Spring 2008 7:30 and 10:45 Web References for 2250
Updated: Sunday April 27: 18:04PM, 2008
    Today: Thursday March 13: 17:22PM, 2025
The references below are guessed from the previous semester's Lecture
Web Log. For this semester's Lecture Log Click Here
This page is periodically updated. The historical references found
here can predict what will happen next, and they are useful for finding
projected material from class, which is often out of order.
Week 1, Jan 7,9,11: Sections 1.1,1.2,1.3.
07 Jan, Intro, GB Gustafson, nothing due.
08 Jan, Intro, Meucci and Zhang
09 Jan, Page 16, 1.2: 2,
11 Jan, Page 16, 1.2: 4, 6
Three Examples (pdf)
Maple Lab1.
Three Examples, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Method of quadrature, Decay law derivation, Background formulas. 6 slides, pdf.
Three Examples, solved problems 1.2-1,2,5,8,10 by Tyson Black, Jennifer Lahti, GBG, 11 slides, pdf.
Log+exponential Background+Direction fields. Decay law derivation. Problem 1.2-2.
Direction field manuscript
Picard-Lindelof and Peano Existence theory manuscript, 9 pages, pdf
Peano and Picard Theory, 3 slides, pdf
Picard-Lindelof and Peano Existence Example, similar to 1.3-14, 1 slide, pdf
Week 2, Jan 14,16,18: Sections 1.4,1.5.
14 Jan, Page 16, 1.2: 10
15 Jan, Begin maple lab 1.
16 Jan, Page 26, 1.3: 8, 14
17 Jan, First maple lecture, LCB115, TBA
18 Jan, Page 41, 1.4: 6, 12
18 Jan, Repeat maple lecture, LCB115, TBA.
Functions and continuity background
Separable Equations. Separable DE test is here. (manuscript 9 pages, PDF)
Main ideas of separable equations 2008. (slides, PDF)
1.4 Page 40 Exercise slides (4 pages, 500k)
How to do a maple answer check for y'=y+2x (TEXT 1k)
Heaviside's coverup method method and Laplace theory (153k pdf)
Separable Equations slides, separability test, tests I and II (6 pages, pdf)
Linear DE method, Section 1.5 slides: 1.5-3,5,11,33+Brine mixing (9 pages, pdf)
Linear DE part I (Integrating Factor Method), (typeset, 8 pages, pdf)
Linear DE part II (Variation of Parameters, Undetermined Coefficients), (typeset, 7 pages, pdf)
How to do a maple answer check for y'=y+2x (TEXT 1k)
Linear first order slides, integrating factor method (2 pages, pdf)
Linear integrating factor method, Section 1.5, slides (pdf)
Week 3, Jan 21,23,25: Sections 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4.
21 Jan, Martin Luther King Holiday.
22 Jan, Tuition due. Begin maple 2. Discuss L2.1.
23 Jan, Page 41, 1.4: 18, 22, 26
25 Jan, Page 54, 1.5: 8, 18, 20, 34
Linear DE method, Section 1.5 slides: 1.5-3,5,11,33+Brine mixing (9 pages, pdf)
Linear DE part I (Integrating Factor Method), (typeset, 8 pages, pdf)
Linear DE part II (Variation of Parameters, Undetermined Coefficients), (typeset, 7 pages, pdf)
How to do a maple answer check for y'=y+2x (TEXT 1k)
Linear first order slides, integrating factor method (2 pages, pdf)
Separable Equations slides, separability test, tests I and II (6 pages, pdf)
Verhulst logistic equation (typeset, 5 pages, pdf)
Phase Line and Bifurcation Diagrams (includes "Stability, Funnel, Spout, and bifurcation") (typeset, 6 pages, 161k pdf)
ch2 sections 1,2,3 Slides: 2.1-6,16,38, 2.2-4,10, 2.3-9,27+Escape velocity (8 pages, pdf)
ch2 DEplot maple example 1 for exercises 2.2, 2.3 (1 page, 1k)
Week 4, Jan 28,30, Feb 1: Sections 2.5,2.6,3.1.
