Problem Notes for Differential Equations 2280

  • Background: functions and continuity, used in Picard's theorem, Chapter 2
  • Chapter 1, First order differential equations
  • Chapter 2, First order applications, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, DEplot examples
  • Chapter 2, Numerical DE, sample maple codes, Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
  • Chapter 3, Linear higher order differential equations, mechanical oscillations, circuits, resonance
  • Chapter 4, Intro to nonlinear systems, Cayley-Hamilton-Ziebur, Numerical methods
  • Chapter 5, Linear systems, Eigenanalysis method, Mechanical applications, Exponential matrix, Variation of Parameters
  • Chapter 6, Dynamical systems, biology, mechanical systems, chaos
  • Chapter 7, Laplace theory, Laplace calculus, applications to differential equations
  • Chapter 9, Fourier series, heat and wave partial differential equations
  • Chapter 2, Rabbit problem, Transparencies 2005
  • Final exam study guide S2015, ch 1 to 10
  • Darci Taylor's 2250 problems 2008
    Problem details with answers F2008. Chapters 1 to 10, Edwards-Penney, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, selected problems. Chapters 3, 4 of this book are linear algebra. The other chapters somewhat match the 2280 book, with permutations of chapter numbers. In particular, 2250 Ch5 == 2280 Ch3, 2250 Ch7 == 2280 Ch4+Ch5, 2250 Ch10 == 2280 Ch7, 2250 Ch9 == 2280 Ch6. At, you can find a table of contents for the two books, then resolve the matches yourself.
    Used with permission of Darci Taylor.