2250 meets 7:30am daily in JTB 140
Tuesday April 30: 14:48PM, 2013 Today:
Sunday March 09: 10:27AM, 2025
Pdf: S2013 Final exam solution key (29Apr2013) Blackboard images from the Saturday 27 April 2013 Final Exam Review held 2:00pm in LCB219. Topics included chapters 6, 7, 8: photo directory Transcript of the Jan 15 Maple Tutorial: Transcript Here
The bookstore packages supplements with the Edwards-Penney textbook. These are sections 3.7 and 7.6 from the 2280 book. The 2280 book Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, any edition suffices, can be checked out from the Math Library, basement of buildings LCB and JWB, near the glass door entrance into the study area and computer lab.
Canvas will be used during the semester to communicate grades and publish messages; see the syllabus below for more info. Please update your email address at the Registrar's web site Here
* Simple Harmonic Oscillator - with and without damping, transfer of energy between kinetic and potential forms * Damped Harmonic Oscillator - underdamped, overdamped, and critically damped * Forced Harmonic Oscillator - transient and steady state response to a force applied to the mass * The Simple Pendulum - comparing the linear approximation (small angle) with a real pendulum * Coupled Oscillators - energy transfer between two mass-spring systems coupled together * Dynamic Absorbers - J.P. Den Hartog's classical undamped tuned dynamic absorber * Tacoma Narrows Bridge - (0.668 MB mpeg movie) - when engineers don't account for resonance when designing structures
Grant B. Gustafson 155 South 1400 East Room 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090Office phone: (801) 581-6879
For email address, see class notes or click here for the doorcard.