines , conic sections , the cross-ratio. The determinant , trace , and eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a square matrix are invariant under changes of basis . In a word , the spectrum of a matrix is invariant to the change of basis . Invariants of tensors. The singular values of a matrix are invariant under orthogonal transformations . Lebesgue measure is invariant under translations. The variance of a probability distribution is invariant under translations of the real line ; hence the variance of a random variable is unchanged by the addition of a constant to it . The fixed points of a transformation are the elements in the domain invariant under the transformation . They may , depending on the application , be called symmetric with respect to that transformation . For example , objects with translational symmetry are invariant under certain translations. The integral textstyleintM K , dmu of the Gaussian curvature ' ' K ' ' of a 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold ( ' ' M ' ' , ' ' g ' ' ) is invariant under changes of the Riemannian metric ' ' g ' ' . This is the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem . # Invariant set # A subset ' ' S ' ' of the domain ' ' U ' ' of a mapping ' ' T ' ' : ' ' U ' ' ' ' U ' ' is an invariant set under the mapping when x in S Rightarrow T(x) in S. Note that the elements of ' ' S ' ' are not fixed , but rather the set ' ' S ' ' is fixed in the power set of ' ' U ' ' . For example , a circle is an invariant subset of the plane under a rotation about the circles center . Further , a conical surface is invariant as a set under a homothety of space . An invariant set of an operation ' ' T ' ' is also said to be stable under ' ' T ' ' . For example , the normal subgroups that are so important in group theory are those subgroups that are stable under the inner automorphisms of the ambient group . Other examples occur in linear algebra . Suppose a linear transformation ' ' T ' ' has an eigenvector v . Then the line through 0 and v is an invariant set under ' ' T ' ' . The eigenvectors span an invariant subspace which is stable under ' ' T ' ' . When ' ' T ' ' is a screw displacement , the screw axis is an invariant line , though if the pitch is non-zero , ' ' T ' ' has no fixed points . # Formal statement # The notion of invariance is formalized in three different ways in mathematics : via group actions , presentations , and deformation. # Unchanged under group action # Firstly , if one has a group ' ' G ' ' acting on a mathematical object ( or set of objects ) ' ' X , ' ' then one may ask which points ' ' x ' ' are unchanged , invariant under the group action , or under an element ' ' g ' ' of the group . Very frequently one will have a group acting on a set ' ' X ' ' and ask which objects in an ' ' associated ' ' set ' ' F ' ' ( ' ' X ' ' ) are invariant . For example , rotation in the plane about a point leaves the point about which it rotates invariant , while translation in the plane does not leave any points invariant , but does leave all lines parallel to the direction of translation invariant as lines . Formally , define the set of lines in the plane ' ' P ' ' as ' ' L ' ' ( ' ' P ' ' ) ; then a rigid motion of the plane takes lines to lines the group of rigid motions acts on the set of lines and one may ask which lines are unchanged by an action . More importantly , one may define a ' ' function ' ' on a set , such as radius of a circle in the plane and then ask if this function is invariant under a group action , such as rigid motions . Dual to the notion of invariants are ' ' coinvariants , ' ' also known as ' ' orbits , ' ' which formalizes the notion of congruence : objects which can be taken to each other by a group action . For example , under the group of rigid motions of the plane , the perimeter of a triangle is an invariant , while the set of triangles congruent to a given triangle is a coinvariant . These are connected as follows : invariants are constant on coinvariants ( for example , congruent triangles have the same perimeter ) , while two objects which agree in the value of one invariant may or may not be congruent ( two triangles with the same perimeter need not be congruent ) . In classification problems , one seeks to find a complete set of invariants , such that if two objects have the same values for this set of invariants , they are congruent . For example , triangles such that all three sides are equal are congruent , via SSS congruence , and thus the length of all three sides forms a complete set of invariants for triangles . # Independent of presentation # Secondly , a function may be defined in terms of some presentation or decomposition of a mathematical object ; for instance , the Euler characteristic of a cell complex is defined as the alternating sum of the number of cells in each dimension . One may forget the cell complex structure and look only at the underlying topological space ( the manifold ) as different cell complexes give the same underlying manifold , one may ask if the function is ' ' independent ' ' of choice of ' ' presentation , ' ' in which case it is an ' ' intrinsically ' ' defined invariant . This is the case for the Euler characteristic , and a general method for defining and computing invariants is to define them for a given presentation and then show that they are independent of the choice of presentation . Note that there is no notion of a group action in this sense . The most common examples are : The presentation of a manifold in terms of coordinate charts invariants must be unchanged under change of coordinates . Various manifold decompositions , as discussed for Euler characteristic . Invariants of a presentation of a group . # Unchanged under perturbation # Thirdly , if one is studying an object which varies in a family , as is common in algebraic geometry and differential geometry , one may ask if the property is unchanged under perturbation if an object is constant on families or invariant under change of metric , for instance . @@1170160 In geometry , a figure is chiral ( and said to have chirality ) if it is not identical to its mirror image , or , more precisely , if it can not be mapped to its mirror image by rotations and translations alone . For example , a right shoe is different from a left shoe , and clockwise is different from counterclockwise . A chiral object and its mirror image are said to be enantiomorphs . The word ' ' chirality ' ' is derived from the Greek ( cheir ) , the hand , the most familiar chiral object ; the word ' ' enantiomorph ' ' stems from the Greek ( enantios ) ' opposite ' + ( morphe ) ' form ' . A non-chiral figure is called achiral or amphichiral . The helix ( and by extension a spun string , a screw , a propeller , etc. ) and Mbius strip are chiral two-dimensional objects in three-dimensional ambient space . The J , L , S and Z-shaped ' ' tetrominoes ' ' of the popular video game Tetris also exhibit chirality , but only in a two-dimensional space . Many other familiar objects exhibit the same chiral symmetry of the human body , such as gloves and shoes . A similar notion of chirality is considered in knot theory , as explained below . Some chiral three-dimensional objects , such as the helix , can be assigned a right or left handedness , according to the right-hand rule . # Chirality and symmetry group # A figure is achiral if and only if its symmetry group contains at least one ' ' orientation-reversing ' ' isometry . ( In Euclidean geometry any isometry can be written as vmapsto Av+b with an orthogonal matrix A and a vector b . The determinant of A is either 1 or &minus ; 1 then . If it is &minus ; 1 the isometry is ' ' orientation-reversing ' ' , otherwise it is orientation-preserving. ) # Chirality in three dimensions # In three dimensions , every figure which possesses a plane of symmetry or a center of symmetry is achiral . ( A ' ' plane of symmetry ' ' of a figure F is a plane P , such that F is invariant under the mapping ( x , y , z ) mapsto ( x , y , -z ) , when P is chosen to be the x - y -plane of the coordinate system . A ' ' center of symmetry ' ' of a figure F is a point C , such that F is invariant under the mapping ( x , y , z ) mapsto ( -x , -y , -z ) , when C is chosen to be the origin of the coordinate system . ) Note , however , that there are achiral figures lacking both plane and center of symmetry . An example is the figure : F0=left(1,0,0) , ( 0,1,0 ) , ( -1,0,0 ) , ( 0 , -1,0 ) , ( 2,1,1 ) , ( -1,2 , -1 ) , ( -2 , -1,1 ) , ( 1 , -2 , -1 ) right which is invariant under the orientation reversing isometry ( x , y , z ) mapsto ( -y , x , -z ) and thus achiral , but it has neither plane nor center of symmetry . The figure : F1=left(1,0,0) , ( -1,0,0 ) , ( 0,2,0 ) , ( 0 , -2,0 ) , ( 1,1,1 ) , ( -1 , -1 , -1 ) right also is achiral as the origin is a center of symmetry , but it lacks a plane of symmetry . Note also that achiral figures can have a center axis . # Chirality in two dimensions # In two dimensions , every figure which possesses an axis of symmetry is achiral , and it can be shown that every ' ' bounded ' ' achiral figure must have an axis of symmetry . ( An ' ' axis of symmetry ' ' of a figure F is a line L , such that F is invariant under the mapping ( x , y ) mapsto ( x , -y ) , when L is chosen to be the x -axis of the coordinate system . ) Consider the following pattern : This figure is chiral , as it is not identical to its mirror image : But if one prolongs the pattern in both directions to infinity , one receives an ( unbounded ) achiral figure which has no axis of symmetry . Its symmetry group is a frieze group generated by a single glide reflection . # Knot theory # A knot is called achiral if it can be continuously deformed into its mirror image , otherwise it is called chiral . For example the unknot and the figure-eight knot are achiral , whereas the trefoil knot is chiral. @@1313432 In mathematics , the origin of a Euclidean space is a special point , usually denoted by the letter ' ' O ' ' , used as a fixed point of reference for the geometry of the surrounding space . # Cartesian coordinates # In a Cartesian coordinate system , the origin is the point where the axes of the system intersect . The origin divides each of these axes into two halves , a positive and a negative semiaxis . Points can then be located with reference to the origin by giving their numerical coordinatesthat is , the positions of their projections along each axis , either in the positive or negative direction . The coordinates of the origin are always all zero , for example ( 0,0 ) in two dimensions and ( 0,0,0 ) in three . # Other coordinate systems # In a polar coordinate system , the origin may also be called the pole . It does not itself have well-defined polar coordinates , because the polar coordinates of a point include the angle made by the positive ' ' x ' ' -axis and the ray from the origin to the point , and this ray is not well-defined for the origin itself . In Euclidean geometry , the origin may be chosen freely as any convenient point of reference . The origin of the complex plane can be referred as the point where real axis and imaginary axis intersect each other . In other words , it is the complex number zero . @@1374948 In mathematics , and particularly in functional analysis and the Calculus of variations , a functional is a function from a vector space into its underlying scalar field , or a set of functions of the real numbers . In other words , it is a function that takes a vector as its input argument , and returns a scalar . Commonly the vector space is a space of functions , thus the functional takes a function for its input argument , then it is sometimes considered a ' ' function of a function ' ' . Its use originates in the calculus of variations where one searches for a function that minimizes a certain functional . A particularly important application in physics is searching for a state of a system that minimizes the energy functional . # Functional details # # Duality # The mapping : x0mapsto f(x0) is a function , where x0 is an argument of a function f . At the same time , the mapping of a function to the value of the function at a point : fmapsto f(x0) is a ' ' functional ' ' , here x0 is a parameter . Provided that ' ' f ' ' is a linear function from a linear vector space to the underlying scalar field , the above linear maps are dual to each other , and in functional analysis both are called linear functionals. # Definite integral # Integrals such as : fmapsto If=intOmega H ( f ( x ) , f ' ( x ) , ldots ) ; mu(mboxdx) form a special class of functionals . They map a function ' ' f ' ' into a real number , provided that ' ' H ' ' is real-valued . Examples include the area underneath the graph of a positive function ' ' f ' ' : : fmapstointx0x1f(x) ; mathrmdx ' ' L ' ' ' ' p ' ' norm of functions : : fmapsto left ( intfp ; mathrmdxright ) 1/p the arclength of a curve in 2-dimensional Euclidean space : : f mapsto intx0x1 sqrt 1+f ' ( x ) 2 ; mathrmdx # Vector scalar product # Given any vector vecx in a vector space X , the scalar product with another vector vecy , denoted vecxcdotvecy or langle vecx , vecy rangle , is a scalar . The set of vectors such that this product is zero is a vector subspace of X , called the ' ' null space ' ' or kernel of X . # Local vs non-local # If a functional 's value can be computed for small segments of the input curve and then summed to find the total value , a function is called local . Otherwise it is called non-local . For example : : F(y) = intx0x1y(x) ; mathrmdx is local while : F(y) = fracintx0x1y(x) ; mathrmdxintx0x1 ( 1+ y(x)2 ) ; mathrmdx is non-local . This occurs commonly when integrals occur separately in the numerator and denominator of an equation such as in calculations of center of mass. # Functional equation # The traditional usage also applies when one talks about a functional equation , meaning an equation between functionals : an equation F = G between functionals can be read as an ' equation to solve ' , with solutions being themselves functions . In such equations there may be several sets of variable unknowns , like when it is said that an ' ' additive ' ' function f is one ' ' satisfying the functional equation ' ' : fleft(x+yright) = fleft(xright) + fleft(yright) . # Functional derivative and functional integration # Functional derivatives are used in Lagrangian mechanics . They are derivatives of functionals : i.e. they carry information on how a functional changes , when the function changes by a small amount . See also calculus of variations . Richard Feynman used functional integrals as the central idea in his sum over the histories formulation of quantum mechanics . This usage implies an integral taken over some function space . # See also # Linear functional Optimization ( mathematics ) Tensor @@1485646 ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' is a journal and online database published by the American Mathematical Society ( AMS ) that contains brief synopses ( and occasionally evaluations ) of many articles in mathematics , statistics and theoretical computer science . # Reviews # The journal was founded by Otto E. Neugebauer in 1940 as an alternative to the German journal ' ' Zentralblatt fr Mathematik ' ' , which Neugebauer had also founded a decade earlier , but which under the Nazis had begun censoring reviews by and of Jewish mathematicians . The goal of the new journal was to give reviews of every mathematical research publication . As of November 2007 , the ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' database contained information on over 2.2 million articles . The authors of reviews are volunteers , usually chosen by the editors because of some expertise in the area of the article . It and ' ' Zentralblatt fr Mathematik ' ' are the only comprehensive resources of this type . ( The Mathematics section of ' ' Referativny Zhurnal ' ' is available only in Russian and is smaller in scale and difficult to access . ) Often reviews give detailed summaries of the contents of the paper , sometimes with critical comments by the reviewer and references to related work . However , reviewers are not encouraged to criticize the paper , because the author does not have an opportunity to respond . The author 's summary may be quoted when it is not possible to give an independent review , or when the summary is deemed adequate by the reviewer or the editors . Only bibliographic information may be given when a work is in an unusual language , when it is a brief paper in a conference volume , or when it is outside of the primary scope of the Reviews . Originally the reviews were written in several languages , but later an English only policy was introduced . Selected reviews ( called featured reviews ) were also published as a book by the AMS , but this program has been discontinued . # Online database # In 1980 , all the contents of ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' since 1940 were integrated into an electronic searchable database . Eventually the contents became part of MathSciNet , which , along with reviews , also has now citation information ( albeit primarily limited to other articles in MathSciNet ) . ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' and MathSciNet have become an essential tool for researchers in the mathematical sciences . Unlike most other abstracting databases , MathSciNet takes care to identify authors properly . Its author search allows the user to find publications associated with a given author record , even if multiple authors have exactly the same name . ' ' Math Reviews ' ' personnel will sometimes even contact authors to ensure that the database has correctly attributed their papers . On the other hand , the general search menu uses string matching in all fields , including the author field . This functioning is needed for the database to access some old reviews ( before 1940 ) which have not yet been completely integrated and thus can not be found by searching for the author first . MathSciNet provides BibTeX entries with all reviews , and its abbreviations of journal titles have become a ' ' de facto ' ' standard in mathematical publishing . Both ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' and ' ' Zentralblatt fr Mathematik ' ' use the Mathematics Subject Classification codes for organizing their reviews . # Scope # MathSciNet contains information on about 2 million articles from 1,900 mathematical journals , many of them abstracted cover-to-cover . In addition , reviews or bibliographical information on selected articles is included from many engineering , computer science and other applied journals abstracted by MathSciNet . The selection is done by the editors of the Mathematical Reviews . The editors accept suggestions to cover additional journals , but do not reconsider missing articles for inclusion . # Mathematical citation quotient # ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' computes a mathematical citation quotient ( MCQ ) for each journal . Like the impact factor , this is a numerical statistic that measures the frequency of citations to a journal . The MCQ is calculated by counting the total number of citations into the journal that have been indexed by ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' over a five-year period , and dividing this total by the total number of papers published by the journal during that five-year period . For the period 20042008 , the top five journals in ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' by MCQ were : # ' ' Acta Numerica ' ' MCQ 3.43 # ' ' Annals of Mathematics ' ' MCQ 2.97 # ' ' Journal of the American Mathematical Society ' ' MCQ 2.92 # ' ' Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics ' ' MCQ 2.43 # ' ' Publications Mathmatiques de l'IHS ' ' MCQ 2.33 The All Journal MCQ is computed by considering all the journals indexed by Mathematical Reviews as a single meta-journal , which makes it possible to determine if a particular journal has a higher or lower MCQ than average . The 2009 All Journal MCQ is 0.28. # Current Mathematical Publications # ' ' Current Mathematical Publications ' ' is a subject index in print format that publishes the newest and upcoming mathematical literature , and which has been chosen and indexed by Mathematical Reviews editors . Temporal coverage is from 1965 to the present . 17 issues are published annually . cite web @@1503369 Greek mathematics , as that term is used in this article , is the mathematics written in Greek , developed from the 7th century BC to the 4th century AD around the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean . Greek mathematicians lived in cities spread over the entire Eastern Mediterranean , from Italy to North Africa , but were united by culture and language . Greek mathematics of the period following Alexander the Great is sometimes called Hellenistic mathematics . The word mathematics itself derives from the ancient Greek ' ' ' ' ( ' ' mathema ' ' ) , meaning subject of instruction . The study of mathematics for its own sake and the use of generalized mathematical theories and proofs is the key difference between Greek mathematics and those of preceding civilizations . # Origins of Greek mathematics # The origins of Greek mathematics are not easily documented . The earliest advanced civilizations in the country of Greece and in Europe were the Minoan and later Mycenean civilization , both of which flourished during the 2nd millennium BC . While these civilizations possessed writing and were capable of advanced engineering , including four-story palaces with drainage and beehive tombs , they left behind no mathematical documents . Though no direct evidence is available , it is generally thought that the neighboring Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations had an influence on the younger Greek tradition . Between 800 BC and 600 BC Greek mathematics generally lagged behind Greek literature , and there is very little known about Greek mathematics from this period -- nearly all of which was passed down through later authors , beginning in the mid-4th century BC. # Classical period # Historians traditionally place the beginning of Greek mathematics proper to the age of Thales of Miletus ( ca. 624 - 548 BC ) . Little is known about the life and work of Thales , so little indeed that his date of birth and death are estimated from the eclipse of 585 BC , which probably occurred while he was in his prime . Despite this , it is generally agreed that Thales is the first of the seven wise men of Greece . The two earliest mathematical theorems , Thales ' theorem and Intercept theorem are attributed to Thales . The former , which states that an angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle , may have been learned by Thales while in Babylon but tradition attributes to Thales a demonstration of the theorem . It is for this reason that Thales is often hailed as the father of the deductive organization of mathematics and as the first true mathematician . Thales is also thought to be the earliest known man in history to whom specific mathematical discoveries have been attributed . Although it is not known whether or not Thales was the one who introduced into mathematics the logical structure that is so ubiquitous today , it is known that within two hundred years of Thales the Greeks had introduced logical structure and the idea of proof into mathematics . Another important figure in the development of Greek mathematics is Pythagoras of Samos ( ca. 580 - 500 BC ) . Like Thales , Pythagoras also traveled to Egypt and Babylon , then under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar , but settled in Croton , Magna Graecia . Pythagoras established an order called the Pythagoreans , which held knowledge and property in common and hence all of the discoveries by individual Pythagoreans were attributed to the order . And since in antiquity it was customary to give all credit to the master , Pythagoras himself was given credit for the discoveries made by his order . Aristotle for one refused to attribute anything specifically to Pythagoras as an individual and only discussed the work of the Pythagoreans as a group . One of the most important characteristics of the Pythagorean order was that it maintained that the pursuit of philosophical and mathematical studies was a moral basis for the conduct of life . Indeed , the words philosophy ( love of wisdom ) and mathematics ( that which is learned ) are said to have been coined by Pythagoras . From this love of knowledge came many achievements . It has been customarily said that the Pythagoreans discovered most of the material in the first two books of Euclid 's ' ' Elements ' ' . Distinguishing the work of Thales and Pythagoras from that of later and earlier mathematicians is difficult since none of their original works survives , except for possibly the surviving Thales-fragments , which are of disputed reliability . However many historians , such as Hans-Joachim Waschkies and Carl Boyer , have argued that much of the mathematical knowledge ascribed to Thales was in fact developed later , particularly the aspects that rely on the concept of angles , while the use of general statements may have appeared earlier , such as those found on Greek legal texts inscribed on slabs . The reason it is not clear exactly what either Thales or Pythagoras actually did is that almost no contemporary documentation has survived . The only evidence comes from traditions recorded in works such as Proclus commentary on Euclid written centuries later . Some of these later works , such as Aristotles commentary on the Pythagoreans , are themselves only known from a few surviving fragments . Thales is supposed to have used geometry to solve problems such as calculating the height of pyramids based on the length of shadows , and the distance of ships from the shore . He is also credited by tradition with having made the first proof of two geometric theorems - the Theorem of Thales and the Intercept theorem described above . Pythagoras is widely credited with recognizing the mathematical basis of musical harmony and , according to Proclus ' commentary on Euclid , he discovered the theory of proportionals and constructed regular solids . Some modern historians have questioned whether he really constructed all five regular solids , suggesting instead that it is more reasonable to assume that he constructed just three of them . Some ancient sources attribute the discovery of the Pythagorean theorem to Pythagoras , whereas others claim it was a proof for the theorem that he discovered . Modern historians believe that the principle itself was known to the Babylonians and likely imported from them . The Pythagoreans regarded numerology and geometry as fundamental to understanding the nature of the universe and therefore central to their philosophical and religious ideas . They are credited with numerous mathematical advances , such as the discovery of irrational numbers . Historians credit them with a major role in the development of Greek mathematics ( particularly number theory and geometry ) into a coherent logical system based on clear definitions and proven theorems that was considered to be a subject worthy of study in its own right , without regard to the practical applications that had been the primary concern of the Egyptians and Babylonians. # Hellenistic # The Hellenistic period began in the 4th century BC with Alexander the Great 's conquest of the eastern Mediterranean , Egypt , Mesopotamia , the Iranian plateau , Central Asia , and parts of India , leading to the spread of the Greek language and culture across these areas . Greek became the language of scholarship throughout the Hellenistic world , and Greek mathematics merged with Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics to give rise to a Hellenistic mathematics . The most important centre of learning during this period was Alexandria in Egypt , which attracted scholars from across the Hellenistic world , mostly Greek and Egyptian , but also Jewish , Persian , Phoenician and even Indian scholars . Most of the mathematical texts written in Greek have been found in Greece , Egypt , Asia Minor , Mesopotamia , and Sicily . Archimedes was able to use infinitesimals in a way that is similar to modern integral calculus . Using a technique dependent on a form of proof by contradiction he could give answers to problems to an arbitrary degree of accuracy , while specifying the limits within which the answer lay . This technique is known as the method of exhaustion , and he employed it to approximate the value of ( Pi ) . In ' ' The Quadrature of the Parabola ' ' , Archimedes proved that the area enclosed by a parabola and a straight line is times the area of a triangle with equal base and height . He expressed the solution to the problem as an infinite geometric series , whose sum was . In ' ' The Sand Reckoner ' ' , Archimedes set out to calculate the number of grains of sand that the universe could contain . In doing so , he challenged the notion that the number of grains of sand was too large to be counted , devising his own counting scheme based on the myriad , which denoted 10,000 . Greek mathematics and astronomy reached a rather advanced stage during Hellenism , represented by scholars such as Hipparchus , Apollonius and Ptolemy , to the point of constructing simple analogue computers such as the Antikythera mechanism . # Achievements # Greek mathematics constitutes a major period in the history of mathematics , fundamental in respect of geometry and the idea of formal proof . Greek mathematics also contributed importantly to ideas on number theory , mathematical analysis , applied mathematics , and , at times , approached close to integral calculus . Euclid , fl. 300 BC , collected the mathematical knowledge of his age in the ' ' Elements ' ' , a canon of geometry and elementary number theory for many centuries . The most characteristic product of Greek mathematics may be the theory of conic sections , largely developed in the Hellenistic period . The methods used made no explicit use of algebra , nor trigonometry . Eudoxus of Cnidus developed a theory of real numbers strikingly similar to the modern theory developed by Dedekind , who indeed acknowledged Eudoxus as inspiration . # Transmission and the manuscript tradition # Although the earliest Greek language texts on mathematics that have been found were written after the Hellenistic period , many of these are considered to be copies of works written during and before the Hellenistic period . The two major sources are Byzantine codices written some 500 to 1500 years after their originals Syriac or Arabic translations of Greek works and Latin translations of the Arabic versions . Nevertheless , despite the lack of original manuscripts , the dates of Greek mathematics are more certain than the dates of surviving Baylonian or Egyptian sources because a large number of overlapping chronologies exist . Even so , many dates are uncertain ; but the doubt is a matter of decades rather than centuries . @@1529485 In topology and related areas of mathematics , a neighbourhood ( or neighborhood ) is one of the basic concepts in a topological space . Intuitively speaking , a neighbourhood of a point is a set containing the point where one can move that point some amount without leaving the set . This concept is closely related to the concepts of open set and interior . # Definition # If X is a topological space and p is a point in X , a neighbourhood of p is a subset V of X that includes an open set U containing p , : p in U subseteq V. This is also equivalent to pin X being in the interior of V . Note that the neighbourhood V need not be an open set itself . If V is open it is called an open neighbourhood . Some scholars require that neighbourhoods be open , so it is important to note conventions . A set that is a neighbourhood of each of its points is open since it can be expressed as the union of open sets containing each of its points . The collection of all neighbourhoods of a point is called the neighbourhood system at the point . If S is a subset of X then a neighbourhood of S is a set V that includes an open set U containing S . It follows that a set V is a neighbourhood of S if and only if it is a neighbourhood of all the points in S . Furthermore , it follows that V is a neighbourhood of S iff S is a subset of the interior of V . # In a metric space # In a metric space M = ( X , d ) , a set V is a neighbourhood of a point p if there exists an open ball with centre p and radius r0 , such that : Br(p) = B ( p ; r ) = x in X mid d ( x , p ) *13;214026; is contained in V . V is called uniform neighbourhood of a set S if there exists a positive number r such that for all elements p of S , : Br(p) = x in X mid d ( x , p ) *13;214041; is contained in V . For r 0 the r -neighbourhood Sr of a set S is the set of all points in X that are at distance less than r from S ( or equivalently , S r is the union of all the open balls of radius r that are centred at a point in S ) . It directly follows that an r -neighbourhood is a uniform neighbourhood , and that a set is a uniform neighbourhood if and only if it contains an r -neighbourhood for some value of r . # Examples # Given the set of real numbers mathbbR with the usual Euclidean metric and a subset V defined as : V : =bigcupn in mathbbN Bleft ( n , ; , 1/n right ) , then V is a neighbourhood for the set mathbbN of natural numbers , but is ' ' not ' ' a uniform neighbourhood of this set . # Topology from neighbourhoods # The above definition is useful if the notion of open set is already defined . There is an alternative way to define a topology , by first defining the neighbourhood system , and then open sets as those sets containing a neighbourhood of each of their points . A neighbourhood system on X is the assignment of a filter N(x) ( on the set X ) to each x in X , such that # the point x is an element of each U in N(x) # each U in N(x) contains some V in N(x) such that for each y in V , U is in N(y) . One can show that both definitions are compatible , i.e. the topology obtained from the neighbourhood system defined using open sets is the original one , and vice versa when starting out from a neighbourhood system . # Uniform neighbourhoods # In a uniform space S = ( X , delta ) , V is called a uniform neighbourhood of P if P is not close to X setminus V , that is there exists no entourage containing P and X setminus V . # Punctured neighbourhood # A punctured neighbourhood of a point p ( sometimes called a deleted neighbourhood ) is a neighbourhood of p , without p . For instance , the interval ( -1 , 1 ) = y : -1 *16;214056; is a neighbourhood of p = 0 in the real line , so the set ( -1 , 0 ) cup ( 0 , 1 ) = ( -1 , 1 ) setminus 0 is a punctured neighbourhood of 0 . Note that a punctured neighbourhood of a given point is not in fact a neighbourhood of the point . The concept of punctured neighbourhood occurs in the definition of the limit of a function . @@1561467 In mathematics , a metric or distance function is a function that defines a distance between elements of a set . A set with a metric is called a metric space . A metric induces a topology on a set but not all topologies can be generated by a metric . A topological space whose topology can be described by a metric is called metrizable . In differential geometry , the word metric may refer to a bilinear form that may be defined from the tangent vectors of a differentiable manifold onto a scalar , allowing distances along curves to be determined through integration . It is more properly termed a metric tensor. # Definition # A metric on a set ' ' X ' ' is a function ( called the ' ' distance function ' ' or simply distance ) ' ' d ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' X ' ' R ( where R is the set of real numbers ) . For all ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' in ' ' X ' ' , this function is required to satisfy the following conditions : # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) 0 ( ' ' non-negativity ' ' , or separation axiom ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = 0 if and only if ' ' x ' ' = ' ' y ' ' ( ' ' identity of indiscernibles ' ' , or coincidence axiom ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) ( ' ' symmetry ' ' ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ( ' ' subadditivity ' ' / ' ' triangle inequality ' ' ) . Conditions 1 and 2 together define a ' ' Positive-definite function ' ' . The first condition is implied by the others . A metric is called an ultrametric if it satisfies the following stronger version of the ' ' triangle inequality ' ' where points can never fall ' between ' other points : : For all ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' in ' ' X ' ' , ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) max ( ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) , ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) A metric ' ' d ' ' on ' ' X ' ' is called intrinsic if any two points ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' in ' ' X ' ' can be joined by a curve with length arbitrarily close to ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) . For sets on which an addition + : ' ' X ' ' &times ; ' ' X ' ' ' ' X ' ' is defined , ' ' d ' ' is called a translation invariant metric if : ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' + ' ' a ' ' , ' ' y ' ' + ' ' a ' ' ) for all ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' and ' ' a ' ' in ' ' X ' ' . # Notes # These conditions express intuitive notions about the concept of distance . For example , that the distance between distinct points is positive and the distance from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' y ' ' is the same as the distance from ' ' y ' ' to ' ' x ' ' . The triangle inequality means that the distance from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' z ' ' via ' ' y ' ' is at least as great as from ' ' x ' ' to ' ' z ' ' directly . Euclid in his work stated that the shortest distance between two points is a line ; that was the triangle inequality for his geometry . If a modification of the triangle inequality : 4*. ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' z ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) is used in the definition then property 1 follows straight from property 4* . Properties 2 and 4* give property 3 which in turn gives property 4. # Examples # The discrete metric : if ' ' x ' ' = ' ' y ' ' then ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = 0 . Otherwise , ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = 1 . The Euclidean metric is translation and rotation invariant . The taxicab metric is translation invariant . More generally , any metric induced by a norm is translation invariant . If ( pn ) nin N is a sequence of seminorms defining a ( locally convex ) topological vector space ' ' E ' ' , then : d ( x , y ) =sumn=1infty frac12n fracpn(x-y)1+pn(x-y) : is a metric defining the same topology . ( One can replace frac12n by any summable sequence ( an ) of strictly positive numbers. ) Graph metric , a metric defined in terms of distances in a certain graph . The Hamming distance in coding theory . The FubiniStudy metric on complex projective space . # Equivalence of metrics # For a given set ' ' X ' ' , two metrics ' ' d ' ' 1 and ' ' d ' ' 2 are called topologically equivalent ( uniformly equivalent ) if the identity mapping : id : ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' d ' ' 1 ) ( ' ' X ' ' , ' ' d ' ' 2 ) is a homeomorphism ( uniform isomorphism ) . For example , if d is a metric , then min ( d , 1 ) and d over 1+d are metrics equivalent to d . See also notions of metric space equivalence . # Metrics on vector spaces # Norms on vector spaces are equivalent to certain metrics , namely homogeneous , translation-invariant ones . In other words , every norm determines a metric , and some metrics determine a norm . Given a normed vector space ( X , cdot ) we can define a metric on ' ' X ' ' by : d ( x , y ) : = x-y . The metric ' ' d ' ' is said to be induced by the norm cdot . Conversely if a metric ' ' d ' ' on a vector space ' ' X ' ' satisfies the properties d ( x , y ) = d ( x+a , y+a ) ( ' ' translation invariance ' ' ) d ( alpha x , alpha y ) = alpha d ( x , y ) ( ' ' homogeneity ' ' ) then we can define a norm on ' ' X ' ' by : x : = d ( x , 0 ) Similarly , a seminorm induces a pseudometric ( see below ) , and a homogeneous , translation invariant pseudometric induces a seminorm. # Metrics on multisets # We can generalize the notion of a metric from a distance between two elements to a distance between two nonempty finite multisets of elements . A multiset is a generalization of the notion of a set such that an element can occur more than once . Define Z=XY if Z is the multiset consisting of the elements of the multisets X and Y , that is , if x occurs once in X and once in Y then it occurs twice in Z . A distance function d on the set of nonempty finite multisets is a metric if # d(X)=0 if all elements of X are equal and d(X) 0 otherwise ( positive definiteness ) , that is , ( non-negativity plus identity of indiscernibles ) # d(X) is invariant under all permutations of X ( symmetry ) # d(XY) leq d(XZ)+d(ZY) ( triangle inequality ) Note that the familiar metric between two elements results if the multiset X has two elements in 1 and 2 and the multisets X , Y , Z have one element each in 3 . For instance if X consists of two occurrences of x , then d(X)=0 accordng to 1 . A simple example is the set of all nonempty finite multisets X of integers with d(X)=maxx : x in X- minx:x in X . More complex examples are information distance in multisets ; and normalized compression distance ( NCD ) in multisets. # Generalized metrics # There are numerous ways of relaxing the axioms of metrics , giving rise to various notions of generalized metric spaces . These generalizations can also be combined . The terminology used to describe them is not completely standardized . Most notably , in functional analysis pseudometrics often come from seminorms on vector spaces , and so it is natural to call them semimetrics . This conflicts with the use of the term in topology . # Extended metrics # Some authors allow the distance function ' ' d ' ' to attain the value , i.e. distances are non-negative numbers on the extended real number line . Such a function is called an ' ' extended metric ' ' or -metric . Every extended metric can be transformed to a finite metric such that the metric spaces are equivalent as far as notions of topology ( such as continuity or convergence ) are concerned . This can be done using a subadditive monotonically increasing bounded function which is zero at zero , e.g. ' ' d ' ' &prime ; ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) / ( 1 + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) or ' ' d ' ' &prime ; &prime ; ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = min ( 1 , ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) ) . The requirement that the metric take values in 0 , ) can even be relaxed to consider metrics with values in other directed sets . The reformulation of the axioms in this case leads to the construction of uniform spaces : topological spaces with an abstract structure enabling one to compare the local topologies of different points . # Pseudometrics # A pseudometric on ' ' X ' ' is a function ' ' d ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' X ' ' R which satisfies the axioms for a metric , except that instead of the second ( identity of indiscernibles ) only ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) =0 for all ' ' x ' ' is required . In other words , the axioms for a pseudometric are : # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) 0 # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) = 0 ( but possibly d ( x , y ) =0 for some distinct values xne y . ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) . In some contexts , pseudometrics are referred to as ' ' semimetrics ' ' because of their relation to seminorms. # Quasimetrics # Occasionally , a quasimetric is defined as a function that satisfies all axioms for a metric with the possible exception of symmetry : # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) 0 ( positivity ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = 0 if and only if ' ' x ' ' = ' ' y ' ' ( positive definiteness ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) ( symmetry , dropped ) # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ( triangle inequality ) Quasimetrics are common in real life . For example , given a set ' ' X ' ' of mountain villages , the typical walking times between elements of ' ' X ' ' form a quasimetric because travel up hill takes longer than travel down hill . Another example is a taxicab geometry topology having one-way streets , where a path from point ' ' A ' ' to point ' ' B ' ' comprises a different set of streets than a path from ' ' B ' ' to ' ' A ' ' . Nevertheless , this notion is rarely used in mathematics , and its name is not entirely standardized . A quasimetric on the reals can be defined by setting : ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' &minus ; ' ' y ' ' if ' ' x ' ' ' ' y ' ' , and : ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = 1 otherwise . The 1 may be replaced by infinity or by 1+10(y-x) . The topological space underlying this quasimetric space is the Sorgenfrey line . This space describes the process of filing down a metal stick : it is easy to reduce its size , but it is difficult or impossible to grow it . If ' ' d ' ' is a quasimetric on ' ' X ' ' , a metric ' ' d ' ' ' on ' ' X ' ' can be formed by taking : ' ' d ' ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ( ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) . # Semimetrics # A semimetric on ' ' X ' ' is a function ' ' d ' ' : ' ' X ' ' ' ' X ' ' R that satisfies the first three axioms , but not necessarily the triangle inequality : # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) 0 # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = 0 if and only if ' ' x ' ' = ' ' y ' ' # ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) = ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' x ' ' ) Some authors work with a weaker form of the triangle inequality , such as : : ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ( ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) + ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ( -relaxed triangle inequality ) : ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) max ( ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) , ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' ) ( -inframetric inequality ) . The -inframetric inequality implies the -relaxed triangle inequality ( assuming the first axiom ) , and the -relaxed triangle inequality implies the 2-inframetric inequality . Semimetrics satisfying these equivalent conditions have sometimes been referred to as quasimetrics , or pseudometrics ; in translations of Russian books it sometimes appears as prametric . Any premetric gives rise to a topology as follows . For a positive real ' ' r ' ' , the open ' ' r ' ' -ball centred at a point ' ' p ' ' is defined as : ' ' B r ' ' ( ' ' p ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' p ' ' ) *467;4262; ' ' x ' ' ' ' A ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ' ' B ' ' ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ) . This defines a premetric on the power set of a premetric space . If we start with a ( pseudosemi- ) metric space , we get a pseudosemimetric , i.e. a symmetric premetric . Any premetric gives rise to a preclosure operator ' ' cl ' ' as follows : : ' ' cl ' ' ( ' ' A ' ' ) = ' ' x ' ' ' ' d ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' , ' ' A ' ' ) = 0 . # Pseudoquasimetrics # The prefixes ' ' pseudo- ' ' , ' ' quasi- ' ' and ' ' semi- ' ' can also be combined , e.g. , a pseudoquasimetric ( sometimes called hemimetric ) relaxes both the indiscernibility axiom and the symmetry axiom and is simply a premetric satisfying the triangle inequality . For pseudoquasimetric spaces the open ' ' r ' ' -balls form a basis of open sets . A very basic example of a pseudoquasimetric space is the set 0,1 with the premetric given by ' ' d ' ' ( 0,1 ) = 1 and ' ' d ' ' ( 1,0 ) = 0 . The associated topological space is the Sierpiski space . Sets equipped with an extended pseudoquasimetric were studied by William Lawvere as generalized metric spaces . From a categorical point of view , the extended pseudometric spaces and the extended pseudoquasimetric spaces , along with their corresponding nonexpansive maps , are the best behaved of the metric space categories . One can take arbitrary products and coproducts and form quotient objects within the given category . If one drops extended , one can only take finite products and coproducts . If one drops pseudo , one can not take quotients . Approach spaces are a generalization of metric spaces that maintains these good categorical properties . # Important cases of generalized metrics # In differential geometry , one considers metric tensors , which can be thought of as infinitesimal metric functions . They are defined as inner products on the tangent space with an appropriate differentiability requirement . While these are not metric functions as defined in this article , they induce metric functions by integration . A manifold with a metric tensor is called a Riemannian manifold . If one drops the positive definiteness requirement of inner product spaces , then one obtains a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor , which integrates to a pseudo-semimetric . These are used in the geometric study of the theory of relativity , where the tensor is also called the invariant distance . # See also # Acoustic metric Complete metric Similarity measure # Notes # *14;4731;references # References # # Further reading # pages 9194 explain the use of quasimetrics in finance . @@1617601 The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences ( CIMS ) is an independent division of New York University ( NYU ) under the Faculty of Arts & Science that serves as a center for research and advanced training in computer science and mathematics . The Director of the Courant Institute directly reports to New York University 's Provost and President and works closely with deans and directors of other NYU colleges and divisions respectively . The Courant Institute is named after Richard Courant , one of the founders of the Courant Institute and also a mathematics professor at New York University from 1936 to 1972 . The Courant Institute is considered one of the most prestigious and leading mathematics schools and mathematical sciences research centers in the world . It is ranked #1 in applied mathematical research , #5 in citation impact worldwide , and #12 in citation worldwide . On the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index , it is ranked #3 with an index of 1.84 . It is also known for its extensive research in pure mathematical areas , such as partial differential equations , probability and geometry , as well as applied mathematical areas , such as computational biology , computational neuroscience , and mathematical finance . The Mathematics Department of the Institute has 18 members of the United States National Academy of Sciences ( more than any other mathematics department in the U.S. ) and five members of the National Academy of Engineering . Four faculty members have been awarded the National Medal of Science , one was honored with the Kyoto Prize , and nine have received career awards from the National Science Foundation . Courant Institute professors Peter Lax , S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan , Mikhail Gromov won the 2005 , 2007 and 2009 Abel Prize respectively for their research in partial differential equations , probability and geometry . Louis Nirenberg received the Chern Medal in 2010 . The undergraduate programs and graduate programs at the Courant Institute are run independently by the Institute , and formally associated with the NYU College of Arts and Science and NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science respectively . # Academics # # Rankings # The Courant Institute specializes in applied mathematics , mathematical analysis and scientific computation . There is emphasis on partial differential equations and their applications . The mathematics department is consistently ranked in the United States as #1 in applied mathematics . Other strong points are analysis ( currently #6 ) and geometry ( currently #10 ) . Within the field of computer science , CIMS concentrates in theory , programming languages , computer graphics and parallel computing . The computer science program is ranked 28th among computer science programs in the US. # Admissions # The Courant Institute offers Bachelor of Arts , Bachelor of Science , Master of Science and Ph.D . degree programs in both mathematics and computer science with program acceptance rates ranging from 3% to 29% . The overall acceptance rate for all CIMS graduate programs is 15% , and program admissions reviews are holistic . A high undergraduate GPA and high GRE score are typically prerequisites to admission to its graduate programs but are not required . Majority of accepted candidates met these standards . However , character and personal qualities and evidence of strong quantitative skills are very important admission factors . Consistent with its scientific breadth , the Institute welcomes applicants whose primary background is in quantitative fields such as economics , engineering , physics , or biology , as well as mathematics . For doctoral programs , research experience is required . Undergraduate program admissions are not directly administrated by the Institute but by the NYU undergraduate admissions office of College of Arts and Science . # Graduate program # The Department of Mathematics at the Courant Institute offers PhDs in Mathematics , Atmosphere-Ocean Science , and Computational Biology ; Masters of Science in Mathematical Finance , Mathematics , and Scientific Computing . The Graduate Department of Mathematics at the Institute offers balanced training in mathematics and its applications in the broadest sense . The Department occupies a leading position in pure and applied mathematics , especially in ordinary and partial differential equations , probability theory and stochastic processes , differential geometry , numerical analysis and scientific computation , mathematical physics , mathematical finance , material science , fluid dynamics , math biology , Atmosphere and Ocean science , and Computational Biology . The Mathematical Finance program is considered one of the best quantitative finance programs in the world with an acceptance rate of around 7% and job placement rate of nearly 100% at time of graduation ; it also offers a dual degree program in conjunction with the Stern School of Business . The Graduate Department of Computer Science offers a PhD in computer science . In addition it offers Master of Science degrees in computer science , information systems ( in conjunction with the Stern School of Business ) , and in scientific computing . For the PhD program , every PhD computer science student must receive a grade of A or A- on the final examination for algorithms , systems , applications , and a PhD-level course chosen by the student that does not satisfy the first three requirements , such as cryptography and numerical methods . Students may take the final exam for any these courses without being enrolled in the course . The Computer Science Masters program offers instruction in the fundamental principles , design and applications of computer systems and computer technologies . Students who obtain an MS degree in computer science are qualified to do significant development work in the computer industry or important application areas . Those who receive a doctoral degree are in a position to hold faculty appointments and do research and development work at the forefront of this rapidly changing and expanding field . The emphasis for the MS in Information Systems program is on the use of computer systems in business . For the Master of Science in Scientific Computing , it is designed to provide broad training in areas related to scientific computing using modern computing technology and mathematical modeling arising in various applications . The core of the curriculum for all computer science graduate students consists of courses in algorithms , programming languages , compilers , artificial intelligence , database systems , and operating systems . Advanced courses are offered in many areas such as natural language processing , the theory of computation , computer vision , software engineering , compiler optimization techniques , computer graphics , distributed computing , multimedia , networks , cryptography and security , groupware and computational finance . Adjunct faculty , drawn from outside academia , teach special topics courses in their areas of expertise . Most Courant PhD students are fully funded and are paid with a 9-month stipend . Doctoral students take advanced courses in their areas of specialization , followed by a period of research and the preparation and defense of the doctoral thesis . Courant Students in Ph.D . programs may earn a master 's degree while in progress toward the Ph.D program . Areas where there are special funding opportunities for graduate students include : Mathematics , Mechanics , and Material Sciences , Number Theory , Probability , and Scientific Computing . All PhD candidates are required to take a written comprehensive examination , oral preliminary examination , and create a dissertation defense . Each supported doctoral student has access to his or her own dedicated Unix workstation . Many other research machines provide for abundant access to a variety of computer architectures , including a distributed computing laboratory . # Undergraduate program # The Courant Institute houses New York University 's undergraduate programs in computer science and mathematics . In addition , CIMS provides opportunities and facilities for undergraduate students to do and discuss mathematical research , including an undergraduate math lounge on the 11th floor and an undergraduate computer science lounge on the 3rd floor of Warren Weaver Hall . The mathematics and computer science undergraduate and graduate programs at the Courant Institute has a strong focus on building quantitative and problem-solving skills through teamwork . An undergraduate computer science course on Computer Vision , for example , requires students to be in small teams to use and apply recently developed algorithms by researchers around the world on their own . One example assignment requires a student to study a paper written by researchers from Microsoft Research Cambridge in order to do an assignment on Segmentation and Graph Cut . To encourage innovation , students in advanced coursework are allowed to use any means to complete their assignment , such as a programming language of their choice and hacking a Kinect through legal means . The Courant Institute 's undergraduate program also encourages students to engage in research with professors and graduate students . About 30% of undergraduate students participate in academic research through the competitive Research Experiences for Undergraduates program funded by the National Science Foundation or research funded primarily by the Dean 's Undergraduate Research Fund . The Courant Institute has one of the highest percentage of undergraduate students doing research within New York University . With permission of their advisers or faculty , undergraduate students may take graduate-level courses . Courant undergraduate students through the years and alumni contribute greatly to the vitality of the Mathematics and Computer Science departments . Some accomplishments by current and former undergraduate Courant students include an Apple Worldwide Developers Conference Scholarship Winner , development of Object Category Recognition Techniques to sort garbage for recycling for the NYC 's trash program , placement in 7th out of 42 in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest ( ICPC ) , and inventors of the Diaspora ( software ) social network . The undergraduate division of the Department of Mathematics offers a Bachelor of Arts ( BA ) degree in Mathematics . It consists of a wide variety of courses in pure and applied mathematics taught by a distinguished faculty with a tradition of excellence in teaching and research . Students in advanced coursework often participate in formulating models outside the field of mathematics as well as in analyzing them . For example , an advanced mathematics course in Computers in Medicine and Biology requires a student to construct two computer models selected from the following list : circulation , gas exchange in the lung , control of cell volume , and the renal countercurrent mechanism . The student uses the models to conduct simulated physiological experiments . The undergraduate division of the Department of Computer Science offers a Bachelor of Arts ( BA ) degree , two minors ( one in computer science , and one in web programming and applications ) and a joint minor in computer science/mathematics . The BA degree can also be pursued with honors . Students may combine the degree with other majors within the College of Arts and Science to create a personalized joint major . Two specific combined degrees are the joint major in computer science/economics and the joint major in computer science/mathematics . The Department of Computer Science also offers a BS/BE Dual Degree in computer science and engineering and an accelerated master 's program available to qualifying undergraduates in conjunction with NYU-Poly . The minor in computer science is designed primarily for mathematics and science majors whose work will require basic programming skills . The minor in web programming and applications is designed for humanities and social sciences students who plan to use computer application software such as spreadsheets , desktop publishing , multimedia , and Internet software extensively in their careers . # Graduation # The Courant Institute encourages students at any stage of their studies , including the very early stage , to seek summer employment opportunities at various government and industry facilities . In the past few years , Courant students have taken summer internships at the National Institute of Health , Los Alamos National Laboratory , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and NASA , as well as Wall Street firms . Such opportunities can greatly expand students ' understanding of the mathematical sciences , offer them possible areas of interest for thesis research , and enhance their career options . Members of the faculty ( and in particular the students ' academic advisors ) can assist students in finding appropriate summer employment . All graduate students are given official advisers , and undergraduates are provided mentors from Courant faculty . # Academic research # The Department of Mathematics at Courant occupies a leading position in analysis and applied mathematics , including partial differential equations , differential geometry , dynamical systems , probability and stochastic processes , scientific computation , mathematical physics , and fluid dynamics . A special feature of the Institute is its highly interdisciplinary character with courses , seminars , and active research collaborations in areas such as financial mathematics , materials science , visual neural science , atmosphere/ocean science , cardiac fluid dynamics , plasma physics , and mathematical genomics . Another special feature is the central role of analysis , which provides a natural bridge between pure and applied mathematics . The Department of Computer Science has strengths in multimedia , programming languages and systems , distributed and parallel computing , and the analysis of algorithms . Since 1948 , Courant Institute has maintained its own research journal , Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics , which currently has the highest impact factor internationally among mathematics journals . While the journal represents the full spectrum of the Institute 's mathematical research activity , most articles are in the fields of applied mathematics , mathematical analysis , or mathematical physics . Its contents over the years amount to a modern history of the theory of partial differential equations . Most articles originate within the Institute or are specially invited . The Institute also publishes its own series of lecture notes . They are based on the research interests of the faculty and visitors of the Institute , originated in advanced graduate courses and mini-courses offered at the Institute . # Resources # # Warren Weaver Hall & 715/719 Broadway # CIMS consists of the NYU Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science as well as a variety of research activities . It is housed in Warren Weaver Hall on Mercer Street in NYU 's Greenwich Village campus . Unlike many NYU buildings , it does not have an NYU flag . The building contains lecture halls on the first and second floors , two meeting/seminar rooms on every floor from the 3rd floor to the 13th floor , a large common lounge on the 13th floor used for studying and open discussions in topics of mathematics and computer science , and its own extensive Courant library on the 12th floor . It also houses a variety of well-equipped laboratories and offices in Warren Weaver Hall for students and faculty to do research and discuss topics in mathematical sciences . In addition to Warren Weaver Hall , the Computer Science Department is located at 715/719 Broadway , where most of its laboratories and offices are located . # Courant Institute Library # The Courant Institute Library contains one of the United States 's most complete mathematics collections with more than 275 journals and 54,000 volumes . Faculty and students at CIMS have access to MathSciNet and Web of Science ( also known as the Science Citation Index ) , and a vast database containing hundred thousands of electronic journals related to mathematics and computer science . # Computing resources # The Couranrt Institute has an IBM eServer BladeCenter system capable of peak performance of 4.5 TeraFlops . According to the TOP500 List , a ranking of supercomputers published at www.top500.org , the institute 's supercomputer is the fastest in New York City and the 117th fastest supercomputer in the world . The acquisition of this supercomputer was funded by IBM and federal funding and is used primarily for research by the faculty and graduate and undergraduate students of the institute . Computers at the Institute run Windows XP Professional , Solaris , Mac OS X , and Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating systems . There are also many other specialized Linux-based operating systems for research purposes . Every faculty and student office room is fully equipped with scientific software and computer stations . Wi-Fi and X terminals are available in public locations and every faculty and student office . All graduate students are provided with an account to access computers and other resources within the Institute 's network . Undergraduate students are provided CIMS accounts with the approval of their advisor , sponsorship by a Courant professor , advanced coursework , or for research purposes . The Instiute 's computing resources are not accessible to others without sponsorship by a CIMS professor or approval by either the Department of Mathematics or Department of Computer Science . Faculty , staff , and students with Courant account have access to free full-featured software provided by the MSDN Academic Alliance and specialized computing resources used primarily for research . # Major research resources # CIMS houses an advanced multi-million-dollar Courant Applied Mathematics Laboratory that opened in 1998 , co-founded by Stephen Childress and Michael Shelley , and sponsored by US Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation . It comprises an experimental facility in fluid mechanics and other applied areas and a visualization and simulation facility . The Center for Atmosphere-Ocean Science is also housed at CIMS and is an interdisciplinary research and graduate program within the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences . # cSplash and notable student activities # # cSplash # Every year , CIMS offers cSplash or Courant Splash , a festival mathematics and computer science program for high school students . It is a one-day festival of classes in the mathematical and computer sciences , designed and taught by graduate and undergraduate students , faculty , and others associated with the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences . # Extracurricular activities # There are many clubs within the Courant Institute open to undergraduate and graduate students alike . These clubs include the Courant Student Organization , The ACM at NYU , Women-in-Computing ( WinC ) , The Mathematics Society , and many more . Additionally , CIMS sponsors and holds seminars and colloquiums almost daily on weekdays on topics of interest , in which some of whom may be held outside of Warren Weaver Hall . Many speakers of these seminars and colloquiums are experienced researchers from corporations from a variety of industries and researchers from private and government research laboratories , top universities , and NYU . Every academic year , CIMS holds award ceremonies , showcases , and parties to celebrate their faculty and undergraduate and graduate students and keep the academic atmosphere fun and enjoyable at CIMS . One such example is the NYU Computer Science Department Showcase held every semester to showcase projects that have been completed in various computer science graduate and undergraduate courses . # History # In 1934 , Richard Courant left Gttingen University in Germany to become a visiting professor at NYU . He was given the task of building up the Department of Mathematics at the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science . He was later joined by Kurt O. Friedrichs and James J. Stoker . In 1946 , the department was renamed Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics . Also in 1946 , NYU Professor Morris Kline focused on mathematical problems of electromagnetic wave propagation . This project gave rise to the Institute 's Division of Wave Propagation and Applied Mathematics . In 1952 , the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission installed one of the first ( electronic ) computers at New York University , which led to the creation of the Courant Mathematics and Computing Laboratory . The Division of Magnetofluid Dynamics was initiated by a project on plasma fusion by NYU Professor Harold Grad in 1954 . The Institute was in the forefront of advanced hardware use , with an early IBM 7094 and the fourth produced CDC 6600 . The Division of Computational Fluid Dynamics was created in 1978 , arising from a project of NYU Professor Paul R. Garabedian. # Directors # # Notable Courant faculty # This is a small selection of Courant 's famous faculty over the years and a few of their distinctions : Grard Ben Arous , Davidson Prize Marsha Berger , NASA Software of the Year , National Academy of Engineering , National Academy of Sciences Richard Bonneau Robert A. Bonic , co-Author Freshman Calculus ; Sr. research scientist and computer professor ; 1972 to 1975 collaboration with Industrial Designer George A. Sgouros in the research , design , and development of the first Computer Logic Training Modules ( LOGICUBES ) Fedor Bogomolov Luis Caffarelli , Wolf Prize Sylvain Cappell , Guggenheim Fellowship Sourav Chatterjee , Davidson Prize Jeff Cheeger , Veblen Prize , Guggenheim Fellowship , Max Planck Research Prize Steven Childress , Guggenheim Fellowship , American Physical Society Fellow Demetrios Christodoulou , 1993 MacArthur Fellow Richard J. Cole , Guggenheim Fellowship Martin Davis , Steele Prize Percy Deift , George Polya Prize , Guggenheim Fellowship , National Academy of Sciences , American Academy of Arts and Science Kurt O. Friedrichs , 1976 National Medal of Science Paul Garabedian , NAS Prize in Applied Mathematics , National Academy of Sciences , American Academy of Arts and Science Leslie Greengard , Steele Prize , Packard Foundation Fellowship , NSF Presidential Young Investigator , National Academy of Engineering , National Academy of Sciences Mikhail Gromov , 2009 Abel Prize , Wolf Prize , Steele Prize , Kyoto Prize , Balzan Prize , Larry Guth Helmut Hofer , Ostrowski Prize , National Academy of Sciences Fritz John , 1984 MacArthur Fellow Joseph B. Keller , 1988 National Medal of Science , Wolf Prize Michel Kervaire Subhash Khot , 2010 Alan T. Waterman Award Bruce Kleiner Morris Kline Peter Lax , Abel Prize winner , 1986 National Medal of Science , Steele Prize , Wolf Prize , Norbert Wiener Prize Lin Fanghua , Bcher Memorial Prize , American Academy of Arts and Science Wilhelm Magnus Andrew Majda , NAS Prize in Applied Mathematics , John von Neumann Prize ( SIAM ) Henry McKean , National Academy of Science , American Academy of Arts and Science David W. McLaughlin , National Academy of Science , American Academy of Arts and Science Bud Mishra , Association for Computing Machinery Fellow Cathleen Synge Morawetz , 1998 National Medal of Science , Steele Prize , Birkhoff Prize , Noether Lecturer , National Academy of Sciences , American Academy of Arts and Science Jrgen Moser , Wolf Prize , James Craig Watson Medal Assaf Naor , European Mathematical Society Prize , Packard Fellowship , Salem Prize , Bcher Memorial Prize , Blavatnik Award Charles Newman , National Academy of Science , American Academy of Arts and Science Louis Nirenberg , 1995 Crafoord Prize , National Medal of Science , Steele Prize , Bcher Memorial Prize , Chern Medal , National Academy of Sciences , American Academy of Arts and Science Charles S. Peskin , 1983 MacArthur Fellow , Birkhoff Prize , National Medal of Science , Amir Pnueli , National Academy of Engineering , Israel Prize , Turing Award , Association for Computing Machinery Fellow Peter Sarnak Jack Schwartz , who developed the programming language SETL at NYU Michael J. Shelley , American Physical Society Fellow , Franois Naftali Frenkiel Award ( APS ) Victor Shoup , who with Ronald Cramer developed the CramerShoup cryptosystem Jonathan Sondow Joel Spencer K. R. Sreenivasan Daniel L. Stein , Fellow of American Physical Society , Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan , Abel Prize winner , Steele Prize , National Academy of Sciences , American Academy of Arts and Science , Fellow of the Royal Society , National Medal of Science Akshay Venkatesh , Salem Prize , Packard Fellowship Olof B. Widlund Margaret H. Wright , National Academy of Science , National Academy of Engineering Lai-Sang Young , National Academy of Science , Satter Prize , Guggenheim Fellowship , American Academy of Arts and Science # Notable Courant alumni # This is a small selection of Courant 's alumni : Anjelina Belakovskaia ( Masters in Finance 2001 ) , U.S. Women 's Chess Champion . Anita Borg ( PhD 1981 ) , founding director of the Institute for Women and Technology ( IWT ) Charles Epstein ( PhD 1983 ) , hyperbolic geometry Corwin Hansch ( PhD 1944 ) , statistics Joseph B. Keller , 1988 National Medal of Science , Wolf Prize Barbara Keyfitz ( PhD 1970 ) , Director of the Fields Institute David Korn ( PhD 1969 ) , creator of the Korn shell , Sergiu Klainerman ( PhD 1978 ) , Professor at Princeton Morris Kline ( PhD 1936 ) , NYU Professor ( 1938&ndash ; 1975 ) Martin Kruskal , ( PhD 1952 ) National Medal of Science , co-discoverer of solitons and the inverse scattering method for solving KdV Peter Lax ( PhD 1949 ) , recipient of the Abel Prize , National Medal of Science , Steele Prize , Wolf Prize , Norbert Wiener Prize Chen Li-an , ( PhD 1968 ) Taiwanese Minister of Defence Louis Nirenberg ( PhD 1949 ) , Crafoord Prize , Bcher Memorial Prize , National Medal of Science , Chern Medal Brian J. McCartin ( PhD 1981 ) , recipient of the 2010 Chauvenet Prize , Cathleen Morawetz ( PhD 1950 ) , National Medal of Science , Birkhoff Prize , Lifetime Achievement Award from the AMS , professor emeritus at Courant Institute Stanley Osher ( PhD 1966 ) , Level Set method , professor at University of California , Los Angeles George C. Papanicolaou ( PhD 1969 ) , professor at Stanford University Susan Mary Puglia ( BA in Computer Science and Math ) , Vice President at IBM Gary Robinson , software engineer noted for anti-spam algorithms Shmuel Weinberger ( PhD 1982 ) , topology and geometry , Professor at University of Chicago Jacob Wolfowitz ( PhD 1942 ) , @@1701961 Zentralblatt MATH ( German : central math journal ) is a service providing reviews and abstracts for articles in pure and applied mathematics , published by Springer Science+Business Media . It is a major international reviewing service which covers the entire field of mathematics . It uses the Mathematics Subject Classification codes for organising their reviews by topic . # History # The service was founded in 1931 by Otto Neugebauer as ' ' Zentralblatt fr Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete ' ' . In the late 1930s it began rejecting some Jewish reviewers and a number of reviewers in England and United States resigned in protest . Some of them helped start ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' , a competing publication . The electronic form was provided under the name INKA-MATH ( acronym for In formation System Ka rlsruhe-Database on Math ematics ) since at least 1980 . The name was later shortened to ' ' Zentralblatt MATH . ' ' # Services # The Zentralblatt MATH abstracting service provides reviews ( brief accounts of contents ) of current articles , conference papers , books and other publications in mathematics , its applications , and related areas . The reviews are predominantly in English , with occasional entries in German and French . Reviewers are volunteers invited by the editors based on their published work or a recommendation by an existing reviewer . Zentralblatt MATH is provided both over the Web and in printed form . The service reviews more than 2,300 journals and serials worldwide , as well as books and conference proceedings . Zentralblatt MATH is now edited by the European Mathematical Society , FIZ Karlsruhe , and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences . The Zentralblatt database also incorporates the 200,000 entries of the earlier similar publication ' ' Jahrbuch ber die Fortschritte der Mathematik ' ' from 1868 to 1942 , added in 2003 . Access is by subscription . Currently , the first three records in a search are provided for free without a subscription . # See also # ' ' Mathematical Reviews ' ' , published in the United States . ' ' Referativnyi Zhurnal ' ' , published in the former Soviet Union and now in Russia . # References @@1704824 A fraction ( from Latin : fractus , broken ) represents a part of a whole or , more generally , any number of equal parts . When spoken in everyday English , a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are , for example , one-half , eight-fifths , three-quarters . A ' ' common ' ' , ' ' vulgar ' ' , or ' ' simple ' ' fraction ( examples : tfrac12 and 17/3 ) consists of an integer numerator , displayed above a line ( or before a slash ) , and a non-zero integer denominator , displayed below ( or after ) that line . Numerators and denominators are also used in fractions that are not ' ' common ' ' , including compound fractions , complex fractions , and mixed numerals . The numerator represents a number of equal parts , and the denominator , which can not be zero , indicates how many of those parts make up a unit or a whole . For example , in the fraction 3/4 , the numerator , 3 , tells us that the fraction represents 3 equal parts , and the denominator , 4 , tells us that 4 parts make up a whole . The picture to the right illustrates tfrac34 or 3/4 of a cake . Fractional numbers can also be written without using explicit numerators or denominators , by using decimals , percent signs , or negative exponents ( as in 0.01 , 1% , and 10 2 respectively , all of which are equivalent to 1/100 ) . An integer such as the number 7 can be thought of as having an implied denominator of one : 7 equals 7/1 . Other uses for fractions are to represent ratios and to represent division . Thus the fraction 3/4 is also used to represent the ratio 3:4 ( the ratio of the part to the whole ) and the division 3 4 ( three divided by four ) . In mathematics the set of all numbers which can be expressed in the form a/b , where a and b are integers and b is not zero , is called the set of rational numbers and is represented by the symbol Q , which stands for quotient . The test for a number being a rational number is that it can be written in that form ( i.e. , as a common fraction ) . However , the word ' ' fraction ' ' is also used to describe mathematical expressions that are not rational numbers , for example algebraic fractions ( quotients of algebraic expressions ) , and expressions that contain irrational numbers , such as 2/2 ( see square root of 2 ) and /4 ( see proof that is irrational ) . # Vocabulary # In the examples 2/5 and 7/3 , the slanting line is called a solidus or forward slash . In the examples tfrac25 and tfrac73 , the horizontal line is called a vinculum or , informally , a fraction bar . When reading fractions it is customary in English to pronounce the denominator using the corresponding ordinal number , in plural if the numerator is not one , as in fifths for fractions with a 5 in the denominator . Thus 3/5 is rendered as ' ' three fifths ' ' and 5/32 as ' ' five thirty-seconds ' ' . This generally applies to whole number denominators greater than 2 , though large denominators that are not powers of ten are often rendered using the cardinal number . Thus , 5/123 might be rendered as five *25;911;TOOLONG , but is often five over one hundred twenty-three . In contrast , because one million is a power of ten , 6/1,000,000 is usually expressed as six millionths or six one-millionths , rather than as six ' ' over ' ' one million . The denominators 1 , 2 , and 4 are special cases . The fraction 3/1 may be spoken of as ' ' three wholes ' ' . The denominator 2 is expressed as ' ' half ' ' ( plural ' ' halves ' ' ) ; is ' ' minus three-halves ' ' or ' ' negative three-halves ' ' . The fraction 3/4 may be either three fourths or three quarters . Furthermore , since most fractions in prose function as adjectives , the fractional modifier is hyphenated . This is evident in standard prose in which one might write about every two-tenths of a mile , the quarter-mile run , or the Three-Fifths Compromise . When the fraction 's numerator is 1 , then the word ' ' one ' ' may be omitted , such as every tenth of a second or during the final quarter of the year . # Forms of fractions # # Simple , common , or vulgar fractions # A simple fraction ( also known as a common fraction or vulgar fraction ) is a rational number written as ' ' a ' ' / ' ' b ' ' or tfracab , where ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are both integers . As with other fractions , the denominator ( ' ' b ' ' ) can not be zero . Examples include tfrac12 , -tfrac85 , tfrac-85 , tfrac8-5 , and tfrac317 . ' ' Simple fractions ' ' can be positive or negative , proper , or improper ( see below ) . Compound fractions , complex fractions , mixed numerals , and decimals ( see below ) are not ' ' simple fractions ' ' , though , unless irrational , they can be evaluated to a simple fraction . # Proper and improper fractions # Common fractions can be classified as either proper or improper . When the numerator and the denominator are both positive , the fraction is called proper if the numerator is less than the denominator , and improper otherwise . In general , a common fraction is said to be a proper fraction if the absolute value of the fraction is strictly less than onethat is , if the fraction is greater than 1 and less than 1 . It is said to be an improper fraction , or sometimes top-heavy fraction , if the absolute value of the fraction is greater than or equal to 1 . Examples of proper fractions are 2/3 , -3/4 , and 4/9 ; examples of improper fractions are 9/4 , -4/3 , and 3/3. # Mixed numbers # A mixed numeral ( often called a ' ' mixed number ' ' , also called a ' ' mixed fraction ' ' ) is the sum of a non-zero integer and a proper fraction . This sum is implied without the use of any visible operator such as + . For example , in referring to two entire cakes and three quarters of another cake , the whole and fractional parts of the number are written next to each other : 2+frac34=2tfrac34 . This is not to be confused with the algebra rule of implied multiplication . When two algebraic expressions are written next to each other , the operation of multiplication is said to be understood . In algebra , a tfracbc for example is not a mixed number . Instead , multiplication is understood where a tfracbc = a times tfracbc . To avoid confusion , the multiplication is often explicitly expressed . So a tfracbc may be written as a times tfracbc , a cdot tfracbc , or a ( tfracbc ) . An improper fraction is another way to write a whole plus a part . A mixed number can be converted to an improper fraction as follows : #Write the mixed number 2tfrac34 as a sum 2+tfrac34 . #Convert the whole number to an improper fraction with the same denominator as the fractional part , 2=tfrac84 . #Add the fractions . The resulting sum is the improper fraction . In the example , *33;938;TOOLONG . Similarly , an improper fraction can be converted to a mixed number as follows : #Divide the numerator by the denominator . In the example , tfrac114 , divide 11 by 4. 11 4 = 2 with remainder 3. #The quotient ( without the remainder ) becomes the whole number part of the mixed number . The remainder becomes the numerator of the fractional part . In the example , 2 is the whole number part and 3 is the numerator of the fractional part . #The new denominator is the same as the denominator of the improper fraction . In the example , they are both 4 . Thus tfrac114 =2tfrac34 . Mixed numbers can also be negative , as in -2tfrac34 , which equals -(2+tfrac34) = -2-tfrac34 . # Ratios # A ratio is a relationship between two or more numbers that can be sometimes expressed as a fraction . Typically , a number of items are grouped and compared in a ratio , specifying numerically the relationship between each group . Ratios are expressed as group 1 to group 2 .. to group ' ' n ' ' . For example , if a car lot had 12 vehicles , of which 2 are white , 6 are red , and 4 are yellow , then the ratio of red to white to yellow cars is 6 to 2 to 4 . The ratio of yellow cars to white cars is 4 to 2 and may be expressed as 4:2 or 2:1 . A ratio is often converted to a fraction when it is expressed as a ratio to the whole . In the above example , the ratio of yellow cars to all the cars on the lot is 4:12 or 1:3 . We can convert these ratios to a fraction and say that 4/12 of the cars or 1/3 of the cars in the lot are yellow . Therefore , if a person randomly chose one car on the lot , then there is a one in three chance or probability that it would be yellow . # Reciprocals and the invisible denominator # The reciprocal of a fraction is another fraction with the numerator and denominator exchanged . The reciprocal of tfrac37 , for instance , is tfrac73 . The product of a fraction and its reciprocal is 1 , hence the reciprocal is the multiplicative inverse of a fraction . Any integer can be written as a fraction with the number one as denominator . For example , 17 can be written as tfrac171 , where 1 is sometimes referred to as the ' ' invisible denominator ' ' . Therefore , every fraction or integer except for zero has a reciprocal . The reciprocal of 17 is tfrac117 . # Complex fractions # : ' ' Not to be confused with fractions involving Complex numbers In a complex fraction , either the numerator , or the denominator , or both , is a fraction or a mixed number , corresponding to division of fractions . For example , fractfrac12tfrac13 and frac12tfrac3426 are complex fractions . To reduce a complex fraction to a simple fraction , treat the longest fraction line as representing division . For example : : *55;973;TOOLONG : frac12tfrac3426 = 12tfrac34 cdot tfrac126 = tfrac12 cdot 4 + 34 cdot tfrac126 = tfrac514 cdot tfrac126 = tfrac51104 : *41;1030;TOOLONG : *29;1073;TOOLONG . If , in a complex fraction , there is no clear way to tell which fraction lines takes precedence , then the expression is improperly formed , and ambiguous . Thus 5/10/20/40 is a poorly constructed mathematical expression , with multiple possible values . # Compound fractions # A compound fraction is a fraction of a fraction , or any number of fractions connected with the word ' ' of ' ' , corresponding to multiplication of fractions . To reduce a compound fraction to a simple fraction , just carry out the multiplication ( see the section on multiplication ) . For example , tfrac34 of tfrac57 is a compound fraction , corresponding to tfrac34 times tfrac57 = tfrac1528 . The terms compound fraction and complex fraction are closely related and sometimes one is used as a synonym for the other . # Decimal fractions and percentages # A decimal fraction is a fraction whose denominator is not given explicitly , but is understood to be an integer power of ten . Decimal fractions are commonly expressed using decimal notation in which the implied denominator is determined by the number of digits to the right of a decimal separator , the appearance of which ( e.g. , a period , a raised period ( ) , a comma ) depends on the locale ( for examples , see decimal separator ) . Thus for 0.75 the numerator is 75 and the implied denominator is 10 to the second power , ' ' viz. ' ' 100 , because there are two digits to the right of the decimal separator . In decimal numbers greater than 1 ( such as 3.75 ) , the fractional part of the number is expressed by the digits to the right of the decimal ( with a value of 0.75 in this case ) . 