Gustafson's Extra Credit Maple Labs 2250 Spring 2014

Today: Sunday March 09: 08:33AM, 2025
Updated: Monday December 09: 16:41PM, 2013

Maple and Matlab References

  1. Maplesoft Quick Reference Cards
    Click Here
  2. Douglas Meade's Quick Reference Card for Maple 12 to 17
    Click Here (pdf)
  3. A one-page Matlab cheat sheet, Strang's MIT linear algebra
    Click Here (pdf)
  4. A rookie maple tutorial for the impatient from Indiana University Click Here
  5. Maple programming examples by topic from Kettering University
    Click Here
  6. Utah Maple Tutorial 2014. Key examples (mouse-copy).
    Used in Math Dept maple intro lectures.
    Click Here
  7. How to use maple 17 under unix, windows, OS/X (text)
  8. Maple graphics and low speed internet
    Maple at home
  9. Peter Stone's Maple, Example worksheets.
    Copy a worksheet URL, paste into xmaple "FILE ==> Open URL".
    Click Here

Extra Credit Maple Labs 5, 6, 7, Spring 2014

  1. Maple Lab 5, Matrix Algebra, L5.1, L5.2, L5.3
    Maple Lab 5 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] pdf)
    maple worksheet text Lab 5 S2014, linalg package, maple15 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] txt)
    maple worksheet text Lab 5 S2014, LinearAlgebra package maple15 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] txt)
  2. Maple Lab 6, Mechanical Oscillations, L6.1, L6.2, L6.3
    Frequently asked questions Lab 6 s2010 (1.9K txt)
    Maple Lab 6 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] pdf)
    maple text Lab 6 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] maple text)
    maple worksheet Lab 6 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] mws)
  3. Maple Lab 7, Laplace Applications, L7.1, L7.2, L7.3, L7.4, L7.5
    Maple Lab 7 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] pdf)
    maple text Lab 7 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] maple text)
    maple worksheet Lab 7 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] mws)

Extra Credit Maple Labs 8, 9, 10, Spring 2013

  1. Optional Extra Credit maple Lab 8, Earthquakes L8.1, L8.2, L8.3, L8.4, L8.5
    Earthquake project S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] pdf)
    Earthquake project S2014 maple worksheet ([an error occurred while processing this directive] mws)
    Earthquake project S2014 maple worksheet text ([an error occurred while processing this directive] txt)
  2. Optional Extra Credit Maple Lab 9: Tacoma Narrows L9.1, L9.2
    Optional maple Lab 9 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] pdf)
    maple worksheet Lab 9 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] mws)
    maple text Lab 9 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] txt)
    Tacoma Narrows page Fall 2004 Explanation of maple lab 9. Video clip. Photos. Don't use 2004 lab sources from this page!
  3. Optional Extra Credit Maple Lab 10: Brine Tanks. Glucose-Insulin. L10.1, L10.2, L10.3, L10.4
    Optional maple Lab 10 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] pdf)
    maple text Lab 10 S2014 ([an error occurred while processing this directive] txt)