Remarks on Back Substitution in Edwards-Penney (EP) =================================================== In literature, back-substitution means: (1) The system is upper triangular; (2) There are zero free variables; (3) The process is carried out from last equation to first equation, that is, with variables in reversed order. The textbook definition [EP 3.2] includes free variables, and therefore it joins several ideas into one algorithm. WARNING: For infinitely many solutions, the EP 3.2 "Algorithm Back Substitution" is slow and error-prone. Recommended is to find the Last Frame (rref) by back-substitution in the nonzero equations, and then apply the Last Frame Algorithm. Technically, back-substitution employs the Toolkit "combo" to variables in reverse order. The substitution of one equation into another is exactly the "combo" tool. The catch: A triangular frame must be found to start back-substitution. The textbook observes that frames already in echelon form, or triangular form, can produce faster solutions, provided the order of the variable list is reversed in the process. Faster operations result from using the maximum number of zeros in a dot product. Dot product is the engine in "combo". Back-substitution in the textbook [EP 3.2, Algorithm Back Substitution] includes the last frame algorithm.