3.75 can be written either as an improper fraction , 375/100 , or as a mixed number , 3tfrac75100 . Decimal fractions can also be expressed using scientific notation with negative exponents , such as , which represents 0.0000006023 . The represents a denominator of . Dividing by moves the decimal point 7 places to the left . Decimal fractions with infinitely many digits to the right of the decimal separator represent an infinite series . For example , 1/3 = 0.333 .. represents the infinite series 3/10 + 3/100 + 3/1000 + .. . Another kind of fraction is the percentage ( Latin ' ' per centum ' ' meaning per hundred , represented by the symbol % ) , in which the implied denominator is always 100 . Thus , 51% means 51/100 . Percentages greater than 100 or less than zero are treated in the same way , e.g. 311% equals 311/100 , and 27% equals 27/100 . The related concept of ' ' permille ' ' or ' ' parts per thousand ' ' has an implied denominator of 1000 , while the more general parts-per notation , as in 75 parts per million , means that the proportion is 75/1,000,000 . Whether common fractions or decimal fractions are used is often a matter of taste and context . Common fractions are used most often when the denominator is relatively small . By mental calculation , it is easier to multiply 16 by 3/16 than to do the same calculation using the fraction 's decimal equivalent ( 0.1875 ) . And it is more accurate to multiply 15 by 1/3 , for example , than it is to multiply 15 by any decimal approximation of one third . Monetary values are commonly expressed as decimal fractions , for example $3.75 . However , as noted above , in pre-decimal British currency , shillings and pence were often given the form ( but not the meaning ) of a fraction , as , for example 3/6 ( read three and six ) meaning 3 shillings and 6 pence , and having no relationship to the fraction 3/6. # Special cases # A unit fraction is a vulgar fraction with a numerator of 1 , e.g. tfrac17 . Unit fractions can also be expressed using negative exponents , as in 2 1 which represents 1/2 , and 2 2 which represents 1/ ( 2 2 ) or 1/4. An Egyptian fraction is the sum of distinct positive unit fractions , for example tfrac12+tfrac13 . This definition derives from the fact that the ancient Egyptians expressed all fractions except tfrac12 , tfrac23 and tfrac34 in this manner . Every positive rational number can be expanded as an Egyptian fraction . For example , tfrac57 can be written as tfrac12 + tfrac16 + tfrac121 . Any positive rational number can be written as a sum of unit fractions in infinitely many ways . Two ways to write tfrac1317 are tfrac12+tfrac14+tfrac168 and *32;1104;TOOLONG . A dyadic fraction is a vulgar fraction in which the denominator is a power of two , e.g. tfrac18 . # Arithmetic with fractions # Like whole numbers , fractions obey the commutative , associative , and distributive laws , and the rule against division by zero . # Equivalent fractions # Multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same ( non-zero ) number results in a fraction that is equivalent to the original fraction . This is true because for any non-zero number n , the fraction tfracnn = 1 . Therefore , multiplying by tfracnn is equivalent to multiplying by one , and any number multiplied by one has the same value as the original number . By way of an example , start with the fraction tfrac12 . When the numerator and denominator are both multiplied by 2 , the result is tfrac24 , which has the same value ( 0.5 ) as tfrac12 . To picture this visually , imagine cutting a cake into four pieces ; two of the pieces together ( tfrac24 ) make up half the cake ( tfrac12 ) . Dividing the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same non-zero number will also yield an equivalent fraction . This is called reducing or simplifying the fraction . A simple fraction in which the numerator and denominator are coprime ( that is , the only positive integer that goes into both the numerator and denominator evenly is 1 ) is said to be irreducible , in lowest terms , or in simplest terms . For example , tfrac39 is not in lowest terms because both 3 and 9 can be exactly divided by 3 . In contrast , tfrac38 ' ' is ' ' in lowest termsthe only positive integer that goes into both 3 and 8 evenly is 1 . Using these rules , we can show that tfrac510 = tfrac12 = tfrac1020 = tfrac50100 . A common fraction can be reduced to lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor . For example , as the greatest common divisor of 63 and 462 is 21 , the fraction tfrac63462 can be reduced to lowest terms by dividing the numerator and denominator by 21 : : tfrac63462 = tfrac63 div 21462 div 21= tfrac322 The Euclidean algorithm gives a method for finding the greatest common divisor of any two positive integers . # Comparing fractions # Comparing fractions with the same denominator only requires comparing the numerators. : tfrac34tfrac24 because 3&gt ; 2 . If two positive fractions have the same numerator , then the fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger number . When a whole is divided into equal pieces , if fewer equal pieces are needed to make up the whole , then each piece must be larger . When two positive fractions have the same numerator , they represent the same number of parts , but in the fraction with the smaller denominator , the parts are larger . One way to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators is to find a common denominator . To compare tfracab and tfraccd , these are converted to tfracadbd and tfracbcbd . Then ' ' bd ' ' is a common denominator and the numerators ' ' ad ' ' and ' ' bc ' ' can be compared . : tfrac23 ? tfrac12 gives tfrac46tfrac36 It is not necessary to determine the value of the common denominator to compare fractions . This short cut is known as cross multiplying you can just compare ' ' ad ' ' and ' ' bc ' ' , without computing the denominator. : tfrac518 ? tfrac417 Multiply top and bottom of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction , to get a common denominator : : tfrac5 times 1718 times 17 ? tfrac4 times 1817 times 18 The denominators are now the same , but it is not necessary to calculate their value only the numerators need to be compared . Since 517 ( = 85 ) is greater than 418 ( = 72 ) , tfrac518tfrac417 . Also note that every negative number , including negative fractions , is less than zero , and every positive number , including positive fractions , is greater than zero , so every negative fraction is less than any positive fraction . # Addition # The first rule of addition is that only like quantities can be added ; for example , various quantities of quarters . Unlike quantities , such as adding thirds to quarters , must first be converted to like quantities as described below : Imagine a pocket containing two quarters , and another pocket containing three quarters ; in total , there are five quarters . Since four quarters is equivalent to one ( dollar ) , this can be represented as follows : : *32;1138;TOOLONG . # #Adding unlike quantities# # To add fractions containing unlike quantities ( e.g. quarters and thirds ) , it is necessary to convert all amounts to like quantities . It is easy to work out the chosen type of fraction to convert to ; simply multiply together the two denominators ( bottom number ) of each fraction . For adding quarters to thirds , both types of fraction are converted to twelfths , thus : tfrac14 + tfrac13=tfrac1*34*3 + tfrac1*43*4=tfrac312 + tfrac412=tfrac712 . Consider adding the following two quantities : : tfrac35+tfrac23 First , convert tfrac35 into fifteenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by three : *28;1172;TOOLONG . Since tfrac33 equals 1 , multiplication by tfrac33 does not change the value of the fraction . Second , convert tfrac23 into fifteenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by five : *29;1202;TOOLONG . Now it can be seen that : : tfrac35+tfrac23 is equivalent to : : *38;1233;TOOLONG This method can be expressed algebraically : : tfracab + tfrac cd = tfracad+cbbd And for expressions consisting of the addition of three fractions : : tfracab + tfrac cd + tfracef = *25;1273;TOOLONG This method always works , but sometimes there is a smaller denominator that can be used ( a least common denominator ) . For example , to add tfrac34 and tfrac512 the denominator 48 can be used ( the product of 4 and 12 ) , but the smaller denominator 12 may also be used , being the least common multiple of 4 and 12. : *61;1300;TOOLONG # Subtraction # The process for subtracting fractions is , in essence , the same as that of adding them : find a common denominator , and change each fraction to an equivalent fraction with the chosen common denominator . The resulting fraction will have that denominator , and its numerator will be the result of subtracting the numerators of the original fractions . For instance , : *39;1363;TOOLONG # Multiplication # # #Multiplying a fraction by another fraction# # To multiply fractions , multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators . Thus : : tfrac23 times tfrac34 = tfrac612 Why does this work ? First , consider one third of one quarter . Using the example of a cake , if three small slices of equal size make up a quarter , and four quarters make up a whole , twelve of these small , equal slices make up a whole . Therefore a third of a quarter is a twelfth . Now consider the numerators . The first fraction , two thirds , is twice as large as one third . Since one third of a quarter is one twelfth , two thirds of a quarter is two twelfth . The second fraction , three quarters , is three times as large as one quarter , so two thirds of three quarters is three times as large as two thirds of one quarter . Thus two thirds times three quarters is six twelfths . A short cut for multiplying fractions is called cancellation . In effect , we reduce the answer to lowest terms during multiplication . For example : : tfrac23 times tfrac34 = tfraccancel2 1cancel3 1 times tfraccancel3 1cancel4 2 = tfrac11 times tfrac12 = tfrac12 A two is a common factor in both the numerator of the left fraction and the denominator of the right and is divided out of both . Three is a common factor of the left denominator and right numerator and is divided out of both . # #Multiplying a fraction by a whole number# # Place the whole number over one and multiply . : 6 times tfrac34 = tfrac61 times tfrac34 = tfrac184 This method works because the fraction 6/1 means six equal parts , each one of which is a whole . # #Mixed numbers# # When multiplying mixed numbers , it 's best to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction . For example : : 3 times 2tfrac34 = 3 times left ( tfrac84 + tfrac34 right ) = 3 times tfrac114 = tfrac334 = 8tfrac14 In other words , 2tfrac34 is the same as tfrac84 + tfrac34 , making 11 quarters in total ( because 2 cakes , each split into quarters makes 8 quarters total ) and 33 quarters is 8tfrac14 , since 8 cakes , each made of quarters , is 32 quarters in total . # Division # To divide a fraction by a whole number , you may either divide the numerator by the number , if it goes evenly into the numerator , or multiply the denominator by the number . For example , tfrac103 div 5 equals tfrac23 and also equals tfrac103 cdot 5 = tfrac1015 , which reduces to tfrac23 . To divide a number by a fraction , multiply that number by the reciprocal of that fraction . Thus , tfrac12 div tfrac34 = tfrac12 times tfrac43 = tfrac1 cdot 42 cdot 3 = tfrac23 . # Converting between decimals and fractions # To change a common fraction to a decimal , divide the denominator into the numerator . Round the answer to the desired accuracy . For example , to change 1/4 to a decimal , divide 4 into 1.00 , to obtain 0.25 . To change 1/3 to a decimal , divide 3 into 1.0000 ... , and stop when the desired accuracy is obtained . Note that 1/4 can be written exactly with two decimal digits , while 1/3 can not be written exactly with any finite number of decimal digits . To change a decimal to a fraction , write in the denominator a 1 followed by as many zeroes as there are digits to the right of the decimal point , and write in the numerator all the digits in the original decimal , omitting the decimal point . Thus 12.3456 = 123456/10000. # #Converting repeating decimals to fractions# # Decimal numbers , while arguably more useful to work with when performing calculations , sometimes lack the precision that common fractions have . Sometimes an infinite repeating decimal is required to reach the same precision . Thus , it is often useful to convert repeating decimals into fractions . The preferred way to indicate a repeating decimal is to place a bar over the digits that repeat , for example 0 . = 0.789789789 For repeating patterns where the repeating pattern begins immediately after the decimal point , a simple division of the pattern by the same number of nines as numbers it has will suffice . For example : : 0 . = 5/9 : 0 . = 62/99 : 0 . = 264/999 : 0 . = 6291/9999 In case leading zeros precede the pattern , the nines are suffixed by the same number of trailing zeros : : 0.0 = 5/90 : 0.000 = 392/999000 : 0.00 = 12/9900 In case a non-repeating set of decimals precede the pattern ( such as 0.1523 ) , we can write it as the sum of the non-repeating and repeating parts , respectively : : 0.1523 + 0.0000 Then , convert both parts to fractions , and add them using the methods described above : : 1523/10000 + 987/9990000 = 1522464/9990000 Alternatively , x=0.1523987987 ... 10,000x= 1,523.987987 ... *28;1404;TOOLONG ... 10,000,000x - 10,000x = 1,523,987.987987 .. - 1,523.987987 ... 9,990,000x = 1,523,987 - 1,523 9,990,000x = 1,522,464 x=1522464/9990000 --- # Fractions in abstract mathematics # In addition to being of great practical importance , fractions are also studied by mathematicians , who check that the rules for fractions given above are consistent and reliable . Mathematicians define a fraction as an ordered pair ( ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' ) of integers ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' 0 , for which the operations addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division are defined as follows : : ( a , b ) + ( c , d ) = ( ad+bc , bd ) , : ( a , b ) - ( c , d ) = ( ad-bc , bd ) , : ( a , b ) cdot ( c , d ) = ( ac , bd ) : ( a , b ) div ( c , d ) = ( ad , bc ) ( when c 0 ) In addition , an equivalence relation is specified as follows : ( a , b ) ( c , d ) if and only if ad=bc . These definitions agree in every case with the definitions given above ; only the notation is different . More generally , ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' may be elements of any integral domain ' ' R ' ' , in which case a fraction is an element of the field of fractions of ' ' R ' ' . For example , when ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are polynomials in one indeterminate , the field of fractions is the field of rational fractions ( also known as the field of rational functions ) . When ' ' a ' ' and ' ' b ' ' are integers , the field of fractions is the field of rational numbers . # Algebraic fractions # An algebraic fraction is the indicated quotient of two algebraic expressions . Two examples of algebraic fractions are frac3xx2+2x-3 and fracsqrtx+2x2-3 . Algebraic fractions are subject to the same laws as arithmetic fractions . If the numerator and the denominator are polynomials , as in frac3xx2+2x-3 , the algebraic fraction is called a rational fraction ( or rational expression ) . An irrational fraction is one that contains the variable under a fractional exponent or root , as in fracsqrtx+2x2-3 . The terminology used to describe algebraic fractions is similar to that used for ordinary fractions . For example , an algebraic fraction is in lowest terms if the only factors common to the numerator and the denominator are 1 and 1 . An algebraic fraction whose numerator or denominator , or both , contain a fraction , such as frac1 + tfrac1x1 - tfrac1x , is called a complex fraction . Rational numbers are the quotient field of integers . Rational expressions are the quotient field of the polynomials ( over some integral domain ) . Since a coefficient is a polynomial of degree zero , a radical expression such as 2/2 is a rational fraction . Another example ( over the reals ) is textstyletfracpi2 , the radian measure of a right angle . The term partial fraction is used when decomposing rational expressions into sums . The goal is to write the rational expression as the sum of other rational expressions with denominators of lesser degree . For example , the rational expression textstyle2x over x2-1 can be rewritten as the sum of two fractions : textstyle1 over x+1 + textstyle1 over x-1 . This is useful in many areas such as integral calculus and differential equations . # Radical expressions # A fraction may also contain radicals in the numerator and/or the denominator . If the denominator contains radicals , it can be helpful to rationalize it ( compare Simplified form of a radical expression ) , especially if further operations , such as adding or comparing that fraction to another , are to be carried out . It is also more convenient if division is to be done manually . When the denominator is a monomial square root , it can be rationalized by multiplying both the top and the bottom of the fraction by the denominator : : frac3sqrt7 = frac3sqrt7 cdot fracsqrt7sqrt7 = frac3sqrt77 The process of rationalization of binomial denominators involves multiplying the top and the bottom of a fraction by the conjugate of the denominator so that the denominator becomes a rational number . For example : : frac33-2sqrt5 = frac33-2sqrt5 cdot frac3+2sqrt53+2sqrt5 = frac3(3+2sqrt5)32 - ( 2sqrt5 ) 2 = frac 3 ( 3 + 2sqrt5 ) 9 - 20 = - frac 9+6 sqrt5 11 : frac33+2sqrt5 = frac33+2sqrt5 cdot frac3-2sqrt53-2sqrt5 = frac3(3-2sqrt5)32 - ( 2sqrt5 ) 2 = frac 3 ( 3 - 2sqrt5 ) 9 - 20 = - frac 9-6 sqrt5 11 Even if this process results in the numerator being irrational , like in the examples above , the process may still facilitate subsequent manipulations by reducing the number of irrationals one has to work with in the denominator. # Typographical variations # In computer displays and typography , simple fractions are sometimes printed as a single character , e.g. ( one half ) . See the article on Number Forms for information on doing this in Unicode . Scientific publishing distinguishes four ways to set fractions , together with guidelines on use : special fractions : fractions that are presented as a single character with a slanted bar , with roughly the same height and width as other characters in the text . Generally used for simple fractions , such as : , , , , and . Since the numerals are smaller , legibility can be an issue , especially for small-sized fonts . These are not used in modern mathematical notation , but in other contexts . case fractions : similar to special fractions , these are rendered as a single typographical character , but with a horizontal bar , thus making them ' ' upright ' ' . An example would be tfrac12 , but rendered with the same height as other characters . Some sources include all rendering of fractions as ' ' case fractions ' ' if they take only one typographical space , regardless of the direction of the bar . shilling fractions : 1/2 , so called because this notation was used for pre-decimal British currency ( sd ) , as in 2/6 for a Half crown ( British coin ) are written all on one typographical line , but take 3 or more typographical spaces . built-up fractions : frac12 . This notation uses two or more lines of ordinary text , and results in a variation in spacing between lines when included within other text . While large and legible , these can be disruptive , particularly for simple fractions or within complex fractions . # History # The earliest fractions were reciprocals of integers : ancient symbols representing one part of two , one part of three , one part of four , and so on . The Egyptians used Egyptian fractions ca. 1000 BC . About 4,000 years ago Egyptians divided with fractions using slightly different methods . They used least common multiples with unit fractions . Their methods gave the same answer as modern methods . The Egyptians also had a different notation for dyadic fractions in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet and several Rhind Mathematical Papyrus problems . The Greeks used unit fractions and later continued fractions and followers of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras , ca. 530 BC , discovered that the square root of two can not be expressed as a fraction . In 150 BC Jain mathematicians in India wrote the Sthananga Sutra , which contains work on the theory of numbers , arithmetical operations , operations with fractions . The method of putting one number below the other and computing fractions first appeared in Aryabhatta 's work around AD 499 . In Sanskrit literature , fractions , or rational numbers were always expressed by an integer followed by a fraction . When the integer is written on a line , the fraction is placed below it and is itself written on two lines , the numerator called ' ' amsa ' ' part on the first line , the denominator called ' ' cheda ' ' divisor on the second below . If the fraction is written without any particular additional sign , one understands that it is added to the integer above it . If it is marked by a small circle or a cross ( the shape of the plus sign in the West ) placed on its right , one understands that it is subtracted from the integer . For example ( to be read vertically ) , Bhaskara I writes : : : That is , : 6 1 2 : 1 1 1 : 4 5 9 to denote 6+1/4 , 1+1/5 , and 21/9 . Al-Hassr , a Mathematics in medieval Islam This same fractional notation appears soon after in the work of Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13th century . In discussing the origins of decimal fractions , Dirk Jan Struik states : # The introduction of decimal fractions as a common computational practice can be dated back to the Flemish pamphlet ' ' De Thiende ' ' , published at Leyden in 1585 , together with a French translation , ' ' La Disme ' ' , by the Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin ( 15481620 ) , then settled in the Northern Netherlands . It is true that decimal fractions were used by the Chinese many centuries before Stevin and that the Persian astronomer Al-Ksh used both decimal and sexagesimal fractions with great ease in his ' ' Key to arithmetic ' ' ( Samarkand , early fifteenth century ) . # While the Persian mathematician Jamshd al-Ksh claimed to have discovered decimal fractions himself in the 15th century , J. Lennart Berggren notes that he was mistaken , as decimal fractions were first used five centuries before him by the Baghdadi mathematician Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi as early as the 10th century . # In formal education # # Pedagogical tools # In primary schools , fractions have been demonstrated through Cuisenaire rods , Fraction Bars , fraction strips , fraction circles , paper ( for folding or cutting ) , pattern blocks , pie-shaped pieces , plastic rectangles , grid paper , dot paper , geoboards , counters and computer software . # Documents for teachers # Several states in the United States have adopted learning trajectories from the Common Core State Standards Initiative 's guidelines for mathematics education . Aside from sequencing the learning of fractions and operations with fractions , the document provides the following definition of a fraction : A number expressible in the form tfracab where a is a whole number and b is a positive whole number . ( The word ' ' fraction ' ' in the standards always refers to a non-negative number . ) The document itself also refers to negative fractions . @@1775566 or Belur Mutt is the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission , founded by Swami Vivekananda , a chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa . It is located on the west bank of Hooghly River , Belur , West Bengal , India and is one of the significant institutions in Calcutta . This temple is the heart of the Ramakrishna Movement . The temple is notable for its architecture that fuses Hindu , Christian and Islamic motifs as a symbol of unity of all religions . # History # In January 1897 , Swami Vivekananda arrived in Colombo with his small group of Western disciples . Two monasteries were founded by him , one at Belur , which became the headquarters of Ramakrishna Mission and the other at Mayavati on the Himalayas , near Almora called the Advaita Ashrama . These monasteries were meant to receive and train young men who would eventually become ' ' sannyasis ' ' of the Ramakrishna Mission , and to give them a training for their work . The same year the philanthropic activity was started and relief of the famine was carried out . Swami Vivekananda 's days as a ' ' parivrajaka ' ' ( wandering monk ) before his visit to Parliament of Religions , took him through many parts of India and he visited several architectural monuments like the Taj Mahal , Fatehpur Sikri palaces , DiwanIKhas , palaces of Rajasthan , ancient temples of Maharashtra , Gujarat , Karnataka , Tamil Nadu and other places . During his tour in America and Europe , he came across buildings of architectural importance of Modern , Medieval , Gothic and Renaissance styles . It is reported that Vivekananda incorporated these ideas in the design of the Belur Math temple . Swami Vijnanananda , a brother-monk of Swami Vivekananda and one of the monastic disciples of Ramakrishna , who was , in his pre-monastic life , a civil engineer , designed the temple according to the ideas of Vivekananda and Swami Shivananda , the then President of Belur Math laid the foundation stone on 16 May 1935 . The massive construction was handled by Martin Burn & Co .. The mission proclaims the Belur Math as , A Symphony in Architecture . # Campus # The 40acre m2 campus of the Belur Math on the banks of the Ganges includes temples dedicated to Ramakrishna , Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda , in which their relics are enshrined , and the main monastery of the Ramakrishna Order . The campus also houses a Museum containing articles connected with the history of Ramakrishna Math and Mission . Several educational institutions affiliated with the Ramakrishna Mission are situated in the vast campus adjacent to Belur Math . The Belur Math is considered as one of the prime tourist spots near Kolkota and place of pilgrimage by devotees . The ex-president Abdul Kalam regarded Belur Math as a place of heritage and national importance . # Sri Ramakrishna Temple # The design of the temple was envisioned by Swami Vivekananda and the architect was Swami Vijnanananda , a direct monastic disciple of Ramakrishna . Sri Ramakrishna Temple was consecrated on 14 January , the Makar Sankranti Day in 1938 . The Ramakrishna temple at the Belur Math is designed to celebrate the diversity of Indian Religions and resembles a temple , a mosque , a church if seen from different positions . The architectural style and symbolism from a number of religions have been incorporated into the design of the temple at Belur Math , to convey the universal faith in which the movement believes . The temple is considered as a prime example of the importance of material dimension of religion . The main entrance of the temple , has a facade influenced by Buddhist style . The structure which rises over the entrance is modelled on the Hindu temples of South India with their lofty towers . The windows and balconies inside the temple draw upon the Rajput ( Hindu ) and Mughal ( Islamic ) style of north India . The central dome is derived from European architecture of the Renaissance period . The ground plan is in the shape of Christian cross . The height of the temple is 112.5 ft and covers a total area of 32900sqft m2 . The temple mainly is built of chunar stone and some portion in the front is of cement . The high entrance of the temple is like a South Indian Gopuram and the pillars on both sides represent Buddhistic architectural style . The three umbrella-like domes on the top built in Rajput-Moghul styles give an idea of thatched roofs of the village Kamarpukur . The circular portion of the entrance is an intermingling of Ajanta style with Hindu architecture and within it , placing the emblem of the Order is representation of beauty and solemnity . Just above seen is a replica of a Shiva lingam . The ' ' natmandira ' ' , the spacious congregational hall attached to the ' ' sanctum ' ' , resembles a church . The pillars in a line on its both sides are according to Doric or Greek style and their decorations are according to the Meenakshi Temple at Madurai in Tamil Nadu . The hanging balconies above the temple nave and the windows show the effect of Moghul architecture . The broad ' ' parikrama ' ' path for doing circumambulatory rounds on all sides of the ' ' garbhamandira ' ' ( sanctum sanctorum ) are built like Buddhist ' ' chaityas ' ' and Christian Churches . The lattice work statues of Navagraha figures are etched on semi-circular top of outside the temple . The golden kalasha is placed on the top of the temple and has a full-bloomed lotus or Amlaca below . The architecture of the big dome and of the other domes show a shade of Islamic , Rajput and Lingaraj Temple styles . The entrance doors on both east and west of the temple having pillars on both sides are like Rajasthan Chittor ' ' kirti-stambha ' ' , the victory-pillars . Ganesha and Hanuman images , representing success and power . # #The statue# # A full size statue of Sri Ramakrishna is seated on a hundred petalled lotus over a damaru shaped marble pedestal wherein the Sacred relics of Sri Ramakrishna are preserved . The ' ' Brahmi-Hamsa ' ' on the front represents a Paramahamsa . The statue of Sri Ramakrishna was made by the famous sculptor late Gopeswar Pal of Kolkata and the decorations of the temple were conceived by artist late Sri Nandalal Bose . The Canopy above the deity and all the doors and windows are made of selected teakwood imported from Myanmar . # Swami Vivekananda Temple # The Swami Vivekananda Temple stands on the spot where Swami Vivekanandas mortal remains were cremated in 1902 . Consecrated on 28 January 1924 , the temple has in its upper storey an alabaster OM ( in Bengali characters ) . Beside the temple stands a bel ( bilva ) tree in the place of the original bel tree under which Swami Vivekananda used to sit and near which , according to his wish , his body was cremated . On 4 July 1902 at Belur Math , he taught Vedanta philosophy to some pupils in the morning . He had a walk with Swami Premananda , a brother-disciple , and gave him instructions concerning the future of the Ramakrishna Math . He left his body ( died ) in the evening after a session of prayer at Belur Math . He was 39 . Vivekananda had fulfilled his own prophecy of not living to be forty-years old . # Holy Mother 's temple # The Holy Mother 's temple is dedicated to Sarada Devi , the spiritual consort of Ramakrishna . The temple is over the area where her mortal remains were consigned to flames . The temple of the Holy Mother was consecrated on 21 December 1921. # Swami Brahmananda 's temple # Another temple dedicated to Swami Brahmanandaa direct disciple of Ramakrishna and the first president of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Missionis situated near Holy Mother 's temple . # Ramakrishna Museum # The two-storeyed Ramakrishna Museum hosts artifacts used by Ramakrishna and Sarada Devi , Swami Vivekananda and some of his disciples . These include the long coat worn by Vivekananda in the West , Sister Nivedita 's table and an organ of Mrs Sevier . The museum chronicles the growth of the movement and the Bengal of those times . The museum has a realistic recreation of the ' ' Panchavati ' ' the clutch of five sacred trees of the Dakshineswar Kali Temple where Ramakrishna practised ' ' sadhana ' ' ( spiritual disciplines ) . The black stone bowl from which Ramakrishna took ' ' payasam ' ' ( a sweet Indian dish ) during his final days while suffering from throat cancer and the pillow he had used , in the house in Calcutta where he spent his last few months are on display . Ramakrishna 's room in the house where he distributed ochre clothes to 12 disciples anointing Vivekananda ( then Narendranath ) as their leader has also been shown with a model of Ramakrishna bestowing grace on his disciples and the footwear used by Ramakrishna has been put on the model . The room at Dakshineswar where Ramakrishna lived has been recreated with display of clothes and other objects used by him , the ' ' tanpura ' ' used by Vivekananda to sing to his master , and the copies of two charcoal drawings sketched by Ramakrishna are on display . Sarada Devi 's pilgrimage to Chennai , Madurai and Bangalore has also been exhibited along with the items used by her then in 1911 . The museum show cases a huge replica of Swami Vivekananda in the front of the Chicago Art Institute where the famous Parliament of the World 's Religions was held in September 1893 . Alongside the same display is a letter by Jamshedji Tata , Swami Vivekananda 's co-passenger on the trip . The letter reveals an important and well-known work that Jamshedji did , inspired by Swamijithe founding of the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore . The wooden staircase and the lotus woodwork of Victoria Hall in Chennai , where Vivekananda gave inspiring speeches to a large congregation have been brought over . A few displays away from this is a show on Miss Josephine MacLeod who met Swamji in the U.S. in 1895 and served India for 40 years thereafter . She played an important role in the Ramakrishna movement . At this enclosure is a crystal image of Swamiji that was done by the Paris jeweller , Ren Lalique. # Activities # The Belur Math conducts medical service , education , work for women , rural uplift and work among the labouring and backward classes , relief , spiritual and cultural activities . The center also celebrates annual birthdays of Ramakrishna , Vivekananda , Sarada Devi and other monastic disciples . The annual celebrations of ' ' Kumari Puja ' ' and ' ' Durga Puja ' ' are one of the main attractions . The tradition of ' ' Kumari puja ' ' was started by Vivekananda in 1901. # References # @@1848052 Indian mathematics emerged in the Indian subcontinent from 1200 BCE until the end of the 18th century . In the classical period of Indian mathematics ( 400 CE to 1600 CE ) , important contributions were made by scholars like Aryabhata , Brahmagupta , Mahvra ( mathematician ) , Bhaskara II , Madhava of Sangamagrama and Nilakantha Somayaji . The decimal number system in use today was first recorded in Indian mathematics . Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the concept of zero as a number , negative numbers , arithmetic , and algebra . In addition , trigonometry was further advanced in India , and , in particular , the modern definitions of sine and cosine were developed there . These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East , China , and Europe and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics . Ancient and medieval Indian mathematical works , all composed in Sanskrit , usually consisted of a section of ' ' sutras ' ' in which a set of rules or problems were stated with great economy in verse in order to aid memorization by a student . This was followed by a second section consisting of a prose commentary ( sometimes multiple commentaries by different scholars ) that explained the problem in more detail and provided justification for the solution . In the prose section , the form ( and therefore its memorization ) was not considered so important as the ideas involved . All mathematical works were orally transmitted until approximately 500 BCE ; thereafter , they were transmitted both orally and in manuscript form . The oldest extant mathematical ' ' document ' ' produced on the Indian subcontinent is the birch bark Bakhshali Manuscript , discovered in 1881 in the village of Bakhshali , near Peshawar ( modern day Pakistan ) and is likely from the 7th century CE . A later landmark in Indian mathematics was the development of the series expansions for trigonometric functions ( sine , cosine , and arc tangent ) by mathematicians of the Kerala school in the 15th century CE . Their remarkable work , completed two centuries before the invention of calculus in Europe , provided what is now considered the first example of a power series ( apart from geometric series ) . However , they did not formulate a systematic theory of differentiation and integration , nor is there any ' ' direct ' ' evidence of their results being transmitted outside Kerala . # Prehistory # Excavations at Harappa , Mohenjo-daro and other sites of the Indus Valley Civilisation have uncovered evidence of the use of practical mathematics . The people of the IVC manufactured bricks whose dimensions were in the proportion 4:2:1 , considered favourable for the stability of a brick structure . They used a standardised system of weights based on the ratios : 1/20 , 1/10 , 1/5 , 1/2 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 50 , 100 , 200 , and 500 , with the unit weight equaling approximately 28 grams ( and approximately equal to the English ounce or Greek uncia ) . They mass-produced weights in regular geometrical shapes , which included hexahedra , barrels , cones , and cylinders , thereby demonstrating knowledge of basic geometry . The inhabitants of Indus civilisation also tried to standardise measurement of length to a high degree of accuracy . They designed a rulerthe ' ' Mohenjo-daro ruler ' ' whose unit of length ( approximately 1.32 inches or 3.4 centimetres ) was divided into ten equal parts . Bricks manufactured in ancient Mohenjo-daro often had dimensions that were integral multiples of this unit of length . # Vedic period # # Samhitas and Brahmanas # The religious texts of the Vedic Period provide evidence for the use of large numbers . By the time of the ' ' ' ' ( 1200900 BCE ) , numbers as high as were being included in the texts . For example , the ' ' mantra ' ' ( sacrificial formula ) at the end of the ' ' annahoma ' ' ( food-oblation rite ) performed during the ' ' avamedha ' ' , and uttered just before- , during- , and just after sunrise , invokes powers of ten from a hundred to a trillion : # Hail to ' ' ata ' ' ( hundred , ) , hail to ' ' sahasra ' ' ( thousand , ) , hail to ' ' ayuta ' ' ( ten thousand , ) , hail to ' ' niyuta ' ' ( hundred thousand , ) , hail to ' ' prayuta ' ' ( million , ) , hail to ' ' arbuda ' ' ( ten million , ) , hail to ' ' nyarbuda ' ' ( hundred million , ) , hail to ' ' samudra ' ' ( billion , , literally ocean ) , hail to ' ' madhya ' ' ( ten billion , , literally middle ) , hail to ' ' anta ' ' ( hundred billion , , lit. , end ) , hail to ' ' parrdha ' ' ( one trillion , lit. , beyond parts ) , hail to the dawn ( ' ' us'as ' ' ) , hail to the twilight ( ' ' ' ' ) , hail to the one which is going to rise ( ' ' ' ' ) , hail to the one which is rising ( ' ' udyat ' ' ) , hail to the one which has just risen ( ' ' udita ' ' ) , hail to ' ' svarga ' ' ( the heaven ) , hail to ' ' martya ' ' ( the world ) , hail to all . # The Satapatha Brahmana ( ca. 7th century BCE ) contains rules for ritual geometric constructions that are similar to the Sulba Sutras. # ulba Stras # The ' ' ulba Stras ' ' ( literally , Aphorisms of the Chords in Vedic Sanskrit ) ( c. 700400 BCE ) list rules for the construction of sacrificial fire altars . Most mathematical problems considered in the ' ' ulba Stras ' ' spring from a single theological requirement , that of constructing fire altars which have different shapes but occupy the same area . The altars were required to be constructed of five layers of burnt brick , with the further condition that each layer consist of 200 bricks and that no two adjacent layers have congruent arrangements of bricks . According to , the ' ' ulba Stras ' ' contain the earliest extant verbal expression of the Pythagorean Theorem in the world , although it had already been known to the Old Babylonians . # The diagonal rope ( ' ' ' ' ) of an oblong ( rectangle ) produces both which the flank ( ' ' prvamni ' ' ) and the horizontal ( ' ' ' ' ) produce separately . # Since the statement is a ' ' stra ' ' , it is necessarily compressed and what the ropes ' ' produce ' ' is not elaborated on , but the context clearly implies the square areas constructed on their lengths , and would have been explained so by the teacher to the student . They contain lists of Pythagorean triples , which are particular cases of Diophantine equations . They also contain statements ( that with hindsight we know to be approximate ) about squaring the circle and circling the square . Baudhayana ( c. 8th century BCE ) composed the ' ' Baudhayana Sulba Sutra ' ' , the best-known ' ' Sulba Sutra ' ' , which contains examples of simple Pythagorean triples , such as : , , , , and , as well as a statement of the Pythagorean theorem for the sides of a square : The rope which is stretched across the diagonal of a square produces an area double the size of the original square . It also contains the general statement of the Pythagorean theorem ( for the sides of a rectangle ) : The rope stretched along the length of the diagonal of a rectangle makes an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together . Baudhayana gives a formula for the square root of two , : : sqrt2 = 1 + frac13 + frac13cdot4 - frac13cdot 4cdot 34 approx 1.4142156 ldots The formula is accurate up to five decimal places , the true value being 1.41421356 .. This formula is similar in structure to the formula found on a Mesopotamian tablet from the Old Babylonian period ( 19001600 BCE ) : : : sqrt2 = 1 + frac2460 + frac51602 + frac10603 = 1.41421297. which expresses 2 in the sexagesimal system , and which is also accurate up to 5 decimal places ( after rounding ) . According to mathematician S. G. Dani , the Babylonian cuneiform tablet Plimpton 322 written ca. 1850 BCE contains fifteen Pythagorean triples with quite large entries , including ( 13500 , 12709 , 18541 ) which is a primitive triple , indicating , in particular , that there was sophisticated understanding on the topic in Mesopotamia in 1850 BCE . Since these tablets predate the Sulbasutras period by several centuries , taking into account the contextual appearance of some of the triples , it is reasonable to expect that similar understanding would have been there in India . Dani goes on to say : # As the main objective of the ' ' Sulvasutras ' ' was to describe the constructions of altars and the geometric principles involved in them , the subject of Pythagorean triples , even if it had been well understood may still not have featured in the ' ' Sulvasutras ' ' . The occurrence of the triples in the ' ' Sulvasutras ' ' is comparable to mathematics that one may encounter in an introductory book on architecture or another similar applied area , and would not correspond directly to the overall knowledge on the topic at that time . Since , unfortunately , no other contemporaneous sources have been found it may never be possible to settle this issue satisfactorily . # In all , three ' ' Sulba Sutras ' ' were composed . The remaining two , the ' ' Manava Sulba Sutra ' ' composed by Manava ( fl. 750650 BCE ) and the ' ' Apastamba Sulba Sutra ' ' , composed by Apastamba ( c. 600 BCE ) , contained results similar to the ' ' Baudhayana Sulba Sutra ' ' . ; Vyakarana An important landmark of the Vedic period was the work of Sanskrit grammarian , ( c. 520460 BCE ) . His grammar includes early use of Boolean logic , of the null operator , and of context free grammars , and includes a precursor of the BackusNaur form ( used in the description programming languages ) . # Pingala # Among the scholars of the post-Vedic period who contributed to mathematics , the most notable is Pingala ( ' ' ' ' ) ( fl. 300200 BCE ) , a musical theorist who authored the ' ' Chhandas Shastra ' ' ( ' ' ' ' , also ' ' Chhandas Sutra ' ' ' ' ' ' ) , a Sanskrit treatise on prosody . There is evidence that in his work on the enumeration of syllabic combinations , Pingala stumbled upon both the Pascal triangle and Binomial coefficients , although he did not have knowledge of the Binomial theorem itself . Pingala 's work also contains the basic ideas of Fibonacci numbers ( called ' ' maatraameru ' ' ) . Although the ' ' Chandah sutra ' ' has n't survived in its entirety , a 10th-century commentary on it by Halyudha has . Halyudha , who refers to the Pascal triangle as ' ' Meru-prastra ' ' ( literally the staircase to Mount Meru ) , has this to say : # Draw a square . Beginning at half the square , draw two other similar squares below it ; below these two , three other squares , and so on . The marking should be started by putting 1 in the first square . Put 1 in each of the two squares of the second line . In the third line put 1 in the two squares at the ends and , in the middle square , the sum of the digits in the two squares lying above it . In the fourth line put 1 in the two squares at the ends . In the middle ones put the sum of the digits in the two squares above each . Proceed in this way . Of these lines , the second gives the combinations with one syllable , the third the combinations with two syllables , .. # The text also indicates that Pingala was aware of the combinatorial identity :
n choose 0 + n choose 1 + n choose 2 + cdots + n choose n-1 + n choose n = 2n
; Katyayana Katyayana ( c. 3rd century BCE ) is notable for being the last of the Vedic mathematicians . He wrote the ' ' Katyayana Sulba Sutra ' ' , which presented much geometry , including the general Pythagorean theorem and a computation of the square root of 2 correct to five decimal places . # Jain Mathematics ( 400 BCE 200 CE ) # Although Jainism as a religion and philosophy predates its most famous exponent , Mahavira ( 6th century BCE ) who was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha , most Jain texts on mathematical topics were composed after the 6th century BCE . Jain mathematicians are important historically as crucial links between the mathematics of the Vedic period and that of the Classical period . A significant historical contribution of Jain mathematicians lay in their freeing Indian mathematics from its religious and ritualistic constraints . In particular , their fascination with the enumeration of very large numbers and infinities , led them to classify numbers into three classes : enumerable , innumerable and infinite . Not content with a simple notion of infinity , they went on to define five different types of infinity : the infinite in one direction , the infinite in two directions , the infinite in area , the infinite everywhere , and the infinite perpetually . In addition , Jain mathematicians devised notations for simple powers ( and exponents ) of numbers like squares and cubes , which enabled them to define simple algebraic equations ( ' ' beejganita samikaran ' ' ) . Jain mathematicians were apparently also the first to use the word ' ' shunya ' ' ( literally ' ' void ' ' in Sanskrit ) to refer to zero . More than a millennium later , their appellation became the English word zero after a tortuous journey of translations and transliterations from India to Europe . ( See Zero : Etymology . ) In addition to ' ' Surya Prajnapti ' ' , important Jain works on mathematics included the ' ' Vaishali Ganit ' ' ( c. 3rd century BCE ) ; the ' ' Sthananga Sutra ' ' ( fl. 300 BCE 200 CE ) ; the ' ' Anoyogdwar Sutra ' ' ( fl. 200 BCE 100 CE ) ; and the ' ' Satkhandagama ' ' ( c. 2nd century CE ) . Important Jain mathematicians included Bhadrabahu ( d. 298 BCE ) , the author of two astronomical works , the ' ' Bhadrabahavi-Samhita ' ' and a commentary on the ' ' Surya Prajinapti ' ' ; Yativrisham Acharya ( c. 176 BCE ) , who authored a mathematical text called ' ' Tiloyapannati ' ' ; and Umasvati ( c. 150 BCE ) , who , although better known for his influential writings on Jain philosophy and metaphysics , composed a mathematical work called ' ' Tattwarthadhigama-Sutra Bhashya ' ' . # Oral tradition # Mathematicians of ancient and early medieval India were almost all Sanskrit pandits ( ' ' ' ' learned man ) , who were trained in Sanskrit language and literature , and possessed a common stock of knowledge in grammar ( ' ' ' ' ) , exegesis ( ' ' ' ' ) and logic ( ' ' nyya ' ' ) . Memorisation of what is heard ( ' ' ruti ' ' in Sanskrit ) through recitation played a major role in the transmission of sacred texts in ancient India . Memorisation and recitation was also used to transmit philosophical and literary works , as well as treatises on ritual and grammar . Modern scholars of ancient India have noted the truly remarkable achievements of the Indian pandits who have preserved enormously bulky texts orally for millennia . # Styles of memorisation # Prodigous energy was expended by ancient Indian culture in ensuring that these texts were transmitted from generation to generation with inordinate fidelity . For example , memorisation of the sacred ' ' Vedas ' ' included up to eleven forms of recitation of the same text . The texts were subsequently proof-read by comparing the different recited versions . Forms of recitation included the ' ' ' ' ( literally mesh recitation ) in which every two adjacent words in the text were first recited in their original order , then repeated in the reverse order , and finally repeated again in the original order . The recitation thus proceeded as :
word1word2 , word2word1 , word1word2 ; word2word3 , word3word2 , word2word3 ; ..
