Math 2270-2

Linear Algebra 2270-2 meets at 2:00pm MTWF in AEB 310
Updated: Saturday May 19: 03:49AM, 2012   Today: Thursday March 06: 16:14PM, 2025

Course Calendar


Math 2270-2 Linear Algebra

Professor Grant B. Gustafson
Email: See the online door card: Here.
Office: JWB 113
Syllabus: PDF Here.
Majors: PDF Here.
Course Web page, all files: Here
Office Hours: MTWF 3:10-4pm
Additional office hours Here.

Time: MTWF 14:00-14:50
Location: AEB 310

Prerequisites. MATH 2210 OR MATH 1260 OR MATH 1280

Textbook. Linear Algebra, fourth edition by Gilbert Strang, ISBN 978-0-980232-71-4.

This book is part of MIT's OpenCourseWare project. There are video lectures and sample exams with solutions on the MIT website:
OpenCourseWare Course 18.06 Linear Algebra.

Course Description. Euclidean space, linear systems, Gaussian elimination, determinants, inverses, vector spaces, linear transformations, quadratic forms, least squares and linear programming, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization. Includes theoretical and computer lab components.

Course announcements may be made via email. You are responsible for monitoring your University assigned email address. No notes, books, calculators or computers may be used during exams. Weekly homework assignments are to be submitted on paper in class. Answer checks may be done by computer assist, when that is possible (maple, mathematica, matlab, scilab, ruby, R, python, C, C++).
There will be a computer lab component of the course which will require use of the Maple Computer Algebra System. Maple is available in the Math Department computer labs, most departmental computer labs, the Union computer labs and the Marriott Library computer labs . Login information is available at the Math Department student computer labs in the Math Center, located on the lowest level between buildings JWB and LCB.

Quality and Quantity of Work.
You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner. This includes classroom etiquette, email correspondence, and written reports such as homework, projects, labs and exams.

Submitted work is expected to be neat, legible, and clearly written. Suggestions for writing reports can be found Here.

University policy 6-100 Section 2:
"A university credit hour shall represent approximately three clock hours of the student's time a week for one semester. "
The average work load is two hours outside of class for every hour spent in class. This is a four credit class, so please plan to spend approximately eight hours outside of class every week studying and doing homework. The assigned homework problems are the minimum. Beyond the minimum, expect to continue working similar problems until they become routine.


Homework. Weekly homework assignments will be submitted on paper in class. Late homework will be accepted with an excuse suitable for broadcast to the university administration (illness, interview, marriage, funeral). Extra credit problems may be applied to correct scores from missing work. Homework is scored complete or not complete. Scores of 50 percent or higher are considered to be complete.

Homework Packages. A package is collected every Friday beginning in Week 2 and ending in the last week of classes. This package is sent to a grader, who decides the credits. Work not in the package sent to the grader is recorded as a zero. Extra credit work can cancel the zeros.

Extra Credit. There is a limited selection of extra credit problems, independent of the book, available Here.

Computer Projects. There are five small computer lab projects and one semester group project, due April 25.

A Semester Group Project is organized by group leaders in the class, by agreement with the instructor. Once a group is formed, then others may join it or leave it, with agreement from the group leader. A group size of one is fine. Some topics and sample projects can be found on the Projects Page Here.

Maple Tutorials and Help
Maplesoft Quick Reference Cards Click Here
Douglas Meade's Quick Reference Card for Maple 12 Click Here
A one-page pdf Matlab cheat sheet from Strang's linear algebra course at MIT Click Here
A rookie maple tutorial for the impatient from Indiana University Click Here
Maple tutorial 2012 in html format Here
Sections based on Angie Gardiner's tutorial below. Used in LCB115 maple intro lectures.
Angie Gardiner maple tutorial source. Right-click to save to local disk, then launch it in maple.
Worksheet .mws ( 26 Dec 2011, 153K mws), or PDF ( 26 Dec 2011, 1.0M pdf).
Details for maple 12 under unix, windows, OS/X How to use maple 12 ( 27 Dec 2011, 3.2K txt)
Maple graphics and low speed internet Maple at home (27 Dec 2011, 5.7K txt)

Maple 15 Offer S2012: Visit Maplesoft's web store here and use this 50-percent promotion code (correct, $50/copy): AP34033-E6F16
The promotion code is valid until Monday, May 07, 2012. It is not a requirement to buy maple; students have free access to university installations of maple.

Math Dept Computer Lab.

Exams. There are two midterm exams, February 17 and March 23. The comprehensive final exam is on Monday April 30 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, in the regular classroom AEB 310.

Exam 1 sample: Exam 2 sample: Final Exam Sample:

Homework 20%
Computer Labs 10%
Two Midterms 30%
Semester Group Project 10%
Final Exam 30%

Grading Scale

Grading Scale: The internally-used scale is uses GPA increments, which step 1/3 from 0.0=E to 4.0=A. Briefly, A=95, B=82, C=67, D=52. In detail:

     A  = 95-100, A- = 90-94, B+ = 85-89, B  = 80-84,
     B- =  75-79, C+ = 70-74, C  = 65-69, C- = 60-64,
     D+ =  55-59, D  = 50-54, D- = 45-49, E  = 0-44.

For Homework and Computer Help:

Tutoring Lab
T. Benny Rushing Mathematics Student Center
Private Tutoring.
University Tutoring Services
There is also a list of tutors at the Math Department office, JWB 233

Students with Disabilities

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.

All written information in this course can be made available in alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability Services.

Note: The syllabus is not a binding legal contract. It may be modified by the instructor when the student is given reasonable notice of the modification.

Homework, Labs, Project

Page Source:
The web page author is Here.