2250 meets 8:05am daily in WEB 1230
Updated: Monday, 12-Jan-2015 14:01:58 MST
  Today: Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 09:02:49 MST
Problem 1.2-2 Find a function y=f(x) which satisfies the differential equation dy/dx = (x-2)^2 and the initial condition y(2)=1. Book's Answer: y=1+(1/3)(x-2)^3 Your Job Please write a one or two page solution. Submit a COPY on the next to last class of Week 1. It will be returned on Friday of Week 1, with comments, ungraded. The final draft of 1.2-2 will be collected with the Week 1 homework in a stapled package (due in Week 2). Sample Solved Problem The link below is handwritten work by Gustafson, Tyson Black and Jennifer Lahti. Try to do as well as Jennifer (best exposition in this PDF), but write your own draft, using your own style. Tyson's work for 1.2-1 shows the range of what is acceptable. This is practise writing mathematics, with the mysteries removed.Read Jennifer Lahti's draft of Exercise 1.2-2, which is on page 4.