In another form of recitation , ' ' ' ' ( literally flag recitation ) a sequence of ' ' N ' ' words were recited ( and memorised ) by pairing the first two and last two words and then proceeding as :
word 1 word 2 , word ' ' N ' ' 1 word ' ' N ' ' ; word 2 word 3 , word ' ' N ' ' 3 word ' ' N ' ' 2 ; .. ; word ' ' N ' ' 1 word ' ' N ' ' , word 1 word 2 ;
The most complex form of recitation , ' ' ' ' ( literally dense recitation ) , according to , took the form :
word1word2 , word2word1 , word1word2word3 , word3word2word1 , word1word2word3 ; word2word3 , word3word2 , word2word3word4 , word4word3word2 , word2word3word4 ; ..
That these methods have been effective , is testified to by the preservation of the most ancient Indian religious text , the ' ' ' ' ( ca. 1500 BCE ) , as a single text , without any variant readings . Similar methods were used for memorising mathematical texts , whose transmission remained exclusively oral until the end of the Vedic period ( ca. 500 BCE ) . # The ' ' Stra ' ' genre # Mathematical activity in ancient India began as a part of a methodological reflexion on the sacred Vedas , which took the form of works called ' ' ' ' , or , Ancillaries of the Veda ( 7th4th century BCE ) . The need to conserve the sound of sacred text by use of ' ' ' ' ( phonetics ) and ' ' chhandas ' ' ( metrics ) ; to conserve its meaning by use of ' ' ' ' ( grammar ) and ' ' nirukta ' ' ( etymology ) ; and to correctly perform the rites at the correct time by the use of ' ' kalpa ' ' ( ritual ) and ' ' ' ' ( astrology ) , gave rise to the six disciplines of the ' ' ' ' . Mathematics arose as a part of the last two disciplines , ritual and astronomy ( which also included astrology ) . Since the ' ' ' ' immediately preceded the use of writing in ancient India , they formed the last of the exclusively oral literature . They were expressed in a highly compressed mnemonic form , the ' ' stra ' ' ( literally , thread ) : # The knowers of the ' ' stra ' ' know it as having few phonemes , being devoid of ambiguity , containing the essence , facing everything , being without pause and unobjectionable . # Extreme brevity was achieved through multiple means , which included using ellipsis beyond the tolerance of natural language , using technical names instead of longer descriptive names , abridging lists by only mentioning the first and last entries , and using markers and variables . The ' ' stras ' ' create the impression that communication through the text was only a part of the whole instruction . The rest of the instruction must have been transmitted by the so-called ' ' Guru-shishya paramparai ' ' , ' uninterrupted succession from teacher ( ' ' guru ' ' ) to the student ( ' ' isya ' ' ) , ' and it was not open to the general public and perhaps even kept secret . The brevity achieved in a ' ' stra ' ' is demonstrated in the following example from the Baudhyana ' ' ulba Stra ' ' ( 700 BCE ) . The domestic fire-altar in the Vedic period was required by ritual to have a square base and be constituted of five layers of bricks with 21 bricks in each layer . One method of constructing the altar was to divide one side of the square into three equal parts using a cord or rope , to next divide the transverse ( or perpendicular ) side into seven equal parts , and thereby sub-divide the square into 21 congruent rectangles . The bricks were then designed to be of the shape of the constituent rectangle and the layer was created . To form the next layer , the same formula was used , but the bricks were arranged transversely . The process was then repeated three more times ( with alternating directions ) in order to complete the construction . In the Baudhyana ' ' ulba Stra ' ' , this procedure is described in the following words : # II.64 . After dividing the quadri-lateral in seven , one divides the transverse cord in three .
II.65 . In another layer one places the bricks North-pointing . # According to , the officiant constructing the altar has only a few tools and materials at his disposal : a cord ( Sanskrit , ' ' rajju ' ' , f. ) , two pegs ( Sanskrit , ' ' anku ' ' , m. ) , and clay to make the bricks ( Sanskrit , ' ' ' ' , f . ) . Concision is achieved in the ' ' stra ' ' , by not explicitly mentioning what the adjective transverse qualifies ; however , from the feminine form of the ( Sanskrit ) adjective used , it is easily inferred to qualify cord . Similarly , in the second stanza , bricks are not explicitly mentioned , but inferred again by the feminine plural form of North-pointing . Finally , the first stanza , never explicitly says that the first layer of bricks are oriented in the East-West direction , but that too is implied by the explicit mention of North-pointing in the ' ' second ' ' stanza ; for , if the orientation was meant to be the same in the two layers , it would either not be mentioned at all or be only mentioned in the first stanza . All these inferences are made by the officiant as he recalls the formula from his memory . # The written tradition : prose commentary # With the increasing complexity of mathematics and other exact sciences , both writing and computation were required . Consequently , many mathematical works began to be written down in manuscripts that were then copied and re-copied from generation to generation . # India today is estimated to have about thirty million manuscripts , the largest body of handwritten reading material anywhere in the world . The literate culture of Indian science goes back to at least the fifth century B.C. .. as is shown by the elements of Mesopotamian omen literature and astronomy that entered India at that time and ( were ) definitely not .. preserved orally . # The earliest mathematical prose commentary was that on the work , ' ' ' ' ( written 499 CE ) , a work on astronomy and mathematics . The mathematical portion of the ' ' ' ' was composed of 33 ' ' stras ' ' ( in verse form ) consisting of mathematical statements or rules , but without any proofs . However , according to , this does not necessarily mean that their authors did not prove them . It was probably a matter of style of exposition . From the time of Bhaskara I ( 600 CE onwards ) , prose commentaries increasingly began to include some derivations ( ' ' upapatti ' ' ) . Bhaskara I 's commentary on the ' ' ' ' , had the following structure : Rule ( ' stra ' ) in verse by Commentary by Bhskara I , consisting of : * Elucidation of rule ( derivations were still rare then , but became more common later ) * Example ( ' ' uddeaka ' ' ) usually in verse . * Setting ( ' ' nysa/sthpan ' ' ) of the numerical data . * Working ( ' ' karana ' ' ) of the solution . * Verification ( ' ' ' ' , literally to make conviction ) of the answer . These became rare by the 13th century , derivations or proofs being favoured by then . Typically , for any mathematical topic , students in ancient India first memorised the ' ' stras ' ' , which , as explained earlier , were deliberately inadequate in explanatory details ( in order to pithily convey the bare-bone mathematical rules ) . The students then worked through the topics of the prose commentary by writing ( and drawing diagrams ) on chalk- and dust-boards ( ' ' i.e. ' ' boards covered with dust ) . The latter activity , a staple of mathematical work , was to later prompt mathematician-astronomer , Brahmagupta ( fl. 7th century CE ) , to characterise astronomical computations as dust work ( Sanskrit : ' ' dhulikarman ' ' ) . # Numerals and the decimal number system # It is well known that the decimal place-value system ' ' in use today ' ' was first recorded in India , then transmitted to the Islamic world , and eventually to Europe . The Syrian bishop Severus Sebokht wrote in the mid-7th century CE about the nine signs of the Indians for expressing numbers . However , how , when , and where the first decimal place value system was invented is not so clear . The earliest extant script used in India was the script used in the Gandhara culture of the north-west . It is thought to be of Aramaic origin and it was in use from the 4th century BCE to the 4th century CE . Almost contemporaneously , another script , the Brhm script , appeared on much of the sub-continent , and would later become the foundation of many scripts of South Asia and South-east Asia . Both scripts had numeral symbols and numeral systems , which were initially ' ' not ' ' based on a place-value system . The earliest surviving evidence of decimal place value numerals in India and southeast Asia is from the middle of the first millennium CE . A copper plate from Gujarat , India mentions the date 595 CE , written in a decimal place value notation , although there is some doubt as to the authenticity of the plate . Decimal numerals recording the years 683 CE have also been found in stone inscriptions in Indonesia and Cambodia , where Indian cultural influence was substantial . There are older textual sources , although the extant manuscript copies of these texts are from much later dates . Probably the earliest such source is the work of the Buddhist philosopher Vasumitra dated likely to the 1st century CE . Discussing the counting pits of merchants , Vasumitra remarks , When the same clay counting-piece is in the place of units , it is denoted as one , when in hundreds , one hundred . Although such references seem to imply that his readers had knowledge of a decimal place value representation , the brevity of their allusions and the ambiguity of their dates , however , do not solidly establish the chronology of the development of this concept . A third decimal representation was employed in a verse composition technique , later labelled ' ' Bhuta-sankhya ' ' ( literally , object numbers ) used by early Sanskrit authors of technical books . Since many early technical works were composed in verse , numbers were often represented by objects in the natural or religious world that correspondence to them ; this allowed a many-to-one correspondence for each number and made verse composition easier . According to , the number 4 , for example , could be represented by the word Veda ( since there were four of these religious texts ) , the number 32 by the word teeth ( since a full set consists of 32 ) , and the number 1 by moon ( since there is only one moon ) . So , Veda/teeth/moon would correspond to the decimal numeral 1324 , as the convention for numbers was to enumerate their digits from right to left . The earliest reference employing object numbers is a ca. 269 CE Sanskrit text , ' ' Yavanajtaka ' ' ( literally Greek horoscopy ) of Sphujidhvaja , a versification of an earlier ( ca. 150 CE ) Indian prose adaptation of a lost work of Hellenistic astrology . Such use seems to make the case that by the mid-3rd century CE , the decimal place value system was familiar , at least to readers of astronomical and astrological texts in India . It has been hypothesized that the Indian decimal place value system was based on the symbols used on Chinese counting boards from as early as the middle of the first millennium BCE . According to , # These counting boards , like the Indian counting pits , ... , had a decimal place value structure .. Indians may well have learned of these decimal place value rod numerals from Chinese Buddhist pilgrims or other travelers , or they may have developed the concept independently from their earlier non-place-value system ; no documentary evidence survives to confirm either conclusion . # # Bakhshali Manuscript # The oldest extant mathematical manuscript in South Asia is the ' ' Bakhshali Manuscript ' ' , a birch bark manuscript written in Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit in the ' ' rad ' ' script , which was used in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent between the 8th and 12th centuries CE . The manuscript was discovered in 1881 by a farmer while digging in a stone enclosure in the village of Bakhshali , near Peshawar ( then in British India and now in Pakistan ) . Of unknown authorship and now preserved in the Bodleian Library in Oxford University , the manuscript has been variously datedas early as the early centuries of the Christian era and as late as between the 9th and 12th century CE . The 7th century CE is now considered a plausible date , albeit with the likelihood that the manuscript in its present-day form constitutes a commentary or a copy of an anterior mathematical work . The surviving manuscript has seventy leaves , some of which are in fragments . Its mathematical content consists of rules and examples , written in verse , together with prose commentaries , which include solutions to the examples . The topics treated include arithmetic ( fractions , square roots , profit and loss , simple interest , the rule of three , and ' ' regula falsi ' ' ) and algebra ( simultaneous linear equations and quadratic equations ) , and arithmetic progressions . In addition , there is a handful of geometric problems ( including problems about volumes of irregular solids ) . The Bakhshali manuscript also employs a decimal place value system with a dot for zero . Many of its problems are of a category known as ' equalisation problems ' that lead to systems of linear equations . One example from Fragment III-5-3v is the following : # One merchant has seven ' ' asava ' ' horses , a second has nine ' ' haya ' ' horses , and a third has ten camels . They are equally well off in the value of their animals if each gives two animals , one to each of the others . Find the price of each animal and the total value for the animals possessed by each merchant . # The prose commentary accompanying the example solves the problem by converting it to three ( under-determined ) equations in four unknowns and assuming that the prices are all integers . # Classical Period ( 4001600 ) # This period is often known as the golden age of Indian Mathematics . This period saw mathematicians such as Aryabhata , Varahamihira , Brahmagupta , Bhaskara I , Mahavira , Bhaskara II , Madhava of Sangamagrama and Nilakantha Somayaji give broader and clearer shape to many branches of mathematics . Their contributions would spread to Asia , the Middle East , and eventually to Europe . Unlike Vedic mathematics , their works included both astronomical and mathematical contributions . In fact , mathematics of that period was included in the ' astral science ' ( ' ' jyotistra ' ' ) and consisted of three sub-disciplines : mathematical sciences ( ' ' gaita ' ' or ' ' tantra ' ' ) , horoscope astrology ( ' ' hor ' ' or ' ' jtaka ' ' ) and divination ( sahit ) . This tripartite division is seen in Varhamihira 's 6th century compilation ' ' Pancasiddhantika ' ' ( literally ' ' panca ' ' , five , ' ' siddhnta ' ' , conclusion of deliberation , dated 575 CE ) of five earlier works , Surya Siddhanta , Romaka Siddhanta , Paulisa Siddhanta , Vasishtha Siddhanta and Paitamaha Siddhanta , which were adaptations of still earlier works of Mesopotamian , Greek , Egyptian , Roman and Indian astronomy . As explained earlier , the main texts were composed in Sanskrit verse , and were followed by prose commentaries . # Fifth and sixth centuries # ; Surya Siddhanta Though its authorship is unknown , the ' ' Surya Siddhanta ' ' ( c. 400 ) contains the roots of modern trigonometry . Because it contains many words of foreign origin , some authors consider that it was written under the influence of Mesopotamia and Greece . This ancient text uses the following as trigonometric functions for the first time : Sine ( ' ' Jya ' ' ) . Cosine ( ' ' Kojya ' ' ) . Inverse sine ( ' ' Otkram jya ' ' ) . It also contains the earliest uses of : Tangent. Secant . Later Indian mathematicians such as Aryabhata made references to this text , while later Arabic and Latin translations were very influential in Europe and the Middle East . ; Chhedi calendar This Chhedi calendar ( 594 ) contains an early use of the modern place-value Hindu-Arabic numeral system now used universally ( see also Hindu-Arabic numerals ) . ; Aryabhata I Aryabhata ( 476550 ) wrote the ' ' Aryabhatiya . ' ' He described the important fundamental principles of mathematics in 332 shlokas . The treatise contained : Quadratic equations Trigonometry The value of , correct to 4 decimal places . Aryabhata also wrote the ' ' Arya Siddhanta ' ' , which is now lost . Aryabhata 's contributions include : Trigonometry : ( See also : Aryabhata 's sine table ) Introduced the trigonometric functions . Defined the sine ( ' ' jya ' ' ) as the modern relationship between half an angle and half a chord . Defined the cosine ( ' ' kojya ' ' ) . Defined the versine ( ' ' utkrama-jya ' ' ) . Defined the inverse sine ( ' ' otkram jya ' ' ) . Gave methods of calculating their approximate numerical values . Contains the earliest tables of sine , cosine and versine values , in 3.75 intervals from 0 to 90 , to 4 decimal places of accuracy . Contains the trigonometric formula sin ( ' ' n ' ' + 1 ) ' ' x ' ' sin ' ' nx ' ' = sin ' ' nx ' ' sin ( ' ' n ' ' 1 ) ' ' x ' ' ( 1/225 ) sin ' ' nx ' ' . Spherical trigonometry . Arithmetic : Continued fractions . Algebra : Solutions of simultaneous quadratic equations . Whole number solutions of linear equations by a method equivalent to the modern method . General solution of the indeterminate linear equation . Mathematical astronomy : Accurate calculations for astronomical constants , such as the : *Solar eclipse . *Lunar eclipse . *The formula for the sum of the cubes , which was an important step in the development of integral calculus . ; Varahamihira Varahamihira ( 505587 ) produced the ' ' Pancha Siddhanta ' ' ( ' ' The Five Astronomical Canons ' ' ) . He made important contributions to trigonometry , including sine and cosine tables to 4 decimal places of accuracy and the following formulas relating sine and cosine functions : sin2(x) + cos2(x) = 1 *30;0;TOOLONG frac1-cos(2x)2=sin2(x) # Seventh and eighth centuries # In the 7th century , two separate fields , arithmetic ( which included mensuration ) and algebra , began to emerge in Indian mathematics . The two fields would later be called ' ' ' ' ( literally mathematics of algorithms ) and ' ' ' ' ( lit. mathematics of seeds , with seeds like the seeds of plantsrepresenting unknowns with the potential to generate , in this case , the solutions of equations ) . Brahmagupta , in his astronomical work ' ' ' ' ( 628 CE ) , included two chapters ( 12 and 18 ) devoted to these fields . Chapter 12 , containing 66 Sanskrit verses , was divided into two sections : basic operations ( including cube roots , fractions , ratio and proportion , and barter ) and practical mathematics ( including mixture , mathematical series , plane figures , stacking bricks , sawing of timber , and piling of grain ) . In the latter section , he stated his famous theorem on the diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral : Brahmagupta 's theorem : If a cyclic quadrilateral has diagonals that are perpendicular to each other , then the perpendicular line drawn from the point of intersection of the diagonals to any side of the quadrilateral always bisects the opposite side . Chapter 12 also included a formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral ( a generalisation of Heron 's formula ) , as well as a complete description of rational triangles ( ' ' i.e. ' ' triangles with rational sides and rational areas ) . Brahmagupta 's formula : The area , ' ' A ' ' , of a cyclic quadrilateral with sides of lengths ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' , ' ' d ' ' , respectively , is given by : A = sqrt(s-a) ( s-b ) ( s-c ) ( s-d ) , where ' ' s ' ' , the semiperimeter , given by s=fraca+b+c+d2 . Brahmagupta 's Theorem on rational triangles : A triangle with rational sides a , b , c and rational area is of the form : : a = fracu2v+v , b=fracu2w+w , c=fracu2v+fracu2w - ( v+w ) for some rational numbers u , v , and w . Chapter 18 contained 103 Sanskrit verses which began with rules for arithmetical operations involving zero and negative numbers and is considered the first systematic treatment of the subject . The rules ( which included a + 0 = a and a times 0 = 0 ) were all correct , with one exception : frac00 = 0 . Later in the chapter , he gave the first explicit ( although still not completely general ) solution of the quadratic equation : : ax2+bx=c This is equivalent to : : x = fracsqrt4ac+b2-b2a Also in chapter 18 , Brahmagupta was able to make progress in finding ( integral ) solutions of Pell 's equation , : x2-Ny2=1 , where N is a nonsquare integer . He did this by discovering the following identity : Brahmagupta 's Identity : ( x2-Ny2 ) ( x ' 2-Ny ' 2 ) = ( xx ' +Nyy ' ) 2 - N ( xy ' +x'y ) 2 which was a generalisation of an earlier identity of Diophantus : Brahmagupta used his identity to prove the following lemma : Lemma ( Brahmagupta ) : If x=x1 , y=y1 is a solution of x2 - Ny2 = k1 , and , x=x2 , y=y2 is a solution of x2 - Ny2 = k2 , , then : : x=x1x2+Ny1y2 , y=x1y2+x2y1 is a solution of x2-Ny2=k1k2 He then used this lemma to both generate infinitely many ( integral ) solutions of Pell 's equation , given one solution , and state the following theorem : Theorem ( Brahmagupta ) : If the equation x2 - Ny2 =k has an integer solution for any one of k=pm 4 , pm 2 , -1 then Pell 's equation : : x2 -Ny2 = 1 also has an integer solution . Brahmagupta did not actually prove the theorem , but rather worked out examples using his method . The first example he presented was : Example ( Brahmagupta ) : Find integers x , y such that : : x2 - 92y2=1 In his commentary , Brahmagupta added , a person solving this problem within a year is a mathematician . The solution he provided was : : x=1151 , y=120 ; Bhaskara I Bhaskara I ( c. 600680 ) expanded the work of Aryabhata in his books titled ' ' Mahabhaskariya ' ' , ' ' Aryabhatiya-bhashya ' ' and ' ' Laghu-bhaskariya ' ' . He produced : Solutions of indeterminate equations . A rational approximation of the sine function . A formula for calculating the sine of an acute angle without the use of a table , correct to two decimal places . # Ninth to twelfth centuries # ; Virasena Virasena ( 8th century ) was a Jain mathematician in the court of Rashtrakuta King Amoghavarsha of Manyakheta , Karnataka . He wrote the ' ' Dhavala ' ' , a commentary on Jain mathematics , which : Deals with the concept of ' ' ardhaccheda ' ' , the number of times a number could be halved ; effectively logarithms to base 2 , and lists various rules involving this operation . First uses logarithms to base 3 ( ' ' trakacheda ' ' ) and base 4 ( ' ' caturthacheda ' ' ) . Virasena also gave : The derivation of the volume of a frustum by a sort of infinite procedure . It is thought that much of the mathematical material in the ' ' Dhavala ' ' can attributed to previous writers , especially Kundakunda , Shamakunda , Tumbulura , Samantabhadra and Bappadeva and date who wrote between 200 and 600 CE . ; Mahavira Mahavira Acharya ( c. 800870 ) from Karnataka , the last of the notable Jain mathematicians , lived in the 9th century and was patronised by the Rashtrakuta king Amoghavarsha . He wrote a book titled ' ' Ganit Saar Sangraha ' ' on numerical mathematics , and also wrote treatises about a wide range of mathematical topics . These include the mathematics of : Zero Squares Cubes square roots , cube roots , and the series extending beyond these Plane geometry Solid geometry Problems relating to the casting of shadows Formulae derived to calculate the area of an ellipse and quadrilateral inside a circle . Mahavira also : Asserted that the square root of a negative number did not exist Gave the sum of a series whose terms are squares of an arithmetical progression , and gave empirical rules for area and perimeter of an ellipse. Solved cubic equations . Solved quartic equations . Solved some quintic equations and higher-order polynomials. Gave the general solutions of the higher order polynomial equations : * axn = q * a fracxn - 1x - 1 = p Solved indeterminate quadratic equations . Solved indeterminate cubic equations . Solved indeterminate higher order equations . ; Shridhara Shridhara ( c. 870930 ) , who lived in Bengal , wrote the books titled ' ' Nav Shatika ' ' , ' ' Tri Shatika ' ' and ' ' Pati Ganita ' ' . He gave : A good rule for finding the volume of a sphere . The formula for solving quadratic equations . The ' ' Pati Ganita ' ' is a work on arithmetic and mensuration . It deals with various operations , including : Elementary operations Extracting square and cube roots . Fractions. Eight rules given for operations involving zero . Methods of summation of different arithmetic and geometric series , which were to become standard references in later works . ; Manjula Aryabhata 's differential equations were elaborated in the 10th century by Manjula ( also ' ' Munjala ' ' ) , who realised that the expression : sin w ' - sin w could be approximately expressed as : ( w ' - w ) cos w He understood the concept of differentiation after solving the differential equation that resulted from substituting this expression into Aryabhata 's differential equation . ; Aryabhata II Aryabhata II ( c. 9201000 ) wrote a commentary on Shridhara , and an astronomical treatise ' ' Maha-Siddhanta ' ' . The Maha-Siddhanta has 18 chapters , and discusses : Numerical mathematics ( ' ' Ank Ganit ' ' ) . Algebra. Solutions of indeterminate equations ( ' ' kuttaka ' ' ) . ; Shripati Shripati Mishra ( 10191066 ) wrote the books ' ' Siddhanta Shekhara ' ' , a major work on astronomy in 19 chapters , and ' ' Ganit Tilaka ' ' , an incomplete arithmetical treatise in 125 verses based on a work by Shridhara . He worked mainly on : Permutations and combinations . General solution of the simultaneous indeterminate linear equation . He was also the author of ' ' Dhikotidakarana ' ' , a work of twenty verses on : Solar eclipse . Lunar eclipse . The ' ' Dhruvamanasa ' ' is a work of 105 verses on : Calculating planetary longitudes eclipses. planetary transits . ; Nemichandra Siddhanta Chakravati Nemichandra Siddhanta Chakravati ( c. 1100 ) authored a mathematical treatise titled ' ' Gome-mat Saar ' ' . ; Bhaskara II Bhskara II ( 11141185 ) was a mathematician-astronomer who wrote a number of important treatises , namely the ' ' Siddhanta Shiromani ' ' , ' ' Lilavati ' ' , ' ' Bijaganita ' ' , ' ' Gola Addhaya ' ' , ' ' Griha Ganitam ' ' and ' ' Karan Kautoohal ' ' . A number of his contributions were later transmitted to the Middle East and Europe . His contributions include : Arithmetic : Interest computation Arithmetical and geometrical progressions Plane geometry Solid geometry The shadow of the gnomon Solutions of combinations Gave a proof for division by zero being infinity . Algebra : The recognition of a positive number having two square roots . Surds. Operations with products of several unknowns . The solutions of : *Quadratic equations . *Cubic equations . *Quartic equations . *Equations with more than one unknown . *Quadratic equations with more than one unknown . *The general form of Pell 's equation using the ' ' chakravala ' ' method . *The general indeterminate quadratic equation using the ' ' chakravala ' ' method . *Indeterminate cubic equations . *Indeterminate quartic equations . *Indeterminate higher-order polynomial equations . Geometry : Gave a proof of the Pythagorean theorem . Calculus : Conceived of differential calculus . Discovered the derivative . Discovered the differential coefficient . Developed differentiation . Stated Rolle 's theorem , a special case of the mean value theorem ( one of the most important theorems of calculus and analysis ) . Derived the differential of the sine function . Computed , correct to five decimal places . Calculated the length of the Earth 's revolution around the Sun to 9 decimal places . Trigonometry : Developments of spherical trigonometry The trigonometric formulas : * sin(a+b)=sin(a) cos(b) + sin(b) cos(a) * sin(a-b)=sin(a) cos(b) - sin(b) cos(a) # Kerala mathematics ( 13001600 ) # The Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics was founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama in Kerala , South India and included among its members : Parameshvara , Neelakanta Somayaji , Jyeshtadeva , Achyuta Pisharati , Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri and Achyuta Panikkar . It flourished between the 14th and 16th centuries and the original discoveries of the school seems to have ended with Narayana Bhattathiri ( 15591632 ) . In attempting to solve astronomical problems , the Kerala school astronomers ' ' independently ' ' created a number of important mathematics concepts . The most important results , series expansion for trigonometric functions , were given in Sanskrit verse in a book by Neelakanta called ' ' Tantrasangraha ' ' and a commentary on this work called ' ' Tantrasangraha-vakhya ' ' of unknown authorship . The theorems were stated without proof , but proofs for the series for ' ' sine ' ' , ' ' cosine ' ' , and inverse ' ' tangent ' ' were provided a century later in the work ' ' Yuktibh ' ' ( c.1500c.1610 ) , written in Malayalam , by Jyesthadeva , and also in a commentary on ' ' Tantrasangraha ' ' . Their discovery of these three important series expansions of calculusseveral centuries before calculus was developed in Europe by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnizwas an achievement . However , the Kerala School did not invent ' ' calculus ' ' , because , while they were able to develop Taylor series expansions for the important trigonometric functions , differentiation , term by term integration , convergence tests , iterative methods for solutions of non-linear equations , and the theory that the area under a curve is its integral , they developed neither a theory of differentiation or integration , nor the fundamental theorem of calculus . The results obtained by the Kerala school include : The ( infinite ) geometric series : frac11-x = 1 + x + x2 + x3 + x4+ cdotstext for x *10;32;1 This formula was already known , for example , in the work of the 10th-century Arab mathematician Alhazen ( the Latinised form of the name Ibn Al-Haytham ( 9651039 ) . A semi-rigorous proof ( see induction remark below ) of the result : 1p+ 2p + cdots + np approx fracnp+1p+1 for large ' ' n ' ' . This result was also known to Alhazen. Intuitive use of mathematical induction , however , the ' ' inductive hypothesis ' ' was not formulated or employed in proofs . Applications of ideas from ( what was to become ) differential and integral calculus to obtain ( TaylorMaclaurin ) infinite series for sin x , cos x , and arctan x The ' ' Tantrasangraha-vakhya ' ' gives the series in verse , which when translated to mathematical notation , can be written as : : : rarctanleft(fracyxright) = frac11cdotfracryx -frac13cdotfracry3x3 + frac15cdotfracry5x5 - cdots , text where y/x leq 1 . : : sin x = x - x fracx2(22+2)r2 + x *32;44;TOOLONG - cdots : : r - cos x = r fracx2(22-2)r2 - r fracx2(22-2)r2 fracx2(42-4)r2 + cdots , : where , for ' ' r ' ' = 1 , the series reduces to the standard power series for these trigonometric functions , for example : * sin x = x - fracx33 ! + fracx55 ! - fracx77 ! + cdots : and * cos x = 1 - fracx22 ! + fracx44 ! - fracx66 ! + cdots Use of rectification ( computation of length ) of the arc of a circle to give a proof of these results . ( The later method of Leibniz , using quadrature ( ' ' i.e. ' ' computation of ' ' area under ' ' the arc of the circle , was ' ' not ' ' used. ) Use of series expansion of arctan x to obtain an infinite series expression ( later known as Gregory series ) for pi : : : fracpi4 = 1 - frac13 + frac15 - frac17 + cdots A rational approximation of ' ' error ' ' for the finite sum of their series of interest . For example , the error , fi(n+1) , ( for ' ' n ' ' odd , and ' ' i ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 ) for the series : : : fracpi4 approx 1 - frac13+ frac15 - cdots + ( -1 ) ( n-1 ) /2frac1n + ( -1 ) ( n+1 ) /2fi(n+1) : : textwhere f1(n) = frac12n , f2(n) = fracn/2n2+1 , f3(n) = frac(n/2)2+1(n2+5)n/2. Manipulation of error term to derive a faster converging series for pi : : : fracpi4 = frac34 + frac133-3 - frac153-5 + frac173-7 - cdots Using the improved series to derive a rational expression , 104348/33215 for ' ' &pi ; ' ' correct up to ' ' nine ' ' decimal places , ' ' i.e. ' ' 3.141592653. Use of an intuitive notion of limit to compute these results . A semi-rigorous ( see remark on limits above ) method of differentiation of some trigonometric functions . However , they did not formulate the notion of a ' ' function ' ' , or have knowledge of the exponential or logarithmic functions . The works of the Kerala school were first written up for the Western world by Englishman C.M. Whish in 1835 . According to Whish , the Kerala mathematicians had ' ' laid the foundation for a complete system of fluxions ' ' and these works abounded ' ' with fluxional forms and series to be found in no work of foreign countries . ' ' However , Whish 's results were almost completely neglected , until over a century later , when the discoveries of the Kerala school were investigated again by C. Rajagopal and his associates . Their work includes commentaries on the proofs of the arctan series in ' ' Yuktibh ' ' given in two papers , a commentary on the ' ' Yuktibh s proof of the sine and cosine series and two papers that provide the Sanskrit verses of the ' ' Tantrasangrahavakhya ' ' for the series for arctan , sin , and cosine ( with English translation and commentary ) . The Kerala mathematicians included Narayana Pandit ( c. 13401400 ) , who composed two works , an arithmetical treatise , ' ' Ganita Kaumudi ' ' , and an algebraic treatise , ' ' Bijganita Vatamsa ' ' . Narayana is also thought to be the author of an elaborate commentary of Bhaskara II 's Lilavati , titled ' ' Karmapradipika ' ' ( or ' ' Karma-Paddhati ' ' ) . Madhava of Sangamagrama ( c. 13401425 ) was the founder of the Kerala School . Although it is possible that he wrote ' ' Karana Paddhati ' ' a work written sometime between 1375 and 1475 , all we really know of his work comes from works of later scholars . Parameshvara ( c. 13701460 ) wrote commentaries on the works of Bhaskara I , Aryabhata and Bhaskara II . His ' ' Lilavati Bhasya ' ' , a commentary on Bhaskara II 's ' ' Lilavati ' ' , contains one of his important discoveries : a version of the mean value theorem . Nilakantha Somayaji ( 14441544 ) composed the ' ' Tantra Samgraha ' ' ( which ' spawned ' a later anonymous commentary ' ' Tantrasangraha-vyakhya ' ' and a further commentary by the name ' ' Yuktidipaika ' ' , written in 1501 ) . He elaborated and extended the contributions of Madhava . Citrabhanu ( c. 1530 ) was a 16th-century mathematician from Kerala who gave integer solutions to 21 types of systems of two simultaneous algebraic equations in two unknowns . These types are all the possible pairs of equations of the following seven forms : : beginalign & x + y = a , x - y = b , xy = c , x2 + y2 = d , 8pt & x2 - y2 = e , x3 + y3 = f , x3 - y3 = g endalign For each case , Citrabhanu gave an explanation and justification of his rule as well as an example . Some of his explanations are algebraic , while others are geometric . Jyesthadeva ( c. 15001575 ) was another member of the Kerala School . His key work was the ' ' Yukti-bh ' ' ( written in Malayalam , a regional language of Kerala ) . Jyesthadeva presented proofs of most mathematical theorems and infinite series earlier discovered by Madhava and other Kerala School mathematicians. # Charges of Eurocentrism # It has been suggested that Indian contributions to mathematics have not been given due acknowledgement in modern history and that many discoveries and inventions by Indian mathematicians were known to their Western counterparts , copied by them , and presented as their own original work ; and further , that this mass plagiarism has gone unrecognised due to Eurocentrism . According to G. G. Joseph : # Their work takes on board some of the objections raised about the classical Eurocentric trajectory . The awareness of Indian and Arabic mathematics is all too likely to be tempered with dismissive rejections of their importance compared to Greek mathematics . The contributions from other civilisations most notably China and India , are perceived either as borrowers from Greek sources or having made only minor contributions to mainstream mathematical development . An openness to more recent research findings , especially in the case of Indian and Chinese mathematics , is sadly missing # The historian of mathematics , Florian Cajori , suggested that he and others suspect that Diophantus got his first glimpse of algebraic knowledge from India . However , he also wrote that it is certain that portions of Hindu mathematics are of Greek origin . More recently , as discussed in the above section , the infinite series of calculus for trigonometric functions ( rediscovered by Gregory , Taylor , and Maclaurin in the late 17th century ) were described ( with proofs ) in India , by mathematicians of the Kerala school , remarkably some two centuries earlier . Some scholars have recently suggested that knowledge of these results might have been transmitted to Europe through the trade route from Kerala by traders and Jesuit missionaries . Kerala was in continuous contact with China and Arabia , and , from around 1500 , with Europe . The existence of communication routes and a suitable chronology certainly make such a transmission a possibility . However , there is no direct evidence by way of relevant manuscripts that such a transmission actually took place . According to David Bressoud , there is no evidence that the Indian work of series was known beyond India , or even outside of Kerala , until the nineteenth century . Both Arab and Indian scholars made discoveries before the 17th century that are now considered a part of calculus . However , they were not able , as Newton and Leibniz were , to combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral , show the connection between the two , and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today . The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own ; however , it is not known with certainty whether the immediate ' ' predecessors ' ' of Newton and Leibniz , including , in particular , Fermat and Roberval , learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware . This is an active area of current research , especially in the manuscripts collections of Spain and Maghreb , research that is now being pursued , among other places , at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique in Paris . # See also # Shulba Sutras Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics Surya Siddhanta Brahmagupta Bakhshali manuscript List of Indian mathematicians Indian science and technology Indian logic Indian astronomy History of mathematics List of numbers in Hindu scriptures # Notes # 86 . Bourbaki , Nicolas ( 1998 ) . Elements of the History of Mathematics . Berlin , Heidelberg , and New York : Springer-Verlag. 46 . ISBN 3-540-64767-8. 