2250-1 meets 7:30am daily in JTB 140
Updated: Monday, 12-Dec-2011 00:49:38 MST
  Today: Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 19:18:17 MST
Problem 1.2-2 Find a function y=f(x) which satisfies the differential equation dy/dx = (x-2)^2 and the initial condition y(2)=1. Book's Answer: y=1+(1/3)(x-2)^3 Your Job Please write a one or two page solution. Submit a COPY on the 3rd day of class. The final draft of 1.2-2 will be collected with Week 2 homework in a stapled package. Sample Solved Problem The link below is work by Jennifer Lahti. Try to do as well, but write your own draft. This is practise writing mathematics, with the mysteries removed. Tyson Black's work for 1.2-1 is there also, to see the range of what is acceptable.Jennifer Lahti's draft of Exercise 1.2-2
Week 1, Jan 9 to 13. Lecture 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. Wed, 11 Jan, Submit Page 16, 1.2-2 for quick review. Thu, 12 Jan, Intro, Thu. assistants JTB 140 Fri, 13 Jan, Begin maple lab 1. Please print it.
Week 2, Jan 16 to 20. Lecture 1.5, 2.1, 2.2. Homework package week 2, 6 problems Fri, 20 Jan, Page 16, 1.2: 2, 4, 6, 10 Fri, 20 Jan, Page 26, 1.3: 8, 14