28 Jan, Page 86, 2.1: 8, 16
29 Jan, Discuss L2.2. Discuss L3.1. No maple.
30 Jan, Page 96, 2.2: 10, 14
01 Feb, Submit Intro Maple L1.1, L1.2
Autonomous DE slides 2008 (pdf)
Newton models, projectile slides 2008 (pdf)
Earth to the moon slides 2008 (pdf)
Verhulst logistic equation (typeset, 5 pages, pdf)
Phase Line and Bifurcation Diagrams (includes "Stability, Funnel, Spout, and bifurcation") (typeset, 6 pages, 161k pdf)
ch2 sections 1,2,3 Slides: 2.1-6, 2.1-16 (rabbit), 2.1-38, 2.2-4, 2.2-10, 2.3-9, 2.3-27+Escape velocity (8 pages, pdf)
ch2 DEplot maple example 1 for exercises 2.2, 2.3 (1 page, 1k)
ch2 DEplot maple example 2 for exercises 2.2, 2.3 (1 page, 1k)
Heaviside partial fraction method (4 pages, 86k)
Heaviside's method and Laplace theory (153k pdf)
Partial Fraction Theory 2008(125k pdf)
maple Lab 2 (pdf)
maple worksheet text Lab 2
Linear DE part I (8 pages pdf)
For more about home heating models, read the following link.
Linear equation applications, brine tanks, home heating (typeset, 12 pages, pdf)
Problems 2.3-10,20 Click Here.
Numerical Solution slides 2008 (14 slides pdf)
Numerical Solution of First Order DE (typeset, 19 pages, 220k pdf)
Sample Report for 2.4-3 (pdf 3 pages, 350k)
ch2 Numerical Methods Slides, Exercises 2.4-5,2.5-5,2.6-5 plus Rect, Trap, Simp rules (5 pages, pdf)
Maple Lab 3 (pdf)
Maple L3 snips (maple text)
Maple L3 snips worksheet(maple .mws)
Numerical DE coding hints (txt)
Sample symbolic solution report for 2.4-3 (pdf 1 page, 120k)
Sample Report for 2.4-3. Includes symbolic solution report. (pdf 3 pages, 350k)
Sample maple code for Euler, Heun, RK4 (maple .mws)
Sample maple code for exact/error reporting (maple .mws)
Report details on 2.4,2.5,2.6 prob 6 (pdf)
Week 5, Feb 4,6,8: Sections 3.2,3.3,3.4.
04 Feb, Page 106, 2.3: 10, 20
05 Feb, Exam 1 review, problems 1,2.
05 Feb, Discuss L2.3.
06 Feb, Page 152, 3.1: 6, 16, 26
08 Feb, Page 162, 3.2: 10, 14, 24
Numerical Solution of First Order DE (typeset, 19 pages, 220k pdf)
Sample Report for 2.4-3 (pdf 3 pages, 350k)
ch2 Numerical Methods Slides, Exercises 2.4-5,2.5-5,2.6-5 plus Rect, Trap, Simp rules (5 pages, pdf)
Linear equations, reduced echelon, three rules (typeset, 7 pages, pdf)
Slides on Linear equations, reduced echelon, three rules (pdf)
Slides on Linear equations, unique solution case (pdf)
Slides on Linear equations, no solution case, signal equations (pdf)
Slides on Linear equations, infinitely many solution case, last frame algorithm (pdf)
Three rules, frame sequence, maple syntax (typeset, 7 pages, pdf, 12 Oct 2006)
Snapshot sequence and general solution, 3x3 system (1 page, pdf, 28-Sep-2006)
Linear algebra, no matrices, DRAFT 8Feb2008 (typeset, 44 pages, pdf)
Slides on three possibilities with symbol k, 14Feb2007 (3 pages, pdf)
vectors and matrices (typeset, 14 pages)
Matrix equations (typeset, 12 pages)
Ch3 Page 149+ slides, Exercises 3.1 to 3.6 (6 pages, 890k pdf)
Week 6, Feb 11,13,15: Sections 3.5,3.6.
11 Feb, Newton Cooling L2.1
11 Feb, symbolic sol L3.1, L4.1.
12 Feb, Midterm 1, five problems.
13 Feb, Page 170, 3.3: 10, 20
15 Feb, Page 182, 3.4: 20
Slides on rank, nullity, elimination algorithm 11FEb2008 (pdf)
Slides on the 3 possibilities, rank, sytems with symbol k 11Feb2008 (pdf)
Slides on three possibilities with symbol k,14Feb2007 (3 pages, pdf)
Frame sequence and general solution, 3x3 system (1 page, pdf, 28-Sep-2006)
Beamer Slides on three possibilities with symbol k, Sept2007 (9 pages,pdf)
Linear algebra, no matrices, DRAFT 8Feb2008 (typeset, 44 pages, pdf)
Slides on vector models and vector spaces 2008 (pdf)
Linear equations, reduced echelon, three rules (typeset, 7 pages, pdf)
Three rules, frame sequence, maple syntax (typeset, 7 pages, pdf, 12 Oct 2006)
vectors and matrices (typeset, 14 pages)
Matrix equations (typeset, 12 pages)
Ch3 Page 149+ slides, Exercises 3.1 to 3.6 (6 pages, 890k pdf)
Elementary matrices, vector spaces, slides (8 pages, pdf, 12 Oct 2006)
Determinant slides 2008 (pdf)
Ch3 Page 149+ slides, Exercises 3.1 to 3.6 (6 pages, 890k pdf)
Determinants and Cramer's Rule (typeset 186k pdf)
Week 7, Feb 18,20,22. : Sections 4.1,4.2,4.3.