87 . Britannica Concise Encyclopedia ( 2007 ) , entry algebra # Source books in Sanskrit # Citation . Citation . Citation . Citation . Citation . Citation . Citation . Citation publisher=critically edited with Introduction , English Translation , Notes , Comments and Indexes , in collaboration with K.V. Sarma , New Delhi : Indian National Science Academy @@1857770 Ramakrishna Math is a religious monastic order , considered part of the Hindu reform movements . It was set up by Swami Vivekananda based on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna in Kolkata , India . The ' ' Ramakrishna Math ' ' is headquartered at Belur Math ( in West Bengal , India ) , and shares the location with the related organisation , the Ramakrishna Mission . It also has Advaita Ashrama branches at Mayavati , near Almora and in Kolkata. # Monastic order # Ramakrishna Math consists of monks ( Sannyasins and Brahmacharins ) belonging to a monastic order for men . After the passing away of their Master Sri Ramakrishna in 1886 the young disciples under the leadership of Swami Vivekananda organized themselves into a new monastic order . The original monastery at Baranagar called Baranagar Math was shifted in January 1899 to a newly acquired plot of land at Belur in the district of Howrah. # Belur Math # : ' ' See main article Belur Math ' ' This monastery , known as Belur Math , serves as the Mother House for all the monks of Ramakrishna Order who live in the various branch centres of Ramakrishna Math and/or the related Ramakrishna Mission in different parts of India and the world . # Twin ideals # Here the Math started the task of training vigorously a band of monks and novices . They were inspired with the twin ideals of meaning Self-realisation and Service to the world . # The Philosophy of Vedanta # The fundamental truth as taught by all religions is that man has to transform his base human nature into the divine that is within him . In other words , he must reach the deeper strata of his being , wherein lies his unity with all mankind . And Vedanta can help us to contact and live that truth which unfolds our real nature the divinity lying hidden in man . Vedanta is not a particular religion but a philosophy which includes the basic truths of all religions . It teaches that mans real nature is divine ; that it is the aim of mans life on earth to unfold and manifest the hidden Godhead within him ; and that truth is universal ... Thus Vedanta preaches a universal message , the message of harmony . In its insistence on personal experience of the truth of God , on the divinity of man , and the universality of truth it has kept the spirit of religion alive since the age of the Vedas ( ancient scriptures ) . Even in our time there have been Ramakrishna , Vivekananda , and men like Gandhi . The modern apostle of Vedanta , Vivekananda , describes the ideal religion of tomorrow as follows : # Vivekananda on the Ideal Religion of Tomorrow # If there is ever to be a universal religion it would be one that would occur within the confines of a palace of no location or time . This palace will be infinite and within these walls God will preach its holy sum . Its warm rays will shine down upon the followers of Krishna , Mohammed , Christ , Buddhists , and all teachers alike . These walls will ever grow to encompass the infinite space of the soothing heart . This religion will know that every virtue of man is to be held and witnessed all from the grovelling savage not far removed from the brute , to the highest man . It will be here that standing still , towered by the virtues of his head and heart will he remain making society stand in awe of him . It will be his religion where there shall be no space for persecution or intolerance within its politic . It will be a place which will recognize its divinity in every man and woman and whose whole scope and force will be centered in aiding humanity to realize its own true point . # Each Religion is a Path # This sum total of all religions does not mean that all people on earth have to come under the banner of one prophet or worship one aspect of God . If Christ is true , Krishna and Buddha are also true . Let there be many teachers , many scriptures ; let there be churches , temples , and synagogues . Every religion is a path to reach the same goal . When the goal is reached the Christian , the Jew , the Islamist , the Hindu , and the Buddhist realize that each has worshiped the same Reality . One who has attained this knowledge is no longer a follower of a particular path or a particular religion . He has become a man of God and a blessing to mankind . # Management # The Ramakrishna Math was registered as a Trust in 1901 . The management of the Math is vested in a Board of Trustees who are only monks . The Math with its branches is a distinct legal entity . It has well defined rules of procedure . It lays emphasis on religious practices and preaching of Dharma . The Math has its own separate funds and keep detailed accounts which are annually audited by qualified chartered accountants . It has 57 Branch centres in India and abroad . The Math and the Mission both have their Headquarters at Belur Math @@1883376 The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ( SIAM ) was founded by a small group of mathematicians from academia and industry who met in Philadelphia in 1951 to start an organization whose members would meet periodically to exchange ideas about the uses of mathematics in industry . This meeting led to the organization of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics . The membership of SIAM has grown from a few hundred in the early 1950s to more than 14,000 . SIAM retains its North American influence , but it also has East Asian , Argentinian , Bulgarian , and UK & Ireland sections . SIAM is one of the four parts of the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics . # Members # Membership is open to both individuals and organizations . # Focus # The focus for the society is applied , computational and industrial mathematics , and the society often promotes its acronym as Science and Industry Advance with Mathematics . It is composed of a combination of people from a wide variety of vocations . Members include engineers , scientists , industrial mathematicians , and academic mathematicians . The society is active in promoting the use of analysis and modeling in all settings . The society also strives to support and provide guidance to educational institutions wishing to promote applied mathematics . # Activity groups ( SIAGs ) # The society includes a number of activity groups to allow for more focused group discussions and collaborations : Algebraic Geometry Analysis of partial differential equations Computational Science and Engineering Control and Systems Theory Data Mining and Analytics Discrete Mathematics Dynamical systems Financial Mathematics and Engineering Geometric Design Geosciences Imaging Science Life Sciences Linear algebra Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures Optimization Orthogonal polynomials and special functions Supercomputing Uncertainty Quantification # Journals # , SIAM publishes 16 research journals : ' ' SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics ' ' ( SIAP ) , since 1966 * formerly ' ' Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ' ' , since 1953 ' ' Theory of Probability and Its Applications ' ' ( TVP ) , since 1956 * translation of ' ' Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya ' ' ' ' SIAM Review ' ' ( SIREV ) , since 1959 ' ' SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization ' ' ( SICON ) , since 1976 * formerly ' ' SIAM Journal on Control ' ' , since 1966 * formerly ' ' Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics , Series A : Control ' ' , since 1962 ' ' SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ' ' ( SINUM ) , since 1966 * formerly ' ' Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics , Series B : Numerical Analysis ' ' , since 1964 ' ' SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis ' ' ( SIMA ) , since 1970 ' ' SIAM Journal on Computing ' ' ( SICOMP ) , since 1972 ' ' SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications ' ' ( SIMAX ) , since 1988 * formerly ' ' SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods ' ' , since 1980 ' ' SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ' ' ( SISC ) , since 1993 * formerly ' ' SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing ' ' , since 1980 ' ' SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ' ' ( SIDMA ) , since 1988 ' ' SIAM Journal on Optimization ' ' ( SIOPT ) , since 1991 ' ' SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems ' ' ( SIADS ) , since 2002 ' ' Multiscale Modeling and Simulation ' ' ( MMS ) , since 2003 ' ' SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences ' ' ( SIIMS ) , since 2008 ' ' SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics ' ' ( SIFIN ) , since 2010 ' ' SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification ' ' ( JUQ ) , since 2013 # Books # SIAM publishes 20-25 books each year . # Conferences # SIAM organizes conferences and meetings throughout the year focused on various topics in applied math and computational science . # SIAM News # ' ' SIAM News ' ' is a newsletter focused on the applied math and computational science community and is published ten times per year . # Presidents # The chief elected officer of SIAM is the president , elected for a single two-year term . Past presidents of SIAM : William Bradley ( 1952-1953 ) Donald Houghton ( 1953-1954 ) Harold W. Kuhn ( 1954-1955 ) John Mauchly ( 1955-1956 ) Thomas Southard ( 1956-1958 ) Donald Thomsen , Jr . ( 1958-1959 ) Brockway McMillan ( 1959-1960 ) F . Joachim Weyl ( 1960-1961 ) Robert Rinehart ( 1961-1962 ) Joseph LaSalle ( 1962-1963 ) Alston Householder ( 1963-1964 ) J . Barkley Rosser ( 1964-1966 ) Garrett Birkhoff ( 1966-1968 ) J . Wallace Givens ( 1968-1970 ) Burton Colvin ( 1970-1972 ) C . C. Lin ( 1972-1974 ) Herbert Keller ( 1974-1976 ) Werner Rheinboldt ( 1976-1978 ) Richard C. DiPrima ( 1979-1980 ) Seymour Parter ( 1981-1982 ) Hirsh Cohen ( 1983-1984 ) Gene H. Golub ( 1985-1986 ) C . William Gear ( 1987-1988 ) Ivar Stakgold ( 1989-1990 ) Robert E. OMalley , Jr . ( 1991-1992 ) Avner Friedman ( 1993-1994 ) Margaret H. Wright ( 1995-1996 ) John Guckenheimer ( 1997-1998 ) Gilbert Strang ( 1999-2000 ) Thomas A. Manteuffel ( 2001-2002 ) James ( Mac ) Hyman ( 2003-2004 ) Martin Golubitsky ( 2005-2006 ) Cleve Moler ( 2007-2008 ) Doug Arnold ( 2009-2010 ) L . N. Trefethen ( 2011-2012 ) Irene Fonseca ( 2013-2014 ) # Prizes and recognition # SIAM recognizes applied mathematician and computational scientists for their contributions to the fields . Prizes include : Germund Dahlquist Prize : Awarded to a young scientist ( normally under 45 ) for original contributions to fields associated with Germund Dahlquist ( numerical solution of differential equations and numerical methods for scientific computing ) . Ralph E. Kleinman Prize : Awarded for outstanding research , or other contributions , that bridge the gap between mathematics and applications ... Each prize may be given either for a single notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements . J.D. Crawford Prize : Awarded to one individual for recent outstanding work on a topic in nonlinear science , as evidenced by a publication in English in a peer-reviewed journal within the four calendar years preceding the meeting at which the prize is awarded Jrgen Moser Lecture : Awarded to a person who has made distinguished contributions to nonlinear science . Richard C. DiPrima Prize : Awarded to a young scientist who has done outstanding research in applied mathematics ( defined as those topics covered by SIAM journals ) and who has completed his/her doctoral dissertation and completed all other requirements for his/her doctorate during the period running from three years prior to the award date to one year prior to the award date . George Plya Prize : is given every two years , alternately in two categories : ( 1 ) for a notable application of combinatorial theory ; ( 2 ) for a notable contribution in another area of interest to George Plya such as approximation theory , complex analysis , number theory , orthogonal polynomials , probability theory , or mathematical discovery and learning . W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize : Awarded for research in and contributions to areas of differential equations and control theory . Theodore von Krmn Prize : Awarded for notable application of mathematics to mechanics and/or the engineering sciences made during the five to ten years preceding the award . James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing : Awarded for research in , or other contributions to , numerical analysis and scientific computing during the six years preceding the award . # SIAM Fellows # In 2009 SIAM instituted a Fellows program to recognize certain members who have made outstanding contributions to the fields SIAM serves # Moody 's Mega Math ( M 3 ) Challenge # Funded by The Moody 's Foundation and organized by SIAM , the Moody 's Mega Math Challenge is an applied mathematics modeling competition for high school students along the entire East Coast , from Maine through Florida . Scholarship prizes total $100,000. # Students # SIAM Undergraduate Research Online Publishes outstanding undergraduate research in applied and computational mathematics Student memberships are generally discounted or free SIAM has career and job resources for students and other applied mathematicians and computational scientists @@3588331 In linear algebra , real numbers are called scalars and relate to vectors in a vector space through the operation of scalar multiplication , in which a vector can be multiplied by a number to produce another vector . More generally , a vector space may be defined by using any field instead of real numbers , such as complex numbers . Then the scalars of that vector space will be the elements of the associated field . A scalar product operation ( not to be confused with scalar multiplication ) may be defined on a vector space , allowing two vectors to be multiplied to produce a scalar . A vector space equipped with a scalar product is called an inner product space . The real component of a quaternion is also called its scalar part . The term is also sometimes used informally to mean a vector , matrix , tensor , or other usually compound value that is actually reduced to a single component . Thus , for example , the product of a 1&times ; ' ' n ' ' matrix and an ' ' n ' ' &times ; 1 matrix , which is formally a 1&times ; 1 matrix , is often said to be a scalar . The term scalar matrix is used to denote a matrix of the form ' ' kI ' ' where ' ' k ' ' is a scalar and ' ' I ' ' is the identity matrix . # Etymology # The word ' ' scalar ' ' derives from the Latin word ' ' scalaris ' ' , adjectival form from ' ' scala ' ' ( Latin for ladder ) . The English word scale is also derived from ' ' scala ' ' . The first recorded usage of the word scalar in mathematics was by Franois Vite in ' ' Analytic Art ' ' ( ' ' In artem analyticen isagoge ' ' ) ( 1591 ) : : ' ' Magnitudes that ascend or descend proportionally in keeping with their nature from one kind to another are called scalar terms . ' ' : ( Latin : ' ' Magnitudines quae ex genere ad genus sua vi proportionaliter adscendunt vel descendunt , vocentur Scalares . ' ' ) According to a citation in the ' ' Oxford English Dictionary ' ' the first recorded usage of the term in English was by W. R. Hamilton in 1846 , to refer to the real part of a quaternion : : ' ' The algebraically real part may receive , according to the question in which it occurs , all values contained on the one scale of progression of numbers from negative to positive infinity ; we shall call it therefore the scalar part . ' ' # Definitions and properties # # Scalars of vector spaces # A vector space is defined as a set of vectors , a set of scalars , and a scalar multiplication operation that takes a scalar ' ' k ' ' and a vector v to another vector ' ' k ' ' v . For example , in a coordinate space , the scalar multiplication k ( v1 , v2 , dots , vn ) yields ( kv1 , kv2 , dots , k vn ) . In a ( linear ) function space , ' ' k ' ' is the function ' ' x ' ' ' ' k ' ' ( ' ' ' ' ( ' ' x ' ' ) . The scalars can be taken from any field , including the rational , algebraic , real , and complex numbers , as well as finite fields . a number by the elements inside the brackets . # Scalars as vector components # According to a fundamental theorem of linear algebra , every vector space has a basis . It follows that every vector space over a scalar field ' ' K ' ' is isomorphic to a coordinate vector space where the coordinates are elements of ' ' K ' ' . For example , every real vector space of dimension ' ' n ' ' is isomorphic to ' ' n ' ' -dimensional real space R ' ' n ' ' . # Scalars in normed vector spaces # Alternatively , a vector space ' ' V ' ' can be equipped with a norm function that assigns to every vector v in ' ' V ' ' a scalar v . By definition , multiplying v by a scalar ' ' k ' ' also multiplies its norm by ' ' k ' ' . If v is interpreted as the ' ' length ' ' of v , this operation can be described as scaling the length of v by ' ' k ' ' . A vector space equipped with a norm is called a normed vector space ( or ' ' normed linear space ' ' ) . The norm is usually defined to be an element of ' ' V ' ' ' s scalar field ' ' K ' ' , which restricts the latter to fields that support the notion of sign . Moreover , if ' ' V ' ' has dimension 2 or more , ' ' K ' ' must be closed under square root , as well as the four arithmetic operations ; thus the rational numbers Q are excluded , but the surd field is acceptable . For this reason , not every scalar product space is a normed vector space . # Scalars in modules # When the requirement that the set of scalars form a field is relaxed so that it need only form a ring ( so that , for example , the division of scalars need not be defined , or the scalars need not be commutative ) , the resulting more general algebraic structure is called a module . In this case the scalars may be complicated objects . For instance , if ' ' R ' ' is a ring , the vectors of the product space ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' can be made into a module with the ' ' n ' ' ' ' n ' ' matrices with entries from ' ' R ' ' as the scalars . Another example comes from manifold theory , where the space of sections of the tangent bundle forms a module over the algebra of real functions on the manifold . # Scaling transformation # The scalar multiplication of vector spaces and modules is a special case of scaling , a kind of linear transformation . # Scalar operations ( computer science ) # Operations that apply to a single value at a time . Scalar processor @@3728109 In elementary mathematics , a variable is an alphabetic character representing a number , the value of the variable , which is either arbitrary or not fully specified or unknown . Making algebraic computations with variables as if they were explicit numbers allows one to solve a range of problems in a single computation . A typical example is the quadratic formula , which allows to solve every quadratic equation by simply substituting the numeric values of the coefficients of the given equation to the variables that represent them . The concept of variable is also fundamental in calculus . Typically , a function involves two variables , and , representing respectively the value and the argument of the function . The term variable comes from the fact that , when the argument ( also called the variable of the function ) ' ' varies ' ' , then the value ' ' varies ' ' accordingly . In more advanced mathematics , a variable is a symbol that denotes a mathematical object , which could be a number , a vector , a matrix , or even a function . In this case , the original property of variability of a variable is not kept ( except , sometimes , for informal explanations ) . Similarly , in computer science , a variable is a name ( commonly an alphabetic character or a word ) representing some value represented in computer memory . In mathematical logic , a variable is either a symbol representing an unspecified term of the theory , or a basic object of the theory , which is manipulated without referring to its possible intuitive interpretation . # Genesis and evolution of the concept # Franois Vite introduced at the end of 16th century the idea of representing known and unknown numbers by letters , nowadays called variables , and of computing with them as if they were numbers , in order to obtain , at the end , the result by a simple replacement . Franois Vite 's convention was to use consonants for known values and vowels for unknowns . Contrarily to Vite 's convention , Descartes ' one is still commonly in use . Starting in the 1660s , Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz independently developed the infinitesimal calculus , which essentially consists of studying how an infinitesimal variation of a ' ' variable quantity ' ' induces a corresponding variation of another quantity which is a ' ' function ' ' of the first variable ( quantity ) . Almost a century later Leonhard Euler fixed the terminology of infinitesimal calculus and introduced the notation for a function , its variable and its value . Until the end of the 19th century , the word ' ' variable ' ' referred almost exclusively to the arguments and the values of functions . In the second half of the 19th century , it appeared that the foundation of infinitesimal calculus was not formalized enough to deal with apparent paradoxes such as a continuous function which is nowhere differentiable . To solve this problem , Karl Weierstrass introduced a new formalism consisting of replacing the intuitive notion of limit by a formal definition . The older notion of limit was when the ' ' variable ' ' varies and tends toward , then tends toward , without any accurate definition of tends . Weierstrass replaced this sentence by the formula : ( forall epsilon 0 ) ( exists eta 0 ) ( forall x ) ; x-a *43;3758;\eta in which none of the five variables is considered as varying . This static formulation led to the modern notion of variable which is simply a symbol representing a mathematical object which either is unknown or may be replaced by any element of a given set ; for example , the set of real numbers . # Specific kinds of variables # It is common that many variables appear in the same mathematical formula , which play different roles . Some names or qualifiers have been introduced to distinguish them . For example , in the general cubic equation : ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 , there are five variables . Four of them , represent given numbers , and the last one , represents the ' ' unknown ' ' number , which is a solution of the equation . To distinguish them , the variable is called ' ' a unknown ' ' , and the other variables are called ' ' parameters ' ' or ' ' coefficients ' ' , or sometimes ' ' constants ' ' , although this last terminology is incorrect for an equation and should be reserved for the function defined by the left-hand side of this equation . In the context of functions , the term ' ' variable ' ' refers commonly to the arguments of the functions . This is typically the case in sentences like function of a real variable , is the variable of the function , is a function of the variable ( meaning that the argument of the function is referred to by the variable ) . In the same context , the variables that are independent of define constant functions and are therefore called ' ' constant ' ' . For example , a ' ' constant of integration ' ' is an arbitrary constant function that is added to a particular antiderivative to obtain the other antiderivatives . Because the strong relationship between polynomials and polynomial function , the term constant is often used to denote the coefficients of a polynomial , which are constant functions of the indeterminates . This use of constant as an abbreviation of constant function must be distinguished from the normal meaning of the word in mathematics . A constant , or mathematical constant is a well and unambiguously defined number or other mathematical object , as , for example , the numbers 0 , 1 , and the identity element of a group . Here are other specific names for variables . A unknown is a variable in which an equation has to be solved for . An indeterminate is a symbol , commonly called variable , that appears in a polynomial or a formal power series . Formally speaking , an indeterminate is not a variable , but a constant in the polynomial ring of the ring of formal power series . However , because of the strong relationship between polynomials or power series and the functions that they define , many authors consider indeterminates as a special kind of variables . A parameter is a quantity ( usually a number ) which is a part of the input of a problem , and remains constant during the whole solution of this problem . For example , in mechanics the mass and the size of a solid body are ' ' parameters ' ' for the study of its movement . It should be noted that in computer science , ' ' parameter ' ' has a different meaning and denotes an argument of a function . Free variables and bound variables A random variable is a kind of variable that is used in probability theory and its applications . It should be emphasized that all these denominations of variables are of semantic nature and that the way of computing with them ( syntax ) is the same for all . # Dependent and independent variables # In calculus and its application to physics and other sciences , it is rather common to consider a variable , say , whose possible values depend of the value of another variable , say . In mathematical terms , the ' ' dependent ' ' variable represents the value of a function of . To simplify formulas , it is often useful to use the same symbol for the dependent variable and the function mapping onto . For example , the state of a physical system depends on measurable quantities such as the pressure , the temperature , the spatial position , ... , and all these quantities varies when the system evolves , that is , they are function of the time . In the formulas describing the system , these quantities are represented by variables which are dependent on the time , and thus considered implicitly as functions of the time . Therefore , in a formula , a dependent variable is a variable that is implicitly a function of another ( or several other ) variables . An independent variable is a variable that is not dependent . The property of a variable to be dependent or independent depends often of the point of view and is not intrinsic . For example , in the notation , the three variables may be all independent and the notation represents a function of three variables . On the other hand , if and depend on ( are ' ' dependent variables ' ' ) then the notation represent a function of the single ' ' independent variable ' ' . # Examples # If one defines a function ' ' f ' ' from the real numbers to the real numbers by : f(x) = x2+sin(x+4) then ' ' x ' ' is a variable standing for the argument of the function being defined , which can be any real number . In the identity : sumi=1n i = fracn2+n2 the variable ' ' i ' ' is a summation variable which designates in turn each of the integers 1 , 2 , ... , ' ' n ' ' ( it is also called index because its variation is over a discrete set of values ) while ' ' n ' ' is a parameter ( it does not vary within the formula ) . In the theory of polynomials , a polynomial of degree 2 is generally denoted as ' ' ax ' ' 2 + ' ' bx ' ' + ' ' c ' ' , where ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are called coefficients ( they are assumed to be fixed , i.e. , parameters of the problem considered ) while ' ' x ' ' is called a variable . When studying this polynomial for its polynomial function this ' ' x ' ' stands for the function argument . When studying the polynomial as an object in itself , ' ' x ' ' is taken to be an indeterminate , and would often be written with a capital letter instead to indicate this status . # Notation # In mathematics , the variables are generally denoted by a single letter . However , this letter is frequently followed by a subscript , as in , and this subscript may be a number , another variable ( ) , a word or the abbreviation of a word ( and ) , and even a mathematical expression . Under the influence of computer science , one may encounter in pure mathematics some variable names consisting in several letters and digits . Following the 17th century French philosopher and mathematician , Ren Descartes , letters at the beginning of the alphabet , e.g. ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' are commonly used for known values and parameters , and letters at the end of the alphabet , e.g. ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' , and ' ' t ' ' are commonly used for unknowns and variables of functions . In printed mathematics , the norm is to set variables and constants in an italic typeface . For example , a general quadratic function is conventionally written as : : a x2 + b x + c , , where ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are parameters ( also called constants , because they are constant functions ) , while ' ' x ' ' is the variable of the function . A more explicit way to denote this function is : xmapsto a x2 + b x + c , , which makes the function-argument status of ' ' x ' ' clear , and thereby implicitly the constant status of ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' . Since ' ' c ' ' occurs in a term that is a constant function of ' ' x ' ' , it is called the constant term . Specific branches and applications of mathematics usually have specific naming conventions for variables . Variables with similar roles or meanings are often assigned consecutive letters . For example , the three axes in 3D coordinate space are conventionally called ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , and ' ' z ' ' . In physics , the names of variables are largely determined by the physical quantity they describe , but various naming conventions exist . A convention often followed in probability and statistics is to use ' ' X ' ' , ' ' Y ' ' , ' ' Z ' ' for the names of random variables , keeping ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' , ' ' z ' ' for variables representing corresponding actual values . There are many other notational usages . Usually , variables that play a similar role are represented by consecutive letters or by the same letter with different subscript . Below are some of the most common usages. ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' , ' ' c ' ' , and ' ' d ' ' ( sometimes extended to ' ' e ' ' and ' ' f ' ' ) often represent parameters or coefficients. ' ' a ' ' 0 , ' ' a ' ' 1 , ' ' a ' ' 2 , .. play a similar role , when otherwise too many different letters would be needed . ' ' a i ' ' or ' ' u i ' ' is often used to denote the ' ' i ' ' -th term of a sequence or the ' ' i ' ' -th coefficient of a series . ' ' f ' ' and ' ' g ' ' ( sometimes ' ' h ' ' ) commonly denote functions . ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' , and ' ' k ' ' ( sometimes ' ' l ' ' or ' ' h ' ' ) are often used to denote varying integers or indices in an indexed family . ' ' l ' ' and ' ' w ' ' are often used to represent the length and width of a figure . ' ' n ' ' usually denotes a fixed integer , such as a count of objects or the degree of an equation . * When two integers are needed , for example for the dimensions of a matrix , one uses commonly ' ' m ' ' and ' ' n ' ' . ' ' p ' ' often denotes a prime numbers or a probability . ' ' q ' ' often denotes a prime power or a quotient ' ' r ' ' often denotes a remainder . ' ' x ' ' , ' ' y ' ' and ' ' z ' ' usually denote the three Cartesian coordinates of a point in Euclidean geometry . By extension , they are used to name the corresponding axes . ' ' z ' ' typically denotes a complex number , or , in statistics , a normal random variable . ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' and ' ' ' ' commonly denote angle measures . ' ' ' ' usually represents an arbitrarily small positive number . * ' ' ' ' and ' ' ' ' commonly denote two small positives. ' ' ' ' is used for eigenvalues . ' ' ' ' often denotes a sum , or , in statistics , the standard deviation . @@4140245 ' ' The general operation as explained on this page should not be confused with the more specific operators on vector spaces . For a notion in elementary mathematics , see arithmetic operation . ' ' In its simplest meaning in mathematics and logic , an operation is an action or procedure which produces a new value from one or more input values , called operands . There are two common types of operations : unary and binary . Unary operations involve only one value , such as negation and trigonometric functions . Binary operations , on the other hand , take two values , and include addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , and exponentiation . Operations can involve mathematical objects other than numbers . The logical values ' ' true ' ' and ' ' false ' ' can be combined using logic operations , such as ' ' and ' ' , ' ' or , ' ' and ' ' not ' ' . Vectors can be added and subtracted . Rotations can be combined using the function composition operation , performing the first rotation and then the second . Operations on sets include the binary operations ' ' union ' ' and ' ' intersection ' ' and the unary operation of ' ' complementation ' ' . Operations on functions include composition and convolution . Operations may not be defined for every possible value . For example , in the real numbers one can not divide by zero or take square roots of negative numbers . The values for which an operation is defined form a set called its ' ' domain ' ' . The set which contains the values produced is called the ' ' codomain ' ' , but the set of actual values attained by the operation is its ' ' range ' ' . For example , in the real numbers , the squaring operation only produces nonnegative numbers ; the codomain is the set of real numbers but the range is the nonnegative numbers . Operations can involve dissimilar objects . A vector can be multiplied by a scalar to form another vector . And the inner product operation on two vectors produces a scalar . An operation may or may not have certain properties , for example it may be associative , commutative , anticommutative , idempotent , and so on . The values combined are called ' ' operands ' ' , ' ' arguments ' ' , or ' ' inputs ' ' , and the value produced is called the ' ' value ' ' , ' ' result ' ' , or ' ' output ' ' . Operations can have fewer or more than two inputs . An operation is like an operator , but the point of view is different . For instance , one often speaks of the operation of addition or addition operation when focusing on the operands and result , but one says addition operator ( rarely operator of addition ) when focusing on the process , or from the more abstract viewpoint , the function + : SS S. # General description # An operation is a function of the form : ' ' V ' ' ' ' Y ' ' , where ' ' V ' ' ' ' X ' ' 1 ' ' X ' ' ' ' k ' ' . The sets ' ' X ' ' ' ' k ' ' are called the ' ' domains ' ' of the operation , the set ' ' Y ' ' is called the ' ' codomain ' ' of the operation , and the fixed non-negative integer ' ' k ' ' ( the number of arguments ) is called the ' ' type ' ' or ' ' arity ' ' of the operation . Thus a unary operation has arity one , and a binary operation has arity two . An operation of arity zero , called a ' ' nullary ' ' operation , is simply an element of the codomain ' ' Y ' ' . An operation of arity ' ' k ' ' is called a ' ' k ' ' -ary operation . Thus a ' ' k ' ' -ary operation is a ( ' ' k ' ' +1 ) -ary relation that is functional on its first ' ' k ' ' domains . The above describes what is usually called a ' ' finitary ' ' operation , referring to the finite number of arguments ( the value ' ' k ' ' ) . There are obvious extensions where the arity is taken to be an infinite ordinal or cardinal , or even an arbitrary set indexing the arguments . Often , use of the term ' ' operation ' ' implies that the domain of the function is a power of the codomain ( i.e. the Cartesian product of one or more copies of the codomain ) , although this is by no means universal , as in the example of multiplying a vector by a scalar. @@8096647 The Institute of Mathematical Statistics is an international professional and scholarly society devoted to the development , dissemination , and application of statistics and probability . The Institute currently has about 4,000 members in all parts of the world . Beginning in 2005 , the institute started offering joint membership with the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability as well as with the International Statistical Institute . The Institute was founded in 1935 with Harry C. Carver and Henry L. Rietz as its two most important supporters . The Institute publishes five journals : ' ' Annals of Statistics ' ' ' ' Annals of Applied Statistics ' ' ' ' Annals of Probability ' ' ' ' Annals of Applied Probability ' ' ' ' Statistical Science ' ' In addition , it co-sponsors : ' ' ALEA - Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics ' ' The ' ' Current Index to Statistics ' ' ' ' Electronic Communications in Probability ' ' ' ' Electronic Journal of Probability ' ' ' ' Electronic Journal of Statistics ' ' ' ' Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics ' ' ( A joint publication with the American Statistical Association and the Interface Foundation of North America ) ' ' Probability Surveys ' ' ( A joint publication with the International Statistical Institute and the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability ) ' ' Statistics Surveys ' ' ( A joint publication with the American Statistical Association , the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability , and the Statistical Society of Canada ) There are also some ' ' affiliated ' ' journals : ' ' Probability and Mathematical Statistics ' ' ( Wrocaw University of Technology , ) ' ' Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics ' ' Furthermore , five journals are ' ' supported ' ' by the IMS : ' ' Annales de lInstitut Henri Poincar ( ) ' ' Bayesian Analysis ( Published by the , ) ' ' Bernoulli ( Published by the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability , ) ' ' Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics ( Published by the Brazilian Statistical Association , ) ' ' Stochastic Systems ( ) @@18967255 Mathematical economics is the application of mathematical methods to represent theories and analyze problems in economics . By convention , the applied methods refer to those beyond simple geometry , such as differential and integral calculus , difference and differential equations , matrix algebra , mathematical programming , and other computational methods . Augustin Cournot and Lon Walras built the tools of the discipline axiomatically around utility , arguing that individuals sought to maximize their utility across choices in a way that could be described mathematically . At the time , it was thought that utility was quantifiable , in units known as utils . Cournot , Walras and Francis Ysidro Edgeworth are considered the precursors to modern mathematical economics . # #Augustin Cournot# # Cournot , a professor of Mathematics , developed a mathematical treatment in 1838 for duopolya market condition defined by competition between two sellers . This treatment of competition , first published in ' ' Researches into the Mathematical Principles of Wealth ' ' , is referred to as Cournot duopoly . It is assumed that both sellers had equal access to the market and could produce their goods without cost . Further , it assumed that both goods were homogeneous . Each seller would vary her output based on the output of the other and the market price would be determined by the total quantity supplied . The profit for each firm would be determined by multiplying their output and the per unit Market price . Differentiating the profit function with respect to quantity supplied for each firm left a system of linear equations , the simultaneous solution of which gave the equilibrium quantity , price and profits . Cournot 's contributions to the mathematization of economics would be neglected for decades , but eventually influenced many of the marginalists . Cournot 's models of duopoly and Oligopoly also represent one of the first formulations of non-cooperative games . Today the solution can be given as a Nash equilibrium but Cournot 's work preceded modern Game theory by over 100 years . # #Lon Walras# # While Cournot provided a solution for what would later be called partial equilibrium , Lon Walras attempted to formalize discussion of the economy as a whole through a theory of general competitive equilibrium . The behavior of every economic actor would be considered on both the production and consumption side . Walras originally presented four separate models of exchange , each recursively included in the next . The solution of the resulting system of equations ( both linear and non-linear ) is the general equilibrium . At the time , no general solution could be expressed for a system of arbitrarily many equations , but Walras 's attempts produced two famous results in economics . The first is Walras ' law and the second is the principle of ttonnement . Walras ' method was considered highly mathematical for the time and Edgeworth commented at length about this fact in his review of ' ' lments d ' conomie politique pure ' ' ( Elements of Pure Economics ) . Walras ' law was introduced as a theoretical answer to the problem of determining the solutions in general equilibrium . His notation is different from modern notation but can be constructed using more modern summation notation . Walras assumed that in equilibrium , all money would be spent on all goods : every good would be sold at the market price for that good and every buyer would expend their last dollar on a basket of goods . Starting from this assumption , Walras could then show that if there were n markets and n-1 markets cleared ( reached equilibrium conditions ) that the nth market would clear as well . This is easiest to visualize with two markets ( considered in most texts as a market for goods and a market for money ) . If one of two markets has reached an equilibrium state , no additional goods ( or conversely , money ) can enter or exit the second market , so it must be in a state of equilibrium as well . Walras used this statement to move toward a proof of existence of solutions to general equilibrium but it is commonly used today to illustrate market clearing in money markets at the undergraduate