EXERCISES 1.3 1.3.1. Consider a one-dimensional rod, from x=0 to x=L. Assume that the heat energy flowing out of the rod at x = L is proportional to the temperature difference between the end temperature of the bar at x=L and the known external temperature. Derive (1.3.5). In this process, explain physically why H is positive. 1.3.2. Two one-dimensional rods of different materials joined at x = x0 are said to be in perfect thermal contact if the temperature is continuous at x = x0, which means u(x0-,t) = u(x0+,t), and no heat energy is lost at x = x0, which means the heat energy flowing out of one flows into the other. What mathematical equation represents the latter condition at x = x0? Under what special condition is du/dx continuous at x = x0? 1.3.3. Consider a bath containing a fluid of specific heat c and mass density rho that surrounds the end x = L of a one-dimensional rod. Suppose that the bath is rapidly stirred in a manner such that the bath temperature is approximately uniform throughout, equaling the temperature at x = L, which is u(L,t). Assume that the bath is thermally insulated except at its perfect thermal contact with the rod. where the bath may be heated or cooled by the rod. Determine an equation for the temperature in the bath. This will be a boundary condition at the end x = L. Reference: Exercise 1.3.2.