*2.4.1. Solve the heat equation du/dt = k (d/dx)^2 u, 0 < x < L, t > 0, subject to u_x(0.t)=0, t>0 u_x(L,t)=0, t>0. (a) u(x,0) = 0 on x < L/2 and u(x,0) = 1 for x>L/2 (b) u(x,0)=6+4 cos (3 Pi x/L) (c) u(x, 0) = -2 sin(Pi x/L) (d) u(x, 0) = -3 cos(8 Pi x/L) *2.4.2. Solve du/dt = k (d/dx)^2 u, 0 < x < L, t > 0, with u_x(0,t) = 0, u(L, t) = 0, u(x,0) = f(x). For this problem you may assume that no solutions of the heat equation exponentially grow in time. You may also guess appropriate orthogonality conditions for the eigenfunctions. *2.4.3. Solve the eigenvalue problem X'' + lambda X = 0 subject to X(0) = X(2 Pi) and X'(0) = X'(2 Pi). 2.4.4. Explicitly show that there are no negative eigenvalues for X'' + lambda X = 0 subject to X'(0)=0 and X'(L) = 0. 2.4.5. This problem presents an alternative derivation of the heat equation for a thin wire. The equation for a circular wire of finite thickness is the two-dimensional heat equation (in polar coordinates). Show that this reduces to du/dt = k (d/dx)^2 u if the temperature does not depend on r and if the wire is very thin. 2.4.6. Determine the equilibrium temperature distribution for the thin circular ring derived in H2.4 part 2: (a) Directly from the equilibrium problem (see H1.4). (b) By computing the limit as t approaches infinity of the time-dependent problem. 2.4.7. Solve Laplace's equation inside a circle of radius a, (1/r)(d/dr)(r du/dr)) + (1/r^2)(d^2u/d theta^2 )= 0, subject to the boundary condition u(a,theta) = f(theta).