level . Ttonnement ( roughly , French for ' ' groping toward ' ' ) was meant to serve as the practical expression of Walrasian general equilibrium . Walras abstracted the marketplace as an auction of goods where the auctioneer would call out prices and market participants would wait until they could each satisfy their personal reservation prices for the quantity desired ( remembering here that this is an auction on ' ' all ' ' goods , so everyone has a reservation price for their desired basket of goods ) . Only when all buyers are satisfied with the given market price would transactions occur . The market would clear at that priceno surplus or shortage would exist . The word ' ' ttonnement ' ' is used to describe the directions the market takes in ' ' groping toward ' ' equilibrium , settling high or low prices on different goods until a price is agreed upon for all goods . While the process appears dynamic , Walras only presented a static model , as no transactions would occur until all markets were in equilibrium . In practice very few markets operate in this manner . # #Francis Ysidro Edgeworth# # Edgeworth introduced mathematical elements to Economics explicitly in ' ' Mathematical Psychics : An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences ' ' , published in 1881 . He adopted Jeremy Bentham 's felicific calculus to economic behavior , allowing the outcome of each decision to be converted into a change in utility . Using this assumption , Edgeworth built a model of exchange on three assumptions : individuals are self-interested , individuals act to maximize utility , and individuals are free to recontract with another independently of ... any third party . Given two individuals , the set of solutions where the both individuals can maximize utility is described by the ' ' contract curve ' ' on what is now known as an Edgeworth Box . Technically , the construction of the two-person solution to Edgeworth 's problem was not developed graphically until 1924 by Arthur Lyon Bowley . The contract curve of the Edgeworth box ( or more generally on any set of solutions to Edgeworth 's problem for more actors ) is referred to as the core of an economy . Edgeworth devoted considerable effort to insisting that mathematical proofs were appropriate for all schools of thought in economics . While at the helm of ' ' The Economic Journal ' ' , he published several articles criticizing the mathematical rigor of rival researchers , including Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman , a noted skeptic of mathematical economics . The articles focused on a back and forth over tax incidence and responses by producers . Edgeworth noticed that a monopoly producing a good that had jointness of supply but not jointness of demand ( such as first class and economy on an airplane , if the plane flies , both sets of seats fly with it ) might actually lower the price seen by the consumer for one of the two commodities if a tax were applied . Common sense and more traditional , numerical analysis seemed to indicate that this was preposterous . Seligman insisted that the results Edgeworth achieved were a quirk of his mathematical formulation . He suggested that the assumption of a continuous demand function and an infinitesimal change in the tax resulted in the paradoxical predictions . Harold Hotelling later showed that Edgeworth was correct and that the same result ( a diminution of price as a result of the tax ) could occur with a discontinuous demand function and large changes in the tax rate . # Modern mathematical economics # From the later-1930s , an array of new mathematical tools from the differential calculus and differential equations , convex sets , and graph theory were deployed to advance economic theory in a way similar to new mathematical methods earlier applied to physics . The process was later described as moving from mechanics to axiomatics. # Differential calculus # Vilfredo Pareto analyzed microeconomics by treating decisions by economic actors as attempts to change a given allotment of goods to another , more preferred allotment . Sets of allocations could then be treated as Pareto efficient ( Pareto optimal is an equivalent term ) when no exchanges could occur between actors that could make at least one individual better off without making any other individual worse off . Pareto 's proof is commonly conflated with Walrassian equilibrium or informally ascribed to Adam Smith 's Invisible hand hypothesis . Rather , Pareto 's statement was the first formal assertion of what would be known as the first fundamental theorem of welfare economics . These models lacked the inequalities of the next generation of mathematical economics . In the landmark treatise ' ' Foundations of Economic Analysis ' ' ( 1947 ) , Paul Samuelson identified a common paradigm and mathematical structure across multiple fields in the subject , building on previous work by Alfred Marshall . ' ' Foundations ' ' took mathematical concepts from physics and applied them to economic problems . This broad view ( for example , comparing Le Chatelier 's principle to ttonnement ) drives the fundamental premise of mathematical economics : systems of economic actors may be modeled and their behavior described much like any other system . This extension followed on the work of the marginalists in the previous century and extended it significantly . Samuelson approached the problems of applying individual utility maximization over aggregate groups with comparative statics , which compares two different equilibrium states after an exogenous change in a variable . This and other methods in the book provided the foundation for mathematical economics in the 20th century . # Linear models # Restricted models of general equilibrium were formulated by John von Neumann in 1937 . Unlike earlier versions , the models of von Neumann had inequality constraints . For his model of an expanding economy , von Neumann proved the existence and uniqueness of an equilibrium using his generalization of Brouwer 's fixed point theorem . Von Neumann 's model of an expanding economy considered the matrix pencil ' ' A - B ' ' with nonnegative matrices A and B ; von Neumann sought probability vectors ' ' p ' ' and ' ' q ' ' and a positive number ' ' ' ' that would solve the complementarity equation : ' ' p T ( A - B ) q = 0 ' ' , along with two inequality systems expressing economic efficiency . In this model , the ( transposed ) probability vector ' ' p ' ' represents the prices of the goods while the probability vector q represents the intensity at which the production process would run . The unique solution ' ' ' ' represents the rate of growth of the economy , which equals the interest rate . Proving the existence of a positive growth rate and proving that the growth rate equals the interest rate were remarkable achievements , even for von Neumann . Von Neumann 's results have been viewed as a special case of linear programming , where von Neumann 's model uses only nonnegative matrices . The study of von Neumann 's model of an expanding economy continues to interest mathematical economists with interests in computational economics . # #Input-output economics# # In 1936 , the Russianborn economist Wassily Leontief built his model of input-output analysis from the ' material balance ' tables constructed by Soviet economists , which themselves followed earlier work by the physiocrats . With his model , which described a system of production and demand processes , Leontief described how changes in demand in one economic sector would influence production in another . In practice , Leontief estimated the coefficients of his simple models , to address economically interesting questions . In production economics , Leontief technologies produce outputs using constant proportions of inputs , regardless of the price of inputs , reducing the value of Leontief models for understanding economies but allowing their parameters to be estimated relatively easily . In contrast , the von Neumann model of an expanding economy allows for choice of techniques , but the coefficients must be estimated for each technology . # Mathematical optimization # *26;9475;TOOLONG In mathematics , mathematical optimization ( or optimization or mathematical programming ) refers to the selection of a best element from some set of available alternatives . In the simplest case , an optimization problem involves maximizing or minimizing a real function by selecting input values of the function and computing the corresponding values of the function . The solution process includes satisfying general necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality . For optimization problems , specialized notation may be used as to the function and its input(s) . More generally , optimization includes finding the best available element of some function given a defined domain and may use a variety of different computational optimization techniques . Economics is closely enough linked to optimization by agents in an economy that an influential definition relatedly describes economics ' ' qua ' ' science as the study of human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means with alternative uses . Optimization problems run through modern economics , many with explicit economic or technical constraints . In microeconomics , the utility maximization problem and its dual problem , the expenditure minimization problem for a given level of utility , are economic optimization problems . Theory posits that consumers maximize their utility , subject to their budget constraints and that firms maximize their profits , subject to their production functions , input costs , and market demand . Economic equilibrium is studied in optimization theory as a key ingredient of economic theorems that in principle could be tested against empirical data . Newer developments have occurred in dynamic programming and modeling optimization with risk and uncertainty , including applications to portfolio theory , the economics of information , and search theory . Optimality properties for an entire market system may be stated in mathematical terms , as in formulation of the two fundamental theorems of welfare economics and in the ArrowDebreu model of general equilibrium ( also discussed below ) . More concretely , many problems are amenable to analytical ( formulaic ) solution . Many others may be sufficiently complex to require numerical methods of solution , aided by software . Still others are complex but tractable enough to allow computable methods of solution , in particular computable general equilibrium models for the entire economy . Linear and nonlinear programming have profoundly affected microeconomics , which had earlier considered only equality constraints . Many of the mathematical economists who received Nobel Prizes in Economics had conducted notable research using linear programming : Leonid Kantorovich , Leonid Hurwicz , Tjalling Koopmans , Kenneth J. Arrow , and Robert Dorfman , Paul Samuelson , and Robert Solow . Both Kantorovich and Koopmans acknowledged that George B. Dantzig deserved to share their Nobel Prize for linear programming . Economists who conducted research in nonlinear programming also have won the Nobel prize , notably Ragnar Frisch in addition to Kantorovich , Hurwicz , Koopmans , Arrow , and Samuelson. # #Linear optimization# # Linear programming was developed to aid the allocation of resources in firms and in industries during the 1930s in Russia and during the 1940s in the United States . During the Berlin airlift ( 1948 ) , linear programming was used to plan the shipment of supplies to prevent Berlin from starving after the Soviet blockade . # #Nonlinear programming# # Extensions to nonlinear optimization with inequality constraints were achieved in 1951 by Albert W. Tucker and Harold Kuhn , who considered the nonlinear optimization problem : : Minimize f ( x ) subject to g ' ' i ' ' ( x ) 0 and h ' ' j ' ' ( x ) = 0 where : f ( . ) is the function to be minimized : g ' ' i ' ' ( ' ' . ' ' ) ( j = 1 , ... , m ) are the functions of the m ' ' inequality constraints ' ' : h j ( . ) ( j = 1 , ... , l ) are the functions of the l equality constraints . In allowing inequality constraints , the KuhnTucker approach generalized the classic method of Lagrange multipliers , which ( until then ) had allowed only equality constraints . The KuhnTucker approach inspired further research on Lagrangian duality , including the treatment of inequality constraints . optimal control theory was used more extensively in economics in addressing dynamic problems , especially as to economic growth equilibrium and stability of economic systems , of which a textbook example is optimal consumption and saving . A crucial distinction is between deterministic and stochastic control models . Other applications of optimal control theory include those in finance , inventories , and production for example . # #Functional analysis# # It was in the course of proving of the existence of an optimal equilibrium in his 1937 model of economic growth that John von Neumann introduced functional analytic methods to include topology in economic theory , in particular , fixed-point theory through his generalization of Brouwer 's fixed-point theorem . Following von Neumann 's program , Kenneth Arrow and Grard Debreu formulated abstract models of economic equilibria using convex sets and fixedpoint theory . In introducing the ArrowDebreu model in 1954 , they proved the existence ( but not the uniqueness ) of an equilibrium and also proved that every Walras equilibrium is Pareto efficient ; in general , equilibria need not be unique . In their models , the ( primal ) vector space represented ' ' quantitites ' ' while the dual vector space represented ' ' prices ' ' . In Russia , the mathematician Leonid Kantorovich developed economic models in Riesz space Oppressed by communism , Kantorovich renamed ' ' prices ' ' as objectively determined valuations which were abbreviated in Russian as o. o. o. , alluding to the difficulty of discussing prices in the Soviet Union . Even in finite dimensions , the concepts of functional analysis have illuminated economic theory , particularly in clarifying the role of prices as normal vectors to a hyperplane supporting a convex set , representing production or consumption possibilities . However , problems of describing optimization over time or under uncertainty require the use of infinitedimensional function spaces , because agents are choosing among functions or stochastic processes . # Differential decline and rise # John von Neumann 's work on functional analysis and topology in broke new ground in mathematics and economic theory . It also left advanced mathematical economics with fewer applications of differential calculus . In particular , general equilibrium theorists used general topology , convex geometry , and optimization theory more than differential calculus , because the approach of differential calculus had failed to establish the existence of an equilibrium . However , the decline of differential calculus should not be exaggerated , because differential calculus has always been used in graduate training and in applications . Moreover , differential calculus has returned to the highest levels of mathematical economics , general equilibrium theory ( GET ) , as practiced by the GET-set ( the humorous designation due to Jacques H. Drze ) . In the 1960s and 1970s , however , Grard Debreu and Stephen Smale led a revival of the use of differential calculus in mathematical economics . In particular , they were able to prove the existence of a general equilibrium , where earlier writers had failed , because of their novel mathematics : Baire category from general topology and Sard 's lemma from differential topology . Other economists associated with the use of differential analysis include Egbert Dierker , Andreu Mas-Colell , and Yves Balasko . These advances have changed the traditional narrative of the history of mathematical economics , following von Neumann , which celebrated the abandonment of differential calculus . # Game theory # John von Neumann , working with Oskar Morgenstern on the theory of games , broke new mathematical ground in 1944 by extending functional analytic methods related to convex sets and topological fixed-point theory to economic analysis . Their work thereby avoided the traditional differential calculus , for which the maximumoperator did not apply to non-differentiable functions . Continuing von Neumann 's work in cooperative game theory , game theorists Lloyd S. Shapley , Martin Shubik , Herv Moulin , Nimrod Megiddo , Bezalel Peleg influenced economic research in politics and economics . For example , research on the fair prices in cooperative games and fair values for voting games led to changed rules for voting in legislatures and for accounting for the costs in publicworks projects . For example , cooperative game theory was used in designing the water distribution system of Southern Sweden and for setting rates for dedicated telephone lines in the USA . Earlier neoclassical theory had bounded only the ' ' range ' ' of bargaining outcomes and in special cases , for example bilateral monopoly or along the contract curve of the Edgeworth box . Von Neumann and Morgenstern 's results were similarly weak . Following von Neumann 's program , however , John Nash used fixedpoint theory to prove conditions under which the bargaining problem and noncooperative games can generate a unique equilibrium solution . Noncooperative game theory has been adopted as a fundamental aspect of experimental economics , behavioral economics , information economics , industrial organization , and political economy . It has also given rise to the subject of mechanism design ( sometimes called reverse game theory ) , which has private and public-policy applications as to ways of improving economic efficiency through incentives for information sharing . In 1994 , Nash , John Harsanyi , and Reinhard Selten received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences their work on noncooperative games . Harsanyi and Selten were awarded for their work on repeated games . Later work extended their results to computational methods of modeling . # Agent-based computational economics # Agent-based computational economics ( ACE ) as a named field is relatively recent , dating from about the 1990s as to published work . It studies economic processes , including whole economies , as dynamic systems of interacting agents over time . As such , it falls in the paradigm of complex adaptive systems . In corresponding agent-based models , agents are not real people but computational objects modeled as interacting according to rules .. whose micro-level interactions create emergent patterns in space and time . The rules are formulated to predict behavior and social interactions based on incentives and information . The theoretical assumption of mathematical ' ' optimization ' ' by agents markets is replaced by the less restrictive postulate of agents with ' ' bounded ' ' rationality ' ' adapting ' ' to market forces . ACE models apply numerical methods of analysis to computer-based simulations of complex dynamic problems for which more conventional methods , such as theorem formulation , may not find ready use . Starting from specified initial conditions , the computational economic system is modeled as evolving over time as its constituent agents repeatedly interact with each other . In these respects , ACE has been characterized as a bottom-up culture-dish approach to the study of the economy . In contrast to other standard modeling methods , ACE events are driven solely by initial conditions , whether or not equilibria exist or are computationally tractable . ACE modeling , however , includes agent adaptation , autonomy , and learning . It has a similarity to , and overlap with , game theory as an agent-based method for modeling social interactions . Other dimensions of the approach include such standard economic subjects as competition and collaboration , market structure and industrial organization , transaction costs , welfare economics and mechanism design , information and uncertainty , and macroeconomics . The method is said to benefit from continuing improvements in modeling techniques of computer science and increased computer capabilities . Issues include those common to experimental economics in general and by comparison and to development of a common framework for empirical validation and resolving open questions in agent-based modeling . The ultimate scientific objective of the method has been described as testing theoretical findings against real-world data in ways that permit empirically supported theories to cumulate over time , with each researcher 's work building appropriately on the work that has gone before . # Mathematicization of economics # Over the course of the 20th century , articles in core journals in economics have been almost exclusively written by economists in academia . As a result , much of the material transmitted in those journals relates to economic theory , and economic theory itself has been continuously more abstract and mathematical . A subjective assessment of mathematical techniques employed in these core journals showed a decrease in articles that use neither geometric representations nor mathematical notation from 95% in 1892 to 5.3% in 1990 . A 2007 survey of ten of the top economic journals finds that only 5.8% of the articles published in 2003 and 2004 both lacked statistical analysis of data and lacked displayed mathematical expressions that were indexed with numbers at the margin of the page . # Econometrics # Between the world wars , advances in mathematical statistics and a cadre of mathematically trained economists led to econometrics , which was the name proposed for the discipline of advancing economics by using mathematics and statistics . Within economics , econometrics has often been used for statistical methods in economics , rather than mathematical economics . Statistical econometrics features the application of linear regression and time series analysis to economic data . Ragnar Frisch coined the word econometrics and helped to found both the Econometric Society in 1930 and the journal ' ' Econometrica ' ' in 1933 . A student of Frisch 's , Trygve Haavelmo published ' ' The Probability Approach in Econometrics ' ' in 1944 , where he asserted that precise statistical analysis could be used as a tool to validate mathematical theories about economic actors with data from complex sources . This linking of statistical analysis of systems to economic theory was also promulgated by the Cowles Commission ( now the Cowles Foundation ) throughout the 1930s and 1940s. # Earlier work in econometrics # The roots of modern econometrics can be traced to the American economist Henry L. Moore . Moore studied agricultural productivity and attempted to fit changing values of productivity for plots of corn and other crops to a curve using different values of elasticity . Moore made several errors in his work , some from his choice of models and some from limitations in his use of mathematics . The accuracy of Moore 's models also was limited by the poor data for national accounts in the United States at the time . While his first models of production were static , in 1925 he published a dynamic moving equilibrium model designed to explain business cyclesthis periodic variation from overcorrection in supply and demand curves is now known as the cobweb model . A more formal derivation of this model was made later by Nicholas Kaldor , who is largely credited for its exposition . # Application # Much of classical economics can be presented in simple geometric terms or elementary mathematical notation . Mathematical economics , however , conventionally makes use of calculus and matrix algebra in economic analysis in order to make powerful claims that would be more difficult without such mathematical tools . These tools are prerequisites for formal study , not only in mathematical economics but in contemporary economic theory in general . Economic problems often involve so many variables that mathematics is the only practical way of attacking and solving them . Alfred Marshall argued that every economic problem which can be quantified , analytically expressed and solved , should be treated by means of mathematical work . Economics has become increasingly dependent upon mathematical methods and the mathematical tools it employs have become more sophisticated . As a result , mathematics has become considerably more important to professionals in economics and finance . Graduate programs in both economics and finance require strong undergraduate preparation in mathematics for admission and , for this reason , attract an increasingly high number of mathematicians . Applied mathematicians apply mathematical principles to practical problems , such as economic analysis and other economics-related issues , and many economic problems are often defined as integrated into the scope of applied mathematics . This integration results from the formulation of economic problems as stylized models with clear assumptions and falsifiable predictions . This modeling may be informal or prosaic , as it was in Adam Smith 's ' ' The Wealth of Nations ' ' , or it may be formal , rigorous and mathematical . Broadly speaking , formal economic models may be classified as stochastic or deterministic and as discrete or continuous . At a practical level , quantitative modeling is applied to many areas of economics and several methodologies have evolved more or less independently of each other . Stochastic models are formulated using stochastic processes . They model economically observable values over time . Most of econometrics is based on statistics to formulate and test hypotheses about these processes or estimate parameters for them . Between the World Wars , Herman Wold developed a representation of stationary stochastic processes in terms of autoregressive models and a determinist trend . Wold and Jan Tinbergen applied time-series analysis to economic data . Contemporary research on time series statistics consider additional formulations of stationary processes , such as autoregressive moving average models . More general models include autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity ( ARCH ) models and generalized ARCH ( GARCH ) models . Non-stochastic mathematical models may be purely qualitative ( for example , models involved in some aspect of social choice theory ) or quantitative ( involving rationalization of financial variables , for example with hyperbolic coordinates , and/or specific forms of functional relationships between variables ) . In some cases economic predictions of a model merely assert the direction of movement of economic variables , and so the functional relationships are used only in a qualitative sense : for example , if the price of an item increases , then the demand for that item will decrease . For such models , economists often use two-dimensional graphs instead of functions . Qualitative models are occasionally used . One example is qualitative scenario planning in which possible future events are played out . Another example is non-numerical decision tree analysis . Qualitative models often suffer from lack of precision . # Early Models of competition # # #Perfect competition# # # #Monopoly# # # #Duopoly# # # Models of equilibrium # # #Walrassian equilibrium# # # #IS/LM# # # Models of choice # # #Game theory and oligopoly# # # #Public choice# # # The theory of the firm # -- # Relationship to the discipline as a whole # # Mathematical economics as methodology # # Mathematical finance # # Views from inside and outside the profession # -- # Classification # According to the Mathematics Subject Classification ( MSC ) , mathematical economics falls into the Applied mathematics/other classification of category 91 : : Game theory , economics , social and behavioral sciences with classifications for ' Game theory ' at codes and for ' Mathematical economics ' at codes . The ' ' Handbook of Mathematical Economics ' ' series ( Elsevier ) , currently 4 volumes , distinguishes between ' ' mathematical methods in economics ' ' , v. 1 , Part I , and ' ' areas of economics ' ' in other volumes where mathematics is employed . Another source with a similar distinction is ' ' The New Palgrave : A Dictionary of Economics ' ' ( 1987 , 4 vols. , 1,300 subject entries ) . In it , a Subject Index includes mathematical entries under 2 headings ( vol . IV , pp. 9823 ) : : Mathematical Economics ( 24 listed , such as acyclicity , aggregation problem , comparative statics , lexicographic orderings , linear models , orderings , and qualitative economics ) : Mathematical Methods ( 42 listed , such as calculus of variations , catastrophe theory , combinatorics , computation of general equilibrium , convexity , convex programming , and stochastic optimal control ) . A widely used system in economics that includes mathematical methods on the subject is the JEL classification codes . It originated in the ' ' Journal of Economic Literature ' ' for classifying new books and articles . The relevant categories are listed below ( simplified below to omit Miscellaneous and Other JEL codes ) , as reproduced from JEL classification codes#Mathematical and quantitative methods JEL : C Subcategories . ' ' The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics ' ' ( 2008 , 2nd ed. ) also uses the JEL codes to classify its entries . The corresponding footnotes below have links to abstracts of ' ' The New Palgrave ' ' for each JEL category ( 10 or fewer per page , similar to Google searches ) . : JEL : C02 - Mathematical Methods ( following JEL : C00 - General and JEL : C01 - Econometrics ) : JEL : C6 - Mathematical Methods ; Programming Models ; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling : : JEL : C60 - General : : JEL : C61 - Optimization techniques ; Programming models ; Dynamic analysis : : JEL : C62 - Existence and stability conditions of equilibrium : : JEL : C63 - Computational techniques ; Simulation modeling : : JEL : C67 - Inputoutput models : : JEL : C68 - Computable General Equilibrium models : JEL : C7 - Game theory and Bargaining theory : : JEL : C70 - General : : JEL : C71 - Cooperative games : : JEL : C72 - Noncooperative games : : JEL : C73 - Stochastic and Dynamic games ; Evolutionary games ; Repeated Games : : JEL : C78 - Bargaining theory ; Matching theory # Criticisms and defences # # Adequacy of mathematics for qualitative and complicated economics # Friedrich Hayek contended that the use of formal techniques projects a scientific exactness that does not appropriately account for informational limitations faced by real economic agents . In an interview , the economic historian Robert Heilbroner stated : Heilbroner stated that some/much of economics is not naturally quantitative and therefore does not lend itself to mathematical exposition . # Testing predictions of mathematical economics # Philosopher Karl Popper discussed the scientific standing of economics in the 1940s and 1950s . He argued that mathematical economics suffered from being tautological . In other words , insofar that economics became a mathematical theory , mathematical economics ceased to rely on empirical refutation but rather relied on mathematical proofs and disproof . According to Popper , falsifiable assumptions can be tested by experiment and observation while unfalsifiable assumptions can be explored mathematically for their consequences and for their consistency with other assumptions . Sharing Popper 's concerns about assumptions in economics generally , and not just mathematical economics , Milton Friedman declared that all assumptions are unrealistic . Friedman proposed judging economic models by their predictive performance rather than by the match between their assumptions and reality . # Mathematical economics as a form of pure mathematics # Considering mathematical economics , J.M. Keynes wrote in ' ' The General Theory ' ' : In particular , Samuelson gave the example of microeconomics , writing that few people are ingenious enough to grasp its more complex parts .. ' ' without ' ' resorting to the language of mathematics , while most ordinary individuals can do so fairly easily ' ' with ' ' the aid of mathematics . Some economists state that mathematical economics deserves support just like other forms of mathematics , particularly its neighbors in mathematical optimization and mathematical statistics and increasingly in theoretical computer science . Mathematical economics and other mathematical sciences have a history in which theoretical advances have regularly contributed to the reform of the more applied branches of economics . In particular , following the program of John von Neumann , game theory now provides the foundations for describing much of applied economics , from statistical decision theory ( as games against nature ) and econometrics to general equilibrium theory and industrial organization . In the last decade , with the rise of the internet , mathematical economicists and optimization experts and computer scientists have worked on problems of pricing for on-line services --- their contributions using mathematics from cooperative game theory , nondifferentiable optimization , and combinatorial games . Robert M. Solow concluded that mathematical economics was the core infrastructure of contemporary economics : # Economics is no longer a fit conversation piece for ladies and gentlemen . It has become a technical subject . Like any technical subject it attracts some people who are more interested in the technique than the subject . That is too bad , but it may be inevitable . In any case , do not kid yourself : the technical core of economics is indispensable infrastructure for the political economy . That is why , if you consult a reference in contemporary economics looking for enlightenment about the world today , you will be led to technical economics , or history , or nothing at all . # # Mathematical economists # Prominent mathematical economists include , but are not limited to , the following ( by century of birth ) . # 19th century # Enrico Barone Antoine Augustin Cournot Francis Ysidro Edgeworth Irving Fisher William Stanley Jevons # 20th century # Charalambos D. Aliprantis R. G. D. Allen Maurice Allais Kenneth J. Arrow Robert J. Aumann Yves Balasko David Blackwell Lawrence E. Blume Graciela Chichilnisky George B. Dantzig Grard Debreu Jacques H. Drze David Gale Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Roger Guesnerie Frank Hahn John C. Harsanyi John R. Hicks Werner Hildenbrand Harold Hotelling Leonid Hurwicz Leonid Kantorovich Tjalling Koopmans David M. Kreps Harold W. Kuhn Edmond Malinvaud Andreu Mas-Colell Eric Maskin Nimrod Megiddo Jean-Franois Mertens James Mirrlees Roger Myerson John Forbes Nash , Jr . John von Neumann Edward C. Prescott Roy Radner Frank Ramsey Donald John Roberts Paul Samuelson Thomas Sargent Leonard J. Savage Herbert Scarf Reinhard Selten Amartya Sen Lloyd S. Shapley Stephen Smale Robert Solow Hugo F. Sonnenschein Albert W. Tucker Hirofumi Uzawa Robert B. Wilson Hermann Wold Nicholas C. Yannelis # See also/Related fields # Econophysics Mathematical finance # Notes # @@20556859 In mathematics , a matrix ( plural matrices ) is a rectangular ' ' array ' ' of numbers , symbols , or expressions , arranged in ' ' rows ' ' and ' ' columns ' ' . The individual items in a matrix are called its ' ' elements ' ' or ' ' entries ' ' . An example of a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns is : beginbmatrix1 & 9 & -13 20 & 5 & -6 endbmatrix . Matrices of the same size can be added or subtracted element by element . But the rule for matrix multiplication is that two matrices can be multiplied only when the number of columns in the first equals the number of rows in the second . A major application of matrices is to represent linear transformations , that is , generalizations of linear functions such as 4 ' ' x ' ' . For example , the rotation of vectors in three dimensional space is a linear transformation which can be represented by a rotation matrix R . If v is a column vector ( a matrix with only one column ) describing the position of a point in space , the product Rv is a column vector describing the position of that point after a rotation . The product of two matrices is a matrix that represents the composition of two linear transformations . Another application of matrices is in the solution of a system of linear equations . If the matrix is square , it is possible to deduce some of its properties by computing its determinant . For example , a square matrix has an inverse if and only if its determinant is not zero . Eigenvalues and eigenvectors provide insight into the geometry of linear transformations . Applications of matrices are found in most scientific fields . In every branch of physics , including classical mechanics , optics , electromagnetism , quantum mechanics , and quantum electrodynamics , they are used to study physical phenomena , such as the motion of rigid bodies . In computer graphics , they are used to project a 3-dimensional image onto a 2-dimensional screen . In probability theory and statistics , stochastic matrices are used to describe sets of probabilities ; for instance , they are used within the PageRank algorithm that ranks the pages in a Google search . Matrix calculus generalizes classical analytical notions such as derivatives and exponentials to higher dimensions . A major branch of numerical analysis is devoted to the development of efficient algorithms for matrix computations , a subject that is centuries old and is today an expanding area of research . Matrix decomposition methods simplify computations , both theoretically and practically . Algorithms that are tailored to particular matrix structures , such as sparse matrices and near-diagonal matrices , expedite computations in finite element method and other computations . Infinite matrices occur in planetary theory and in atomic theory . A simple example of an infinite matrix is the matrix representing the derivative operator , which acts on the Taylor series of a function . # Definition # A ' ' matrix ' ' is a rectangular array of numbers or other mathematical objects , for which operations such as addition and multiplication are defined . Most commonly , a matrix over a field ' ' F ' ' is a rectangular array of scalars from ' ' F ' ' . Most of this article focuses on ' ' real ' ' and ' ' complex matrices ' ' , i.e. , matrices whose elements are real numbers or complex numbers , respectively . More general types of entries are discussed below . For instance , this is a real matrix : : mathbfA = beginbmatrix -1.3 & 0.6 20.4 & 5.5 9.7 & -6.2 endbmatrix . The numbers , symbols or expressions in the matrix are called its ' ' entries ' ' or its ' ' elements ' ' . The horizontal and vertical lines of entries in a matrix are called ' ' rows ' ' and ' ' columns ' ' , respectively . # Size # The size of a matrix is defined by the number of rows and columns that it contains . A matrix with ' ' m ' ' rows and ' ' n ' ' columns is called an ' ' m ' ' ' ' n ' ' matrix or ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix , while ' ' m ' ' and ' ' n ' ' are called its ' ' dimensions ' ' . For example , the matrix A above is a 3 2 matrix . Matrices which have a single row are called ' ' row vectors ' ' , and those which have a single column are called ' ' column vectors ' ' . A matrix which has the same number of rows and columns is called a ' ' square matrix ' ' . A matrix with an infinite number of rows or columns ( or both ) is called an ' ' infinite matrix ' ' . In some contexts such as computer algebra programs it is useful to consider a matrix with no rows or no columns , called an ' ' empty matrix ' ' . # Notation # Matrices are commonly written in box brackets : : mathbfA = beginbmatrix a11 & a12 & cdots & a1n a21 & a22 & cdots & a2n vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots am1 & am2 & cdots & amn endbmatrix . An alternative notation uses large parentheses instead of box brackets : : mathbfA = left ( beginarrayrrrr a11 & a12 & cdots & a1n a21 & a22 & cdots & a2n vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots am1 & am2 & cdots & amn endarray right ) . The specifics of symbolic matrix notation varies widely , with some prevailing trends . Matrices are usually symbolized using upper-case letters ( such as A in the examples above ) , while the corresponding lower-case letters , with two subscript indices ( e.g. , ' ' a ' ' 11 , or ' ' a ' ' 1,1 ) , represent the entries . In addition to using upper-case letters to symbolize matrices , many authors use a special typographical style , commonly boldface upright ( non-italic ) , to further distinguish matrices from other mathematical objects . An alternative notation involves the use of a double-underline with the variable