18 Feb, President's Day holiday.
19 Feb, Ch3 problem session in lab.
19 Feb, Discuss maple L3.2, L3.3, L3.4.
20 Feb, Page 182, 3.4: 30, 34, 40
22 Feb, Submit Newton Cooling L2.2, L2.3
Maple Lab 3 (pdf)
Maple L3 snips (maple text)
Maple L3 snips worksheet (maple .mws)
Numerical DE coding hints (txt)
Sample symbolic solution report for 2.4-3 (pdf 1 page, 120k)
Sample Report for 2.4-3. Includes symbolic solution report. (pdf 3 pages, 350k)
Sample maple code for Euler, Heun, RK4 (maple .mws)
Sample maple code for exact/error reporting (maple .mws)
Report details on 2.4,2.5,2.6 prob 6 (pdf)
Determinant slides 2008 (pdf)
Ch3 Page 149+ slides, Exercises 3.1 to 3.6 (6 pages, 890k pdf)
Determinants and Cramer's Rule (typeset 186k pdf)
vectors and matrices (typeset, 14 pages)
Matrix equations (typeset, 12 pages)
Lecture slides on Vector spaces, Independence tests. Corrected 20oct06. (typeset, 4 pages, pdf)
Ch4 Page 237+ slides, Exercises 4.1 to 4.4, some 4.9 (4 pages, 480k pdf)
Week 8, Feb 25,27,29: Sections 4.4,4.5,4.6,4.7.
25 Feb, Page 194, 3.5: 16, 26, 44
26 Feb, Ch3 and Ch4 problem session.
26 Feb, Discuss maple L4.2, L4.3, L4.4.
27 Feb, Submit maple Newton Cooling: L2.4
29 Apr, Page 212, 3.6: 6, 20, 32, 40, 60
Ch3 extra credit problems
Vector space, Independence, Basis, Dimension, Rank (typeset, 17 pages, 180k pdf)
Lecture slides on Vector space, Independence, Basis, Dimension, Rank (typeset, 4 pages, pdf)
Lecture slides on Vector spaces, Independence tests. Corrected 20oct06. (typeset, 4 pages, pdf)
Ch4 Page 237+ slides, Exercises 4.1 to 4.4, some 4.9 (4 pages, 480k pdf)
Week 9, Mar 3,7,9: Sections 5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4.
03 Mar, Page 233, 4.1: 16, 20, 32
04 Mar, Exam 2 review.
05 Mar, Page 240, 4.2: 4, 18, 28
07 Mar, Page 248, 4.3: 18, 24
07 Mar, Page 255, 4.4: 6, 24
Slides from the classroom notebook computer
Linear equation, frame sequences, general solution slides F2007
The three possibilities with symbol k F2007.
Elementary matrix slides F2007
Vector space, subspace, independence slides F2007
Pivot theorem, column space, row space, equivalence of bases slides F2007
Undetermined coefficients, cafe door, pet door, phase-amplitude, resonance slides F2007
Chapter 5 references.
Second order constant coefficient recipe + theory (typeset, 7 pages pdf)
Atoms and constant-coefficient DE (slides, 5 pages pdf)
Atoms, constant-coefficient DE, examples (slides, 8 pages pdf)
Basic Reference: First order constant coefficient recipe, structure of solutions, superposition (slides, 3 pages pdf)
Basic Reference: First order constant coefficient recipe + theory + variation of parameters and undetermined coefficients (typeset, 11 pages pdf)
Ch5. Constant coefficient recipe (typeset, 2 pages, pdf)
Week 10, Mar 12,14,16: Sections 5.5,5.6.
10 Mar, Exam review continued.
11 Mar, Midterm 2, five problems.
12 Mar, Page 263, 4.5: 6, 24, 28
12 Mar, Page 271, 4.6: 2
14 Mar, Page 278, 4.7: 10, 20, 26
16 Mar, Submit maple Matrix Algebra,
L5.1, L5.2, L5.3
Spring Break: Happy holiday!