name , with or without boldface style , ( e.g. , underlineunderlineA ) . The entry in the ' ' i ' ' -th row and ' ' j ' ' -th column of a matrix A is sometimes referred to as the ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' , ( ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' ) , or ( ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' ) th entry of the matrix , and most commonly denoted as ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' , or ' ' a ' ' ' ' ij ' ' . Alternative notations for that entry are ' ' A ' ' ' ' i , j ' ' or ' ' A ' ' ' ' i , j ' ' . For example , the ( 1,3 ) entry of the following matrix A is 5 ( also denoted ' ' a ' ' 13 , ' ' a ' ' 1,3 , ' ' A ' ' ' ' 1,3 ' ' or ' ' A ' ' ' ' 1,3 ' ' ) : : mathbfA=beginbmatrix 4 & -7 & colorred5 & 0 -2 & 0 & 11 & 8 19 & 1 & -3 & 12 endbmatrix Sometimes , the entries of a matrix can be defined by a formula such as ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' = ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' ) . For example , each of the entries of the following matrix A is determined by ' ' a ' ' ' ' ij ' ' = ' ' i ' ' ' ' j ' ' . : mathbf A = beginbmatrix 0 & -1 & -2 & -3 1 & 0 & -1 & -2 2 & 1 & 0 & -1 endbmatrix In this case , the matrix itself is sometimes defined by that formula , within square brackets or double parenthesis . For example , the matrix above is defined as A = ' ' i ' ' - ' ' j ' ' , or A = ( ( ' ' i ' ' - ' ' j ' ' ) . If matrix size is ' ' m ' ' ' ' n ' ' , the above-mentioned formula ' ' f ' ' ( ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' ) is valid for any ' ' i ' ' = 1 , ... , ' ' m ' ' and any ' ' j ' ' = 1 , ... , ' ' n ' ' . This can be either specified separately , or using ' ' m ' ' ' ' n ' ' as a subscript . For instance , the matrix A above is 3 4 and can be defined as A = ' ' i ' ' ' ' j ' ' ( ' ' i ' ' = 1 , 2 , 3 ; ' ' j ' ' = 1 , ... , 4 ) , or A = ' ' i ' ' ' ' j ' ' ' ' 3 ' ' ' ' 4 ' ' . Some programming languages utilize doubly subscripted arrays ( or arrays of arrays ) to represent an ' ' m ' ' -- ' ' n ' ' matrix . Some programming languages start the numbering of array indexes at zero , in which case the entries of an ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix are indexed by and . This article follows the more common convention in mathematical writing where enumeration starts from 1 . The set of all ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices is denoted ( ' ' m ' ' , ' ' n ' ' ) . # Basic operations # There are a number of basic operations that can be applied to modify matrices , called ' ' matrix addition ' ' , ' ' scalar multiplication ' ' , ' ' transposition ' ' , ' ' matrix multiplication ' ' , ' ' row operations ' ' , and ' ' submatrix ' ' . # Addition , scalar multiplication and transposition # Familiar properties of numbers extend to these operations of matrices : for example , addition is commutative , i.e. , the matrix sum does not depend on the order of the summands : A + B = B + A . The transpose is compatible with addition and scalar multiplication , as expressed by ( ' ' c ' ' A ) T = ' ' c ' ' ( A T ) and ( A + B ) T = A T + B T . Finally , ( A T ) T = A . # Matrix multiplication # ' ' Multiplication ' ' of two matrices is defined if and only if the number of columns of the left matrix is the same as the number of rows of the right matrix . If A is an ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix and B is an ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' p ' ' matrix , then their ' ' matrix product ' ' AB is the ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' p ' ' matrix whose entries are given by dot product of the corresponding row of A and the corresponding column of B : : *26;519;cite mathbfABi , j = Ai , 1B1 , j + Ai , 2B2 , j + cdots + Ai , nBn , j = sumr=1n Ai , rBr , j , where 1 ' ' i ' ' ' ' m ' ' and 1 ' ' j ' ' ' ' p ' ' . The product AB may be defined without BA being defined , namely if A and B are ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' and ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' k ' ' matrices , respectively , and Even if both products are defined , they need not be equal , i.e. , generally : AB BA , i.e. , *27;547;cite matrix multiplication is not commutative , in marked contrast to ( rational , real , or complex ) numbers whose product is independent of the order of the factors . An example of two matrices not commuting with each other is : : beginbmatrix 1 & 2 3 & 4 endbmatrix beginbmatrix 0 & 1 0 & 0 endbmatrix= beginbmatrix 0 & 1 0 & 3 endbmatrix , whereas : beginbmatrix 0 & 1 0 & 0 endbmatrix beginbmatrix 1 & 2 3 & 4 endbmatrix= beginbmatrix 3 & 4 0 & 0 endbmatrix . Besides the ordinary matrix multiplication just described , there exist other less frequently used operations on matrices that can be considered forms of multiplication , such as the Hadamard product and the Kronecker product . They arise in solving matrix equations such as the Sylvester equation . # Row operations # There are three types of row operations : # row addition , that is adding a row to another . # row multiplication , that is multiplying all entries of a row by a non-zero constant ; # row switching , that is interchanging two rows of a matrix ; These operations are used in a number of ways , including solving linear equations and finding matrix inverses. # Submatrix # A submatrix of a matrix is obtained by deleting any collection of rows and/or columns . For example , for the following 3-by-4 matrix , we can construct a 2-by-3 submatrix by removing row 3 and column 2 : : mathbfA=beginbmatrix colorred1 & 2 & colorred3 & colorred 4 colorred5 & 6 & colorred7 & colorred8 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 endbmatrix rightarrow beginbmatrix 1 & 3 & 4 5 & 7 & 8 endbmatrix . The minors and cofactors of a matrix are found by computing the determinant of certain submatrices. # Linear equations # Matrices can be used to compactly write and work with multiple linear equations , i.e. , systems of linear equations . For example , if A is an ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix , x designates a column vector ( i.e. , ' ' n ' ' 1-matrix ) of ' ' n ' ' variables ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' x ' ' 2 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' , and b is an ' ' m ' ' 1-column vector , then the matrix equation : Ax = b is equivalent to the system of linear equations : ' ' A ' ' 1,1 ' ' x ' ' 1 + ' ' A ' ' 1,2 ' ' x ' ' 2 + .. + ' ' A ' ' 1 , ' ' n ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' = ' ' b ' ' 1 : ... : ' ' A ' ' ' ' m ' ' , 1 ' ' x ' ' 1 + ' ' A ' ' ' ' m ' ' , 2 ' ' x ' ' 2 + .. + ' ' A ' ' ' ' m ' ' , ' ' n ' ' ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' = ' ' b ' ' ' ' m ' ' . # Linear transformations # Matrices and matrix multiplication reveal their essential features when related to ' ' linear transformations ' ' , also known as ' ' linear maps ' ' . *23;576;cite A real ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix A gives rise to a linear transformation R ' ' n ' ' R ' ' m ' ' mapping each vector x in R ' ' n ' ' to the ( matrix ) product Ax , which is a vector in R ' ' m ' ' . Conversely , each linear transformation ' ' f ' ' : R ' ' n ' ' R ' ' m ' ' arises from a unique ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix A : explicitly , the of A is the ' ' i ' ' th coordinate of ' ' f ' ' ( e ' ' j ' ' ) , where e ' ' j ' ' = ( 0 , ... , 0,1,0 , ... , 0 ) is the unit vector with 1 in the ' ' j ' ' th position and 0 elsewhere . The matrix A is said to represent the linear map ' ' f ' ' , and A is called the ' ' transformation matrix ' ' of ' ' f ' ' . For example , the 22 matrix : mathbf A = beginbmatrix a & cb & d endbmatrix , can be viewed as the transform of the unit square into a parallelogram with vertices at , , , and . The parallelogram pictured at the right is obtained by multiplying A with each of the column vectors beginbmatrix 0 0 endbmatrix , beginbmatrix 1 0 endbmatrix , beginbmatrix 1 1 endbmatrix and beginbmatrix0 1endbmatrix in turn . These vectors define the vertices of the unit square . The following table shows a number of 2-by-2 matrices with the associated linear maps of R 2 . The blue original is mapped to the green grid and shapes . The origin ( 0,0 ) is marked with a black point . Under the 1-to-1 correspondence between matrices and linear maps , matrix multiplication corresponds to composition of maps : if a ' ' k ' ' -by- ' ' m ' ' matrix B represents another linear map ' ' g ' ' : R ' ' m ' ' R ' ' k ' ' , then the composition is represented by BA since : ( ' ' g ' ' ' ' f ' ' ) ( x ) = ' ' g ' ' ( ' ' f ' ' ( x ) = ' ' g ' ' ( Ax ) = B ( Ax ) = ( BA ) x . The last equality follows from the above-mentioned associativity of matrix multiplication . The rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent row vectors of the matrix , which is the same as the maximum number of linearly independent column vectors . Equivalently it is the dimension of the image of the linear map represented by A . The rank-nullity theorem states that the dimension of the kernel of a matrix plus the rank equals the number of columns of the matrix . # Square matrices # A square matrix is a matrix with the same number of rows and columns . An ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix is known as a square matrix of order ' ' n . ' ' Any two square matrices of the same order can be added and multiplied . The entries ' ' a ' ' ' ' ii ' ' form the main diagonal of a square matrix . They lie on the imaginary line which runs from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the matrix . # Main types # : # # Diagonal and triangular matrices # # If all entries of A below the main diagonal are zero , A is called an ' ' upper triangular matrix ' ' . Similarly if all entries of ' ' A ' ' above the main diagonal are zero , A is called a ' ' lower triangular matrix ' ' . If all entries outside the main diagonal are zero , A is called a diagonal matrix . # # Identity matrix # # The identity matrix I ' ' n ' ' of size ' ' n ' ' is the ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix in which all the elements on the main diagonal are equal to 1 and all other elements are equal to 0 , e.g. : I1 = beginbmatrix 1 endbmatrix , I2 = beginbmatrix 1 & 0 0 & 1 endbmatrix , cdots , In = beginbmatrix 1 & 0 & cdots & 0 0 & 1 & cdots & 0 vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots 0 & 0 & cdots & 1 endbmatrix It is a square matrix of order ' ' n ' ' , and also a special kind of diagonal matrix . It is called identity matrix because multiplication with it leaves a matrix unchanged : : AI ' ' n ' ' = I ' ' m ' ' A = A for any ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix A . # #Symmetric or skew-symmetric matrix# # A square matrix A that is equal to its transpose , i.e. , A = A T , is a symmetric matrix . If instead , A was equal to the negative of its transpose , i.e. , A = A T , then A is a skew-symmetric matrix . In complex matrices , symmetry is often replaced by the concept of Hermitian matrices , which satisfy A = A , where the star or asterisk denotes the conjugate transpose of the matrix , i.e. , the transpose of the complex conjugate of A . By the spectral theorem , real symmetric matrices and complex Hermitian matrices have an eigenbasis ; i.e. , every vector is expressible as a linear combination of eigenvectors . In both cases , all eigenvalues are real . This theorem can be generalized to infinite-dimensional situations related to matrices with infinitely many rows and columns , see below . # #Invertible matrix and its inverse# # A square matrix A is called ' ' invertible ' ' or ' ' non-singular ' ' if there exists a matrix B such that : AB = BA = I ' ' n ' ' . If B exists , it is unique and is called the ' ' inverse matrix ' ' of A , denoted A 1 . # #Definite matrix# # A symmetric ' ' n ' ' ' ' n ' ' -matrix is called ' ' positive-definite ' ' ( respectively negative-definite ; indefinite ) , if for all nonzero vectors x R ' ' n ' ' the associated quadratic form given by : *27;601;cite ' ' Q ' ' ( x ) = x T Ax takes only positive values ( respectively only negative values ; both some negative and some positive values ) . If the quadratic form takes only non-negative ( respectively only non-positive ) values , the symmetric matrix is called positive-semidefinite ( respectively negative-semidefinite ) ; hence the matrix is indefinite precisely when it is neither positive-semidefinite nor negative-semidefinite . A symmetric matrix is positive-definite if and only if all its eigenvalues are positive , i.e. , the matrix is positive-semidefinite and it is invertible . The table at the right shows two possibilities for 2-by-2 matrices . Allowing as input two different vectors instead yields the bilinear form associated to A : : ' ' B ' ' A ( x , y ) = x T Ay . # # Orthogonal matrix # # An ' ' orthogonal matrix ' ' is a square matrix with real entries whose columns and rows are orthogonal unit vectors ( i.e. , orthonormal vectors ) . Equivalently , a matrix ' ' A ' ' is orthogonal if its transpose is equal to its inverse : : AmathrmT=A-1 , , which entails : AmathrmT A = A AmathrmT = I , , where ' ' I ' ' is the identity matrix . An orthogonal matrix ' ' A ' ' is necessarily invertible ( with inverse ) , unitary ( ) , and normal ( ) . The determinant of any orthogonal matrix is either +1 or 1 . A ' ' special orthogonal matrix ' ' is an orthogonal matrix with determinant +1 . As a linear transformation , every orthogonal matrix with determinant +1 is a pure rotation , while every orthogonal matrix with determinant -1 is either a pure reflection , or a composition of reflection and rotation . The complex analogue of an orthogonal matrix is a unitary matrix . # Main operations # # #Trace# # The trace , tr ( A ) of a square matrix A is the sum of its diagonal entries . While matrix multiplication is not commutative as mentioned above , the trace of the product of two matrices is independent of the order of the factors : : tr ( AB ) = tr ( BA ) . This is immediate from the definition of matrix multiplication : : *35;630;TOOLONG = sumi=1m sumj=1n Aij Bji = operatornametr(mathsfBA) . Also , the trace of a matrix is equal to that of its transpose , i.e. , : tr ( A ) = tr ( A T ) . # #Determinant# # The ' ' determinant ' ' det ( A ) or A of a square matrix A is a number encoding certain properties of the matrix . A matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is nonzero . Its absolute value equals the area ( in R 2 ) or volume ( in R 3 ) of the image of the unit square ( or cube ) , while its sign corresponds to the orientation of the corresponding linear map : the determinant is positive if and only if the orientation is preserved . The determinant of 2-by-2 matrices is given by : det *36;667;TOOLONG = ad-bc . The determinant of 3-by-3 matrices involves 6 terms ( rule of Sarrus ) . The more lengthy Leibniz formula generalises these two formulae to all dimensions . The determinant of a product of square matrices equals the product of their determinants : : det ( AB ) = det ( A ) det ( B ) . Using these operations , any matrix can be transformed to a lower ( or upper ) triangular matrix , and for such matrices the determinant equals the product of the entries on the main diagonal ; this provides a method to calculate the determinant of any matrix . Finally , the Laplace expansion expresses the determinant in terms of minors , i.e. , determinants of smaller matrices . This expansion can be used for a recursive definition of determinants ( taking as starting case the determinant of a 1-by-1 matrix , which is its unique entry , or even the determinant of a 0-by-0 matrix , which is 1 ) , that can be seen to be equivalent to the Leibniz formula . Determinants can be used to solve linear systems using Cramer 's rule , where the division of the determinants of two related square matrices equates to the value of each of the system 's variables . # #Eigenvalues and eigenvectors# # A number and a non-zero vector v satisfying : Av = v are called an ' ' eigenvalue ' ' and an ' ' eigenvector ' ' of A , respectively . *16;705;ref ' ' Eigen ' ' means own in German and in Dutch . The number is an eigenvalue of an ' ' n ' ' ' ' n ' ' -matrix A if and only if A I ' ' n ' ' is not invertible , which is equivalent to : det ( mathsfA-lambda mathsfI ) = 0 . The polynomial ' ' p ' ' A in an indeterminate ' ' X ' ' given by evaluation the determinant det ( ' ' X ' ' I ' ' n ' ' A ) is called the characteristic polynomial of A . It is a monic polynomial of degree ' ' n ' ' . Therefore the polynomial equation ' ' p ' ' A ( ) = 0 has at most ' ' n ' ' different solutions , i.e. , eigenvalues of the matrix . They may be complex even if the entries of A are real . According to the CayleyHamilton theorem , ' ' p ' ' A ( A ) = 0 , that is , the result of substituting the matrix itself into its own characteristic polynomial yields the zero matrix . # Computational aspects # Matrix calculations can be often performed with different techniques . Many problems can be solved by both direct algorithms or iterative approaches . For example , the eigenvectors of a square matrix can be obtained by finding a sequence of vectors x ' ' n ' ' converging to an eigenvector when ' ' n ' ' tends to infinity . To be able to choose the more appropriate algorithm for each specific problem , it is important to determine both the effectiveness and precision of all the available algorithms . The domain studying these matters is called numerical linear algebra . As with other numerical situations , two main aspects are the complexity of algorithms and their numerical stability . Determining the complexity of an algorithm means finding upper bounds or estimates of how many elementary operations such as additions and multiplications of scalars are necessary to perform some algorithm , e.g. , multiplication of matrices . For example , calculating the matrix product of two ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrix using the definition given above needs ' ' n ' ' 3 multiplications , since for any of the ' ' n ' ' 2 entries of the product , ' ' n ' ' multiplications are necessary . The Strassen algorithm outperforms this naive algorithm ; it needs only ' ' n ' ' 2.807 multiplications . A refined approach also incorporates specific features of the computing devices . In many practical situations additional information about the matrices involved is known . An important case are sparse matrices , i.e. , matrices most of whose entries are zero . There are specifically adapted algorithms for , say , solving linear systems Ax = b for sparse matrices A , such as the conjugate gradient method . An algorithm is , roughly speaking , numerically stable , if little deviations in the input values do not lead to big deviations in the result . For example , calculating the inverse of a matrix via Laplace 's formula ( Adj ( A ) denotes the adjugate matrix of A ) : A 1 = Adj ( A ) / det ( A ) may lead to significant rounding errors if the determinant of the matrix is very small . The norm of a matrix can be used to capture the conditioning of linear algebraic problems , such as computing a matrix ' inverse . Although most computer languages are not designed with commands or libraries for matrices , as early as the 1970s , some engineering desktop computers such as the HP 9830 had ROM cartridges to add BASIC commands for matrices . Some computer languages such as APL were designed to manipulate matrices , and various mathematical programs can be used to aid computing with matrices . # Decomposition # There are several methods to render matrices into a more easily accessible form . They are generally referred to as ' ' matrix decomposition ' ' or ' ' matrix factorization ' ' techniques . The interest of all these techniques is that they preserve certain properties of the matrices in question , such as determinant , rank or inverse , so that these quantities can be calculated after applying the transformation , or that certain matrix operations are algorithmically easier to carry out for some types of matrices . The LU decomposition factors matrices as a product of lower ( L ) and an upper triangular matrices ( U ) . Once this decomposition is calculated , linear systems can be solved more efficiently , by a simple technique called forward and back substitution . Likewise , inverses of triangular matrices are algorithmically easier to calculate . The ' ' Gaussian elimination ' ' is a similar algorithm ; it transforms any matrix to row echelon form . Both methods proceed by multiplying the matrix by suitable elementary matrices , which correspond to permuting rows or columns and adding multiples of one row to another row . Singular value decomposition expresses any matrix A as a product UDV , where U and V are unitary matrices and D is a diagonal matrix . The eigendecomposition or ' ' diagonalization ' ' expresses A as a product VDV 1 , where D is a diagonal matrix and V is a suitable invertible matrix . If A can be written in this form , it is called diagonalizable . More generally , and applicable to all matrices , the Jordan decomposition transforms a matrix into Jordan normal form , that is to say matrices whose only nonzero entries are the eigenvalues 1 to n of A , placed on the main diagonal and possibly entries equal to one directly above the main diagonal , as shown at the right . Given the eigendecomposition , the ' ' n ' ' th power of A ( i.e. , ' ' n ' ' -fold iterated matrix multiplication ) can be calculated via : A ' ' n ' ' = ( VDV 1 ) ' ' n ' ' = VDV 1 VDV 1 .. VDV 1 = VD ' ' n ' ' V 1 and the power of a diagonal matrix can be calculated by taking the corresponding powers of the diagonal entries , which is much easier than doing the exponentiation for A instead . This can be used to compute the matrix exponential ' ' e ' ' A , a need frequently arising in solving linear differential equations , matrix logarithms and square roots of matrices . To avoid numerically ill-conditioned situations , further algorithms such as the Schur decomposition can be employed . # Abstract algebraic aspects and generalizations # Matrices can be generalized in different ways . Abstract algebra uses matrices with entries in more general fields or even rings , while linear algebra codifies properties of matrices in the notion of linear maps . It is possible to consider matrices with infinitely many columns and rows . Another extension are tensors , which can be seen as higher-dimensional arrays of numbers , as opposed to vectors , which can often be realised as sequences of numbers , while matrices are rectangular or two-dimensional array of numbers . Matrices , subject to certain requirements tend to form groups known as matrix groups . # Matrices with more general entries # This article focuses on matrices whose entries are real or complex numbers . *32;723;cite However , matrices can be considered with much more general types of entries than real or complex numbers . As a first step of generalization , any field , i.e. , a set where addition , subtraction , multiplication and division operations are defined and well-behaved , may be used instead of R or C , for example rational numbers or finite fields . For example , coding theory makes use of matrices over finite fields . Wherever eigenvalues are considered , as these are roots of a polynomial they may exist only in a larger field than that of the coefficients of the matrix ; for instance they may be complex in case of a matrix with real entries . The possibility to reinterpret the entries of a matrix as elements of a larger field ( e.g. , to view a real matrix as a complex matrix whose entries happen to be all real ) then allows considering each square matrix to possess a full set of eigenvalues . Alternatively one can consider only matrices with entries in an algebraically closed field , such as C , from the outset . More generally , abstract algebra makes great use of matrices with entries in a ring ' ' R ' ' . Rings are a more general notion than fields in that a division operation need not exist . The very same addition and multiplication operations of matrices extend to this setting , too . The set M ( ' ' n ' ' , ' ' R ' ' ) of all square ' ' n ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices over ' ' R ' ' is a ring called matrix ring , isomorphic to the endomorphism ring of the left ' ' R ' ' -module ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' . If the ring ' ' R ' ' is commutative , i.e. , its multiplication is commutative , then M ( ' ' n ' ' , ' ' R ' ' ) is a unitary noncommutative ( unless ' ' n ' ' = 1 ) associative algebra over ' ' R ' ' . The determinant of square matrices over a commutative ring ' ' R ' ' can still be defined using the Leibniz formula ; such a matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is invertible in ' ' R ' ' , generalising the situation over a field ' ' F ' ' , where every nonzero element is invertible . Matrices over superrings are called supermatrices . Matrices do not always have all their entries in the same ring or even in any ring at all . One special but common case is block matrices , which may be considered as matrices whose entries themselves are matrices . The entries need not be quadratic matrices , and thus need not be members of any ordinary ring ; but their sizes must fulfil certain compatibility conditions . # Relationship to linear maps # Linear maps R ' ' n ' ' R ' ' m ' ' are equivalent to ' ' m ' ' -by- ' ' n ' ' matrices , as described above . More generally , any linear map between finite-dimensional vector spaces can be described by a matrix A = ( ' ' a ' ' ' ' ij ' ' ) , after choosing bases v 1 , ... , v ' ' n ' ' of ' ' V ' ' , and w 1 , ... , w ' ' m ' ' of ' ' W ' ' ( so ' ' n ' ' is the dimension of ' ' V ' ' and ' ' m ' ' is the dimension of ' ' W ' ' ) , which is such that : f(mathbfvj) = sumi=1m ai , j mathbfwiqquadmboxfor j=1 , ldots , n . In other words , column ' ' j ' ' of ' ' A ' ' expresses the image of v ' ' j ' ' in terms of the basis vectors w ' ' i ' ' of ' ' W ' ' ; thus this relation uniquely determines the entries of the matrix A . Note that the matrix depends on the choice of the bases : different choices of bases give rise to different , but equivalent matrices . Many of the above concrete notions can be reinterpreted in this light , for example , the transpose matrix A ' ' T ' ' describes the transpose of the linear map given by A , with respect to the dual bases . These properties can be restated in a more natural way : the category of all matrices with entries in a field k with multiplication as composition is equivalent to the category of finite dimensional vector spaces and linear maps over this field . More generally , the set of ' ' m ' ' ' ' n ' ' matrices can be used to represent the ' ' R ' ' -linear maps between the free modules ' ' R ' ' ' ' m ' ' and ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' for an arbitrary ring ' ' R ' ' with unity . When ' ' n ' ' = ' ' m ' ' composition of these maps is possible , and this gives rise to the matrix ring of ' ' n ' ' ' ' n ' ' matrices representing the endomorphism ring of ' ' R ' ' ' ' n ' ' . # Matrix groups # A group is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of objects together with a binary operation , i.e. , an operation combining any two objects to a third , subject to certain requirements . A group in which the objects are matrices and the group operation is matrix multiplication is called a ' ' matrix group ' ' . *16;757;ref Additionally , the group is required to be closed in the general linear group . Since in a group every element has to be invertible , the most general matrix groups are the groups of all invertible matrices of a given size , called the general linear groups . Any property of matrices that is preserved under matrix products and inverses can be used to define further matrix groups . For example , matrices with a given size and with a determinant of 1 form a subgroup of ( i.e. , a smaller group contained in ) their general linear group , called a special linear group . Orthogonal matrices , determined by the condition : M T M = I , form the orthogonal group . Every orthogonal matrix has determinant 1 or 1 . Orthogonal matrices with determinant 1 form a subgroup called ' ' special orthogonal group ' ' . Every finite group is isomorphic to a matrix group , as one can see by considering the regular representation of the symmetric group . General groups can be studied using matrix groups , which are comparatively well-understood , by means of representation theory . # Infinite matrices # It is also possible to consider matrices with infinitely many rows and/or columns even if , being infinite objects , one can not write down such matrices explicitly . All that matters is that for every element in the set indexing rows , and every element in the set indexing columns , there is a well-defined entry ( these index sets need not even be subsets of the natural numbers ) . The basic operations of addition , subtraction , scalar multiplication and transposition can still be defined without problem ; however matrix multiplication may involve infinite summations to define the resulting entries , and these are not defined in general . If ' ' R ' ' is any ring with unity , then the ring of endomorphisms of M=bigoplusiin IR as a right ' ' R ' ' module is isomorphic to the ring of column finite matrices mathbbCFMI(R) whose entries are indexed by Itimes I , and whose columns each contain only finitely many nonzero entries . The endomorphisms of ' ' M ' ' considered as a left ' ' R ' ' module result in an analogous object , the row finite matrices mathbbRFMI(R) whose rows each only have finitely many nonzero entries . If infinite matrices are used to describe linear maps , then only those matrices can be used all of whose columns have but a finite number of nonzero entries , for the following reason . For a matrix A to describe a linear map ' ' f ' ' : ' ' V ' ' ' ' W ' ' , bases for both spaces must have been chosen ; recall that by definition this means that every vector in the space can be written uniquely as a ( finite ) linear combination of basis vectors , so that written as a ( column ) vector ' ' v ' ' of coefficients , only finitely many entries ' ' v ' ' ' ' i ' ' are nonzero . Now the columns of A describe the images by ' ' f ' ' of individual basis vectors of ' ' V ' ' in the basis of ' ' W ' ' , which is only meaningful if these columns have only finitely many nonzero entries . There is no restriction on the rows of ' ' A ' ' however : in the product A ' ' v ' ' there are only finitely many nonzero coefficients of ' ' v ' ' involved , so every one of its entries , even if it is given as an infinite sum of products , involves only finitely many nonzero terms and is therefore well defined . Moreover this amounts to forming a linear combination of the columns of A that effectively involves only finitely many of them , whence the result has only finitely many nonzero entries , because each of those columns do . One also sees that products of two matrices of the given type is well defined ( provided as usual that the column-index and row-index sets match ) , is again of the same type , and corresponds to the composition of linear maps . If ' ' R ' ' is a normed ring , then the condition of row or column finiteness can be relaxed . With the norm in place , absolutely convergent series can be used instead of finite sums . For example , the matrices whose column sums are absolutely convergent sequences form a ring . Analogously of course , the matrices whose row sums are absolutely convergent series also form a ring . In that vein , infinite matrices can also be used to describe operators on Hilbert spaces , where convergence and continuity questions arise , which again results in certain constraints that have to be imposed . However , the explicit point of view of matrices tends to obfuscate the matter , *16;775;ref Not much of matrix theory carries over to infinite-dimensional spaces , and what does is not so useful , but it sometimes helps . and the abstract and more powerful tools of functional analysis can be used instead . # Empty matrices # An ' ' empty matrix ' ' is a matrix in which the number of rows or columns ( or both ) is zero . Empty matrices help dealing with maps involving the zero vector space . For example , if ' ' A ' ' is a 3-by-0 matrix and ' ' B ' ' is a 0-by-3 matrix , then ' ' AB ' ' is the 3-by-3 zero matrix corresponding to the null map from a 3-dimensional space ' ' V ' ' to itself , while ' ' BA ' ' is a 0-by-0 matrix . There is no common notation for empty matrices , but most computer algebra systems allow creating and computing with them . The determinant of the 0-by-0 matrix is 1 as follows from regarding the empty product occurring in the Leibniz formula for the determinant as 1 . This value is also consistent with the fact that the identity map from any finite dimensional space to itself has determinant 1 , a fact that is often used as a part of the characterization of determinants . # Applications # There are numerous applications of matrices , both in mathematics and other sciences . Some of them merely take advantage of the compact representation of a set of numbers in a matrix . For example , in game theory and economics , the payoff matrix encodes the payoff for two players , depending on which out of a given ( finite ) set of alternatives the players choose . Text mining and automated thesaurus compilation makes use of document-term matrices such as tf-idf to track frequencies of certain words in several documents . Complex numbers can be represented by particular real 2-by-2 matrices via : a + ib leftrightarrow beginbmatrix a & -b b & a endbmatrix , under which addition and multiplication of complex numbers and matrices correspond to each other . For example , 2-by-2 rotation matrices represent the multiplication with some complex number of absolute value 1 , as above . A similar interpretation is possible for quaternions , and also for Clifford algebras in general . Early encryption techniques such as the Hill cipher also used matrices . However , due to the linear nature of matrices , these codes are comparatively easy to break . Computer graphics uses matrices both to represent objects and to calculate transformations of objects using affine rotation matrices to accomplish tasks such as projecting a three-dimensional object onto a two-dimensional screen , corresponding to a theoretical camera observation . Matrices over a polynomial ring are important in the study of control theory . Chemistry makes use of matrices in various ways , particularly since the use of quantum theory to discuss molecular bonding and spectroscopy . Examples are the overlap matrix and the Fock matrix used in solving the Roothaan equations to obtain the molecular orbitals of the HartreeFock method . # Graph theory # The adjacency matrix of a finite graph is a basic notion of graph theory . It records which vertices of the graph are connected by an edge . Matrices containing just two different values ( 1 and 0 meaning for example yes and no , respectively ) are called logical matrices . The distance ( or cost ) matrix contains information about distances of the edges . These concepts can be applied to websites connected hyperlinks or cities connected by roads etc. , in which case ( unless the road network is extremely dense ) the matrices tend to be sparse , i.e. , contain few nonzero entries . Therefore , specifically tailored matrix algorithms can be used in network theory . # Analysis and geometry # The Hessian matrix of a differentiable function ' ' ' ' : R ' ' n ' ' R consists of the second derivatives of ' ' ' ' with respect to the several coordinate directions , i.e. : H(f) = left frac partial2fpartial xi , partial xj right . It encodes information about the local growth behaviour of the function : given a critical point x = ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' x ' ' ' ' n ' ' ) , i.e. , a point where the first partial derivatives partial f / partial xi of ' ' ' ' vanish , the function has a local minimum if the Hessian matrix is positive definite . Quadratic programming can be used to find global minima or maxima of quadratic functions closely related to the ones attached to matrices ( see above ) . Another matrix frequently used in geometrical situations is the *25;793;cite Jacobi matrix of a differentiable map ' ' f ' ' : R ' ' n ' ' R ' ' m ' ' . If ' ' f ' ' 1 , ... , ' ' f ' ' ' ' m ' ' denote the components of ' ' f ' ' , then the Jacobi matrix is defined as : J(f) = left frac partial fipartial xj right 1 leq i leq m , 1 leq j leq n . If ' ' n ' ' ' ' m ' ' , and if the rank of the Jacobi matrix attains its maximal value ' ' m ' ' , ' ' f ' ' is locally invertible at that point , by the implicit function theorem . Partial differential equations can be classified by considering the matrix of coefficients of the highest-order differential operators of the equation . For elliptic partial differential equations this matrix is positive definite , which has decisive influence on the set of possible solutions of the equation in question . The finite element method is an important numerical method to solve partial differential equations , widely applied in simulating complex physical systems . It attempts to approximate the solution to some equation by piecewise linear functions , where the pieces are chosen with respect to a sufficiently fine grid , which in turn can be recast as a matrix equation . # Probability theory and statistics # Stochastic matrices are square matrices whose rows are probability vectors , i.e. , whose entries are non-negative and sum up to one . Stochastic matrices are used to define Markov chains with finitely many states . A row of the stochastic matrix gives the probability distribution for the next position of some particle currently in the state that corresponds to the row . Properties of the Markov chain like absorbing states , i.e. , states that any particle attains eventually , can be read off the eigenvectors of the transition matrices . Statistics also makes use of matrices in many different forms . Descriptive statistics is concerned with describing data sets , which can often be represented as data matrices , which may then be subjected to dimensionality reduction techniques . The covariance matrix encodes the mutual variance of several random variables . Another technique using matrices are linear least squares , a method that approximates a finite set of pairs ( ' ' x ' ' 1 , ' ' y ' ' 1 ) , ( ' ' x ' ' 2 , ' ' y ' ' 2 ) , ... , ( ' ' x ' ' ' ' N ' ' , ' ' y ' ' ' ' N ' ' ) , by a linear function : ' ' y ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' ax ' ' ' ' i ' ' + ' ' b ' ' , ' ' i ' ' = 1 , ... , ' ' N ' ' which can be formulated in terms of matrices , related to the singular value decomposition of matrices . Random matrices are matrices whose entries are random numbers , subject to suitable probability distributions , such as matrix normal distribution . Beyond probability theory , they are applied in domains ranging from number theory to physics . # Symmetries and transformations in physics # Linear transformations and the associated symmetries play a key role in modern physics . For example , elementary particles in quantum field theory are classified as representations of the Lorentz group of special relativity and , more specifically , by their behavior under the spin group . Concrete representations involving the Pauli matrices and more general gamma matrices are an integral part of the physical description of fermions , which behave as spinors . For the three lightest quarks , there is a group-theoretical representation involving the special unitary group SU(3) ; for their calculations , physicists use a convenient matrix representation known as the Gell-Mann matrices , which are also used for the SU(3) gauge group that forms the basis of the modern description of strong nuclear interactions , quantum chromodynamics . The CabibboKobayashiMaskawa matrix , in turn , expresses the fact that the basic quark states that are important for weak interactions are not the same as , but linearly related to the basic quark states that define particles with specific and distinct masses . # Linear combinations of quantum states # The first model of quantum mechanics ( Heisenberg , 1925 ) represented the theory 's operators by infinite-dimensional matrices acting on quantum states . This is also referred to as matrix mechanics . One particular example is the density matrix that characterizes the mixed state of a quantum system as a linear combination of elementary , pure eigenstates . Another matrix serves as a key tool for describing the scattering experiments that form the cornerstone of experimental particle physics : Collision reactions such as occur in particle accelerators , where non-interacting particles head towards each other and collide in a small interaction zone , with a new set of non-interacting particles as the result , can be described as the scalar product of outgoing particle states and a linear combination of ingoing particle states . The linear combination is given by a matrix known as the S-matrix , which encodes all information about the possible interactions between particles . # Normal modes # A general application of matrices in physics is to the description of linearly coupled harmonic systems . The equations of motion of such systems can be described in matrix form , with a mass matrix multiplying a generalized velocity to give the kinetic term , and a force matrix multiplying a displacement vector to characterize the interactions . The best way to obtain solutions is to determine the system 's eigenvectors , its normal modes , by diagonalizing the matrix equation . Techniques like this are crucial when it comes to the internal dynamics of molecules : the internal vibrations of systems consisting of mutually bound component atoms . They are also needed for describing mechanical vibrations , and oscillations in electrical circuits . # Geometrical optics # Geometrical optics provides further matrix applications . In this approximative theory , the wave nature of light is neglected . The result is a model in which light rays are indeed geometrical rays . If the deflection of light rays by optical elements is small , the action of a lens or reflective element on a given light ray can be expressed as multiplication of a two-component vector with a two-by-two matrix called ray transfer matrix : the vector 's components are the light ray 's slope and its distance from the optical axis , while the matrix encodes the properties of the optical element . Actually , there are two kinds of matrices , viz. a ' ' refraction matrix ' ' describing the refraction at a lens surface , and a ' ' translation matrix ' ' , describing the translation of the plane of reference to the next refracting surface , where another refraction matrix applies . The optical system , consisting of a combination of lenses and/or reflective elements , is simply described by the matrix resulting from the product of the components ' matrices . # Electronics # Traditional mesh analysis in electronics leads to a system of linear equations that can be described with a matrix . The behaviour of many electronic components can be described using matrices . Let ' ' A ' ' be a 2-dimensional vector with the component 's input voltage ' ' v ' ' 1 and input current ' ' i ' ' 1 as its elements , and let ' ' B ' ' be a 2-dimensional vector with the component 's output voltage ' ' v ' ' 2 and output current ' ' i ' ' 2 as its elements . Then the behaviour of the electronic component can be described by ' ' B ' ' = ' ' H ' ' ' ' A ' ' , where ' ' H ' ' is a 2 x 2 matrix containing one impedance element ( ' ' h ' ' 12 ) , one admittance element ( ' ' h ' ' 21 ) and two dimensionless elements ( ' ' h ' ' 11 and ' ' h ' ' 22 ) . Calculating a circuit now reduces to multiplying matrices . # History # Matrices have a long history of application in solving linear equations but they were known as arrays until the 1800s . The Chinese text ' ' The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art ' ' written in 10th2nd century BCE is the first example of the use of array methods to solve simultaneous equations , including the concept of determinants . In 1545 Italian mathematician Girolamo Cardano brought the method to Europe when he published ' ' Ars Magna ' ' . The Japanese mathematician Seki used the same array methods to solve simultaneous equations in 1683 . The Dutch Mathematician ' ' ' ' Jan de Witt represented transformations using arrays in his 1659 book ' ' Elements of Curves ' ' ( 1659 ) . Between 1700 and 1710 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz publicized the use of arrays for recording information or solutions and experimented with over 50 different systems of arrays . Cramer presented his rule in 1750 . The term matrix ( Latin for womb , derived from ' ' mater ' ' mother ) was coined by James Joseph Sylvester in 1850 , who understood a matrix as an object giving rise to a number of determinants today called minors , that is to say , determinants of smaller matrices that derive from the original one by removing columns and rows . In an 1851 paper , Sylvester explains : : I have in previous papers defined a Matrix as a rectangular array of terms , out of which different systems of determinants may be engendered as from the womb of a common parent . Arthur Cayley published a treatise on geometric transformations using matrices that were not rotated versions of the coefficients being investigated as had previously been done . Instead he defined operations such as addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division as transformations of those matrices and showed the associative and distributive properties held true . Cayley investigated and demonstrated the non-commutative property of matrix multiplication as well as the commutative property of matrix addition . Early matrix theory had limited the use of arrays almost exclusively to determinants and Arthur Cayley 's abstract matrix operations were revolutionary . He was instrumental in proposing a matrix concept independent of equation systems . In 1858 Cayley published his ' ' Memoir on the theory of matrices ' ' in which he proposed and demonstrated the Cayley-Hamilton theorem . An English mathematician named Cullis was the first to use modern bracket notation for matrices in 1913 and he simultaneously demonstrated the first significant use the notation A = ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' to represent a matrix where ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' refers to the ' ' i ' ' th row and the ' ' j ' ' th column . The study of determinants sprang from several sources . Number-theoretical problems led Gauss to relate coefficients of quadratic forms , i.e. , expressions such as and linear maps in three dimensions to matrices . Eisenstein further developed these notions , including the remark that , in modern parlance , matrix products are non-commutative . Cauchy was the first to prove general statements about determinants , using as definition of the determinant of a matrix A = ' ' a ' ' ' ' i ' ' , ' ' j ' ' the following : replace the powers ' ' a ' ' ' ' j ' ' ' ' k ' ' by ' ' a ' ' ' ' jk ' ' in the polynomial : a1 a2 cdots an prodi *25;820; , where denotes the product of the indicated terms . He also showed , in 1829 , that the eigenvalues of symmetric matrices are real . Jacobi studied functional determinants later called Jacobi determinants by Sylvesterwhich can be used to describe geometric transformations at a local ( or infinitesimal ) level , see above ; Kronecker 's ' ' Vorlesungen ber die Theorie der Determinanten ' ' and Weierstrass ' ' ' Zur Determinantentheorie ' ' , both published in 1903 , first treated determinants axiomatically , as opposed to previous more concrete approaches such as the mentioned formula of Cauchy . At that point , determinants were firmly established . Many theorems were first established for small matrices only , for example the CayleyHamilton theorem was proved for 22 matrices by Cayley in the aforementioned memoir , and by Hamilton for 44 matrices . Frobenius , working on bilinear forms , generalized the theorem to all dimensions ( 1898 ) . Also at the end of the 19th century the GaussJordan elimination ( generalizing a special case now known as Gauss elimination ) was established by Jordan . In the early 20th century , matrices attained a central role in linear algebra. partially due to their use in classification of the hypercomplex number systems of the previous century . The inception of matrix mechanics by Heisenberg , Born and Jordan led to studying matrices with infinitely many rows and columns . Later , von Neumann carried out the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics , by further developing functional analytic notions such as linear operators on Hilbert spaces , which , very roughly speaking , correspond to Euclidean space , but with an infinity of independent directions . # Other historical usages of the word matrix in mathematics # The word has been used in unusual ways by at least two authors of historical importance . Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead in their ' ' Principia Mathematica ' ' ( 19101913 ) use the word matrix in the context of their Axiom of reducibility . They proposed this axiom as a means to reduce any function to one of lower type , successively , so that at the bottom ( 0 order ) the function is identical to its extension : : Let us give the name of ' ' matrix ' ' to any function , of however many variables , which does not involve any apparent variables . Then any possible function other than a matrix is derived from a matrix by means of generalization , i.e. , by considering the proposition which asserts that the function in question is true with all possible values or with some value of one of the arguments , the other argument or arguments remaining undetermined . For example a function ( ' ' x , y ' ' ) of two variables ' ' x ' ' and ' ' y ' ' can be reduced to a ' ' collection ' ' of functions of a single variable , e.g. , ' ' y ' ' , by considering the function for all possible values of individuals ' ' a i ' ' substituted in place of variable ' ' x ' ' . And then the resulting collection of functions of the single variable ' ' y ' ' , i.e. , a i : ( ' ' a i , y ' ' ) , can be reduced to a matrix of values by considering the function for all possible values of individuals ' ' b i ' ' substituted in place of variable ' ' y ' ' : : b j a i : ( ' ' a i , ' ' b j ' ' ) . ' ' Alfred Tarski in his 1946 ' ' Introduction to Logic ' ' used the word matrix synonymously with the notion of truth table as used in mathematical logic . @@24295969 Applied mathematics is a branch of mathematics that concerns itself with mathematical methods that are typically used in science , engineering , business , and industry . Thus , applied mathematics is a mathematical science with specialized knowledge . The term applied mathematics also describes the professional specialty in which mathematicians work on practical problems ; as a profession focused on practical problems , ' ' applied mathematics ' ' focuses on the formulation and study of mathematical models . In the past , practical applications have motivated the development of mathematical theories , which then became the subject of study in pure mathematics , where mathematics is developed primarily for its own sake . Thus , the activity of applied mathematics is vitally connected with research in pure mathematics . # History # Historically , applied mathematics consisted principally of applied analysis , most notably differential equations ; approximation theory ( broadly construed , to include representations , asymptotic methods , variational methods , and numerical analysis ) ; and applied probability . These areas of mathematics were intimately tied to the development of Newtonian physics , and in fact , the distinction between mathematicians and physicists was not sharply drawn before the mid-19th century . This history left a legacy as well : until the early 20th century , subjects such as classical mechanics were often taught in applied mathematics departments at American universities rather than in physics departments , and fluid mechanics may still be taught in applied mathematics departments . Engineering and computer science departments have traditionally made use of applied mathematics . # Divisions # Today , the term applied mathematics is used in a broader sense . It includes the classical areas noted above as well as other areas that have become increasingly important in applications . Even fields such as number theory that are part of pure mathematics are now important in applications ( such as cryptography ) , though they are not generally considered to be part of the field of applied mathematics ' ' per se ' ' . Sometimes , the term applicable mathematics is used to distinguish between the traditional applied mathematics that developed alongside physics and the many areas of mathematics that are applicable to real-world problems today . There is no consensus as to what the various branches of applied mathematics are . Such categorizations are made difficult by the way mathematics and science change over time , and also by the way universities organize departments , courses , and degrees . Many mathematicians distinguish between applied mathematics , which is concerned with mathematical methods , and the applications of mathematics within science and engineering . A biologist using a population model and applying known mathematics would not be ' ' doing ' ' applied mathematics , but rather ' ' using ' ' it ; however , mathematical biologists have posed problems that have stimulated the growth of pure mathematics . Mathematicians such as Poincar and Arnold deny the existence of applied mathematics and claim that there are only applications of mathematics . Similarly , non-mathematicians blend applied mathematics and applications of mathematics . The use and development of mathematics to solve industrial problems is also called industrial mathematics . The success of modern numerical mathematical methods and software has led to the emergence of computational mathematics , computational science , and computational engineering , which use high-performance computing for the simulation of phenomena and the solution of problems in the sciences and engineering . These are often considered interdisciplinary disciplines . # Utility # Historically , mathematics was most important in the natural sciences and engineering . However , since World War II , fields outside of the physical sciences have spawned the creation of new areas of mathematics , such as game theory and social choice theory , which grew out of economic considerations , or neural networks , which arose out of the study of the brain in neuroscience . The advent of the computer has created new applications : studying and using the new computer technology itself ( computer science ) to study problems arising in other areas of science ( computational science ) as well as the mathematics of computation ( for example , theoretical computer science , computer algebra , numerical analysis ) . Statistics is probably the most widespread mathematical science used in the social sciences , but other areas of mathematics , most notably economics , are proving increasingly useful in these disciplines . # Status in academic departments # Academic institutions are not consistent in the way they group and label courses , programs , and degrees in applied mathematics . At some schools , there is a single mathematics department , whereas others have separate departments for Applied Mathematics and ( Pure ) Mathematics . It is very common for Statistics departments to be separate at schools with graduate programs , but many undergraduate-only institutions include statistics under the mathematics department . Many applied mathematics programs ( as opposed to departments ) consist of primarily cross-listed courses and jointly appointed faculty in departments representing applications . Some Ph.D . programs in applied mathematics require little or no coursework outside of mathematics , while others require substantial coursework in a specific area of application . In some respects this difference reflects the distinction between application of mathematics and applied mathematics . Some universities in the UK host departments of ' ' Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics ' ' , but it is now much less common to have separate departments of pure and applied mathematics . A notable exception to this is the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge , housing the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics whose past holders include Isaac Newton , Charles Babbage , James Lighthill , Paul Dirac and Stephen Hawking . Schools with separate applied mathematics departments range from Brown University , which has a well-known and large Division of Applied Mathematics that offers degrees through the doctorate , to Santa Clara University , which offers only the M.S. in applied mathematics . Research universities dividing their mathematics department into pure and applied sections include Harvard and MIT. # Other associated mathematical sciences # Applied mathematics is closely related to other mathematical sciences . # Scientific computing # Scientific computing includes applied mathematics ( especially numerical analysis ) , computing science ( especially high-performance computing ) , and mathematical modelling in a scientific discipline . # Computer science # Computer science relies on logic , algebra , and combinatorics. # Operations research and management science # Operations research and management science are often taught in faculties of engineering , business , and public policy . # Statistics # Applied mathematics has substantial overlap with the discipline of statistics . Statistical theorists study and improve statistical procedures with mathematics , and statistical research often raises mathematical questions . Statistical theory relies on probability and decision theory , and makes extensive use of scientific computing , analysis , and optimization ; for the design of experiments , statisticians use algebra and combinatorial design . Applied mathematicians and statisticians often work in a department of mathematical sciences ( particularly at colleges and small universities ) . # Actuarial science # Actuarial science uses probability , statistics , and economic theory . # Economics # Mathematical economics is the application of mathematical methods to represent theories and analyze problems in economic theory . By convention , the applied methods usually refer to nontrivial mathematical techniques or approaches . Mathematical economics is based on statistics & probability , mathematical programming ( as well as other computational methods ) , operations research , game theory , and some methods from mathematical analysis . In this regard , it resembles ( but is distinct from ) financial mathematics , another part of applied mathematics . According to the Mathematics Subject Classification ( MSC ) , mathematical economics falls into the Applied mathematics/other classification of category 91 : : Game theory , economics , social and behavioral sciences with classifications for ' Game theory ' at codes and for ' Mathematical economics ' at codes . A detailed discussion about subject classifications within this subfield can be found here . Mathematical methods as delineated in related economics texts include the texts found at the following reading list . # Other disciplines # The line between applied mathematics and specific areas of application is often blurred . Many universities teach mathematical and statistical courses outside of the respective departments , in departments and areas including business , engineering , physics , chemistry , psychology , biology , computer science , scientific computation , and mathematical physics . # See also # Pure mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics # References # @@24758132 In mathematics , the adjective constant means non-varying . The noun constant may have two different meanings . It may refer to a fixed and well defined number or other mathematical object . The term mathematical constant ( and also physical constant ) is sometimes used to distinguish this meaning from the other one . A constant may also refer to a constant function or its value ( it is a common usage to identify them ) . Such a constant is commonly represented by a variable which does not depend on the main variable(s) of the studied problem . This is the case , for example , for a constant of integration which is an arbitrary constant function ( not depending on the variable of integration ) added to a particular antiderivative to get all the antiderivatives of the given function . For example , a general quadratic function is commonly written as : : a x2 + b x + c , , where ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are constants ( or parameters ) , while ' ' x ' ' is the variable , a placeholder for the argument of the function being studied . A more explicit way to denote this function is : xmapsto a x2 + b x + c , , which makes the function-argument status of ' ' x ' ' clear , and thereby implicitly the constant status of ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' . In this example ' ' a ' ' , ' ' b ' ' and ' ' c ' ' are coefficients of the polynomial . Since ' ' c ' ' occurs in a term that does not involve ' ' x ' ' , it is called the Constant term # Constant function # A constant may be used to define a constant function that ignores its arguments and always gives the same value . A constant function of a single variable , such as f(x)=5 , has a graph that is a horizontal straight line , parallel to the x-axis . Such a function always takes the same value ( in this case , 5 ) because its argument does not appear in the expression defining the function . # Context-dependence # The context-dependent nature of the concept of constant can be seen in this example from elementary calculus : : beginarraylll fracddx 2x & = limhto 0 frac2x+h - 2xh & = limhto 0 2xfrac2h - 1h & = 2x limhto 0 frac2h - 1h & textsince xtext is constant ( i.e. does not depend on htext ) & = 2x cdotmathbfconstant , & text where mathbfconstanttext means not depending on x. endarray Constant means not depending on some variable ; not changing as that variable changes . In the first case above , it means not depending on ' ' h ' ' ; in the second , it means not depending on ' ' x ' ' . # Notable mathematical constants # Some values occur frequently in mathematics and are conventionally denoted by a specific symbol . These standard symbols and their values are called mathematical constants . Examples include : ' ' 0 ( zero ) ' ' . ' ' 1 ( one ) ' ' , the natural number after zero . ' ' ( pi ) ' ' , the constant representing the ratio of a circle 's circumference to its diameter , approximately equal to *26;78004;TOOLONG .. ' ' e ' ' , approximately equal to *26;78032;TOOLONG ... ' ' i ' ' , the imaginary unit such that ' ' i ' ' 2 = -1 . ' ' *29;78060;math sqrt2 ( square root of 2 ) ' ' , the length of the diagonal of a square with unit sides , approximately equal to *26;78091;TOOLONG ' ' ( golden ratio ) ' ' , approximately equal to *26;78119;TOOLONG , or algebraically , 1+ sqrt5 over 2 . # Constants in calculus # In calculus , constants are treated in several different ways depending on the operation . For example , the derivative of a constant function is zero . This is because the derivative measures the rate of change of a function with respect to a variable , and since constants , by definition , do not change , their derivative is therefore zero . Conversely , when integrating a constant function , the constant is multiplied by the variable of integration . During the evaluation of a limit , the constant remains the same as it was before and after evaluation . Integration of a function of one variable often involves a constant of integration . This arises because of the integral operator 's nature as the inverse of the differential operator , meaning the aim of integration is to recover the original function before differentiation . The differential of a constant function is zero , as noted above , and the differential operator is a linear operator , so functions that only differ by a constant term have the same derivative . To acknowledge this , a constant of integration is added to an indefinite integral ; this ensures that all possible solutions are included . The constant of integration is generally written as ' c ' and represents a constant with a fixed but undefined value . # Examples # f(x)=72 Rightarrow f ' ( x ) =0 *6;78147;br f(x)=72 Rightarrow int 72 , dx = 72x+c *6;78155;br f(x)=72 Rightarrow limx to infty 72 = 72 @@26551602 In mathematics , a limit is the value that a function or sequence approaches as the input or index approaches some value . Limits are essential to calculus ( and mathematical analysis in general ) and are used to define continuity , derivatives , and integrals . The concept of a limit of a sequence is further generalized to the concept of a limit of a topological net , and is closely related to limit and direct limit in category theory . In formulas , a limit is usually denoted lim as in ' ' L ' ' , and the fact of approaching a limit is represented by the right arrow ( ) as in ' ' a ' ' ' ' n ' ' ' ' L ' ' . # Limit of a function # Suppose is a real-valued function and is a real number . The expression : limx to cf(x) = L means that can be made to be as close to as desired by making sufficiently close to . In that case , the above equation can be read as the limit of of , as approaches , is . Augustin-Louis Cauchy in 1821 , followed by Karl Weierstrass , formalized the definition of the limit of a function as the above definition , which became known as the ( , ) -definition of limit in the 19th century . The definition uses ( the lowercase Greek letter ' ' epsilon ' ' ) to represent any small positive number , so that becomes arbitrarily close to means that eventually lies in the interval , which can also be written using the absolute value sign as *519;21768; f(x) = fracx2 - 1x - 1 then is not defined ( see division by zero ) , yet as moves arbitrarily close to 1 , correspondingly approaches 2 : Thus , can be made arbitrarily close to the limit of 2 just by making sufficiently close to . In other words , limx to 1 fracx2-1x-1 = 2 This can also be calculated algebraically , as fracx2-1x-1 = frac(x+1) ( x-1 ) x-1 = x+1 for all real numbers . Now since is continuous in at 1 , we can now plug in 1 for , thus limx to 1 fracx2-1x-1 = 1+1 = 2 . In addition to limits at finite values , functions can also have limits at infinity . For example , consider : f(x) = 2x-1 over x ' ' f ' ' ( 100 ) = 1.9900 ' ' f ' ' ( 1000 ) = 1.9990 ' ' f ' ' ( 10000 ) = 1.99990 As becomes extremely large , the value of approaches 2 , and the value of can be made as close to 2 as one could wish just by picking sufficiently large . In this case , the limit of as approaches infinity is 2 . In mathematical notation , : limx to infty frac2x-1x = 2. # Limit of a sequence # Consider the following sequence : 1.79 , 1.799 , 1.7999 , .. It can be observed that the numbers are approaching 1.8 , the limit of the sequence . Formally , suppose is a sequence of real numbers . It can be stated that the real number is the ' ' limit ' ' of this sequence , namely : : limn to infty an = L to mean : For every real number , there exists a natural number such that for all , we have *915;22289; ( an ) can be expressed as the standard part of the value aH of the natural extension of the sequence at an infinite hypernatural index ' ' n=H ' ' . Thus , : limn to infty an = operatornamest(aH) . Here the standard part function st rounds off each finite hyperreal number to the nearest real number ( the difference between them is infinitesimal ) . This formalizes the natural intuition that for very large values of the index , the terms in the sequence are very close to the limit value of the sequence . Conversely , the standard part of a hyperreal a=an represented in the ultrapower construction by a Cauchy sequence ( an ) , is simply the limit of that sequence : : operatornamest(a)=limn to infty an . In this sense , taking the limit and taking the standard part are equivalent procedures . # Convergence and fixed point # A formal definition of convergence can be stated as follows . Suppose pn as n goes from 0 to infty is a sequence that converges to p , with pn neq p for all n . If positive constants lambda and alpha exist with : : : : : : limn rightarrow infty frac left pn+1 -p right left pn -p right alpha =lambda then pn as n goes from 0 to infty converges to p of order alpha , with asymptotic error constant lambda Given a function f with a fixed point p , there is a nice checklist for checking the convergence of the sequence pn . : 1 ) First check that p is indeed a fixed point : : : f(p) = p : 2 ) Check for linear convergence . Start by finding left fprime ( p ) right . If .... : 3 ) If it is found that there is something better than linear the expression should be checked for quadratic convergence . Start by finding left fprimeprime ( p ) right If .... # Topological net # All of the above notions of limit can be unified and generalized to arbitrary topological spaces by introducing topological nets and defining their limits . An alternative is the concept of limit for filters on topological spaces . # See also # Limit of a sequence *Rate of convergence : the rate at which a convergent sequence approaches its limit Cauchy sequence *complete metric space Limit of a function *One-sided limit : either of the two limits of functions of a real variable ' ' x ' ' , as ' ' x ' ' approaches a point from above or below *List of limits : list of limits for common functions *Squeeze theorem : finds a limit of a function via comparison with two other functions Banach limit defined on the Banach space that extends the usual limits . Limit in category theory *Direct limit *Inverse limit Asymptotic analysis : a method of describing limiting behavior *Big O notation : used to describe the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity Convergent matrix # Notes # @@33589680 Mathematical finance , also known as quantitative finance , is a field of applied mathematics , concerned with financial markets . Generally , mathematical finance will derive and extend the mathematical or numerical models without necessarily establishing a link to financial theory , taking observed market prices as input . Mathematical consistency is required , not compatibility with economic theory . Thus , for example , while a financial economist might study the structural reasons why a company may have a certain share price , a financial mathematician may take the share price as a given , and attempt to use stochastic calculus to obtain the corresponding value of derivatives of the stock ( ' ' see : Valuation of options ; Financial modeling ' ' ) . The fundamental theorem of arbitrage-free pricing is one of the key theorems in mathematical finance , while the BlackScholes equation and formula are amongst the key results . Mathematical finance also overlaps heavily with the fields of computational finance and financial engineering . The latter focuses on applications and modeling , often by help of stochastic asset models ( ' ' see : Quantitative analyst ' ' ) , while the former focuses , in addition to analysis , on building tools of implementation for the models . In general , there exist two separate branches of finance that require advanced quantitative techniques : derivatives pricing on the one hand , and risk- and portfolio management on the other . Many universities offer degree and research programs in mathematical finance ; see Master of Mathematical Finance . # History : Q versus P # There exist two separate branches of finance that require advanced quantitative techniques : derivatives pricing and risk and portfolio management . One of the main differences is that they use different probabilities , namely the risk-neutral probability ( or arbitrage-pricing probability ) , denoted by Q , and the actual ( or actuarial ) probability , denoted by P . # Derivatives pricing : the Q world # The goal of derivatives pricing is to determine the fair price of a given security in terms of more liquid securities whose price is determined by the law of supply and demand . The meaning of fair depends , of course , on whether one considers buying or selling the security . Examples of securities being priced are plain vanilla and exotic options , convertible bonds , etc . Once a fair price has been determined , the sell-side trader can make a market on the security . Therefore , derivatives pricing is a complex extrapolation exercise to define the current market value of a security , which is then used by the sell-side community . Quantitative derivatives pricing was initiated by Louis Bachelier in ' ' The Theory of Speculation ' ' ( published 1900 ) , with the introduction of the most basic and most influential of processes , the Brownian motion , and its applications to the pricing of options . Bachelier modeled the time series of changes in the logarithm of stock prices as a random walk in which the short-term changes had a finite variance . This causes longer-term changes to follow a Gaussian distribution . The theory remained dormant until Fischer Black and Myron Scholes , along with fundamental contributions by Robert C. Merton , applied the second most influential process , the geometric Brownian motion , to option pricing . For this M. Scholes and R. Merton were awarded the 1997 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences . Black was ineligible for the prize because of his death in 1995 . The next important step was the fundamental theorem of asset pricing by Harrison and Pliska ( 1981 ) , according to which the suitably normalized current price ' ' P 0 ' ' of a security is arbitrage-free , and thus truly fair , only if there exists a stochastic process ' ' P t ' ' with constant expected value which describes its future evolution : A process satisfying ( ) is called a martingale . A martingale does not reward risk . Thus the probability of the normalized security price process is called risk-neutral and is typically denoted by the blackboard font letter mathbbQ . The relationship ( ) must hold for all times t : therefore the processes used for derivatives pricing are naturally set in continuous time . The quants who operate in the Q world of derivatives pricing are specialists with deep knowledge of the specific products they model . Securities are priced individually , and thus the problems in the Q world are low-dimensional in nature . Calibration is one of the main challenges of the Q world : once a continuous-time parametric process has been calibrated to a set of traded securities through a relationship such as ( 1 ) , a similar relationship is used to define the price of new derivatives . The main quantitative tools necessary to handle continuous-time Q-processes are Its stochastic calculus and partial differential equations ( PDEs ) . # Risk and portfolio management : the P world # Risk and portfolio management aims at modeling the statistically derived probability distribution of the market prices of all the securities at a given future investment horizon . *6;3416;br This real probability distribution of the market prices is typically denoted by the blackboard font letter mathbbP , as opposed to the risk-neutral probability mathbbQ used in derivatives pricing . *6;3424;br Based on the P distribution , the buy-side community takes decisions on which securities to purchase in order to improve the prospective profit-and-loss profile of their positions considered as a portfolio . The quantitative theory of risk and portfolio management started with the mean-variance framework of Harry Markowitz ( 1952 ) , who caused a shift away from the concept of trying to identify the best individual stock for investment . Using a linear regression strategy to understand and quantify the risk ( i.e. variance ) and return ( i.e. mean ) of an entire portfolio of stocks , bonds , and other securities , an optimization strategy was used to choose a portfolio with largest mean return subject to acceptable levels of variance in the return . Next , breakthrough advances were made with the Capital Asset Pricing Model ( CAPM ) and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory ( APT ) developed by Treynor ( 1962 ) , Mossin ( 1966 ) , William Sharpe ( 1964 ) , Lintner ( 1965 ) and Ross ( 1976 ) . For their pioneering work , Markowitz and Sharpe , along with Merton Miller , shared the 1990 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences , for the first time ever awarded for a work in finance . The portfolio-selection work of Markowitz and Sharpe introduced mathematics to investment management . With time , the mathematics has become more sophisticated . Thanks to Robert Merton and Paul Samuelson , one-period models were replaced by continuous time , Brownian-motion models , and the quadratic utility function implicit in meanvariance optimization was replaced by more general increasing , concave utility functions . Furthermore , in more recent years the focus shifted toward estimation risk , i.e. , the dangers of incorrectly assuming that advanced time series analysis alone can provide completely accurate estimates of the market parameters . Much effort has gone into the study of financial markets and how prices vary with time . Charles Dow , one of the founders of Dow Jones & Company and The Wall Street Journal , enunciated a set of ideas on the subject which are now called Dow Theory . This is the basis of the so-called technical analysis method of attempting to predict future changes . One of the tenets of technical analysis is that market trends give an indication of the future , at least in the short term . The claims of the technical analysts are disputed by many academics . # Criticism # Over the years , increasingly sophisticated mathematical models and derivative pricing strategies have been developed , but their credibility was damaged by the financial crisis of 20072010 . *6;3432;br Contemporary practice of mathematical finance has been subjected to criticism from figures within the field notably by Paul Wilmott and Nassim Nicholas Taleb , a professor of financial engineering at Polytechnic Institute of New York University , in his book ' ' The Black Swan ' ' . Taleb claims that the prices of financial assets can not be characterized by the simple models currently in use , rendering much of current practice at best irrelevant , and , at worst , dangerously misleading . Wilmott and Emanuel Derman published the ' ' Financial Modelers ' Manifesto ' ' in January 2008 which addresses some of the most serious concerns . *6;3440;br Bodies such as the Institute for New Economic Thinking are now attempting to develop new theories and methods . In general , modeling the changes by distributions with finite variance is , increasingly , said to be inappropriate . In the 1960s it was discovered by Benot Mandelbrot that changes in prices do not follow a Gaussian distribution , but are rather modeled better by Lvy alpha-stable distributions . The scale of change , or volatility , depends on the length of the time interval to a power a bit more than 1/2 . Large changes up or down are more likely than what one would calculate using a Gaussian distribution with an estimated standard deviation . But the problem is that it does not solve the problem as it makes parametrization much harder and risk control less reliable . # Mathematical finance articles # : ' ' See also Outline of finance : Financial mathematics ; Mathematical tools ; Derivatives pricing . ' ' # Mathematical tools # Asymptotic analysis Calculus Copulas Differential equations Expected value Ergodic theory Feynman&ndash ; Kac formula Fourier transform Gaussian copulas Girsanov 's theorem It 's lemma Martingale representation theorem Mathematical models Monte Carlo method Numerical analysis Real analysis Partial differential equations Probability Probability distributions *Binomial distribution *Log-normal distribution Quantile functions *Heat equation RadonNikodym derivative Risk-neutral measure Stochastic calculus *Brownian motion *Lvy process Stochastic differential equations Stochastic volatility *Numerical partial differential equations **Crank&ndash ; Nicolson method **Finite difference method Value at risk Volatility *ARCH model *GARCH model # Derivatives pricing # The Brownian Motion Model of Financial Markets Rational pricing assumptions *Risk neutral valuation *Arbitrage-free pricing Forward Price Formula Futures contract pricing Swap Valuation Options *Putcall parity ( Arbitrage relationships for options ) *Intrinsic value , Time value *Moneyness *Pricing models **BlackScholes model **Black model **Binomial options model **Monte Carlo option model **Implied volatility , Volatility smile **SABR Volatility Model **Markov Switching Multifractal **The Greeks **Finite difference methods for option pricing **Vanna Volga method **Trinomial tree **Garman-Kohlhagen model *Optimal stopping ( Pricing of American options ) Interest rate derivatives *Black model **caps and floors **swaptions **Bond options *Short-rate models **Rendleman-Bartter model **Vasicek model **Ho-Lee model **HullWhite model **CoxIngersollRoss model **BlackKarasinski model **BlackDermanToy model *25;3448;TOOLONG model **LongstaffSchwartz model **Chen model *Forward rate-based models **LIBOR market model ( BraceGatarekMusiela Model , BGM ) **HeathJarrowMorton Model ( HJM )