17-23 Mar, No classes.
Slides from the classroom notebook computer
How to solve linear constant coefficient nth order DE
How to solve linear nth
order constant coefficient linear homogeneous DE by constructing
an atom list from the characteristic equation. (slides, 2 pages pdf)
Undetermined coefficients, basic trial solution method
Undetermined coefficient example, cafe door, pet door, phase-amplitude, resonance slides
Week 11, Mar 24,26,28: Sections 6.1,6.2,7.1,7.2.
24 Mar, Page 294, 5.1: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 46, 48
25 Mar, Submit maple L3.2, L3.3, L3.4
25 Mar, Submit maple L4.2, L4.3, L4.4
25 Mar, Discuss maple L5.1, L5.2, L5.3.
26 Mar, Page 306, 5.2: 18, 22
26 Mar, Page 319, 5.3: 8, 10
28 Mar, Page 319, 5.3: 16, 32
Second order variation of parameters (typeset, 6 pages pdf)
Second order undetermined coefficients (typeset, 7 pages pdf)
Higher order linear differential equations. Higher order recipe. Higher order undetermined coefficients. (typeset, 9 pages pdf)
Undetermined coeff, Fixup rules I,II,II (slides, 4 pages pdf)
Ch5 undetermined coeff illustration (3 pages, pdf)
Undetermined coefficients and resonance
Week 12, Mar 31, Apr 2,4: Sections 7.3,7.4,10.1.
31 Mar, Page 331, 5.4: 20, 34
01 Apr, Exam 3 review. Discuss maple L6.1, L6.2, L6.3.
02 Apr, Page 346, 5.5: 6, 12, 22, 54, 58
04 Apr, Page 357, 5.6: 4, 8, 18
Fourier's Model slides (5 pages, pdf)
What's eigenanalysis slides ( pdf)
Eigenanalysis-I manuscript (typeset 19 pages, 200k pdf)
Week 13, Apr 7,9,11: Sections 10.2,10.3.
07 Apr, Page 370, 6.1: 12, 20, 32, 36
07 Apr, Page 379, 6.2: 6, 18, 28
08 Apr, Exam 3 review.
09 Apr, Page 400, 7.1: 8, 20
09 Apr, Page 413, 7.2: 12, 14
11 Apr, Page 425, 7.3: 8, 20, 30
References on Fourier's model, eigenanalysis.
Fourier's Model slides (5 pages, pdf)
What's eigenanalysis slides ( pdf)
Eigenanalysis-I manuscript (typeset 19 pages, 200k pdf)
Chapter 7 references:
Slides, solving triangular and non-triangular systems (4 pages, pdf)
Ch7 Systems of DE slides 7.1,7.2,7.3 solved problems (4 pages, 0.8mb pdf)
Recipes for 1st, 2nd order and 2x2 Systems of DE PDF Document (2 pages, 50kb)
DE systems manuscript (typeset 69 pages, 970k pdf)
Week 14, Apr 14,16,18: Section 10.4. Midterm 3 review.
14 Apr, Page 438, 7.4: 6
15 Apr, Midterm 3, five problems.
16 Apr, Page 576, 10.1: 18, 28
18 Apr, Page 588, 10.2: 10, 16, 24
18 Apr, Submit maple Mechanical
Oscillations L6.1, L6.2, L6.3
Ch10 Laplace slides, 10.1 to 10.4
(9 pages pdf)
Laplace theory typeset manuscript
(34 pages pdf)
Heaviside's method, typeset
(4 pages, pdf)
Week 15, Apr 21,23: Laplace. Final exam review.
21 Apr, Page 597, 10.3: 6, 18
21 Apr, Page 606, 10.4: 22
22 Apr, Final Exam review.
23 Apr, Final exam review. Lectures end.
23 Apr, Reading Day. Office hours finished.
24 Apr, Extra credit due 113jwb by 9pm.
25 Apr, 2250-1 Final Exam JTB 140 7:30am.
28 May, 2250-2 Final Exam LCB 219 10:10am.
Laplace theory references week 15.
Intro to Laplace theory. L-notation. Forward and backward table. Examples.
(pdf slides)
Laplace theory examples. Forward and backward table. Shifting, parts, s-differentiation theorems.
(pdf slides)
Laplace theory typeset manuscript
(34 pages pdf)
Heaviside's method, typeset
(4 pages, pdf)